(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Maid issue has been a major headache for so many pp. I hope Shermen is OK with your MIL. Better scout for child care centre first to standby in case you need it when No.2 arrive. By the way, how are you feeling now?

I need support for cheerleading. You must be a active member,ok? By the way, I saw u signing up for the photo package. Let me know what to expect or any prep I should do before the session, OK? I booked mine in end Jan. By the way, got time to post afew Beth pics for us? Haven't seen her for a while.

I remember you posting a pic of Angel with Daddy in a Santa costume or was it Angel in Santa costume? Wah, how time flies. How old is Bryan now? I lost track.

Don't need to feel very touched. Come in and post more often. Tell us about Cherish n what is No. 2's name huh? Sorry...I can't remember...

Linus is also a cake freak. Anyone in the family celebrates BD, he will be sitting on that lap n "helping" to blow the candle.
When I got my mum a BD cake, I have to get him one separate slice too. Then I have to request for an extra candle to let him have his own celebration before we head for my mum's. He will then sing his BD song, make a BD wish and blow the candle, etc, etc. Then he will eat his cake with glee.
I think he has celebrated at least 6x birthday this year.
Piggy, yes yes I will support you
I will update you after the photoshoot but I've already prepared our clothes - party dress for Beth (plus tiara and wand), fairy wings, White shirts for all of us.. then matching grey OP T-shirts too
Heeeee.... Will post up photos when I can hijack my hubby's laptop 'cos all the photos inside there. He keeps reformating this laptop that I'm using :p

Oceans, must come in and chat with us yah??

Not tat i dun wanna popby, but sort of lost track liao..
Nowsday kids r so smart. Yesterday Cherish asked me <font color="0000ff">"mummy, y got wind?"</font>
I was stunned... goosh... why huh? how i noe... Kekekeee... so i asked her back and she told me <font color="aa00aa">"Bcos got sun!"</font>
Cant related y got sun meant got wind... but felt tat i need to study liao!

2nd one called Gracia as in thank you in spanish, but we prefer to read as "gracious".
But one thing i realised is tat kids really love cakes n like to blow candles too. U can see the eyes, glitter like the stars in the sky, so cute!

Saw tat u had organised some leapfrog spree. is it good? thinkin of buying the complete phonic system with a read &amp; write system, but dun noe if it is worth it or not...
Btw, what is this fairy thing u talking abt? sound so magical...
Oceans, Leapfrog is good... thumbs up. Gracia is such a sweetie pie name..

As requested:-

with another Jan babe
My son ah... now he insists on calling me 'Mother'.. wah biang.. where on earth did he get that from?!

Normal day in the Ang household.. Bethany chomping on stuff and Timo posing for camera
U got a boy and a gal? Woow.....
I noe u got 2, but dun noe the gender for the 2nd one. So, tat's ur gal?
OMG, Tim so big liao. Cherish jus saw Tim and was aking who's Boy boy is this. Hehehe...

Leapfrog really good? Oh.... shld get one set hor... but recently everyone seemed to have problem on the shipping from leapfrog direct. Which set did u get for Tim?

I had ordered the Wordlaunch. Not too sure if good or not, jus order cos saw got offer. Hahhaaa...
Oceans, yah I close shop already.. heee... scared of having another girl!!! :p Girls more difficult lei... Eh post pictures of your 2 daughters lei...

Hee... Cherish like Timo ah?

Leapfrog's really good. I bought Timo's Read and Write Leappad plus quite a few books. He already has the Fridge Phonics and Word Whammer.. I also ordered the Wordlaunch from slamdunk's spree. I ordered the Little Leaps system for Bethany's first birthday pressie.
Oh...Look at that thick hair of hers. She is beginning to look more like you. As for Timo, his face has matured a little. Both kids don't look as much alike compared to the last time u posted her pics. I think she will definately melt her daddy n grandpa's heart with that big eye n thick eye combo face.

I keep thinking that your second one is a boy. keke...Gracia sounds nice.

I am throwing a outdoor celebration for Linus. I really hope that the weather will cooperate but I guess I shouldn't have too high a hope. Anyway, will come in and post some pics after the celebration.
Bought a 3D train cake for him as requested by the prince. Still can tell me want strawberry flavor.
No, got bond to work off, cannot stay at home after maternity leave over. MIL quite capable and loves Sherman to bits. He's always been ok with her. Hubby worried she can't cope with 2 kids. FIL can cook so MIL has some help. For me, it's not so much the invasion of privacy compared to just how difficult it is to get a good and reliable maid. Really like lucky draw. I hope you're joking about girls being moe difficult, I always thought boys were harder to take care, more mischief and super active. Bethany has grown a lot! Should share pics more often leh. She looks like a little girl already, not baby anymore.

Sherman is already going to half day child care in the morning - it serves as school for him. That's why I figured since he's all settled, if we really come to that point where MIL says she cannot cope, I will just extend to full day child care for Sherman so that she can just focus on the younger baby. We'll take it as it comes.

Yah, our kiddos are really growing up. The other day we went to pick up PIL from the airport. Sherman ran to the viewing gallery and shouted "That's an enormous airplane!" Hubby and I came closer and were surprised - it was the A380, really the largest aircraft in the world. Then came the next surprise. Sherman asked, "Daddy, is that a Singapore airplane?" We were shocked as we didn't think he could read Singapore Airlines, then realized it must be the Singapore flag on the plane. Still pretty amazing, I thought.

I think so, cause could be the diaper. My son goes to my MIL house everyday while Ferlin stays at home with the maid. What can I say, sigh... there isnt much we can say when main caregiver is our PILs... just pray for the best...PD recommends circumcise..think we will go for it...

Its indeed very stressful, seeing him on antibotics made my heart sore..... Catz, btw it's isnt true that boys are easier to take care woh...

Ya, I keep feeding him water, hope it helps too...

Re: Maid
My maid just informed me that she wants to go home In Feb, guess what, it was only through our chitchatting conver that she revealed this.. so mad..so irresponsible... never even tell me earlier, what abt my kids!!

Her contract is till 2009 and she can claim its till Feb 08, OMG. She says she is not aware.. finally we settled with the matter by allowing her home Dec 2008, it will still be breach of contract but at least Jayden is slightly older already.. with no maid now, I cant cope..

Those with 2 and w/o a maid and are FTWM, how do you all cope. Can give some advise?? Tks....
Piggy, waaaah, outdoor party? Can I kaypoh and ask where? So interesting! I'm not holding a big one for Timo this year.. but there will be one for Beth.. haven't done anything yet :p Guess will hold it at the country club again... less hassle. Haha.. Linus is a da shao ye...
Beth ah, yes she has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. Even she was an ugly newborn.. now lagi cute, so lagi heartbreaker for her daddy.

Twinkle, aiyoh, your maid is so terrible. Why she wanna quit? Hmmm... maybe try to change Jayden's diaper brand to a better one like Mamypoko, Pampers Premium or Nepia? Diaper costs less than having multiple UTIs. Not good for him and especially not with the antibiotics. Haha.. i think boys are easier to take care lah but not if they keep getting UTI.

Yve, Angel looks sooooooooooo grown up! She looks 4-5 years old and Brian oh my goodness... so beeeeeeg and handsome

BabyD, I guess I can never get used to someone else in my personal space. I'd rather pay for a local lady to keep house for me on a daily basis although that's a lot more expensive. I'm not kidding about girls being more difficult. Quite a few other mummy friends of mine told me the same thing but I didn't believe. Now I do. Bethany is a terror. She's HYPER and she's very disobedient and strong willed. Can you imagine, she can climb up Timothy's chest of drawers????? So monkey right? My poor Christmas tree has been plucked bare of ornaments at the lower levels. All my ornaments broken by her even though we've locked the tree up in the study (she will sneak in when my back is turned).. I never had any problems with Timo.. he's actually very compliant!
Dun noe if Cherish like Tim or not leh. She jus commented when she saw him. Hahhaaa...

Wow, Catz, i also order the wordlaunch from Slamdunk and another set from Jomum for my sis as was thinking of givin my sis kids as present since it was on sale. Whew, luckily cos the price now revert back to normal.
Btw, what the diff b/w read &amp; write leadpad and little leappad?

I wish my 2nd one a boy so like Catz can confirm close shop. Hahaha...
But was thinkin luckily a gal cos i can now buy more things for my elder and sad for Gracia, to be passed down to her.

Yes, pls post the pics. Very keen to see the cake n u had any contigency plan if it rain..**touchwood** But the weather siao siao one recently.

Our kids really can amaze us with their pace of learning. Jus when we thot they dont understd certain things, they appeared to know. They had grown up liao.

O, my Cherish going Nursery next year,cos can skip the pre-nursey class. Hehhee.. She had grown up and at times, will tell me she is big, but when ask her to keep her toys, she will show me her hand, and tell me she is small. Can help her or not... ===faint====

Wow, little angel had grown so much and going for concert!
Next time u can be "Xing Mum" (idol mum) and sit at home n shake legs. kekeke...
So u also got a boy and gal! Congrats.

For me, my mum is helping to take care in daytime and we bring them home everyday. Very tiring, but endure...
Hi mummies,
I am glad to see these pictures………Bethany, Timo, Angel, Brian………. *clap hand* All grown up!

I just had a 3rd Birthday celebration for Wilfred last Saturday (his actual birthday). Emmm……., he was a bit sticky to me leh! Guess there’re too many people that day. However, overall it was fun and he enjoyed himself.

Hi iuiu,
Thanks for the ecard, nice!

Btw, Happy 3rd Birthday to Linus today &amp; Happy Birthday to All Dec kids!!!
Thanks and Merry Xmas to you too!

Wilfred had grown alot, but his face is still the same him that i see last time.
So fast, our bb already 3yrs old liao!

I had order the leadpad read &amp; write liao. Goosh, hope hubby dun scold me when he see the thing cos i placed order for the set and another 6 books i think.
Hopefully the shipping cost is not tat high.

I had the party at the poolside where we are staying.

Linus BD:
BD BBQ went on despite the heavy rain...It cause lots of inconvenience for everyone but I am oblivious to all n enjoyed myself.

My photos:
Here is me with my first birthday present:

Here is me and my cake.

Here is me making a wish:
Ya, Wilfred is still the same…..LITTLE boy!!!

Wow! looks like Linus had a great birthday!! Did he tell you his birthday wishes??? :p

Hi ladies,
So sad, my Wilfred’s weight is under average. Can I know how many meals a day do you prepare for your kid at home? Does he/she feel hungry between meals? Do you prepare snacks?
Eve, don't be sad.. my son is not yet 14kg also.. I prepare breakfast and dinner for him. Lunch is outside food
Snacks - petit miam fromage frais or yoghurt or biscuits lor.

Wow, Piggy, Linus is not the same little baby anymore.. so grown up! Party looks fun!

Oceans, maybe MAX shipping is $50 lah.. I think.. depends on how suay you are with the packaging. But it's still soooooooooooo much cheaper than SG. SG selling $199 for one Read and Write system with 2 books. :p
Evelyn, don't be sad cos cherish is not even 12kg yet.... She eat 2 meals (lunch n dinner) with milk (200ml) 3 times a day. In-between, got eat snacks such as sweets, biscuits, etc,....

Catz, hope i wun b suay but recently, my things start to get lost and cant be found.... dun noe misplaced or what, but after my neighbour put a bell (with some charms) outside their door, n i stay opposite them, i think my luck had been no good.... Jus hope i am not over-sensitive...

Piggy, Linus looked different and seemed to full of ideas. Look how excited he is making a wish! Heheheee...
No. When I ask him, he tell me that it is a secret.

As for weight issue, I think if child is healthy, don't worry about it. You are small in build n your HB is not big too, so I think Wilfred will not be too big.
Linus sometimes only take 2meals. Breakfast is whatever maid can think of. Sometimes it is pancake, sometimes fried egg omelete with bread, milo with bread, waffles, pizza or plain bread with MUST be SNOW brand margarine. Lunch &amp; dinner is whatever MIL cook. Can be noodles or rice with any dish that he will take. (many times, dish is not his taste and he will stop after 2mouths)
He will have snack before bedtime, like 7plus (he takes dinner at 4+) Usually pastry, cakes, bread or biscuits. So I have a bag of snacks in the car and at home.
However, his fav is french fries, japanese sushi and dumplings (xiao long bao).
As for milk, he will take about 3 to max 4x a day n 1 to 2x at night. Total milk intake is about 700 to 800ml a full day.

Party is tiring for both HB n I cos of the rain. Some friends with little kids came n due to space constraint n rain at the poolside, I need to be indoors. Before I could settle indoors, some pp will arrive at poolside n I have to go n say hello.
Plus MIL cooked for the party n that is so tiring for her too. I wanted catering but she wanted to cook. My kitchen is the size of my bathroom n major cooking is impossible. Also, I don't have much large size utensils. She got to bring 3 big pots to my house only to find that my kitchen lack so many other stuff. So I told her n HB that in future---we cater, period.

Ya, make wish n still know how to twiddle his fingers at the same time. Very chio...
Happy Birthday to all the Dec and Jan kids here.

Eve: I agreed with Piggy. Since both of you are also petite size, Wilfred will not be too big sized as long as he is healthy. Anyway, the Sunday Times has an article that overweight babies/toddlers are not very healthy. Lucas usually takes 2 meals a day, sometimes bread or milk for breakfast. During tea time, he will look for biscuits or bread for snacks.

Lastly Merry Christmas to all mummies &amp; families here!
Merry Christmas all!

Oceans, I hope your luck changes!

Piggy, yah parties are soooo tiring. We just had our Christmas party for my family... shack!
Hi mummies,
Thanks for all the feedback and comments

Ya, as long as he is healthy……actually nothing to worry about. Just that I felt so sad that the doctor said for his age his weight not supposed only 12.7kg

My goosh! Linus drinks a lot!!! He loves milk right??!!!

Wilfred normally drinks only two cups of milk (abt 400ml) a day.

Catz, Ocean
Biscuits everyday for Timo and Cherish? But Wilfred cannot take too much biscuit coz it’s very easy and fast to make him cough/sore throat. Normally we give him biscuits only few times a month. Am I being too strict? :p

We will be celebrating Christmas and do gifts exchange at in-law’s home tomolo evening. I think the kids would enjoy Christmas more.

Have a Wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all!!!
Hi all mummies and children,

Happy Belated '3rd' Birthday to Wilfred and Linus...!!

Didn't have time to post in the forum but I do browse thru the thread when I lunch in in the office. Real busy at work....really drives me mad...sometimes feel like resigning, can't stand one of the bosses I served BUT when I've accummulated more experience I will 'chiao'.

Bethay is so adorable....she's got such round big eyes....love it..!

Ya 3 cheers to you for keeping the thread alive! Oops Catz and Tetra as well...

Linus is really like one big 'gor gor'. I like the way he tells about his imagination it's so funny...
I can really see from the pictures that he indeed enjoyed his birthday.

I am now cracking my head to think what to do for Claira's birthday. She has been asking when it's her birthday, where it's her barney cake, when will she get her presents and etc....

Migration...I think it's nice as well...you are such an adventurous person. Well, I hope all your challenges ahead are smooth sailing.

Wow...no. 3?? That's good! Really 'peifu' man...I am still contemplating of having no. 2!

As long as he is not super underweight, I think it's fine...so long he is healthy.

Claira still loves her milk, just like Linus. She is 14kg now and almost the same build as my niece who is 2yrs older.

Regarding snacks, biscuits etc...I think it really depends on the child so I don't think you are too strict, it's for their health sake. But, Claira loves snacks...everyday without fail she will ask for chocolates, sweets, biscuits, milo etc...basically all the junks. Sometimes, I will just give her 1 or 2 and force her to drink lots of water.

There's so much to write and update. I think I better snooze now. Talk to you all again soon, k.

I know it's a bit late to say but..Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!

Posted some pics below:



Yes, he loves milk. What milk are you giving Wilfred? I find Pediasure very good for "fattening" funcion. You may want to try?

Thanks for BD greeting.
Wow, Claira is very tall looking. Her face still same like before, still so cute.
So now, is it your MIL taking care of her since u full time working?

Count down days this few days eh? Busy at work handling over your duties?

You can also protect yourself by putting a "mirror" at your entrance. Suppose to reflect away bad energy. Can check with feng shui shop what you can put.
A late merry xmas and happy new year to all mummies...

ya lah catz.. terrible!! but she has agreed to compromise and help me out till end of 2008, so not so bad.. hubby says.. no maid after this.. how ah.. I dont know if I can cope......see how it goes...I keep praying..
btw, can I check are u still bf? Do u tak any supplements? At times, its so tiring that my body wana give way.. donno is it due to bf or stress at work and home...
Oceans, lucky for you, I guess entrustin ur kids to your mum u shld feel more at ease right.. atleast u can say your mind...
mgteo: Claira has always been a big girl. She is still as lovely with the Japan doll look. Loved her thick black hair. perhaps 2008 will be a good year for you to look around. Market has been good as there have been shortage of manpower especially in the service industry.

piggy: yup, still got half day on 31 Dec to go. I'll be on leave tomorrow to have an early birthday celebration with Lucas. Looking forward to move on to the new chapter. I reckon that there'll be lots of self-adjustment &amp; self-reflection. For someone who has been working for 16 years, it is not easy to let go. First of all, I have to accept myself that my worthiness is no longer attached to my job title, work performance or how much I am making. Being a SAHM, all these are stripped bare from you. The thing is who cares?

How to measure the performance of a SAHM? In fact, there are many times when I doubt my ability &amp; worth when I become a SAHM. Will my children in any way suffer since I can no longer afford many things or enrichment classes? I know these are some stupid questions. My work competency has always been at a certain standard but as I pursue this uncharted territory, I really doubt! doubt! doubt! Hubby thinks that I am stressing myself too much by trying to do/ worrying too much when I become a SAHM. I guess I am justifying my worth &amp; since it is going to be on 1-income, I also tend to keep seeking his approval for any purchase (until it irritates me too). So I am reminding myself to take it easy, just enjoy the time with the kids. These past weeks has also reinforced the importance of regular communication with my hubby so that he knows my fear&amp; concerns. I do now appreciate the struggles and challenges a SAHM has to face. This is just a phase for starting something anew. I think I will enjoy the role once I get over these.
twinkle, yes I am still bf..think I need to stop soon... 'cos she's becoming a breast addict plus I need to rush around sending/fetching Timo from kindy leh..

mg, Claira looks like you!!!!! Mini me! So pretty lei...

Tetra, I always hv low self esteem 'cos of all the bad comments passed about SAHM... like we are wasting time, not earning money etc..
That's why I always tell my hubby that he must motivate me..haha...

Some pix to share of the photoshoot coming up:-

Piggy, just make sure you get there about 10 mins earlier to let Linus warm up and make sure he's fed and happy.. no need to go toilet etc.. Which photog did you book with? Benjamin was very nice
Hi ho everyone...

popping in to say a belated merry christmas and a happy new year to all the muummies.... and happy birthday to all the little princes and princesses

Talking about school, ash is also starting school this jan and guess what, I'm getting the jitters instead... HAHAHA
wondering how he'll take it and whether he'll be afraid by himself and all. And also feeling that my little boy is growing way too fast... sigh, will miss this age when it passes; this is the time when he'll still innocently kiss me, hug me and say sweet little nothings to me.... hee. Think when he grows older and more self-conscious, I'll suffer from withdrawal symptoms:p haha, consolation is that will enjoy it once more with ayden

really beautiful shots!!! Timo is looking more and more like his handsome papa :p vyer boyish looking. as for beth, she's so chubby and sweet... so ABC looking :p love her thick hair man!!!

I also went to the same studio. we took with parents-in-law and sis-in-law for her graduation shots. We had David. He's also a very good photog. Very "gam" with the kiddos. Only regret was that ayden was a little sleepy then, so not very cooperativ, so we didn't have any sibling shots
But as for ash, he simply loves hamming up for the camera.

Also share my shots lah







Blanche, you know why I'm getting jittery? 'Cos Timo is sooooooooooooooooo slow and I'm sure we're going to be late for school everyday! Also a bit worried about potty arrangements :p Plus driving both kiddos in rush hour traffic. Argh. Yeah our kiddos are growing up so quickly! Actually, #2 kiddos grow up even more quickly and we don't hv the time to cherish their moments as much, don't you find? I saw the nudie shots of Ayd.. so funny... he'll be super angry with you next time man.. hahaha
Your Ash.. really knows how to pose!
I am sure your kids will not suffer due to "I can no longer afford many things or enrichment classes". I feel that with you as SAHM, they will flourish as you are there to guide and love, to lead and nurture. You will be the one suffering as you have to trim back on your own pampering like salon, manicure, parfume, nice &amp; expensive bags, etc.
It is no doubt that you will think &amp; rethink about your decision as afterall you have been appraised for 16years and suddenly, there is no more "report book" (in terms of salaries &amp; bonus) to tell you how well you are coping as SAHM.
Take each day as it comes. You will make it.

By the way, are you sending your maid back or are you keeping her?

Nice pics.
I love the pic of Timo kissing Beth. She looks alittle stunned &amp; he looks like it is so fun stealing a kiss. This pic will tell a nice story when they grow up. I booked with Waipeng. Hope she is good too.

Is it the season to suffer from jitters?
I am also thinking that my boy is growing up as he is going to school. Oh very soon, he will rather spent time with his hip hop friends than play with mummy. I guess all mums have to go thru this and I just hope that I will not "CRY" with him on his first day. Told HB to wake up early to take some pics &amp; see his son to school &amp; my dear HB is also feeling the same jitters that his son is growing.....
Aiyoh, so cute lah, all the tods!

Really must hand it to you. After 16 years of working, of course it's hard to let go. Now you're not just going to be SAHM, you're bravely going to migrate... where you won't have help and support from family like when you're here. I still fondly remember those days when hubby &amp; I were alone in Boston with newborn Sherman until he was 5 months plus, there's nobody out there to turn to. But then again, Marcus and Lucas will be older and ready to go to pre-school by the time you get there, so you can enjoy it more.

Does Wilfred feed himself for all his meals? I noticed that if Sherman feeds himself, he will eat less because he gets lazy or tired of concentrating so hard to scoop up the food and aim for his mouth. When he's fed by an adult, he can easily eat twice the amount, doesn't stop until the food is finished. That's why even though I'm so ashamed that Sherman doesn't regularly feed himself at home or when we eat out (esp when we see our friends' children his age doing so), he's quite a healthy weight at 14.7kg now. Having said that, Sherman has always been a good eater. Can eat 2 lunches - one in school and come home for second round. He drinks milk 3 times a day. Morning, before nap and bedtime. Only 150ml each time though.
yeah ayd had nudie posts cos he was grumpy having just woken up, so the photog suggested mood shots lor... haha

agree that no2 seem to grow much faster... like before I know it, ayd is almost 1.5 years old. think it's becos we tend to be busier juggling 1 and 2, so time passes real fast!

I'm also worried ash cannot wake up in time for school... now at 7.30am when we are leaving for work, he still wants to sleep and ends up being carried to MIL's house. dunno how man, when school starts at 8.30? think he would really have to eat his brekkie in school (they provide). Am prepared for my skinny monkey to lose weight further when school starts. He's now only 13.1 kg; not much buffer to lose leh...
Blanche, heee.... I love how terrified Ayd looks in his nudie moody shots lor..
Yes #2 grow up so fast.. in the blink of an eye, Bethany will be turning 1! With Timo, it seemed forever to reach 1 but with Beth, seems like she's 1 yo all too quickly. Really not enough time lor.

Rgd skinny monkeys, Timo is only 13+kg also, not much buffer. He's a slow eater.. and I doubt he can eat breakfast before school.. and bfast at school is at 9+, unlike now when he eats before 8am leh.. dunno man.. I will be like a crazy woman trying to drive him to school on time everyday :p
Hope u enjoy ur hotel stay and Dylan had a most wonderful birthday celebration today!
Nice meeting u yesterday!
U still so slim n pretty even though u jus back from maternity leave. Cant see where u hide the fats lah!

Was telling slamdunk tat i cant understd y u stated gals r more diff to handle? Thot u think gals are sweet?
See, ur little angel is so sweet.
Is she nude in that pics? Really an angel!

U have such a pair of charming sons! Elder boy looks like u while the younger looks like daddy. Guess this is call fair share of DNA. hahahaa... And another nude photos... Imagine those gals screaming.... Hehhee....

Really? Can put mirror? Mayb i should do something... this neighbour is crazy... alw wash clothes outside and bath their 3 dogs outside. Ganna complaint by someone and they thot i complain which i didn't... Hah... Recently also found out that alots of the surronding neighbours, same floor, upstair and downstair, all dun like them. They all sympatise with me as we live directly opposite them.

No lah, not everyday give Cherish biscuits. Jus someday lor. Anyway she is still small small one. She also going to school next year liao.
Guess no matter how, our kids despite petite, still grow up liao
blanche: such lovely photos. Ashley is so stylo in the 1st photo. I agreed with oceans tt Ash takes after you while Ayd takes after your hubby. Ash has the same almond eyes like you.

catz: Beth is so pretty especially in that angel outfit. Tim is looking so grown up, looking more like your hubby.

It seemed like deja vu for me when I read about the jitters the mums are having. That was 9 mths ago when Lucas first went to school. And now here I am pulling him out from school from next year. It's going to be an emotional roller coaster for mummy and the child. But it's also one of the most important milestones in their lives. Cherish the moments!

piggy: I don't think my personal pampering will suffer much since I don't have the habit to go for manicure/pedicure and buying exp bags (always turned out that the free bags are my fav ones). No more SKII for me for a long time since I switch to cheaper brands. There goes my hope to look like Carina Lau when I am in my late 40s. I think what will suffer will be buying books &amp; stuff for my kids. Just have to look out for sales and cheaper alternative. The only luxury that I am keeping is having my helper. She just joined me this year so I will not be sending her back. Since I am pulling Lucas out from school, I want to spend more time in his learning development. Meanwhile, I hope to plan for my 3rd one while my helper is still around. She has been a great anchor in my family support. I kinda of have this responsbility to ensure that she makes enough money before we ends her contract.

babyd: I can vividly remember your sharing during those days when you were still in Boston. I can remember how happy you are to come back here and Sherman is showered with so much attention from the grandparents &amp; relatives. Having family support is such a blessings. My migration plan will not realised until mid 2009 (if everything goes on smoothly). Hopefully by then, my mum will stay with me for a while to help. She is helping my brother at Perth now to look after his daughters. BTW, we still feed Lucas so Sherman is not alone here. It's easy to feed Lucas when he wants to eat. We will probably train him to feed himself when he is more ready. Don't stress yourself...they are still toddlers.
Tetra, thanks for the compliments. Yah Timo is looking like his Papa more and more each day
Sigh.. I struggle with living the 'simple' life 'cos I'm a person who enjoys the finer things so sometimes I will have green eyes lah :p But then when I think of gg back to work and leaving the 2 kiddos behind, I also cannot tahan.

Oceans, I really don't know why my girl is so difficult leh. She is not a sweet character at all! Very headstrong and she will yell and scream until she gets her way. My son is a lot easier to handle! That's why I always tell slamdunk that girls are difficult..quite a few of my other mummy friends told me long ago that girls are more difficult but I didn't believe. Now I do! Heee...
Blanche &amp; Catz,
I have no problem in waking up for Linus as he usually wakes at about 6+ latest 7.15am. The problem I think he will face is he will not get sole attention from maid/MIL when he is in school as the teacher got so many kids to handle. Also, he is still not good about going to loo himself, pull down pants, wear back pants, etc. My maid has spoilt him n I even saw her supporting his entire weight when he decides that he is too tired to stand upright while peeing. And he is so into NOT sharing. When I was at the ELC store with him, a kid came by and he attempted to drag the whole kitchen away so that he don't have to share. Hmmmm....wonder what comments I will hear from teachers.

Yes, can put mirror but I think it is best for you to check with Fengshui shop people as to which type. Also, check with them when you should put it up.

I am also not into manicure/pedicure n exp bags. As for books, etc, I will keep you informed of the warehouse sale when it arises.
I think if your Hb can keep the helper, it would be great as you can afford to spent time with the kids while the chores are still being done. Told my HB that I will still want some help (at least part time) if I turn SHAM, though this is very unlikely.

We are still feeding him too. When outside, we will let him feed himself while we eat but at home, he will be fed by helper.
Piggy, I'm still feeding my slow poke boy too... he
s so skinny.. if he eats any less, he'd disappear into nothingness! As for peeing, yah he sometimes can't quite get his pants back on. Sharing? HAH! Er.. as for peeing, he sits to pee leh.. hope that it will not be an issue when he goes to school.

Happy New Year everyone!!!! May 2008 be full of joy and happy moments with family and babies!
As the New Year begins.........

<font color="ff0000">May it bring joy to your moments</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Happiness to your days</font>

<font color="ff6000">Warmth &amp; Laughter to your home. </font>

Wishing all Mummies &amp; kids here
A Happy New Year 2008,
12 Months of Happiness,
52 Weeks of Fun,
365 Days of Success,
8760 Hours of Good Health,
525600 Minutes of Good Luck,
31536000 Seconds of Joy.
