(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Envycan go for short trips. I think it will be another year or so for me to go holiday with my whole family.

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Ok, I shall wait for you to update the birth story in your blog.

<font color="aa00aa">San,</font>
You dun need to have $$$ calling in order to try for #2. I am sure you can manage the expenses with double income.

I did bought the ovalation strips when TTC but never get to use it. Too lazy liao. I just try and try very hard during the fertile period lor.

zyp, Buddy,

OMG!! the sibling pics are sooo cute.. I so far not successful with pic taking the 2 of them leh.. thyler 'carry' didi he love to shake maybe cos he see me always shake.

Why not TTC on the trip itself?> more shiok.. why must wait til come back??


Who is who ah?? they look the same.. at first i thot same baby.. theni read.. I was like alamak!! 2 diff one...

I better check news that day of concert.. incase you make it on the news! ahaha!!
cannot imagine hor??
<font color="0000ff">wen,</font>
Dun scare me leh... I dun think you will see me in the news lah...won't be so drama one. kekeke
the first one is Joeson and the second is Anson correct? Cos Joeson's face more rounded.

Zavier so clever know meimei's name. Sheryl only know calling her didi but not name

The photos are so sweet

Wow go short trip leh....try harder okie? Then you will join the rest of us.
Wow Angel, really like twins... can't tell.

And both really love their little Didi and Meimei, how sweet. : )


On from 1 Aug till 7 Sept! Visit www.srt.com.sg to find out more.

The Little Company is a professional theatre company that produces quality plays for children. Past performances include The Ugly Duckling, The Snow Queen, The Gingerbread Man and I think I Can.

Join us as we bring you Baby Love, back by popular demand since its successful debut in 2003. Directed by Tracie Pang (nominated for Best Director in the Life! Theatre Awards 2006), Baby Love promises to strike a deep resonance with very young children and adults alike.

A new baby arrives and turns life upside down for Harry. Transported from the sublime please of being the constant centre of attention through the scary chaos of change, Harry discovers the pain and delight of becoming a big brother who eventually grows to love his new baby sister.

Heh how timely for those with 2 kids or more or planning... just happened to see this. Anyone int. to bring our little ones for a play by the Singapore Repertory Theatre targetting at our kids? 10% off $18/20. Directed by Adrian Pang's wife, Tracie i think.
you order so many packs of the Jibbitz ah?

your sis wants to get the jibbitz? If yes can tag along to my order.
<font color="aa00aa">mummies:
i finally registered C for class but she can only start next year cuz classes are full till then.

re: jibbitz
i also ordered! hee.. very cheap. C has 4 on her crocs and they each cost $4 plus or more; depending on designs.
they are very nice...
<font color="0000ff">Update on Valerie</font>
She's less resistant by the day (*happy*). Today she only complained but allowed me to dress her in her uniform. Once she changed, she automatically went to get her shoes

On our way to school, she saw the chinese teacher cycling by and smiled.

Today she walked to school herself, sometimes humming along. When she reached school, she walked in herself also. She hasn't said 'bye' to us, but at least will turn around and look at us wave bye to her without crying.

Today she also didn't bring her pacifier to school...


But hor, she don't dare to look at the PIC leh. We bump into him at the lift. She looked down.. dun dare to look up. Once we are in the lift, she looked up and look less 'scared'... wonder why.
Yoz mummies,
I am stealing some time to pop in here, wanna find out how's everyone coping.. :)

Congras on the arrival of ur little princess!

Congras on the arrival of little prince too!

Think u must be anxiously waiting for ur bb to pop rite?!

How's life with ur 2 little princesses? When are u gg back to work?

I have withdrawn Sheri from her twice a week Zoophonics PG leow. She will be attending daily PG at a learning centre near my PILs place. My maid's contract expiring in Sept and we have decided to do w/o maid.. Think life is going to be tougher and every minute is gg to be super precious when i have to handle 2 gals & housework on my own!

Ash is prob tryin to sayang the children bt she cant control her strength and end up pinching the children's cheeks hard?! Sheri also cant control her strength.. She wants to hug Shania bt the way she holds and hugs her is like almost crushing her little sis lor.. Gotto keep reminding her to be gentle and use lesser strength..

Is C attending those PG organised by PAP? I am sending Sheri to church kindi next year too..

Good to hear that Valerie is adapting to school.. Sheri will be attending PG on her own 2 weeks later.. I am crossing my finger that she will cry in class.. Hahaha..
Eee dun wan lar, make me think of Cameron Diaz whom dun have good reputation leh. Hahaha. At least my Ashley Judd has pretty gd reputation in Hollywood. Hahahaha..

Me juz knew how to count the ovulation date lor. Infact today is THE DAY! Muakakakka! But me quite lazy to count lor, I think I may end up juz anyhow do lor, rather than focus the calendar dates.. Think the more u focus on the calendar & ovulation period, the more ull be more stress of not conceiving

I think ZW shd able to recognize Teacher April, think she's juz shy. keke. I miss those BJG days when ZW was the monitor & Ash was the assistant monitor. Haha. So far she has attended Kindermusik & GUG, I think she still enjoyed the most at BJG.

I doubt I can ttc during our trip cos Ash shd be sleeping in the middle of us in bed. Dun ask me why I cant carry her to 1 side.. cos I guess we both will be tired to do anything. Hahaha

So Sheri is starting PG 2 wks later hor? Keke.. think Ull be very excited when the days comes. Btw next year our kid can start kindergarten liao mah??

Ya I spoke to Teacher yday & Teacher told me Ash pinched the gal out of LOVE. I duno whether I wanna laff or cry. The gal tat she pinched was 1 very cute pretty lil gal whom Ash adores a lot (told by the teacher). Ash will hug & kiss her constantly. Hope today no issues from her kajiao-ing other students leh. I dun wan other kids get injured due to my gals overdose passion. I'm pretty stressed due to this liao ler. Geesh.. -__-

I think Sheri will able to adapt fast. Shes always so independent during gathering. Update us by then, k?
Btw is Sheri also a very affectionate gal? Somehow I find Sheri & Ash got some common personalities...
Cameron Diaz is 1 of the beauty leh. Last time i even tot of naming Denyce as Paris. haha. i like the name but not the bitchy Paris Hilton but no doubt she is very pretty.

so yr big aunty is quite regular type which u can count the date ah. good for u lah cos' like that easier to TTC. Another thing is monitor discharge lor. So tonite you be having OT lor? Have a Fun and greAt nite then. keke.

Btw, Wen can teach you how to do even Ash sleep in btw you. She is very expert in such things. Her buddy now super bz if not also can teach you.
Wait no more... tonight you take action lah...

I also miss the BJG days where Ash and ZW will follow each other around the classroom leh...

Re: Jibbitz
What is Jibbitz??? Sorry... me quite mountain-tortoise
ehh i dun like Cameron Diaz, i dun find her beautiful leh. kekeke. heng u dun named Denyce as Paris! Heng ah!! gee!

Ya now my big aunty regular liao. Ok i'll strike soon. hoho.

ya i wait nomore, i'll be a big wolf tonite or tmr nite. hahahaha.

Ya i'm missing alot. But i rem Ash was also a Count Ash last time. hahaha.

Ehh, i also dunno wat's Jibitz..
<font color="aa00aa">serrich:
i signed Cheryl up with Josiah. Its at East Point which is within walking distance to where we live.
I wanted somewhere else but that would mean C would have to take transport.
It will also be more convenient for my in laws as they will be the ones fetching and bringing her to school.</font>
you stay near me mah?? Nope i didn't place her in any PG. Last time jus send her to KM to play only and she loves it so much. When Darryl is slightly older, i may send her back to KM
<font color="0000ff">Update on Valerie</font>
Yeah! Today zero struggle.. not even a complain! When she saw my MIL brot out the uniform, she immediately know that she is to change. Once changed she actually wanted to wear shoes liao but we told her gotta wait a while more for daddy & mommy to finish breakfast.

Next thing my MIL told us she is outside the house waiting for us liao..

She carried her bag and walked all the way to school. When she reached there, she actually did turn around and wave bye bye to us

<font color="ff6000">Valmom,</font>
Wow, you must be very happy then. Good progress. Actually Val is very independant liao. You dun have to worry too much. She seems to be able to adapt to new environment pretty easy.
<font color="0000ff">tigger88</font>
Ya.. so far her adaptability is quite impressive lor.. as long as she enjoys school I'm happy. BUt yesterday nite she vomited big big time. Her lunch didnt get digested.. imagine.. she ate her lunch at 11+ in the morning.. at 9pm+.. she vomited them out... and I can see what she ate..

no wonder she not interested in dinner yesterday nite... but once she vomited she ok liao..

<font color="119911">Mommies using clear plastic milk bottles</font>
Do check the material of these bottles. If they are made of polycarbonate, please change them asap. If possible, change to glass bottle or Bisphenol-A free ones. Or at least change to polypropylene bottles. I'll try to find that article and post here..
Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a hormone-disrupting chemical considered to be potentially harmful to human health and the environment. BPA is most commonly used as the building block of polycarbonate plastic for products such as baby bottles and water bottles, epoxy resins (coatings that line food containers) and white dental sealants. Through animal studies, <u>scientists have linked very low doses of BPA exposure to cancers, impaired immune function, early onset of puberty, obesity, diabetes and hyperactivity amongst other problems.</u>

Currently, many baby bottles in the market are made of polycarbonate. It is well established that BPA leaches from the plastic to the feed of the baby when the bottles are heated, especially if they are scratched or worn. Children, especially unborn and newborn babies are at the greatest risk from such chemicals because an imbalance of hormones can have pronounced effects during their critical stage of development. Unfortunately, many problems do not reveal themselves until much later in life.

Though there is much controversy and debate over the actual danger of Bisphenol-A, many independent studies have shown that there is a cause for concern. As a result of this, there is currently a move towards the use of glass bottles in California.

The concern of the potential dangers of chemicals like Bisphenol-A have also been featured on television on FOX 11 News, CNN, CTV News and CBS. The Australia Network has recently addressed these concerns as well.
Thanks for the article. I've just checked my NUK bottles.. confirmed is Polycarbonate. Any idea what brands carry polypropylene bottles?

Normal Plastic waters bottles selling in Kiddy Palace - most in Polycarbonate materials?

Good Gal Val! Can see u very happy.
Ash has adjusted very well in class. She is the 1 tat pester my father to change clothes when is time to go class. My Mum says she enjoys gog class alot. I'm very happy on this part but very worried on the other part - the pinching part.
Yesterday was told by Teacher she pinched the same gal's cheeks again. Yesterday nite kept emphasizing her not to pinich, gave her all the reasons & I really hope she wont pinch anymore. Today my Hb will go dwn to apologize to the lil' gal's caregiver (hopefully not maid..) cos we both feel so paisay.. cos 3 days in a row..
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
Yup. Pigeon & Avent mainly using polycarbonate. For NUK I'm not sure coz I tried searching for info on the material used, yielded nothing. But on the safe side I'll avoid clear plastic bottles coz those mainly polycarbonate.

Medela breastmilk bottles (the new ones are even bisphenol-A free) & Avent Magic Cups are listed as safer alternatives. I've also found out that Mag Mag cups are polypropylene.. also a safer choice compared to polycarbonate.

As for teats, use silicone and replace when it shows signs of wear & tear.
<font color="aa00aa">valmom:
good to know that valerie is getting on well at the cc.

re: bisphenol a
i came across this article some time back. that was why i changed my avent bottles.
its a good practice to also change the bottles every few months.</font>
Hi mummies,

Congrats Zyp & angeline on your newborn. Envy envy!! Been trying but no good news so decided to take a break and concentrate on moving house.

RE: Childcare.
Cloie been in childcare for awhile already, she still reluctant to follow her new teacher and tend to cry if the teacher she knows well is not available to bring her into the class.

I got a couple of complaints as well on Cloie biting other kids. 1 case is snatching toys another is she get irritated by a older gal who hugs her too much.. :p

Her teacher said its normal for kids to bite each other and snatch toys at this age because still dunno how to share.

Now I am asking her teacher to toilet train her if possible.

RE: Milk bottle

So which brands should I buy? Or just by changing the bottles that Cloie is using every other month?
huh, then change to what milk bottle? milk bottle all is plastic 1 mah. nuk, avent, pigeon, all 3 cannot then what else?
<font color="aa00aa">mummies:
may be you can refer to this.


BornFree feeding products are made from Bisphenol-A free plastic. Most other major baby bottle manufacturers still use Bisphenol-A in their production.

you can get bfree bottles from metro. these bottles come with an inside tube, to prevent colic.</font>
Next year can go nursery or playgp leow.. They call it dou dou class..

I also find Ash & Sheri has some personalities in common. Think both of them are affectionate and loves children. Sheri dotes on her younger siblings and take her elder ones as role models. She learns a lot from her cousin who is 13 mths older. Thou they do have cat fights, she always think of her jie jie. Whenever we go shopping, she will ask to buy another pack of sweets/toys for her cousin. Before we go out, she will also bring her cousin's shoes to let her cousin put on before they go playground tog.. These are some sweet little gestures that tells that she loves her jie jie very much thou she bites her jie jie at times for self defence.. Hahaha..

Btw, i tot of bringing Sheri to farm this/next Sat.. It has been a long time since we last met.. Maybe cab organise a gathering?? Kekeke..

I also miss those good old days when we can get to meet up quite often.. Wanna go farm visit at sungei tengah tog??

Proximity is also main concern when i shortlist the PG to send Sheri to. I am worried that my MIL is nt able to cope cos she still gotto manage another toddler and 2 babies with only help of 1 maid after my maid leaves in Sept..

Congras to Valerie! Finally can attend school happily on her own! We are proud of her..

Re milk bottle:
Wah.. Anyone have a list of the recommended brands then?
<font color="aa00aa">
i got the bottles from metro. the bottles cost like $18-$20 each. get them when metro has sale.

washing can be quite tedious because of the vent but you will get used to it.
i was very amazed when i first got cheryl to use it because there was absolute silence when she suckled. no bubbles too!

was considering baby's inc but very far. then mmi at tampines mart .. but also must take transport. so no choice, end up at josiah lor.
i was shocked that classes are all full till next year. so scared that she wont get a space if i register at a later date. cant imagine, its only july and no space till next year.

for you, even more to take note of cuz you have new born. will you be employing another?</font>

thanks gals for telling us. NUK is confirm using polycarbonate, confirmed in 1 of NUK websites. Ok think I'll look aro the Medela new ones. I juz bot a Dora new water bottle for her leh.. :S I think those material like Polycarbonate hor? Any idea gals? those straw water bottles?

Ya I think both very affectionate types. Too affectionate we also headache..
Ash also adores my younger sis & her 5 YO cousin very much. She likes them so much, so tend to hug them too tight, then will also pinch them or pull their hair as well.. Have been telling her for donkey mths liao, but still she behaves the same lor. Just hope now pass 2 YO liao, she'll b less 'violent' .. We also come to a conclusion tat she'll behave such ways only to pple that she likes ALOT.

Which farm? I feel like gog botanical garden on Sat Evening leh. Wanna join? Long time din go there liao..
wow so ex!!!

I try to train my gal to drink milk from cup, but she smells the milk & she dislike it.
Cham liao, dunno she'll take how long to wean off from tat.

Must be Chloe v cute tat's why the Older kid hug her so tight. Tat older kid sound like my gal lor. HAHAHA.
<font color="aa00aa">twinklets:
if i can remember from what i read, most if not, all clear plastic bottles have this Bisphenol-A thingy.

the amount present in baby bottles, however are not of an alarming quantity. the advice is to change bottles regularly. esp once bottles look "worn"</font>
btw u Krazy huh? U change nick? *blur* :p

Ok my Dora straw bottle is not those clear 1, it is like translucent type.
I think I'll just change bottle regularly lor. Anw now my new hobby is buy water bottles.
<font color="aa00aa">
yes, psi aka krazy. ya lor. change nick lor. but cuz we have been corresponding in this forum forever.. hee... guess
easier for you all to continue to call me krazy.

hee.. another reason to go shopping!</font>

Yar Im also staying at yew tee area, blk 500+. I have been to ur plc once to collect the flash cards but din get to see u at dat time. Feel that my gal is not learning much with e maid so tot of starting her on PG so asking ard, so who takes care of ur gal in e day?
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
Got got.. just that my boss on MC (suspected dengue.. 3rd in my area alone...) so kinda garang gabok.. Will transfer to u later.

<font color="aa00aa">Krazy</font>
But I heard Bfree bottles got a smell.. is that true? A friend of mine just bot.. and she also said got a smell..

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
Aprica also using Bfree bottle.. u can try Aprica also.

Ya. Another way is to change bottle regularly and not to put HOT water into the bottle. U can milk the milk using other cups and then transfer into the Avent/NUk/Pigeon bottle after it cool down.

<font color="119911">Ariella!!!</font>
Haven't 'seen' u for a while!
alamak, i sms u not chase u payment. only asking if you ok to post the order to me instead since i 'major shareholder'. hehe.
<font color="0000ff">Valmom,</font>
If we sterilise the bottles, will that equate to putting HOT water into the bottles??

Anyway, I feel that as long as we change the bottles regularly, it shd be safe. We all grow up using plastic bottles and so far so good. I have used bfree before but Keane doesnt like so I stick to NUK.
Hi mummies! Long time no post...

Finally the news on the bottles reached Singapore... So far that I knew, only MAM and the new B-Free Plus bottles were safe. They were equally expensive. But the test a bit bias lor, 4 hours in hot 80C water and then test for toxic levels... I mean who really sterilize their bottles for such a long time, unless those using the Avent IQ 24 Sterilizer?!
Milk bottles

Die lah Bfree soo ex.. $18-20 per bottle is like daylight robbery! And i pump ebm for Thavis surely need to heat up here and there.. Now I'm very worried!!!
Anyone knows cheaper alternatives to these besides glass bottles?

I think mine is the avent IQ sterilisr but it just sterilise and if dun open the cover, it stays sterilised for 3 hours.. but it doesn't continually steam up for so long lah..
<font color="aa00aa">valmom:
smell? err... cheryl's bottles are okay. i make sure they are aired and dried properly.i will take out all the removable parts and let them dry out completely.
once, i left the cover on (capped with the teat) while they were wet and in the evening, yes, i did smell a funny smell but after i wash and completely dry out all the parts, no more smell.

really must take note cuz the washing can be really tedious. there are many parts to remove and wash. but after a while, will be like second nature lah.

the 280ml is usually $18 plus. while the 300ml one is $20 plus.</font>
