(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Carla</font>
Yes please change if she doesnt show remorse in lying. If she can lie about the photo and still act like she is helping u search, then she is capable of doing anything.

<font color="119911">Angelneo</font>
Dun quote me hor.. It's definitely not cheap lah.. but I know ur Joeson-darling LOVES cars.. so I guess his weakness is yours as well! :p

<font color="aa00aa">San</font>
My hse still using the 2 mats. One on 1st floor, the other one in her room. During the day when she naps, we'll put the mattress on the bumper mat so if she rolls off, there is the mat to cushion her.

For her room, that's the place we sit down and read story books etc before she sleeps. It also acts as a buffer shd she fall off her bed at night. Useful leh :p

Carla, unless your maid is damn good like Angel's one, then u may consider giving her a 2nd chance to have her own up to her mistake. Else, just send her back. Wah lauz, still dare to gei gei pretend. Buay tahan.

Angel, what did you eat?? How come ur 2 handsomes got so much, thick and black hair? Mine v little hair one. Haha.
Got someone told me. Cos I Horny, so babies all hairy. Haiz... what kind of theory???

Whose baby's weakness are not mummy's weakness lei?
<font color="ff6000">Carla,</font>
Your maid can really pretend like nothing happened huhsigh I will surely send her away since she shows no remorse and continue to lie.
Hi mummies,
I want to change... but my hb wanted to give her a second chance... he's being too soft hearted.

Anyway, tonight i will give her a stern warning.
oh dear, ur maid really good actress.
Sighs, ur hb really 1 soft hearted man..

I just send u an sms.
Ur cars mat v nice, but the price lagi nicer!! *Faint!!!!*
carla, she can lie means u cannot trust her liao... observe abit more if still same, better change b4 u due.

angel, i see your mat very tempted. but it is really sooo ex! the pics like 3D popping out.
I really think you should change the maid. We have read so much horror cases in the papers. Not all maids return kindness with gratitude. Even my hb said you should change since the maid can lie so well.

i also advised u to change the maid though u may worry the next one not as 'good'. u can close both eyes for sub-standard work but u can never close eyes for lies because it can mean more trouble in future. Either u lay the cards on the table and told her what u 've found out and get her to admit or if not send her away to protect your family. Heard before 'Kindness to the enemy equates to cruelty to yourself'

as for the black magic thing, don't be fearful. As long as your will is strong, nothing can harm u. just like hypnotism-can only invade those who r weak in the mind.
Hi mummies,

Just an update, I have safely delivered my second boy, Ethan on the 22nd Oct. Here's a picture of him to share


I haven't been able to come on to the forum for long cos I have a very bad rash attack after delivery last Monday, it was disheartening to see my body full of red patches which eventually turned brownish-black. Today only got a chance to see a demetologist, diagnosed that its due to hormonal change and these will disappear in abt 2 months time.. hopefully they don't spread to my face cos at this point, its already been spreaded to shoulders and back area..

To make things worse, my Confinement Lady is undergoing menopause now, she couldn't make it after my hospital discharge and got another CL to stand in. However this standby CL has another assignment to run come 1st week of Nov, and my original CL is not able to make it by then as she was just hospitalised. I only have 2 choices now, to cope on my own and cater for confinement food or to try to engage another CL at this point to stand in for another 2 weeks.. any mummies have good CL to recommend for me to try my luck?? if so, can PM me pls?
Hi blueberry,

Congrats! Ethan looks so cute! Soon it will be my turn...

Too bad on your CL... my case also similar... my two staffs got robbed while going back home last week, then they just took off back to their hometown, refuses to come to work, even to take their salaries. Now my due date is so near and short-staffed, think I cannot affort to do any confinement...

One thing out of consolation, went for my check-up today, baby already turn heads down, so can try for natural birth.
<font color="0000ff">Blueberry,</font>
Congratulations! Hope your rashes will subside soon. I have a fren who delivered in mid Oct is also suffering from bad rashes.

I think it's quite difficult to get good CL as the very last min. My CL is very good but she just started a new assignment. Hope you're able to find one soon. Take care ya.
<font color="aa00aa">Congrats Blueberry! Your boy is handsome.

Sorry to hear about ur rashes. Since it's a hormonal thing, it should subside soon. Anyway confinement stay home, nobody except ur family members can see. :p
<font color="119911">Angel!</font>
Your boys have so much hair! I'm so jealous! Zavier had his 3rd haircut last Sunday and he looks like Forrest Gump now. haha...
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATIONS BLUEBERRY!!!</font>
Your ah boy very handsome. DOn't worry about the rashes. I also had some after birth of Joeson. It'll fade eventually.

Don't jealous.... Think they got my genes. Cos my hair super thick!!!

Buy la, buy la..... very 3D right?! Pops up right?!
<font color="0000ff">Blueberry</font>
Congrats! Handsome boi indeed

<font color="119911">More advice needed</font>
Can i check if ur tods gets very 'pek chek' in their sleep? Val seemed to be having some issues here. Like kicking a fuss when we ask her to bath, or she'll suddenly become very unsettled in her sleep.. crying "I don't want!".. then toss & turn quite violently, seemed v uncontrollable one..

the more u want to sayang her, the more she'll struggle.. so ended up we just watch her toss & turn.. turn to her belly and cover her face etc.. wait for her patiently to calm down herself.. coz the more things we try to do.. the more agitated she becomes, the more she'll scream.

Why ha?
Thanks mummies, i managed to get one CL last night.. luckily my fren's lobang does not happen to have any assignment in Nov.. at least one prob is solved..

My demetologist sounded quite convincing that these will eventually go away in 2 months time.. so I'll just have to be patient and not scratch them..

Florence, good that your little baby has finally turned around before your EDD, you must be excited to see your lil darling.. don't worry abt work, perhaps like me, things will just fall into places somehow eventually..

Zyp, you remember that I have chopped the glass milk bottles from you? actually I don't need them already cos Meow passed me abt 20 over bottles the other day we met, hee, I don't have so much milk to store in over 20 bottles.. so you can pass them on to other mummies who may need them..

Angeline, ya, agree, the boys take after you.. I just realised you really have lotsa of hair.. heehee...
I thank you for the complimentary cream!

This Sat i am nt free.. Are they open on Sun also?? Any idea what's the opening hrs?

U send me the PS e-voucher at [email protected] can? TIA.

Congras!! Your boi is so handsome.

I suppose my ex-maid will only call when she go Batam to work bah.. She did mention that she is gg Batam to work in Dec. And once she settled down, she will call us so that we can go Batam to meet her and at the same time pass her some of her stuff she left here(due to over limit of her luggage)..

Ur maid getting smarter, knows how to get away wf ur qn. My ex-maid always use "dunno" to get away also.. And of crse, like u, i will tell her there are only 3 of us in the house.. Bt no use, cos they will nvr own up their mistakes!! If u cannot tolerate such behaviour, do consider to change. No pt giving so many chances cos they will take advantage of our kind intention and get worst in their behaviour.
Blueberry congrats!! R you the one stay in Punggol too? Hope yr rashes go off soon. Heng its hormonal.

Angel, trying to hai me ar? Really very tempting but see the price frightened off. If buy, cfm hb will pull my ear one.. haha!

Just left my girl at the CC... today is D Day.. so sad. She crying away when i walk away. Told cm my heart broke on the spot. sigh..
Shauna toss and turn and cover her face when trying to sleep too. But its more of being naughty. Talks, sings to herself, turn here turn there, leg kick up in the air. Until i lose my cool bring her out of the room - tell her once she decided to sleep then can come in again. If not she can play outside in the dark herself. Haha sure way of dealing with that cos later she come in will kwai kwai sleep liao.

You can try that.. is that her way of throwing tantrum cos she dun want to zzz?
blueberry! Congrats! At least one headache less with CL settled. Hope your rashes get well soon.

Angel, ha ha now i know why ur kids got so much hair and mine have little. Cos my drive is super low one, haha.

Jas heart pain right, but dun worry just for a while and they will get used. Dun worry.. even until now sometimes when my girl goes to sch from v happy go, step into sch then her composure will change. Anyway gog to sch is good for them and their development.

Florence, so when's your EDD? No leh, must rest leh, dun overwork leh...later backache etc. Cannot get some new staff or temp staff to help out?

Valmom, is it v often or sometimes? i think if sometimes sld be ok ba...Isa can be irritated sometimes also. Maybe she played too much in the day? Or too tired? Sometimes over exertion etc can "hum bien" right?
<font color="0000ff">jas03</font>
Don't think she don't want to sleep (of course at times she'll drag her bedtime). But these 'struggles' happen AFTER she zzz. Like nightmares or something.. which makes her very unsettled. Then she'll scream, cry, struggle etc. Try to comfort her only end up making her more agitated and berserk.

<font color="aa00aa">breadfish</font>
It's almost everyday now. Yesterday I slept with her on the bumper mat coz she suddenly become very angry on her bed.. and as she toss and turn, she fell off the bed (sort of coz she used her legs to break her fall). After that she was on her belly, head over her arms (cross in front of her face). I pushed her a pillow which she at first pushed away.. after that she adjusted her position so that she is resting on her pillow.. and after that.. refuse to go back to her bed...

So I slept next to her on the bumper mat lor. Whole night woke up dunno how many times to see if she is still on the mat.. and if not.. shift her back (which she'll make the pek chek sound). I asked her a few times if she want to go back to her cot, she'll again make those grunted sound and wave me off

Like so meng-zang like that..
valmom, she got wild or excitable activities before her bedtime or not.. wat does she usu do before bedtime? sounds like nightmare but cant be everyday right? how's school for her? teacher say all ok?

just now go downstairs peep peep at her, teacher saw me, wave me off. sigh...
Congrats, i was thinking of you the other day when i thought of kidzloft
Still need anything? Oh yeah, regards to the rash, it is hormone change. Aft i gave birth to Sheryl, i also have very bad rash, mostly on legs and hands even neck. Dun scratch like me hor.

Sheryl happens to be the same as Val. Every night she will cry and wake up didi. Last night she pee on the sofa. Believe its an accident..in the middle of the night she also cry and ask for a hug or be carried. Eventually she will toss and sleep on her belly too.

Kidzloft dun open on suday. You need anything to tompang me? I've also reserve some items too. If need, either you PM me or sms me. PM will take at least half a day to reach me.

Anyone still needs a melody mix? There's one last piece left. Need got to call to reserve liao.
<font color="0000ff">jas03</font>
Got play lah.. but we'll always 'wind-down' at bedtime by reading story book etc. But sometimes she'll create her own game (ie scenes she watch from Wonderpets) etc and laugh lor.

<font color="119911">meowie</font>
HB still suspects she might be seeing things in the hse coz alot of times she'll look beyond us into blank space and look disturb
Hey Ladies, tigger and i are planning to hv a 'mummy's day out' on 19th Nov 2007 (mon). We are gg Vivo city for makan and shopping, mabbe meet at 12pm+. Anyone wanna join us pls add your names here...

Mummy's day out @ vivo on 19/11
1. sweatcorn
2. tigger

Thank you.
not that i dun wan add u lah... wanna double confirm first mah...

btw can sms me how much i owe u can?? dun always give me gifts leh... i'll pai sei one leh... ahahahahaha

Yah, I am the one staying at Punggol, we met long long time ago to collect the blank flash cards from you.. think you remember that liao.. don't worry abt Shauna, my first boy Caden took abt 3 weeks to settle in the palygroup.. he was literally crying for the whole session for almost 3 weeks, till the teachers ta boleh tahan.. but now, when we talked abt school, he's happy..

Thank you for asking, nothing much from Kidzloft already.. think maybe when Ethan gets older, I'll probably have some things to get..
Haha for the 1st time i can join in gai gai-ing... me still on ML mah... mummies day out means no kids right? Heh.... but 19 like v far away...

Mummy's day out @ vivo on 19/11
1. sweatcorn
2. tigger
3. Angeline
4. ming
<font color="0000ff">angelneo</font>
This mommy cannot go gai gai.. but if u ladies care to meet for lunch ard Tg Pagar or Raffles Plc area.. I'm definitely onz!
Mummies!! So long i never post liao!

today thyler just told me he want one more sister and one more brother. Pengz!

<font color="ff0000">San,</font>

your mat collecting dust ah?? nvm gimme lor.. I help you clear space!! ;)

<font color="0000ff">Blueberry!</font>


the rashes take time la. I also had some rash last time but it disappeared without treatment after birth.

<font color="119911">Buddy, SC, Ming Tigger,</font>

Will give it a miss. I having wisdom teeth extraction in 13nov. Doctor estimate will take 10 days to resume normal activity so I think by then i still pufferfish look!!

<font color="ff6000">Buddy,</font>

I agree with wat Ming said with regards to your kiddos' hair!
<font color="ff6000">Angel, ming,</font>
Great! Never have chance to go gai gai with you gals.

ming, who is going to help look after Isa and Isaac when you go gai gai? Your maid?

<font color="aa00aa">Wen,</font>
Depends on the dentist's skill... if he is good, your cheeks may not be so swollen or it may subside within a few days. Join us if you can.
<font color="aa00aa">Angel, ming...</font>
no wonder my kids have little hair too... *sigh

My kids in Bumbo! Dunno why they have the same surprised look...
<font color="ff0000">Mummy's day out @ vivo on 19/11</font>
Near my office... should I take half day off? hmm...
KAOZ KAOZ KAOZ.... Come in and see 3 of you 'suan' me big time.

<font color="ff0000">BUDDY!!!!</font>
You accomplice of them! Thought we should be on the same side?! Don't forget your kiddos also hairy lei. Wan me copy and paste it down?

<font color="0000ff">Ming</font>
You ah you ah you ah.... on the 19th then you know.

<font color="ff6000">Zyp</font>
You too.... Bully me. Make sure you take half day on the 19th. Got a score to settle with you and Ming.

<font color="119911">Valmom</font>
You want to bring Val to the temple at my block here to bai bai?
Zpt, they both hv surprised look cos they go,"eh? i can sit by myself??"

Blueberry, i rem! but wasnt sure that was you.. u work in tamp too right? same! Ethan is a nice name, i like it too!

Valmom... tat sounds scary. In school she nap got like tat too? at home oni ar?

Yes,i used to worked in tamp.. but have shifted to raffles place since Apr this year.. sigh, travelling to work takes a long time now.. btw, which cc did you send shauna to? Learning vision?
<font color="ff0000">Angel,</font>
So fierce! Don't lah... we're future ILs leh.. like that I dun dare to meet up with u leh.. keke...
wat's the agenda of the meetup? I see worth taking leave or not.. wahahahaha~

hey ask u hor, the massage shaper... I wear liao will roll up to my waist leh.. but cannot pull any higher cos my boobs blocking. How har? is my body too short? Headache.

<font color="aa00aa">Jas,</font>
Jarel is so big already! Is he 5mths old already?
Long time never see Shauna.. post her photo with didi for us to see?
both of them do look alike hor... wah hazel so cute, your bm sure very powerful leh... can i pinch her cheeks?? hee hee

so far the agenda is makan, shopping n coffee... mabbe mani/pedi if we wan...

here's a pic of cheeky shanice on gor gor's bumbo...

Learning vision is actually nearest to my place but when i went to check it out.. find it not so good. In the end put her at Brightkids at my mum blk downstairs, also in punggol. Where is Caden going for playgroup? its a few hrs kind right? not full day?

Jarel is 4 mths 1 week.. recently duno y his milk intake is lesser now. But likes to bite things.. cannot be teething so early right? hardly hv any pic of Shauna and Jarel leh. now u mention, i better take more of both together.

What is this body shaper?? got anything can reduce my tummy or not?
