(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Meow,</font>
Let me know how much I owe you for the books. I have just set up my online banking to do fund transfer. Now can do transfer to POSB liao.
Ya think so... KKH specialist Clinic, TPS, and AMK... For me my co bus stop at AMK so just walk over will do...
You want the Potty book too? I think Kino taka no more liao, you may need to try other outlet. Otherwise you can order from Sally who's going to start a pre-order of karen katz books again. She charges $10.50 for BP price but got to wait for 2 months.

Wow so gd, by the way what is TPS? For me i still need to take leave in the afternoon to go KKH, no choice CCK area no gynae clinics

I borrowed potty books from library.. quite useful, i think it works for aaron
You may want to try to borrow first
Else Kino is having 20% sales for members. You can call up the other 2 outlet which is liang court and Bugis see whether they have existing stock for "A potty for me!" by Karen Katz selling at $14.91 before discount
sweetbabe - ya we celebrated on 13 May which is mother's day..then i see the mother's day cake looks cute so buy oso..

meow - cos that stingy breadtalk only give one and i din insist..also the candle to blow for fun lah..since she already blow once her bday celebration..

mummies who have sent kids to cc..what to buy and let them bring to cc hah? crystal is starting 4 jun..me so scare..haha..scare she cry till the whole block fall down..
Hi, just chanced upon this thread.

Short intro here.. I am a FTWM with 2 kids, older boy 4yo and gal, 21 mo.

Btw, anyone had any slimming massage done and proved effective? Though my gal is 21 mo le but I still hv the big bulging tummy le.. haiz..
welcome... mi now oso looking for some slimming massage but got some budget constraints...

for kaeden's cc, i bought him a bag to contain his barangs... which is 1 set of spare clothes, milk powder can, water bottle n milk bottle n a towel... i bought 1 pkt of diapers, wet tissue n shower foam to put there juz in case the teachers need to bathe him... if crystal is on full day, u may need to buy 1 tin of her forumla n oso bedding set for her mattress (including pillow n sheets)...

crying is normal... so u hv to be prepared to bear with the heart-pain of hearing her cry her heart out... but then again, mabbe like flo's edi, she wun cry... hehehehehe...
Welcome miso

Yah crying is normal... Zavier still cries lor. But according to the teachers, he stops as soon as we leave. Just remember to say goodbye to Crystal and promise her that you'll be back to fetch her at the end of the day. Sometimes in the morning we just want to sneak out but the teacher will still say "bye bye Daddy and Mummy" and he'll wave bye to us with red eyes. Evening time fetch him, he'll also cry at the sight of us, but stops v soon too.

For full day, I prepare a towel for shower, plastic bag for soiled clothes, a set of normal clothes and a set of pyjamas (cos the CC is air conditioned). Instead of bringing the whole tin of FM, I prepare 2 portions of FM everyday, a milk bottle, drinking bottle. For the whole week, Zavier has a spare bolster there for nap and his favourite Barney bedsheet which we will only bring home every Friday to wash. We are encouraged to buy PVC mattress for him to sleep, told by the teacher that is part of their regulation cos more hygenic and they will sterilise the mattresses regularly. But before Crystal settles down, you may just want to use their mattress or bring the normal foam cot mattress for her to sleep. As for diapers, initially I prepare 5 pieces everyday.. last week I just bought the whole pack so that his bag won't be so bulky everyday. Keke... They'll wash his bum if he poo so I don't prepare any wet tissue lor.
Wow everyone starts to send their kids to CC leh...wonder when will it be Sheryl's turn.

I'm still here everyone.
Even went Ikea shopping yesterday too.
Very happy, bought my fave storage shelve back.

But hor, i jus went toilet eyes still close. Very shock to see thick discharge...turn on the lights...oh dear, got blood somemore...i think this is the real show as compare to 3wks ago when its so little only. Think i'm going in soon liao. Wonder still can tahan till monday when its my appt.
Oh the cake is from breadtalk. No wonder I find it very familiar lah. I thought its the big one, hee....forget crystal is a little gal, so this small cake looks big for her.

Welcome miso

Can share with me the tonic/herbs that can really reduce the water retention? My friend commented my water retention is scary leh, up to thigh area red patches one.
hang in there!
last sat, we brought cheryl for her first trial class... can you imagine... i have never brought her to any... lousy mother i am ...
i have been following this thread... abt sch bus and all... but i think i dun have a choice... cuz if i dun let her take the bus, my in laws will walk and the walk there and back will take longer than the no. of hours she is going to spend there at the centre.
Wow Meow! Hang in there... all the best!!! Now i feel scared for my turn. But i'm sure u can't wait liao. Have a smooth delivery and post birth exp.!

These few 1-2 months, Isa always kana mozzie bites... until so badly tt she bleed and scratch... sigh. We tried ALL means of insect repellent but still.... Anyway this time round we really buay tahan liao, see her so poor thing. So finally explored on getting mosquito screen. Checked out 2 companies... guess what? Both quoted more than $2K!! Nearly fainted man. Sigh... so siong. But bo bian, still need to install. Can eat grass liao.

Twinklets: So as u can see... cannot change car liao. Heh no lah, actually it was just a toying of idea... then we decided tt it's too wasteful to change. So KIV 1st.
Tks ladies for the welcome..

All mummy of 1 here and some mummies of 2 soon?? so exciting.. me stop at 2 le.. actually wanted no. 3 but .. hee, btr not add another terror to my family.. both my kids in ntuc cc.. how abt u all?
Zavier down with fever.. started with runny nose on friday... fever hasn't gone down so he's going to miss the next few days of CC liao. Hai.. kena first bout of viral attack from CC liao.

you still around! take care!

Wow mozzie screen is so expensive?! What does it do?

my boy is in PCF sparkletots. started not long ago only. just now heard from news that they gonna absorb the 2% increase in GST until end of yr.. good news. hee.. .
Hi zyp, tt news is for cc as well or only pcf?? tt's really gd news..lucky I can use the bb bonus to pay, if not really shiong! Hope zavier recovers soon.. how long has he been in cc?

hi ming, it's really ex le.. so u gg ahead with it? or did liao? what did they do?

take care.... waiting for your good news


S also down with fever since last wednesday. Its been 5-6 days of high fever at 39-40.5 deg liao. At first we took him to GP who prescribed antibiotic. Then din recover after taking antibiotic so we went to PD... did blood test and urine test. She suspect a viral attack like false measles. We finally saw some rashes appearing on his body yesterday but problem is... the fever persist leh... still at 39.5 deg.
I took so many days of urgent leave... today gotta leave him with my mum liao... really hope his fever breaks today.

You are still around?! Where you now? I go find you. Go smack your boy's boy's bottom. Noti noti.... too comfortable inside already izzit?

Sorry to hear what happened to Samuel. Did doc tell you how did he caught this viral infection? So heart pain for our toddlers to go through such illnesses. When Joeson got infected by his cousin and fell ill. I already can't sleep for so many days.

Just something from ST Forum online to share...some parents can get really ridiculous!

Toddlers in fight: Story of two outraged mums
ON SUNDAY, May 6, my 32-month-old toddler, in his excitement to look at a toy display, pushed aside an 18-month-old girl (let's call her Little Miss) at the toy department of Takashimaya. She lost her balance and landed on her bottom.
Immediately, before I could intervene, the mother of Little Miss smacked my son on his arm (hard enough to leave a handprint that lasted half an hour) and shouted at him: 'How can you push my baby?'

Lots of angry shouting from both sets of parents ensued. My son continued crying for almost an hour (and still continues to have disturbed sleep to this day) while Little Miss looked on with wide-eyed innocence. The situation got more and more heated and the police were called.

In the end, as is the way in Singapore, we reached a non-violent (I cannot even say amicable) conclusion in the presence of the authorities, with the mother of Little Miss apologising to my son and my son apologising to Little Miss.

The exercise was more political than anything because my son had to be coaxed (already too distraught to comprehend why he owed Little Miss an apology), and the parents of Little Miss were still adamant that they hadn't done anything wrong. Their opinion was that Little Miss was bullied by a bigger, older child and it was their right to defend her, clearly with whatever means.

My questions/issues:

Culpability of a child: If a toddler could be made answerable for his actions, wouldn't legislation already allow you to take a three-year-old to court?

Perpetuating the 'Bully' behaviour: Does not the action of Little Miss' mother further demonstrate to her that retaliation and the advantage of physical size will always win out? Will my son also learn that lesson from a complete stranger? If it is the right way to violently defend our children against the perceived bully actions, is it then my right to physically assault the mother of Little Miss?

Emotional restraint: If, in this world, we cannot even practise restraint against a child, it is no wonder we are surrounded by increasing violence and intolerance.

We are our children's first role models and our belief systems frequently eventually become theirs. It is likely, in the situation above, my 'terrible' toddler would have earned a very stern word from me (which has so far been enough to correct errant behaviour), delivered a real apology to Little Miss and issued an invitation to play together. But now I will never be able to prove that because that opportunity was taken away from me.

My husband and I would like to take the opportunity to thank the staff of Takashimaya for their kind support and also Mr and Mrs Roy who were present on the day, and who offered to present their stories as objective witnesses to the police.

Ms Maxine Loh

If anyone dare hit my Joeson just like that, I will 'mei wan mei liao' with her. Kaoz..... Parents are getting too protective nowadays....
Wah... the Little Miss parents so protective har...
If I also did the way same as her..dunno how many kids I will hit by now... Sky always the one ganna hit by others and he dun huan shou one...so I always pull him away and tell him NEVERMIND..let XXX play....
I am protective.. but will not hit back to those who bully my boi..I simply pull my boi away to prevent more chances of getting bullied... so u always see me pulling Sky away from SIL kids who tend to play rough by purposely pushing Sky..

because his fever din break with the rashes, we dun even know whether its viral infection now. The thing is no one in the family is sick with similar symptoms recently. Only my god sister was sick but she recovered the very next day. Maybe he got it from her lor and since she's older, her immunity better. I asked my mum to help me monitor him ... if his fever dun break today, I will have to bring him back to PD for a re-evaluation tonite. Its indeed v stressful... and I was so worried J will kena it and become so cranky and sick on her 1st birthday party ... thankfully it went well and she was in great condition.

for the Little Miss article you shared hor, I think I will also "mei wan mei liao" with that mummy! Even if I dun, my mum will! I really cannot imagine anyone hitting my son... raising our voice at him is also quite a rare event at home liao much less to bully and hit him till got red mark. Maybe I even will sue the mad woman bully.


for false measles... how long does the fever last? I read it last 3-5 days and breaks the moment rashes appear... but not so for S leh. the worrying part for me is I dun even know what's the problem...
Gosh! Tat's absurb!!
My gal tends to beat people, then I think I'll kana complain alot of times liao lor? Then my Ashley will kana beaten alot of times lor?
Alot of times our kids push/beat people, they themselves will not noe that is wrong. It is we parents that have to forever telling them not to behave such ways.

No matter how bad a kid behave, it is their own parents tat can lay their hands on, & not other parents. I'll be damn mad if any outsider lay hands on my gal as well. I'll certainly mei wan mei liao too.

Hope Samuel will recovers soon. Normally viral fever will las aro 3-5 days. Very stressed indeed during this period, especially at nite when the temperature tends to go higher. Must make him drink more more water. U take care as well too.

Really sim tia to see him falling sick due to cc. But sighs, guess no choice.
Slowly his immunity will start to build up, by then will fall sick lesser.
Ash also dun get rashes after her viral fever.
I think u need not worry too much once he has recover fully from the fever.

Maybe not all the time false measles will appear after viral fever.

My own tots lar : Nowadays alot of kids got fever for no apparent reason. Alot of times the doc will diagnoised as Viral Fever, cos they cant find any reason mah. So who noes some kids got false measles after the viral fever, tat particular virus will cause tat.
But who noes the virus tat make Ash & Samuel fever will not cause those measles lor.
Hey Mummies,

Sms from Meow:
<font color="0000ff">Little Darryl was born by c-sect this morn at 0803hr and weighs 3.385kg.</font>

<font color="ff0000">CONGRATS Meow!</font>
Rest well and pls post some pics of Darryl soon.

Hope to see little Darryl's photo soon!


ya hope he gets well soon. Tomorrow is J's actual birthday so hope he can enjoy the day with us.
meow: congrats!!

poohy: Lisa was also sick whole of last week. Was very stressful too because at nite her fever will shoot up > 39.5. Hubby and I had to wake up every 2 hours to check her fever, in case we need to sponge her. We used suppository 3 times over the week, now Lisa is very afraid of suppository. No choice, only suppository helped, neurofen also didn't manage to bring the fever down. According to PD.. recent cases of flu can last as long as 10 - 14 days. My hubby's colleague's daughter was hospitalised after 10 days of fever, and run blood test and urine test. But found nothing. Finally discharge when the fever went down. PD also confirmed that she encountered similar cases.

now, i think i caught the flu bug too. just took vit c, and drinking lots of water now... keeping my fingers crossed.

thanx for sharing, I feel more relieved hearing that it may be a common case of flu which causes the unknown high fever. We were worried cos the fever was at times 40.5 deg... and for the past 5-6 days, its been 39-40deg consistently. At first we also uses suppositories since the fever was too high and he resisted drinking medicine... I dun wanna traumatise him further. I think we use at least 5 times or more during the past few days. On top of this he got loose stool, and dun let us sponge him or lie on those cooling pad. From the blood test, the PD said its prob viral infection so... we just see how things goes ... hope he will recover soon.
poohy: i understand your worry.. and I kept taking urgent leaves too. it's very scary to hv tods fever at 39-40deg consistently. Lisa also had loose stool. she also dun let us sponge her, but i used opportunities like changing diapers, and changing her clothes to sponge her. She totally refuse those cooling pad on her forehead. Anyway, my sis said that the cooling pad wun help much, so no point getting her upset over the cooling pad.

Luckily today Lisa's fever subsided ( and I hope and hope that her temp remain low today cos there was one evening when we thot her fever broke, but the next day shot up high high again).. but she is down with bad cough. Well, PD did say that risk of prolonged fever is accumulated mucus, which can be just cough or in worse case, infection at lungs or ears. So, now that fever has subsided, we now focus on getting rid of mucus and cough.
Myself was running fever for 5 days 2 wks ago as well. Highest it went 39+ and when i take neurofen, also never subside. Then i combine wz paracetomol, still cAN'T subide and stay at 38+. GP take blood test tot it was dengue but it wasn't. 1st time i got such long draging fever. Think is the virus around now very strong. My mum still thought i got 'mo dan'. I still rub egg on my back to check but it is not. Whatever tactic also use liao, but fever can't subside fully.

<font color="ff0000">COngrats Meow!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">miso,</font>
Zavier started attending CC since 2 May.. so quite short period only.
I only heard that PAP Community Foundation (PCF) will absorb the 2% increase for all their services, so I assume that includes childcare as well.

<font color="ff6000">poohy/blurmom,</font>
Zavier's temperature went up to 39.1 highest yesterday afternoon... but the temperature went down this morning. He had watery stools 3x this morning, my mum washed his bum once and I washed twice... now feeling my whole body breaking. This is the busiest period at work, feel so bad about taking urgent leave... but what to do... hubby also sick.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Yar lor, my mum also heart pain, said he got his virus from cc. But this boy is very happy that he doesn't need to go school!
