(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

I came across some of the events which we can bring our kids during this festive month. Last year miss the Esplanade carols,
hope this year we can rem to bring her to go & hear.

<font color="ff0000">Celebrate December</font>
14 31 Dec 2007
@ Various locations at Esplanade

The spirit of Christmas comes alive this December at the Esplanade, with everything from timeless classics to the latest Christmas carols.
Join the crowds of merrymakers as they celebrate the night away & as the festivities crescendo till the end of the year.

6 pm onwards

Ticket Prices
Free Admission

Contact Info
6 828 8377

<font color="ff0000">VIVOCITY 1st ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS</font>

Vivocity, Amphitheatre, level 3

1 to 8 DEC 2007 [except 4 DEC]
7.30pm & 9pm
9 DEC 2007, 7.30pm

We are in the mood to celebrate after what has been successful first year for us.
With just $50* spending, you can join us to watch VIVOCITY : THE SPIRIT OF LIFE! an exclusive 30 min live show.
AMERICAN EXPRESS CARDMEMBERS just need to charge $30 to their cards to qualify.

Presenting a specially choreographed unique show inspired by Vivocitys energy & vitality.
Be treated to a feast of amazing musical & vocal performances, remarkable human feats & stunning visual images

Limited to a max. of 2 pairs of tickets per shopper per day on a first-come, first served basis & while stocks last

<font color="ff0000">FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR</font>
Dont miss the Fireworks Spectacular on <font color="ff0000">30 NOV 2007 @ 9.15pm</font> to mark the launch of VIVOCITY: THE SPIRIT OF LIFE!
The show is specially choreographed by a renowned Spanish Team who has collected more than 80 international awards.
Prepare to be amazed!!

<font color="0000ff">This is cool, I can bring Ash to see since Hb is working near there! Think the fireworks shd be v great!!</font>

me too wish to join. but will try my best lor. they invite lunch hour leh. then cos' this fren of mine hb is actually my hb buddy too. so once in blue moon during such occassions, all the long time fren meet up and talk non stop, my hb backside will be glue there liao.
our time is 3pm lor.. try lor.
U'll b bored cos tat 1 is ur hb's buddy side mah. kekeke U wont be bored if u with us lor. muahahaha.
re : vivocity celebrations

hey mummies, twinklets posting reminded me that i've got 2 pairs of tickets for 5 dec 7:30pm show based on on our spending on the mummies day out... pm me if u wan... i'll mail to u ok??
glayz,twinklets, jas,

thank you for your advise! really scare me cos she was puking out everything including water! she puked bubbles in the morning hence i panicked dunno wat to do... doc only gave anti vomit and medicine for wind... no ice pops lei... luckily today her condition is much better. Thank you so much!
morning all....

wow talking about christmas shopping.... hope i have the energy to bring Gerald.... if not it will be too bored for him... but he had been coughing and coughing.... haiz...
<font color="aa00aa">tigger:
brought c to a goldsmith at east point. she cried like there was no tomorrow but i spent more than an hour coaxing her.
she stuck both her fingers into her ears and refused any kind of bribery. haha
thankfully i was with a friend and she helped me in the end.

c dint let the ladies touch her ears so my friend had to mark c's ears and the ladies okayed the markings
then they proceeded to shoot her ears; both ears at the same time.

i have heard of the "guan yin" day thing but i can't wait already. i wanted to do it when she was a lot younger for the reasons
that tigger has mentioned but never got around to doing it. i really regretted not doing it earlier cuz it was really
difficult yesterday.

ya.. i couldn't wear costume jewellery ... those pretty ear rings they have over the counters also cannot. the ear lobes will
rot and hurt for weeks.. until i remove them.

so far, c is taking to the ear rings well..
at least this is out of my mind already. hehe.

Thank you mummies!

Oh, i was reminded not to let her eat prawns, and peanuts.. apparently she can't go swimming for now also.
think gold & white gold shd b fine. U mean u cant even wear those also??? Me only cant wear plastic.. keke.. I remember got 1 period in Primary sch, the trend is those color plastic earrings..

Btw me boring gal, I'm just a ear studs gal. hahaha, dangling earrings dun really suit my round face & my attire.. arrgh..

I havent do any christmas shopping too. Think this year wont shop much cos very broke!

Glad to hear her condition is better. So long cont' to hydrate her, things will be better & she'll recover soon. U urself take care too & dun be too stressed up. Not sure where we can get ice pops, some kids luv it cos is cooling & like ice cream like tat. Maybe U can check with pharmacy? I think some1 in forum mention isotonic drinks before? Maybe u wanna check with your Doc whether can take this or not.
Aiyo.... poor C. Hope she is fine now. You brought back memories of my ear piercing experience. I was around 4-5yo then. I know something was amiss but I didn't fuss. My sis yelled big time but was soon pacified by sweets.

I only wear ear rings when I was younger. Same as you, I cannot wear costume jewellery. The moment I put it on will have tinkling feeling and the area will start feeling sore and watery. Dunno why.
Actually I remember when I pierced my earlobes for 2nd time at 21 YO, the pain was not there at all leh. Also fast fast chop chop. I actually pierced on my earbone tat part. So imagine earbone tat part also not pain, so I think earlobe shd be lagi better bah.
Anw I was v hiao, I couldn't stand the gold big stub they gave me, so once I reached home I forcefully took out the gold stubs & lotsa blood rushed out, horrible, so quickly replaced by my silver earstubs. V gross.
talk abt prawns, last sat we went buffet & I gave her 2 prawn tempura to eat. Hee she luv it. THis gal really noe how to eat ho liao. keke.
You are so cute. I dun even dare to touch my ear lobes after piercing! My mom nursed that area for me... using pee!
Now that I think back, it's really gross...

Ash is so clever. I hope cay will enjoy food as much as Ash.
I remember my 1st time was 7 YO,also painless leh. keke ur mum still got nurse tat area, my Mum bochup lor.

Prawn Tempura is very nice, I doubt Cay will reject also leh. keke.
<font color="aa00aa">

gold and white gold are fine. those dangling ones... big no no. haha but i try to at times then suffer after that..
"want beauty, dun want life"

hee.. ya.. i also remembered my experience. haha.. really? pee works? i use the ru yi oil too for c's ears.

C loves my mum's sweet and sour prawns. in fact, it was my mum who introduced prawns to c and now, she can't
stop eating. whenever she sees prawns, she will ask for them.

okay, i know some of you mummies have brought your little ones to genting... and our trip is tomorrow. any thing i should "die die must try"? or give a miss?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">krazy,</font>
How did you manage to persuade C to let the ladies pierce her ears?
Glad to know that C is taking her ear rings well. She can wear nice nice ear rings very soon liao.

<font color="ff6000">twinklets,</font>
I had my ears first pierced at age 5. At that time, the goldsmith used ginger to maybe numb the area before using a needle to pierce the hole. Before I turned 20, I went to pierce my ear lobes so that there are 2 holes at each side. Then before I turned 30, I went againthis time to pierce the soft earbone at one side. Not painful BUT it was always bleeding as my hair keeps getting tangled in between the flesh and the ear stud. After 3 months, doc advised me to take out the stud in case the infection got worse. Have always wanted to try piercing the ear bone again but didnt get around doing it. Maybe will do that when I decided to bring Kayla for ear piercing.
Xavier also cough for almost 1 week liao. At night he also cough so badly. I heard liao also heartpain and can't sleep well. Yet I can't do anything.
Yesterday after work I purposely go down to TPY Eu Yan Sheng to buy his medicine. Hope this medicine will work for him.
ear pierce
My mum also brought me to ear pierced at young age but can't remember the age. For my case, I can't wear fake ear-rings. Have to wear real gold or platinum, so I don't have to chance to wear fancy ear-rings. Same as Krazy.

Have a happy trip. My boy Vernon kept asking me to bring him to Genting, but no $ lah. So can't go.
Mayb u must buy diamonds dangling type then can hor? Kekeke.

Ur 1 sound really bad. Tat time when I pierced my earbone, I felt it weird to lie sideway to sleep. After awhile, got adapt to it. But I rem when to wash hair etc, quite mafun, had to alert the Shampoo gal to wash my hair gently. But now after 10 yrs liao, seasoned liao. =)

Re: Genting
Try the kiddo rides at First World Hotel indoor theme park... go for the day pass.
Er... me a bit boliao lah... i took the cable car down and up just to let my girl try lor...

Didn't try the outdoor theme park as it was raining when i was there.

At night, i brought my girl to the arcade at Genting Hotel and she simply loved to "throw balls" and spin the wheels.

<font color="aa00aa">tigger:
it was maddness! I walked into the shop twice! spent more than an hour the 2nd time there and was threatening, bribing, coaxing, singing and
at times dancing to distract c but to no avail. She would not give in to me. Until my friend who came along as she wanted to get her girl to pierce
too, helped me to mark C's ears. I tried marking but mine was totally off (said the ladies at the goldsmith) so my friend did it
and the ladies just came out to shoot the ear rings.

i held c's arms down while my friend held c's head! and all was over in 3 counts.

then c cried the house down lah!

then a little pacifying and she was alright. at night, when her daddy came home, she even tilted her head to reveal the
ear rings and said, "Daddy, look! Ear rings!"

(read the entire ordeal at preciouscheryl.blogspot.com ... hee too long to write out everything here. )

but at least the ear rings are out of the way now! hee...

needles!!!! wah... that must have been really PAINFUL!!!!!

thanks! Hee.. its the holidays now so prices sure go up... can go during off peak season.. wont be so crowded too.

diamond dangling types???!!! hee... okay! hee...

oh, they have the day pass!the last time i was there, i was like 18 yr old.. and they dint have so many things there.

what about food? expensive? i hope it won't rain... but quite unlikely.

okay, i will keep a look out for the things you mentioned. thanks!</font>
I really heart pain for C leh. So poor thing... My mom asked whether I want cay's ears to be pierced and I said "no way!".
RE: ear piercing
I dun think i will pierce my girl's ears leh... I will let her decide when she grows older and knows how to take care of the wound.
<font color="aa00aa">caymom:

thats another option.

i never had the courage to get my ears pierced again.. although i have seen pp with nurmerous ear studs and they look so good in them.

somehow, i cant muster enough courage to get more piercing done on my ears so i am very thankful that my mum did it for me. hee. i dunno for c... maybe she will go get more herself. haha</font>
Sorry if I sound too drama but that incident really traumatised me a lot when I was young.... to think I still remember it so clearly.

There was a period of time I love those plastic ear rings but I started to get 'allergic' towards them too. Around 2 mths ago, I wore it back and no longer feel uncomfortable so now I am wearing plastic studs.

I am also thankful that my mom did it for me because I will never do it on my own. There were times my ear holes really come in handy when I want to wear nice ear rings for special occasions.
For me WHITE GOLD ear ring is a BIG no no for me...will itch...
But ok with plastic and silver...my mum laff say I a 'cheap' ger...arghhh

I want to bring mei mei to pierce... but she sure scream the house down.... but hor...I scare her gor gor itchy fingers go and pull hers...
<font color="0000ff">Krazy,</font>
Wow, you are really determined to get her ears pierced. I would have given up trying to coax her if it takes so long. Really drama. I will go read your blog.

I better bring Kayla to pierce her ears before she knows what is pain. Haha

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
Maybe we can go together. You think Sky will pull Shanes ear?? OUCH! That will be very painful.
<font color="aa00aa">caymom:
no no.. i dont think its drama at all. pain is a very real thing and the fact that many of us remember the process till now, shows that it MUST have been painful! haha

dun say that! hee ... tell yourself, you are the considerate and thoughtful person cuz ... (honestly, i also can;t afford diamond dangling ear rings lah!) hahaha

ya, do it before they know and can tell you ! hee
i dun thnk they will pull... tell them it hurts and see their face scraunch up.. and they will tell YOU not to touch their mei mei's ears. haha

you can say i was determined cuz i even uttered this in the shop in full view of the ladies "We came here to get your ears pierced and we are not leaving till they are!"

cant imagine i actually did that.. come to think of it, the pp there must have thought i was some psycho mother.</font>
Think sure will pull one la...
Very fast they will fight.... mei mei will be in sitting position and POUNCE on him to snatch anything of interest to her... then gor gor will fight back by pushing her face away... aiyo..mei mei is onli 5mths lor and they start to fight...

I had this white gold diamond (so small it could not be seen) stud...
That I will just BEAR with the itch on the first day of CNY... then it will go back to cupboard and sleep for a yr.... wahahahahahaha

wow C is so brave.... ear piercing... that's really remote on my mind. I did pierced my ears when I was young too but it was so painful for me... and I keep feeling so painful taking out and putting back those ear sticks. Ya Sticks! dun have wear stubs... just a stick to make sure the hole dun seal back. Later I give up and never wear ear ring again... I am so scared of them. I wear those clip on during my wedding.

re: fireworks


the firework sounds so exciting... but i wonder whether I shd bring my 2. The last time I brought them to sentosa to see the new musical fountain thingy, they freaked out and wanna go out.

rE: Year End Concert

yesterday we went for S's school year end concert. It was also graduation day for the K2 children. The school screened a video footage of the graduation students and the photos of them taken over the last 4 years since playgroup to K2. Touching to see the kids grew from some young tods to big boys and girls. Each of them wore their graduation gown and went out to collect their graduation cert from Ms Lorna Whiston. Then they all did something that left the audiences including me, mum and hb totally blown away! Each of them went to the centre of the stage and delivered a very well worded, speech of how they feel on the day of their graduation. All with such fluency and superb english or chinese (some use maindarin). I mean when the first delivered his long speech, I thought to myself it must be their best students lah... rare. Then next come each of the other 23 students all delivering a unqiue speech of their own without looking at scripts.

I was so amazed... a bit in tear cos I imagine the day my boy were to stand there just like them to deliver his thank you speech... at 6 years of age only. I told my hb I will surely cry if such a day come for S. I guess their parents prob helped with the speech but none of them were stuttering or scared, all of them were very confident and spoke with great clarity... and to deliver such a long speech requires pretty good memory. I thought back to my own 6 year old days... I cant remember a thing but I was definitely not like them. lol

Anyway, I was so worried whole morning whether S will cry when he goes on stage to perform. but he didnt! He was following his teachers around the stage, driving the hand made car (with our very own car plate number...haha) and looking a little stunned by the crowd audience but still managed to finish the performance smoothly...
I was really proud of him.
<font color="aa00aa">gladyz:
hee... i can understand.

wah... so amazing. i can imagine myself there. hee.. btw, i am sure the kindergarten has annual performance for the kids. Do you know if you get complimentary tix (for parents)to watch the performance?

how is the place? am thinking of enrolling c into this when we move to the west. still planning. ..

btw, can you grant me reading rights to your babies' blog? been logged out since you privatized it. </font>
Wah, how old were you then?
How was the magic show last Sat? cay was quite restless during the princess part because she is not familiar with them.

When did you bring ZW to Genting? Thinking of bringing cay but dun think she can stand the coach ride.
<font color="aa00aa">carla:
haha.. me too me too! hee

my experience:
wanted to look pretty, asked to go to goldsmith. went, pierced one side..
so painful... dint want to do the other.

1 week later, my mum dragged me back (kicking and crying) to get the other side done!


there... my story!hahaha</font>
wow wat u describe really solid, those kids really v good!

U must be so proud & happy of Samuel. I doubt my gal can go stage perform, haha jia nao 1. Dance infront of frens also dun dare, let alone big audience keke.

I shd be gg for tat fireworks, dun care abt Ash scare or not,cos Mummy here luv to see firewors.
I'm so bad hor??!! Haha Anw she watched afew times before liao. LAst time @ NDP, freaked out but I dun care her. =P But she weird 1, went back, kept wanting to see the fireworks tat we video.

u gals are so cute. My case is my Mum brought 3 of us to Goldsmith. Mine really painless leh, & v chop chop.

Actually Ash wanted to have earring, cos recently she kept pointing my earring & Said "Mummy,Earring". Then I asked her " you want?", she replied YES wor. haha. But this mummy wont bring her, too mafun, dunno how to put up with the drama rama.
& moreover I always very scare abt the towel part. Scare towel kana her earring & make her earlobes bleed etc. Alot of horror things come to my mind 1.

ya my mum keep saying in hokkien when she heard them "jin kiang" (so clever).

for ear ring, i think unless J or my mum insist, I wont take the initiative to bring her to put, I am very scared ... looks painful to me. hey the towel kena ear ring thingy also crossed my mind... I imagine those bloody scene I think I dun dare liao.

for fireworks, I wished I saw your post earlier, I was at vivo spending $43 at gap store.... should have spend another $7 to get that tickets... I love to watch fireworks too though sadly I never really watch one strictly speaking... just on tv lor
At the musical fountain, I was so happily watching and the 2 of them crying to get out of the place... sigh They will scream wan... especially J.

sure... can u send me a pm with your email account

The 2 tix for parents are complimentary. I think we need to pay for extra tix if i din remember wrong cos I bought 1 for my mum to go.. even J went... she was staying awake and applauding all morning. Ya, its an annual performance like a year end graduation concert for the K2. But also show case their whole school's concerted effort in putting up a drama... from the youngest playgroup tods to the oldest K2 students. Held at nanyang girls high school. Speaking of which I was quite impressed at how big nanyang girls is... such a nice compound.

Frankly speaking, I do like the school a lot. The teachers, the aunties even the school bus uncle are very nice and approachable. Everyone seemed to know everyone else... the teachers from other classes will say hi to me happily when they see me around in the school.. courtesy lead by example..
I had my first ear piercing done in P3... then I couldn't wear earrings as the school forbid. So the hole closed. Next ear piercing in Sec Sch...

RE: Genting
I went genting when my girl is 2 years old... very worried at first as we are driving there... worried my girl cannot take the ride. On the advice by my colleagues, we set off at night, ard 10pm, so that my girl can sleep in the car... instead of in the morning... The ride was quite smooth... my girl only woke up twice, both at the petrol kiosks.

Initially wanted to take coach... but worried that she might disturb the rest of the passengers.
<font color="aa00aa">poohy:
good to hear that. my friend whose girl is in mmi.. the tix are not complimentary. and she had to give $50 for costumes.
the chinese kids have to give $100 cuz 2 concerts; 2 separate costumes.

i was like "wah!" if i have 2 kids in there, then $200??

good to hear good reviews abt LW.
right now, cant .. too far, but if we do get to move to the west, it will definitely be one of my considerations. in fact some time back, LW had open house and i so wanted to go.. but didnt in the end.. should have gone to feel the vibes ...

we wanted to drive up initially but afraid cuz car is new and all.. scared of thieves ah... hee moreover, all the things are there so no need to drive around. maybe next time round.. or we might go up fraser. </font>
Tigger! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel like banging my head against the wall. My memory is sooooo bad now. i was just tellg hubb last wk tt today i have a date with myself for the HK musical with Leslie and Danny's songs. i JUST recalled the musical is today and i just MISSED it. i bought the ticket but i 4got to go! Can u believe it?? Too many things happened recently to Isaac, maybe tt's why. Angry!
ears piercing
PSI, U'R so persistent to have CHeryl's ears pierced !

I wanted to bring hazel for hers but my hubby and mum object. oh well, I also scared of the trouble of taking care. somemore she loves to tug on her own ears now.

I had my first set of ear holes at k1 then 2n set at 18 yrs old bday- my mum had cold war w me for a few days becos of that and had right ears pierced again at 20 yrs old. used to love filling all my earholes, now only stick to the main 2 after I start work. lian lah. haha but once in a while I'll fill my ears with diamond ears studs. vain leh... but it's amazing that the holes won't close up after so long.

who are you supposed to watch e musical with? y never remind u?
<font color="ff0000">Ming,</font>
Oh dear, so wasted. Can feel your heartpain!

<font color="aa00aa">Angel / Twinklets,</font>
Sorry... can't make it to the Xmas party. Last minute there is a family function.
mummies who have those toy storage bin..is it good? can put a lot of toys or not? will get dusty? crystal's toys overflow to the sofa and bed liao..
..where can get hah?
<font color="0000ff">Ming,</font>
Oh dear! I will bang too if I forgot. My colleague was telling me last fri that she is going to the musical... and I thought of you cos you mentioned that you will be going.

Dun be upset ok? HUGS!

I sent u invite to my blog liao
Dun worry abt not going for the open houses, just call them and I am sure they will be glad to see you around the compound. Or u meet me up one of the days I bring u around lol


alamak.. wat a BIG waste!!! I wanted to go to the concert too... its prob going to be real nice listening to those songs again by the 2 artistes. If I am u, I will also "tui" myself to death ..lol


Hmm can try using big toyogo boxes that has lid. If there is no lid, easier to get dusty. I uses the thomas train rack which I dun really like.... cos the kids dun put things back in the same bin and I keep sorting them out like mad. I also use the trofast system from ikea... not bad lah but the capacity limited by each of their bins.
<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>
Is ok, Im updating the Xmas list now.

<font color="ff0000">Christmas Party </font>
<font color="119911">Date: 2 December 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm [ session last from 1.5 2 hrs, any additional Hour will be charged aro $15 ]
Location: McDonalds Kallang
Cost: $7 per toddler, baby is free </font>

<font color="119911"> Gift Exchange will be exchange within the Toddler & Baby Circle.
For Mummies with 1 Tod & 1 BB, youll exchange with Toddlers & Babies - buy 1 Toddler Gift & 1 BB Gift will do.
For Mummies with 1 Toddler - 1 Toddler Gift will do.
Gift Amount : $10 - $15 (unisex) </font>

1. Angeline (1 tod n 1 bb)
2. Poohy (2 tod)
3. sweatcorn (1 tod n 1 bb)
4. batman (2 tod)
5. tigger (1 tod n 1 bb)
6. Carla (1 tod)
7. Serrich (1 tod n 1 bb)
8. Crystalmum (1 tod)
9. twinklets (1 tod)
10. poshies (1 tod)
11. hoho03 (1 tod)
12. dingmummy (1 tod)
13. Meow (1 Todd, 1 BB)
14. San (1 tod)
15. zyp (1 tod , 1 bb)
16. ming (1 tod)
17. Ariella (1 tod)

Total: 19 Toddlers, 6 babies

just saw your comment abt my patience level as I read back the posting... (had not follow for a while)... hmm I think I lose my top rank liao ... at times I will also shout at S. Especially these days I often feel giddy or have a headache, and he will be throwing tantrum in car, I will ignore him or he beat/bully J, I will shout at him out of anxiety lol
But I will quickly move on to explaining to him and sayang him too lah.. cos he give those really pitiful dejected depressed look and bend his head down when I shout at him.
