(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB


I feel for you. Thyler is the same way.

I really hate the way the teachers ostracize him cos of his dramatic movements. I know he is active. But I certainly feel that active doesn't equate mischief lor. He doesn't hurt anyone, he doesn't spoil anything, his intention is just to play. Unlike some kid sit one corner for nothing take things and poke people...I feel that the childcare dunno how to appropriately handle Thyler and channel his enormous amount of energy towards something more constructive.

And the parents worse. complain non stop. When thyler fight with a girl cos she scratch him on the face, the mother complain lor.. say got bruise lah, got mark la. I told her kids are kids.. I don't work in the childcare so how can i ensure they dun fight? And she say 3rd time liao lor! And i told her.. when your daughter scratches my son til bleed or hit did i say anything? I dun, cos i feel that kids are kids. But the mother keep telling the girl to stay away from thyler la thyler notti lah until the girl herself paranoid. The cc teacher say even thyler sit next to her nothing she also say "thyler beat me" dun you all think the parents are to blame more than the kids? They are the ones who teach their kids to 'lie' in a bid to 'protect' themselves. They are the ones who out of protectiveness for the child sow seeds of paranoia and teach their kids to bear grudges. So instead of a clear mind the kid is influenced by the parent that this fella is bad therefore i complain against him whenever i can. So unnecessary and I feel it taints the child's judgment and create a self fulfilling prophecy. This over protectiveness really impedes the child's social development lor. And what i mention is only 1 example of it.

Sorry everyone for the long lor sor rant.. But i really cannot take it. If you dun allow your kids to learn and try and make mistakes, how can you blame you kids when they are older and still dun understand? Eg. If you dun allow your kids to learn to say feed themselves cos o the mess it may create, dun blame them when they cannot feed themsleves properly even at primary 1 right? hiaz.

<font color="0000ff">wenthena</font>
I guess in SG is like that. Being loud, or active = notti. Coz teacher finds it tough to control. Tt's why singaporeans are doers, not thinkers. Teacher tell u do what, do what, don't question, don't argue.

That's why HB insisted that Valerie have an overseas teritiary education in future. He want her to be outspoken and not be just another quiet worker.

Val looks like me meh? Got many pple say looks like her daddy leh :p

Photocopy lor... If i look at your young time pic i would have recognized it as VAl.. not you leh.

Anyway, the long post was a rant. I am very frustrated. that's all
Actually..I also SUPER protective of Sky... esp after I witness how his cousins PLAY with him...
Eg..they are running in circles... then suddenly cousin A will go and bang into mattress that was lift up against the wall... Cousin B, A' liitle brother will follow..and Sky will follow.... so they are taking turn to run and bang into mattress........
Then they continue to run... then for NO REASON.. Cousin A will push Sky until he fall... Cousin B will follow... then next thing u know... the 2 brothers KEEP ON pushing Sky to fall whenever he got up... How can i not be gan cheong???
If they decide to use something and hit my boi...

And they took the fax machine phone off the cord...when question.. they gang up..and say is the on who took it off..I was there to witness everything lor.....

U are protective but not overly protective lah. It is normal as a mummy to be protective over our kids. I din mean to say protective is bad la, I mean over protective is bad. like trying to guard against something that hasn't happened or trying to intervene when 2 fairly matched kids are having a dispute lor.

In your case, the bullying has occured. And it definitely isn;t fairly matched. firstly 2 against 1. 2ndly they seem older then Sky.

My brother i feel also bully my son. He is so hyper he even jumps on the spot sometimes. Sometimes he 'wrestles' thyler and so unfair. Thyler how big for his age also only 16kg. My brother at 11 year old is at least 40kg (only 6 kg lighter than thyler's mother leh...) and 1.5m tall.

He just sits on thyler when thyler is manipulated into a very awkward feotal position. or he knocks him over non stop when he tries to get up. or Holds his 2 feet and drag him around on his belly. worse part is he doesn't drag him in a straight line so his head sometimes hit things due to the swinging.. or hold thyler's hand and uses thyler's own fist to punch his own face very hard. same thing when i say him, he say it is thyler who started it when i was there to witness the whole thing. so angry sometimes but i guess it gives him a chance to learn to deal with a bully... under my supervision.

talk abt fed up just earlier today thyler sit on the bed my brother use his leg to kick him off. When thyler get back up he kick him off again. few times man.... we just had to separate the 2 lor.

I think your brother is jealous of thyler... perhaps of the attention thyler is getting... Not sure but I have heard of how older kids (10 yrs and above) bully the younger ones due to jealousy.

Think you can speak to your brother and assign him tasks - such as teaching thyler how to count etc... give him something which makes him feel important and appreciated. And praise your brother for his hardwork.. Do something before an accident really happen.
Now U talk abt the pout, I do agree got some similarity on that leh. hhahaa. Anw overrall still look like u lar. Even u now adult liao, I also find her resembles u more.

Ya I really quite worry abt my this nephew. At 22 mths, he still behaves like 1 YO. I really hope my cousin will sorta 'dian xing' & stop being so overly protective towards his son. Really do him more harm than good lor. We are not saying we are perfect parents tat disclipine our kid well lar, but at least we noe when we'll give some confidence to our kid to let them 'venture' out their own lor. Me also not hardworking type, lazy also, lazy to chase her!
But then my gal timid cat when go outside, so always need me to hold her hand 1 when go outside. It is me that always want her to run out of the 'circle' at public. Sighs, Hope by 3 yo, such shyness can outgrow & not become 1 of her personalities.

ya agreed with Carla, I think your bro is jealous of Thyler. Moreover Thyler is so outspoken. Anw kinda agreed with Carla the suggestions also. Sometimes when U handle some tasks to the older kid, he'll feel more important & will try his best to fulfill tat task, he want pple to recognize his work something like that.

I dun think ur case is super protective lar. Your case is things already happening, & time for u to put a stop before some accident may just happen to the kids.

Wat I feel super protective is something of wat my cousin is doing. Keep nagging/reminding his son when he runs & runs, v scare he cannot brake his run & ended in the wall. He's 22 mths old liao & noe how to brake.

Another super protective case is my fren's hb. He's v strict with his boys. Went botanical garden, his son was then 2 YO i think. He had to hold his hands tight & forbid him to run at the gardens, which I went before. Perfectly fine to run. He scare son run liao, fell down etc. Dun dare to let his son come to our hse swimming, cos he scare the chlorine not good for skin etc etc. This is wat I term as "super protective" parents.
My boy Vernon sometimes also been bullied by his K2 classmates. Gal somemore, she likes to bite ppl 1. There's 1 time her mother even called to me to apologise. For me, I still ok cos not so serious and her mummy also knows she has such habit. So don't talk abt young tod, K2 kids also have such prob. Kids are like tat. They have to face problems and shld knw how to tackle prob. I told vernon if whoever bully him, just let the teachers know and the teachers will do something. Tell me also no use, becos I'm not there when something happen.

At home, my 2 kids are the eldest among the 4 cousins. But the 2nd youngest (15 mths old) will still bully the other 3 cousins. My sisters will still discipline them whoever bully ppl. If my sons bully them, I will tell them cannot do tat and why cannot do tat.
abt the kids fighting part, i can understand how u feel. Kaeden has been bitten by 2 of his frens in 4 different occassions in the cc... i've not said anything to the parents or complain to the teacher cos i think its the kids way of handling conflict management... the more we intervent, the worse it gets loh... juz let them be...
Helping Angel to post on the Xmas Party. If I leave out anyone, pls put ur name back again hor.

<font color="ff0000">Christmas Party</font>
<font color="119911">Date: 2 December 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm [ session last from 1.5 2 hrs, any additional Hour will be charged aro $15 ]
Location: McDonalds Kallang </font>
<font color="0000ff">Cost: $7 per toddler, baby is free </font>

<font color="ff6000">Gift Exchange will be exchange within the Toddler & Baby Circle.
For Mummies with 1 Tod & 1 BB, youll exchange with Toddlers & Babies - buy 1 Toddler Gift & 1 BB Gift will do.
For Mummies with 1 Toddler - 1 Toddler Gift will do. </font>

1. Angeline (1 tod n 1 bb)
2. Poohy (2 tod)
3. Caymom (1 tod n 1 bb)
4. sweatcorn (1 tod n 1 bb)
5. batman (2 tod)
6. tigger (1 tod n 1 bb)
7. Carla (1 tod)
8. Serrich (1 tod n 1 bb)
9. Crystalmum (1 tod)
10. twinklets (1 tod)
11. poshies (1 tod)
12. Ariella (1 tod)

Total: 14 toddlers; 5 babies
<font color="0000ff">Morning all..
just completed 1 paper yesterday... 2 more to go..... haiz...

sorry would not be able to join u all on Monday... boss on leave for a week... went for holiday already... plus I would be around on next wed and thur for my 2nd paper.... so don think will be able to take leave on Monday.... u all go again next month.... then i should be able to join u all...

so the christmas present... buy some thing that is unisex rite?</font>
<font color="ff0000">Christmas Party </font>
<font color="119911">Date: 2 December 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm [ session last from 1.5 2 hrs, any additional Hour will be charged aro $15 ]
Location: McDonalds Kallang </font>
<font color="0000ff">Cost: $7 per toddler, baby is free </font>

<font color="ff6000">Gift Exchange will be exchange within the Toddler & Baby Circle.
For Mummies with 1 Tod & 1 BB, youll exchange with Toddlers & Babies - buy 1 Toddler Gift & 1 BB Gift will do.
For Mummies with 1 Toddler - 1 Toddler Gift will do.
Gift Amount : $10 - $15 (unisex) </font>

1. Angeline (1 tod n 1 bb)
2. Poohy (2 tod)
3. Caymom (1 tod n 1 bb)
4. sweatcorn (1 tod n 1 bb)
5. batman (2 tod)
6. tigger (1 tod n 1 bb)
7. Carla (1 tod)
8. Serrich (1 tod n 1 bb)
9. Crystalmum (1 tod)
10. twinklets (1 tod)
11. poshies (1 tod)
12. Ariella (1 tod)

Total: 14 toddlers; 5 babies

just post the amt. yes better be unisex.
Ya both are older than Sky...and are MUCH BIGGER size as well....

But now whenever they play...I try to make sure that I am near him to supervise... if the bullying start...(sky din know he is being bullied) I will drag the screaming Sky out... (he still wants to play)

U should do something abt ur brother leh...
He so old liao... can understand lor....
I manage to find the list of the attendance of Christmas party....

Christmas Party
Date: 2 December 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm [ session last from 1.5 2 hrs, any additional Hour will be charged aro $15 ]
Location: McDonalds Kallang
Cost: $7 per toddler, baby is free

Gift Exchange will be exchange within the Toddler & Baby Circle.
For Mummies with 1 Tod & 1 BB, youll exchange with Toddlers & Babies - buy 1 Toddler Gift & 1 BB Gift will do.
For Mummies with 1 Toddler - 1 Toddler Gift will do.
Gift Amount : $10 - $15 (unisex)

1. Angeline (1 tod n 1 bb)
2. Poohy (2 tod)
3. Caymom (1 tod n 1 bb)
4. sweatcorn (1 tod n 1 bb)
5. batman (2 tod)
6. tigger (1 tod n 1 bb)
7. Carla (1 tod)
8. Serrich (1 tod n 1 bb)
9. Crystalmum (1 tod)
10. twinklets (1 tod)
11. poshies (1 tod)
12. hoho03 (1 tod)
13. dingmummy (1 tod)
14. Meow (1 Todd, 1 BB)
15. valmom (1 tod) - cancel, got wedding lunch
16. San (1 tod)
17. zyp (1 tod , 1 bb)
18. ming (1 tod)

Total: 19 Toddlers, 7 babies
great, thks!

<font color="ff0000">Christmas Party </font>
Date: 2 December 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm [ session last from 1.5 2 hrs, any additional Hour will be charged aro $15 ]
Location: McDonalds Kallang
Cost: $7 per toddler, baby is free

Gift Exchange will be exchange within the Toddler & Baby Circle.
For Mummies with 1 Tod & 1 BB, youll exchange with Toddlers & Babies - buy 1 Toddler Gift & 1 BB Gift will do.
For Mummies with 1 Toddler - 1 Toddler Gift will do.
Gift Amount : $10 - $15 (unisex)

1. Angeline (1 tod n 1 bb)
2. Poohy (2 tod)
3. Caymom (1 tod n 1 bb)
4. sweatcorn (1 tod n 1 bb)
5. batman (2 tod)
6. tigger (1 tod n 1 bb)
7. Carla (1 tod)
8. Serrich (1 tod n 1 bb)
9. Crystalmum (1 tod)
10. twinklets (1 tod)
11. poshies (1 tod)
12. hoho03 (1 tod)
13. dingmummy (1 tod)
14. Meow (1 Todd, 1 BB)
15. San (1 tod)
16. zyp (1 tod , 1 bb)
17. ming (1 tod)
18. Ariella (1 tod)

Total: 20 Toddlers, 7 babies
Carla, Twinks,

My brother is the classic example of how over protective parents (aka my parents! Finally have a boy!!) can have a detrimental effect on a child. He is the one who cries non stop at N1 so my mom decide nevermind N2 then go(cos not good for kid to cry so much and he cried for 3 days they withdraw.).. Then N2 same story, and same thing for K1 and K2.( they kept waiting for him to grow up, but they dun realise that if they dun allow him to, he never will) So he had no education before Primary 1.Everything he do, My mom say there is monster there la, kidnapper there to get him to not dare go too far. So to him, he is full of fear. Til now, my mother go toilet at night he also follow. His studies, another set of prob. He cry, my mom say nvm no need learn spelling, no need do homework. so until now his spelling and ting xie always zero. This year he is pri 5 next year he will be taking PSLE and the school demoted him to EM3 as he got 4 band 4... physical fitness test all also fail cos my mom always stop him from running and playing. Once he start sweating they stop him. Scared he over exert. ok that is his background info...

Now, he IS jealous of Thyler cos everyone keeps saying how smart thyler is. That is why I am grateful for Thyler to go to childcare. Cos there they dun bully him as bad as at home. Tehre when it gets out of hand, teachers intervene. At home even my maid cannot stop my brother from hitting thyler. Even K2 kid, Thyler have a fighting chance. But 11 year old. surely lose. What I want is not for him to bully others but at least fairly match so if they have disputes, he can try to resolve it by himself. And recently, they childcare have been teaching him to verbalize his anger so he have since not hit unless provoked. That was what the teacher told me. Sometimes it is really funny when he tells my brother "Kuku! I am soo upset with you. (then puts his hand at his waist)"

I gave up on my brother. My parents feel that there is nothing wrong. So when i correct him they scold me. I cannot say anything to "hurt his pride". And recently, my father say " you bully your brother like hell!" And what did i do? I just ask him to do homework when he plays his xbox from after school to sleeping time...

no choice he got good backing that feels that everything is ok. Only prob to them is he is poor in his studies..
Ur parents hor.... I really no words can say leh......

Cry a bit then heart pain har....
U should ask my June mummies...If Sky is in the wrong..he can cry all he want..and lagi best..I stood in front of him and watch...( my mum keep scolding me that I am making him whiny... but I TEACHING him he cant use his tears to get anything and everything he wants... the house has rules...that is MY rules... wahahahahahaha..)

Maybe u need to reason out.... he is poor in his studies... So I am trying to ASSIST u all to make it better!!!!

Yea me too stand and let him cry. Dun give in ^5! Cos if you give in then they learn that when cry an get what they want..

My mum ah? give up... They say why can;t i teach him in a nice way? why must scold him.. Well. I started out in a nice way..But he tells me things like "I dun want to do leh..." or "suck my c*ck!" which makes me very fed up.. then i scold him then he tell my mom i make things up... so nvm la.. it will be his life to lead.
aiyo, his bro is really very precious to your parents. Scare when he goes to NS, he can't take it leh. The life over there even worse. I feel it's really over protective lor. This is "hai" not "ai" in Chinese.
alamak.. I also no words to say leh.. -__-"

I'm very glad my Mum is the 1 tat help me bbsit my gal, cos she also those type tat let her cry until sun goes down & she wont chup 1. But hor if my father at hm, sure Ash will go to him 1. Backing mah. keke. For me if I'm alone with Ash, Ash can be so sweet & darling & seldom use cries to threaten me 1 cos she noes I dun believe such tactic. But if MIL or HB aro, die liao.. tears macham like weapon like that..
Kids are smart, they know who to bully and will constantly push their limits.

<font color="0000ff">Wen,</font>
I think in your parents eyes, whatever your bro does is always right.

mummies day out (19/11)
place : candy empire (b1)
time : 1230

So this is the confirmed place and time to meet on next Mon right? Can't wait to meet up.
yes confirm, anything juz sms ok??

for mummies who are joining us for the mummies day out pls pm me if u wan my contact no.

can't wait to see u ladies on monday.
hi mummies,
very tired nowadays, hot tempered also. I'm always screaming and shouting at Zavier when I'm at home. He is such a cheeky boy to manage! I think the load of 2 kids and working is taking a toll on my health.. physical and mentally. Every night I'll feel my chest v tight. Got to remind myself to breathe. What's worse is that my mum is also always complaining that she is very tired and don't feel so well. So what do I do as stress relief? retail therapy! where? no time to do actual shopping so I buy from sprees and BP! Really gone case ah me... but I'm doing my Xmas shopping. But this is only a temporarily method of ventilation. I need to settle this problem fast. Looking forward to moving out of my parents'place and engage a maid to ease my mum's load of housework.

<font color="ff0000">Monday gathering</font>
Sorry I can't make it cos really too much work. You gals enjoy!

<font color="aa00aa">Talking about being protective of own kid</font>
I am one protective mum too. But I am more protective of other people's kids, always got to watch out in case my boy attacks them. Haha... actually he used to go around hitting other kids of his age, or younger ones. Now with his own baby sister, he gets along better with other kids. Probably also due to childcare... I see him playing and talking to his CC friends. I guess he has learn to socialise already.

But once I got quite offended by another mummy.

THere was once I went to fetch him from CC to go home. Just at the door where Zavier and another boy from the CC were taking their own shoes to wear and the boy called out Zavier's name. Then I noticed the boy's mummy kept staring at Zavier. I don't know why she did so but I got quite offended by it. He is only a kid and I didn't see him bully her boy. Maybe the boy complained of Zavier before but it's inevitable among boys mah. Staring at him won't help right? I rather she thrash out any unhappiness with me or bring it up to the teachers. But anyway, it's only one incident. Usually we parents are delighted to see our kids interacting with one another.

<font color="119911">glass bottles for BM storage</font>
Any mummy wants these? I've a big box of bottles, a few caps passed down from Meow.
Does your kids keep repeating their words to get your attention? My gal dun ask why this why that. Always ask...mummy, wat are you doing? Mummy where are we going? All the way on our journey in car....annoying leh

Dun worry, me also very hot temper to Sheryl. I will shout and scream at her too. At least 2 times a day. Like yesterday while making payment, she keep talking and say she want to see then ask what you doing till i go bonkers and can't even hear what the salesperson answer me the question i ask. So i yell at her to keep quiet and dun move around.

I think in terms of good patience, Poohy should be rank top...always keep cool to her 2 kiddo. Right Poohy?
Your gal can speak really well. My hubby and me were super impressed. Sorry yesterday almost totally no response for the cakes. Joeson sick, Anson sticky. Haiz..... hard to even rest.

Thanks for helping me to post! Aiyo, me bad bad organizer
Hi Mummies!

Me give birth already, morning of 15 Nov, just discharged with baby yesterday...

The process is more or less the same except the hours is a bit shorter. Induced at 4pm, first tablet, then do nothing in the labour room until 10pm when the gynae came and inserted the second tablet. Then epidural at 11pm. Cervix still 1cm dilated. Check again at 2am, 2 cm. Check again at 3am, 3 cm. Then I think die lah, like this dunno when then 10 cm.

But the weird thing happened, I heard a "pop" sound, then water gushed out, after that, I felt so painful. I thought KL epidural so lousy, can fell pain one, wasted money like that. So I called the nurse. She checked and my water bag already burst. I asked her to increase the epidural dosage. She did. At 4:20am, still painful, I asked her if she did her job, she called the doctor and they direct insert the full dosage to my spinal. At this point, a little voice told me, he wants to come out before 6am... very weird but its true that I heard him...

5am, I called the nurse again and going to tell her off. She checked my cervix and she was shocked, 9cm already! Baby also down. 5:20am, checked again, fully dilated and baby pushing down. At this time, gynae arrived and they started the pushing process, like Edie's, I too tired and can't really pushed with the epidural, so I told them to go ahead with the vaccumm. Even so, baby also can't come out, so in the end, I got cut... Baby's out slightly before 6am.

In KL, we only need to stay in hospital for one night, some even don't. Me and baby got discharged the day after. The bill came to about RM4900 for everything (I stayed in a single room).

Will post baby's foto later...

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">CONGRATULATIONS!!!!</font></font>

Very nice birth story. You really can feel baby's intention! Rest well gal! Way to go!!!!
such a heartwarming birth story.. you and Wynn so strongly connected.

i tell my boy come out come out he never listen leh, in the end over 40wks, go in for c-section.

u hv company, these few wks me also short tempered. start raising my voice at Shauna. esp when sge whines, super gets on my nerves. So bz in office and when back hm both kids demands my attention. no time for myself at all.. even pangsai or bath my girl will insist come in w me. so really no personal time. maid tell me she bz w bb cannot handle elder one at same time.. but i understand la, i leave her totally w the kids is not ideal too.

Solution to my prob is switch part time.. hope will work out soon. Really hope i can be the one to pick my girl up from CC every afternoon. I enjoy listening and talking to her abt her day at school. i believe if i work late every day and come back, then talk to her.. her excitement for the day already dissolved.. also if she had a bad day, i can be there for her to talk to. Haha my hb say i very kwar zhang, but i really believe leh. it makes a difference if their mummies are there when they come home.

I never check out Dayspring. But i heard good reviews for Bridges montessori at the same area. U can go check out. I got a colleague from compliance dept sends his twin boys to Bridges last time and have raving feedback on the school. And now his boys are top in their classes. not sure got any connection or not.. hee hee. I wanted to send Shauna there too, but her daddy there say the kids look so studious and boring, like robots, so dun want send Shauna there. In the end put to Bright Kids, he say there he sees the kids laughing and screaming and jumping.. tat shld be wat kids shld do.. Duno he trying to save money or wat.. cos Bridges fees is double of BrightKids.. mayb hor?
<font color="aa00aa">fflorence:

Baby Wynn is so so cute!!!

your birth story is amazing! mother's instincts!
take care now.</font>
<font color="ff0000">Florence,</font>
Congrats! Wynn is so adorable.

<font color="aa00aa">ZYP,</font>
After reading your post, I feel less guilty towards cay. I have been very bad tempered lately too. Dunno why she purposely irritate me. We brought her to Mickey Mouse Magic Show today. She only watch the first half hour and started climbing all over the place. I was so upset that I smacked her. She immediately sat still to watch the show. Another mommy peeked at me with disapproving look. But if I dun smack cay, confirmed she will continuing running around and disturb other people. My mom told me why we waste this kind of $.

I think I'm luckier in that my mom is coping very well with my gals. She is definitely more patient than me.
re: losing patience
i'm think i becoming like a mad woman... kept screaming at kaeden until i oso cannot count how many times per day... i'm still trying my best not to scream at shanice... but she's starting to test my patience too... always flipping here n there to reach for things when we change her diaper... sigh...

i wish i could be the one to pick kaeden up from his cc too... sigh... agree with u its impt for us to be there to share their ups n downs... tt's y i told hubby i may not wan to work after kaeden goes p1... wanna be a SAHM to send/pick him from sch, cook n supervise his sch work n take care of shanice... dunno i can cope anot... ahahahaha...

CONGRATS!!! rest well n post more photos of wynn ok??
Congrats Florence......

Not to be too worry about bad temper... i'm another one.... haha Gerald is getting all for me... but I have been trying to give him more time.... but for the next few days.... it will be still me .... and my studies....... hope it end really soon..... don know what to do when i gave birth.... 1 more year to go...... haiz... super super tired... .then weekend hubby down with stomach flu.... anyway our little Gerald is always super glue to me.... haiz......

Gals... enjoy urself hor...... make another one in Dec lah... so I can join lah...
yeah! It's quite frustrated when changing diaper and they kept trying to flip. You can try to thk positively in another way, they're curious, learning more things which it's good for them. Maybe you can try to make it quick lor..or gif them something new to play wif while u re changing diapers.

For me, I always remind myself not to show my temper to them. My 2 kids always quarrel whenever they're attracted to 1 toy. I will calm down and explain to them. Or try to persuade the elder one to let the younger one. We, the parents, are the mirror image to them. If you show temper to them, they will tho that it's ok to show temper. So try to calm urself down b4 talking to them.
Mummies Day Out:
can't wait for afternoon to come

Re: Losing patience
i'm trying very hard to control my temper... guess it will be worse when my 2nd child arrives. One of my colleagues told me that the elder child will misbehave in the 1st 6 mths after the arrival of the 2nd bb. just try to endure the 1st 6 mths and things will be okie
Can I check with you something?
Your both boys interval is 3 or 4 YO?
Does this bigger age gap actually help?
Will #1 still be v jealous when #2 was born?
#1 got more dongshi during tat time?

I agree with wat u say, but sometimes really quite difficult to control during tat spurt moment.. Think 1 really must have good intolerance in temper & patience. Hee I'm still learning now although I only got 1..
Wah... think I can also join a mad woman club...
Sky was whining and keep insisting to go to MIL house whenever we want him to eat and sleep... Oh ya...my MIL is the type..if he dun wan to eat..he dun have to eat... If he dun wan to sleep..he dun have to sleep type..so Sky was typically a KING there... Mil will give in to all his wishes provided he dun whine or cry....
U say can die or not...
Then ytd at my mum place..while dressing him for sleep...he struggle and keep chanting he wants to go Ah ma house... I just lose it... I took out the cane and WHACK as HARD as I could.... and I even tell him..U let me whack 10 times and I bring u to ah ma house...of cos he keep crying but refuse to let me whack further...
Their gap is 4 yo. Yes, it really helps alot as he's alrdy 4 yo. So he's abit more caring n helpful..haha...by now the 2nd one is growing up, so he will snatch things from his gor gor lo. sometimes it will test yr patience esp i'm alone wif 2 terrorists.

Now my elder son will say not fair, when comes to buying things. I will then explain to him and make sure he understand what i have said.
I dun feel irritated when bbcay kept flipping when I change her diaper. I prefer her to explore rather than lay still. Funny hor.

Well, cay only flipped when around 7mths old. Before that, she can lie still while changing diaper, sleep and wake up in the same position. My mom even said this is the best, dun learn to flip. At first I dun feel anything but I realise it is beginning to affect her motor skills. I kinda panick and gave cay a lot of intensive exercise before she finally flip.

I think cay is the kind that will only move if I push her. That's prob why her speech development is so slow as both me and hb dun talk much to her.... and why she is so resistant to try new food as we dun bother to explore her to a great variety of food. I hope bbcay will not be like jiejie so whatever she wants to explore, I let her be.
Mad woman club ah... me already member. hahaha... gone are the days when I was still a demure gentle girl. Now I'm only a screaming auntie with no image to say. Sigh!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Jas</font>
Understand what you mean. I get to fetch Zavier home from CC at least once a week and the most enjoyable part is to hear him sing new song that he learns in CC during the stroll back. It's nice to hear first hand description of his day while his excitement is still there cos usually by the time he reaches home, he'll start misbehaving himself already.

But to become a SAHM... think I'll go mad faster. haha..

<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
Yah Hazel also testing my patience, changing diaper is such a challenge now with her trying to flip over or leaning backwards to tug on her cot panel. She learned to flip at 4mths. Gonna start spanking her butt liao.. but bu she de lah. kekeke

Now she starts to pull her musical mobile liao... means time to keep it away.

Hazel is very greedy, will scream at us if we eat infront of her. She will snatch food from her gor gor liao... Anyway her weight gain slows down already and PD suggested starting her on rice cereal. But she can't sit well... how to feed?

<font color="119911">mummies' day out</font>
Had fun? I am so near yet cannot join... so sad...
<font color="0000ff">zyp,</font>
Yes, we had fun...EATING...kekeke

We basically eat from one place to another. Feel so bloated now.
Hi tigger, wen, angel, ming, sc, carla_lily,
Nice to meet you guys in person and really having nice chat wif you all. I'll really eat till very full and I skip my dinner.
<font color="ff6000">batman,</font>
You skipped dinner? Oh...I had one big bowl of rice for dinner and ice-cream as dessert.

mummies day out
Me too, so near yet cannot join. Wanna join you guys as we have never meet before but too busy with work.
