(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

You are filled with energy! Most of the time, I can't wait for Linus to sleep. Hahaha..

We r not going for Bob the builder cos Linus was a little afraid of this cartoon. But I guess he will not be now cos the TV keep showing the upcoming Bob performance.
Hi Piggy: I think Lucas's mummy is hyperactive. haha...

BTW, has anyone gone for holidays @ Club Med? Thinking of either Cherating or Ria Bintan.
Hehe.. Tetra, u are really amazing. Club Med - went when I was a kiddo and really hated it. The Cherating one was soooo run down, spiderwebs in every corner :p but that was years ago lah.. hopefully it's better. Maybe can check on current reviews on tripadvisor.com?

Very busy now.. 2 weeks before we're moving out of our current house and temporarily into my sis' place.. then going to Perth for a week after that. SHACK!!! Just got back from KL too, very tiring weekend.

Speaking of Bob the Builder, Timothy is so fascinated with building equipment - he looooves the cartoon but no intention to bring him for the show. Dec/Jan too busy already with the big move.
When are u going to Perth ? I jus called Pat's to inform them that we won't be continuing with D'story next term since we are putting Dylan in Kinderland. Was told there is no lesson on 25 Nov and last week of school will be 9 Dec. Dylan missed both Timo and Ashton last week, it was not as fun without the 2 of them and Ms Pam is not as lively as Ms Phoebe

Sharing one of my fav pic of Dylan, looks so guai and innocent in the photo

Hihi slamdunk, Dylan does look so shy and sweet in the picture... wow, u are definitely gg for Kinderland? How much are the fees? Oh yah, got big news for you.. we bought the EM at the block next to yours so Dylan and Timothy will be seeing more of each other next year
We took that emergency trip down to KL last weekend so could not make it for Pat's. I will also be withdrawing Timo out of Pat's as it will be too crazy for me to send him for Saturdays. So sad 'cos he was really warming up to it.

Perth 2-8 Dec..
A bit scared leh 'cos now peeing like 20 times a day.
Really ? We will be staying so near to each other, really looking forward leh. When are u moving in ? Good lah, next time your gal can go to St Nicholas
haaha ...

Actually I think 2 terms of D'story is enough for them already, I am getting a little bit bored myself or it could be becoz Ms Pam was taking the class last week. The monthly fees at Kinderland for me is only $360, considered really cheap lor.
slamdunk, yeah, just the next block. Can meet at the playground
Aiyah too bad Dylan's going to be in Kinderland.. that's in your building right? I was thinking of enrolling Timo in something nearby, starting from June perhaps.. maybe AMK Methodist kindy if they hv classes for his age. If not, gotta look around. Not full-time childcare lah but need to get Timo out of the house by the time baby girl turns 5 months 'cos she'll need attention too!

Heard Ms Pam is really quite boring.. teehee..
Oh yah my sis brought Tim for the prev week and she said she couldn't believe what a hot babe Ms Phebe was. Hehe. She'll be bringing Tim for this week's class too 'cos we're so busy with the packing. We'll only be moving in February.. and that depends on whether I pop earlier or not. Due date 18 Feb.. reno completing sometime early Feb.. very tight timing.
Catz congrats on your new house. Happy renovating!

Slamdunk, haha that picture very cute indeed.

On pre-school, any one has any info or knowledge of the Little Skool House chain? I am thinking of letting Julian enrol to the Little Skool House on the Green, since it's probably the nearest to me my place. I am moving house next weekend...finally! Yippee.
D'Story Club
I think it is the same for me. I will probably not continue after the end of this term, which is end Dec. I feel bored too. Linus has a way of his own. When he is bored, he will find his own amusement, like look at himself in the mirror. Go flick the girl's hair and play on his own AND completely ignore what is happening...
Any tods here behave like this in class?

Looks like both of us will be busy with moving house in the coming year. Sun moon has completed all her pre-moving and now she will only be packing.

Are you using a ID? Jan and Feb is super busy for contractors cos it is near CNY and thus will have delays. So I guess better sort out everything like reno and furniture before Jan.

Dylan is really cute. Never change much since the last time we met at Tetra's, when he was so interested in Linus' cabbage. kekeke..

Sun moon,
Anyone helping you with the packing or not? Must not exert yourself hor.
Dylan is still as cute and handsome since the last time I saw him.

So will you be moving before CNY?

yes i am so glad all the reno and furniture shooping are coming to an end.... it was really not easy and esp dealing with the ID and contractors killed many of my husband's and mine cells.

We are currently asking for quotation from santa fe and k c dat for the move. Good thing is they will do all the packing and unpacking for us, so minimal effort on my own. I will need to pre-pack some personal things myself though...

Nobody has any comments on Little Skool House at all?
hi mummies,

seem to have lots of moving around these couple of months. It's always nice to have a new place. I love the reno and buying furnishing part... haha, but not the payment and packing... keke.

Me back to work last week aftre my three months maternity leave. And the worst happens!!! Ashton was down with stomach flu. Sigh, puked EVERYTHING the moment it enters his stomach!!! In the end, he had to be admitted cos he was dehydrated. Never saw my boy so tired before!!!! I really appreciate his active self now. And, he had to be dripped. So traumatising for both ash and us. can still recall him shouting for us in the treatment room... sigh. anyway, after his vomiting episode, he came down with diarrhea, apparently it's the virus travelling down. So now, after 4 days of ordeal, my boy is now merely 10kg (at paed but 10.4kg at Mt A... don't know which to believe). Now the task at hand is to beef him up. He's so skinny, he can share same diapers with his didi...
see already so sim tiah.

Next week, I'll be posted to a new post, doing corporate comms... hope I can cope with all these changes in my life... *keeping fingers crossed*. Thinking of the bright side, the only silver lining is that it made me lose weight... having to carry ash the past 4 days all round the house, like his taxi

Slamdunk, Catz
We were also thinking of withdrawing ash from D Story the next term. Thinking of something different for him. Was toying with the idea of sending him for aquaducks.... will see how it goes after we build up his health once again.

Went to Vitakids to get Sambucol for him. Sigh, one stomach flu episode is more that enough for my sanity... hahaha... heard that rotavirus even worse. I wouldn't wish that on my enemy even...
same same.. angel had stomach flu 2 months ago.. terrible.. vomit anything that goes in.. She was not admitted but lost 1kg as a result.. after the vomitting, diarrhea for a week! And she shared her didi's diapers too! but dun worry, ash will gain back the weight.. Angel is back to 12kg plus now.. I keep feeding her cheese.. Hmm, should i give her the rotavirus jab??

aiyoh so sorry to hear about your boy's ordeal. Hope he quick quick recover lor. You just give him more milk, cheese, and whatever he likes to eat... sure will gain back the weight in no time. Dun worry.

If you are really doing the aquaducks thing, and if it is weekend, let me know, maybe I could join you. I have been thinking about that for a while but didnt have the time cos of the house reno. I think after i moved in and settled down, I will have more time for my boy.
Blanche: How is Ashton now? Has he been discharged? Poor boy, esp on the dripping & he screaming in the treatment room. How did he get the stomach flu virus? Don't worry, once the ordeal is over, he will increase his appetite. Did you stop the milk intake? The last time when Lucas was down with stomach flu, he did not want to drink milk for 1 week, not even soy milk. It must be very difficult for you at this time, coping with baby, new work function and tending to Ashton. Be strong and take care of yourself too.

slamdunk: Dylan is as cute as ever. yah, he didn't change much from the last time we meet. Is he still as sticky since you return from AZ?

sunmoon: I heard that Little Skool House is the premium childcare service under NTUC. I did not hear/ read much about Little Skool House but they do advertise very often in those parenting magazines.

I did not send Lucas for any enrichment classes after our 2 terms of Kindermusik class ended a year ago. The travelling time, the class (though it is only an hr) and settling down when back at home, is about half day activity. And I notice some toddlers in the class do not take very well once they start walking. The other factor is that the learning is only meaningful if it is reinforced at home daily (no time except weekends. I would personally think the time is better spent with one-to-one play or a small playgroup with other toddlers or cousins. More flexible in terms of activity and time for parents & child.
Poor you and Ashton. Sayang.....
Take care and he will definately fatten up again.

Yes, I will be moving hopefully early Jan, if not mid to end Jan.

Sorry, I did not reply. (forgot until I scroll up just now.) I went to Yishun for the TCM. I think what he ask me to boil is not to help him sleep better but feel better overall.
He ask me to boil Xiao3 mai4 (about 1-2 teaspoon) + 1pc of red date (take away the seed inside) + a little rock sugar.
Use this to replace the normal plain water. I think this can get rid of the heart heat?? Not sure exactly but I guess should be no harm for all kiddos to try. He did say as long as kid is not sick, can boil 2 to 3x a week. I boil it till the xiao mai "crack" up, then I let him have it thru out the day. Cross my fingers, he seem to sleep better this 2nights.
I read Ashton's blog abt his ordeal, read already also my heart goes out to him. Hope he is alright now, jus fatten him up slowly. Must have been real painful for u to c him like that, I sure cry one. Was reading the part abt u 2 pacing up and down in the hospital, I can jus imagine it.

Thanks mummies for your compliments. Dylan is as sticky as ever, think he is really lonely and I am kinda looking forward to sending him to school next year. My mum says he will mumble to himself and repeatedly say "ma-mee go work work, ma-mee work work and on and on and on ..." and he does that with this super sad look on his face, I guess he miss me ... haiz ... hear oriedy also heartache
Blanche, oh dear, I really hope that Ash will recover all his weight. Poor poor Ash and what a thing to happen right after you return to work. Do take care!!!

yve, paiseh was reading up the past few posts and had not seen your posts on the Ergo.. thanks so much for the offer. I already BP on Ergo.. hv my Bjorn collecting dust waiting for baby girl to come and also hv a framed backpack carrier.. hehe. Hv given up on sarong already!

Piggy, I'm engaging Shalom movers for storage too.

their rate are pretty close... for my volume of things.. which comes up to abt 1000 cubic feet, the quote is $2000, excluding insurance.

I also asked for quotation from Shalom movers, quoted me $1200. But I think I am not likely to use them cos they do not come across as well organised, professional to me. While santa fe and k c dat are sending a team of 4-5 packers, Shalom are only assigning 2.

But just list here for your reference lah.
yeah they are the premium movers in the market, cos usually they do more international moves. Advantage is you dun really need to do much yourself. And they are well trained and will wrap your things fully protected so minimal worries of scratches or breakage.

but on the contrary ( cos my hubby and I have really moved many many times ) we have also used some very cheap and good movers before too. One of them is Helping Hands. They are a group of ex-convicts and they help with the moving. You will have to pack most of the things yourself. They just help you drop the cartons from point A to point B. I lost their contact info though...
Helping Hands are really not bad... I would suggest use them if you have little things to move and mostly can pack yourself.
I posted earlier on book sale in Singapore expo but don't know where did the post go? Anyway, do drop by this weekend cos the DK books for kids are very value for money. There are some Easy to read books going for $1 to $2 each.

Have a great weekend.
selina: I don't think there is any mom here staying in Toa Payoh but quite a few staying near Toa Payoh i.e. Bishan.

We will be bringing Lucas for an eye screening this Friday as he has squinted eyes and is getting worse. We first noticed it about 2 mths ago but was not so bad. One of the morning last week, his eyes were misaligned both vertically & horizontally when he woke up & looking at us from a distance. It took him a while before his eyes were aligned again. And during the day time, as long as his is playing or doing something, both eyes are ok. The squint only returns when he looks in far distance.

I read that the 1st treatment is to force him to wear an eye patch which I am not sure how Lucas is going to wear it throughout the day. The eye patch has to alternate between the eyes until the eyes becomes normal. A squint surgery is then performed to realign the eyes & to allow binocular vision to develop.

Well, there are also some write-ups that children may outgrow it. And as long as the eyes are normalised by 6 yrs old, it should be ok. I don;t think I will take any chance on this. As long as the squint eyes are not corrected, he may not develop binoculor vision.
Hi babyd,
Can I ask what treatment does your hubby gets when he got cold and sinus infection? I find when I got cold it triggers my sinus and it seems quite difficult and long period to recover. I don't know if I should see a specialist.
Very nice pics of Linus...Wa...isn't it cold without clothes on?? kekeke...very cute very cute. He's tall ya?

Hope the treatment will help him. Since you'll be SAHM soon, its a good timing that you're there to monitor him. Really hope he don't have to go so far.
Ya. a little cold so I told him when the sun goes to sleep, we must stop playing.
Also, I don't think he is not tall at all. Only 80+ cm.
Linus looks very tall indeed! You sure his height only 80+cm??

I also hope that Lucas don't need to go thru the sugery. Try to monitor him well and keep us update ya.
<font color="ff0000">Morning is the BEST Time to greet SPECIAL PEOPLE coz the remaining hours soon will be BUSY....so let me Say Hello, Take Care &amp; keep on Smiling. Good Morning!</font>
This is funny ...... :p

Ha.... Just a reminder, guys.... be gentle to your wife.... :eek:)

Dating process:
6 weeks : I love U, I love U, I love U.
6 months : Of course I love U.
6 years : Aiyo, if I didn't love U, then why did I propose?

Back from Work:
6 weeks : Honey, I'm home.
6 months : BACK!!
6 years : What did your mom cook for us today??

6 weeks : Honey, I really hope you liked the ring.
6 months : I bought you a painting; it would fit the motif in the living room.
6 years : Here's the money. Buy yourself something.

Phone Ringing:
6 weeks : Baby, somebody wants you on the phone.
6 months : Here, for you.
6 years : PHONE RINGING.

6 weeks : I never knew food could taste so good!
6 months : What are we having for dinner tonight?
6 years : The same dishes AGAIN!!!!

6 weeks : Honey muffin, don't you worry, Ill never hold this against you.
6 months : Watch out! Don't do it again.
6 years : What's not to understand about what I just said??

New Dress:
6 weeks : Oh my love, you look like an angel in that dress.
6 months : You bought a new dress again?
6 years : How much did THAT cost me?!!

Planning for Vacations:
6 weeks : How do 2 weeks in Vienna or anywhere you please sound??
6 months : What's so bad about going to Istanbul on a charter plane?
6 years : Travel? What's so bad about staying home???

6 weeks : Baby, what would you like us to watch tonight?
6 months : I like this movie.
6 years : I'm going to watch ESPN, if you're not in the mood, go to bed, I
can stay up by myself.
Evelyn: Goody morning to you too
You make my day.

Piggy: Linus is still as cute as ever. He definitely has dropped some weight, maybe because he has grown taller.

Piggy/ Eve/ MGTeo: Yah, I also wish that he doesn't need to go for surgery. Will keep you all posted after the results.

We will be going to Chiangmai for 8 days in Jan 07 for a free &amp; easy holiday. Didn't know that the place has so many world-class resorts, it's just so amazing. We are going there mainly for the International Flora Exhibition (for the King's birthday), visit the elephant zoo &amp; their local zoon (got giant panda bear) &amp; spend the other days exploring the streets. Found a resort in the old city which is surrounded by an ancient moat. The resort is like an old monastry...cool.
Hi..all mummies and..so sorry..i'm MIA for so long!!
really busy this few month..all our kids are growing up so fast hor!!

Piggy: Linus really smart on camera!!! look cute and great! he sure enjoy very much at the water area there..i never go there before..still in planning, coz heard that very crowded now...and the school holiday start aldy..lagi teruk!!!

Tetra...dun worry too much!!...everthing will be fine for Lucas!!take care yah!

post my girl recent photo
now really cannot tahan her..everyday want Barney! Barney!!!



Hope everything turns out well for Lucas ya.. Take care and have a gd trip.

Doc says 70% is a boy. I was a little disapoointed cos I alwas wanted a girl I am having mixed feeling now.. Anyone can tell me how is it like to have a baby boy? Emotional terms? Dont really knw how to explain my feeling leh.

Don't be sad. Every child is a gift... no matter the gender. Cliche as it may sound, what's impt is that they are healthy. All the more I understand this statement when ash was down with UTI in his third month and dr suspected that there could be something wrong with his kidneys.

Altho it's said that girls tend to be closer to parents, I believe upbringing and nurturing plays a part too. Ash is very expressful. He'll hug and kiss us voluntarily. When I told him that mummy is sick, surprisingly, he gave me a kiss!!

However, boys tend to be more active, altho girls can be too!!! But pn the other hand, they are very cheeky and fun as well!!!

Look on the bright side, u have the best of both worlds - at least, you've got Kristy
Hi Twinkle,

Saw your msg and decided to do a post. Congratulations!!! Nicely form a 'Hao' character already!!!
Must stay positive okay. When I was preggy with P, I always tot she's a boy, but when YC confirm that P is a she.. I had mixed feelings too and I blame it on the hormones.

Blanche, how's Ash?

Piggy, Thank you for the sms. Was having limited mobile coverage so couldn't reply to you. Love the pics of Linus!

Hi iuiu, She's so sweet and pretty.
How you manage to tie her hair up so nicely? P wouldn't even let me put a tiny clip on her....

Just a brief update on myself. I'm not pregnant and it's something else, but not going to go into details here. Directing all my energy to organise P's 2 birthday party. Have decide on venue and got the deco already, but have not settle on caterer and invite list... Didn't do formal party for P's baby shower and 1st birthday so going to do a grand bash for her next year...

So any mummies in the midst of planning birthday too?
Good Morning to all mummies....

emonster, twinkle
Should blame it on the sperm. keke...
Anyhow, twinkle don't be too upset about it at least you got to enjoy the best of two. I think it is important that they are healthy and normal be it whether boy or girl.

I'm not planning to do any big birthday party will keep it small this time.

To be continued....got to do some work now.
Hi Blanche and emonster

Tks for your advise. Will stay positive and hope everything will turns out well for me.

Talking abt birthday bash, our kids are coming to 2 yrs old... Time flies...
mgteo..mine is kind of expected as my gynae told me I m starting to ovalate that mth when I see him hence ask me to try the next day..hence chances of a boy very high lor..ke ke ke

I always tot that having a girl is so sweet as they are so pamperable, not like boys that tend to be very rough, etc. etc., and also not so cute as girls....

But after LINUS, I have to rethink.... He is so CUTEEEEE at times that I want to eat him up. He will come and pat me when I tell him that I am in pain. He will hug me when he is happy. He has boundless energy and with him around, everything around you comes alive.

Ants crawling are so fascinating that he will lie on the floor alongside them and watch them.

Fountains and anything mechanical like gears, etc are such great inventions that he will stare at them and study them from all possible angles.

Thus, as long as baby is healthy, girl or boy should be the last of your worry.
When he marries next time, you will get another daughter too.
