(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

So end up how to exchange presents?

I'm still waiting for picture leh
Once have i will burn midnight oil to post lor. Hard to do anything with 2kids

You can get the caps from kiddy palace too. 2 sets for $1. I found a way to re-use those metal caps and they didn't turn rusty. Last round i sterilize the metal caps very time, hence it rust. This time round i jus wash and left dry. Before use i will jus dip in hot water for a while then cap in lor. Else i when i buy plastic bottles, i will find those bottles that have the sealing disc and not go for brand.

Sheryl also like that lah...wait lor, we can't rush things out. They're jus not ready bah.

Have anyone of your toddlers can sleep throughout the night without diapers? Sheryl wanted to go without diapers, but can't lah, cos every morning her diaper will be wet one.
i brot my girl for pox jab. No onset of fever. Nowadays alot of pple around me got shingles.. can spread chicken pox to pple/tods who havent got them yet.. so i brot her for the pox jab. Flu jab, i asked the PD he said doesnt prevent normal flu leh its just for those higher strains of flu which they may get if travel. Is it true?

Shauna tall like her daddy. My hb very tall. So Denise know how to kum then swallow ar? is she better? Can trush be contagious? cld it be she got it from sch? Erm. she start sch yet or not?

The wordings on his T is funny. These babies are mini bosses in the hse. they dun sleep we all also dun sleep.

How were the further findings from Isaacs blood tests? ok? Dun worry he will be fine.. *pat pat..

Wah Hazel so fierce one ar.. its like she is saying,"Dun mess with me, I WARN you!" Made me smile when i see the pic. Thanks for sharing!
<font color="aa00aa">jas03:
thanks! so i will let c take her pox jab soon... not sure abt the flu one..but i will check with pd when she goes in for her pox jab..

good lobang!

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You mean she pee in potty but don't poo in potty? Last time denyce at first also scared to sit in the toilet bowl even wz adaptor. I insist to put her there and then, she find nothing wrong so she ok to cont'd. When i first started training, my mum's place she use potty but my place I use adaptor. So she's train in 2 types of style at same time. Before she is toilet train, she also hide corner to poo too. Las wk when she wake up from her nap and still wz diaper, she go hide and try to poo. My mum know her 'pattern' as she did it before so my mum sternly scold her if she poo in the diaper, she will smack her. Then she immediately come out tell my mum she want 'ta bian' and guai guai sit on the potty to finish her biz.

At least yr gal still take after papa's tall gene. My gal short like me. keke. Her thrush is almost healed. I ask her to gargle which she did show me her 'pong' cheeks but not sure really got medicine inside or not. But she very fast open mouth show me the mouth empty. Instructions have to gargle for 30-60secs which I think the most she do it 10sec. Don't think thrush is contagious as PD said can go school.

She is only going for enrichment class 2 times a wk in the nite. However, will be 'schooless' soon as the school will stop the nite class from Jan and i am stoping her by Nov. So now, I will source for N1 for next year or other enrichment. I am waitlisting her on 1 of the church kindy in Hougang and hopefully I can get it. Those wz seats avail, I don't like the school. This i like, but they already full. Sigh. Btw, have u heard of Dayspring in Pungol.
<font color="0000ff">meow/san</font>
Val is still 100% diaper. She refuse to do her biz elsewhere.. dunno how to start. She can now tell us she wants to poo, but getting her to goto toilet or potty is impossible.

I also dunno how. Scared the longer I drag, the more difficult it is her to to use the toilet.

This mother sway chui lor, coz last time I kept saying why my nephew so big liao still wearing diaper, refuse to go toilet, now my turn. My kid also like that.

<font color="0000ff">Valmom</font>
Same like D, Ash also scare of our adult toilets at home initially. She was pee toilet trained on May, only July then she dare to sit on our toilet bowl to pee. She only dare to sit once she dare to pee in her class toilet bowl (adult 1 with adapter too). We din force her to sit adult 1, everything by her pace.

But me worried for Poo, I v scare she'll end up like my gd fren's 5 YO son.. still poo in diapers even at this age, still nego with his Mum tat he'll poo in toilet bowl when reach Pr 1!
I'm really worried mine will be liked tat.
RE: Toilet training
Your child must be ready to be toilet trained. No point forcing.

One of the tips will be having those performance chart. A star will be awarded if she manages to pee / poo in the toilet bowl.
<font color="ff0000">Re: Toilet training</font>
I agree with Carla that the kid must be ready to be toilet trained. We started training cay rather early but she is always not ready. We trained her on and off. Forcing is really no use because there was one time she totally refused training pants and insisted diaper. Once on diaper, she doesn't need to worry about wetting herself. Anyway, we were busy and lazy to train her also. Recently, my mom started training her again and to our surprise, she can tell us when she wants to pee/poo. Now I finally understand why some kids can be toilet trained within a short time. They are probably ready for the training.
Mine is psychological problem, so cant force at all. Can only be patient until she being enlighten. Enlighten by what, I also dunno. Maybe I shd try to poo inside my wedding potty to demo to her hey is all rite to poo here. Keke.
<font color="0000ff">toilet-training</font>
I don't believe in forcing as well. But we have to start somewhere right? I really dunno how to even start if she screams at the sight of the toilet or the potty.

Can't even award 'stars' for it.. how?
My girl is not totally toilet trained yet. She can tell me when she is going to pee... but if she wants to poo, she is more comfortable in her diapers...

Anyway, how i started is to buy her nice nice panties and show it to her... I asked her if she wants to be like her cousins who are all wearing panties... she rejected... one week later, I asked the same question... negative response. I showed her a picture of a girl sitting on the toilet bowl... and asked her of she wants to be like this jie jie... she shaked her head...

However, one day, she came to me and said "BB big girl. like mummy. Wear panty".

That's how I got started.

For the first 2 weeks, I dashed her to the toilet every half an hour (was on block leave then, so got time to do it). However, there are times when I forgot to bring her to the toilet and then realised that it's too late... hahaa...

I slowly stretched the timing to one hour... then now, she can tell me she wants to pee... But poo, she still prefer diaper.

When I'm bringing her out, I will always put on a diaper for her.
the adaptor is the cover that put on toilet bowl in order to suit their little butt not to fall inside the toilet bowl.

btw, the adaptor at my mum's place previously use by my niece very gd. It can be hook onto the cover. So we just need to FLIP up and down to use it accordingly. Not like mine which is those common type, always have to bring up and down and place on the floor beside my toilet bowl. Anybody know where to get this type of adaptor?

you mean if they wearing panty and wanted to poo, they will need you to put on diaper in order to poo? Lucky D last time when i first train her, she will not fail to tell us she wants to poo when in panty as she is self-aware she's not in diaper and scared the poo drop out or whatsoever. Can see her very kan cheong running to us tell she want to 'ta bian'. At first i oso scared she will not used to poo in potty or toilet bowl cos' afraid if she sit, she may not be able to 'gek' her sai out. But lucky she doesn't have such prob. But in the beginning she dare not seat on the toilet bowl (maybe due to the height? they can't touch the floor?), I keep encourage her tell her nothing wrong and i will squat by her side and hold her hand etc. Then, she is more confident to sit and after few times, she can be alone liao. sometime she still close the door and ask me go away and say she tabian chou chou. Then tat time i also tell her you 'tabian' inside toilet bowl, you can see yr 'tabian' and can hear 'pop' sound when yr 'tabian' drop etc and always let her flush the toilet bowl which she luvs to do so.

Hey, seems like all this toilet problem only apply the Gals here hor. Mummies of boys seems nothing to complain leh.
toilet training,
mummy of a boy got nothing to complain cos hv not started training... ahahaha... actually started for 2 days but he dun wan to pee in the toilet bowl so we gave up... same thing at cc... we like caymom, think he's not ready so din force him loh... hehehe... actually we oso lazy lah... ahahahah

My girl will give me that "gek sai" face and refuse to sit on the toilet bowl... so no choice got to put on diaper for her...

My girl got a bad habit... she can "gek sai' for an hour leh... Arrgghh.... but now, she has gastric flu... so nursing her back to health and she is on diaper all the time becos of diarrhea. Hopefully, she will recover soon.
The only adaptor i saw with a flip cover is at Minitoons. I find it very nice but ex! $29.90

I bought a potty that has music to encourage her. Tell her only pee then got music. So she pee and was happy lor. Me too also adapt Carla's method, show the nice strawberry shortcake panty where's she's craze about it now lah
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
My gal is standard now, wake up will poo, ie still with her previous nite diaper. Once take off tat 1, she wont wanna put it back again. Meaning she wont poo again liao.

I also use the same method to her, like she can gek better, hear the pop sound etc etc, she can ok ok tonite, tmr morning will die die wont sit on potty. Today I talked to her in car again, tell her I'll let her eat sushi if she sits on potty to poo, but still she say nope.
San, Sc,

I think Thavis kenna thrush. Liek white white patches in the mouth? Die lah later I bf him pass to MY nipples how? Will be itchy? sian sian sian.


19th nov still on? My wisdom teeth extraction postponed to 20th nov. Sms me okie??

What are the sprees you holding? I wanna buy this bikini from ON let me know if you holding ON spree.
It won't have much feelings. But it's a must to maintain his hygiene. Also, bring him to see PD, they will give him a cream to apply on his trush and very soon, it'll disappear.

The 19th Nov still on. Will sms you!!!!

No ON spree currently. Washed my hands off it liao. Hee
congrats... so fast leh... rest well

19th still on... so u oso scared kenna gossip isit?? ahahaha... u gg to bring thavis??

yah its white patches a bit like ulcer but dun hv blistering lah... bring him c gp oso can... if not serious, give cream apply then will go off in 2 days or so... now must watch his hygiene, dun let him put everything into his mouth... must wash his teether more often...
RE: Mummy's Day out

I have taken half day leave on the 19th Dec... What time are we meeting?

I think I can reach Vivovity by 1.30pm...

Can don't start gossip till i come... waahahahahaaa... don't want to miss out a single thing!!!!
Standard verg gd. D can poo morning, afternoon or nite. haha. If that day go out and she nevr poo in the morning b4 we out, she will definitely poo in the nite after she reach home. She doesn't have the habit to poo outside. Gd for you too that Ash poo morning meaning will poo b4 go out.

depend how serious is the thrush. D spread till the inner throat and her voice turn coarse so she have to swallow/gargle the medicine. Cream cannot cos' we wouldn't be able to apply cream on her throat mah.

Congrats! You pop early too. I remember very well that you got exactly same EDD as my good friend and so happen she pop on 6 Nov, 1 day earlier than you! Both you are 3 wks early right?
Me fren is 1st leh. hehe. So you must ask Elaine lor. But hor, my coll 3rd, she also no early. 39+wk some more leh. wahaha. Splash you cold water. keke.
Congrats Elaine! Same day as my cousin who gave birth at TMC.

Thanks Mummies. Phew... big sigh of relief, Isaac's blood platelets have gone up. So PD says it sld be viral infection. His blood has been sent for many other tests and results will only be out in the next few days.

Heh Carla, it's Nov, dun be too excited.
Ming... haha... yah yah... it's 19th Nov!!! hahaa...

Cos 14 Dec i will be taking leave again... going to Sentosa with my sisters and their children and spending the night there... so exciting abt these trips!!!
I need to go home then check for how many piece. Meanwhile you want to place your nick there and i reserve for you? Else who ever list their wanted coupons, i can't give you liao
Buddy, SC,

Not bringing anyone okie?? I thot mummy's day out.. Babies not allowed? Anyway I coming alone! Heee!!


D's thrush sounds scary.

But how to wash eveyrthing he bites>? He seriously bites everything lor!!


Big Congrats to you! Would have come see you if you din chase me away! lol!
Hi Mummies!

Congrats Elaine! Can't wait to see baby's foto

Hi tigger, happy birthday!

Me still around, don't think will give birth today :p
<font color="0000ff">meowie</font>
Val is using MY computer! hahaha. Just installed her Letterland CD onto my new laptop (*beam*). We have her a dummy mouse so that she can put her hands on it and 'imagine' she is controlling the computer.. HAHAHAHA.

We went to the book warehouse sale (by Times) at Expo yesterday. Bot some more CDroms for her. Haven't install yet. Trying to fix up our old laptop so that she can thrash that rather than my laptop :p.

BUT!!!! Cannot find the ac adaptor for the old laptop!!
I dun have so many laptop or PC, so she cant use my computer lah. Do you know sesame street website have lots of online games for them to play that you dun need to buy? That time let Sheryl played once, after that keep asking me for elmo
<font color="ff0000">Elaine,</font>
Looking forward to seeing pics of Seth.

<font color="aa00aa">Florence,</font>
All the best to your delivery.
<font color="0000ff">Congrats Elaine.......

Happy Birthday Ming and Bloomy....

btw went for my detail scan on last Friday... everything is normal... and most properly is a Girl..... </font>
<font color="ff0000">Congrats Elaine</font>

Sweetcorn, my malcolm also not toilet trained too. He just refused to pee in the toilet. We took out his diaper and keep telling him to tell us when he want to pee....but 2 times in a roll, he will just pee while sitted on the bench.

We tried not to scold him, but only remind him again & again. In the end, he go and take his own diaper and ask me to put on for him.
Not sure when he is ready to go disper free.
hi sc,
don worry lah...
Gerald is toilet training in school...
no diaper in school but at home... insist of diaper if not he will cry

Congras! Hope to see BB Seth's photos here soon.

Congras on having a gal!

Mummies day out:
Wow.. Bo jio ley.. I also want to join u all.. Where are u all gg? Cheong sales arh? I have been so busy since my maid left.. Sigh..

wow now there is craze over leapfrog pdts hor? did u look thru www.voisales.com and www.amazon.com? they also having sale on leapfrog pdts rite? bt nt sure which one gives the best deal..
