(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

I agree with you. Too ex to invest in a good mattress at their age now.

hihi girls
back from perth and we had a great time. Tim ate and slept pretty well and we really had a good family vacation.. far away from the stresses of house moving and packing! will post pix when i'm less tired.

congrats to tetra! wow... yah 1st tri very tiring.. better rest well. better yet, max out your mc before leaving. hahahahaha

sleepymom, kudos to you for coping so well with riley and ryan! hope ryan gets well soon asap...must be so tough on you.

shifting tod to bed - a topic close to my heart. if we weren't moving house, i would do it already but with the house shift coming in Jan/Feb, dunno if it's too much change, coupled with baby's arrival.. sekali Timo cannot tahan.
Hi everyone, I finally hv some time to read and surf the web after the house moving exercise. The packing was easy ( cos done by the movers ), but the unpacking and re-organising took us about a week. Then after that, was many trips of shooping to buy the needy items and little things like floor rugs, bathroom accesories, cleaning tools, etc. Right now, I would say it's already 95% done. =)

First of all, congrats to Tetra and Sleepymom. =)

Regarding matteress... i got julian a bed for his room. I bot him a King Koll super single matteress for abt $399. He nap there in the afternoon. At night he sleeps in my room, but on another old materess on the floor.
Thanks Catz & sun_moon for the congrats. yup, lots of things to expect in the coming year.

1st thing - Tendered 3 wks ago.
2nd thing - Found out pregnant 2 weeks ago.
3rd thing - Decide to get a maid yesterday.

Actually, no intention to get a maid until last Sat, met my aunt. Her previous maid wants to return to S'pore to work but my aunt has found her 1st maid. We knew this maid for 6 years, she took care of my 2 nieces, the 2nd one from birth. If not for her, it has never crossed our minds to get a maid. Too good to pass over. Excellent cook, get along well with my family & has good affinity with children (she also likes Lucas). So decided to "chop" her first. Probably coming in Feb. I was just wondering how to continue with my outdoor activities with Lucas, another helper will be great especially when my 2nd one comes along. Actually, my hubby and mum have not much confidence in me to handle an active toddler and a newborn myself. So I just eat the humble pie and welcome their insistence to have a maid. haha...me trying to justify for been lazy. But I must say it is indeed a luxury, told my hubby that a helper like her, is as good as hubby buying me a birthday gift every month. So will be pretty busy in end Dec to Jan, need to do some moving of furniture in the house. But mom say cannot any how move, must ask for divine permission.

Yesterday, went to Evelyn's place for Wilfred's birthday. Lucas had a great time playing in the water play with Wilfred and Wesley. Wilfred is looking more like his mom. It was a great fun for both of us. Thanks, Evelyn for the invitation.

Catz: Welcome back. Must post some pixs when free. Haven't seen Tim for some time. You also rest well & take it easy. Should be in your 3rd trimester soon, rite? Your confinement how?

About bed for our children, I am planning to buy the $45 bed frame (come with rail guard) from IKEA and their mattress. Ikea has this nice tent cover over the bed, can filter out the light.
Tetra, wah big big changes for you eh?? I'm still sticking with my part-time cleaner and asking my parents to help lah. If your maid is excellent then it's definitely the right choice. However, I guess the impt thing is to discipline our tods to do their own cleaning up after themselves and not to become maid-dependent.

Confinement - no confinement, just ordering tingkat confinement food for 2 wks (I don't like herbs and ginger lah).. hubby will be on leave. After that, my parents will help out here and there but largely I'm going to try to cope on my own lah.

I like the Ikea beds but think Timo will surely fall out lei.. planning to go to that new kiddy bed specialist shop at United Sq to hv a looksee.

sunmoon, your timing is so good for your house. I only start reno on 15th Jan and it will take about 4 wks to complete and my due date is 18th Feb!!! My gynae says I will prob deliver early and fast (baby is small lah) so er.. very tight timing for me to get the nitty gritty for the house done. Hope to try to get the shopping for WC, fittings, lights done by the time reno starts so that I can rest more by the time the final few weeks roll along. 7 1/2 months preggers now and I look about 4 months preggers.. hehe.. so my gynae asked me to put on more weight. Baby is a little small
Guess too much activity already.
Tetra, getting a helper ( esp an experienced and will trained one ) is defintely going make your life much easier. You will have a pair of helping hands anytime.

Catz, well timing wise ok... initially i didnt even expect myself to be pregnant before the house moving. And everything happening during the first trimester didnt help also. But now into 14 weeks and I am feeling much like mornal and thus so much better. You are right to start shopping for all the lights, fittings, appliances and little things as early as you can. But dun carry too mcuh, always get someone along to help you out.

Right now my time is never quite enough. New house has more house work, so my helper always busy cleaning and I have to babysit julian most of the time. Only free time i have is during his 2 hour nap and at night when he zzz at abt 8.30pm. Even these free time I have appliances user manual to read, small corners to pack and re-organise, plants to maintain... everyday just fly pass like dat. I havent really got the energy to continue blogging even. Hope things gets better as i get more settled down.
sunmoon, so u hv a full-time helper now? guess with a big house, u will definitely need a lot more help. Wah, u so eng read appliance manual ah? i only read when i need to use.. teehee
but it's good tt u're in 2nd tri where u hv more energy.. me 3rd tri feeling very shack lor.. hope i can pull thru with the shopping and stuff. my sis is only leaving for the US end Dec so can ask her to help out with the shopping and stuff until then.. after that.. aiyoh :p
Hi Tetra,
Congrats on your 2nd preg. just wanna ask u some questions, prior to your confirmation with your gynae, how do you suspect that you are preg when it's only 5 wks? i assume yr 5 wks is calculated fm the 1st day of your last LMP rite? hehe, cos I've missed my period for abt 1 wk plus now, dunno if i am aso preggie leh. dun really have any symptons and dun wanna waste $ in buying the preg test kit sekali is false alarm. sounds as if i'm a first timer hor..keke
Ah Bunny,
Fyi, when I was pregnant the first time I only miss my period for a few days and was able to test positive. And at that time I was only 4 weeks preggy. Symptom quite obvious the significant one was having my favourite apple strudel from Perth and after eating I felt like puking which was quite unusual feeling I've got.

While if you're eager I guess if you have miss your period for more than 10 days you can start testing. Urrrrrrr...must be excited right!!!
Ah Bunny: You are right about the calulation. My period is quite regular and when I missed my period by about 4 days, I used the test kit (cost about $0.60, not the expensive one from pharmacy)& found positive. Visited my gynae the next day & during the scan, found an egg sac. So confirmed pregnant & he prescribed me some folic acid and hormone pills. Start to feel tired and bland taste bud in the end of week 4. Now at week6, going to check for heartbeat tomorrow.

If your mens has been quite regular, then you may be pregnant. do start popping the folic acid. Do let's know the results. Maybe our 2nd child could be Aug baby.

Catz: you are right about the maid thingy. Must remind ourselves and train Lucas not to be too reliance on the mind, must clean up after meals, etc. Don't thik we will have maid forever, if not mummy will be the maid after she's gone.

Sun_moon: yah, seems like got maid, still can hardly find time for yourself. Luckily, you have a helper esp when you are also pregnant. Otherwise, have to still tend the housechores. do take care!
Indeed there are lots of changes for you.
Good that you can confirmed a good maid. Good maid is like having a good sister at home to help you out all the time.

Wilfred celebrated birthday so early? Must try to post some pics for us.

Agree with Catz that your timing is very good. I think moving house is very stressful but yet exciting. How did Julian adjust to the move? I am trying to prepare Linus for it.

Must take care and eat more la. YC is usually very adamant that moms to be don't put on too much weight. If she says must put on weight, you should really try.

Ah Bunny,
I felt a metal taste in my mouth after misiing my period for 3days. Go get the cheap $7.50 kit from NTUC to test to save yourself the guessing?

Linus seems to repeat himself over and over again till I have to ask him to stop. Gosh..... for a short trip from petrol station to school on Saturday (about 2km), he repeated "Pat School House" 22 times!! Any of your tods are like that?

julian took abt a week to two to get use to the new house and new routines i set for him. Things he needed to adjust includes:

- new sleeping place ( both nap and night time)
- new eating place (eat at dining table now)
- new bathing method ( use to be in baby tub, now in standing shower )
- lots of stairs to climb. Need to remind him to hold my hands.
- lots of new things cannot touch cos his daddy will heart pain if he throw his toy cars at those glass and marble and parquet flooring. =p

these are the major ones la.. but after sometime he adjusted to it and ok now.
Dear all,
Thanks for your advices. actually my menses have been quite regular all the while until this mid year, i have a record of a 40 day cycle and abt 2 times of 35 day cycle. dunno wat happened at tat time, no stress aso. but for the last 2 mths, my 28day cycle came back again. this time, i have missed for 9 days. hee, shall see lor, if exceed 40days prob high chance. last time with raymos i bought a test kit to try, but negative lor. So this time dun intend to try jus wait and see if exceeds 40days. counted liao, if really preg, my edd should b 12 Aug. but i dun have metal taste in my mouth, no real food cravings, as for tiredness,i almost have tat everyday haha. btw, wats' yr testing kit that only cost $0.60 ar?

piggy, raymos just like to repeat calling "mummy" all the time. even when he's sitting on my lap he will just repeat calling me. my hb says he's obsessed with me liao. then last sun we suddenly thot of recording his voice calling mommy in the hp so tat can save as ringting tone. wabiang, when we played for him to hear himself repeating mommy, he cried leh, and cried until very cham. Dunno y??
Ah Bunny: I don't think I can wait. very kan cheong one, I must quickly go confirm. maybe because can't wait to be pregnant. about the pregnancy test kit, I bought from a mum in another thread through BP. The test kit is the same as the ovulation kit which comes in a strip.

Raymos is so funny...esp the crying part when he heard the recorded crying tone.

Lucas doesn't repeat like what Linus did unless he really wants something. Don't you find their voice so cute when they speak. Always find it amusing.

As for the pregnancy symptoms, I crave for different kind of food at different times. Imagine only 5 wks, can ask hubby to buy filet o fish and nuggets at 1am. jia lak, going to put on alot of weight this time...must be a boy again. yesterday, crave for barbeque chicken wings, today Taiwan oyster mee sua.
Wa...Tetra....appetite very good ya...ask your hubby to share with you then put on weight together. haha.

Claira likes to ask questions again and again. Like, "Mummy where? Papa where? Ah Ma where?" even though she knew the answers but she'll just repeat the questions.

Sometimes when I called for her, "Claira..." she will answer me, "huh...". Quite taken a back when she said that to me the first time sound so adult.
Anyway she's like a parrot she'll repeat what I say so got to mind my words when I talk. They are all so adorable at this age.

<u>One Incident</u>
Claira was enjoying her last slice of orange, happily sucking and licking. So my mum said, "lets bring out another orange she'll definitely squeeze and stuff her piece of orange into her mouth." Knowing my girl...true enough she did that. My mum and I just burst into loud laugh but my poor girl can sense that we are making fun of her, she puke out her orange and started crying, after that me and my mum felt so bad. keke...
Wah Tetra, good tt u hv good appetite. This preg I really don't hv much appetite so only put on 1+kg.. guess I didn't really lose the fats from Timo's pregnancy also lah. :p Piggy, yah I know I should be gaining more weight but I guess it's very hard to put on weight with the amt of stuff gg on in my life right now.. heh.

Repetitive tods - aiyoh, my son is more lor sor than a old man.. can say about 10x of the same thing. Aiyoh. Then now can make up stories and stuff.. then when we call him 'chee char kong', he will tell us ' no call chee char kong'. haha
so funny.

sunmoon, my new place will also take a lot of adjusting to 'cos of the staircase. so afraid that timo will go and perch on the ledge along the staircase..
Hi gals,

Me MIA for a while..hee.. Office going thru ano round of restructuring and bosses squeezing us to let go more headcount, me so stressed out, own rice bowl not guaranteed and got to say which ricebowl wana break... Heartbroken...

Try to eat more, so that bb can be nutriously fed too.. Not so gd to only gain 1kg rite, so far u are 7.5 mths. Me at 22 weeks already gain abt 5kg..gosh!!!! Me better cut down on my food intake... Later difficult to go back to shape.... Must rem to take ur multivits too ya..

Kristy has been very sticky to me lately.. Guess she knws her DIDI coming out soon... What abt Tim?

Wow, gd apetite, envy.. I puke from 6 weeks onwards till week 14. So enjoy ur 1st tri ya....hee hee

Tetra, Congrats ah! Happy for you! I better start planning soon! So many mummies are pregnant!

Here are some recent pics of Heidi @ Vivo..
Only 1kg+ thats very little leh...If you don't have much appetite maybe you can choose to eat more nutritional food lor...like cheese with crackers, fish soup etc.. Were you like that also during your 1st pregnany?
Hi Tetra,
U look good on that day! No wonder pples say pregnant lady always looks so beautiful! I like ur new hair style, it suit you very well!
Ive checked with my maid agency, they told me the charges of Direct Hire for both sides (Spore n Indo) is abt S$1400. They will arrange everything (paper works, passport) for the maid but air ticket is not included. If the paper works just need to be done in Singapore, the charges will be around $300-$400 (exclude air ticket too.) Quite expensive hor? Perhaps, you should check with other maid agency as well.

Ah Bunny,
So coincidence, Wilfred also likes to repeat calling "mummy" all the time. I like the way he keep calling me, so cute! heheeee!

Take care and try to eat more ya.

Dont be so stressed out and worried, take care!

Hi Angela,
Long time no see, how have u been? Agreed with MGTeo, Heidi is so pretty and ssssssssweet!

Sun Moon,
Did you manage to contact Ah Zhen?
Ya, bcos Wilfred actual BD is falls on this Friday (weekday). Thats why we celebrated it earlier.

Just for sharing.





Nowadays when we ask him how old is he? He will say two and show his two fingers just like the above pictures
Yes Evelyn,
i did call her and most likely will be using her. Thanks. =)

yeah, like catz, this round i gain little. Not much appetite during first tri and plus house reno and moving, and one active tod, me lost abt 2kg. Now still havent really gain that back. Compared to last pregnancy, i eat less and not much special cravings too. Right now i get alot of exercise by climbing up and down the stairs everyday, so helps to burn some fats too. Legs also become stronger. But i worry during last tri so heavy how to climb like dat. =p
You may want to investigate to do direct hire yourself, without using the maid agency cos the costs included is prohibitive. My maid's passport expired recently and I have to renew it inorder to renew the work permit. The agency charges $450 for renewal of passport (inclusive of fees which amount to $200+) and $80 to $280 for renewal of work permit. I find the costs very ex so I started to investigate how to do it myself.
I went to the www.mom.gov.sg and the Philippines Embassy website to read up. The whole renewal of work permit and passport on my own save me upto a month of the maid's salary.
But of course to save all the trouble, you may use a agency to do all the work for you.

Heidi really know how to pose for photo taking.
Really a very pretty girl.

Wilfred looks very grown up now. He is looking more and more like you.

One of the moms at the playgroup told me that when she send her girl to child care, the girl will come back wanting to do everything herself. Like putting on shoes, going to toilet, etc, etc. She says that she felt her girl is no longer her baby anymore, no need mummy liao... She felt sad and happy at the same time.
I guess when Claira replies you in an adult manner, you were not prepared for that.
sunmoon, yah same as you lah.. too many activities, really quite hard to get the same amt of rest and makan time with an active toddler around. but girls, i am trying to eat more... it's just tt i don't seem to be able to really put on much weight lei. Anyway, i think it's 'cos I'm starting off this pregnancy heavier anyway so i got excess fat to spare. Haha

twinkle, aiyoh Tim is VERY sticky to me. doesn't want anyone else to carry him. End up he will cry for an hour 'cos I cannot carry him (got groin pain, back pain).. aiyoh cry until whole face got mucus everywhere. Even putting him to bed, if his daddy wants to tuck him in, he will tell him 'daddy go outside, want mama carry'.. alamak.

Eve, happy birthday to Wilfred!
Can think of having your #3 already.. hehe

MG, actually I didn't gain much with Timo either but it was only last tri when I came back to S'pore then my mother kept stuffing me with durian that I ended up gaining around 9kg in total (5kg in final tri!!!!!).

Angela, Heidi is such a sweetie!
Hahaha...maybe your last tri will be similar to your last pregnancy hor...

Aiya got to go now. Talk to you all tomorrow.
I guess at this age they're all learning to be independent and exploring new things so when they blurt out new words or do some new things it will just surprise us.
twinkle, yah lor so jialat hor? poor papa feels so hurt. if he pushed me aside like that, i would be very very hurt too.

Piggy, when are you moving? Before CNY also?
Twinkle &amp; Catz,
Linus also ask many people to go, sometimes including me. For me, he will quickly retract back his "Mama, go" to "Mama, Come", within a few seconds. Papa, nanny, gradma, etc are mostly go when he is not in the mood to entertain them.

I should be moving mid Jan. Just that last minute, the stupid bank tells me got to change something in the loan... Really sian with all these time wasters.... Actually, I hope for early Jan moving but now I guess must delay till mid or even end Jan. With the CNY so close, wonder if I could get everything up or not. Really very pek chek when you can't do anything. btw, which bank are you using?
Thanks, Evelyn and Piggy for the info about the maid thingy. Managed to find one chap through my relatives and he is charging me $250 for apply the work permit, etc. So probably will go through him otherwise I have to drop by MOM quite often.

Angela: Long time no hear from you. Heidi has changed so much from the last time I see her. She has long thick hair now, so pretty &amp; grown-up.

Yesterday, went for my check-up. Very happy, can find the heartbeat, loud &amp; clear. In 2 wks time, I've gained 1.1kg. Edd is 28 Jul. So amazed by life, looking now at Lucas, can't imagine him coming from an embryo so small.

Lucas has also been sticky to me lately. Always want me to carry. This morning, put on my favourite maternity clothes and he said "Nice". Then he took my pyjamas and kept pulling my dress, want me to take out and change into my t-shirt. My heart broke...

Yesterday, my boss 2 colleagues came and nagged at me to stay on, now till Feb. They are trying to wear me down. After discussing to my hubby, no again unless part-time till Feb. Got so much going on in Jan/Feb -> Chiangmai holiday, maid coming, pack the place, etc. Most importantly, is to spend time with Lucas before the 2nd one comes along. Once this time is passed, it is gone.
Hee Hee Catz &amp; Piggy, kids of this age seems to behave like this horweird..

Gals I am sending Kristy for playgroup classes twice a week. Really pray hard that she will be able to adapt well. As my neighhbouring place do not have much choices of playgroup, I have decided to enrol her in Tumbletots(my cousin is a part time teacher there too) which needs to take a bus from my place. I was quite adament as to my maid fetching her by public transport hence I tot of engaging in school bus for her. Gals, what are your tots? I dont knw if she is too young to take school bus ornt leh

But before the 2nd one is born in Apr, I want her to start going to school to learn more things. Esp for now she has not joined any classes before and I find her picking up rather slow and I am worried.
Tetra, wah lau your colleagues and boss are super one kind. Don't need to entertain them since you've already made up your mind lor.

twinkle, I also wanna send Timo for playgroup but hor, too many new things will be happening for him... moving here moving there then got sister coming along. Dunno how man...

Piggy, my first mortgage was from OCBC. LOUSIEST BANK EVER!! Lousy lawyers also. HSBC not bad lah but their rates climb every few weeks. This time round we quality for HDB loan so we're gg with that. So the reno is completed?
Twinkle, Catz, Piggy
Talking about tods asking adults to go also happened to Claira. Every morning I send her to my mum's place but at times she don't want me to go to work so when maid try to carry her she'll cry and say, "Marlynn jie jie no no, go away." (with hand actions), "mummy mummy carry...no go work..." I always feel heart pain whenever she's like that.

You must be very efficient and competent in your work right....if not your bosses and colleagues wouldn't have nag you to stay on....However, you've made up your mind, just ignore them lor...I think now is to spend more time with Lucas and enjoy your pregnancy. Tetra, the last sentence you wrote 'once this time is passed, it is gone'. It makes me feel like tearing...sounds sad...

I'm also bringing Claira for a weekend class at Julia Gabriel also scared she don't like it cos she has not been attending classes for a long time. Hope both girls will like it.
Ignore those 2 people. Yes, once this time is passed, you will not get it back. Just spent the good time with Lucas before didi/meimei arrive. I think this will be more fruitful for you than to spent time travelling to and fro work, especially for half day (which most likely, you can't achieve much so will have to stay 1to 2 hour longer)

Ya, the problem with flexi loan is that rates will go up and never down. I am going with stand chart now cos they have a fixed 3 year one.

Reno not even started yet as I will only get keys in Jan. Anyway, there is not much to do, only a study area that I intend to made-to-measure in my bedroom and putting up the window grille. The other furniture like wardrobe for Linus, I go with Ikea. I have already confirm the sofa, bed and dining set. So will inform them when to deliver.

You mean you have already started the reno? I tot there is usually a waiting time before the handover of keys?

Twinkle &amp; MG,
I am sure both your girls can adjust to play group. Afterall, they go there for fun and there are so many new toys there.
Hihi Piggy, we're actually getting the keys after HDB first appt so the reno will start 15th Jan. We asked for early handover lor. Wah your reno will be very simple. For me, it's kitchen and toilets to be re-done, changing some bits of false ceiling and lights, painting, cabinets in the master bedroom.. not to mention hacking out all the existing built-ins. Will take 3 wks for the hacking and wet works, then 2 more weeks to finish up the kitchen cabinets.

Tetra, u are really doing the right thing lah, just ignore all the extra 'noise'.. but MG is right, u must be a super worker
Need to ask which box mattress you bought for Linus? I went to Carrefour yesterday and there were 2 types, the foldable one and the one piece one. The one piece one has lower sides, but I think it's easier to change the bedsheets? The foldable one looks good, sides are high, but I'm afraid my destructive son will kick the sides open since they're velcro and tied together. Did you get the sales people to open up and show you?

As for mortgage, we got Mortgage One from StanChart, we're v happy with both bank and lawyers, but I think they don't offer that plan anymore.

Tim and you really going through a lot of changes. 1kg a bit little for 7months, must take care of No.2, yah? Don't you have to move Tim out of his cot to make space for his little sister? I also heard before that it's best not to start toddlers in nursery or play school soon after a new sibling comes, otherwise they will associate having to go school with the new baby and either hate going to school or hate the baby. Not sure leh... since Tim has been attending Pat's, he probably won't think it's a big change to start going to playschool again if you start him soon. If he takes a long break, then he may resist later because the baby gets to stay at home with mummy while he has to go to school.
ya, quite true babyd.. thats why I wanted to start her early and not wait till April. She has been very sticky and kept throwing tantrums, dont knw is it cos she wants more attention esp she knws didi coming along. Kids are really so bright nowadays.. can anticipate things...
Hi Catz,
Moving hse + pregnant + an active toddler..really no joke man! No wonder very hard for u to put on weight. Anyway, must take good care of yourself ya!
Btw, thanks for your well wishes to Wilfred. Dont think I will think of #3 now cos I just get a great offer, will be start working in Feb 07. I think my boss and colleagues will get shock if I tendered end of this month cos at this moment nobody know that Im will be leaving.
Have been working in my current company almost 7yrs, a bit she bu de cos all along can get very well with the staffs.

Piggy, Tetra
Wilfred looking more like me meh? I thot he has his own look :D


Hi mummies,
As of last year of today date I was 1yr old, as of today....(let me count first.....), Im <font color="ff0000">2</font>yrs old!!! Heheeeee!
Twinkle, Catz
Ya, should avoid introducing ur tod to playgroup right around the time when baby arrives, as he/she may think that he/she is being sent away.

For Wilfred, I think will wait till he is above 2.5yrs then send him to playgroup cos heard that too young to playgroud will gets sick very easily.

Kristy looks so grown up, so pretty! She is big girl already!
twinkle, Angela
Aiyoh, Kristy sooo cute, Heidi also. I want a girl girl, I want a girl girl...

We were on leave for 3 days while both sets of grandparents were on holiday. We succeeded in bringing Sherman to watch his first movie, Happy Feet. He was a very good boy, didn't talk and sat through the whole show. After the show, he said "penguin dance" and was jogging on the spot. Quite funny. We also brought him to Vivo to play with water and went to the zoo twice to make full use of Friends of the Zoo card which expires end of the year. The 2nd time was just to let him play at the playground and water park. He had a great time. He said "raining" very often while playing with the water at the zoo. (see pic)

babyD, wow Sherman loves the water. Tim's more cautious so he'll drag his Dad in there with him.
Rgd crib - I've been dragging my feet 'cos I'm only putting up at my sis' temporarily and don't wanna end up moving a toddler bed as well.. but maybe no choice lah.. gotta buy his Ikea bed soon. Yeah it's too many changes, i hope he's OK with all the big changes.

Wow, Eve, congrats on the new opportunity. 7 years is a really long time to be with one company!

Moms with tods sleeping in their own room - do you still put the baby monitor there?

sunmoon, need to ask you for recommendations for furnishing places.. 'cos I'm looking for nice sofa - not foam seats but with springs type. The only place I've seen really nice ones is Abitex at Paragon.
Wilfred is the 1st child in this thread to reach 2 yrs old. He has started the ball rolling. Next one should be Linus, rite?

Eve: Wilfred is so fair &amp; got big bright eyes like mummy. Congratulations to your new job &amp; great offer. Start the New Year with a new job. How exciting.

twinkle: Kristy got long straight hair. So nice. Girls seems to look more grown up though.

babyd: Sherman must have such wonderful time with mummy &amp; daddy. It's so nice to watch children enjoying the pool &amp; playground at the zoo. Lucas can spend a long time there. I also wondering if Lucas is ready to watch the movie. How long is the movie?

About going to playschool, I will probably start bringing Lucas to my BIL's school in Jan before Chiangmai trip then continue with him for 1 week before he goes solo. Now is to let him get really familiar with my BIL &amp; his wife.

Thanks, gals for the encouragement &amp; support. Last few days, have been tough. Even my hubby was not spared yesterday night. They bought me dinner and after filling their stomach, 8 of them taking their turns talking non-stop that I must revert my decision. So heartless, blah... Then husband came &amp; joined, fed him food &amp; nagged at him. It was quite hilarious. So reviewed my decision again when we were back home, &amp; told my boss that I will compromise to the 2nd best alternative, to do part-time instead. Work on Mon-Wed, then have time with Lucas from Thu to Sun. See how I manage for the next few mths if this is feasible.

Actually, not super worker lah. Just wake up from my 10min nap in the ofc. haha... Just that I've been with them for 5 yrs (today still receive 5 yr service award) &amp; they missed my laughter, company &amp; crap talk. And also, with me gone, they have to share my work load. So they have been trying every means to get me to stay. Actually, I've been enjoying free lunches &amp; receiving gifts. Not bad lah.

Anyway, I hope with the maid, I can spend more time with Lucas. Still better than my FTWM's situation. So I will not be working for 1 mth from 29 Dec. Then start 29 Jan on part-time.
What nice pics of Sherman at the zoo. Children really could tug at the heart strings of adults just by a simple smile or a laugh.

I bought the one piece one. I didn't ask the salesperson to open up cos I think the velcro ones will probably be not as sturdy.

The one piece one is in fact 2 pieces. The centre one is just like a regular mattress that is removable. The cover is infact a fitted sheet cover. So I will ask my mum to sew another fitted sheet for changing. The sides are made up of 4 pieces of cushions "zipped" up together. This, I think can be removed but may require sewing back later. I will ask my mum to make a mattress cover big enough to contain the whole bed to act as protection for the sides.

Have you bought yours?

Wow you giving your company a surprise huh? (Noti noti) Great to get another good offer elsewhere.

Little Kristy really all grown up now. Waiting to be jie jie soon.

The next birthday child is indeed Linus. He will be celebrating this Friday 22/Dec with a cake. No major celebration cos mummy to lazy too organise. I went to my mum's yesterday and bought a smaller cake to have an earlier celebration. He was so happy and was able to make a wish before blowing the candles. Ha ha... Very funni to watch and what a difference one year make!! Last year still a gong gong...sit there and wonder what is happening, this year can clap and sing along. I wonder what it will be next year.

Your company is bribing you and your hb with food inorder to ask you to stay. Must be a hilarous sight. Tell them to give all forum mums here a dinner treat too cos we are your great supporter of SAHM? kekeke...Whatever the decision, as long as you are happy, stick with it.
Hi all, quite long din log in liao... Hope u all still remember me.
Really bz nowsaday..

How times flies... saw that Sleepmon already gave month to her Number 2 liao and hey congrats!

Tetra, congrats to you too and may you have a smooth pregnancy.

By the way, did i miss anyone???
Happy Feet is about 1hr 45min. I didn't expect Sherman to sit through the whole movie, so it was a pleasant surprise. Looks like your colleagues' campaigne was successful. Just make sure you're really working part time when the time comes, not working 24hr days into midnight just to finish work, otherwise not worth it.

We bought the one piece bed already. By the time we went back, no more blue one, had to get a pink one. Hubby also thought the foldable one wouldn't hold up, with Sherman and his kicking habits. Sherman seems to like it though, pink and all. We got sheets to change so it doesn't look so pink.

regarding sofa... I dun really know where to get those with spring. I got my sofa set from AIR. For us, our criteria is simpler... heh heh, must match our deco, and look nice and nice to sit can already.

When I was shopping for furnitures, I visited places like Park Mall (X-tra), XZQT, Space (Millenia Walk), Mod Living, and some of the shops along Purvis St. Maybe you can have a look ard these places. Happy shopping!

Evelyn, I confirmed using Ah Zhen. Thanks for the contact. And good luck on your new job. =)

Congrats and good luck to your new job. I agree Wilfred has got his own look.

Do you think they always look more grown up on the pic than real person.

Did you notice their (IKEA) base of the bed is made of pieces of wooden planks?
