(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

The massage shaper, yours you wear from where to where? Normally, I cover my tummy slightly only. So that It will not roll up cos of the hips. I was taught by my friend to wear it that way so as not to over stretch the shaper.

Hmm... Agenda ah. Sure worth the leave la..... We go lunch, then gossip, then go shopping, buy some items for our kiddos.... then gossip while shopping. Good right?!!!

Shanice really cheeky. I find her very sunshiny lei.....

morning all....
wow Jarel already 4 month plus already......

Re Childcare...
Gerald was down with flu and cougn on wedneday... so evening, my mother bot him to see doc. ... as i'm having class on wed n thu...
then yesterday morning i call my mother had check whether how is Gerald doing... know what happen....

Gerald pick up the phone.... he recognise my voice.... then he told me Gerald is waiting for mummmy to come and send him to school.... haha

now that boy want to go to school already.....
<font color="0000ff">angelneo</font>
Ur hse so far.. tmrw we are going to the medium my SIL frequents to ask why.. Sigh

<font color="aa00aa">Jas</font>
She dun nap in CC (coz half day). I guess so far can only say it's at home only lor.

<font color="119911">poshies</font>
Hahaha.. gerald so clever
Yesterday when i bring D to school, teacher check her and found some ulcers on her lower lips. She suspect HFMD and ask me bring her home. I didn't even notice there's ulcer in her mouth before that cos' everything as usual. Can this be HFMD? Now also don't know should I bring her to PD or not.
Haha the Bumbo kids are back... so cute... Sweatcorn, heh heh Shanice is so cheeky. Who's a better kid, Shanice or Kae?

Isaac is naughty, always groaning and moaning like a little old man. Then sometimes when cry for milk, will reject the milk and then machaim like kana choke on the milk like tt even when hungry and drinking slowly. Aiyoh... SC, this is for you:

Tigger dun worry. Isa goes to sch and haha Isaac can stay with my maid. i think my maid is doing a good job, better than me. Heh.

Not sure leh, maybe? Sch usually err on the safe side ba... bring her to see doctor lor. Since her appetite etc still normal, at least tt's a big consolation.

Alamak Valmom forgot to say... Isa last nite also kept crying and a bit pek chek... heh contagious? Wake up cry out loud for a few min, stop then 1-2 hrs later, repeat, then repeat.
both as notti... so both as headache... hey isaac looks like isa leh... he's socute wif all the expression... oso very chubby leh...

better bring her c pd... if the ulcer are small ones then most prob hmfd... my pd says ulcers caused by hmfd r usually small n different from the normal ulcers... u must inform the sch if confirm hmfd...
<font color="aa00aa">Angel,</font>
Are we going to gossip during our day out? kekeke, gossip about who and what?

<font color="ff6000">ming,</font>
Glad to know that your maid is doing a good job. My dad commented that my maid dotes on Kayla more than Keane. I can't tell the difference. Does your maid show favouritsm?
We gossip about Valmom, about San... and possible Zyp. Cos she still considering whether to come with us or not mah. Muahahahahaha..... Ming coming or not ah?! Not coming, we gossip. Best of all.... gossip Wen. Cos she openly say she's not coming liao.

Agree, bring her to see PD fast. No joke ah.

aiyo.... cute cute isaac... Hmm... now your turn to enjoy the symphony of orchestra by your babies?!
Maybe cos' Kayla is a little baby and needs more love. More vulnerable and since ur maid sld be spending more time with Kay so seems to love her more? Heh... my maid ok la, both also love and patient. No favouritism (yet).

Angel, i'm coming so u can't gossip abt me, ha ha ha.... yar yar when both cry for attention 2gether, ha ha dunno who to spend more time with.

Let me see if i can complete my work... got very tight deadline. if I can, I will join for sure...

Thinking of joining you ladies at around 1pm then go for spa at 4pm...
if u dun come then kenna gossip leh... ahahaha... wah preggie can still go spa meh?? very xiang shou leh u...

come to think abt it, i think i've not met u in person b4 leh...
The lady over at the spa mentioned that they have pre-natal massage... feel like going there to relax leh... hahah.. and saving the rest of my package to go during my maternity leave....

Yah hor... have not met you in person leh... Hmm... high chances I will take half day lah... hopefully I can complete my report on time.
hope to c u then... mi now oso rushing my work... everyday got that 'die liao, cannot finish liao' feeling... damn sian...

C is also attending B.K.! I think yours is at blk 192 right? I kept having the impression that L.V is better but becos of the distance, we bobian, have to put C in B.K... cos only this centre has vacancies for half day.. C is enrolled in the 9-12pm slot at 192, blocks 175 and 173 don't really accept those half-day ones...

Agree with SC, Issac looks like Isa! and so chubby!
my girl attends full day at 173. hey mayb next time got combined excursion we can go together!

din realised always spell zyp .. u notice never tell me? u good life.. spa..

Isaac sooo.. cute! cant make out wat his t shirt says..

San, bring her to PD just to be safe..

posh, Gerald so clever. looks like he beginning to enjoy school.
Am i too late to post into Bumbo BBs? Here's Darryl

Hey today i went shopping and bought this tumbler at$7
. Mummies keen in this for your kid? They have 5 colours on the tumblers (pink, orange, green, blue and yellow) if i didn't recall wrongly. The animals on top are mixture of (cow, pig, chick, panda, bear, horse, fox....) too many, can't remember all. More info will come later when i receive more photos on it. The person haven't send me their picture....I'm intending to print...This mug belongs to _________ so everyone jus past their name stickers lah


They even have those cake towels too, but next batch wont be those in the BP liao. Anyway, their price is not cheap lah...

Oh yeah, here's D and S with the pumpkin!!
Oh the price of the tumbler will be around $4. But the down side is can't choose design lah. So much cheaper than what i bought
hi mummies
may i know if your 2005 kid is still taking milk? my son, jared, born may05, is on a milk strike. he's gone on milk strikes b4 but never this bad. i'm afraid that this may be IT. that he has weaned himself off milk. gasp! he has bn refusing all of his 3 milk feeds from the bottle for the past 5 days entirely(wun even take a sip). i'm freaking out. help!... it's not like his appetite for solids is fantastic and milk supplements his diet well. but now...

when is it ok to stop drinking milk?

you also from the apr07 thread right? And your doctor also Dr Chew??

I dunno if i am any bit accurate or not lah.. But from what i know, it is alright to stop milk after the age of 2. and if you give milk, it is time to start on low fat milk. After 2 years of age, the development of the brain isn't like what is was from in utero til 2 years of age. however, that said, it is still beneficial to supplement them with milk all the way to 7 years old especially if the kids are picky eaters.

My elder son also drinks very little milk now. Like 3 times max. So i would just play by his cue. If he would to not want anymore, i just stop lor.
i jus sent you a msg on facebook. i'm qt freaked out about this. about giving them lowfat milk... really? i thought all the formula types were made full fat cos they are for growing kids. i feel he needs his milk cos he is a picky eater.

he used to take milk 3x a day. when he wakes up, after his nap, and b4 he sleeps. but now... nothing at all. i'm really scared. aiyo i dunno why both my babies must give me feeding problems.
I read thru a few forums.. those ang mohs ones they claim that their paed say whole full fat milk til age 2, then 2-5 years old switch to 2% fat milk, then after 5 years old change to non fat milk.

If that is the guideline, I guess if your boy stop there will not be issues. But like you said he picky eater so i guess you have to try to introduce him mroe calcium and protein rich foods if he really quit milk totally.
<font color="aa00aa">Jas,</font>
Haha I'm already very used to u calling me 'zpt' leh... can continue lah, it's unique between u and me *wink*. hahaha

massage shaper ah... good recommendation by our dear Angel lor.. I've been faithfully wearing it everyday except weekends.. keke.. hope to see some result soon. I think the spree closed liao.. http://www.payeasy.com.tw/ECShop/ProductDetail.jsp?pidnum=179255
just last week, saw a BP going at a cheaper price leh... now I can't find it...

<font color="ff6000">Angel,</font>
Why gossip abt me? Me not that interesting to discuss abt lah... keke...
but on a more serious tone hor, this mth is my company yr end so will be quite busy with work lor. Will try to see if I can take the half day off. I'm quite desperate for a chill out session as well.

The shaper I wear from below bra to hips lor. But since it always rolls up now, I dun pull it to cover my hips now. But got alot of loose material, think I over-stretched it liao.

<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
Mani/Pedi is a great idea! My hands and feet have been long neglected by me...

I love Shanice's dimples!

Hazel's not that chubby leh... she's still drinking very little milk. 125ml or lesser every 3hrly. This little girl is so kpo and talkative that she cannot concentrate on drinking milk.

<font color="119911">San,</font>
Have you taken Denyce to see PD already? HFMD is no joke... hope her's not.

<font color="aa00aa">ming,</font>
Isaac has Isa's cheeky look! I like! kekeke...

Nah show u, Hazel in her first milk bath

I very stingy with my EBM... only used about 750ml. The smell wasn't so bad but it made the floor and her bathtub very oily!

<font color="0000ff">Meow,</font>
The tumbler doesn't look very sturdy hor? Zavier likes to throw his things around, I'm afraid this may crack very soon...

<font color="ff0000">ValC,</font>
Zavier is opposite. He is like a milk addict, always asking for milk-milk every now and then. Often at night, he'll have 240ml of milk every 2hrs for at least 2x before he sleeps. I think probably cos I mixed with EBM which is not so filling for him.

How about giving Jared cheese to supplement? It's a good source of calcium right?

Big Bumbo Baby

Drink so much milk also no use... he's so skinny now that his thighs that used to get stuck in the Bumbo can fit loosely already.
Hmm.... I go ask my friend again how come yours like that. Till now I don't face such problem lei.

Anyone and everyone is a good target of gossipping mah. If I'm not there, gossip about me also can. Muahahahaha.... Recently I got so stressed out at work, Boss told me to give myself a break. So I'll be going on a 1 week leave. Then stretch to the 19th. Just right.

Joeson also drinks 3 times a day only. And he's well and healthy.... But not as tall as your boy lei. Why ah?

You are here too! Don't fret. If only my boy had such good solid food appetite as yours, I won't even bother if he wants milk or not. Calcium can be substituted elsewhere, like Tofu. As well as Ikan Bilis. For Omega, feed your boy fish lor. The rest of the vitamins ah, veges and fruits. No worries. If your boy is eating like my boy, Rice with egg and tofu ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY, then you should worry. *wink wink*
if u bring in the tumbler i want to get. do anything to entice my girl drink more water..

Darryl handsome boy! there was some negative news on the bumbo yesterday... dun put our babies in it too long.

aiyo making conscious effort to spell correct ar! my older one also like the bumbo.. like zavier..

u mix the 750ml EBM with the water in the tub? after bathe hv to rinse off or not? i understand wat u mean when u say stingy.. me will be stingy with my EBM too.
My gal is the opposite. Every night before she sleeps we gave her 240ml. But once she finish, she ask for more, and we gave her another 120ml and she can finish all. Early morning she will also take another 180mls.

Its made of plastic lor, can't compare to those muchkin or other brands lah. So you keen? I'm still waiting for them to send me the photos leh.

Hey my gal also like to sit in bumbo jus that i didn't take a photo. She even want to sit in the walker too!!!

MQO is 50pcs leh..you think can make it? I was thinking of order 50pcs, then let you gals have priority to choose what you gals want, the rest i will sell away in the forum lor.
my boy doesn't have a good appetite i'm afraid. he doesn't eat solid solid food. we have to puree everything like soup for him. that's the only way he'll eat. even then sometimes he will have moods and reject it. feeding time is usually v stressful for us. we still periodically offer him table food. but he will either say i dun want or take and spit out.

my son also likes the bumbo and stroller and exersaucer now. like they've been suddenly revived.
mummies ah..SOS..that gal is driving me crazy..no wonder my mum wanna 'quit' looking after her even she is at childcare till 5pm daily...haiii...

She is now toilet training...kept asking to go toilet or pee in the potty..of cos happy if she 'urgent' but is like every either second..as in the moment she has her shorts/panties on..the next moment she wld say she wanna pee and took them off again..this can go up to 10 times in a series!!!!! no wonder my mum say she cant take it and ask me to send her to part-time nanny! i dont blame her lor..i oso almost wanna struggle my gal..arghh..
or izit i am impatient or wat..is this normal for kids going thru toilet traning? or she is jz plain 'trying to be funny' or any way to stop her? any advice???
valc - tat time my gal refuse her FM at childcare..i gave her those packet milk instead and she drinks..what milk u giving your kid? maybe you wanna to change the brand or to a different kind?

toking abt milk..those 6 in a pack kind of magnolia fresh cream milk..ok to drink everyday or not hah?
My boy same like yours. He will ask for a 2nd round of milk, so in total he drank abt 8 to 9 oz. So frightening le. I have to repenish his milk fast somemore now Dumex change to new formula. Need to ask for sample soon.
heh, my boy also likes to sit on walker le. My mum so scare tat he will spoil the walker becos my sis's boy still need it.
hi mummies,

Actually how big is big size for toddler this age?

Thyler at 30mths was abt 98cm tall and 15kg.

I cannot get him to stand straight. So dunno accurate or not. But i think recently he grew cos he is walking around the jacuzzi pool by himself with his head above the water. and the pool is 0.8m deep.

Thavis at 7mth is 9kg and 73cm tall. What a dwarf compared to Thyler... Everybody keeps telling me he looks 3 mths.. I still bf... very demoralising leh.

<font color="ff0000">Meow,</font> <font color="0000ff">Zyp,</font>

thyler too.. When he sleeps at night he can take 240ml and then ask for 1 more bottle and finish. But morning he will take only abt 120ml no matter how much i make and afternoon the cc give him 180ml. He normally finish at cc. If he at home say sat and sun he dun even take the afternoon one. Sometimes he even skip the morning milk.. So i think i will just play by ear.. If he dun want milk anymore, I'll just stop.

<font color="119911">Valc,</font>

I think puree everything then easy to digest leh. Thyler and my younger Thavis is the complete opposite. They really hate pureed food. Anything too watery they reject. When thyler was 1 year old we bought those steamed corned for him and he loved it so much he ate the whole cup and half of my hubby's... Then when he pooed, the corn came back out the other side still intact and recognizable. Very bad digestion leh like tt..

<font color="aa00aa">Crystalmum,</font>

I got no luck to make Thyler wanna pee in toilet bowl at home though he can do it in childcare. These few days, he dun wanna pee in toilet bowl but he dun wanna wear diapers too... so end up floor wet, bed wet everywhere wet. REally hate it. Soemtimes i also tired though he goes to childcare til abt 6pm everyday and reach home at abt 7pm.

But do you think she may have a mild case of UTI??
Cos UTI got the urge but no pee everytime. Maybe feed her some cranberry juice see how>?
<font color="0077aa">Zyp,</font>

I wanna get french manicure. I think look so classy!!!

<font color="ff6000">Jas,</font>

Your girl wearing the legging very nice. Where you got it from?? How much? I saw BP was liek $19 for 1 pair!! So ex. I wanna buy for Thavis too. The pants that I have constricts his tummy, making him regurgitate milk. So many leggings are the solution to this prob??
i give him half gainIQ half pediasure. i tried giving him the nesquick and the doremon one(strawberry yogurt drink) he didn't want. and he's not eating his lunch and dinner either. he eats a little only after alot of coaxing. he's now become skin and bones. he was sick for a while which explained his lack of appetite but he doesn't seem sick anymore but he's still not eating. i'm really freaking out with worry.

mebbe i shld have exposed him to more food when he was younger. i was qt particular abt salt and sugar at that time b4 he turned 1. now he doesn't want to eat anything.
<font color="ff0000">Angel,</font>
Your boss so good to allow u to go on stretch leave... take the chance to have a good rest then! I'll see whether I can take leave and let you know when it's nearer the date!

<font color="aa00aa">Jas,</font>
Shauna is a pretty little girl now! I only remember her as a baby.. keke

I don't wash Hazel with soap or rinse with water after the milk bath... wash away the oil very wasted leh...

<font color="119911">meow,</font>
Yes, I want to get a tumbler if you are getting the bulk.

<font color="ff6000">wen,</font>
Frech mani is very nice indeed... I couldn't keep my nail polish on for v long cos I do alot of washing.. always kena chipped easily... wasted leh.

hey Hazel has a pair of leggings too and Zavier has worn it for fun before

I find it too tight for Hazel's thighs leh... But very easy and convenient to put them on. Much nicer than wearing long pants.
Here's the only pic I have with her wearing it.

How much the leggings?? The color so sweet.

Yea man French mani is sooo sui! I dun really like the funkier sparkly and lil picture drawing on nail. Like a bit hard to match lah. My nails chip too I wear gloves to do washing.. Otherwise not only my nail chip, my skin like peeling very ugly. the only prob is now Thyler also like to wear my gloves!!


I seldom check my facebook. It's too complicated for me to use. Hin ah. Everyday got people throw sheep at me and poke me. headache.

Thyler also fell sick recently. Normal to lose weight la. give him a while he'll be better la. His teachers all tell me he skin and bones too. So what can I do? Encourage him to eat more and I also tellhim he dun later he get gastric how? then must go hospital and see doctor and maybe have medicine to take and then mummy must pay bill then no money to buy him dinosaurs... tell Thyler that he surely faster eat. wahahah. Me bad mummy.. scare him and confuse him.
Leggings i bot from the bp, 16.50/pair or 48/3 pairs if i dun rem wrongly.

yah i luf the leggings very much. both Jarel and Shauna can also use. esp if its too warm to wear long pants, but scared go aircon environment will b too cold. thigh sides also abit tight.. i let them wear lower down.

i will prob buy mayb 3 or 4.. hee hee not 50. mayb u bring in now, may be able to sell more since pple can buy as cheap xmas gifts.

crystal thrilled with using the potty ar. keep wanting to go potty. try the star system if go potty got wee wee give star sticker.. mayb after some time she will get it. i see it more as a good start than a bad thing. toilet training needs lots of patience.. hang in there! i also struggling with it. try catch u on msn tonight..

Anyone give yr tods fresh milk daily now?
i jus brought jared to see the dr today. cos he started vomitting yesterday. he lost 1kg. he's now a miserable 10.6kg. some babies 6mths are about the weight already.

will he really eat faster if you tell him that? so good. with jared it's v hard to negotioate with him when it comes to food. no means no. if force he will kick scream the house down. with other things it's easier to reason with him.
wen - no idea if is mild uti but will observe further..

valc - is he ok now? wat did dr say..u got ask dr about his eating? wat is he eating for lunch and dinner? my gal got a period suddenly dont eat porridge..give her rice she will eat..maybe he change his 'taste' too?

jas - crystal dont like fresh milk leh..
I got some photos of the things they sell, i'm asking if they have others. We can either get it for x'mas gift or as their birthday goodies if not too ex. Will share what i collage here....all are towels.

I've seen the real cake(w box one) and the one below it. The cake one not so nice, the below one nicer. Some others i see are swiss roll and the second pix on left. The one i bought is the centre piece vanila flavour one.

forget to add, as for collection will be at our christmas gathering hor.
So what did the doctor say? Sheryl also have fever today, for no reasons. Will observe too lor.

Thavis so cute!!

Darryl also have the legging. 2 pairs to be precise. Bought it at $8 per pair, not authentic ones but is fine with me. Sheryl also very hiao, took and wear then after taking photo took out liao. She dun like these kind of stockings. I agree that its good for use when they dun wear pants but jus rompers.
Hi Crystalmum,
I think ur girl is trying out what if i do this, then what happen.... u need to be patient... i understand myself.....
Gerald is still not toilet train, even though he is one of the oldest here... when i ask him.... he will insist of putting on diaper then his pant.... then he still wan tto choose the diaper.... as he is normally on Petpet in the day and pamper at night but he simply love his pamper one.... faint...

Gerald is love milk.... keep asking for milk milk refuse soild except cake... .fainted...

Re Bumbo...
Gerald sit on bumbo when he have dinner with us... coz this mummy din buy highchair for him....

i don mind getting the tumbler too.... but must choose the design Gerald love.... haiz my boy super choosy... clothes also need to choose...
<font color="ff0000">ZYP,</font>
Zavier looks very big in the Bumbo, he must be very tall. cay also sits in her Bumbo because she refused to let meimei sit. If meimei is not at home, she will not even look at her Bumbo. Wow, Hazel has milk bath. bbcay doesn't have such luxury, I dun have so much milk this time.

I also have the leggings and agree that it is rather tight. cay refused to wear. bbcay din fuss but it looks like "bah zan".

<font color="ff6000">Meow,</font>
cay also likes to sit in her walker these days. So funni. The pix of the cake is making me drool leh. I can't believe they are towels!

<font color="aa00aa">CM,</font>
I think Crystal just needs more time. If kena UTI, should have fever also right?
We took a long time to train cay. We started training her quite early. At one time, she refused to tell us when she needed to pee initially. Subsequently, she kept "crying wolf" like Crystal and made us very bo-eng. My mom punish her so much that she refused to wear training pants at all because she know she will not wet the floor if she has diaper on.

We gave up and delayed the training until the bbcay arrived. But the training wasn't consistent. We stopped on and off too because too bz with bbcay and we kinda feel that she is not ready and dun want to stress her.

Just few weeks ago, my mom decided to be more firm in the training and cay can use the potty within a day or two. We were quite surprised and she now refused to wear diaper but we still let her wear during nap and when we go out for a long time.
<font color="0000ff">meow</font>
Paisei ha.. didn't follow closely, those cakes are real? or toys? Looks so pretty!

<font color="119911">Jas</font>
The leggings comfy ha? I v tempted to purchase but scared too tight for Val so ended up not buying. I wanna let her wear leggings coz she always gena mozzie bites. Hoping that wearing longs will reduce the available surface area.

the dr said it's stomache flu infection. today he's vomiting even more. and still not eating not even cereal. and still no milk. only juice water(plain, refused glucose) and yakult. i checked with dr and she said not more than 1 yakult a day. may have to ward him if he keeps vomiting cos dehydrated, now v lethargic.
