(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

shanice started her cereal at almost 5mths... wat we did is to let her lie on the bouncer and feed her loh... after that carry her upright to burp her... like hazel, she will stared at us eagerly whenever we eat... feel so sad for her cos she can't eat mah... she's opp of her gor gor... gor gor loves milk but she dun, gor gor not adventurous wif food but she is... now at 7mths, she is eating gerber puffs though she still can't sit well.. hehehe...

mummies day out
we had such a good time... basically juz eating n chatting... like tigger say we eat from 1 place to another... hehehehe... now looking fwd to the next outing - xmas party @ mac

re: losing patience
hmm, finally see more mummies here losing patience. at least make myself less guilty cos' i already started scremaing and yelling since long ago. Make myself feel a bad mummy when i heard none of you here 'scream' last time. keke.

I called up Bridges to enquire before but the fees when i heard, I don't even want to go see. haha. Moreover, i still need to pay btw $80-100 per mth for bus fees. So all in all, i need to consider alot of '$' factor. haha.

mummies day out,
Heng I never go if not i will put on extra kgs again. Already trying hard to shed my current off!

congrats!!! baby looks so sweet

re: picking from cc

I get to pick S up every afternoon from cc unless I am having a meeting. Hmm... its great to be able to see him... when I reached the cc these days, he will be eating his lunch and waving to me... sometimes he will wanna linger around a little. But the down side is... lunch time is a little rush for me and hb these days as we gotta ferry him home all the way from alexandra to jw and then go back to work... We no longer enjoy a little retail therapy session during lunch time... with petrol price going up, the expenditure for driving him home is also substantial. Think I may eventually put him in school bus... its getting a little tiring and rush for me daily to ferry him...

btw, S is performing in his school year end concert this thurs... I am so excited.. we took leave to go and watch him perform at nanyang girls school hall. The teacher din tell us what they are going to perform... so I had been kept in suspense all these while... argh


how do we pay for the mac's party? transfer to u ?
think I so tramatised...I will put off cereal feeding until I recover from my shock....
Mei mei keep playing while eating...she will blow bubbles...and out come the cereal... and she thinks it fun keep smiling...and before I feed her...she will stuff her fingers into her mouth... come out her fingers covered with cereal..then she will rub here and there....I almost faint lor......
We just need to pay on that day itself for the Mac party.

That's a nice age gap. My niece whom is 4 yrs older than her lil bro also is a very good jie jie. Very sensible kid.
its like that one... feeding my gal is very messy... i must hv a wet n dry hankies on standby... eat until nose and face oso hv... very messy... sometimes she act smart, snatch my spoon... sigh...
My mum tell me to scold her to stop playing...then she will stop..
But problem is...she is ONLI scare of my mum leh..i tell her to stop...she boo even LOUDER...*faint*
I have hankies, wet wipe...and I even standby another 2 clean bibs when the one she is wearing get too DIRTY...*faint*
RE: Screaming
I am trying to cut down on my screaming at Keane ever since Kaylas is born. I feel that I can control myself better now. I do not want Keane to feel that mummy is screaming & beating him while his mei mei gets sayang and all our attention etc. Even I am trying my best to balance my attention between the kids, Keane still tells me that nobody cares about him or no one looks after him. I feel really bad when he says that. I hope he will not feel resentful towards Kayla. So far, he is still a doting brother.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
Yes. When Vernon from birth to 3 yrs old, I dun knw why I'm so tired even tho he din wake up for nite feed since his 2 n half mths old. By the time he's abt 3 yrs old, I feel it's time to have another one becos feel abit more relax liao..

<font color="ff0000">tigger,</font>
Yes, I skip dinner. When I reach my mum's hse ard 7pm, they tabao vege rice. I eat abit and still full. Still thking of the hot choc, so in the end gif to my hb to eat.
Ya guess 3 YO is a wonderful age. Heard my sis said 3 YO, they tend to at this pleasing age. Wud wanna please us, monster age like coming an end. haha. Dunno how true it is. =P

I also try not to scream too much at Ash. Nowadays learn to appreciate her more cos she certainly bring joy to my boring life. Hope I can keep my temper at peace at most times. keke.

How come Keane tell u such things? I think I'll be v sad if it comes out from Ash's mouth.
wow, you work in Tampines and yet you went back to Alexandra everyday to fetch S home to JW. Your hb also very good. Can run up and down to fetch you and S and then home and back to ofc. You and hb really 1 super 'wei da' parents. Never in my life will my hb and me do that. Even if I am agreeable for such arrangements, my hb sure give me 1 atitude and black face for this arrangements. So nice of yr hb.

planning for a 4 yr gap instead of 3 year gap? Actually, i got that intention for 4 yr gap. But seems like if really want 4 yr gap, like going to TTC very soon. Still not ready leh.

now D 2.5yrs old, i am still feeling very tired. That really puts us off for TTC. Abit 'seng lang' liao leh.
Ideally is 3 years gap lor, cos my Mum is getting old, dunno she will have energy to help in year 2009 or not.

Actually me kinda miss those bb times, only thing I v scare is neglect #1 if I ever got #2. I think this is a mental barrier for me cos u noe me & Ash v closed 1. If 1 day, she's not tat closed to me due to #2, I'll be v v sad for sure.

ya v tiring but of course I love to see my boy
The bus trip is quite exp... $200plus. The difference between 1 way trip and 2 way trip is very minor. I think S prob would enjoy the school bus cos he likes the school bus driver uncle very much. But gotta weigh the extra expense lor cos his school fees is already quite killing. But i think the saving from us fetching him ourselves not much unless J also joins the school which is 2009...

san, no lah!!!! I am now working in alexandra road. Moved from tampines liao.... dun need to travel on that forever jam PIE already
Dun think we will ever be able to put S in alexandra lw preschool if not because I work close by. Not so wei da
OIC. I nvr think of the neglection part leh. This is all parts and parcel lah. However, i feel if the wider the age gap, the elder will be less doting by parents. 3-4 yrs kind still ok. some like 7-8 yrs above, the young 1 is definitely the PET at home cos' bb is always cute and fun and whereas the elder one already grew up independent and on their own.

Haha. I tot you still in Tampines leh. hehe. Bus fees $200+ per mth or per term? Think should be per mth bah since Alexandra and JW quite a distance. Yes, if take 1 way, the fees difference is not much. Maybe some only $10-20 difference cos' the reason they still need to reserve the seat for yr child.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
If you read my blog, you will know why Keane said that no one cares about him. I feel that I have been giving Keane more attention than Kayla. When Kayla cries, anyone can go pick her up and pacify her. But when Keane cries, he will choose the person to comfort him. I am always the chosen one.
So I dunno why Keane feels like that. Maybe he wants our sole attention. I feel bad towards Kayla sometimes so I try to carry and sayang her whenever I can.

My hubby feels that I sayang Kayla more. Hehe, I am happy to hear that as it means that I didnt neglect her. BUT I dun feel that I loves one more than the other. I love them both equally much.
no leh, I dun wan to make the neglection into parts & parcel of life leh. If that's the case, may as well stick to 1 & only. Ya agreed with u,3 to 4 YO still OK, but those above 6 yrs 1, I think the eldest 1 will really train to be v independent & less doting by the parents..

ya Can feel it, cos Keane always v close to u 1. But sometimes we are not them, so we really dunno wat they are thinking. Since he's so advanced in his speech, u may 'dig' out info more easier. =P

ya... just now my hb said I remember wrongly... the bus fee should be 300plus...
we are enquiring again... wanna confirm the price.


I had been feeling I neglected J for the last 1 year. Exact same situation as u. For the last 1 year plus, S would always want me to comfort him... he is closest to me. But ever since he started school, he switch to my mum liao. Initial week he still looking for me... I guess I regret very much that I did not take full day leave that whole week to offer him the comfort and reassurance when he needed it the most. I was only taking half day leaves in the morning to see him in cc. Nowadays he seemed to prefer my mum most...
So sad. But anyway it gave me more time with J and the bond level between me and J had improved. Me too.. love both equally.
<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
I think Samuel is older now and hence is not so sticky to you. I also feel that Keane likes to stick to his daddy more recently. More willing to let daddy carry him and play with him. You might feel a sense of loss as S goes to your mum for comfort. I can totally understand that. On the other hand, it does give us more time to spend with our gals. Guess we cannot have the best of both worlds but at least we can have more bonding time with the younger one.
Did I miss out alot?? Sorry.. office darn bz.. sick isn't helping and worse of all I lost all my data coz I did a PC restore without backing up properly. I can cry man. Thankfully pictures are not deleted coz I have a copy of them in the external harddrive.. if not I think I can jump down my hse.

<font color="0000ff">Screaming</font>
There was a time when Val was v unsettled in the new hse.. like cry for no apparent reason, refusing bath, refusing to allow us to turn off TV etc. During that time, I did beat her & scream at her (which until today I feel darn guilty abt it).

But nowadays she is more calmed and settled, then lesser lor. But then she is also more cheeky. Now she is sick again (coughing, lost voice), then she yang-or more.. every little thing will cry (and then no voice liao.. still want to cry). But we try to be patient coz if we scold her or beat her.. she'll cry even longer..

I guess we all need to exercise patience and rotation bah. Coz when u are at ur boiling point, staring down and continue to engage with the kid will only end up being ugly.

Sometimes when I feel that I've reached the limit. I'll tell hb to take over and I walk off to cool off. So I don't end up screaming at Val. There are times no one to pass baton to I'll just walk off.. Val will just sit there and continue to cry lor... but at least I need some time off.. after 1-2 min I more calm & collected already I'll return to try to reason (which is v hard) or comfort her (coz she'll be crying until face wet, mucus flowing liao).

<font color="119911">Tigger</font>
If I am you, I'll feel v sad also. Maybe u try to ask Keane why he feel that no one cares about him? Don't let this kind of resentment grow in him ok?
mummies day out
Thanks for your PMs, i've emailed you ladies the payment details.

I've emailed to your yahoo acct.

I've sent to your office acct cos think your usual email burst liao...
hullo Mummies,

BARNEY is back again for Xmas! Check out the below details.

<font color="ff0000">Christmas with Barney & Friends</font>
<font color="119911">24 Nov - 9 Dec 2007 MARINA SQUARE Central Atrium
Tue - Thu: 2pm & 7pm
Fri - Sun: 2pm, 5pm & 7pm

<font color="0000ff">Cheer Barney, BJ and Baby Bop in this Christmas Musical Extravaganza featuring their famous tunes and Christmas specials. Your kids will be mesmerized by this imaginative funfilled show of caring, sharing and learning.</font>

Went to Marina Square last Saturday, saw their stage presentation, v nice. Ash already nagged me to go & see liao. keke. Cant wait. keke.
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Very tempted to bring Keane to see Barney but I have applied leaves for the next 2 mondays and there will be no shows on mondays...so sian!
I was having lunch with my colleagues at a caf today and was observing the next table throughout my lunch. The next table sat a Chinese couple (abt my age group) with 6 kids! The mother was carrying a baby and the 2nd youngest kid was sitting on a high chair (abt 1yr+). The rest of the kids were sitting quietly at the table having their lunch. Even the 1yr+ old kid is eating her lunch on her own. I was really very very impressed by how well behaved all the kids are. The daddy even have time to read papers during lunch time. The kids age gap should be quite close, think the eldest is around P2.

My colleague even asked the dad whats his secret to having kids that are so well behaved. The dad replied he has no secrets.
I asked the dad if they are stopping at 6 and he said not sure. I wonder how they can manage with 6 kids without any maid (not sure if they have any maid @ home though).
<font color="aa00aa">tigger:
my mum's cousin, has 8 children! when i found out, i was horrified! haha</font>
Hi mummies,

Need some advise, my daughter vomitted her food/water out every time she take. Doc says it may be stomach flu. Anybody experienced this before? She is left hungry and I dunno what to give her cos she will vomit thereafter. Take suppository and medicine also like no use. How ar? then cannot take milk, how? thanks!
If u scare that she will dehydrate...
Let her take small volume of water each time...
read: a small pac (those liquor measuring cup) to be drink in 15 minutes

Try to give her food in small portion as well... remember to take medicine all the time...
Give her porridge, (plain) and if also LS..let her drink the "soup" of porridge...this is suppose to assist in curbing LS... and when they are sick...they also dun have much appetite
Hello Mummies!

So sad, today have to admite Wynn cos of high jaudice... hopefully he can go home tmr... The little sister was very protective of her brother. She kept screaming "No touch my baby! No touch! Baby sayang..." Now the lab technician recognised her already - "The protective kakak" they called her

Hi tigger, one of my customer got 11 childrens. She will come by every month and buy things in thousands (few boxes of Mamy Poko, Huggies, Enfa series, Pigeon liq cleanser, teats, even brushes, etc). She have got six maids and when Hari Raya, they book the whole plane to go back hometown. All my staffs love her (they can get the commission).

Me too see before one malay family at MAcs with like 5 kids. The parents bought 2 large packets of fries and divide it all out on the serviettes. The Kids like sit there happily eat on their own while the parents like flirting with each other.. The mom told me the kids all abt 1-1.5 years apart. Super lor.. How come my kids like monkeys....


So when we going out again?
Wow so many kids... so brave. I don't think I can do it.

Zavier got bitten by his classmate in cc! Happened on Tues 6pm. Went to fetch him at 6+ and teacher told hubby about it. He complained "pain pain" when he saw me in the car. There is a reddish scratch on his right cheek and a big red bite mark on his right shoulder. So angry and heartpain esp when I saw his bite wound bleed during his shower. Wrote an angry note on his communication book last night and his teacher called immediately this afternoon to explain. How could anyone allow the other kid to bite him until it got so serious? There are no obvious teeth marks but just one fresh red patch like he wanted to tear a piece of flesh out. I can almost imagine the pain that Zavier went thru. I requested the teacher to inform the culprit's parents so that they can do the necessary disciplinary actions. At least teach the boy not to repeat it again. Yah it's a boy... this same boy who scratched Zavier on the face few mths ago. And the last thing I want Zavier to learn is that biting is a way to fight for toys.
Twinklets, no offense abt this... Ash is over the dracula stage already right? At least she bit to show affection... that boy bite while fighting! Scary...
<font color="ff6000">Tigger</font>
Wow Chinese family with 6 kids. That is a lot man. Is either this family they are rich & they able to support such family size or parents dun mind to sacrifice alot of their luxuries in life in order to enjoy such big family (if they just normal income family). For me I never tot of having a big family. Think 2 is just nice for us. But if me & Hb rich, we may consider having 3. Like having 2 gals & 1 boy which is so ideal. But too bad time & money are not on our side.

<font color="0000ff">Cindy</font>
Hope your gal is slowly recovering now. Ya stomach flu cannot take milk. Did u try to let her drink those porridge water? Also, u can try giving her glucose water to give her some energy too. Did Doc give some ice pops? Any medicine for the stomach? Like those powdery type tat can mix into the water? Usually when stomach flu, Doc normally will give such medicine to treat the stomach, ehh cant rem wat name is tat. Just rem must hydrate your gal, tats the most important.

<font color="ff0000">Zyp</font>
Nah no offense.. Whoever kid got bitten, the parent sure very upset & angry 1, this I can understand .. So far she is well-behaved in class, din get touchy with that lil gal anymore, infact more reserve eversince the incident, till now still rem the Mummy very angry with her. Guess this is a hard lesson for her. However when come to outside, when she overly excited, she will tend to pinch/bite the other party too, I always have to be on my guards & bring her away if I see she abit out of hands.

That is funny, how come the Teacher din notice? Think the Teacher shd ask that parent to call u & apologize to u. Hmm tats wat Ashleys Teacher did. At least me & the Mummy talked over the fone, & I explained to her why my gal has such inclinations & things dun really get very sour between us.
Big Family
I tell u hor...
My post-natal massage lady had........11 children
I hear liao...almost FAINT...
Her oldest think is a little over 20... the youngest not yet 1.....
my gal (& me now!) had gastric flu last week. Also vomit out everything she ate or drink. Doc says have to let the stomach rest. Give glucose water or barley water (or there is this isotonic freezer pop u can buy from pharma - to replace lost water and salt) every 15min.. by sips or 15ml for first 4 hrs.. to prevent dehydrati0n. then slowlyup to 30ml every 30min.. progress like tat slowly upp-ing it slightly as it goes.. then monitor she still vomit out or not.if stop liao try some liquid food like porridge water..

If better can try diluted milk half strength. But not now when she still vomiting. Hope yr girl gets better soon!
<font color="aa00aa">mummies:
have any of you brought your girls to have their ears pierced?

any problems "taking care" of the ears after that?

am thinking of bring c this evening. but am also worried that there will be complications cuz we are going on a short trip this weekend.


aiyoh!! hahaha ashley is so cute in that poster!</font>
<font color="0000ff">krazy,</font>
Where will you be bringing Cheryl for the ear piercing? I have wanted to bring Kayla but kana "scolded" by hb and my granny. They say she is too young for that. I thought the younger the better as they will not be so frightened of the process, will not pull or tug the area and will heal faster??

<font color="ff0000">Gripe Water,</font>
Does anyone know if gripe water contains alcohol? I saw the gripe water advertisement in a magazine and it stated do not contain alcohol. But when I read a book called Feed Your Child Right, it mentioned that gripe water does contain a little alcohol. I wonder why alcohol is added to something that is fed to babies.
<font color="0077aa">twinklets,</font>
Yes, it's very rare to see Chinese family with so many kids. I told my hb they must be either very rich to be able to have so many kids or the couples are frugal in spending. The best part is I didnt see any maids with them. Really impressed that they can bring 6 kids out without any help.

<font color="ff6000">florence,</font>
Hope that Wynn can be discharge tomorrow.

Wow, your customer has so many kids. And so many maids!
old folks say it is better to pierce ear on the 'guan yin' day. 1 year 3 times only.

my hairdresser staff, her gal she let her pierce when abt 3mths old. i was so surprise when hear that. then she ask why i dun bring D to pierce. Think it will be damn difficult now. Scarly pierce 1 side, later the 2nd side she doesn't allow. especially D is very 'seh guey' (in cantonese). sometime fall down or hurt abit, she can tell you pain for 1 wk and remember it damn long and also refuse to bath. When paste plaster, she will not let you remove cos' she scared of the pain. Think i can only let her pierce when she grows older and willing to do it herself.

my fren's bb also admit for jaundice after discharge. When she discharge fr TMC, bb already stay extra 1 nite. Few days later went back review, admit for 2 more nites again. Now already at home but still need follow up and she so scared. when i visit her last nite, she keep ask me if her baby is 'yellow'.

I may or may not be able to join liao. My fren which i mention abv is celebrating bb full month on the same day.
join the party lah cos k never met d leh... how to be IL if both never met?? hee hee...

re : ear piercing
my shanice got my mickey mouse ears so i dun think i'll pierce for her else make her ears lagi more obvious... will let her go pierce herself when she grows up...

<font color="aa00aa">Krazy</font>
hmm on ur qn.. hmm never tot of ear piercing for Ashley cos I recalled tat my earlobes are sensitive to plastic earrings which I wore last time, then my earlobes kana fu lan..... quite gross. So whenever I tot of tat, I kinda freak. keekekek. Anw, same like SC, I'll leave this ear piercing decision to her when she grows up.

<font color="ff0000">San</font>
Aiya, wat time is the Bb shower?
Come after tat lar.
