(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

no worries abt yday lah... i was in office anyway... next monday u at kkh? mabbe we can meet again... i'll sms u... thanks so much...

at first i oso tot he's calling the cook cum helper in the cc then the 2nd time i realised he is calling his fav teacher 'auntie'... she is a young n pretty gal leh, call pple auntie... faint...

i'm gg there ard 10am+ cos need to go for a lunch appt after that... wif a tight budget, i'm oni heading to buy the bb doll top from topshop... dun wan to linger there for too long... else later kenna an earful when i'm home... hehehehe... yes trying to control my expenditure now... sigh...

Why you in office???!!! Give out cake huh? Yeah in KKH again if Darryl still choose not to come out. Will be strap on CTG again to monitor for contractions if any. Appt 2pm. Now his 3.2kg liao.
Isetan's pte sale always damn packed... heh let me see if i can go 2mor.

Florence: Recently i had UTI and was in pain for quite a few days. U take care ah... like Poohy says, drink more cranberry and the Citravesence.

Tigger: Yar lor, not we purposely choose one. This one is 34 liao. There's another similar one but she complained abt her former employer and is widowed. So we took this one who is married with 3 kids, hopefully more stable and mature.

Kids showing love and gesture to mummies. So many can do it liao hor. Ha ha.. me not comparing lah. But just thinkg i'm the most pathetic. Since preg., Isabelle has drifted far apart from me. Last time was always Mummy Mummy, nowadays Daddy is No. 1. Isabelle made a pretty Mother's Day card in sch. But she didn't give me. i saw it in her folder, then when i was seeing it, she want 2 snatch it away from me. Sigh, sad boh? But it's ok la, i kan kai liao.

Btw on sales... if going Robinsons sale, remember to bring along your $5 off voucher. We forgot today. Fox has 50% off for >2items from 18 May. Members further 15%.

Heh Esther, wah so fast!!! Confinement over liao.
Gong xi. When are u gog home? Got my email last wk? The trainer pants are here liao lor. Let me know when u want them.
Meow counting down... soon. All the best! Dun be too sad, still got chance for natural birth. Or if you walk more and zou dong more, will it help?

Ang mo chinese. Heh recently we also realised Isabelle's chinese is very ang mo when she say 1-10. Quite funny... but i think ok lah, over time, naturally they will speak natural Mandarin.
Think Zavier is the odd one out here. As my parents speak to him in Mandarin most of the time, he is quite fluent in Mandarin. His English is quite rojak, with Mandarin in it.Even though we talk and ask him questions in English, he'll reply in Mandarin. He has one malay teacher in childcare.. lucky the teacher can understand some simple chinese.
thanks mummies for well wishes for Crystal..yesterday I took half day..but by the time i went home already 4plus..she still happy to see me lah..hehe..bgt a small cake for her to celebrate since we had a mini celebration with our family last sun.

meow - aiya..you missed yesterday's date for delivery hah..hehe..
Zavier odd one out? Cos he speaks in Chinese? Aiyo.... fluent chinese is still better than Joeson's Hoknese. Hokkien + Chinese. Told my MIL so many times liao. She speak pure hokkien to Joeson, I speak English and my hubby, Chinese. But my MIL still insist on speaking to Joeson in her hoknese. So bo bian. I will always change his pronunciation in front of her. So it's like, his fish is (yi)... taught by MIL, I will change it to (yu). His rice is (fuan), MIL's language, I will change it to (fan).... frustrating.... But fun la. Always will laugh with hubby in the end.

At least Isa still made something for you. On mother's day, Joeson keep asking me.... 'mai che'? buy car... Haiz. Got nothing from him, but still must give him something back.

I cross my fingers for you! Excited for you also! Speak to baby la... he'll listen to you. Ahahahahaha.....

Do you need to buy much things for your maid? I found that my maid don't have many stuff. Bra also don't have la. Tops also not much. Recently bought her some tops, she loves it so much that she repeated it for 4 days continuously now. All the clothes that I bought her. And also, my maid gained 5kg in 2 weeks! Shucks...... I can't imagine it man. What will she be after 2 yrs with us.
Happy belated to Crystal. Tell her Joeson gives her a big big kiss...... So fast right? Our babies are 2 yrs old liao.
<font color="0000ff">Angelneo</font>
Dunno whether is compare of not lah.. I envy becoz I wish Valerie can express herself better so that we can avoid all those tantrums she throw becoz we don't u/stand what she wants.

<font color="119911">Ming</font>
Valerie is also daddy daddy lah. Just to be more mommy but ever since I have to work late and my hb's hrs become more routine, it's daddy daddy. But she dun call him daddy, she call him "goo-goo" (follow her cousins).. HAHAHAHA

<font color="ff6000">Selling dining table & chairs</font>
Hey, if you know of anyone who dun mind buying a 2nd hand good condition table & chairs let me know okie.


Just posted pictures online.

Thanks ladies!

My maid on diet most times and loves to do sit ups many times a day.. she even wakes up early to do skipping.... very hiao one.. but i must agree it helps and her figure is yi ji pang.


Speak chinese is ok.. My thyler can speak english only.. the rest less than 20 words... Imagine me speak chinese to who? And my hubby speak viet to who? I a bit worry abt thyler's 2nd language.. neither here nor there.


REgarding hokkien, my parents speak hokkien too to each other although they are fluent in English... And now when thyler see my father he will shout very loudly " nin ah gong oi!( your grandfather)" and all the other words my father teaches him indirectly like " Ka cherng(backside)", "Ka nin nah!(this one think you all know la.", " siao eh! (crazy one?)" and being the show off thyler that he is, he will say all the hokkien he knows.. so it will go in one line like this! " siao eh! (my father turns to look at thyler, thyler realises he got attention, he smiles and continues) nin ah gong oi, ka cherng!" I cringe everytime i hear this... no meaning but the whole line sound so rude...

Doesn't mean can talk liao no tantrums leh... can talk= more flowery sounding tantrums. and they too young to negotiate.... so the language cannot use neg also...

Eg Me:" you finish the rice first then mummy take the gummy for you."

Thyler :"No Mummy! Gummy first! dun want rice... (pause) LAH!"

Me:"Come lerler be a good boy and eat the rice first so you can be a strong hunter(or strong predator... whateva his carze at the moment)!"

Thyler:" No mummy! I need to be a notti boy and eat the gummy first. cannot be strong hunter."

See!! basically he just wants his way... no room for neg... If want gummy means have to eat gummy... nothing first... otehrwise is a screaming session liao..
Yr maid inherit yr 'hiaoness' ah? kakaka. Must be you lor, set example to her. hehe.

Btw, the hokkien Thyler speak damn funny leh though not right.

My hse not only i female le. my mom and sis all hiao.... they more hiao then me ok... So may not be my influence la... more like a collective influence. Indonesian leh.. muslim girl wear denim mini skirt and heels out.. when she came, she wear tudung one now change sooo much.

Thyler speaking all the wrong things lah. I wish he'll just not learn hokkien if like tt...
Aiyooo.. you should go Wen's place. Bet you can't point out who is her mother.

Aiyoo.... why your daddy teach all these words. Joeson's kah cherng is said in Chinese. Pi du.... ahahahahaha.... There was one point, whenever I was changing in front of him and if I'm bending down to take something, he will run to me and slap my backside while saying, mummy's pi du. FAINT!

Kids are growing up fast la. They learn things super fast. Also, they recognise places fast. I remembered I only brought Joeson along with me for my hubby's haircut place once. ONCE only.... and yesterday, when we brought him there again, and after we alight from the car... he can exclaim very loudly.... Pa pa jian tou fa.... I was so so so surprised. Worst.... once he stepped into the shop, he say... auntie, chi tang... meaning he's asking for candy! Wa kaoz....... Here I am losing my memory, there he is showing off his! I downloaded too much to him liao la.

When kids throw tantrum, they won't express themselves. One example I have is, when Joeson throws tantrum and keeps crying.... he will simply say 'bu yao'. That's all.
lerler so funny...if my child ever speak those words, i sure wack them one....my dad is one who's very strict...never teach us how to scold those languages so i will follow his teaching.

Seems like joeson is expose to many language ah...so you shouldn't worry he only understand chinese but not english mah...right? Speak to him ah? Got that time i told him dun come out on 13th and he didn't lor.

I walk alot liao. Every sat i go shopping without fail....my neighbour who went shopping with us even compliant i walked too fast for her to catch up.

Aiyo, today i so suay....cos since last tues morning i saw a dead little rat at the walkway to my carpark. This cat very scare of rats one. Then this rat got its head and body separated, even worst.

Then i thought by tues afternoon the cleaner should have sweep it away from the carpark. But suay suay yesterday night its still there....so i choose to walk down a grass patch slope rather then the concrete ground.

This morning went carpark again, the rat still there....
So i choose to walk the grass patch. Hubby was carrying Sheryl who's still sleeping and i carry her bag and mine and walk up the slope. Who knows, i trip onto a tree root and FLY....my shoes on ground and i eventually run a few steps before hubby can catch me. Well he caught me lah...after then no movement from Darryl. Heng jus now he kick me liao, else i think i need go check up le.

Sorry for my long story but need to explain
Sheryl also say backside as pi gu too. She also slap my backside before...

Sheryl can be like lerler too....want means want. Ask her eat banana rather than biscuit she insisted she wants biscuits and not banana. Else she will walk to me sweetly, look at me and says yao biscuit and wink or nod to me one. Naughty gal lor
My maid is still waiting for her mum's letter. Hopefully she can extend for another year. Otherwise I will prob be getting a new maid thou i dun wish to. Think i wld prefer to engage a pt maid to clean my house every weekend..

Congras! Yah i agree tat its less pressure if the next one is boy after having a gal already. Initially i also felt the pressure when i was expecting another gal while their own daughter expecting boy. Somehow i know that my PILs will be biased and favours the boy more even thou they are only the maternal grandparents.. And guess i am right, my FIL can remember his grandson lunar DOB and forgot abt Shania's.. Anyway i dun really care much abt it so long as they dun overdo it.

Haha.. Hoping to cheong for mattel sales bt i also dun think i need anymore toys.. Prob only Lego for Sheri bah.. Sherilyn has a whole lot of toys to share wf Shania already..

I am a Buddhist bt i feel that its ok to send Sheri to church kindy. I prefer the environment of church compound as compared to those PCFs under the HDBs..

CGM at Hong San Walk is very popular. My aunt's frens send their children there to attend the Kindy class. Heard that its very good.. A pity they only take in Kinder classes..

U having bad tummyache? Could it be the food u ate? Do take care ok..

I also cannot afford to send Sheri to those reputable pre-schools.. If my finances allow, i will consider Pats Schoolhouse, Kinderland or MMI.

My Sheri super jialat lor.. She loves to stick to her "gu gu"-my SIL, and her "ah ma"-my MIL. Everytime we go out tog, she will want her gugu to hold her hands, sit next to her gugu.. Otherwise she will look for her ah ma. The last person she will find is me..

Zavier is so tall! He looks like a 4 years old..
<font color="0000ff">Wen</font>
Thyler's hokkien very farni!!! :p

Valerie speaks rojak coz we all talk to her in various language. My MIL talks to her in teochew, my FIL teaches her Chinese er-ge. If she keen, she'll say along (some missing words here & there).

Hb talk to her in English/Teochew; I speak to her in Mandarin/English/Teochew/Cantonese...

Too many languages ha?

<font color="119911">Angelneo</font>
I can definitely relate to that man. We went to IKEA Tampines on 22nd April. After meal she let her into the play area to play while we enjoy our (not so nice) coffee.

Last week we went there again and headed for lunch before shopping. I went to the toilet and next thing when I came out my HB was carrying a crying Valerie. I asked him wat happened and he said she insisted of removing her shoes (which my hb did, thinking her shoe laces were too tight). After shoes removed, she refused to eat her lunch.. why?!?! Becoz she wanna goto the play area!!!

She wail & cry so loud the diners there were looking at us. So no choice we thot we go home. We at the checkout area, it was much quieter so I told hb, maybe we feed her here liao.. and truth enuff.. she finished all her mee-sua...

ONE TIME only!! We only brot her into the play area ONCE!... goodness me! And they say kids dun have good memory?!?!?
Mummies for the past 1 week, Sheri has bitten her cousin thrice.. Any of ur tods bite people also? My MIL said it could be due to teething. Her cousin used to bite her very often when she was abt Sheri's age also and my MIL also said that she was teething then so we gotto be extra careful nt to let the 2 gals go near each other.. Bt it doesnt seem the case cos the 2 of them dun bite others ley.. Sheri only bites her cousin and nt any of us.. When i ask her to apologise and say sorry, she was very reluctant and she pulled her own hair with so much strength that a few strands fall off.. I really dunno why is she behaving like that.. Sigh
Any of u studied child psychology before??
<font color="0000ff">Angel</font>
I think our kids can pick up languages v fast.. good to know Hokkien leh, I don't know how to speak dialect well, only understand enough to make sure the other party is not scolding me. haha...

<font color="119911">Wen</font>
Ya lor... once they know how to talk, can talk back and negotiate liao. Zavier still don't know how to call himself as 'wo' or 'me', everytime say 'ni' or simply say his own name. So he'll always say 'ni yao he milk milk' , tell him to say 'wo yao he milk', he'll say 'jing kai yao he milk milk'.

Every morning at home and on the way to childcare he'll nag 'bu yao qu xue xiao', 'yao qu gai gai', 'yao qu buy toy toy'. More naggy than grandmother liao. Faint.

Nowadays he also want means want. Want milk must make for him immediately, else will scream and cry. In childcare know must wait for his turn, but at home so demanding. Hai...

<font color="ff0000">meow</font>
Be careful ah...
Sometimes denyce also call me 'gu jie' like what my nieces call me. Then she will also call my SIL mummy. Whenever my SIL come home, my nieces will run to the door and greet their mother at the sametime calling mummy. Then denyce also follow them run and chase after my SIL and call her mummy. Like my dad, sometime she xiao xiao also call 'ye ye' instead of 'gong gong'. All follow my nieces lor.

Denyce also can't differentiate me and you. Cos' i think they learn fr what we talk. Eg whenever she want to fight things with me, she will tell me she want to 'help you' instead of 'help me'. That day she went class, the teacher told me she play wz the puzzles and when she needs help, she tell the teacher 'help you'.

As long as wz proper guidance, no need to go famous school, the kids will be able to score as well lah. My bro neighbour, the gal from a normal CC in landed hse but the mother b4 P1, already send to enrichment class and they read alot of books. Now the gal in P3, but her mum let her go English or Maths class for P4 together wz my P4 niece. The gal score top 3 in class and also top 10 in school for her level. She too nvr go PATs or Eton etc. But the effort at home and $ spend on enrichments is alot lor.
I also can't speak hokkien well. My hubby keep telling me next time he sure converse with Joeson in Hokkien so that he and Joeson can tease me when I attempt to answer in that language. Idiot.

Joeson loves to bite my maid too. But when I'm around, I'll give him a very fierce look and he will sheepishly back away. Kids knows who to bully and who not to. Smart de.....

Aiyooo... kids memory now is terrible! scary in fact!

When is the date you initially wanted your boy to come out? Aiyoo... why they never remove the rat's body? For me, I saw how few crows forced the rat to commit suicide. They will chasing it and poking at it, until the rat hide in front of the back wheel of a car waiting to move off in the traffic. And next thing I know is.... piak piak.... the rat is dead, and the crows are fighting for the meat and intestines. aiyooo....
I let him decided his own fate actually. But now if he really overdue, i'm thinking if he should share the same BD as me which is 24th or earlier....as for the dead rat, my hubby clear away this morning when he was home. Finally its gone...hope i wont see the head the next time i walk pass the area.

Sheryl will bite herself sometimes. Dunno she's playing or on purpose cos we took her hands away she laughs. Norm we let her chew on straws as i find that its a better teether than norm teether since now she only left the last 2 molars to be out. I also read a book to her about behaviour which is "teeth are not for bitting"....jus yesterday night, i read to her again. Before i start she flip and reads herself..."Ouch, bitting hurts" so she does understand teeth are not for biting but for chewing instead.
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
Valerie wldn't say, she'll grab ur hands and pull to the place she wants help (e.g. shoes, toys etc). If u gey-siao say "What do you want?" She'll start becoming impatient. If you still go "Mommy dun u/std, can u say?" She'll become angry. Sigh. Try to force her to talk also cannot!!!

Valerie is like Denyce lor, see my HB call gu-gu, see my SIL call mommy. All becoz she follows what her cousins say. She doesn't call me "yee-yee" coz I always come home late so I hardly goto my SIL's place. Valerie calls me "Ah-Mi"

<font color="119911">Biting</font>
Valerie loves to BITE! But it's normally bitting her pacifier and toys. She'll only bite us when she is very very "yoke-gan". The mark will stay there for days!!!
<font color="119911">Biting</font>
Ashley just bite my mum's shoulder yesterday! Luv to bite my hand when I wanna her to bathe or change nappy. Grrghh. But all her teeth erupted liao, still teething meh?

<font color="ff0000">Meow</font> , where u got tat "teethin are not for bitting" book????????? I wan! I also wan "Cannot beat beat!" She luv to beat us!
Yr hb niece call you Yi Yi meh? Denyce call my bro Kao Fu which is same as yr 'gu gu'. Then my SIL she call her 'Kam Mo' not yi yi leh.


Who ordered Smiling Orchid cakes before, is it nice? Me now headache over the cake. I quite like Smiling Orchid cake design but 1.5kg, $80+ and still need to go Ghim Moh to pick up. Was thinking ordering from Pine Garden which is very near me and also cheaper and I can order Mousse Cake instead. However, the problem is I want to have those character cakes with figurines on it and they don't provide. I need to go source for those figurines which is a headache for me now. Don't know where to buy at all. Smiling Orchid do provide but the 1 i like 'strawberry shortcake' figurine OOS now. So i got to either take Kitty, Mickey, Winnie or Princess etc.
I got mine from the book warehouse sale at expo recently held by Times the bookstore.

times selling at $14.19 and kino at $13.98

There's many titles for behaviour, the other i have is legs are not for kicking. The other title you may be interested is Hands are not for hitting.
I ordered from them before. Design nice. Taste, better than e-creative. Worth it la. I thought they have a few places for pick-up?
Is it? i tot only Ghim Moh branch as that is the bakery shop. If deliver to us, charge $20 leh. Rather go pick up also no need spend $20 on petrol. $80+ very sim tia leh. Still need to spend $ for that day bbq makan. Pocket damn broke manz!
I order Ashley's Barney Cake from them this year too. Their cake is nice, yah definitely better than E-creative.

Thanks for the link! is good, i'll check out more
Yah, think all recomend around mah.

Maybe u west nearer lor. Me ask to deliver to Sengkang so actually quite far. What cake flavour u order?
i order vanilla with fresh mango.
Think Stephy order duno wat, also v nice. U can check her blog, she got indicate the filling.
got fresh mango ah? she only tell me blueberry, chocolate, strawberry. All this is Jam only. So fresh fruit got to pay extra lor.
Crystal 2nd bday Celebration chicky cake and barney agar agar and mother's day cake..cakes from angie the choice..yummy!

Crystal's actual day cake..
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
My hb teochew lah.. I cantonese. By right his nephews & nieces should call me "Ah-Geng". not "Yee Yee" but for convenience sake they call all aunties as Yee Yee & all uncles as "Gu-Gu".

Valerie supposed to call my mom "por-por" and my sister "yee-ma" but so far she hasn't called them yet. But hor, without fail, when Valerie sees my dog, she'll go "ko-ko".. sigh..

Yesterday again Valerie ran to my SIL and called her "mummy". So readily!! She is the 1st to run to hug my SIL.. faster than her own children!

Sigh... this mommy can 'retire' liao. :-(

<font color="0077aa">Crystalmum</font>
Waa... Crystal lucky gal... got agar & so many cakes!!!
dun be sad! our tods now tend to "parrot" la, same as Cla, she also parrots what her cousin calls sometimes, like she hear her cousin called my SIL "mummy", she will also follow. Then when they calls my hubby "Ah Gu", she will do the same..so we normally ask her to repeat, then she cheekily smile and whisper "daddy.."

Wah, Smiling Orchid's del. charge is ex- ya! I ordered fr Prima Deli,they charged $5 (wkend rate some more). and they also gives 10%if paid by UOB/HSBC card

Crystal celebrate her b'day 2 in 1 with mother's day? nice cakes!!
Looking for you....you on msn? Well reserve the potty and hands book for you liao. Not wanting the teeth book right?
<font color="0000ff">meow,</font>
I was working from home in the morning so didnt log into MSN. Thanks for reserving the books for me! I dun need the teeth book.
Glayz, i told my direct & big boss of my pregnancy liao, express that i really dun want to do lab work at the moment. They were quite positive & say will work out something for me. Heng was still so worried the past week, everyday go lab very stress, scared something bad will happen to bb, now i really can "song yi kou qi"
Good for u... now I still have to handle hexane everyday... but after my customer correlation..I can slowly hand over my things and look forward to ML...
Glayz, try to wear mask when handling those solvents lor, they r really not very gd. So when u taking ur ML? Btw i have book my appt with Dr Tham next mth, will u still b going to kkh?
