(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0000ff">tigger88</font>
Ya.. sterilising definitely = putting hot water and if the bottle has wear & tear then can be dangerous lor..

<font color="119911">Florence</font>
No doubt no one boiling for 8 hours a stretch, but if you sterilise it once a day, each time for maybe half hour.. it doesnt take long for the bottle to shows signs of tear & wear also right?

How much does the MAM bottles cost? Dun think we have this brand in Singapore leh...

<font color="aa00aa">Wenthena</font>
Glass bottle still THE best.
The bottles are ex ley!

It is very competitive getting a place even for playgroups.. I called a very popular church kindy and was told that the vacancy has been filled up for next year so my gal is now on their waiting list. They are still waiting for approval to open another class due to the high demand..
Hope I can hear good news from them soon..

Nope, I wont be employing another maid. If my MIL raises the white flag, I will send Sherilyn to childcare centre instead of sending her to PG plus employ another maid.

Yah lor.. she so affectionate to everyone else in the family, except me!! She sticks to her daddy like glue in the nite and during her bedtime. In the day she will follow her cousin and my mil or maid. In the evening she will stick to my bil & his gf if they are ard.. Only on very rare occassions she'll want to find mummy.. Hahaha..

Hmmmm gg to botanical gdn on sat evenin? I need to consider first. Quite a chore to bring both gals out .

Dun get stressed up over ttc. Have to relax and enjoy..

Sherilyn also bites her cousin though she loves her very much. I think it's a phase they will go thru. Sheri's cousin also bite her quite often when she was Sheri's age a year back.. That time Sheri just gong gong stand there and let her bite cos not much can a 1 year old know how to react or dodge... Hahaha.. My MIL always claimed that it is because my niece was still teething then.. I was thinking maybe Sherilyn look tasty?! Hiak Hiak...

I cannot direct latch le.. My gal dun want to latch on, only bottle feed..
Aiyyo... lucky i came in to read..tot just sterilize milk bottle can already.

Now Chloe is using Raphael's Avent milk bottle..looks like i got to change. R now drink milk from Mag Mag cup.
The bottles are so ex! But I am seriously thinking of changing now that I heard that Avent is not safe. Does Bfree have smaller bottles?

Chloe is also using Avent. I found this website & they say
Limit consumption of canned foods and avoid using bottles made out of polycarbonate plastic (such as those made by Nalgene or Avent).
Use glass, stainless steel, or polypropylene bottles labeled with a #5 on the bottom. <font color="0000ff">Medela, Born Free, First Years, and Evenflo all offer baby bottles made from these alternative materials.</font>
Hi valmom, the MAM bottles are selling at 31.80RM for the 160ml Ultivent Anti-Colic bottle and 35.20RM for the 260ml. Can get from the baby shops in Malaysia. They were imported from Austria.
<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
Hmm... but another list stated to avoid First Years leh.. confused.

But what we can do is look for those with #5 at the base (ie polypropylene) rather than excluding certain brands.

Tough hor..

<font color="119911">Flo</font>
Not cheap also hor.. I think it's the material...

<font color="aa00aa">caymom</font>
U can use the new Medela Milk bottles.. they are Bisphenol-A Free. Comes in 150ml sizes...
<font color="aa00aa">
i didnt notice the smaller size ones cuz cheryl's milk intake is scary...

yap, the bottles are not cheap. but if you look at the other bottles like medela ones, they are also quite pricey.

initially i was also looking at pg in churches but i think my fil will flip many many times when he finds out so my hub said, to spare ourselves the headache, just enrol her in josiah.

i cant imagine, the rat race has already started at such a young age... faint. i havent sent c for any enrichment or whatever. she only went for 1 trial class at mmi cuz we also thought of putting her there.
spoke to one of my colleagues and she was like "how can? you should give her a head start. you start her so late...blah blah blah...
when she starts school and when you speak to other parents there, you will feel very pressurized cuz their kids have all attended SOMETHING." i told her immediately, i already feel pressurized talking to her!

really scary!</font>
<font color="ff0000">PSI,</font>
Thanks. I think I can just get the big bottles. It's almost time to switch my #2 to the big bottles.

<font color="0000ff">Adora,</font>
Thanks for sharing. Do you intend to change?
When I told my hb, he doesn't believe. I think he prob thought that if it is harmful, it will surely hit the news but nothing heard yet. I told him that if it really hit the news, all the parents in spore will rush to buy the safe bottles. If OOS then how? Hahaha... I'm kinda kiasi.

<font color="aa00aa">Valmom,</font>
Thanks. Will consider Medela. My only concern is whether cay can get used to it. She is a real fussy.
milk bottles
u ladies are scaring me... shanice is using kaeden's old nuk bottles cos he's using pigeon wide neck ones... bottles still look very new leh... like that say means i must change all their bottles!!! very siong cos 12 bottles in all... i oso expressing into these nuk bottles then store them in fridge... warm them using hot water... aarrggghh... how?? how?? must tell hubby abt it... *panic*
<font color="0000ff">Krazy</font>
Ya lor.. nowadays very pressurizing.. even for a child.. my 2nd SIL was like talking to her other sis (coz her children are the oldest among all nephew & nieces) that they have to start planning for their children lah.. so that they can goto the direct stream (avoid 'O' Level kind?). Say too many exams very troublesome blah blah blah...

I know her children are intelligent.. and she knows so she push them more (ie. do workbook 1 year in advance, if not two, kind)... but I feel her children are not happy.. or maybe that's how I wan to perceive.. coz their parents are constantly working..

Outings, enrichment classes etc always 'delegate' to grandparents to do while they work.. earn lost of $$ kind..

My expectations very simple. I just want to ensure Valerie is happy, have a happy & memorable childhood, be independent and have strong morale values.

I dun see how scoring "As" but with low or little morale values has any good to the society...

<font color="119911">Lighter note</font>
Today Valerie so funny. 1 week back we have to hide the uniform coz the moment she sees she'll start crying. Now it's the opposite. Going forward we have to hide the uniform coz now she sees it, she'll stop everything (including her milk) and want to wear the uniform, wear shoes and get out of the house!!!

<font color="0000ff">sweatcorn</font>
To store breastmilk cannot use those nuk bottles one. Coz the "white blood cells" (forgot the term liao) will get stuck to the bottles or something like that right? Thus storing EBM is always those glass bottles or those made of polypropylene.. get medela bottles lor.. now they are Bisphenol-A free some more.

No need 12 lah.. K big boy liao, he just need 1 big (milk) and 1 small (water). Shanice you'll probably need more lor...

Better change lah.. if not ur EBM all loss power liao coz all the good stuff gets stuck to the plastic bottles...
First yr also not safe? How abt Evenflo? I has send an email to them abt their plastic milk bottles material. Will update here if I got reply from them.

Keke Valerie so cute...i can always recall her sweet chubby look! Very pretty gal! R is attending Sat PG, he is also looking forward to it. He is attending those MMI type, he loves playing the games, puzzle but when it comes to circle time, he just stand n watch, doesn't participate!

Not sure to change the bottle or not.. but definitely going to get new ones for C as she is now using R old Avent Bottles. Pigeon ones also not safe right? I still have 2 new wide neck bottles...

Last time i also store EBM in small plastic milk bottles..now i use Playtex liners...but dunno their material safe or not....

Glad to hear that Valerie is enjoying her classes.

Do you carry Born Free products? Maybe can organise a bulk purchase from you and see if it's cheaper to get from you then Metro.
Medela Milk Bottles:
Which one izit? They got the old model & the new model ones. The older model material is softer then the newer ones...the newer bottles feels like those normal milk bottles material.

Farm visit at sungei tengah a bit siong for me now...

Me feeling tired very easily recently... now actively looking for a domestic helper but was told that there is limited Indo maid as most of them can't pass the test. Can't have Filipino maid as my mum can speak malay but not english... *headache*
yes something will be stuck at the bottle so hv to keept swirling the bottle loh... sigh... for convenience sake cos i think its damn tedious to express in bags then pour back into bottle after warming... but look at k's growth, i think its ok lah... shanice has double her birth weight liao so i think she's doing ok wif bm n fm combination... kekekeke... mi lazy mummy leh...

yes loh oso dunno bags are safe anot... headache...

btw ladies, tomorrow got metro 20% storewide sales... so anyone gg to get bottles, mai tu liao..
Hi Gals
Below is reply from Evenflo, so the material they use is polycarbonate plastic, why they say is SAFE??

<font face="Tahoma">-----Original Message-----
From: Bailey, Amy [mailto:[email protected]]

Subject: RE: Material Use for the Plastic Milk Bottles


Thank you for your inquiry regarding plastic bottles.

<font color="0000ff">Evenflo bottles are made out of Polycarbonate plastic.</font> Polycarbonate plastics are one of the preferred materials for baby bottles. Polycarbonate provides a shiny, clear surface similar to glass, with added durability to resist breakage. <font color="ff0000">Polycarbonate plastics are safe</font> and convenient for the preparation and storage of all types of foods and beverages. Polycarbonate food containers help preserve freshness and protect food from contamination.

BPA is a raw material used to make Polycarbonate plastics. BPA has been extensively studied for decades and has been found safe for use in baby bottles and other plastic food storage containers.

Thank you again for contacting Evenflo ParentLink.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
Haha.. then u should resend them back the article I posted. BPA = Bisphenol-A??? They are not kept up to date with current science then... Sigh.. everything that pple publish got reverse side of the story one lor.. hard to be sure hor.. unless we are scienctists ourselves :p

I guess we dun look at brand, should focus on material used. Coz if the brand has change the material then it's ok mah..

<font color="119911">Elaine</font>
The old ones (like those I lend u last time) are made of polypropylene. The new ones, although plasticy looking, are Bisphenol-A free (lagi better).

<font color="ff6000">sweatcorn</font>
I think breatmilk storage bags are safe. Esp if you are talking abt Playtex brand.
I jus saw fr BP that Polo is having additional 30% on top of sale price till 7 Aug! Faint! The other day only 20% now turn to 30%. The items i ordered still available for disc now. Now make me itchy to get another piece which i aim that day but budget myself. Arghhh!
Mummies!!! The Polo items are on their way to Singapore. Once here, will update you guys abt it again.

i'm quite disappointed with some items i ordered on Amazon. They're sooo slow in delivery and for the same order, they split into 2 packages! 1 arrived already at US post centre and the other has not even been picked up. And their volume metric wt. is much higher than actual though i've requested for compact packing. Sigh....

Tigger, finally the day is here. Jacky is here! Alamak my hubby just went for lasik last Sat, his eyes are still recovering; epi-lasik takes a much longer time than the standard lasik and his vision is still blur. He says he won't get to enjoy the concert since he can't see. Ha ha... anyone int. to see Jacky's concert 2mor nite?
<font color="aa00aa">Adora,</font>
Thanks for sharing the info.

<font color="ff0000">Sweatcorn,</font>
Is the Metro sale for members only?
Milk Bottles
Gee.. all the hoo haa of the milk bottles & some of us mummies here get freaked by it. I think tmr may go dwn to get those Medala ones. May I noe how much is 1 Medala bottle? & may I noe whether their teat is universal size? Cos I wanna switch the teat to the NUK teat, I scare Ash dun like Medale Teat. ANy gals noe issit universal???

Same like Caymom's hb, my Hb also skeptical leh. He even ask me the article issit published by 1 of the brands tat I mention Ok to buy 1.. I think most guys are like tat 1 lor..

Even Nuk also say their polycarbonate is safe for bb products. I think like wat Valmom has stated - they are not kept updated with the latest researches bah ..

Ya Metro Sale for Members only?? Only on Sat?
<font color="aa00aa">valmom:
tell me about it! so stressful. I so hope i wont fall prey to the "dark side" with the pressure going around me.

so glad to hear that valerie is adapting well. very good, i feel. its only been a week but she is alright. thats wonderful!

no problem!

can i check with you... do you know the difference between this and the one you bought?



this is the one i plan to buy.
Ya lor. i was hopping my order no more size or not on the sale list but it is still available!

U ask tigger lor, think she definitely dun mind to see his Man for 2 times consecutively. hehe.

Yr article very chim leh. So that means ok to use right?
milk bottles:
a pigeon brand promotor ever told me that I must change the bottles every 6 mths. And when making milk, do not pour hot water in first. should pour room temp first then add hot water when making milk. As for BM, she said use special bottles stated for keeping BM. Think it's fair when she gave such advice. For me, i feel it's still not an alarm to change bottles cos for decades, it has been used like that.
<font color="0000ff">Ming,</font>
Ya, finally the day has arrived...So excited. You decided not to go to the concert?? Alamak, wasted leh. I cannot afford to buy over the tickets from you lah..though I dun mind watching the concert again. haha. Anyway, I am hosting a dinner at my place tomolo so can't go to the concert even if I would like to.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Ya. that lady got knowledge! :)

I guess if u dun want to change to other bottles, then heed the advice given by the promoter. Coz like the previous article I posted, the danger comes mainly from the leeches of the chemicals into the milk when the water is hot as well as thru scratches from the bottle. So if u dun put hot water & change bottle regularly, I belive damage (if any) is pretty limited bah...

<font color="119911">twinklets</font>
Study shows the level of BPA that goes into the intake (ie milk) is still within the current limit stated by some other regulatory system. But to play safe you can either

1) change bottle every 6 months or once it shows signs of scratches & do not use hot water into the bottle; or
2) spend $$ and buy BPA free or bottles made of polypropylene

<font color="0000ff">Valmom,</font>
My fren just asked me if I need anything from GNC. She has the 35% disc. You want to get the Colostrum powder? It will not be as cheap as the BP though. Oh, btw, I realised that there is any flavour of Colostrum powder sold in GNC. Think it's pineapple flavour or something. I bot the original one. What about you?
<font color="0000ff">tigger88</font>
We just bot recently.. can't remember leh.. I think original one should be better coz scared pineapple or other flavour might not work well with milk.. I go home check 1st..

Still around S$50 right? this one 6 bottles less than US$17, plus free shipping within USA, just need to pay for Vpost or CGW freight charges only....

Maybe I see how much the freight charges the other BP is incurring 1st..
<font color="0000ff">Valmom,</font>
You mean 6 bottles for less than US$17? So cheap? Wow, then worth getting.

How many bottles has Val consumed so far? What do you think of this supplement? Got benefit or not?
Wow all these talk abt milk bottles... I'm still using Avent bottles. But I do change regular for Zavier. Hazel also using new bottles. But I sterilise the bottles after every usage leh. If dun use steriliser, will at least rinse with hot water. I also use Avent and tollyjoy bottles to store EBM.

Had my first post-natal massage this morning. Shiok! The lady cleared a few of my blocked ducts. See BM spraying all over when she squeezed, heartpain ah!

My mum is quite against me freezing EBM. So I've been adding the excess EBM into Zavier's milk and he's not rejecting it also... just that I'm not sure whether it's beneficial to him or not. Hoping it'll help to boost his immune and digestive systems a little.

<font color="aa00aa">San and Ming!</font>
30% discount is more ah... But the polo dress I want is still OOS. So no incentive to buy again. haha
same here, I also added EBM into c's milk for abt 2 wks liao, n she LS 2 days back so I stopped then yesterday she never poo so I add in again today, hehe..really dun wanna waste the BM, must mk sure it's fully utilised

Mei mei sleeps with mommy while Jie jie all the while sleeps with granny so no prob
<font color="0000ff">Ming</font>
We got ours from GNC and it costs like S$70 over bucks!!!

Valerie has been taking that, I felt quite good for her lah thus we continued. I mix into her FM coz we tried putting into her manuka honey and the honey turned cloudy.

Coz valerie got sensitive airway, took singleair for 1 month and we saw improvement but singleair expensive and we dun like the idea of her popping pills all the time so we started looking for supplements lor.

Now she take this colostrum + we bot air purifier for her in her room.. now her sniffy nose condition definitely improved..

Now thinking if we shd buy her a humidifier since she sleeps in aircon room whole nite...

y Val must take singulair? Tat time when Denyce condition flare up, PD also say alternative is to take this if I want to change her fr Zyrtec if no effect. I stick to Zyrtec lah cos' singulair ex leh. In the end, she heal fr Zyrtec as well. Now every nite, I apply Euky bear rub on her chest and back, and it seems she can sleep better cos' if not, i can hear her snoring sound due to blk nose or her mouth will be open while sleep as she breathe thru her mouth. Wz the rub, i think she no more snore and open mouth breath, i think cos' i dun seem to hear it or maybe i too tired didn't hear it. hehe. You try the rub lah. It is much better than the snuffle baby. That 1 no effect 1. Maybe not so 'la'. Me also use humidifier in room but not sure if there's any effect.
