(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Yeah I guess is her height but overrall built.. PD say she is a big gal....

The PD also say Ash a big gal having the built of a 33 mths old toddler. Ash is wearing size M. The tee is OK, but trousers look oversized. haha.

Ash also got a new fren there too! The new gal tat joined with her on sat day. hehehehe.

he wun pinch me but he will use his head n knock my head when i carry him... damn pain leh...

hazel so cute... i wanna pinch her chubby cheeks... kekekeke... like wat tigger say put nipple cream and try to air it... dun let hazel suckle on the sore nipple first else will be damn pain, juz pump if its not too painful for u...

as requested by many pple here, including me, here's pic of clarissa and her mei mei...

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
Our PD hardly comment on her built but based on BMI, she is definitely over man..

Worse thing my MIL still feed her something after she comes home leh.. scary..

<font color="119911">caymom</font>
We try not to feed Valerie much titbits but I dunno how often she eat those at home when we are at work lor...

<font color="aa00aa">missylan</font>
Ya.. better get the name of that PD 1st and then object VIOLENTLY to appointing him as ur child's PD.. that one jialat..
Wow ur #2 princess is also v v chubby! lovely cheeks, so cute leh! Cla seem like a good jie jie leh. keke. She so much bigger now, wow..

juz now have to drag Ash to bathe. Wow liao.. she nearly went to bite my ear. This gal ah.. i really bui tahan her Count Ash behavior. really hope she wont go round to bite pple once she noe her frens more shou in the class. hiaz..

Me not v worried of Ash being overweight.. actualy she grows longer, she lost some of her chubby cheeks liao.. but she does hv a mature face.
valmom - crystal oso refuse to be bathed in the cc so end up teacher wipe only..she oso afraid of the showerhead..i ask the cc can get a pail and bath her..they say due to safety reasons they cannot lor..guess gotta wait till crystal is ready..

she cries a lot in the morning before school..but when reach school think is resign to fate..will cry and say good bye to me..so i really envy those kids who dont cry lor..and so many here..keke..
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
But I scared Valerie overweight (already is) leh.. coz HB & I big frame so scared she follow

<font color="119911">crystalmum</font>
Teacher still bathe her in school. Now she siam rather than cry. Today brot her swimming, the bathroom also showerhead. But she better liao, altho still cling onto me when showering but at least no screams like last time.

She cries badly and wldnt even say bye bye, she'll stretch out her hands and cry badly. But PIC says so far they r successful in distracting her rather quickly so she doesnt cry for v long one. It's separation anxiety they say so once they settle into the routine they'll be ok wor..
valmom - me oso been told they will pass through this stage lor..got one mummy i saw also say her gal cries for a month...now i see her bring her daughter to school..not a tear kind..so hor..i really looking forward to that! we jia you together leh..to get through this period..
<font color="0000ff">crystalmum</font>
Hope so too
Today Valerie 'fight' big time again. But once out of the house, she starts to be 'resigned' to her 'fate'. When we reached the centre, she actually leaned forward to let the teacher carry. But when we said & wave bye bye to her, valerie's face was like so sad... mommy heartache...
Cla mei mei resembles you more right? If I didn't remember yr face wrongly. hehe. So chubby. Btw, mei mei baby cot in yr room, so jie jie sleep where now?
Handsome Prince Anson and Princess Hazel Welcome!
Anson's a really nice name... Hazel's so chubby.

Zyp, are your sore nips better? Really feel 4 u, must be v painful.

My leg has an aching discomfort... dunno from cramp or hong sip... been having leg cramp consecutively a few days last wk, then i guai guai eat extra calcium supplements with Vit D to aid absorption. Then no more damn painful sudden cramp but now v aching and limping, wonder if it's related.

Yes Kayla's Mummy, i'm waiting impatiently to see your men of dreams at Indoor this wkend.
<font color="aa00aa">valmom:
this is a trying period. it will get better. but my aunt did tell me once, her son... on the way to his childcare, he would say this all the way and everyday, "dun want to go to school, dun like school" ... this happened till they changed his childcare cuz initially, she thought it was just the whole thing about being in a child care the first time.
but if the feedback from teachers are good, should not have to worry so much.

i really admire you; being able to post regularly about valerie's progress. i wont have such a luxury.

i will be at work earlier than c will be in that centre, when she starts. sigh</font>
<font color="0000ff">krazy</font>
But u teach mah.. so ur hrs are earlier.. but maybe it's a good thing coz u wldn't see the painful sight of seeing ur child cry her hearts out to the CC..

every morning I'll feel like giving in to her and letting her stay at home to spare her the 'agony'.. but I try to be logical lah.. coz the longer I delay her, the more difficult it'll be I feel...
<font color="ff6000">ming,</font>
Hahaha, I was thinking where got so many MEN of my dream??

I am getting so excited...Will be taking half day leave this fri. 1st to go for my 38th weeks checkup in the afternoon and then go home to doll up for the concert at night...kekeke
I just signed up for another term with BJG after stopping for a term.

ZW took quite a while to warm up during the first lesson. Anyway, glad that April is still teaching her.

Cla's mei mei also very chubby leh.... aiyoh... so cute... want to pinch her as well!!!
where dun hv so many men of your dreams?? your jacky n your hubby n keane mah... already 3 liao... ahahahaha...

u serious? go concert oso must doll up?? kekekeke...
<font color="ff6000">SC,</font>
Keane is not consider a man yet mah. My hb = Jacky Cheung..kekeke..so only 1 man...

Of cos must doll up lah...what if Jacky comes over to shake my hand and invite me on stage? I must at least look presentable mah. Or what if I go into labour during the concert and then the reporters want to take my pics? kekeke.

Ur description very funny, if really give birth during concert, u will become famous overnight & jacky will remember u forever, hehe...
<font color="0000ff">Eve,</font>
My frens ask me not to get too excited during the concert in case I go into labour. Kekeke. Jacky fans will kill me if I disrupt the concert.

I dun think I will give birth this fri lah, my tummy is still very high up.
<font color="0000ff">Meow & Eve,</font>
haha, okok, I will take note and be more careful. Will tell Kayla to wait till next week or longer. I am not ready yet.
Wow, the thread is sure active today.

Ahahahaha, think you can safely go enjoy your Jacky concert. Your tummy so high!!!

Hee.... these few days Joeson proved to me that he's a terror actually. Often, he slipped into the room and attack di di without warning whor.

Here's some photo to share.


<font color="ff0000">Guess who is who???</font>


<font color="119911">Brothers spending some peaceful time together, under watchful eyes of mummy</font>
My sore nipples are much better already. I think they are getting seasoned day by day. Haha... to me, expressing is more painful than latching, so I still prefer latching.

You so fast show RA photos of Anson liao! Me not gonna expose mei mei here.. hee... but got some similar photos too!


valmom - yes yes! crystal also has this ren ming look on her face..esp when she reach school..so heartpain hor..i see her mouth qiao qiao wanna cry when i left oso..so heartpain ah!

angel - are they twins?? so alike leh!

zyp - hazel so cute..staring hard at gor gor..hehe..gor gor very happy with mei mei ah?
<font color="aa00aa">angeline:
oh my!! the photos are so good! just look at the both of them!!

i LOVE the 2nd picture!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Krazy</font>
Same here.. 2nd pic really good!

<font color="119911">Angelneo</font>
Wa.. I really can't tell leh!!! But I think 1st one is Joeson, 2nd one is Anson? Coz u said Anson looks more wrinkled :p

<font color="0000ff">Update on Valerie</font>
Today the struggle was not bad like yesterday. She cried and struggled a bit but as we kept reassuring her mah mah will come pick her up later, she allowed us to dress her (altho still crying). While walking to school she didn't cry but did use her soft toy to cover her eyes when we are in the lift (the centre is on 3rd floor).

When we reached 3rd floor, she saw the chinese teacher from far and smile (Phew! at least showed that she does like the teachers). When she go into the centre she didn't cry. Didn't wave bye bye but at least not crying.

Today not so heart-wrenching for both of us...
U gog bk BJG huh? Tot u wanna enroll ZW to PG?

I duno whos who leh. Both look v alike!

The pics so nice. Zavier really smiling so happily!! Btw Hazels got v nice bright twinkling eyes leh, really v nice..

<font color="0000ff">Ashley PG</font>
Today my turn to sigh liao. Shes adapting well in her class, but she pinched her fren yday in class. I relly predict correctly that shell bully pple in class. Teacher complaint to my father yday. Sighs.. Yday talk to this gal liao, hopefully shell understand & wont repeat the bully act again.
wah, i still dun hv the courage to put shanice on kaeden's lap... scared later he give 1 push, she'll land on the floor... he damn chor lor one... but its really very wen xin to see the siblings together leh... kekekeke...

after seeing the siblings hotos got any mummy calling anot?

think val's progress is very good leh... must reward her properly leh
abit lah. can't imagine how denyce carry bb. hehe. though got abit mummy calling BUT, NO money calling leh. wahaha.
<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
No lah, Kayla will let mummy have the honour of shaking Jacky's hand.

<font color="ff6000">Angel,</font>
The 1st 2 pics looks exactly the same! How is breastfeeding so far? Remember not to give yourself too much stress over this. Relax and enjoy the company of your 2 precious sons ok?
Yah Zavier adores his mei mei... Always want to sayang mei mei, carry her, feed her... We taught him not to touch her face and head, so he'll sayang her body instead.

This morning mei mei cried and he was the first one to wake up and inform everybody that mei mei was crying.

twinklets and San,
Jia you orh!!! keke...

re: CC
Zavier missed school again today. Down with fever last night, already fine today but decided to let him rest a day. He is quite settled in the CC routine and accepts going to CC now. Not much crying in the morning, at most 'bian zui' only. I am quite glad about that...

So those mummies who just sent their tods to CC.. hang on there!
I can't tell who is who!!!! hahaa...

Wanted to send her to a PG but my mother and sister kindda protest. So, going to keep her home for another few mths... next year then send her to school..

So, meanwhile, i think I better continue BJG enrichment classes so that she can interact with others as well as learn a new thing or two.

I like the 2nd pic as well... very wen xin...

Glad to know crystal is adapting well... long time din see her already. *sigh*... miss the BJG times.

U disappear already arh????
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
But if u guys (or ur sis?) kept pinching her cheeks she really wldn't think there's anything wrong with that action leh.. for all u know, Ashley sees that as a way of showing her affection?

Did she pinch until blue-black?
<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Waiting for you to share your birth story with us leh.

Glad to hear that Zavier adores Hazel. Really very wen xin to see those pics.
Ya I think I'll TTC next mth, after our short trip. keke. Hb is gog to switch job though, so me like got abit of withdrawal symptom again!

Ehh hopefully next mth I wont have withdrawal symptom leh. hahah.

U must be damn happy & relief tat Zav finally settled into CC.

Oic. She still remembers Teacher April?

My father din elaborate much on which part she pinch leh. But seem like the cheeks. Ya I guess she imitate my sis way of pinching cheeks. Yesterday already gave warning letter to my sis - NOT TO PINCH HER CHEEKS ANYMORE!!!!

Nope i dun think so got blue black, cos Teacher told my father the gal din cry I think..
I think u are right.. she tot is a way of showing affection.. She does tat to bbs when she sweet talk to them. Then we gotta refrain her from touching the cheeks..

Hope today no pinching saga man. Arrghh..
Ya, agreed.. v heartwarming to see such sibling pics. When I saw Zavier carrying Hazel, wif Hazel lookg at Gor Gor, I feel my mother calling comes abit lor. keke.
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
I am sure Ash will dote on her younger siblings...so Jia You ok!
Where are you going for your short trip? Can take that chance to TTC also.

Is the job market very good now? Still considering if I shd change job after my ML. Work is stressful but it gives me the flexibility to work from home sometimes. And office is very near my place.
ALamak.. juz spoke to the Teacher over the fone.. She really pinched the cheeks of her fren. Teacher said Ash luv this gal alot, always sits besides her, hug & kiss her. Then tend to pinch her here & there.
THen just now she hug another gal fren too tight, both lost balanced & fell down. Ash was in shock & cried, then the other gal's head knock on the table. SIghs.. The Teacher told me not to worry so much & said she'll teach Ash & cultivate her the correct ways of showing LOVE..............

I'm not sure of the market now. keke. Ya maybe u can juz see see look look after ur ML..

We may go July or early August.. But me quite lazy to plan. haha.

Ya I noe she'll dotes her siblings, but she got overdosage of PASSION.
<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
Long story.... i update blog first. :p

<font color="aa00aa">twinklets,</font>
Ya lor... I'm happy that Zavier is coping ok with CC. But he has to build up his immune system lor. His usual GP told us that it takes a child about 4-6mths for his immune system to adapt to a group environment.

He also has good appetite after school. I gather it's due to the activities there. According to his teachers, he enjoys music and dance alot. Other than his 2 usual 240ml of milk, he usually has double serving of lunch and certain tea break. I think as long as his appetite is good, he should be happy there. Though he's 94cm now, he is still 13kg only... dunno where all his food intake has gone to.

Where u going for ur short trip? Have a 'Made in xxx' baby lah! I'm sure Ash will be a doting jie jie...

Oh, when we ask Zavier what's mei mei's name... he'll answer "Hazel"! keke....
So sweet of Zavier to noe his Mei Mei name!

Ash is getting heavier recently.. think gog to reach 14kg liao. I still dunno her height. keke.

Maybe Cameron highlands lor. Dunno see how..
Hi Zyp and Angelneo,

Congrats on the arrival of Hazel and Anson!!! So cute to see them holding their meimei and didi. Hahhahahah...
ZW seems to remember Teacher April but she hid behind me when April wants to hug her leh... but at the end of the class, she still gave the usual goodbye hug to April...

as i said, got abit mother calling but NO $$$ calling lor. haha. now till december is out for me lah. After that then think about it lor. That day i even joke wz my fren, whom she going to give birth in Nov, tell her i wait for her together and ttc no. 2 in 2009. she immediately 'on' wz me.

Then u must plan yr trip the time when u know is yr ovulation. if realy make in Cameron Highland, then u can name yr bb Cameron. haha.

Btw, when all of u are talking abt TTC, do u mean you will chart yr temperature or buy ovulation strip or count the dates etc kind? or just 'shun qi zi ran' w/o taking precautions?
