(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Thanks Angel, for organising such a nice gathering.

Valmom and Wen,
You gals missed the fun!

Isa is really shy... I guess grown up girls are like that. Ash also shy shy one. Not like my boy, everywhere he goes is like his own home.

I have a few photos of you and ur kids... quite nice. But give me some days to transfer and organise before sending you.

No shy lah... you're a v young mummy indeed. Your elder boy is so sensible and he takes care of Xavier very well!

all gals?? heeheehee then will go on sat liao... hehehe... its ok, thanks for offering... next time got chance u help me take lah... hehehe...

thanks a lot... juz take your time ok??
<font color="aa00aa">Zyp</font>
ya she's getting so shy nowadays. Her warming up time v long. Btw yday show her Isa pics in this forum. She remembers the sax & she said "Zavier" in tat pic. :p

<font color="119911">Ming</font>
Ya both gals so shy, even meet up liao also wont play 1.
Luckily Ashley's gd fren Crystal was there, else dunno how she can 'tong' in the party.
Hi Mommies,
My gal also born in May 05. If next time got gathering again, can I join?

Are you the mommy who stay in Coris?

Ming, lucky I come to this thread, I also want to bring my gal to watch the barney and I thought today is the last day.. after reading, I still got time to bring her go watch it this sat.. thanks for the info.
<font color="0000ff">aiya... talk about shy.... how come fight with Gerald.... simply refuse to go in..... fainted.... i think he took more than an hour.... but luckily at the end... he still can play with Keane.... haha.... at least he got what he want.. .the BEE...

sorry gals... no time to talk to most of u... coz thay noti boy simply refuse to join the rest...</font>
Yeah Isa a bit shy hor.

Your elder boy very funny leh. When i ask Zyp's Zavier to queue for the cake, your elder boy says...Xavier?!? He is also Xavier?
There's many Xavier in this thread
Your big boy so funny, while crowding around the cake, I didn't realise Hazel was actually tugging on his hair until he turned around and told Hazel to 'fang shou'. haha....

u bored ah... keke... I just come back from leave... holiday mood, dun feel like working. haha..

suddenly feel like stopping BF liao.. tired from pumping... so time consuming. Now I can't find time and place to express in office cos they use my usual meeting room as storeroom liao, so I've been stretching 12hours during the day. Actually can't feel engorgement anymore. Hazel drinks so little, wonder if she doesn't like. Maybe should introduce FM liao...
yah very bored... no mood to work... aarrgghhh...

as i told u on sun, mi trying to stop... stretching to 8hrs but feels very uncomfy... oni yday things improved leh... 8 hrs breast still hard but not much milk coming out liao... see if can stretch to 12 hrs by this weekend... then hopefully by 2008 i can stop... pple say so sayang, got milk y wan to stop... sigh...

hubby kept nagging me to stop cos he say very 'kay kang'... pump then feed... if not latching then might as well stop since she's 8 mths liao... sometimes he nag until i fed up...

juz curious, your nick isit the initials of zavier's name. your hubby's name n your name??? i suddenly tot of tat yday when i was reading your post... can't confirm cos i dunno your hubby's name... ahahaha...

see i very bo liao right??
<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
I got no mood to work also…BUT there is a lot of work to do. So sian.
I also feel like giving up breastfeeding sometimes. Sick and tired of expressing. In a dilemma…I feel bad if I stop now. Keane drinks BM till 10mths old so I dun wanna short change Kayla on that. Furthermore she drinks much more BM than Keane so I shd feel happy that she “appreciates” my BM more than Keane.
I dun feel engorged anymore, can tahan for 8-10hrs. Maybe our boobs are more seasoned the 2nd time so we dun have much “feeling”. Kekeke

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Can you email me the pics that your hb took for Kayla & Hazel? You can email to [email protected]
Yah sayang to stop when there's milk lor. But really tedious and time consuming... I am still wearing the ugly nursing bras cos scared of blocked ducts. see, I no engorgement but still will get blocked ducts one leh... so sian.

Another reason why I wanna stop is becos I think the quality of my BM dropping. Maybe that's why Hazel's growth is slowed down...

Wat FM is Shanice drinking?

I got my nick long before I got married leh. No meaning cos this series of alphabets just popped out on my mind one day. Till now, I still find it abit amazing... or bo liao. kekeke
Oh ya har, he muz be angry who is doing his hair. He's such a odd one, tallest among the small kids.
btw, your Zavier very tall leh. My Xavier seems so short.
Too bad, we din manage to get a group toddlers foto.
Actually havent been doing much work since I come in this morning... but abit stresssed to see piles of files on my table. sian...
<font color="0000ff">haha..... all mummies feeling bored..

so do i... but i'n in the same case as tigger... a lot of stuff to clear.... taking my own sweet time... then yet still go back on time.. .think my boss going to kill me soon... haha... but hor... i also very bad... but after next week i close my 5th month preggy which mean in Singapore labour.. .they can't sack me rite....

aiyah.. zavier and Keaden all very tall... my Gerald short short only...

u all talking about bfg... not sure whether this round i can have bfg... i think when gerald's time ... i'm too tired and stress... till the gp though i have high blood.... in the end.. .before the milk establish already stop bfg.... now think shld i try for my no 2...</font>

Has anyone started their toddlers on booster seat already? When to start huh???

Was thinking of upgrading my girl to booster seat and saving the current childseat for my newborn next year... but according to the salesperson, booster seat is for those 4 years and above...
i nver start yet but sometime my SIL had let my gal sit on a booster seat a few time when she drive her out alone to pick my nieces from class. Not very long distance kind.
Group pic v difficult.. haha sure v chaotic one.

Some boosters go by height and weight also. I think ZW is tall enough liao leh. We also intend to upgrade Zavier to booster and let mei mei take the car seat. I haven't put the baby car seat cos need extra space for sitting. But nowadays she always wants to wriggle out from my arms. very siong to carry if journey is long.
yes i'm looking for booster seat too... cos wanna 'upgrade' my gal to gor gor's seat... considering the backless or wif back one... hubby prefer got back then when he sleep then his head got a bit of support on his sides... but wif back one is more ex then backless one leh...

anyone here already change their tod to booster seat?? got any advise or lobang??

chey, i tot the nick is the initials of your family members... hehehe... mi too imaginative liao...

at first i oso tot cannot short change shanice but realised she dun like milk... prefer solid leh... she even snatch my fries to eat on sun!! so i can stop liao... hee hee..

S had started sitting in removable back booster seat sometimes back. So far so good. At times we remove the back. For v short trip, he even sit on normal seat with seat belt straps to adjust it to his shoulder.


will pm u later on the order. Thanx so much for organising the party.
<font color="ff0000">SC,</font>
Yah shows u are really v bored. hahaha... my hubby's initial is not 'y', otherwise just nice. keke...

<font color="ff6000">SC, tigger,</font>
Actually I bought nursing tea from MIM, can drink in case my supply drop cos I'm quite determined to BF for 1yr. Now my ss drop, but I dun even feel like drinking it. Wasted ah...

<font color="aa00aa">re: booster seat</font>
I also think those with head support is better cos the tendency of dozing off in the journey is v high. Not good for head to ding dong left and right.
RE: Booster Seat.
I just gotten one without back support... cos does not occupy so much space... but after purchasing the booster seat, I suddenly realise that my girl loves to sleep during the car journey... So, a bit of regret getting one without back support.

Thinking of going back to change the car seat.
booster seat
I am thinking of upgrading Keane to booster seat when he turns 3 yrs old. Kayla will be 9 mths old by then, just nice for her to “take over” Keane’s car seat. But my concern is will Keane be too petite for the booster seat? I think one with a removable back will be more ideal.

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Why dun you sell the nursing tea away at the WTS section?

<font color="aa00aa">SC,</font>
Shanice likes the same food as her gor gor.
So did you let her eat the fries on Sun?
booster seat,

hey mummies, any recommendations? I thinking of upgrading thyler too cos thavis is stretching the limit of the infant seat
i thinking of buying maxi cosi rodi leh... dunno how much... must call bb hypermart to ask... anyone knows the prices can PM me??

<font color="0000ff">SC/Tigger</font>
I also v bored.. but I got LOTS of work to do. THink today will be another past 9pm day.. sob sob..

Valerie still sitting happily in her car seat. No one to take over so she'll continue to use that until 1) spoil or 2) outgrow.. :p
i called them yday... ex leh... 300+ leh... i'll go down tomorrow then see can get better price if we buy a few more...

who else interested ah?? need to guage the nos so that can ask for discount...

or who else got better lobang can share??
Hello Mummies,

Been 1 mth since I posted...coping with 2 kids now.

Paige seems to be getting more jealous of her didi. Starting still ok, but now she doesn't like me to latch him on or pump...she'll tell me to pass didi to papa...err how to pass?? papa cannot latch on

Recently she also tried to block my breasts by leaning her whole body onto my chest or hug me to block didi from coming for feeds. Guess she just need more time to get used to. I also realised tat each time she sees didi drink milk, so also wan her milk. Now tat she's drinking more, her intake of meals are also lesser.

btw, here's some of Seth's pics

Seth is sure habdsome and cute, love his smile, very nicely done and taken

Its like that one lah, initial stage is like that. Will take some time for them to love each other. Sheryl now loves her didi very much, dun let ppl carry him away. Did you buy a present for paige when seth was born and say its from her brother?
ya I did buy a present for paige & said it's from didi. She's only jealous when I feed him breastmilk...as long she see me pump or latch on she dun like liao. If other ppl bottle feed him, she's ok.

I dunno if becoz I stop pumping for her only tis yr Jan so she was already aware of me providing breastmilk to her...but I not sure if she can remember tat since it's Jan's issue.
<font color="ff0000">Elaine,</font>
Seth is so adorable.

cay doesn't mind me bfg bbcay and she even helps to fetch my nursing pillow. I think she doesn't recall that I ever bf her although there were times she wanted to climb onto the nursing pillow for me to latch her.

<font color="aa00aa">Re: Car seats</font>
I have 3 in the car... two car seats for cay and bbcay and another booster seat for cay when she is not sleeping. cay doesn't want the car seat when she is awake, she said that is for babies. There were times she dozed off in her booster but she remained upright so didn't strain her neck.
<font color="0000ff">elaine</font>
nice collage! Artistic.. as ever

guess all #1 need time to get used to having a #2 around.

<font color="aa00aa">friends</font>
Over the weekend my HB's swedish fren came to visit. He was HB's ex-collic.. flew back to Sweden to work. Now winter, so he & his family came to SG for holiday.

This swedish fren's son can't speak english.. but Val & him played along quite well.. so funny right.. they were running around... chasing each other etc..

It was quite a sight.. actually.. hahahaha
<font color="ff0000">Elaine</font>
Wow nice pics! Ya agreed, very arty. =)

<font color="0000ff">Carseat</font>
Caymom, wow hard to imagine 1 car got 3 carseats u noe!
I think Im quite lucky cos Ash has been trained to sit in carseat since 3 mths old. So now automatically she noes shell need to go into the carseat. But sometimes Im quite lazy & tired to put her into it for short distance journeys.
My girl refuses to give up her present carseat leh... quite a headache... anyway, think she can still use the carseat for another 6 - 9 mths as my newborn will be using the infant carseat. Then I will have to upgrade her to booster seat..

Now regret not getting a MPV. Imagine how squeezy the car is with 2 carseat... arrggghhhh...
<font color="0000ff">Carla,</font>
Ya I also regretted not getting MPV. I am now squeezing in between 2 carseats. Keane doesn't allow my maid to sit with him. Hopefully when we upgrade him to the booster seat, he will agree to sit by himself in the front passenger seat.
Yah, quite kua zhang to have so many car seats. My hb's collic asked him how many kids he has when he saw the car seats.
<font color="0000ff">Carla,</font>
haha, you're so funny leh..I dun crawl in lah. The infant car seat is portable one mah. But it's very squeezing lor...my butt is not small.
Sigh...then my maid can sit so comfortably in front. ARGH!
<font color="0000ff">Tigger</font>
hee i cant help but laff silently.. u sound more like a maid. keke

These days keep raining. Sighs, cosy to sleep at nite, sleep so shufu until dun wanna drag myself out of the cozy bed in the morning. Office will shut down last week of DEC, tot of bringg Ash to the zoo, but think with such weather, will 'pao tang' liao ler...

<font color="aa00aa">elaine:
you are a great photographer! capture all the smiling shots of your boy.
he is really good looking!</font>
