(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Think after 1 yr..the flesh around the ear hole will be dead lor...so will not close up...my mum say one... wahahahahahaha...
Ya very lian with a few ear holes...but that the trend when we are younger mah...wahahahhahaha...

I still thinking of when to PULL SHANE to do ear piercing..later hb tell me to give sky as well.... *faint*

Yes for u is 2 toddlers pressies.
So fast hor, next week we are meeting liao.

Nowadays I dun scream so much, but I always use threaten method. i feel bad abt it.
But cant help it when i really lose my patience lar.
Me also use threaten leh..

Last few weekends..I keep whacking him as he keep chanting to go Ah-ma house until I fed up...whack him hard and told him that WILL BRING HIM THERE IF HE ALLOW ME TO WHACK 10 Times...

Now he see me take cane will auto lor...
Like even taking med..will guai guai sit down and take....

Recently, Thyler have been very mature and well behaved. He loves his did, lend him things, play with him, teach him to talk, teach him to crawl. I got no complains at the moment. I hope it will last.

Every morning, he will kiss me and hubby and tell us "I love my mummy darling and daddy darling and Thavis darling."

When we bring Thyler out only, he will sometimes say " Let's go home.. I want to see my Thavis. "

I wish S will be so guai like thyler ... just last nite he was using the toy frying pan to hammer J's head cos she went to snatch his things. But he is quite sweet also sometimes.... at times he will come and tell me, "mummy I miss you" .. I was surprised and touched when he said that... cos first time.. normally he will say mummy i love you.
<font color="0000ff">wenthena</font>
Thyler big boi liao :)

<font color="119911">Poohy</font>
Guess siblings always have a love-hate r/ship bah...

<font color="aa00aa">Noti</font>
I also dunno whether Val noti or not. We dun scream nor beat nor threathen her much coz they dun work anyway.

If u scream or beat her.. her cries & tears can tear down the roof and flood the house. So we avoid going that direction..

As for threatening or reasoning.. it doesnt work either coz she just doesn't seemed to register. Either she dun u/stand or she refuse to u/stand. So again.. useless.

Altho she can say alot more now (albeit sounding like singing rather than talking), she is still unable to converse with us the way the other child can. So she express her love via hugging and kissing :p

At time I do think that she u/stands.. eventho speech wise not so advanced. Like yesterday, we were shifting some furnitures around. I was quite worried she come at 'help out' but she was good girl.. she hang around the other side of the living room and played with her toys. She did some mischief also lah... pouring out her anti-mozzie lotion and rub onto the sofa. When I saw it and asked her to stop. She quickly pour out a little more and apply onto her hand (LOL).

Yest HB commented he finds that Val is always happy (other than when pple snatch her toys etc.. LOL).. coz he said we were out shopping then val was running ard in shopping centre laughing heartily.. and there were these 2 kids, one ard 4YO the other ard val's age.. and they were like looking at val running around.. and both of them looked kinda stone.

he commented, shdn't child this age be joyful? They shd have no care in the world one mah.. but that 2 kids like dun look v happy...

everyday when we hear her laughter.. we pray that she'll always be like this..
at school library last min for some note printing... haiz... tomorrow is my last paper... hope i manage to get the pressie in time...
Poshies, all the best!

OMG, the Christmas party is this Sun! So fast... heh i hope i dun 4get abt it. Must remember to attend.

Zyp, i planned to go alone cos' can't get any int. parties. So no one to remind me lor.

Thyler and Sam are so sweet. Isabelle is also v sweet. Will say i love Didi, i love Mummy etc. But sometimes she will say i dun want Didi which is worrying cos' i scare tt she's jealous of the attention on Didi. So i try to make sure she's given more attention since Didi can't really feel it now. :p But she can be naughty and VERY STUBBORN, so yes, i use the threaten method. Not just threaten, i beat her b4 also. Haha but lightly lah. With Mr Cane and my hand.

After the platelets incident, we discovered thru' a series of blood tests tt Isaac has a virus infection; CMV which can be dangerous for infants. We had eye test last Fri. MRI today and hearing test again. Thank God all cleared. But still need to do more blood and urine test etc. Results out only in 2-4wks. Sigh... and for the lab tests today alone, guess how much?? Ard $1.6K. Bleed blood liao.... so the clinic nurse was emphatising with me and telling me... aiyoh the govt only know ask pple to give birth to more children, how abt the maintenance, medical aspects etc. etc. of it?

hope everything is fine with Isaac... it must be painful him to take so much tests. J went through the MRI brain scan and repeat hearing test at 4 month together with a series of blood and urine tests due to UTI at about the same time. It was traumatic experience for her and for us... not to mention the drain on the pocket. MRI scan is v exp. and the neurologist fees was also exp... everything money lah.
Glad to hear that the tests are all cleared. Things will be all well, & Isaac will be fine, ok??

You wanna me to remind u via sms or not? hahahaha.
<font color="0000ff">BLOG!</font>
Hee.. I can't resist the temptation and I started my own blog! I know lah.. very late.. Valerie going to 3 then I start.. but I guess better than nothing. Still fresh.. nothing much yet. But I want to add links to my blog.. added some but I think alot I don't have.

For those who have private blog.. can add me in?

Email : [email protected]

My blog: http://yeofairyland.blogspot.com/

It's public now coz nothing much yet. In time I'll convert it to a private one :p
you are not late! My elder son is alrdy 6 now then I start for him. Even more late than you leh.
For his past fotos, i even go and scan one by one in order to have softcopy.
<font color="ff0000">Wen,</font>
Thyler is such a sweet and sensible boy. I wish cay can be like him. Maybe gals are just more sensitive and petty. She still takes it out on bbcay whenever she is pissed over the attention we are showering on bbcay.

There were times when she saw us hugging bbcay, she will squeeze through to hug her and push us away. After hugging, she will drag us away before we can hug bbcay again. I realise that is her soft tactic to prevent us from going near bbcay. Cunning hor. Anyway, we know she doesn't like it so we dun do it lah, at least not openly in front of her.

Perhaps having two gals will be tougher. I'm sure they will fight even more when bbcay becomes more conscious of what her sis is doing to her.

<font color="aa00aa">Valmom,</font>
Same as you, I really hope cay will be a happy and smiley kid as well. When I see her weeping in jealousy, I feel sad that my intention to give her a companion actually caused her agony. She is less cheerful than before. Sigh.
I can only hope that she will outgrow this phase.

<font color="0077aa">Ming,</font>
Glad to know the tests were all cleared. So heartpain that Issac has to go through all that.
Can anyone teach me how to add a slide on my blog? I tried to add the "page element" chose Photobucket but they ask for "keyword".

How to configure ha?
Can anyone teach me how to add a slide on my blog? I tried to add the "page element" chose Photobucket but they ask for "keyword".

How to configure ha?
<font color="0000ff">Ming,</font>
That's a lot of tests that little Isaac needs to go thru. Hope everything is fine with him. Sayang him for me ok. Muack!

You planned to go to the musical alone? Wow, I wouldn't go on my own if there is no kaki. Unless it's Jacky Chueng's concert lah. kekeke
<font color="aa00aa">valmom: Hahahah1!!! Join the CLUB! hee..
can i add a link onto c's blog? then can go there to read! hee</font>
Valmom, welcome to the club too! Heh.

Thanks mummies. Poohy, how come UTI also need MRI? Boys are more susceptible to UTI one right?

Yest. night so scary, for the past nites Isa woke up to cry. Last nite she was crying and sobbing in her sleep (half awake), saying "i never wear diaper, i wear panty, i want to go shh shh...and she was sobbing so loudly and touching her v area...." Aiyoh so poor thing... we never stress her leh. Hope she doesn't get too stressed up over this. If not then dunno how.
<font color="0000ff">ming/batman/krazy</font>
Ah yo.. another timing consuming 'hobby' leh.. later HB slaughter me man.. anyway I wanna let me blog with me also (altho the blog is kinda girlie hor :p)... hahaha
Posting on Angel's Behalf :

Those who are attending the Xmas party this Sunday, please note that the timing has changed to 4pm as the road leading to indoor stadium is closed till 3:30pm.


Girls should be more suceptible to UTI mah... cos its easier for the bacteria to enter the urinary tract.

The MRI scan nothing to do with the UTI lah... but when she got discharged from the uti thingy, she suddenly got this sudden acquired torticolis... so the neurologist was concerned about brain damage or tumour etc. Lucky everything normal...
<font color="0000ff">Morning all...

My Exam over... now need to think how shld I do the next next.... haiz...

Hi Ming,
Glad the tests are over.....</font>
<font color="aa00aa">poshies:
wow! a load off your mind i think.

ya.. time consuming. but it is fun to doc everything, well almost everything down. and then when you read back, will definitely bring back memories. besides, it is so much easier to update oversea relatives abt valerie and the family. hee.

now, you can blog anywhere too if you have a laptop or pda and there is wireless at most places too.
<font color="aa00aa">krazy</font>
lugging the laptop around?!? Not me! :p

Ya.. I try to document things down so that I can remember coz I do find that many memories are hazy now.. sign of early aging?


<font color="0000ff">poshies</font>
Relax! Hahaha.. chill out at the pool etc. Exams over! Time to celebrate!
<font color="0000ff">Hi Psi/Valmom,
Thanks... yup need to rest... trying to find 1 good pre natal massage... super super tired.... especially with Gerald just recovering from his cough and Flu...

Now he hate to go to school due to the new Teacher which He hate so much..... FAINTED</font>
<font color="aa00aa">valmom:
my pc at home went kaput last month and i have been carrying my laptop from work and back and on days where i dont come to work, i bring my laptop to starbucks to do work there. hee

i am beginning to "enjoy" it though..

oh my... why does he hate the teacher so much? how do the other kids take to this new teacher? kids are very clear abt their feelings, if they dont like, they really wont like. no matter what you say ...</font>
i tot this looks quite interesting and fun for our kids. But it's on a working day evening.

Thursday, 29 November 2007
5.00pm to 9.00pm, Grandstand Levels 1 & 2


Join Alvin & the Chipmunks for an evening of fun-filled activities for the whole family at the Singapore Turf Clubs Fun for All Under the Stars on Thursday, 29 November 2007.

Be among the first to catch the special trailer screening and behind-the-scenes video of 20th Century Foxs new animated movie Alvin and the Chipmunks and come face-to-face with its lovable mascots at the Singapore Racecourse. The public will also be treated to a Stomp Performance, Mask Changing Act, a Magic Show, Juggling Act and also have the opportunity to be photographed with the Club's horses. Other not-to-be-missed highlights include trial gallops of racehorses; games as well as food and handicraft stalls. There will also be popular inflatables for children, including Castle and Elephant Bouncers and fun rides. In line with the evenings theme of animals, music and song, children spotted with a musical or animal motif that night will receive a free packet of popcorn and candy floss while stocks last.

Email me if you want the prog. outline, i can't attach the file here.
Hi Mummies,

I have some milk powder to give away :

1) Chocolate Vanilla Pedisure, 900g x 1 tin, Expiry date Jan 09

2) Dumex Mamil Gold Step, 900g x 1 tin and 400g x 1 tin, Expiry date Dec 08

All the tins are unopen. PM me if you are interested. Don't want to waste these milk powder.
Disciplining Tods:
Twinklets & Glazy,
At least threatening mtd works for ur child rite? Mine super stubborn type. I tell her not to do, she will do it on purpose. No amt of threathening works ley.. But she fears Mr Cane cos I really do use it on her sometimes..

Ler Ler so expressive & affectionate hor.. Almost everyday i try to tell Sheri that i love her bt thus far she has nvr ever tell me tat she loves me, daddy or even mei mei ley!! Sometimes I will just joking ask her y she didnt tell me tat she love me too, she will avoid answering me. Just an embarrassed look with a smile.. Hahaha...
Indeed Isabelle also very sweet and expressive hor.. Dunno y Sheri dun dare to express her love for us ley?! She nvr tell us she loves us before.. Thou she runs to us almost every evening and hug us when we return from work.
I will be getting 2 toddlers pressie rite? Shania coming to 1 this Dec.. How time flies! Looking forward to see her walk hands in hands wf Sheri!

Phew ur exams finally over.. Can start thinking of the Christmas party leow rite?

Glad to hear that Isaac has cleared all the tests. All will be well for him.

Are u gg to singapore racecourse today?? I tot of bringing Sherilyn there.. Can u email me ([email protected]) the prog outline?

Ear Piercing:
My relatives also encourage me to bring my gals for ear piercing.. I told them tat i'll let my gals decide for their own whether to go for it when they are older.. Hahaha.. Quite a hassle for us cos need to clean regularly for them.. Bt on e other hand, think its good to do it when they are young cos less pain??
Help needed! Mummies, any of u here is Eu Yan Seng member and ur birthday is ard the corner?? I need ur help to purchase a few boxes of Hou Ning powder at 25% off during birthday mth special. Can PM me if any one can help? Shania has been sick for almost a mth and e western medication doesnt help. After taking the Hou Ning she seems better bt super exp thus need to seek help to buy at discounted px.. TIA...
Thanks SC!!!!

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Mummies please take note!! Party had been changed to 4pm due to road closure until 3.15pm. For our convenience sake!!!</font></font>
If as long as Birthday boy or girl can simply walk in and get the discount, without the need of membership card, you sms me. My hubby's birthday coming.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Serrich,
Yup lor... finally over.... hope Shania will be well soon.... Gerald had just recovered from his 3 week cough

Hi PSi,
Gerald simply don like the teacher... anyway my mother and I don like her too... she like very proud... and no patient.... I had wrote a super long letter to complain.... in the end ... they had ask a couple of teacher which Gerald is comfortable to accompany him for this week... as next week, they will be changing to his old playgroup teacher.... today he is okie when go to school.....

Hi Dewdrop,
what step is the dumex milk...</font>
Did you bring Shania to see EYS doc? My Xavier also cough for almost 2 wks but last Thurs I went to TPY to buy the medicine only(cos seen b4 liao). After 2 days later, he doesn't cough so much and at night. But the phelgm is still there. So I thk still need to bring him to see again.
So long as at night he doesn't cough, I still abit relieve. Otherwise I really can't sleep well.
<font color="0000ff">Advise needed</font>
How do you determine if the scratch marks on your child is self inflicted or caused by other children?

Valerie got some of them on her arms but the director told me they checked all the students in her class and found that their nails r all trimmed.

So mean what? Valerie self inflict? For what right?

I got pic posted on my blog
Shania's BD in Dec! Means we can just walk-in, produce birth cert and will get 25% off our purchases??

Gerald also coughed for so long arh! Good to hear tat he has recovered. Poor Shania has been coughing for 4 weeks. Fortunately she recovered from running nose after 3 weeks. Now just cough and phlegm..

I didnt bring her to see EYS doc ley. I just walked in to the retail outlet and seek the staff's opinion. I find that their pdts really effective. In the past whenever my elder gal gets cough and phlegmy, i will let her take Bao Ying Dan. She will recover within a few days..

Bt Shania's prolonged cough is rather serious and BYD might nt help so the sales staff recommended tat i buy Hou Ning powder, shld be much more effective for my gal's condition.

It's really a roller coaster ride bringing up our children.. I have been worrying over the past few weeks, didnt get sufficient sleep since the day my maid left, followed by the episodes of my family getting sick.. And of crse, piles and tons of work to do.. How i wish all will be well soon..
Really look forward to this Sun's Christmas party!

poor shania... hope she gets well soon. My mum also give S the hou ning powder but i am not sure effective or not leh... he is still coughing. Maybe becos he dun abstain total from cold drinks and apples... Couple of times he coughed till vomitted out his milk.. so I will jump up a few times midde of the night if he keep coughing... cos scared he vomit.

ya its definitely been tough bringing up 2 such young children. And dunno how they get all those viruses... keep falling sick with serious sickness. But then.... as the days goes by, we are closer to been able to relaxed liao haha...
Serrich, ur girl is also v sweet mah, will cheong to hug and love love you guys everyday. My birthday this mth and i have the voucher. If u want me to buy at EYS, can let me know. But hor, they no good leh, they change liao, no longer 25%, it's only 20% storewide now. Let me know by 2mor ok?

Valmom, the sch cannot trace or tell ah. Maybe right after it happens tt their parents cut the nails. Since u've raised the alarm, ask them to look out and see if anyone bullies Val. i hope they are on the alert now. Btw this Sun i can pass you the Whammer. There's also a balance nett of Whammer minus the bag right?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Serrich,
Yup lor... but it is due to the phelgm... he only cough while sleeping.... haha can't sleep well..
when he is playing in the day... u don hear a single cough... but this week he had fully recovered....
Gerald start with Cough then when to flu... but the flu actually help him to get rid of the phelgm.... funnie right..

Oh the xmas party is this sunday har.... hmm... me blur blur already...</font>

<font color="0000ff">Ming</font>
I'm not going to the party leh. I transferred the balance to you liao? Shit.. I also forgot already. Maybe you pass to hoho? She works near me.

Ya lor.. but I find it hard tt teacher dunno lor coz they bathe her in sch mah, wld have seen those scratches.. and knowing valerie.. she'll cry the house down one lor.. so can't possibly dunno one leh.

<font color="119911">hoho</font>
Can or not? :p then we go Amoy have lunchie again lah :) FIshball noodle nice leh..
