(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Meow, thanks, if OOS, help me substitute mikcey and friends or something suitable for boys..

Elaine,i'm also like u, latch on for comfort, but it will get very messy cos the other side will tend to leak once the let-down comes along..

Everywhere is having sale, sigh, don't have a chance to go shopping, stuck at home with Lil' Ethan cos no one to help to take care in my absence..my boss still calls me to ask me to do up some documentation.. this is what is call maternity leave..he said i'm into week 7 after birth and should have time if baby is sleeping.. i cannot be bothered to tell him that i need to catch some nap as well or pump milk for my lil boy boy..
tigger and SC,
Finally email you the pics!
Love Kayla's look in this pic... so sweet!
Why siblings look so alike ah?

See Hazel got Zavier's mouth and features too leh. Jus that Hazel looks more chubby than gor gor of the same age right?

Kayla eyes is jus as nice as Keane wor, pretty gal. Got boyfriend liao bo? Darryl got chance bo? Hee
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
LOL. So funny!

Nowadays I work late, HB come fetch me.. so when I call home around 8ish.. I can hear Valerie at the background going

"Mummy!!! Go Home!" Dunno to laugh or to cry.

Some days she'll answer the phone and go

"Mummy! Mummy! What are u doing?"

Hear already wanna cry liao.. my girl is growing up so fast.

BTW.. all these conversations always sounds like singing one.. I dunno how to describe.. maybe one day when we have another gathering u gals can listen for urself :p
<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Thanks for emailing me the pics!

<font color="0000ff">Meow,</font>
Kayla has no boyfriend now wor. Of cos your Darryl stands a chance!

Ay, how come you have so many leaves? Always go JB shopping, so good life.

<font color="aa00aa">valmom,</font>
Yes, our tods are growing up very fast and they speak like adults now. You’re still working late very often? Try to go home earlier, seems like Val wants your attention. Sometimes Keane will ask me not to go to work. I tell him no work = no money = no toys, then he will allow me to go office. hahaha
Then can Darryl be Kayla's boyfriend since i can't have Keane
Now still got plenty leave mah, once i ORD, then no more such good life loh, everything have to start from scratch again
Eh anyone got job to recommend? Helping one of my friend to look around. She's a Malay in early 20s but only got N levels. Got hor PM me hor
<font color="0000ff">meow,</font>
Of cos can! Haha, then you must share all your good lobangs with your future-in-law. So when ORD? If ORD, meaning have to find another job?
Me ORD in Dec 09 before my pay...boohoo...no bonus.
What good lobang you want? Me so angry with the supplier i'm doing the BP with. Can boil my blood leh. Argh!!! If you still spot anything you wan, let me know lah. Asap lah cos hor after this BP, no way i'm going to deal with them liao. Not flex at all.
i'm back to work liao, haiyoh how time flies, 3mths liao.

Blueberry, your boss a bit mean leh. So not understanding.

Recently pc crashed, lost quite a lot of stuff. But luckily pictures got back up. But the Canon software to download the photos is gone. Actually Canon is my old camera, now using Casio but didn't like their photo mgt downloadg software so continued with Canon.

Can i ask if anyone has Canon cd to lend me to download cos' mine cannot find liao. Or have any other good ones to lend me. Basically just can help me to download with the photos taken date can liao. Now i just copy from memory card to Picasa and the photos are not dated. Unlike last time, no matter when i download, all the photos are nicely labelled by date in folders. Hmm do u know what i'm saying? Can someone pls help? Thanks!
hello mummies,
Greetings from Hollywood! Got free surfing at my small hotel lobby so just come in say hi. So fast i am here for 1+wk and will be going home in 9 days time. Having a bad sore throat now with 'dao sar' voice. Eat too much fried stuffs and i had really put on weight as 1 of my jeans is real tight! Keep eating and during long distance drive, also keep eat in the car to keep myself awake to jagar my hb make sure he doesn't fall asleep.

Now think of the flight hrs on my return sector in 9 days time really make me shiver especially this return sector is especially long. Just SF to Narita already 11+hrs and another 7+hrs fr Narita to Sin. Having to handle Denyce on the plane is a real nitemare this time. Last time travel with her on flight not so siong or maybe basically the flight path is much shorter. Now she is too difficult to handle on flight as she luvs to walk around and hop from seat to seat to look for my nieces and parents when seat belt sign is on. Always kana reminded by the stewardess that she has to sit but yet she doesn't allow us to restrain her onto her seat and she will cry and scream! Even an 'ang moh' sitting next to my bro said to him that she is really 'engertic' and whoevers look after her, really needs alot of energy. haha.

Sigh, got to go if not later my family will nag at me for eating snake!
wow...u so shiok, now in US, hollywood, still got 9 more days. Sooooo good! I wish I was there

I tink Angeline veri busy, sms her also no reply. Do u know who's the mummy to pass to? Got her contact or u can ask her to contact me.
Also do I transfer the $ to your account or Angeline's? Got any further discount? Let me know hor, thanks!

zyp/tigger: Hazel looks very much liao gor gor but Kayla looks more like mummy

For tis shot, I use normal digital camera...not my SLR. I do design as a rice ball...so the collage is part designing.
<font color="0000ff">morning all.....
how is ur weekend..... well Gerald had been down on and off for flu for nearly a month... bot him to GP yesterday.... the GP say it is common for his age and this time of the year.... even tell us if he is not breathless or fever.... if medicine finish can just get the medicine over the counter.... haiz.....

today is going for shopping for xmas present... need to leave Gerald with my mother.....</font>
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
Wow so nice u in Hollywood now. Furthermore U still got 9 more days. So envy! Dun go & think abt the return flight back, just enjoy ur days there.

<font color="119911">Poshies</font>
The PD Ash has also told us it is common to have flu/cough every month due to their age. Hmm but still as a parent, we all v heartpain.

Hope Gerald will get well soon.
I only know the nick is Mooon, Angeline say she sms you liao leh. Anyway i call her to tell her to give you the number. Your total is $58.50 after discount, not $60.50 as what Angeline might sms you hor. You transfer to Angeline.
Don't make us jealous hor!!! Such a long holiday.. so good!!

Hazel doesn't look like me more ah? keke...

Hope Gerald get well soon. It's v common for this age, esp he attends CC now.

My mum just sms telling me Hazel's first tooth sprouted liao. No wonder her index finger is perpectually permanent in her mouth these few days.
<font color="0000ff">Hi ZYP/Twinklets,
I know... but it is so bad to see him coughing... though in the day... while he is playing... he is a monster.... at night... see him cough like that.. .still feel very heart pain...</font>
<font color="0000ff">Meow,</font>
I mean if have other lobangs, not the current BP one.

You mean you ORD in Dec and will not get bonus? How come? Thought they should give bonus since you worked till then? Or even pro-rated?

<font color="ff6000">San,</font>
Wow, so shiok holiday in USA. Enjoy yourself!

<font color="aa00aa">Elaine,</font>
How is everything? Still have that much milk supply as previous?

<font color="0077aa">zyp,</font>
Kayla might be teething also. We saw a faint white line under her lower gums. She has been drinking lesser milk these few days. Not sure if its due to teething or what.
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
Yup.. still late. Was better for a while.. roughly 7pm go home.. reach home before 8pm. Now coz year end.. it's pass 9pm almost daily. Over weekend also working at home lah.. so quite sian.

Over this weekend I working at home. Part working, part doing my digi scrapbook.. Val actually took the same book and ask me to read to her like 5 or 6 times..

I know she wanted my attention... sigh...

<font color="119911">Poshies</font>
Sama sama here.. Val down with cough now.. was having a very bad blocked nose last week until her both eyes were swelling. So we didn't let her goto school for 2 days. Gave her eye drops which she completely hates.

But at least appetite still ok. No fever lor. Just uncomfortable at times.
Dun know leh, that's what my colleagues told me lah. Unless i check hee...

Eh, my ah boy tooth not even sprout and you gals already got signs ah...why boys so slow ah?
So sad.. greetings from Hanoi!! As opposed to San's hollywood. :'(

then I drop my hp in the sea. :'( So can everyone sms me with your name please?? Cos i lost my phonebook in my old phone memory

Super suay.


You in hollywood, I in Hanoi.. si bei sian... I 4 hrs on SQ buay tahan liao.. I dunno how you tahan so long to SFO... I feel hor.. BSCT no use cos baby never sleep inside and waste space.. And SQ service super long.. And I had front row seat so very disturbed by the constant passage of human traffic.. Thavis cannot sleep. I feel Tiger air at least no service, baby easy to sleep and I can relax.. on SQ hor, I dun get to relax and dun get to enjoy the service cos they so busy and kids cannot settle down. I regret.. next time i take tiger air liao lah.,


My thavis this 23rd will be 9 mth liao and now i finally see something white under his gums.. but then ... scully not tooth but ulcer?? hmmm... so slow too...
<font color="0000ff">Hi Valmom,
do take care of Val okie...

Hi Wethena,
not only u.... my hp also kena water.... now all the inform and some of the cute video clip and photo of Gerald are all gone...

I can only see pple going for oversea trip..... haha at least the next 2 year i don think i dare to plan any family oversea trip... coz my hubby no keen and no patient....</font>

<font color="0000ff">wen</font>
Same mobile number? If yes, I'll sms u
ha.. Thavis already NINE months liao????? How time flies!!!

Ah ya.. u ex SIA girl mah.. so very gao-wei right? 4 hrs cannot tahan.. last time u work that time also like them wat.. bz here.. bz there :p
<font size="+1">Paging for Angel Paging for Angel.</font>
Can sms me? Need you meet up for the stuffs leh..
Supply still as much...slightly more, now pumping ard 110ml per hr, so 3hrs ard 330-350ml.

Paige's getting more jealous liao, how about Keane? Now when I carry Seth, she'll fuss...previously it's only when I latch him on or pump, now even carry also cannot. Just last week, one morning before she woke up to go to sch I was latching Seth at the living room, then she woke up & came out & saw...then she fuss so bad tat she refuse to change into her sch uniform. In the end she wore her sleepsuit to sch.
<font color="0000ff">Elaine,</font>
Wow, your supply is really good!

Keane is not very jealous of his little sis. Once in a blue moon he will fuss when he sees me carrying Kayla. Other times, he is OK.
U really live up to the name of power cow!!!
How about not latching Seth infront of Paige?

Zavier is ok with his baby mei mei now. When mei mei fusses, he will demand us to attend to her lor. He used to bully her alot in the first 2mths... now improved alot liao... he only doesn't like mei mei to keep touching her. keke...
So I think Paige will grow to like her baby bro v soon.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Elaine,
Ur supply is so powerful hor.... I think Gerald will be jeslous too... he can tell me now next time Granny carry mei mei and mummy carry him...</font>

yesterday, I went for facial opposite your block. Duration about 2hrs+, did RF treatment at $99. The result is good. Usual price is $198, promo till 31 Dec. They asked me to sign up for package, I still considering because it is quite ex. How? Can give me advise??

Hanoi in Vietnam... Please add m in friendster... I hard to access internet here... SO maybe in sg then i add u back..


Same number !! sms me!!

Really very fast, he is cruising liao.. so scared all the furniture now he can use to pull himself up.. like thyler he love to chiong from sofa to me.. so worried. sometimes too far cannot make it fall down..

Buddy Angel, Elaine, SC, and everyone else!!!

Sms me too okie??


I actually supply almost no more liao... then hor come to Hanoi Thavis suddenly wanna latch all the time, now supply back in full force liao.. wanna cry... so hard to almost no more milk no more engorgement then now again.... :'(


So sim tia hor? hubby say nvm tme to get new phone liao anyway but then the pics all there mah.. sim tia... who ask me so lazy never dl the pic in my com..


correct vietnam...
1st few dasy soo hot.. even though winter... now how i freezing my ass off... suddenly drop from 18 deg which is comfy to 15 deg.. with strong winds... Lucky i pack lotsa clothes for the kids..
sms-ed liao...u in hanoi... good life leh... mi still in SINGAPORE... so dun complain so much ok??

mi wanna stop bf... but always feel engorged n pain but pump out not much milk... aarrgghhh... think if last resort wanna get pills from gynae liao... sigh...

after the treatment, I find that my skin looks "radiant" and "firm". Heard that after doing a few times, can help to "slim" down the face too.
<font color="0000ff">Steph,</font>
If it's $99 then it's worth to sign the package. Most importantly is you're satisfied with the result and the skill of the beautician.

<font color="ff6000">Ming,</font>
That's a very good offer! Thanks!
Hi gals,

today I brought aaron to the disney cafe at anchorpoint. The food there is not bad, but juz it's kind of ex for a fast food style. I tot they will be using cutleries with disney characters on it, but no lor.. only the pizza will have a outline shape of mickey mouse. They have a big tv screen which shows disney programmes. Also, 2 computers to watch movies.

They will require u to get a card from them and u can top up the card to pay for the meal, and there is a $2 fee which is refundable at the end of the meal and any balance from the card, will be refunded to you too.

We have ordered 1 pizza ($15.90), macroni with cheese ($8.90), 1 soup and 2 cup of green tea, total is abt $38+.
I was at Anchorpoint twice yesterday, lunchtime and after work cos my office is v near only. I think the Disney cafe is only a gimmick. Variery of food looks quite limited but deco v nice!

My colleagues and I had lunch at Jacks Place. Service was so slow and my medium steak became well done. Lousy lunch we had. And the manager explained it was their 2nd day of operation so still setting the system in place. I find it cannot be an excuse for an established restaurant.
enjoy your meal.. it is a nice experience

I have given up on jacks place's steaks long time ago, it is inedible.

I've just transferred S$58.50 to your acc for the xmas gifts - pencils &amp; mug. Plse check hor...thanks!

I've just transferred S$0.80 to your acc for the stickers postage. Plse check hor...thanks!

Supply ok lah, only slightly more then previous. I tink tis time Wen is the super cow, not me...me 2nd place liao. kekeke

Mrs Cow, going to stop liao still can pump up supply ah?? Yrs really the power one leh...yr breasts din shink when stopping? I tot once it shink, cannot pump up liao. btw, when u coming back leh?
