(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

sun_moon, hehe.. yah last time I also chose on looks only but realise that foam sofa will become like prata after 2-3 years.. would prefer spring type of seat. Thanks for the tips
So I guess your decor is super mod?

MG, yah it's wooden planks below but since our kids are so featherweight, should be OK lah.

Found a copy of the birthdays and post it here for mummies.

<table border=1><tr><td>Baby's Name</TD><TD>Mummy's Name</TD><TD>B/G</TD><TD>DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wilfred</TD><TD>Evelyn</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>15Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Linus</TD><TD>Piggy</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>22Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>Sleepymom</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dylan</TD><TD>Slamdunk</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>Tetra</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>29Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherish</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>01Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Raymos</TD><TD>AhBunny</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>02Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Khayr</TD><TD>Sasha</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>02Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rayhan</TD><TD>Sasha</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ashton</TD><TD>Blanche</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tim</TD><TD>Catz</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>04Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Summer</TD><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>05Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Clare</TD><TD>Al</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>05Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phoebe</TD><TD>Emonster</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>06Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>syen27(yve)</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Julian</TD><TD>Sunmoon</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dario</TD><TD>Anna</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kristy</TD><TD>Twinkle</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>10Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gideon</TD><TD>JayKay</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>11Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovann</TD><TD>Dolphina</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>Poh</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>14Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jeryann</TD><TD>Ann</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>15Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>E Tzian</TD><TD>iuiu</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>15Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sherman</TD><TD>BabyD</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>17Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Xiang</TD><TD>Yap</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>18Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heidi</TD><TD>Angela</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>18Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Claira</TD><TD> MGTeo</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>20Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carine</TD><TD>Yvoyvo</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>21Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hunter</TD><TD>YvonneOng</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>24Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joy Nicole</TD><TD>Joymum</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>28Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qi En</TD><TD>Koh</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>31Jan2005</td></tr></table>
Piggy: Thanks for the table. it's like deja vu. Imagine 2 years has passed since we delivered to our cheeky monkies.

Linus so clever, still know how to make a wish. Not sure if Lucas will know if his birthday is a special day for him. Recently, we also went through some of his photos taken during his 1st birthday. He has indeed grown taller. They really grow very fast.

Ocean: Long time no see u. Got time must update us on Cherish. Take care.
Hi folks
just came back from gynae checkup today and confirmed that I am expecting a boy. My hubby is happy, but i feel a little bit disappointed for not having a girl still. But I am happy for Julian to have a playmate. So I still dun get to shop for all the girly pinky stuff that I always drool upon when ever i shop. BUT BUT BUT... as long as my baby is healthy, I am still very happy! I have already decided his name shall be Justen. HEE =D

Catz, my deco is indeed contemporary... most practical. The in thing like gothic look, modern european, zen etc I feel cannot last. I sure get tired of the look after a while. Are you doing major reno to your EM?
Hihi sunmoon, congrats on Julian's playmate.. at least all of Julian's nice clothes will not go to waste
Not doing very major reno, nothing structural except shifting some doorways slightly. Trying to keep it cheap but since there's quite a lot to renovate, it's still around $30k plus. My deco will be contemporary lah but flexible enough that I can play around with a little american home style.. like pottery barn type of style.
Another boy will be a good playmate for Julian.
I agree with contemporary look. Gothic is too dark and I feel is for singles and yuppies. Btw, how much did you spent on the reno, excluding furniture and appliances?

Linus is down with fever. Fed him panadol in the middle of the night. This morning, the fever is still there.
Can check with mums here if there is any good cream or powder for heat rash to recommend?
I have started to "train" him to go diaperless, even at nights and when he pees, we have to put a towel for him to lay on. This causes heat rash as he is not used to sleeping on towels.....
thanks... I think my hubby is very happy to have another boy. He doesnt seems to want a girl that much. When I ask him why, he say girl harder to look after, esp 16 years down the road. Worry them dating, worry them wear sexy clothes... hahaa... I really buay ta han him think until so far. All I see is girl being sweet, demure, close to mommy, and someone whom I can go shopping with. Anyway, no girl for me... on dream dream dream. Have to now brave myself for another potential monkey! Hahaha.

As for me reno... we spent quite alot. Over $100K. But that's cos it was major reno with major hacking, and also cos its a 3 storeys house. But my contractor not so fantastic, so I wont recommend him to you all here.

Julian also just recovered from fever and flu. I dunno how he got it. Now his nose still runny.
MG Teo,

Ya I also find that she looks older in pixshee hee


Wow so many of you are moving house. Those who are preggy, take gd care k
Have a good holiday ahead!! Merry Xmas!

Sunmoon, my hubby also like boys, dont knw why. But I like gals.. Cos can doll them up and I dont have to buy new clothings for my ah boy hee
hi ladies,

Thanks for the blast from the past Piggy

Just got back fr gynae.. alamak, baby is waaay too small and she might not even hit 2.6kg at full term. So maybe have to get her out earlier since she doesn't seem to be doing well.. may be placenta problem. Aiyah, my poor little girl.. :p
Catz, not to worry if BB small as long as she can hit 2kg. Cherish was 2.4kg at birth, but maybe cos she was borned on 36wks. Wow, you having a gal? Hey, congrats... I really missed alot during this time hor....

Sunmoon, congrats on having another boy. Anyway, in future, you will have DIL ma! Hahhee..

Tetra, must take good care of yourself ya.

Piggy, thanks for the flash of memories! How times flies!
Ocean: Thanks. You too, take care &amp; let's us know if there is any latest update joining the preggies.

Catz: did you check with your gynae on the placenta blood flow? During my 1st pregancy, my gynae gives me aspirin to thin the blood so that there is better blood flow in the placenta and baby gets more nourishment. It is still better if the baby comes out from Wk 36. First of all, are you eating lesser or not eating enough? If you are eating enough, your baby should get the nourishment &amp; grow in size. Do you think better to go for a detailed scan again to check that the organs are growing well. Sorry... not might to frighten you...there is this mum who has just given birth, found out her baby girl has 2 holes in the heart after 1mth delivery during the routine check-up. The girl was about 2kg at birth and her mum moticed that the girl is not suckling much milk and tends to be panting after feeding. But the mum was not aware of the heart problem since the scan did not show anything. With God's blessings, the girl has a successful operation to seal the holes and has just been discharged after spending 3 wks in the hospital. The moving and reno can be stressful so please take good care. Perhaps better to arrange more regular check-up with your gynae to monitor baby's growth closely.
Hihi Ocean, thanks for the reassurance.. gynae is worried since Timo was born at 3.36kg and the discrepancy is too large. Besides, nobody else in my family has such small babies leh.. so I think I just need to rest more as I have been rushing around too much.

Tetra, I think might be placenta problem lah.. and not enough rest. Baby's heart and everything are 100% normal.. guess I really need to take it slow and easy and go on high cal diet. More reason to whack durian. Teehee.. but yeah, I'm taking it seriously as I don't want my girl's health to suffer. Worse case, if she will cope better outside, then I will hv another Jan baby..
Take care of yourself and little princess okie
Don't worry too much, all will be fine. She could just be petite, that's all. Of course, you should slow down and rest a bit more too. Anyway, ash was rather small at birth too... 2.9 kg but grew up fine and very extremely active, albeit a bit skinny!!! Haha. SMS me when you deliver okie... would love to see your girl

at first I too yearn for a girl... haha, but as days pass and I see the interaction between ash and ayd, I feel that the gender of the bb is not as impt as them being sweet, nice and loving to each other. They adore each other to bits!! Ayd will reserve his smile for his kor kor and will watch his kor's every move. As for ash, he will bring his story books and 'read' to ayd. he would also go hug and peck him many many times a day!!! Really no regrets having a second one, though I must quantify that it's no bed of roses too
If they continue loving each other more than fighting each other, may consider another one!!! Haha....

Anyway, we just came back from Phuket. Guess what, I lost 1.5kg just lugging Ayd around... haha. Was telling hubby that we should plan a trip to Europe, then I'll be slim and shapely again!!!!



This is suppose to be his cheeky face. When we tell him to do a cheeky face, he does this!

Thanks for the list! I was about to ask it from you.

You must take care, k. Think better ask gynae for more detailed checks at least you'll know what's the actual problem.

Tetra, twinkle &amp; sunmoon
You also take care ya...

Both of them look happy. They must be having a good time especially for Ash.
catz: with the coming festive seasons, can whack more logcakes, turkey, etc. yah, take it slowly &amp; enjoy the last trimester. Just like your 1st one, you may gain more weight in this trimester. Take care.

blanche: you r so good! just came back from another holiday. Now Ash has become a seasoned traveller. Love all the pics esp the 3rd one, Ayd is so round and adorable. So nice to hear how loving your 2 sons are to each other. Ash must have felt so loved by you all that's why he knows how to give love to his baby brother. You must have felt so good
Must try to eat more but no much worries for low weight babes, Linus was born only 2.475kg. PD that came told us not to keep him out of the nursery cos she wants him at the heated room to give him extra warmth. Other than that, all is like normal. U take care yah?

I was digging for the list before Wilfred's BD but can't find it. Only managed to find this week.

You and your HB really very SOLID la. bring 2 to Phuket. I really have no guts, even to bring 1.

Viral Fever
Linus came down with viral fever since Tuesday. His fever shot up to 40.1 last evening!! Gosh, that was scarry. Brought him to PD and she gave Nurafen, which brought down the fever in an hour and fever was kept down for 8hours. Hope his fever will break by today.
Hi gals,
Thanks all for the well wishes. Well, since there is an opportunity for me to change, think I should move on.

Sun moon,
Good news! I can guarantee u will fully appreciate the joy of having 2 boys.

Glad that uve confirmed using Ah Zhen. She is really good although I never contact with her after my confinement but I definitely will use her again IF I have #3. heheeee!
When is your EDD?

Ash &amp; Ayd look bery enjoying the trip hor? Both of them so cute!

Eat more &amp; rest more PLEASE!

How is Linus? Hope he recovers soon.

As long as u happy with the new arrangement, why not? Just that u must have a good rest too during this pregnancy period.

Welcome back! Any update on Cherish?

Hi ladies,
Sorry, no time to upload photo here. Have a look..Happy 2nd Birthday To Wilfred
Hi all ladies,

thanks for the cheers... it was those initial disappointment i was coping with earlier. When I was expecting Julian, and saw my gynae to find out it was a boy, I had one day of disappointing feeling too. But all turn out great cos I love my Julian alot now. Similiarly, when i went in to the clinic, I was secretly hoping maybe this time can be a girl, then at least some diff experience. But doc say FOR SURE NO DOUBT its a boy. So I feel a little disappointed again lo. This time for 2 days. haha... But I feel ok now... HEEE

Catz, eat more and take good care!

Okay, its christmas round the corner again... everyone doing last min shopping? Me planning two parties over this and next weekend at home, so quite alot to prepare. I still havent got time to buy some christmas presents for all the kids who will be coming to the party. The rain has been stopping me from going out. How frustrating! Hopefully can get it done by this sat.
Happy 2nd Birthday to Linus!

Hi ladies,
Ho Ho Ho!
~.~ A Merry Christmas this festive season and a prosperous year Ahead ~.~
Tim to Linus - happy birthday kor kor!

Thanks ladies.. I will definitely try to rest more and eat well. Dunno why dun hv the famous 3rd trimester pig appetite lei.. but will try to eat more frequently and snack to get fat.. haha.
Hi mummies,
I am looking for Poh as I have ordered some FlashCard holder from her but I don't know where is the thread now. Can any mummies/poh come back with the collection details. The items already paid for.
Belated Merry Christmas to all mums &amp; children here! And A Happy New Year!

Lucas to Linus: Happy Belated Birthday! Linus looks so happy in the pictures.

Angela: Heidi is so pretty with those matching attire esp the shoes.

We have been very busy over the last few days. Had Christmas gathering @ in-laws place then move to my mum's place for x'mas &amp; Lucas's advance birthday celebtration. He was so excited when everyone sang birthday song to him...really enjoyed being the centre of attention.

Really looking forward to this Thursday (last day to my 1 mth break). Hopefully no rain on Friday, thought of bringing Lucas to the zoo on his birthday.
Happy birthday to lucas and Linus...!!

Hope everyone had a good time ya...but with the wet weather, can be a bit dampening hor on mood cos cant go out...

Tetra, wow congats leh, rest for a mth.. so gd... envy envy.. hey ur first tri is good, enjoy ya...take gd care...I m putting on weight and all my clothes I cant fit in, got to wear matenity clothing. Me hate the sight of maternity wear, so ugly..yucks...
twinkle: Thank you for the well wishes.

hmm...also don't know if I will be paid for the 1 mth break or not. HR has not talked to me about the package yet. Anyway, told my boss that I will not come in for 1 mth, will see how company convert me to part-time i.e. take unpaid leave, or take advance leave or terminate then join as contract staff.

Actually I have started wearing maternity clothes since 1 week ago. I think I am the only mum who can't wait to wear them. looking for some maternity denim pants or jeans. me also putting on weight, now look like 5 mths pregnant when I'm only 9 wks. haha...i think I'm doing my best to stick out my tummy for better effect when wearing my maternity dresses. haha..
Tetra, u're so cute. I find I look like I'm swimming in my maternity clothes.. I still can wear normal tops actually. :p You deserve the good rest for a month lah!

Wet weather again! Luckily no flooding!

We went to Ikea and bought a toddler bed in prep for Tim's birthday. I let him choose the bed, his sheets and quilt cover set. Hopefully it will be an easy transition lah.. that's why we're trying to make a big event out of it. My son enjoys novelty
Hi mummies,

Will we be having a gathering soon
Actually, haven't met you all yet except for Catz and Slamdunk. Think Ash is missing his 2 buddies too... Dylan and Timo. We were ar Vivocity and he just started striking up a "conversation" up a small girl there... haha, looks like he needs some frens

I got ash a bed from Ikea too cos thot it's about time HB gets to sleep on the bed with me, haha, but we not preparing for #3 ah, don't mistaken ah :p

We made a hoo ha aover it. I talked to ash about it and he agreed to sleep on the bed, which is just next to my bed... but when the crunch comes, he refuses to sleep there. When I ported him over when he slept, he awoke at 12 plus and started yelling for mummy!!! Sigh, in the end, i put didi there and that little one sleep until so shiok!!!haha, he's been on the play pen the whole while

Pics of my vainpot, posing for the camera, trying on a cap at Zara and laughing at his dad-dio



catz: I always joked with my colleagues that I looked like a hobbit when I wear maternity dress except that I do not have hairy big feet. haha... You can save $, no need to buy maternity wear. But you must remember to eat well and rest. Saw that durain season is in, have you been piling on the durians?

I'm still hestitating on moving Lucas to his bed. Now he sleeps next to my hubby on the spring mattress on the floor while I have the queen sized bed by myself. If we move him to his own bed, we will miss cuddling him at night and when we wake up. Sometimes, he will tap my hubby or me in the middle of the night and wanted to be cuddled. So meanwhile, will stay put as it is.

How did Tim choose his own bed and sheets? Must be so cute. Our kids can now express their choice. Lucas now demands to choose his own clothing, he hated to be dressed in cutey kiddy clothing.
Tetra, hehe.. yah I've been having lots of durians with my BIL who'll be leaving with my sis for US for 6 months. When they leave on Tues, then gotta find new durian kaki already so that I can continue to fatten myself/daughter up.
Tim's a real dictator.. he is quite decisive about what he likes and doesn't like lor. So he chose the sheets with starfish/fish/sea theme. Heng he didn't choose some pink sheets... kekeke.. Hopefully the big bed move will go well.

Blanche, I'm still amazed that all 4 of you are in the same room! I can't get a decent night's rest with Timo's sleep talking! 6 nights in Australia was enough of sharing a room! Hehehe.. Anyway, Tim definitely will miss his pals. I didn't quite make a decision on Pat's D'story so if they won't refund my $150, I'll just sign him up for another term lah.. then after that, see if he can go for nursery/playgroup to give me some time to have one-on-one with my little girl. If not poor #2, always shunted to the side.

slamdunk, haven't seen you online for a while too.. we'll be collecting our housekeys 15th Jan.. from Feb onwards, guess Dylan and Tim can rendezvous at the playground
Blanche: Yah, I think it's time we should meet up again before Catz delivers. But it will be quite challenging to find a suitable date since Catz and Piggy are moving. We would love to meet you and your 2 charming boys. Loved his outfit, so cool &amp; hip. His 3rd pic is so funny...
Hi Catz,
Have been reading the postings once in a while, jus that I sometimes dun have much to say. Well Dylan is starting childcare on 3 Jan and I am a bit of a gan chiong spider now. M on leave the whole of this week and next week I will be bringing him to school ... really hope he will ease in well but knowing how sticky he is, I think I need to moderate my expectation and be prepared for the crying when it is time to let go. Looking fwd to seeing Timo soon
By the way, I wil be attending one more class at Pat's coz I called in during the weekend of the IMF-WB meeting and said that we couldn't bring Dylan in and they allowed us a make-up class - not suppose to I think but since the person who took the phone made the mistake of allowing us the make-up, they have arranged for it next semester

Must congratulate u
U are enjoying your pregnancy so much right from the beginning, so envious.

A happy belated birthday to Linus, he looks so happy in the foto

Your phuket trip really looks good, saw all the fotos on your blog. Your "vainpot" is sooooo cool. We miss him at Pat's schoolhse xmas party leh.

Quite a busy xmas this year, took us 2 weekends to spring clean our place and put away some of Dylan's toys to make way for his xmas presents and bday presents. He has been one happy talkative boy, talks non-stop now throughout the day
We'll be celebrating his bady with some close frens and family this weekend. Haven't thot of where to bring him on his bday, hope the rain will stop, kinda dampen the festive mood with all the rain
Hi ladies,
I'm joining the preggies club! Hee... just tested positive this morning, only 4 weeks +. We are elated! Now can find excuse to be fat liao, actually been putting on some weigh. Now can have legitimate reason to be fat, hooray!!
slamdunk: thank you. no need to envy, you can also start trying. I remembered reading in your previous post that you'll be planning 2nd one after your trip. Next year is a Golden Pig, good year to do all sorts of things. Have you had a chance to bring Dylan to visit the childcare &amp; let him observe how the other kids enjoy in the class? Might help to induct him when he starts in Jan. Just read from the Young Parent Magazine that children may pick up the anxiety signs from the parent. Their advice is to stay cool and let your attitude rub off on your kid. And to keep assuring the kid. oh no... seems like easier said than done. I know it's going to be tough. I also don't think I can handle very well too. Imagine I can cry when I watch Dumbo cartoon when he (or she, btw what's the gender?) visited his mum locked in the cage. aiyo...more like Lucas will come and saiyang me instead of the other way round when he goes to school.

Angela: Congratulations! Heidi is going to be a big sister. I suppose your EDD will be sometime in end Aug. I think we have the nearest EDD, Catz and sun_moon are in more advanced trimester. Do keep us posted on your condition. Has Heidi becoming more sticky to you?

catz: I was just asking my hubby if the durian season is in now. Read from somewhere that there is this stall in front of Balestier Point that serves butter durian. never tried before.
Congrats. Really happy to see many of you going to be second time mother.
Do take care, ya?

Yes, I would love to meet up b4 Catz pop. Just no good place. I did think of Forum Galleria but I think it may be too small. Any suggestions from other mums?

I can understand the gan cheong spiderness in you. I would be too. Why don't have a pre-run by bringing him near there these few mornings to tell him that next time, he will be travelling this route in the mornings to go to school?

<font color="ff0000">Brushing teeth</font>
I finally crack the code to brushing his teeth, though still not completely. I ask him what colour he wants to paint his teeth? He will usually reply "red", then I pretend painting it red with a toothbrush. I will offer other colours to paint him and he will be very willing to open his mouth. kekeke
Tetra, I've finally found a reliable durian stall - the 717 (or is it 707 or 727??) at Highland Ctr, Kovan side.. yums.. they make durian puffs so their durian supply is constant

Slamdunk, I think I would be more kan chiong spider than you! I still need to call up Pat's to enquire on my er.. enrolment status. Hehehe.. terrible mummy.

Piggy, aiyoh Timo got mood to brush teeth.. sometimes I remind him of how Barney brushes his teeth then it will be OK. If not, he will just eat up all the toothpaste and ask me to wash his toothbrush. :p

Angela, congrats congrats, join the #2 club!

Blanche, can try to meet up.. if I don't pop early!
catz: I think it is 717. I loved their durian puff, the filling is fresh &amp; oozes out when you put the whole thing in the mouth. The thought of it makes me drools. I think they even have their own website.

In case we decide to meet up during the weekends in Jan, we will be away during 13 &amp; 14. As for the location, quite challenging to find a place to accomodate so many kids especially when they can run around now. Or how about a place where the kids can run and play i.e. Botanic Gardens, West Coast Park, East Coast Park, etc? Daddies can go &amp; chase after the kids, and mummies can sit around, eat &amp; talk.
Hope we can arrange to meet up soon since I am on 2 weeks' leave

Yup, mentioned that I will try after the trip, then decided to skip the first month we are back coz din wan a July child - coz me and hub both born in July and I did not want Dylan to feel left out if didi / meimei is also born in July. Then last month tried for an Aug baby but not so lucky first time round
I will avoid giving birth in mths like late Oct or early Nov if I can help it coz those are exam months. My fren thinks I am crazy to consider all these
Well, I would really love to have another Dec baby if it is within my control ... haaha

Dylan will attend jus half day on the first day, then I'll try to let him take an afternoon nap there on the 2nd day and by the 3rd day, I was told jus to hang around the area but not to let the child see me. So maybe I can go back and work lor
Haf not brought him down so far, think they are closed for spring cleaning these 2 days.

Pat's called this morning to confirm my mailing address, they are sending me the deposit

On brushing teeth,
Dylan loves his winnie the pooh toothbrush, which he usually jus holds in his mouth and once he takes it out, mummy is all ready with the finger brush to clean his teeth properly.

Any suggestions where I can bring Dylan to celebrate his bday tmr ? Jus hub and me and him for the whole day
Hi mummies,
Been quite busy....so only browse thru our thread.

Do take care and let us know about the gender k.

Better not eat too much of durians as they've got very high sugar content. Anyway you can find loads of durians along Geylang. keke...

Me too! I also don't mind meeting up. I'm fine with any places you all suggest k. Tetra's idea not bad.

Brushing Teeth
Claira likes her toothbrush too but she'll put it in her mouth and does the brushing motion for a little while then she'll start sucking the brush. Sigh....then I'll just clean her teeth and tongue with a handkerchief.

Now Claira also very....talkative. And she loves to sing too, just like her mummy. Yesterday she sang one little sentence, "santa claus is coming to town..." so cute and funny...kekeke...
Oh I've forgot....

Happy Belated Birthday to Wilfred and Linus...!!

Happy 2nd Birthday to Ryan and Dylan........!!!
Happy birthday to Dylan and Ryan today!

slamdunk: You are so funny. really have to consider so many factors. never mind you still got up to Mar to try for a Dec baby, just remember not to try in Feb/Mar. Hope to hear your good news soon.

Our plan for Lucas's birthday tomorrow, together with my mum:
1) Bird Park. If rains, then
2) Suntec - Visit mothercare for his birthday discount, mummy can buy some maternity jeans, then eat at Marche where my water bag broke.

MG Teo: I haven't started my 1st durian yet. scared start already, can't stop.

Since slamdunk is on leave for these 2 wks, maybe can meet during the New Year holidays. My only concern is the rain, if indoor, must find a place where the kids can enjoy. I only know Globetrotters has a playground. Anywhere else?

Today last day at office before I start my 1 mth break. Yahoo!!! looking forward to it.
I can understand that kind of craving. Just like me the last time, every breakfast must eat fishball kway teow and must from the same stall. Hubby got so jelak man....

For indoor, I also only know Globetrotters. Hooray...for you can have 1 month break...so envy...
On brushing teeth:
We use 2 toothbrushes. One for Sherman to hold, one for mummy / grandma to use because Sherman will grab the toothbrush from us if there is only one. He likes to chew on the toothbrush, so the brush strokes must be quick. Haven't started using toothpaste, cos he hasn't figured out how to spit it out or rinse his mouth. Gave up on finger brush or cloth long ago because he chomps down hard and it hurts!
Hi mummies,

Not too sure if it's too rush to reach out to all mummies...anyone has hp nos? keke... was thinking of maybe we could meet up on 1 Jan? Maybe at Globtrotters? Also, heard that Gymboree has rooms to rent out as well. not too sure how it goes... any mummies knows?
Shall we meet for lunch, say about 11.30am? too early?

okay, so far we have the following mummies:

Blanche + HB + Ash + Ayd

feel free to add on to the list. I will contact Catz and think she can help to contact slamdunk.
