(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

re: virus fever

looks like there is a strong virus going ard hor... its the first time S had ever have such high fever 40.5 deg highest i think. And he had that consistently for 4 days.... today he is v lethargic and sleepy according to my mum. And she told me seems to have some blood in his watery stool this morning.

san, my mum also rub egg for him.. but not mo dan leh.

i felt more hopeful from what u all shared.. .at least means that somehow without further medication, the fever or infection shd run its course in time. I keep worrying abt those pneumonia, blah blah at first.
Congrats Meow! Bo bian got to do C again.
Welcome Darryl!

Fever! Wah didn't know fever also got trend like flu, so many kids down. Isabelle also. Suddenly again from Sat morning, then on/off, on/off..39.2 last nite again. 2day she's also resting at home. Everyone, get well soon!

Mosquito screens prevent all kinds of insects inc. mozzies, lizards, cockroaches etc. from getting into the house. V common overseas like in Australia to prevent sand flies etc. but not quite for us. Maybe higher usage in business environments like food biz. etc. or landed property when they're more susceptible to insects. KKCWH, PM's house etc. also got do. They also have pet screens. :p We bo bian lor, confirmed installation date liao. Ours is humble HDB but got big open fields in front of us and dunno why so many mozzies. Call NEA liao also no use. Insect repellent also dun work.
Congrats Meow! Bo bian got to do C again.
Welcome Darryl!

Fever! Wah didn't know fever also got trend like flu, so many kids down. Isabelle also. Suddenly again from Sat morning, then on/off, on/off..39.2 last nite again. 2day she's also resting at home. Everyone, get well soon!

Mosquito screens prevent all kinds of insects inc. mozzies, lizards, cockroaches etc. from getting into the house. V common overseas like in Australia to prevent sand flies etc. but not quite for us. Maybe higher usage in business environments like food biz. etc. or landed property when they're more susceptible to insects. KKCWH, PM's house etc. also got do. They also have pet screens. :p We bo bian lor, confirmed installation date liao. Ours is humble HDB but got big open fields in front of us and dunno why so many mozzies. Call NEA liao also no use. Insect repellent also dun work.
Hello mummies! Long time no post

Congats Meow! Hope to see your fotos soon

Hi Angel, have you posted my items out? Me back tmr for one day and will transfered the remaining money to you. Sorry for the delay...

Hi ming, talking about mosquitos... Edie have been bitten so many times... dunno if in the shop, at home or in the cc. Me not so worried about insects... me more worried about rats and snakes. The rats have already damaged one of the aircon wires and the alarm wire, have to spend money fixing them

Now still suffering from UTI, feel really terrible, esp at nite, wanna go so bad but no output

Sunday I went to Edie's first Teacher & Parent meeting... will update later at my blog
KL's online services very bad, can't logon last few mornings...
I am more comforted to know that Sheri is not the only one who behaves like this. Maybe its a phase that many tods will go thru. Hopefully they will overcome the urge to bite people with constant reminder..

Sherilyn usually pulls her own hair if she's angry or gets frustrated. Dunno y she chose to self-inflict as a form of venting her frustrations and anger ley.. She is getting very whiney nowadays too.. Sometimes i get so pek chek with her that i really want to spank her real hard lor..

Thanks for sharing.. Guess i must start reading this book on teeth are not for bitting to her too!
May i know who is the author? Is it the same author for other titles u have mentioned??

Crystal must be really happy to see the cakes and agar agar!

Dunno y Sheri also sometimes call my SIL mummy. She tends to imitate her cousin ley.. Whenever her cousin gets near her mum or greets her mum, she'll call my SIL mummy too.. Then she will stick to my SIL like a glue.. There i am sitting on the sofa, become an invisible mummy leow..

Your bosses are really understanding. Now u can set ur mind at ease.
Congras! Hope to see little Darryl's pics soon.

Have to monitor S's stools. If there are more blood streaks in subsequent bowels, better to send him to KKH.

Sheri had slight fever over the weekend also.. Bt she's well now..

Sick tods:
Wish all the sick tods a speedy recovery! Please dun fall sick on birthday mth..
Wish all the kids will get well soon.

Blysse was also down with fever on Sat evening. This is the first time she was down with fever ever since birth she was cranky through out the night and I was alone with her (with maid) as hubby was in Penang for meeting. Luckily still can manage. Brought her to PD and the PD only see her for less than 5min and I was $95 poorer. PD also say its due to virus. But didnt say what kind of virus.

This morning around 5am, its Faiths turn. She was crying and vomiting. Gave her fever medicine and fever pad (forehead ) then she can finally go back to sleep. Her fever subsided in the morning but just now my mother just called say her fever has gone up again and immediately I asked her to bring her down to see doctor.

Faith has gone to the 3 hour playgroup since last Wednesday. Hopefully the virus is not from there. Looks like she is going to miss the playgroup for a couple of days..

Meow, congrats!!!

thanx for the reminder... I am monitoring his condition... may bring him to Dr Terence Tan if it dun improve this evening.
Hey Florence,

Package sent! You call and check out whether received? Cos one of the mummies whom asked me to do normal post for her has yet to receive her package. Worrying....

brought S for review at PD's ... he was running a 40.8 deg fever shivering. Doc suspect its bacteria infection since he got mucous and blood in stool and continuous 6 days of high fever... Took stool sample for test liao. She wanted him admitted immediately to go on IV antibiotic. But we din want after the ordeal J went through... so she gave him an antibiotic injection and put him on oral antibiotic... if he dun improve within 2 days, we have to admit him to hospital...
Congrats...finally is ur turn....

Sick tods
Hope all sick tods get well soon....

Heard abt this virus going on...so ban sky from his swimming activities(hb tried to bring him to swim almost every sat..)... and get question upside down in and out by hb, my dad and mum....

Mosquito Screen
Still no idea how it look like....
With the screen...will ur place still be windy..or the screen will block off a lot of wind..
wo ming bai abt the insect part..as my mum place in Yishun also get frequent visit by insects..once a 10cm long grasshopper visit my room scaring the guts out of me...
poohy: oh no! don't worry, once on antibiotics, S will feel better. Remember to take care of yourself too, and remind your mom to take care of herself. I feel that the virus is quite strong, so even adults can be affected. You know, usually we tend to neglect ourselves when we care for our tods, wiping their mucous etc.

glayz: I think it's a good idea to ban Sky from swimming. no point exposing him to additional risks..

sure hope he gets better... I cant take any more leave for the time being.. so v worried he wont take his antibiotic promptly and correct dosage. Plus, we are struggling whether we did the right thing not to admit him... the doc mentioned that he is showing signs of a typhoid fever caused by bacteria such as salmonella.. the actual bacteria we will only know in abt 2 days when the stool culture comes out. Typhoid fever can lead to pneumonia or meningitis... thus I feel v concerned whether we did the right thing.
Agree wf blurmom that u must also take care of urself. Now just ensure that you give S his medication on time. Even if he refuse to take, u gotto force feed him. No choice lah.. If his condition didnt improve within 24hrs after taking the antibiotics, u might want to consider sending him to KKH for peace of mind? If his condition does improve, then hang on for another day for the lab results to be out.
oh... i hope he is better now...does he reject meds? rather, do you have a tough time feeding him?
serrich, krazy,

thanx. we forced fed him paracetamol as his fever rose back to 39.5 deg at 1am. He had slept till now... I just checked and his temperature is on the rising trend again.. at 38.1 deg. Waiting for him to wake up to start the medicine regime.


thanx for the advice... me v lost when the kids encountered such serious sickness.... plus its the first time S got so sick.


ya he rejects any medicine.... my hubby will hold him down while I force feed him with syringe all the time... hope we succeed in keeping him out of hospital.
Samuel will reject the milk if you add medicine in it?

Last nite Denyce went class and this is the 1st time i saw the teacher checking HFM. The moment reach, they place a chair on the entrance and ask her sit down to check her hand, feet and mouth etc. I can smell the room is being disinfected. Like bleach or dettol smell. I wonder is it there's someone in the morning daily class kana HFMD that they are doing such check on every kid. Make me quite worried now. Sigh, don't send go school, also sian, send go school, also scared fall sick etc. Really very 'shang nao jing'.
Hope that S is better now.. Hopefully there is no need to admit him to KKH. It will be quite traumatising for the child to be confined in bed wf the drip on. See the nurse poke the needles into their hands and feet, very heart pain one..
Somemore they will bind a cast on their hand/feet to prevent them from bending their limbs in case the needle drops..
Hope all sick tots and mummies are feeling better now. There's really a powerful virus spreading around.

I'm on urgent leave again... Zavier still not feeling well. Though fever is gone, he still has runny nose and diahorrea. Miss school again today, if he doesn't get well enough tomorrow, he'll miss his first excursion.

His CC has a new policy, kid who is sick and need to bring medication to school must have a dr's letter to certify that the illness is not contagious, else he cannot attend school.

It's a daily routine for Zavier's CC to take temperature and check the kids' palms for fever and HFMD. Agree that send school worry sick, dun send school also sian. These 2 days that Zavier didn't go school, he's v clingy to us.
Meow: Congrats!

Bella is going Startots playgroup (under edufarm) next month.. any mummies send their kid to edufarm? Any comments in this playgroup?
its never easy to feed meds..antibotics is worse cuz it tastes really bad..

since his fever can go pass 39.5.. have you considered giving him the suppositories?
its very effective in bringing down the temp.

oh... thats a big headache.. going to sch and getting ill... sigh..
Yes... pros and cons of going school at this age. Since the teachers at CC are trying to wean him off his pacifier, his demand and dependancy on pacifier get stronger when he is at home. Otherwise he will put his fingers into his mouth. This is worrying cos if he does this in school, he'll be ingesting all the germs and bacteria. I'll have to highlight this to his teachers.

His fever came back again in the late afternoon but gone again after sweating out during play. I think will take leave again and stay home with him tomorrow in case it becomes worse or he spreads his virus to his little friends.

thanx for all your concerns! After the antibiotics, S's fever has gone down.. his fever was at 38deg yesterday so I din give him any fever medicine or suppositories. In the morning we fed him antibiotic and he vomitted... almosted wanted to go hospital... we tried 3 times before we succeed. With the antibiotic I think he shd be on the recovery route though his diarrhae is still there and a bad cough is developing ..
thank God I din send him to hospital.
good to hear that he is feeling better now. the first squirt is very important... cuz thats when you know you made it; he swallows or didnt; vomit.
i always makes very strong ribena when this happens. give a bit of meds, give ribena to musk the taste and then give the rest.

when kids are unwell, parents also suffer. you take care too. will cod liver oil help in building up immune system?

great idea on the ribena... think I will go buy some. Yesterday, at first I tried to give antibiotic and he swallowed but when I followed with other med.. he vomitted. by the 3rd time, I learnt my lesson liao and give him some chrysanthemum tea to mask the taste


hope zavier is getting better.... u take care too!
Wish Zavier a speedy recovery. Is it possible not to give him pacifier at home since he is already not taking it in cc? Just a tot tat u might want to try throwing e pacifier into the dustbin right in front of him? If he fusses, tell him that its spoilt and u have thrown it away??

It somehow works on Sherilyn.. Bt the main thing is it was Sheri who bite her pacificer teats so hard that there were holes. So one sat morning she came walking to me and tell me that her pacificer is spoilt, i told her that we have to throw it away and i dumped it into the dustbin right before her eyes. She took the 2nd one and came telling me that its spoilt too. I did the same, threw into the bin. Then i told her that all her pacifiers are spoilt and I have thrown it away. I do not have anymore spare pacifiers for her. She nod her head and said ok.. Everytime she cries for it, i will remind her that its spoilt and we have thrown it away, no more spare ones.. She can remember bt she longed for her precious tutu. The first 3 nites was terrible.. We hardly catch any sleep cos she kept crying for her tutu in the nite.. It took 1 whole week for her to finally overcome the urge of wanting tutu..

Do give me ur feedback of Edufarm k?! I tot of sending Sheri to Letterland, near my PILs place so more convenient. Bt she is now wf Zoophonics and she likes the teacher there. Every lesson, they will do quite a fair bit of arts & craft. Bt its only 2x a week..

Musking the medicine taste wf Ribena?! Tats a smart idea.. Why haven i think of it before?! Thanks for sharing.. Next time i can use this mtd so that my gals wont scream until so cham whenever they take medicine..

Good to hear that S is recovering. Hope that he will get well soon..
i have learnt how to "make" cheryl drink her meds "willingly" like the ribena thing. will tell her its "power ribena" cuz a lot sweeter than what i usually give her.

and recently when she was ill with cough and flu, so many meds to take... 4 tubes. of different colours, i will ask her to choose the colour she wants to eat first. then of course power ribena came in handy too. or at times, her dolls are ill too so they have to take while she was eating meds, or I have to "drink" meds; she feed me while i feed her the real thing.

you cant imagine... how innovative one must be to handle kids...

i will be starting cheryl soon in school i mean, but she is not toilet trained... so pai say... she will tell me she wants to poo but she will not sit on the toilet seat or the potty. she just wants to go to some corner or hid herself from view and she will do it. when she is done, she will walk to me and tell me she is done. want to wash cuz "chou chou" but so many times, i tried to sit her in her potty after she told me she wants to poo, she will say "no poo poo" the minute her bums touch the potty.
Sigh, Isabelle had on off runny nose and dry cough... then suddenly mid-night yest. became phlegmy cough and "vomitted" ard 3am. Wonder what's wrong.
Hope Zavier & Samuel will recover soon, u take care too ok. must take care of ur health too, dun forget abt tat..

Ash now willing to sit potty liao. At my home, got succesfully pee afew x inside, but poo still quite headache, cos she tend to gek sai then get frustrated of sitting. She prefer stand up & bend her body abit to do her business.
She's opposite of CHeryl. She'll sit in her potty right after she poo in her diaper. Then she make sure my Mum sits on the toilet bowl as well. Sighs, also dunno how to train. Ask my mum to bring her to potty every half an hr, my mum says she where got the time to do all these. Headache.....
think the virus these days really v potent. Me having cough since End April.. till now still having phlegmy cough.. sighs.. I ask the doc how come my daughter din get spread due to my long cough, doc told me prolonged cough is not contagious.. I so relieved hearing that. But still i v worry she'll catch from me afterall..

thanx. Samuel also having a very bad cough now... cough till he is like gasping kind. I am quite worried. But cant feed him cough syrup on time cos gotta depends on his antibiotic ... right now most important is to get his antibiotic in... else scared later the bacteria mutate or wat. I am trying to bring him to a renowned ENT specialist this saturday to try to treat his cough ... not sure if u have heard of him as he is very famous and very experienced... treated my late grandpa's TB and lung. Dr Wilmer Heng or Dr Brian Heng from Wilmer clinic. If your cough persist and you wanna get a more direct treatment, maybe can go to his clinic ..
thansk, yeah will from u his contacts if really my cough like never ending.... V sian to cough when u have a kid.. arrghh..

Indeed very stressed when feeding anti-biotics.. I always like hot ants when I see her rejecting her anti biotics. There was once I no choice add into her milk. Then she tasted her milk & noe something is not rite. Then I really stressed liao. But I cant feed her again cos I dunno how much dosage she had swallowed.. Is ur anti biotic abit smell of orange, white creamy type? Ash hates tat initially. Really gotta force into her. But 1 day, we explain to her the 'big gal' concept. & somehow she finally got enlighten & willingly opened mouth to eat. However duno next time feeding this same kinda anti-biotic, she'll still rem she guai guai takes or not. She's ok with her cough, running nose & phelgm medicine. Will ask for it somemore. Wat we did tat time was let her 'participate'. I told her to shake the bottle for me, & she'll happily shake them. Before this shaking concept, she also rejects medicine big time.
Hi mummies! Me back from a day trip to Singapore for the first trimester check-up.

Edie also kena sick, the nite before we were going back, she got a temp of 38C from our ear thermometer. We knew that its gonna be 39C as we used the thermometer everyday and its a +1 from normal. I told daddy to send her to hospital as its already 10pm and no PD clinic will be opened. But he inisted to send to the 24Hrs instead. Me worried becos in Malaysia, any nite clinic might be operated by unlicence dr.

Then in the clinic, dr used their ear thermo, said no temp. (we bath Edie before going), then did again, still normal. But we insisted that she have, so dr used the armpit thermo instead and yes lor, 37.8C. She checked Edie everywhere, no cough, no running nose, no HFM but alas... sore throat (think she ate too much McD). Edie got inserted the bullet for the fever, then gave her some antibotics. She likes the fever medicine (she called it sweet sweet) but hates the antibotics, but she still takes it if you reason with her.

This morning I checked her school bag... only then I found the note from the school that 2 children were infected by HFM. But daddy still insisted on sending her...
Hi Angel, me received the package already and have transfered the money of $2.50 to you. Thanks!

RE: BB No.2
I did the scanning, 90% clear of Down Sydrome, now waiting for the results for the blood test. As for the fibriod, I really bluff... now its two instead of one. Its two very small one (less than 1cm) instead of one big one (4cm)... And dr confirmed 80% that its a boy...

Edie didn't get to see baby becos daddy got sent back to Malaysia when entering Singapore custom. His passport overdue already, very malu, got escourted out of the country. Then I go alone... cannot take care of little missy while I'm scanning alone...
Hi All,
Been so long din post.... well was very very tired over long long virus attacked to Gerald...

din know so Samual and Zavier are also sick..

Gerald had been sick for 3 weeks, went KKH 3 times and stay a night at KKH, it is the worst experience.... he don want to sleep, eat or drink..... keep asking me to carry and request to go home..... in the end, request the doc to discharge... .then on the week of recovering... he caught another virus... .bot him down to KKH to check again.... luckily this round the doc din insist of staying there..... finally last night think he is on the road of recovering....

i had been sleeping less than 4 hr everynight for the past 3 week.... till last night i sleep like dead... don know how Gerald fall asleep because before i sleep i heard him talking to his daddy.....
yr cheryl quite similar as my gal. She always hide at 1 standard place to poo. she tell us '1 go hide ta bian', then she will go do her biz. We ask her to sit potty or toilet bowl poo, she tell me dun 1. Then nowadays, sometime she want to sit potty or toilet bowl, she tell me she want to pee but she's lying lor cos' she just want to sit for fun. When really there's urine, she will nvr tell. That day she even pull my whole roll of toilet paper on the floor while sitting on toilet bowl.
Hi Eve, I'm now 12 weeks and 2 days, EDD now changed to 28 Nov, although dr do comment that might be out by 20 Nov.

Baby very co-operative when scanning and can see its gential part clearly. My gynae even take the time to scan every part of its body after scanning the neck fold, even its tiny hands and feets.

hmm actually there is this controversy on fever medication. I read a thesis by a PD in NUS that states that anything below 38.5deg do not necessarily needs fever medication unless the child is vvv uncomfortabe or accompanied by other symptoms. Thus if S's temperature is below 39 deg, I will not give him fever medicine. Even if its 39deg, I may wait to see if it goes near 40deg region before resorting to suppositories.

Something like... fever is our body is way of fighting the illness virus or bacteria. A higher body temperature inhibit and slow down the growth of these unwanted virus. Something like dat...

http://www.healthwaymedical.com/health_tips/Child Health/fever.htm

Ur gynae very detailed, so which one r u seeing in sg, will u deliver here or m'sia? So if cfm a boy, ur dreams has come true, a girl & a boy, how nice...
<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
I also do not give fever med unless the fever shot up to 39 degree or higher. I will sponge every few hrs and monitor the temperature. The last time Keane has fever, we sponged him several times thru out the nite without giving any medication. He was OK the following day. So far, I have not tried suppositories.
<font color="ff6000">Flo,</font>
Wow, your boy will be born in the same month as you.
How nice! I hope to have a Nov baby also. Will try to plan for a Nov baby for my #3. haha.

Hello, i saw from your earlier posts that you juz came back from Taipei. Hubby & I planned to go there since last yr but now just tested positive so dun dare to go, isit difficult to go travelling with a big tummy, how much did u pay for ur trip?


if Samuel has a very high fever, he wont allow us to sponge him or put any cool pad. Normally its highest and first onset in the night time and the clinics would all be closed. We are always concerned abt traumatising him in the middle of sleep by feeding medication ... thus at times we may put suppositories if the fever goes towards 39.5deg or higher or if he vomits medicine.
