(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Glayz, Meow, Elaine, thanks for all your advice, I think i will check with KKH for the details. So can i check when did u all visit the gynae for ur 1st visit? I am in my 5th week now, if i book an appt in week 8, isit it too early?

think nose bleed for preggie woman quite common... my colic told me she oso got very frequent nose bleed for no apparent reason when she preggie wif her no 2. she stopped her iron supplement but still nose bleed... so she juz accepted it n it stopped after she delivered loh... i personally din experience nose bleed lah...

dun b sad lah... kids at their age behave funnily one... like my maid comes oni for 4 days yet kaeden will ask 'auntie? auntie?' when she's not ard... yet he wun ask for his daddy one leh... i c liao a bit heartache for my hubby... sigh...
wk8 will be just nice, will be able to see bb & heartbeat. It's good to confirm heartbeat earlier. You'll feel safer too

You must ve describe durians until Kayla buay tarhan, must try man!
Book la.... for me last time blur blur WALK IN...luckily Dr Tham then not much patient as I went early..... This #2...I call and book appt super early as anxious mah....
<font color="aa00aa">Tigger</font>
Around twice a week also. For like 2 weeks or so. Had it when I'm into tri 3 like that. After that no more liao.
Thats why when my hb complain kk being ex and want me to change to private for this #2.. i tell him NO.... I want Dr Tham.... then he bo bian....

Dun eat too much hor...
I ate 1..(whole fruit la..actually is 1+ la)
Then sore throat..cough...sick from last week till now...
Your hubby in SAF meh? KK ex mah? I thought private more ex?

Yeah you can go for your first visit around week 8 liao or slightly later also can. Maynot see BB but least can hear got heartbeat or sac lor.

Dun forget our date today.
IMO, dun think NTUC is gd. My galfren sends her gal to NTUC CC before told me it is lousy. After that she transfer her gal to pte Montessori CC, she told me heavan and earth different but of cos' px also got different. I nvr had gd impression of those govt-link CC or kindy school like PAP and NTUC CC.
Becos that stupid man din know private need to pay gynae for delivery mah...he saw his friend hospitalisation charge being cheaper mah....
Glayz, Meow

How is the wait for KKH now? I remember last time used to wait at least ah hour for my turn, isit still like dat or have they improve their system?
I heard this from my colleagues whom are withdrawing their kids from the k1 and K2 of Creative O pre-schooler's bay. They rather place their kids into PAP. Reason given to me was.... PAP for K1 and K2 provides almost the same teaching style and technique as in Primary. It's a stepping stone for them to step into Primary one. I don't know how true, but seeing the no. of them beginning to withdraw the little ones at these 2 stages, I am curious to find out more.
Not too sure...I was at AMK clinic... Dr Tham clear his q quite fast... but u can ask him a lot of qns also... he patient in answering all...
For me is the payment counter that takes a LONG time...
Joeson also keep looking for auntie. Like out of sudden, he will ask, auntie lei? But then, whenever we go out, he don't want her, only want me. When my maid follow him around, he will push her away and say, no need. Then turn to hold my hand and say, "ma ma, let's go." Hee.....
RE Nose Bleed
Thanks all for your advice. I search the internet yesterday and found that gum bleed and nose bleed are common in pregnancy so I am more relieved.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
Wah, you can eat so much durian at one go? No wonder got sore throat after that. Take care ya.
now i see why....
Cos i thought he SAF, now their medical scheme not as good as those old old ones. Medicap only $350, used up means got to pay cash so sure used up one.

My wait at TPS is ok ah, as long as i dun turn up late lah.
But sometimes if there's crowd, the payment queue will be long wait else ok lah. Sit down, drink milo and wait to be call lor. If at those normal clinic, i think the wait should be longer.

me ever shortlist NTUC CC leh. Cos its jus downstairs at my mum's place, so very convient for them, all sheltered. Now you make me headache liao. But do we need to send them in so early? My only fear is that scare she will get bully there. She's so soft kind...

i also want to eat durian....hubby stopped me leh.
I think maybe CC have their own in house programmes etc. So they may want the kid to be in proper kindergarten. For me, if cc is out for me, of course i will choose a proper kindy but not PAP. I feel church kindy to me will be better. My coll gal now in PAP, she still send her gal to enrichment class as she said cannot depend on PAP solely. It is not comprehensive at all and she said learn nothing much but the fees is damn cheap. Only $40+ per mth. Even my husband niece, used to be fr PAP, she was transfer to a church school too due to PAP standard too low when the mother compare to her fren kid of same age, 1 PAP, 1 church kindy, they things they learn and bring home, really big difference. But of course, i don't mean all church school is definitely gd. My own nieces, last time they study that church who is quite gd but later change principal, become not so gd. When my SIL compare wz frens child other church school, the same age but the spelling given, 1 is easy and 1 is more difficult. Nxt time you will know the standard of the kindy by comparing around.

Though denyce still young, but I have 2 live examples at home whom I faces them almost everyday since they born till now they are in P4 and P2 now. So whatever things Denyce yet to go thru, i roughly will know in future what I need to go thru. I see my nieces attending CCA, i will wonder how Denyce going to attend CCA with both me and hb not working flexible hrs. So we must really send her to somewhere walking distance fr caregiver. My elder niece can stay back school till 4pm but no more school bus. so my SIL work as sales will need to fetch her home. I wonder next time if Denyce, who will fetch her.
If u find the school standard is not so gd, enrichments will be there to solve yr problems. Like my nieces, they attended enrichment from nursery onwards. Sometimes I really wonder do I need to send Denyce pre-nursery next year as my 2 nieces never attended. They only start nursery 2 at 4 yrs old and from there, parents start to boost their enrichment programmes before entering P1 like Berries for chinese, Sakamoto for maths etc. Now both of them in quite a gd primary school, they still can score top 5 in class. Maybe it is really not necessary to start so young. I do wonder this at times also.
Cos sometimes i wonder does she need to learn so many things? Thou she's not very clever, but i'm happy with what she knows now like phonic, numbers (recite from 1-20 with a little help), sing some songs, reco ABCs and so on...
There will be 10 students with 2 teachers in Pre-N class. More students in K class tho'.
Ya san, I do agree tt it may be quite a headache for us FTWP to face our kids' future schedule once they move on to higher level with CCA n all, guess have to take one step at a time. Who knows next time lucky enuf can be "tai tai" liao, hahaha..
re: class
Last nite denyce attended her 2nd lesson and I peep outside for awhile again. There's total 5 in the class. 4 gal 1 boy. Start of the lesson, teacher sing song. 3 gals like gd fren sit closely to each other and the 1 boy, sit far away on his own island. My denyce, walking around the whole class! She's even worst than the boy. She's not participating at all. Then when teacher catch her back, she walks away shortly again. When bring her back again, if she nvr walk away, she will be standing in the middle of the circle instead of sitting down to sing, dance or wave to the movements. Then when the teacher bring 1 gal out to do some demonstration, she also 'chiong' to the teacher fighting to go infront as well. Another teacher than pull her back.

Why my gal behaves this way??
It really depends whether you think it's a good time to start putting S in those Pre-N/CC.If she has got enuf exposure at home, I believe it's never too late to start her say next year? Must remember to boost their immune system b4 sending them to class tho, Cla has just got her pneumococcal vaccination in prep for her upcoming class.

I've been eating durians weekly past 2 weeks, maybe tts y my tummy suddenly "grows" so huge, he..he.. Cant stand the temptation leh..
<font color="aa00aa">tigger</font>
oh ya, I have gum bleed also. Pink toothbrush everyday during the period I'm experiencing nose bleed.

<font color="0000ff">Meowie</font>
Ah yo.. ur Sheryl still not clever??? When I see her that day, she can say alot and do alot liao mah...

<font color="119911">PAP or Pte</font>
Personally I don't have very good impression of PAP as well. But hey, most of us also PAP one right? :p hahahaha

Times have changed liao and many feel that PAP are not keeping up. Very rigid and not creative. Some say they give so much homework (coz they say prepare u for Primary sch) that parents (& kids) find it a turn off. Many also feel that pte nursery helps develop the child's confidence and public speaking. Allows creativity and what not lah. So the child is more open and confident. Whereas those who attended PAP are quiet, reserved and don't dare to ask questions.

But I also read reports that those who attended pte nursery are so used to the 'creative' cirriculum cannot adapt to the rigid Primary School lifestyle.

So tough to choose right?
Yeah she can say alot, sometimes must even try to figure what's she's trying to say......but her chinese can make you laugh...ask her says i want to eat wo yao chi, end up become, yao wo chi....sigh
<font color="0000ff">Meow,</font>
Sheryl is not very clever? You must be asking too much from a 2 yr old. IMO, she is a very bright gal.
How come your hb stops you from eating durian? No harm eating a bit since youre delivery SOON. Wow, EDD is this sat lehhow do you feel now?

I am not sure if I want Keane to start pre-N next year. Not sure if its really necessary. What do they learn in pre-N anyway?
They just go there and sing song...clap hands... play play play...even nursary also nothing much learn... my sis last time nursary..(donkey yrs ago) she go there sing songs, draw picture... and she had this classmate the teacher advise the parent to either change timing or drop out..as class time is nap time..so he will sleep in class from start till end EVERYDAY...
happy mummies DAy!!

Oops! a bit late. This mothers day is the first time i got pressie!! ahaha. soo happy. for a while at least.

Friday Thyler came home and look for me " Mummy!! Mummy!!"
When he found me he hugged me and say " My Mummy!! I love you." Then he say " Mummy I got a huge surprise for you! A giant surprise! A big big surprise!"

oh wow.. interesting i thot.

Then he brought out a book mark he have done in school and a heart shaped ppaper fan with scribblig on top. Then he gave me and say " present for you! Happy mother's day!" And I got another hug! OMG! major heartmelt. WAs feeling the warm fuzzy feeling for a while then his cc teacher called. It went like this:

" Hi Mrs Cung, you got the mother's day pressie from thyler yet?"

" Why yes! Thanks for asking it is sooo sweet!"

" Do you like it?"

" Of course"

" Well, I had a hard time convincing thyler to give it to you. He insisted on giving it to daddy. When i say give to mummy , he say then poor daddy have nothing... I'm glad he gave it to you . Happy mother's Day."

ok... it was rehearsed... fine.. the intended recipient is daddy not me.. So sad again. hiaz.. Thyler just loves his daddy more than me now.. no choice.. Actually like that also better.. then he will not feel rejected when i have to give mmore attention to thavis. As long as the personhe loves most is hubby or me, I am contented.
hehe, so next time Valentines' Day, will Thyler make any pressie for Denyce?

Me 2 got my 1st mothers' day pressie from Denyce which she makes in school. 1 card and 1 cup which teacher assist her to paint I luv mum on it. The card already spoilt by her. The cup, just got last nite and nearly break by her also.

Me too wonder is it necessary for pre-n or just start nursery straight like my nieces. I feel nursery is a must as this will prepare them for K1 if the kid had never gone thru any unaccompanied class. Think pre-n is not really very necessary as from what i see, not all Church offer pre-n. Most start from nursery only. So i think maybe it is not so relevant/popular, that is why alot church did not organise.

Ya lor, sheryl the 1st to know A-Z at very young age leh. Still not smart ah?
<font color="ff6000">Wen,</font>
I am sure Thyler loves you and his daddy the same. He sure can speak very well now. Does Thyler dote on his di di?

<font color="0000ff">Glayz & San,</font>
Based on your comments, seems like theres nothing much to learn at pre-N except for them to socialize with other kids of the same age group in an unaccompanied class. Will see how good/bad my maid is when she arrives to determine if I need to send Keane to any class next year.

I laugh when u shared how sheryl said "wo yao chi" as "yao wo chi" haha same as samuel. At times he will mix up his sentence construct... I will correct him though. Last week, one of the morning, joelle was sleeping on our bed and he had already waken up.... he run up the bed about to disturb J and said "Disturb mei mei, I want" lol
But most of the time he does speaks the correct english and chinese sentences... just at times the mouth move too fast I guess

re: Pre-n

I am also going to enrol Samuel into jurong calvary kindy... heard good reviews of it and also because of the christian environment.. I want him to be more exposed. Actually I enrolled him for PAP pre-nursery 2 hours also but may not let him go since I had now finally decided on a church kindy for him.

Not sure whether the pre-n or church kindy is really that good cos I never had time to pay them a visit yet during school hours... but I will be placing him JG EduDrama on top of his billingual playclub as soon as he got a place... the waiting list is long. I heard good reviews of the edudrama that it will help to build confidence and self leadership in the child... Samuel is also super soft and introvert... thus I hope the class will bring out the livelier and bolder side in him

what pre-n or nursery do depends very much on where u send Keane. Some pre-n or nursery are more play and sing song, art n craft... some are more academic... some are a good mix, some more comprehensive... that's why I got headache for weeks liao! hehee
Thanks Mummies.

Wow Wen, Thyler is soooo sweet.... he loves Daddy but he has you on his mind too. So sweet of him to verbalise and show his affection.

Tigger: Heng ah, the maid nebber pass back in Philippines. If come here then... headache man. Hope you get a better one this time round.
We also just selected our Ind. maid. Worked 9yrs for same Dr fam. Can speak Eng. Hope it'll work out.
Happy Belated Mothers' Day everyone!

I received my first Mothers' day present from Zavier too. He made it in childcare. My only regret is that I didn't get it from his own hands cos he was already asleep by the time I reached home on Friday.

My mum told me he said "for mummy" when she asked who it was for. But when I asked him who made it, he said "auntie".. meaning his childcare teacher. haha!
i oso got my first mother's day pressie from kaeden... its a floral arrangement consisting of 3 stalks of carnations, some fern leaves and some forgetmenot... i asked the cc teacher did he arrange the flowers himself, the cc teacher replied 'oh yes, he did put in the flowers and after that we helped him with the rest'... ahahahaha...

btw kaeden oso call his childcare teacher 'auntie'... i kept telling him its teacher ann but he kept saying auntie ann... i say he so bad, the teacher so young yet he call her auntie... ahahahaha

so now feeling better huh?? kekeke...

finally my confinement over on sun... hehehe... at least now i feel more 'free'... can eat anything i wan n go anywhere... hehehehe... isetan pte sales on thurs... anyone gg??

no idea when is mattel sale, what are you aiming now? Think thepopular toys are mostly meant for smaller kids, our kids outgrown liao. Sharlyne has a lot of hand me downs from gor gor, haben buy any toys for her yet.


Me!! I planned to go Isetan sale on thurs, what time u gog, wanna go together? Will also be going to ferragamo sale on thurs..

When is GSS starting huh? Lots of sales this week leh...
<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
I am just lazy to go around comparing the pre-N and CCs. I think I will have headache like you too so I procrastinate.

<font color="ff6000">Ming,</font>
Yes, lucky the maid failed medical test before she comes over. Your new maid has so many years of experience? How old is she then?

pre-n is optional... can still go enrichment as alternative
So its ok to procrastinate a little bit since Keane is doing so well also. I find its easy to choose enrichment.. tough to choose pre-n or cc because of the general lack of information, operational hours (we may need to take leave to go to talk to the teachers, observe the class), distance and transport. As much as we want the best for our kids, there is always the transport and distance problem since we are working and cant bring them overselves unlike enrichment on weekends

In jurong, the choices are very limited. It took me a lot of thinking to decide on sending S to a church kindy cos I want him to more exposed to the christian environment... singing christian songs, saying grace etc. Learning wise, for the next 2 years till he goes to K1, I will place greater emphasis during weekends. That's why I am putting him in both eduplay and eduDrama ... then slowly ease him into non adult accompanied edudrama on weekends.

Of course the only problem over here is time management during weekend. This is the part I am headache over right now....how to give them all the enrichment I had chosen and yet still have a reasonable time left during weekend to go to the zoo, beach, swim etc cos 2 kids both have their individual array of classes... my hb is complaining that we will spend too much time in those schools... cos I told him I plan to let S attend JG playclub, JG edudrama, SM and I am planning to put him in Mandeville music class as soon as I can schedule a good time. Joelle will be going SM, JG playclub next term and the term after next too. On top of that, she will continue her aquaducks swim class. I may put her in a daily playgroup (if i can find a good quality one) eventually to relieve my mum.

At times, I feel my mum seems tired out looking after the 2 of them ... they are climbing up and down all day long now and ransacking everything in her house. Yes, that includes Joelle.. she can climb up and down sofas on her own already and spent her days throwing toys around...

I din work on monday and Samuel was so happy... makes me feel like quiting my job so much.. sigh ... some may think that as the 2 kids grow older, we have less problem... but actually the headache continues at different level. At times I find it hard to cope too... long stories...
<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
Distance and transport is something to think about if I want to send Keane to a CC or pre-N. I do not want the maid to be the one fetching Keane to and fro class daily. My dad and my FIL will take turns to come over to my place on weekdays to supervise the maid. But I also do not want them to fetch Keane to and fro class and leave the maid alone at home with my gal. My hubby can fetch Keane to class in the morn if time permits but coming home is a headache. Sch bus is definitely out.

I will consider enrichment classes again for Keane when my gal is older. Maybe beginning of next year or so.
Wow, you have so many classes planned for S and J. Do you have time for all that? Even though Keane is not attending any classes on weekends now, I dun seem to have time to bring him to places like the Zoo, beach or the Botanical Gardens. Weekend is always a mad rush to prepare his meals, feed him etc etc. Recently he is on food strike, I can take an hour or more just to feed him a bowl of rice. I am losing my patience and meal time always involved a lot of shouting, screaming and crying. Feeding him outside is worst. So I rather stay home on weekends instead of running after Keane outside like a mad woman. Haha.
<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
Really peifu how your mum looks after S & J. It is definitely tiring for her to look after 2 active young kids alone. She is really remarkable!

You feel like quiting your job? I feel the same too but its really not possible at this moment. Too much commitments.
why school bus is out for Keane? By next year 3 years old, they should be more ready.

For me feeding Denyce, she is always a small eater for proper meals. After eating few spoons, she refuse or she will depends on what is the 'dish' for that night. If something on the dish is her favourite, she will eat more. Or sometimes, she will just pick out the dish and not eat the rice. I already long time give up on insisting her to finish her tiny bit of rice. She doesn't want, then just be it. I finish it up myself. As long as she not hungry, i don't bother. This few days, i had reduced her 4 milk feed to 3 milk feed per day. Me also scared she not enuff since she's not eating alot kind.

Really pei fu you. Can send to so much class. If ask me send 1 class on wkend, already very lazy cos' need to purposely go out. Think if next year I am not starting Denyce on pre-N, I may start her on Berries. From 3 yr onwards, there's definitely more enrichments ready for them like I Can Read, Lorna Whiston, Jan & Elly etc.
Hi mummies, I've got a scare yesterday... Felt cramp around my left belly after sending Edie to cc. Then afternoon getting worst, can't even walk straight.

So I took a cab to the nearest Specialist Hospital, randomly see a female gynae. Luckily baby is okay but I've got UTI. But lor, now she told me that baby seems big for a 9 weeks, measurement indicates that its in 11 weeks and I will most likely due in 20 Nov instead of 12 Dec (as by another gynae). I'm confused...
So nice to get a floral arrangement. Hubby helped Zavier buy carnation for my mum and me... mine stalk broken by him after awhile and I had to stop him from plucking the petals. haha...

To him, any girl who is not a child is auntie lor.. haha.. regardless of age. But some of the helpers in CC are really aunties lah. keke...

Do you know when is a good age to start attending phonics classes?

Take care, drink lots of water.
So sorry about yesterday. Told my hubby to remind me but he forgot to.
Going for my next appt next monday. Cervic still close, bb still high. High chance i'm going C-sect again.

Happy Birthday to Crystal

Better take care leh.

Sheryl chinese is very bad, the way she speaks got a very strong accent of Ang Mo....but she does understand chinese from what i observe, but not very good lah. Me also peifu the way you teach J and S

send sheryl to the JG billingual playclub or chinese eduDrama lah... in the beginning of this year, Samuel also speaks like an ang moh. After 1.5 terms in JG billingual, he now speaks like a typical chinese haha
Both his english and chinese are accurately spoken now. There was a time when I realised my boy may become a banana, I start to make an effort to speak more chinese... or both english and chinese (eg. say one sentences in chinese and the english equivalent also). And I introduce chinese nursery rhymes to him which he quickly loved.


there is so much enrichment classes ard when they reached 3 year old hor! hehee... I am looking forward to going to classes with the kids.... there was one sunday I din go into the JG playclub with Samuel and I missed the class throughout the week. The thing is... its not a chore for me leh... I love to be in the class myself. I was telling my hb lucky still got J to attend the billingual playclub when S graduate from there at 3.5 years old...then can I continue to go for the class haha...
<font color="ff6000">San,</font>
I feel that a 3yr old tod cannot sit still on the bus. With only one aunty to look after the kids on the bus, I dun feel safe.

Don't compare. Nothing to compare about. Like this, you won't need to envy much. Every kids are special and all of them grow up differently. Val.... is special in her own ways. One day, she'll give you a very pleasant surprise.
