(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
Why must watch diet? 10Kgs ok mah.. nowadays being pregnant very stressful.. sigh..

<font color="ff6000">Valmom,</font>
Cos gynae says if baby too big, more difficult to try natural cos my previous one is c-sect. And the head circumferences hopefully not >35cm. Now Kayla is estimated to be 32cm. I checked Keane's record this morn, his head circumferences is 35.5cm at birth.
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
u die die want natural ha? but u cannot restrict kayla's growth like that right? is it advisable?
<font color="ff6000">Valmom,</font>
I can't restrict her growth lah..even if I dun eat, I think she will gain weight also.
today is Paige's 4th day in sch & teacher said she hit her friend with a toy & resulted a bruise on her friend's cheek
just as I expected, she'll be the bully.
oh dear.

I v worried on this too. Ash also liked to bully her gd frens once she noe them very shou liao.
I already pre-warned the teacher on her violent trait in her. Haiz..
<font color="0000ff">Elaine</font>
Oh then how? The other parent got complain or not? Ur paige is a small package packed with much ammunition.. hahahaha

Just now called to check with my MIL, teacher said valerie calmed down after a while and then never cry liao. They offered her bee-hoon today and she ate. My dear MIL again cooked her lunch coz she think maybe Valerie dunno how to eat bee hoon since we had not cooked that for her... thankfully Valerie is full and didnt eat any more (*phew*)

<font color="119911">Twinklets</font>
If the child likes to 'bully'.. how to correct ha? Yesterday my 2 nephew & niece (siblings) again cried coz they snatched for the same toy. Actually eventually both are 'winners' coz each of them have 1 drum stick (as in the wooden stick to hit on drum) and 1 gun in hand.. but yet both are crying (one crying outside, maid carry, the other cry in the house, kept nagging mei mei naughty). Best thing is my SIL is in the kitchen enjoying her dinner... ?!?!?
<font color="aa00aa">Valmom,

Think it is normal for out tots to start crying at day 4-5.. Thyler started at day 1 but most of his classmates started the crying at day 3-4.. Teacher say it is cos they realise it is going to be a long term arrangement. Dun worry.. Give her abt 3 weeks you'll have it easier liao. At the meantime, always say goodbye before going off and tell her you will pick her up at 1pm. dun just disappear whatever you do. be firm... you 'll have the rewards soon!

<font color="0000ff">Tigger,

I agree with your gynae keep the head circumference down... I gave birth to thyler 37wk+ at 36.5cm and kena vv bad tear til the backside.. and all this despite the cut the doctor gave still tear. Thavis at 36wk+ at 35.5cm also tear but not till the ass.. so at least shitting easier.. ahahah
otherwise if really big then reconsider c section again? I cannot imagine if i kept both my boys til full term how..</font>

<font color="ff6000">Elaine,

Thyler also thee bully in school. ?think one day he kenna at least 3 time outs.. Teacher say last time time out he will reflect and cry and say wun do again and go say sorry and sayang his fren.. now he fake cry say wa wa wa and then do the hitting again in 30 mins,. teacher headache. mummy also headache!</font>
Zyp n Angel...congrats!!!! Both your babies share the same b'day, sooo sweet!

Wow, next in turn is Tigger!!

Wen, wah Thyler's head circumference is 36.5 at 37 wk? that's big ya..

My babies both share the same circ of 35cm

ya, mine is natural delivery (assisted, n w/epidural too--me not as brave as Zyp la, she's really STEADY man!!!
My schedule has been more or less stabilise by now, first week is a bit hectic, have to go thru all those BF n pumping routines
<font color="ff6000">Wen,</font>
The way you describe the bad tear really scares me leh. Your boys heads circumferences is really big. Tear till backside ahalamak..
If Kayla grows too big then I have no choice but to opt for c-sect.

1st week not easy hor?? at least now you almost stabilised the routine
I now like almost stabilised then thavis start his 3 mth nonsense liao leh.. damn jialt.

Anyone know how to stop these 3 month crying?? I think colic but i not sure.

Thyler only head big... 3.24kg but come out vv skinny. same as thavis.hiyo.

dun mean to scare you lah..
Just that good to monitor and if too big and bb ready to come out can induce? anyway week 37 liao safe to come out right
you try to naturally do by walking and walking lor but I must say the 10.5kg weight gain is very little leh. I 2 pregnancies all gain more than that. very xian mu you!!
<font color="ff6000">Wen,</font>
The problem is I dun want to give birth so soon. My dear Jacky is waiting for me to see him next fri. hehehe.
And work is not completed yet so I need more time to finish my projects before I go for maternity leave.
Lastly, my confinement lady will complete her current assignment on Jul 18th. So if I deliver earlier, no one will be helping me with confinement till my CL is ready.
tell kayla abt your work... i oso told shanice n she really very guai loh... hehehehe... see if it works for u...

hey u r back... how u doing?? must post your 2 qian jing's photos for us to see ok?? been sometime since i last saw clarissa's photo...

yes, sure will heartpain one but tell yourself she'll adapt faster if u let her get used to the routine... anyway after 3 mths in cc, k sometimes oso cry... btw my mum n your mil same leh... she used to cook porridge for k for lunch even though he ate his lunch at cc... she stopped recently after k suffered from indigestion... ahahahaha... imagine 1 bowl of rice, 1 bowl of porridge and 180ml of milk as k's lunch...

dun worry lah, its the child's way of self-defence... k kenna bitten by a gal on a few occassions but we're quite ok cos tat's the gal's way of self-defence when k provoked her...

you really are very understanding as a mom whose tot kena bitten. Salute you. But it is true it is their self defence. Most times i people snatch things or hit them first..
how can i not be understanding when its my kid who went to provoke the other kid?? kekekeke... like i say i know my boy is no angel leh...
But my Gal dun get provoke, she'll still go & pinch the other party..

She can like hug hug & kiss kiss the kid, then suddenly, her hands will just go pinch the face hard. V kong bu 1.. Arrgh..

I also got no idea. I can only keep telling her NO ........
I can only tell myself she is just too passionate towards her fren & she dunno how to guage her strenght.. & worst my sis luv to pinch her cheeks, so now Ash will pinch the cheeks of the small bbs. & U noe tods at this age dunno how to control strenght 1. SIGHS.

Have told my sis dun pinch anymore, but her fingers still damn itchy..
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
next fri concert liao.. endure! :p

<font color="119911">wen</font>
Ur boi damn solid :p

<font color="0077aa">twinklets</font>
actually valerie doesn't push nor bite or hit pple unless they provide her (e.g. snatch toys etc). Other than that.. she sayangs & hugs
Wow what have i missed in the last few days?!!! Congrats to Zyp and Angel!!!!!!!!

Wow 2 more bundles of joy to the thread too. Pls post some pictures.

Valmom, glad 4 u tt Val is doing so well in sch too!

Heh Tigger, finally the day is here, both Jacky and ur DD. i'm sure Kayla can wait...

Just went for my check up, just entered my 3rd trim, but already feel v tired.

Mummies, i've ordered the stuff on Mon. Blurmom sorry, your polo dress is OOS. But the other one has been confirmed.
Hey all,

Thanks for the well wishes. Hee.... finally my prince is out. So happy to see him and able to cuddle him after such long wait.

Thanks SC,Valmom,Buddy and Shadow for visiting me today. Sorry I unable to entertain you all for long. So many ppl came at the same timing!!!

Here's a photo of my prince sleeping with his daddy. Sorry ah. Unable to show daddy's face. He's threatening me with lots of things now if ever I post his face up la.....

But he just agreed for me to post up la. Deciding that he's handsome afterall.... 'vomit'


<font size="+2"><font color="119911">Congratulations To ZYP!!!</font></font>

Hee, shall we betroth our babies to each other? Since they share the same birthday???
mabbe i shld oso say 'beat your backside cos u suppose to rest'... sounds familiar anot ah... u told me that when i posted my updates while i was in tmc... btw i think i was oso staying in same room when i had shanice leh... ahahahahaha...

k only likes to pinch his dad while he driving... cos he finds it very funny when his dad says 'ouch ouch ouch'... my hubby oso never scold him... sigh...
Valerie protested big time today. Refused to changed and cried quite badly (*heart pain pain*). But PIC already pre-empted this and told us for the 1st 2 weeks MUST bring Valerie to school, unless she is sick, so that she can ease into the routine soon.

I think Valerie cry becoz she dun like shower (she scared of showerhead) and maybe they tried to feed her fruits daily

I actually asked the teacher if she still cry when bathing. She said she dun cry already, just "siam".. hee

How ha how ha???

They dun allow us to monitor her, how to know if she likes the teacher(s) or not???

<font color="0000ff">Angeline,</font>
Steady ah you. So fast come online already. Little Anson is so adorable! Rest well hor.

<font color="ff0000">Valmom,</font>
Poor Valerie. I will feel heart pain too. My friend's kid also wail big time and she allowed her to skip cc. Eventually, she took her out of cc because every morning she will wail so that she can stay at home. I guess the teacher is right. If we break the routine, the kid will know that she can skip cc just by fussing.
<font color="0000ff">Ming,</font>
Thanks for helping us with the order. Let me know how much I owe you so that I can transfer the $ to you before I deliver.
Wow, you are entering 3rd tri now. Time flies! Take care ya. You will be going to Jackys concert as well rite?

Yes, I am sure Kayla can wait. I told her daily that I will be bringing her to hear the man of my dream next fri so she needs to be a good gal and stay in mummys tummy for a while more. Kekeke

<font color="ff6000">SP,</font>
Ya, I am next. Oops, I still owe you the Barney CDs. Supposed to mail to youwill do so asap. Paisey.
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Ya lor, that's what he said. Once u allow her to skip school you are sending to her a signal that by fussing, crying and protesting, she can win and avoid going to school.

My HB told me he overheard his mom telling his dad no need to send school so young. Reach K1 then send sch also can. I was like OMG! so double standard.. can tell she v v sayang Valerie.. to the extend I feel she is not being rationale..

All her other grandchildren goes to school around Valerie's age.. and that's ok.. Valerie goes to school = too young?!?!?!

Now the more determined I am to send her to school. If she really dun like the teachers or routine at most I send her to another CC. But to school she must... later gena spoilt rotten by my MIL...
Anson is such a handsome boy
wah, u've already pair him up with Zyp's gal's ha? then the rest got no chance liao la?

I'm fine, juggling between my 2 darlings, but luckily got my MIL who has been a great help

tigger n mummies
ok, will post the pics of my lil' pricesses soon..
I share the same sentiments. My ils spoil cay too. My mom is rather strict but she also 'bu she de' let cay attend school now. Initially she also say start from K1 but after she heard that her friends' grandchildren attend nursery, she is brainwashed and finally agreed to let cay attend school next year.
At least Keaden din pinch u rite? Ash luv to pinch me also. Haiz..

Same tots as Tigger, Anson has so much hair!!!! He indeed look so tiny. hehe. Quickly took 1 pic besides his 'giant' Gor Gor.

Wow u are good.. bb so big & u can go via natural!
Wat's ur lil bb name? Share with us your 2 princess pics soon, k?

Think is nan mian to cry over the showerhead 1.. I think I'm a soft hearted Mummy. If i'm facing the same situation like you, I may end up asking my Mum to bathe her then send her to CC. =P Keke..

My Mum is OK with the idea of sending Ash to PG at 2 YO. She also equally excited as me on her 1st day to class. hehe..

Hee.. Ok an update of my funny gal in her Orbit Uniform .. keke ..


Today is her 4th day at PG. So far OK. **Touchwood**
congrats....ZYP and Angeline......

haiz been so busy logging on....... don know how to find time to think of no 2..... keke.... school term start end of the month.... been pushing back Gerald Childcare as the one nearby all fully booked.... haiz...

btw got any playgroup remember to call me lah... i'm always not online.....
Hi mommies,
I visited Angeline yesterday night and saw some of you there. I am that pregnant mama. I overheard your conversation regarding a gynae delivered 5 babies and all his 5 babies kenna Pneumonia. Can PM me the gynae's name? Was wondering whether is it my SIL's gynae... Thank you!
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Wow, Ash looks like a big gal in her uniform. My MIL keeps asking me to send Keane to sch. Somemore she even suggest to send him to a school near her place instead of mine!!! I keep telling her I will wait till Kayla is older before sending Keane to sch. And i will not send him to a school near her place. So inconvenient for us.

Ya lor I was in shock when I see the pics taken by my father yesterday. Gee my gal really chao lao look.
Even the Teacher tot she's 3 YO.

Ya I also agreed with you. Noway at ur MIL's plc lar.. wait u puke blood out..
Hi all,
Thanks for ur well wishes. Baby Hazel and I were discharged yesterday afternoon.

Sneaked in here to do a quick post.

Zavier is v fascinated by his new born mei mei. Wanted to give her biscuit when he visited us at the hospital.

Day 1

Day 2
Hey Angel,
Congrats! Anson is a handsome boy!

so fast want to chope my gal liao ah? haha there are so many girls for Anson to choose from... let them know each other better first lah!

You're next...

I have sore nipples already. Found out that my left nipple has a big blister that just burst this morning. So painful!

long time no see ash already... looks like a big big girl now... *sigh8... time passes by very fast hor...

Look at Hazel's chubby cheeks!!! Want to pinch her!!! hahahaa

Anson looked a bit shocked in the photo... haha.... but he's so cute!
Ya we long time no meet liao leh. Post some ZW pics leh. I miss seeing her. I wonder Ash still rem ZW if she meets her next time. keke.
Ya time pass v fast .. SO SCARY!
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Maybe becos Ash is tall, that's why the teacher thot she is 3YO.

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Wow, Hazel has rosy cheeks! Did Zavier show any sign of jealousy?
Sore nipples--> use your BM or nipple cream to apply on the sore area. You'll feel better.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Teacher also say Valerie big size. She's wearing size 3 uniform. Dunno why they must make uniform so uncomfortable one.. the material like PAPER like that.. stiff stiff one

<font color="aa00aa">ZYP</font>
Hazel looks lovely! Can tell it's a girl. Nice to see gor gor so sayang mei mei

<font color="119911">Update on Valerie</font>
Valerie got a new friend! Coz she cried so badly this morning so I called the centre to check on her. The PIC said she cried for a short while only and after that she's ok. Run around and even laugh v loudly.

He told me today Valerie made a new friend, a french boi called Alex. Kept calling Alex Alex Alex.. and even sayang his head and hold his hands to play.. hahahaha...

He also said Valerie actually will initiate other children to play with her, e.g. gesturing them to goto the little house with her etc.

So I asked what's the portion of food being served to her and he said since they know Valerie has a good appetite, they offer her an equivalent of a Nursery kid's portion.. and she'll finish EVERYTHING on the plate, except for the fruits.

This gal sure can eat!!!

Wow! Valerie has a friend.
That's good. Her appetite is impressive. I hope cay can eat more. Getting her to eat is always a torture.... not counting the snacks and titbits of course.
