(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Hee, lucky you sstill remember the Barney. Was thinking if the mail got lost somewhere..

Justyn was like Sherilyn too, very strong hugs for his sister and hitting his sister after a few sayangs. The hitting part was gone after 1 mthK *phew*. But his hugs are still very strong, can crush her rib bones I think.. hahahaha

Work harder lar.. drink something to keep both of you awake at night..

Kids @ Childcare,
Any of you had problems with your little tods falling sick at childcare? Justyn is out of childcare since 1 mth ago. MIL was so against that idea cos he had been sick for the 3 mths that he is thereK Now he only attends GUG twice a week but is enrolled into pre-nursery next yr.

Anyone heard of I can Read?

Read somewhere that glass bottles arent good for storing breastmilk. Why would it be good for milk bottles than polycarbonate ones?

Find Madela breastmilk bottles turns sticky and yellowish after a few mthsK very yucky feeling leh..

How have you been? Long time no seeKworking or full time mom?

<font color="ff6000">SC and sweetbabe</font>
so I'm not alone! Keke... Zavier had fever the first day he took the BM... my mum tot it's too heaty due to the confinement food I took. But after that no problem liao. Afterall it's only about a feed of BM each day for him... I think shdn't have much problem bah.. better than wasting the freshness of the milk.

<font color="aa00aa">tsp</font>
Zavier also getting rough with mei mei. He wants to sayang her but dunno how to control strength, so we got to keep a close watch around them.

He keeps falling sick at childcare too. He only attended about 3 weeks of CC during the first mth. He's in his 3rd mth already, still has cough and runny nose every now and then. Think got to let the immune system get used to it lor.
tsp - crystal just 2nd mth at cc already sick 2nd time oso..first time is 2nd week..then she skip cc for 1.5 weeks..after 1 or 2 weeks later..kanna running nose again..haii..tink is part of cc..come in a package ah!

you toking abt the chinese flash 'card' books izit..i got the first set only...

valmum - really envy you leh..val so guai one..crystal hor..still crying away..only last 2 days my mum say she go pick her she din cry..if not once she see my mum go pick her..she will burst into tears lor..tink tears of happiness haha..tink i will jz moniter for another mth or so..if she still like tat cry and cry..maybe she is really not ready yet..haiii
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
She took becoz her sniffy nose & cough like perpertually never recover one. Tried Zytec liao still like that. So one point in time she taking both then her condition better. Once we stopped the singlair start again.

<font color="119911">tsp</font>
Glass bottle are the best in storing breatmilk coz it's not porous. So risk of contamination v low (of course unless u didnt screw cap properly lah). I read before sometimes they dun wanna use glass bottle coz break easily and if it does all the EBM cannot salvage. And becoz the glass is not porous, the 'components' in the breastmilk will not stick onto the bottle.. thus glass is best for storing.

<font color="ff0000">tsp/zyp/crystalmum</font>
Is it becoz the CC is v crowded?

The one Valerie goes is not crowded so I think situation is better.

<font color="aa00aa">crystalmum</font>
Valerie guai?!?!? U shd hear her scream man.. hahaha. It's her character lah.. she's quite adaptable.. maybe coz we bring her everywhere so she has seen alot of 'shi-mian'? hahahaha

In any case, Valerie L-O-V-E-S crowd, so the more pple the merrier... I think she enjoys CC coz many friends to play w her bah..
don't think zavier's cc is crowded. but it's air conditioned though, probably higher tendency to catch a cold.
<font color="0000ff">SP,</font>
Kekeke, Dun worry...I still remember the Barney CDs.

<font color="ff6000">Ming,</font>
tell your hb not to miss Jacky's concert. It is really really fantastic. He is soooooo good! All my frens who went says it's $ well spent. I even ran to the front to take video and photos.

I would love to watch the last show if I have some spare cash.
<font color="aa00aa">tsp:
my 4-coming-to 5 yr old god daughter attends classes at I Can Read. So far, she enjoys the lesson. She learns phonics there.
i can find out more. seeing her later.
Hello mummies!

Hi Carla, me okay with ordering from the supplier but the mummies have to pay for the courier fee lor. To save cost, can collect from the train station, KTM courier cheaper.

Re CC and sick child, I'm going to stop Edie from attending the CC. To fall sick is one thing, but I think she picks up lots of bad habits from the CC, her best frens are two boys there. Now, I have just found a home teaching for her, its from an ex-teacher. She interviewed and agreed to take Edie. So I will be sending her there for half a day to learn how to write, read and a bit of potty train.
zyp - i finally hear crystal sing! she was singing 'are you sleeping are you sleeping..' a song i have not taught her before..keke..finally! then i sing 'morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing' she went 'ding dong bell'..
first time hear her sing leh..haha..
<font color="ff6000">Flo,</font>
What kind of bad habits did Edie pick up from her cc? Don't the teachers help to correct them?

The home teaching is like a home-based playgroup?

<font color="aa00aa">crystalmum,</font>
Very cute hor? It's v rewarding to hear them sing songs they learn from CC. Zavier was going "jingle bells, jingle bells... oh what fun... blah blah blah" last night. Xmas still so far his CC already teaching Xmas song. Keke....
<font color="0000ff">crystalmum/zyp</font>
Valerie also singing (altho not very accurate lah).. yesterday she took out some of my hubby's golf tees.. line them up on the sofa and starting "hapi bday to u hapi bday to u, hapi bday hapi bday, hapi bday to u" and clap!!!

Hahaha.. Altho all the words very vague.. but from her action & the tune can tell it's a happy birthday song..

so funny..
<font color="aa00aa">Tigger!!</font>
How come you still ran to the front?? slowly walk leh. your hubby know he heartattack ah!

SC, Buddy,

Here's my attempt to take a pic of thyler carrying Thavis. When i took, thyler was singing "rock a bye baby" Then when i took 2 shots, he threw thavis down on the padded mat(thank goodness for the padded part!)cos the song went "when the wind blows the cradle will drop!"
Rock a bye baby:

Pic of the monster brothers!
Hello mummies!

Hi zyp, Edie screamed and hit us. Very rude and kept saying "Bu Yau", we never teach her Chinese and she watches only English cartoons, where she learned it then?

The teachers have so many children to take care of and Edie have always been good, so I think they don't bother.

The home teaching is a small playgroup, three children including Edie, so the teacher will do one to one teaching. The teacher was a ex-Kindergarden teacher now retires. She also do tuition for other Kindergarden going ex-students. But those students will come in after their classes in the Kindergarden.

Hopefully she will learn something out of this... If not, I think I will have to open my own child care cum Kindergarden...
Zavier should outgrow that. Needs lots of coaching too. Dont deny him the experience of sayanging mei mei otherwise he will get jealous.


Justyn didnt really recover from his flu/coughs in the first 2 months. Had to stop him from classes for good whole 2 weeks. When he gets back to CC for 2 days, the virus got back again. Thereafter, we withdrew him from CC totally, was literally throwing money away cos he was throwing up food after each meal and passing virus to mei mei.

Talking about bad habits, he picked a few up too. By digging his nose and putting his finger into mouth. Flipping over unfinished cups. The best good thing he picked up was to feed himself.

There were only 8 toddlers in the class. Perhaps the airconditioned place makes the spread of virus worse.

Not sure about flashcards. Heard that their classes are good for kids who start early. By the time they enter school, they can read very well.

Btw, did the fisher price sale happened at all?
Thavis is so cute! Esp the first pic with the serious look. Did he enjoy the water?

isit becos Edie's good frens are boys?

Good idea! U can open a CC beside ur shop. hee....

Yah need to teach him slowly. He tends to sayang with gentle strokes at the beginning then suddenly the strength increase. Always catch us off guard.

Just now he kissed mei mei on the cheek and left 2 red marks... wondered if he sucked v hard or bit her... but she din cry... weird.
Thavis is sooo cute!! He got curly hair!! Looks eurasian leh

u still here ah?? Mei mei veri gd, let u go thro yr idol's concert. Must be u keep telling her how gd he is until she also wan to stay inside & listen to him...pop out no chance liao
me so heartpain today..crystal got bitten by a boi in the class..not upset with the boi but is upset abt the bruises on her face..almost kanna the eye..haiii

valmom - hehe val so creative one..line up golf tee and sing happy bday..keke..

tsp - paisey..jz realise is enrichment centre u toking about..cos i happen to walk pass the centre..tink is phonics related kind of classes..suppose to let your kid know how to read after tat..but saw it says 2.5yrs and above leh..

crystal oso pick up some bad habits leh..haii..headache..she now will put all her fingers into her mouth, do the flipping of the bowls, anyhow throw stuff and start wanting to wear her own pampers! argh..of cos neber once successful..
Tigger: Counting down now? Now all set to welcome Kayla liao after seeing Jacky? He's good... but my hubby's eyes can't see well, so it was kinda torturing for him. Haha...u had a better deal, urs ended ard 12 midnight? Sat ended ard 11.40pm. Yest. my friend said it ended ard 11.30pm.

Alamak crystamum, so poor thing. Why did the boy bite her? Too friendly? Isabelle also kana bitten, not by pple but by lotsa mozzies in sch when they went outdoor! Dengue thehy still let them go outdoor and claimed got put insect repellent somemore. Poor thing.

Wow, Thavis's already got his 1st dip in the pool!

Valmom! Seems like Val picks up quite a lot on her verbal skills too! i also realised she can sing a bit nowadays (sometimes cannot understand lah) and can say Wo Shi Lin Shi En. (i'm Lin Shi En). So interesting tt they all like the birthday song, heh.

Zyp... how're u lately with your 2 little bundles? ")
Zavier got scratched on the face by a girl in his class before lor. And his teacher just told us that he has become more agressive, will push his peer if the child tries to snatch his toys. Sounds like self-defence to me. I guess it happens...

Last night he was digging his nose and 'spread' his mucus all over the sofa. Kena spanked on the arm by me. cried big time... when I asked him wat he did wrong, he didn't know that was not right to do.

So far so good! Sleep deprived due to midnight feeds and express sessions.
I think it's tough to have a no. 3... now with 2 already not enough time. I would really like to spend more time with Zavier but he's in CC during the day, when he's around in the evening, he likes to disturb mei mei, by the time I'm free, he's almost sleeping already. We all need awhile to adjust...
Thavis so cute can walk in water liao

yeah its that tough hor? Everyday i feel so tired thou i've stop expressing in the night already. Well the flow has been very little so might as well i can stop liao.

Here's a photo taken last night of Darryl wearing his new jacket i bought in JB. Well its the smallest i can find liao. So hard to get s jacket for boys as compare to girls.

wow your Thavis indeed v eurasian look. Btw u let him swim in romper, u not scare he kana cold huh? Think is better for u to get a proper swimming trunk or wetsuit for him leh..

woo glad to see u bk in forum. Have some updated pics of ur darling leh. I wanna see ur pretty gal. keke.

No lar, we wont pop pills to make ourselve more energetic lar. haha u ah..

This pic Darryl more look like Jie Jie liao. I think they got same eyes.

Very heartpain hor?
We all got our own kinda stress.. Me stress if Ash pinch other frens, urs stress cos u scare the same boy will bite her again.. arrghh..

Singing songs :
Hee Ash noe quite a # of songs liao. Now if we give her a 'theme', like sing abt Playground, she'll sing the whole song Playground with the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Lil' Star. She even sing song "pi gu" (aka Backside) *Faint!*
Yah quite tough... think got to slowly get used to it. If Hazel is cooperative enough and skip midnight feed, I will sleep throughout the night and skip mn pumping also. Haha...

Agree with twinklets that Darryl has his jie jie's eyes!

So cute hor!
Zavier also will anyhow sing to the tune of twinkle twinkle little stars. Haha... like composing his own lyrics. if he good mood then we can hear the actual or chinese version or ABC. otherwise he'll be reciting the few tang poems that he knows.
<font color="ff6000">Elaine,</font>
Yes, I am still here. Started my week 39 yesterday. Still no action yet. Yes, Kayla is good and listen to mummy. She allows me to enjoy the concert thoroughly.

<font color="aa00aa">Ming,</font>
The 1st nite ended around 12midnight but it started late. I heard at the last show, he sang an additional song which he didnt on the 1st nite.

<font color="0077aa">Meow,</font>
Why do you need to get a jacket for Darryl? Bringing him for holiday?
Wa.. so many postings

<font color="0000ff">Wen</font>
Saat! Thavis so young can go swimming! Looks like he enjoyed it...

<font color="119911">crystalmum/zyp</font>
Oh no, gena bitten/scratched in school must be very heartpain for parents

Ya.. her speech definitely lots better after going to school (eventho only 3rd week now). She can say more words (e.g. enough, careful, etc etc) and managed a few 2-words phrase like "come down", "sit here" etc.

Happy to see her improvement
I only wake up for night feed. If bbcay sleeps through the night, I dun wake up to pump unless I am soaking wet.
When I had cay, I was very hardworking, pumping 3-hrly even at night! Now old already, cannot do it.
<font color="0000ff">Valmom,</font>
Looks like going to sch is a good choice for Val since her speech has improved. Does the teacher need to feed Val during meal times or can she self feed?
<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
I was very hardworking too when I had Keane. Wake up every 3hrly to pump. I still remember during the 1st 2 months, I was using the Avent single manual pump...pump till my fingers ache. Then I switched to Ameda and the pumping time was so much faster.

For this round, I think I will still wake up to pump every 3hrly. The thought of it scares me but to ensure I have enuff supply, bo bian lor...
<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
So you're gonna pop anytime now? Keke... excited?

Wow I dun have the discipline to wake up every 3hrs at night. Too tiring... currently I only express after Hazel wakes up for her mn feed on EBM. But I'll adhere to the 3hrs interval during the day. She tends to choke when the flow gets too fast at the beginning so I usually only latch her after I express.

<font color="aa00aa">twinklets,</font>
Yah my boy is very chee-na one. haha... He knows a couple of tang shi... his memory quite good lor. But he tends to slur the sentences off, if he good mood then he'll speak slowly and clearly.

<font color="0000ff">valmom</font>
Heartpain ah! He was scratched on the face just before we went to fetch him. When we reached and saw his cheek all red, my face turned black and his teacher quickly explained it was due to the cold compress. Apparently a girl and him were fighting for toys. True enough, the redness went off after awhile and heng the scratch didnt leave any scar on his face. And coincidentally, the parent of the girl who scratched her happened to be there to pick her up also. Not a single sorry from her! Only the teachers kept saying sorry to us. tsk tsk.
<font color="aa00aa">zyp,</font>
Yup, I think anytime now...EDD is next Mon. Will start my maternity leave on next Mon. Yes, very excited but at the same time worried abt the delivery process. I am hoping for natural...in case I can't, then will opt for epi c-sect. Just yesterday, my fren told me a fren of hers just went thru epi c and can feel something when the knife cut thru her skin... Yee... I was like freaking out liao. Dunno if I can take it if I feel something cutting me during the op.

I think waking up every 3hrly in the nite should be ok. I will pump at around 12midnight, abt the time that Keane sleeps. Then once at 3am. The next pump will be at 6am, which is time to wake up anyway. That will be the arrangement during the confinement month. My CL will bottle feed the baby using EBM or FM.

After the confinement month, I will ask hb to do nite feeding while I pump.
<font color="ff0000">Twinklets, Elaine,</font>

Eh... Parents both asian OK!!
My neighbour also say he look like a bit Eurasian and my hubby not really that happy.. ahahah. But i told him you all say eurasian better than my brother the tuition teacher say look like Indian- cos he dark, with curly hair and big eyes. Terrigible.

Thavis not so cold lah,.think cos very hot.
Last time when thyler was 4 mths i brought him he started shivering. So in the shovering dept, thavis did better. But i am looking for a swim wear for him.. cannot find leh. All very big.

<font color="119911">Valmom,</font>

Only regret is I wasn't able to take pictures of him kicking water and smiling away cos I went back to put camera, take towel, prepare bath for him. Should have stayed longer hor? But i scared he swim too long catch a cold.

<font color="ff6000">Meow,</font>
So hard to find clothes that fit hor? I'm also looking to find a jacket and a swim suit for thavis. but his hands so short everything like the hand swimming inside.

<font color="0000ff">Zyp,</font>

His aggressive attitude could be the result of new sibling? Cos when thavis was born thyler started becoming very very aggressive leh. Like so defensive over everything.. However, it passed after the 1st month. but then again, we are not there to see what really happened to cause their aggressive behaviour in cc so sometimes i think maybe our tots kenna bullied by the older kids 1st that;'s why they retaliate. But then theteacher def will not say right? I dunno lah..
<font color="aa00aa">caymom, Tigger,</font>

I handling all the night feeding now.
tired. But i direct latch so ok. After feed him and he sleep liao then i pump out from the other side lor. Sometimes when I buay tahan then i wake my hubby up who then give me a very very buay song face and very unhappily help me carry thavis a while for me to pump. But these very rare lah.. Only when thavis dun go back to sleep i engorged bo bian lor.

Do you have any latching problems? Thavis only latch my my right side leh. How to correct the problem ah?
Don't scare yourself lah... maybe u can go for natural leh...

Last time I had my CL to help with night feeding. And that time we gave Zavier FM at night so he slept thru'out the night. This time I handle on my own and Hazel is on TBM. Sometimes hubby will help lah. But since he needs to work the next day, I don't wake him up unless Hazel cries while waiting for EBM to warm. Then he'll carry her and coax her while waiting. I don't latch her on at night cos she always falls asleep while drinking then v soon need to feed again.

Regarding the agressive behaviour in CC... I think it's normal for boys of his age lor. esp when it comes to toys. They still don't know how to share with other kids. At home he shows his aggression towards mei mei sometimes. The novalty stage is over, no more freshness and he's already sneaking little hits and pokes on Hazel now.
<font color="ff6000">Tigger,</font>
Wah, you still here. No signs of labour at all?
I only woke up to pump one night just to stimulate supply. The next day supply came and I have been latching since.

<font color="aa00aa">Wenthena,</font>
Totally understand how you feel. I have been handling the night feeding alone since bbcay's birth. Super tired man, so I cannot pump after latching one side. I just want to go back to sleep quickly.

I dun have latching problems but I have problems bottle feeding. bbcay doesn't want the bottle.
Must train her or else how to return to work?

<font color="0077aa">Re: My girls</font>
<font color="0000ff">Wen,</font>
I direct latched Keane from 2nd months onwards cos not much time to pump as I was taking care of him alone at home during day time. End up he refuses bottle big time.

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
I hope I can go for natural lor... Everyday also worry abt this.

I also dun intend to latch at nite cos like you said will take a long long time to feed and have to feed again after a while.
Tigger, Caymom,

Thavis also refuse bottle.. I am at such a loss.. Only now slightly better, When he still sleepy can make him drink a lil(most times only 20-30ml.) from bottle. But not stable. I have to be prepared to rush home from wherever I am if he suddenly cry non stop and refuse bottle. Cos he start to recognise me liao

So any tips on how to make them accept the bottle?

I have to expres at night and sterilise pump
bo bian. When feed say right side, left side will get a rush of milk coming in but will not flow out so stuck in breast. then from ok one become engorged. and very uncomfortable. dun pump cannot sleep. So my sleeping is very bad.


BB is sooo chubby!! On total BM?? how heavy is bbcay?
<font color="ff6000">Tigger,</font>
Little Kayla is feeling too comfy in your tummy.

Same as you, I direct latched cay after confinement because I was taking care of her on my own. I had a tough time training her. For bbcay, my mom will bottle feed her once in the day but she still prefers direct latch.

Yah, bbcay has quite chubby cheeks.

<font color="119911">Wen,</font>
Yah, bbcay on total bm. She is around 5.5kg now.
For a 2 mths old bb, she is considered ave.
<font color="0000ff">wen,</font>
Who does the bottle feeding? If it's you, Thavis will reject more cos he can smell you. You have to get someone else to help with bottle feeding. That time I was home alone with Keane during my maternity leave so no one else can help me with bottle feeding. End up I have to pat him to sleep before giving him the bottle. He drank in his sleep.

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Ya, Kayla prefers to stay in my womb. Maybe the weather is too hot, she doesn't wanna come out yet.
U bringing ZW to watch Hi5?

Didnt join u at BG last Sat, went to visit my grandpa instead..

Wow ur bb so chubby!! How u manage to feed her so chubby?? My Shania still very petite ley.. I was hoping that this time round i can feed my #2 chubbier than #1.. Looks like i am gg to fail in this mission cos Sheri was def bigger in size when she was at Shania's age.. Hahaha..

Kayla too comfy in womb lah. How big is she now?

When are we meeting? Think ur boy gg to outgrow the apparels leow!
<font color="0077aa">serrich,</font>
Kayla is ~3kg now. Tomorrow going for my gynae checkup. I hate the cervix check every time I see him.
Don't worry too much. I used to worry about water bag bursting everyday. It was a relief when my gynae told me got to induce. Haha.... I think Kayla is too comfortable in ur tummy liao.
I think she's being v sweet to u lor... know this kind of weather torturous to do confinement.

Me me! Plan to take Zavier to watch Hi 5. U got good lobang? :p

Like what tigger said, try to get someone else to bottle feed Thavis. And don't talk to him when u feed him cos other than ur smell, he recognise the voice too.
Maybank credit card got 20% discount if we were to book before 26 Jul.

My colleague has the card. So, will be asking her to book the tickets.... but must act fast cos good seats almost no more liao.

The show will be held at Singapore Expo (so far)...

So, who is interested huh???
Caymom, Zyp,

I usually leave the place they bf him. But on the contrary, he usually feeds ok when i am home. It is wheni go out for a while then my mom call me say he cry non stop they cannot handle. So I have to rush back then he will be ok and feed from me. weird weird one. But now i have my maid feed him bm every morning after she wakes around 7am to train him. I tried 3 kinds of teats liao and so far he only accepts NUK latex teats although very poorly too. hiaz. Pigeon and other silicone ones he spit out as soon as in his mouth.So super mafan cos i use avent pump then transfer to NUK bottle.. and so manyt things to sterilise. and now somemroegot BPA to consider..

<font color="ff0000">Serrich,</font>
I didn't do anything special. bbcay's milk intake is higher than cay when she was a bb. Her wt is higher than cay when she was the same age. But now her intake is lesser... dunno why, maybe she doesn't like the bottle.

When I was pregnant with bbcay, I took a lot of tonic herbs from my chinese physician which is supposed to help in the absorption of nutrients. Not only will my appetite be better, the bb will drink more milk when she is born. Seems to be true.

<font color="0000ff">Wen,</font>
I think little Thavis misses you. For me, I use Medela pump and Avent bottles. Also very mafun to transfer milk here and there and a lot of things to sterilise.

Talking about BPA, my hb felt that there is no need to switch as he read that polycarbonate is considered safe in this link. I heard there will be an article on BPA in the newspapers this weekend. Anyway, I will be changing cay's bottle (not to Bfree, just an ordinary one) since it is rather old already. I believe if we take care of the bottle and change regularly, should be ok bah.

BTW, you shift to Punggol already?
