(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

twinkle: congratulations! I agreed with other mums here. Most importantly is to have a healthy happy baby. Feotus can feel what the mum feels, let him feel that he is going to be well loved. Boys tend to have more energy but they can be endearing in many ways like when they express their care and concern for you. are you still planning to go to Cherating for holidays?

iuiu: Your girl is so sweet, just like a Japanese girl.

I think for this year, will be a small celebration for his 2nd yr birthday. Most likely an early celebration during the Christmas weekend with the grandparents and on his actual birthday, we will bring him to the zoo since it is his favourite place so that he can have fun at the playground & wading pool.


i also agreed with all mummies here say...a healthy baby really the most important..so dun thing so much!!! next time you boy boy will bring back girl frenz mah!!!haha!!!

Emonster. ya..last time Tzian also not allowed me touch her hair one..but don't know why, after a period..i tell her want to tie sweet sweet or not? she will sit down let me decorate her..haha!! like a chirstmas tree! but i have to let her play all her accessories at the same time lah!...

thanks...actually Tzian only got her face like a girl...but the action like a boy one..like play ball..flying!...fighting..haha
Hi twinkle,
Glad to hear you're feeling a little more positive. I'd be so happy if I had 1 boy 1 girl.

Hey Catz,
I just got back from a family holiday to South Australia. It was great and we enjoyed ourselves a lot. Thought I'd share a few things with you before your trip though... Sherman barely fitted into the bassinet. He was good on the way there because it was a night flight and he slept. But coming back was a nightmare as he was awake for 5hrs of the flight. He wouldn't sit at all, either stand in the bassinet, or want to run up and down the aisles. Even portable DVD didn't work (though it was a life saver whenever we wanted to eat or pack during the trip).

Also, on the first night, we stayed in a cottage on a farm with 2 bedrooms. Given that Sherman only slept 5.5hrs on the plane, he should have been really tired, I thought he would conk out. But he suddenly refused to drink his night milk, telling daddy "milk hot hot". Then we cooled it down and he tearfully complained "milk cold cold". We warmed it a bit more and he started crying "hot hot" all over again. Wasted more than half an hour. Finally we switched off the lights and I suddenly realised maybe he was scared we would leave him to sleep alone in the bedroom like at home. So I told him "mummy will be sleep with you and won't be going anywhere. Good good boy, drink your milk" and miraculously, he started drinking his milk and then went to sleep after I patted him for a while. After that first night, didn't have any more problems with bedtime as most of the other accommodations were 1 room so he knew we would all sleep together. Even when we went to another self contained accommodation, he was ok at bedtime.

There are a lot of flies in Australia during the summer. Bring insect repellent. Sherman got terrible eczema and insect bites. The flies particularly like to land on his face around his mouth. It will probably be worse in Perth because it's hotter, though the city should be ok.
Hi BabyD, wow, Australia again for you?? Poor Sherman with the eczema and insect bites.. aiyoh.

I'm still in the midst of packing for Monday's big move.. poor hub is doing most of the hard work. I strained a little too much so gotta take it easy and the house is not packed fully yet... with just 1 day to go. Stress ah. Timothy has been staying with my parents for the past week plus.. so I miss him so much. Tonight is the first time I'm sleeping under the same roof (my sister's place) for a loooong time. Can't wait to get my new place and become neighbours with slamdunk and Dylan

twinkle, I kinda wanted both boys but oh well, slowly getting used to the idea of having a girl
Hehe.. anyway, it's true lah, as long as baby is healthy. I'm kinda frightened for this baby since I had such a bad first trimester and was working etc.. then now moving house and then one more time just before my Feb due date.. :p
Forgot to reply your post, sorry. Hubby & I both use anti-histamines (Piriton / chlorpheniramine / clarinase - get from pharmacy over the counter) when we get the rhinitis problem. Mine is particularly due to sudden changes in temperature, like going from hot sun to cold aircon place, start sneezing non stop then nose drip non stop. A lot of anti-histamines make you drowsy, can try Clarinase during the day, won't make you sleep. Hubby takes one chlorpheniramine tablet every night before sleeping, to make sure he doesn't get sinus at night or next morning. It works for him. He sometimes uses a steroid nose spray too, but I can't remember the name.

Do take care of yourself with the moving & also on the trip. Don't carry all the heavy things lah, girl girl more important. You can use Ergo hip carry when pregnant, meh? Yah, we went Auzzie again cos don't have to worry about food & water hygiene there compared to other nearer holiday destinations. Hee... making use of Sherman's infant ticket before he turns two. Don't think we'll be taking another holiday with him in a long while. Perth was nice, but I liked Adelaide better, especially Kangeroo Island.
Thanks for sharing regarding rhinitis problems.

Talking about Adelaide reminds me of the white kangaroo at Gorge Wildlife Park (if I remembered correctly). A memorable one cos I was there during New Year's Eve and we got to celebrate and see the fire works just outside our hotel. I've also remembered visiting this place that sells wooden craft toys, quite interesting (but forgot the name). Wine tasting is a must must to go also. I think this is the only Australia city that I've went for sight-seeing so far, the longest stay. I like Adelaide too as compared to the rest.

Sigh...when talking about travel and other countries it makes me misses flying a lot. Really enjoyed my flying days. Work hard play hard thats my motto those days. *sob sob*
Hi all mummies how's your weekends?? Mine was not good....Claira is having stomach flu. Vomitted for 3 days (Fri-Sun), diahorrea started yesterday night. So sian....heart pain to see her go thru all these. Can't drink milk at all and no appetite.
Linus is also down with diahorrea. Started on Staurday, LS about 7times. Sunday 6times. This morning 2times. Brought him to PD this morning and just got back to office. Wonder what he ate that cos this?
Anyway, take care and sayang Claira for me..
Hope both Claira and Linus will recover soon. When Lucas had this problem the last time, PD told us to stop the milk intake as it will aggravate the problem. That time, Lucas only takes porridge & drinks lots of water. I think soup will be helpful too. Another advice that he give us is put a little bit more soy sauce or salt in the porridge, as it helps to combat the bacteria & retain water in the body.

babyd: Welcome back. Remember to post some pictures when you are free. I bet Sherman must have a good time there.

We went to watch Bob The Builder last Sat, Lucas was quite in awe by the performance. After a while, he was like hopping around.

During the weekends, while playing with Lucas, he would say things like "XX beat me" a few times unknowingly (without prompting). This XX is a 5 year old boy at my nanny's place. hhmmm, need to further monitor this.
Oh dear Piggy...My PD said the stomach flu (kind of virus) is on now. A lot of children getting it. I suspected Claira got it thru my nephew who's also at my mum's place during the day. Auntie May sayang Linus also....I know its heart pain to see him like that. Hope both get well soon...

Tetra, thats what my mum did when she cook porridge for Claira. Importantly is to keep them hydrated. Just now she insisted and persistantly asking for milk that my mum had no choice but to give diluted one to her. sigh....
Actually I've thought of Pediasure but don't know why I bought Dumex lactose free and she rejected and refused to drink. Wasted my money so for the past two days she goes without milk at all.
Piggy/ MGTeo: I bought the Isomil the last time. He rather stop his milk intake than to have Isomil. Also wasted the tin. Luckily it's a small one.
Same here...I also bought her Isomil before and she don't want to drink at all.

Actually Pediasure taste very good according to my brother, he tried a sip. My niece had that for 2 years and now she's on Grow.

How's Linus?? He will be fine soon. Claira has recovered. Appetite is back but milk intake not as much as before.
Linus is better now. I gave him one dose of medicine and his poo poo stopped. Didn't dare to give the full dose of 2.5ml, just gave him 2ml instead. What about Claira? How is she now? Yes, Pedisure taste very good. In fact, most FM taste very good. I try all his milk too.

It seems that there is a bully at Nanny's. It is good that you are going to be SAHM soon.... .

I realise that some children are just more aggresive than others. At the play group, there is this boy that will go round taking others' toys or should I say snatching.... Got so fed up last week that I went home teaching Linus to defend himself against such kids. Wonder if I am doing the right thing to teach him to stand up against such behaviour. Will see if it works at all.
Glad to know that Claira and Linus have recovered. They will take a few days to be back on their normal milk intake.

Yesterday, told nanny what Lucas said. She said that they must be playing & jokingly teased him that he also hit other children. Well, what can I say... As long as nobody get hurt, I think this in inevitable in the playgroup esp @ nanny's place. Daddy also told him how to defend himself but I don't think he understands it.

I also agree with Piggy that some children tend to be more aggressive. That's why young children should not be on their own without adult or parent supervision.
Hi girls, just a few pictures of Sherman during the trip. He really loved the open spaces and animals.


Haha...it's so funny, the sheep just got a haircut!


Here here, baby goat, come and eat some hay...


This is great, so much space to run! Watch me catch that bird!
Piggylee, MGTeo,

Oh no, the stomach virus struck your little precious as well. Darn, really angry with the virus for causing such discomfort to the little ones.

Most importantly, keep them hydrated. Pd told me to give Ash rice water. That's the water that is left over when you boil the rice. It's suppose to line to lining of the stomach and sooth/ease the diarrhea and vomiting.

Other than that, cannot drink milk except for the lactose free kind, which is Isomil and Pediasure. Give also small feeds, not more than 60 ml. I know it's very heartpain when they keep asking for more, but cannot be helped, must try to distract them.

Hope both will get well soon.

Ash is well again. Thanks for the concern. Now, he's eating with a vengeance
aiyoh all this stomach flu going around.. so terrible
hope all the sicky poo toddlers get better asap!

blanche, so glad tt Ash is well and eating like a horse
we won't be at pat's this sat 'cos we'll be in perth..

finally moved out.. very sad to leave my apartment lah 'cos we moved in as newly-weds.. but oh well, amk is more central lah, just 5 mins to my sis and to my mom.

babyD, i think the nose spray might be flixonase? my hub also uses it and it helps him a lot more than the oral meds.. 'cos he finds clarinase makes him too dry and uncomfortable.

pediasure def tastes good.. isomil, timo would rather not eat.. so my standby is pediasure

gg to start packing for my perth trip.. thanks for all the tips babyD.. sherman is so cute and he looks sooooo happy!
MGTeo, Catz,
Found the nasal spray, it's called Budesonide, the brand is Rhinocort turbuhaler. I've never used it though, prefer not to use steroidal drugs where possible. Hubby uses it periodically only, we mostly stick to the oral medicine since it works.

Yah, Sherman was one happy kid there. You booked apartment type accomodation or hotel rooms? Be sure to watch out if Tim is anxious abt sleeping in unfamiliar places and let him drink lots of water, cos the weather was really dry.

Sorry to hear about all the cuties down with stomach flu. It just struck my MIL as well and I'm hoping Sherman doesn't catch it. I've heard abt how horrible tasting Isomil is, my brother got a tin for my nephew some time ago and he also absolutely refused to drink it. Apparently it even smells bad to adults.
babyD, we're in apartments all the way.. paid quite a lot for accomodation but aiyah, can't imagine being quiet once Timo goes to bed.. at least in an apartment, we can hang out in the living room while he goes to sleep.

Good news.. went for my glucose tolerance test and i do not hv gestational diabetes.. heng ah. Test was painful and horrible 'cos had to fast.
Haha... i know exactly what you mean. My little imp is a ball of energy in the day time, but we discovered that once he conks out at night, we can switch on a lamp in the hotel room, drink wine, chat queitly and plan our next day's itinery. Even when he moves, he never opens his eyes, so we haven't had him waking up on us yet on both trips. Of course apartment is better, but I can't imagine Sherman's panic when he wakes up in the morning in an unfamiliar place without mummy or daddy in sight after seeing how he refused to go to bed the first night thinking he'd sleep alone.
I love the 1st photo, Sherman is soooo handsome
Talking abt ball of energy, Dylan is a ball of energy right up to the second before he sleeps. Last night he was having so much fun jumping around on my bed and before I knew it, he jus prop himself down and fell into deep sleep within seconds. Both my and my husband were laughing at him, we were just saying that he really uses up his last oz of energy before he can bear to take a rest.

Have fun, must post pics of your hols when u are back. Jus received a call from Pat's that there is no class this Sat, so Timo won't be missing any class, we'll see u when u are back.

Some recent photos of Dylan to share


Dylan saying bye bye to the animals at the zoo coz our zoo pass expires today and we'll take a break before applying for it again

Agree with Slamduck that his first pic is very handsome.
Looking at all these pics make me want to be a child sgain. It is so fun!!

Nice pics of Dylan too. Your HB is a good photgrapher. Can capture his expression very clearly.
Linus is also like Dylan. He will "sing" till the very last second before he drops off to sleep. His new song is "Jingle Bells" now. Sometimes, I lean on his cot while patting him and hearing him "sing". Suddenly all went silent and the ball of energy went into recharge mode. kekeke...

<font color="ff0000">New pet Cat</font>
My MIL bought a stuff toy cat for Linus and he seems to like it very much. He even names the Cat...

Mummy: "What is your Cat's name?"
Him: "Mimi."
Mummy: "What did you give Mimi eat?"
Him: "Mum mum"
Mummy: "Who is Mimi's daddy?"
Him: "Baby" (at the same time pointing to himself...also,he calls himself Baby)
Mummy: "Who is Mimi's mummy?"
Him: "No."

So I have been promoted to be grandma without knowing....kekeke
Ah Bunny,
Aiyoooooo. So cute.... Must bite her lah.....

How is Lucas' eye screening huh?

When are you leaving? Have fun b4 baby girl arrives.
Hi ladies,

Need to seek your advise.
Im going to subscribe broadband at home. But not sure which subscriber is better? Singtel or Starhub?

Thanks in advance.
Piggy, yeah lo, so cute, if only my next one is as chubby as this girl. she looks so rosy too..eyes so big and round.

Updates for u girls, Gain IQ selling at $22.80 per tin at NTUC. Go and grab..

raymos had high fever 2 wks ago, highest record 39.6. so scary.fever lasted for 3 days. PD initially suspected it's UTI. Tested his urine but negative
in the end, should be false measles.

Raymos aso kena bitten by his classmate few days ago, on the cheek area there. Got bite marks. See already heartpain. ask him where bite bite or where pain pain, he will point to the bitten area.
Sherman and Dylan just looks so charming. Both of them have their own distinctive charm. Just see how happy the boys are when they are having a good time.

Piggy: stil waiting for the results from the lab. but the results shown on the spot, did not register any eye problem. phew! strangely, after the eye test, Lucas' eyes were not as bad except when he wake up at times. really, hope it will be ok. when nanny asked him if he went for eye test, he will "squeeze" his eyes tightly. strange boy...

Eveyln: mine is Starhub about $50/mth. we choose Starhub simply because we also subscribed to cabletv.

Ah Bunny: Hope Raymos is ok now. Lucas also had viral fever last Wed, fever went up to 38.8. Good thing is he recovered on Friday. No regrets going to this PD, his medication is always effective and without antibiotics. Must teach Raymos how to handle this cheekbiter bully.

oh, during the checkup@ pd's clinic, his weight is actually 12.8kg. Not 15kg, our weighing machine can throw.

And by the way, tested I'm pregnant last week &amp; was confirmed by gynae with the scan. Going next week, to scan for heartbeat. Now should be about 5 wks. Very, very tired. Came back from work after lunch &amp; has been sleeping. also slept the whole day yesterday. think will rest at home tomorrow. very excited about being pregnant again, quite missed wearing maternity clothes. but the thought of the growing discomfort, makes me sick, and now wondering how to bring Lucas out on my own. sigh...too tired and can't carry him for too long.

and the other thing, officially tendered last Wed. My colleagues and boss have been nagging non stop, really sick of their negative comments. I can understand that they want me to stay but they can't understand my pursuit to be a SAHM. Just found out my boss has not submitted my letter until today. now with my condition like this, wonder if I can do my handover during the next 3 weeks. thot of just sleep at home for this whole month. haha...
Hi Tetra,

Congrats!! Do rest well ya... Hope your 1st tri will be a breeze. With regards to colleagues nagging, simply ignore them, u cant just please everyone. Follow your heart and you will be right...Good luck.

I went for my detailed scan today. Baby boy... I am in my 20th week... Catz..u are counting down, arent you..ke ke ke...
Hi Tetra, Congrats. Taking care of a active toddler is very tiring, esp as your tummy gets bigger and your toddler still expects you to play and run as before.

I have already delivered my 2nd son, Riley on 06 Nov. My confinement will end on wed. Really stressed about handling Riley and having to take care of Ryan at the same time. Esp, Ryan had been having persistent fever since Friday. Been staying up these past 3 nights monitoring temp and giving medicine. Now I am waiting to give the next dose of med so thought I pop in for a while.

Hi sleepymom: Congratulations! No wonder you have been away for some time. must peifu you, how you handle 2 at home. Any help i.e. maid after your confinement lady leave? Did you bring Ryan to Dr Teo? Hope Ryan will recover soon 'cause you also need to have good rest. Nice name, Riley, very unqiue indeed. Now you have 2 Rs.
Tetra....CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Happy for you! Don't get too influence by your colleagues just ear in ear out. There are bound to have people discouraging you I guess everybody preferences and perceptions are different. If not just act blur...Enjoy your pregnancy k, keep us posted of the gender.

I always envy and happy at people who got pregnant but thinking of myself getting preggy makes me stress. Don't know how to handle man...Actually I'm happy and satisfied with just having Claira but I know she likes to have a companion.

Whenever we're outside and she sees other children she'll stare and look at them and sometimes she'll even want to play with them and call them 'jie jie' or 'gor gor'. Probably she's so used to play with my nephews and nieces.

Aiya..me becoming so lor sor...

sleepymom, congratulations to you too!! Must be very tiring for you juggling 2 with one not feeling well. Hope Ryan gets well soon and you too rest well and take care, k.
Hi Twinkle,
Thanks for your advice and the link. I might select the 1500k broadband plan.
1girl 1boy, hao!!!

Hi Tetra, Sleepymom
Congrats! You both must rest well hor!

Hi MGTeo,
One kid not enough lah! at least must have 2!!! Else Claira very lonely leh!
Update Wilfred - for those who have no time to read my blog........

28.11.06 Tuesday
~~*~~ Active at night ~~*~~
Why Wilfred has difficulty sleeping at night? Weve tried to skip and reduce his nap time, but he still refused to sleep early. Last night, we put him to bed at 10.00pm. However until <font color="ff0000">1.00am</font> he is still awake. Everyone was so exhausted. Whats wrong with him???

30.11.06 Thursday
Scary Incident
My maid told me this afternoon Wilfred almost fell down from his cot...
She was busy in the kitchen, when suddenly she heard Wilfred yelling from his room. She knew he is awake already but his calling unlike the usual leh! So she ran to the room and was so shock that Wilfred was sitting on the <font color="ff0000">cot bar</font>, looks so helpless (and funny)
He didnt know what to do; should jump down or u-turn back? (Luckily he still knew how to ask for rescue!)
What a scary incident! But definitely will repeat again! So must be extra caution!
01.12.06 Friday
Today, I realized Wilfred also starting to be down with running nose. (must have got the virus from his kor kor)

Beside that, his body is <font color="ff0000">hot</font> but his temperature only between 37-37.4c. Weird leh!
Congrats! I'm starting to feel left out, everyone is getting pregnant and sleepymom delivered already *congrats!*

Aiyoh, scary! I've been talking about migrating Sherman out of the cot for some time now. Just that he sleeps best in his cot. If put him on the bed, he will refuse to sleep and want to run around or climb off. He has been attempting to climb out of the cot, but still not yet able to. Eventually will encounter a situation like Wilfed, except i think my boy sure jump and fall down. Are you going to take Wilfred out of his cot?

Other happy pictures of Sherman during the trip.


Thank you to the mums here for the well wishes. Just hope that this pregnancy will be as smooth as the 1st one, without any MS &amp; leg cramps.

evelyn: Wilfred has another night owl friend. Lucas also sleeps late. I am also trying to cut down his afternoon nap but turn out that I also nap with him. Must consider on how to move Wilfred from his cot. Very dangerous indeed.

babyd: Sherman looks like the local there. So at ease &amp; happy, like doing his morning exercise. Take your time. Don't stress yourself, make sure that your job is not so stressful before you conceive for your 2nd one.

poh: long time since you post here. How are you settling down in your new job? Planning for 2nd one soon? Remember to take folic acid before you plan to conceive.
Thank god that he didn't jump from the cot maybe he knows there's a danger thats why he sat there calling for rescue.

I thought is time to change from cot to bed. At least if fell from the bed the impact is not so great. Anyway I've changed from cot to mattress (on the floor) for quite some time already. I guess its more comfortable and don't have to worry about them falling.

Hope Wilfred and Wesley recover soon.

Sherman looks so happy on the pics. I guess the space and weather will indeed make all children happy.
Thanks, Tetra.

Hahah... think i will be a SAHM mum soon cos I might lose my job. Well, I will know by end of this month. Not sure should be happy or sad about it!
Wow, seems like lots is happening.

Congrats. Yes, first tri sure very tired one. Maybe you can consider letting Nanny take care of Lucas for half day or say 3hr a day during your first tri?

Congrats to you too. Hope that Ryan gets well soon. Take care and post some pics of Riley for us?

Don't feel left out la. You may be next on the list.

I think ideally is have 3kids. Just that these days, having children not like during our mum's...majiam half a dozen is the industrial standard. Now, there are so much to consider...time, $, work, etc, etc... I guess let nature takes its course. Like for me, we are really not planning to have another one but what if it still happens? I guess a single child family has its perks too. Less $ and greater attention.

I am also thinking of putting Linus on the mattress when we shift house. Very scarry leh. At least Wilfred never attempt to jump.

Never hear from you for a while now. If you become SAHM, then can concentrate on baby making.
Always very hard to make the first move. Im also thought to move Wilfred from cot to mattress but same as Sherman, Wilfred sleeps best in his cot. But I think u should move Sherman out of the cot asap because his cot looks really small leh! (saw it from ur blog.)
Sherman looks really jolly and happy!

Aiyo, Lucas also sleeps late. What happen to our kids? How I wish I could have more time to sleep :p
Youre right, will try to move Wilfred from his cot soon. Elsedont dare to imagine!

Thanks for your concern. My boys are better now. Luckily Wilfred didnt develop high fever *phew*.
Claira sleeps on mattress (on the floor)??? Heard some pple said no good wor! cooling or got wind!??!! Dont know how true?

Hi Poh
Huh? What happened?

Hi Piggy,
Heheee, he didnt dare to jump down cos he has no gut! hahahha!
So, wat kind of mattress u will buy for Linus?
What happen? Stress is it?

3 kids?? I don't think I can handle man...I'll be too stressed up with money, time and loss of freedom. No breathing space, can die leh...But if I really have No.2 thats also for the sake of Claira.

Hope to hear more good news...!
Ya on the floor at the meantime and I'm sleeping with her also. Going to get her a single or super single size bed soon. The problem now is she's still sharing the same room as us and we're thinking if she has her own room in a few years time we'll get her queen size bed thats why we intend to get her a mid-range mattress something not expensive. We're so tempted to get the Simmons one but it is real expensive. Its about $800plus for a single size!! No such big investment at the moment.

Any mummies got good recommendation of mattress?
Eyvelyn &amp; MG,
I got the mattress from Carrefour. The one with the side guard attached to it, so that he will not roll down or end up sleeping on floor. It is $99 and I plan to ask my mum to sew more sheets for him so that I can change the sheets. This mattress is not single size as it is shorter in length. The width is wide enough for him. Just not sure how well he can adjust to the change.

As for having wind if sleep on floor, I think as long as floor is not marble/ceremic/tiles, then it should be ok. If it is, put a rubber mat before laying the mattress on the floor to sheild the "cold".

I think too ex to pay so much for mattress now cos she is still not fully toilet trained. I guess when they are about 5yrs, then getting such a mattress should be just about the right time.

tetra, congrats!!

Sorry uh, been MIA for a while cos caught up with user acceptance testing offsite..

Anyway, need to have expensive mattress for kids anot? They tend to pee, poo and puke and mess up the mattress leh..
