(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Yr gal looks tall in that pic.

re: babylegs,
Is it good? i was tempted to buy but don't know buy liao do what leh. Not very cold in SIN so still need to wear meH?

Like what Wen said, UTI is 1 of those symptom. The other time my gal have such 'trick' before but not so often and she had high fever 1s and i suspect UTI and ask PD to check the urine at same time but she was cleared of that. So it wasn't but just her little act.

re: HFMD
Finally brought D to PD last friday and it wasn't HFMD. It's oral thrush. Lucky! But still PD said thrush is common in babies only and those who recently took anti-biotics or steriods or recently fall sick where immunity is low. None of the things listed apply to her. So wonder why she gets it. Hopefully is due to her dirtyness if not, then it will be BIG problem if it keeps coming back again.

Good morning gals! Am on leave today, clearing my extended maternity leave. Had wanted to go shopping but Keane had fever yesterday so gotta bring him to PD later. Fever has subsided but he has not recover from his cough and flu. Sigh...ever since going CC, he has been down with cough and flu twice.

<font color="ff6000">ValC,</font>
You have to ensure that Jared is well hydrated. Keane was hospitalised when he was down with stomach flu last year. He was vomitting and having diarrhea and had to be put on drip as he refused to take anything.
Xavier too. He just recovered from flu last Thurs but yesterday seems come back again. While he was sleeping last night, I can hear tat his nose seems blocking. Aiyo, really hate that!
coincidentally my dear kaeden oso kenna thrush on sun... dunno where he kenna from... almost fainted when i saw the white spots on his lips... i scared he kenna HFMD again leh... this morning pd confirmed its thrush, i felt so relieved... so tomorrow he can go back to sch... hee hee...

cough n flu is common leh.. k has been hving that for a few mths liao... never ok one... like being sick every other week... now oni at night will cough a bit... my pd says some kids takes 1 yr to get used to cc env... he's in cc for 6 mths liao... so tt means i got another 6 mths to go... aarrgghhh...
Its the price to pay for. Why don't you try send him to pre-nursery which is also a 3 hrs class a per day since for you, sending him to CC is not care giver problem but basically to get him out of house for few hrs. Some N1 class will start fr 8.30-11.30 or fr 11+-2+pm. 2 sessions to choose. Not sure will the risk be lower if at school then in CC or still the same.

I was still smsing you. hehe. lucky they never met & kiss if not, you will thought is D pass her the fungus. haha. Btw, did yr PD said y he kena? Like what my PD said? Now, i got some problem giving D the medicine. It should be gargle in her mouth for 30-60sec but she usually just swallow it. How??? D got thrush in her lips, tongue and throat so her voice is abit coarse now like sore throat.
even if meet, wan them to kiss oso not easy leh... ahahahaha... my pd say the same thing abt fungus loh... nowadays he likes to touch all kinds of things so i guess must be one of those things loh... my pd gave cream to apply on the thrush leh, no gargle... wan him to gargle i think very tough... ahahahaha... k oni got a bit on his lips...

poor d, think drink the gargle oso ok right?? hee hee...
becos her case was quite bad so cream cannot work as we couldn't apply it on the inner throat area which there's also white patches. So now she was given this syrup, was advise to gargle awhile first before she can swallow it down. I only read carefully yesterday that she need to gargle. hehe. For abt 2 days, we just let her 'drink' the medicine. No wonder no improvement at all. haha.
Ya, I agree that cough and flu are very common. No choice, have to let him build up his immunity.

The worst thing is he dun like to take medication. Cough and flu meds are still ok, but the fever med taste so bad. If we use force, he will vomit everthing out.

<font color="0000ff">San</font>
I thought pre-N is for 3yrs old? Keane will be promoted to N1 next year. His half day cc starts from 7am to 1pm. We usually bring him there around 9am and fetch him around 11.30am. So basically the hours is about the same as playgroup.
Paging for batman,

Can sms me your baby's name? 91544424. Doing the Christmas thingy now.


I put your gals as Cay and BB Cay ok?
how long was he on feed strike? even b4 the stomache flu he's bn rejecting milk and his usual lunch dinner. for the 9th day now.
N1 starts next year lor. So now already can register and in fact, already started registration since April. If seats avail, fr 1st Jan, can go school loh. You can find those church school or PCF etc to send mah. My place there got 1 church, but not sure do they have kindergarten. If have, you can choose those 8.30 class where you bring him there on way to work. When school end, can let him take bus or yr dad can bring. Or maybe some other church around yr house.
k oso dun like med... oso will vomit when force-fed... always hv to 'tum' him to drink... we always mix all the med into a cup and try to get him drink from the cup... after that reward him wif his fav food e.g. peanut butter... sigh...

u a bit blur leh... the nurse at the clinic never give u instruction ah...

ler ler n k almost the same size liao... last sat we went buffet n hubby was so upset wif them for charging k... ahahaha... now then he realised if take bus/train, k has to pay $$ liao...

at least thavis is 9kg... think shanice is super light weight... oni 7kg+ the most i think... pple console me loh, saying she's a gal so lighter is ok... she's very interested in food n is already eating her brother's porridge... milk intake wise still normal... but dunno y still so light...
hehe, i usually lazy to listen carefully cos' i will read the instruction again mah. But PD got roughly tell me how to feed it so I assume i am giving the right way. haha. I only read how many times per day and the dosage but I miss the additional sentence to 'kum' in the mouth before swallowing.
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
Poor Keane.. Val ok wiht CC actually. Got wet nose & cough lah.. but more to do with her sensitive airway lor.

<font color="119911">'Promotion' to N1</font>
Wa.. like a few kids promoted or promoting liao hor.. I don't think val will be coz teacher hasn't said anything abt promoting her yet :p hahahaha
<font color="0000ff">San,</font>
Keane will continue his half day CC at Carpe Diem next year. Instead of attending the toddler class, he will attend the N1 class.

<font color="ff6000">ValC,</font>
Keane started to reject food as soon as the stomach flu strikes. It was really bad. We even have to force feed him water. No milk as he was having serious diarrhea as well.

Have you tried feeding Jared macaroni? Or those ABC pasta with soup?

<font color="aa00aa">Valmom,</font>
I thought it's a naturally progression to N1 once they turn 3 yr? Meaning will go to N1 in year 2008. No?

How come your K same weight looks so meaty? My thyler is skin and bones leh. maybe your weighing scale spoil? scully he 18kg liao. Thyler take out shirt can see his ribs. They are so heavy now i have problem carrying him for long distance. cannot breathe man..

Thavis is a boy lor.. so why so light i also dunno.. Your S is a girl ok to be light ba.
So many happy kids picture. See already feel happier.... heh Zyp, u gave Hazel's milk birth again or just tt time... bathtub oily oily then Hazel got oily oily? ")

Hai i was v sad leh but now better...

Isaac got some blood streaks in his blood on Sat morning... so we decided to monitor him further but after that seems ok. So today then i brought him to PD. PD at MAH says cld be due to him being allergic to cow's milk thru' my BM or infection. Taken stool sample to test. Initially was just checking on that... Then i also mentioned tt Isaac has some red spots on his feet. Dr suspected low platelets count which is not normal. And indeed so.... 2mor after checking with Haematologist, he'll advise me further. Likely to refer to KK. Likely many more blood tests... boo hoo, think only also feel sad.

Then the "angry" part for me is i bought health insurance for him last mth but due to processing time, only effective 1 Dec. Which means Isaac is not being covered, plus he will not be covered at all in future cos' this will be considered as pre-existing illness. Ok after nursing this tot for a while, i've kinda calm down.

More concerned abt further checks on Isaac and the outcome. Then again to make myself feel better, i just had to console myself tt i have to count my blessings once again. It's not as if some terminal illness, gotto pray and believe that Isaac will be fine. To think this fu qian mummy was still v happy tt Isaac is growing well and already weighing 5.8kg last wk during his 6-in-1 jab and always being concerned abt his face with so many milia. Now there're bigger issues to be concerned abt.
*hug* sorry to hear about didi.. It is due to his G6PD deficiency? He's a good boy, will brave thru the tests. And his weight gain is good!

I haven't given Hazel a second milk bath.. intend to do so this weekend.. keke... bathtub oily but her skin wasn't so oily. hope all the goodness had been absorbed.

Some candid pics to cheer u up a little

Granny Hazel..

Bo liao Zavier clamping his head in the massage chair

"I'm warning u!!! Give me milk or else...
Sad to hear that too...hope Isaac will be well. He's a brave boy.

Have drop you a mail on the towels. See if anyone is keen.

Can choose ah, we got priorty ah.

Nice to eat right? I bought one at $4.90

You haven't tell us who should we buy the gifts for.

Believe or not. its normal face towel
You keen? Your email is office so kanna bounce back.

Anyone who dun receive let Angeline know, she will forward to the rest
<font color="aa00aa">valmom, san:
the leggings are very comfy.. and they are versatile too. i recently bought 2 pairs.. i let c wear when she is at shopping centres where it can get cold. but then, i am vain as i dressed her up in shorts then the leggings! haha

have you brought your darlings for their chicken pox jab? any fever after that? i am thinking of getting the flu jab for c before she starts class next yr
but am wondering how effective is the flu jab.. i know its not a foolproof thing but do hope to minimize the occurance.

hazel is so cute!!! chubby chubby!! hee

<font color="ff0000">Re : Christmas Party!!!</font>

Mothers whom had signed up for the party this coming 2nd December, I'd planned for the gift exchange!

But wanna you all decide and tell me. Majority vote wins!

1) I randomly pick and alphabet for you, and let you know who should you buy for?

2) You pick the alphabet tagged along with one of the baby's name. I tell you whom you'd picked.

Voting starts now!
<font color="0000ff">Ming</font>
Sorry to hear abt that.. everything will be fine, ok? *pat pat*

<font color="ff6000">Angeline</font>
Got the parcel already, thks!

Knowing whom to buy now for exchanging Pressie quite difficult leh, especially when that day comes, scully the kid I pick din come due to sick or watsoever, wont it be disappointing? Same if for the Mummy whom pick Ashley then din turn up due to her kid sick or watsoever, then my gal will be disappointed big time leh. Why not those tat come just buy pressie & we just let the kids sit all in 1 big round circle. Play some music, stop then tat pressie will be for whoever kid tat land on the laps or something?
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
Hmm.. dunno leh.. We never check with teacher. We quite 'bo-chap' lah.. coz as long as she is happy in school, whatever grade doesnt really matter :p She is making progress in her speech that's for sure. Maybe that's the way she talks bah.. like singing like that. hahaha

<font color="119911">Krazy</font>
u r tempting me man! Flu jab is not fool-proof one. That's why every half year will have new jab. One for northen hemisphere, one for southern hemisphere. In any case, they do recommend aged & young to take. Adults no need unless travelling.

<font color="aa00aa">meowie</font>
HA?!?! TOWEL! OMG.. pple nowadays veri creative huh?
<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
I got ur email liao, wow big order leh.. can hit meh?? If I got these, I bu sher der to use the towel cos all so sweet design lor. keke.

<font color="0000ff">Valmom</font>
Confirm Val will be promoted to N1 next year 1 lar. They go by the age 1. Unless the CC combine both todders & N1 together to teach.I came across 1 CC which I visited, they combine Toddlers & N1 together to teach. So with their structure, no promotion to another level. So guess all depends the CC structure also.
Gd morn mummies,

Can i check with those who deliver in KKH, where can i buy those plastic caps for the milk glass bottles? Or anywhere else can i buy them?
Promote to N1
Yes, agree with Twinklets. Usually the CC goes by the age. For my CC, Tod and N1 will have a slightly different timetable and also slight different in school fees. Which means next year I will pay slightly lesser and somemore my elder son will go to Pri 1, so I will just pay for 1 kid liao...

wow, the towel really looks nice n real..saw the BP but I din buy lah.

Sad to hear tat, hope everything is alright.

I like the last pix. Really looks so fierce leh. What actually happen while you took tat pix?
<font color="ff0000">Angeline,</font>
Yes, you can use the name.
Actually I share the same thots as Twinklets. Kids may fall sick or something crops up at the last minute.

<font color="aa00aa">Ming,</font>
Sorry to hear about Issac. Hope that he is fine.
<font color="aa00aa">Zyp</font>
Hazel is definitely a mini replica of your Mum, really v alike! hee I really enjoy seeing her grouchy look, v cute lor.

<font color="ff0000">Evelyn</font>
You have pop already? Share pic? I remember some1 mention Kiddy Palace got sell tat plastic caps. Maybe u can call & ask first.
<font color="aa00aa">Shaper Joke</font>
Yesterday I got my shaper, then the box is a pig rite? So anw Ash wanna wear when I took the shaper out. Then I ask her "are you a pig?"
Ash reply "Nope".
So I say "Only fat pig will wear this OK"

Sorry , no offense gals ok? Just a way to prevent her from wearing it. keke.
u funny leh... next time u wear then she saw then how??

the caps can be bought at mt alvernia hospital's pharamcy... 1 for 50 cents i think...

thanks for the effort, i'm fine wif any methods... twinklets oso has her point leh... but musical chair means must go many rounds leh... so i guess we juz each buy a pressie for exchange then do lucky dip on that day loh... think oso may means the pressie the bb got may not be suitable for their age cos we got tods n bbs... aarrgghhh... unless we wanna separate tods n bb luck dip... so much admin... faint...
<font color="ff6000">Sc</font>
Ya think lucky dip also fine.. me just quote suggest 1 method.. keke.. I think we'll peng san if we got musical chair leh ..

Well if next time she sees me wear, then I'll say "Mummy is big fat big mah, see my piggish tummy???!" kekeke. which is correct mah.

Not yet, at 30 weeks but want to prepare ahead, last time don't know use all the rusty metal caps, now plan to get the plastic ones in advance. Actually i have been reading all the threads here but as usual silent reader lor. Will let u know when pop, hehe.

So how have u been? u privatise Ash blog?
Ha ha ha,
I holding too many sprees now to think properly.

Love your idea! But then, we have different age range lei. What if babies get toddler's stuff? Or babies one musical chair, represented by daddies and mummies. Toddlers one musical chair. Confirm Joeson will make either me or hubby represent him. He's so SHY!!!!

Re : Towel Order
All to email me ah! Don't forget.
<font color="119911">Evelyn</font>
Dun b silent reader leh, post abit else here can be too quiet like a ghost town. =P

Ya privatized cos see too many mummies pte ltd theirs, so I follow as well.

U wanna access? U may PM me your email address to me..

Ok do keep us update. How's ur gal? Went school yet?

<font color="ff0000">Angeline</font>
Actually I din mean musical chair, I mean just sit 1 round big circle. Btw I just anyhow quote 1 example first lar..
Hmm there's tods & bbs which can be quite tough to exchange the gifts.
How abt we just exchange gifts for the tods? Then the bbs can do their own gift exchange? Mummies with single child
Can choose to give those bbs Xmas gift if they want? Maybe like that will be more easier??

Me just suggest only, no need to follow. If majority prefer go ahead to buy first, I'm OK with it also. Just hope all Mummies will turn up lar.

Btw, the whole session is only 1.5 hr? Are we having any program after that???????

Joeson is very shy? My Ash also leh.
hope all's well for Isaac!

so have u started on the massage shaper? any effect?

Galaxy learning system
Mummies, any of you heard/own this learning system, it comprises of CD rom n books (64 books). They hv English n Chinese version. I'm very keen on the chinese one, but 1 set cost almost $900, promo price. Very tempted leh.., but so ex

the link is here: http://www.raffles-edu.com/
<font color="ff6000">sweetbabe</font>
Not yet, ttc now, so cant use. Me just keep first. U din order?

Never hear before leh. & i'm too lazy to teach my gal on this also. I think I'll let her CC to teach her most of her stuffs next time. kekekeke..
Thanks i hope he will be also. Can't get PD yet, still waiting for him to call.

Meow, i want the plastic tumblers! 4got to tell u.

Angel, budget anything, go w majority. i agree with Twinklets on the gift exchange, buy generic kids gift and see on the spot who gets what in case of no-show.

Evelyn, MAH's pharmacy got sell.. pack of 10 for ard $6-7, can't exactly remember. Got diff. colours, blue, orange, purple etc. i can get for u if u need help. Just PM or msg me. How many do u need? i have some extras if u just need a couple.
sweatcorn, ming

Thanks for the info. i planning to get 10 pcs, is it a standard size for all glass milk bottles, if yes, i may drop by to get it.


will pm my email add to u later. My girl arh, have already enrol her for playgp next jan, hope the teachers can toilet train her, no luck so far. Wow u finally decide to TTC, gd luck & hope to hear ur gd news very soon...
<font color="aa00aa">Ming,</font>
*HUGS* I am sure Isaac will be fine.

<font color="ff6000">Angel,</font>
Budget around $10-$15 is fine. I am bringing both kids so need to prepare 2 gifts right?
<font color="ff6000">Evelyn</font>
Thanks! I send u an msn.

hee time for u to get excited at Jan next year. Toilet train really is a sian thing. I also dun have luck in persuading my gal to poo in potty/toilet bowl.
I am sure is it just a 'cold shave'. Everything will be fine.

Btw, you can bring Ash out w/o diaper? I still can't leh. D just REFUSE to pee outside. Even at home, if i insist don't put the adaptor, she is afraid to sit on the toilet bowl no matter how I assure her that she will not drop inside the hole. There are times I bring her short distance to neighbourhood market w/o diaper, I ask her to pee inside drain or grass, she also cannot do it. Then there's a few times when i bring her out to shopping, i ask her pee toilet, she too refuse and ask me to carry her pee on basin instead. So now, everytime i bring her out, will definitely put diaper to save myself trouble and frustration to negotiate wz her where to pee. I think she is afraid of the toilet outside plus abit 'jie pi' leh. There are times when she wants to pee, she just refuse and rather 'ren' all the way for me to bring her home to pee. She will tell me 'want to shh shh mummy's toilet'. When she see the toilet outside (no matter is squat or toilet bowl), she just REFUSED it. Think becos its dirty etc so she just doesn't like. My hb blame me say 'same pattern' as me lor cos' I very scared of dirty toilet too and would rather not go.
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
Initially she can pee outside toilet. But once I tried putting the toilet seat paper cover, she got frightened by it. So now refuse to pee outside liao. So now most of the times we put her on diapers, except short trips. Very frustrated hor?? Ash always refused & said no pee, & kept saying "pa pa". Seriously dunno why after tat incident she so scare of outside toilet bowl liao.

<font color="0000ff">San/Twinklets</font>
They r only afraid of outside toilet. Val see toilet only scared. Now still refuse to goto toilet to pee or poo. But nowadays she'll hide one corner to poo and then when changing diaper she damn scared gena her butt so will raise up her bum one.

I've tried potty (which she'll happily sit when not peeing) as well as those 'adapator' for normal toilet. She seemed esp scared of the toilet bowl.. so maybe have to think of some ingenious way to teach her to do biz in the potty.

Sigh.. can tell us she want to poo also makes no difference.. still poo into diaper leh.
