(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

haha, but never zao geng lah :p she so pretty with her two ponytails and chubby cheeks....that would overide her pose
OOooh, so many cuties all seated together on the sofa! Are they watching TV? so guai guai sit down. =)

yve, such nice cupcakes. I can never do icing properly, nevermind write anything on the cake! How you do it, ah?

Catz, I'm 20 weeks liao. Time flies, already halfway through. Sherman got no problem returning books leh. He also reads a few times can memorize and always asks for the library books every night. But we borrow 3-4 books only each time, then either get new ones the next week before returning this batch. By 3 weeks, he's usually found some new books he likes and is willing to return the old ones. Once in a while, we see the same book and borrow again if he really likes it.

I must check out some of these books you girls mentioned. Main problem is that Sherman gets so excited in the library we usually have no time to browse. Just take a quick look and grab what we see, show him and borrow if he likes.
Beth's hair is so thick and nice..

re cupcakes,
Just do it.. I am still a novice at piping too.. I drew some prelim pics of the words and pics.. then just do it lor..
babyD, oh my goodness, 20 weeks already?! Wow, ok I see if the borrowing thing works with Timothy.. if not we'll go broke from buying all those books! You guessed right.. the TV was on..hehe.. even then, it wasn't easy to get this picture of all of them!

yve, thanks.. yes, it's quite a hassle to take care of her hair leh. Eh your cupcakes don't look amateur lor. Very nice!

Talked to my son's teacher and it seems that the pushing was an accident.. *phew* I lost sleep last night worrying that my son has a bully in his class. :p
So nice to see so many photos of cutie kids.

The 3 musketeers look so cute together. Very soon Beth & Ayd will be joining in their play.

yve: Brian has such a good macho built. And I must say your cupcakes are one of the nicest I have seen. Angel looks so steady in her bike.

babyd: This is so fast. 5 mths already! Very soon you are going to see your baby. Have you got any name yet?

catz: I was just trying out to purchase the books from Amazon. Trying to figure out how the shipping/ handling fees work. Joined one of the spree and will find out if they are indeed cheaper that what I can get locally. But I must say it can be addictive so must control.

The Bishan library has very new & wide range of children books. As what babyd mentioned, it's always a challenge to browse through the books and watch out for the kids at the same time.

Still coping as a SAHM except that I will have more things to juggle in the next 1 month ... got driving lessons, teaching Lucas, playing with Marcus, complete my project ... I wonder if I still got time for myself. Time management is even more essential when being a SAHM otherwise the day just slip away without doing anything.

Just shared what we usually do, like yesterday is a letter "P" day so brought him to our neighbourhood park with playground, police station and post office. For the afternoon, do some craft work i.e. pinky pig mask and a P book to write down a story about all the "P" we saw. Supposed to do this everyday but not so easy to sustain. I also realised that if I don't do this consistently, it will take another few days to engage him in the activities again. so still trying...
hi everybody, thanks for your concerns and well-wishes.!
Yes, at times, it can be very frustrating and no much time left to rant.

Catz : my leapfrog nightmare not over yet. Still hv not got confirmation on the giant box. Called VPOST today again but they hv not recd the box in Singapore yet.

Piggylee, send u email already.

Tetra : Thank you. The poor birthday boy got running nose after his birthday. Still not recovered yet.

babyD : Pls take good care of yourself and baby 1st. Understand that it is tough to tell boss "cannot do in time". Somemore got exam.

yve : Beautiful cupcakes. Can share your receipe ? Email me [email protected]. Thanks!

Blanche, email you already.
We kind of brainstormed some names even before the baby was conceived, so now not really thinking much about it. Still not sure boy or girl, but probably girl lah, cos cannot see "anything"... hee hee. Yah lor, time flies right, so fast 20 weeks liao.

I can't remember if I shared that Sherman was pageboy at hubby's sister wedding in September last year. Here are 2 pictures. He stole the show with a big smile walking down the aisle.


It is a hardcopy recipe and it's at home.. I will email u when I can..
My boy also coughing and having running nose.. For a week already.. Not on antibiotics so taking a long time to get well..

CNY is coming.. So exciting.. How's everyone's prep? I am almost done with cleaning the house.. Doing a little bit on every weekend..
Hi Mums,
Linus is down with fever. Have missed school for 2days and he is extremely happy cos no need to goto school. I have to invent a story that school is closed for nursery children n not that he is sick, that's why he don't have to go to school. If not, next time he will use being sick EVERYDAY as not wanting to go to school.

Last Friday, we went to studio to have a family photo shoot, enjoyed ourselves very much n we are very happy with the results. keke..

How's everyone n their prep for CNY? I have been so busy lately n with this little one being sick, I am not getting enough rest. Hope his fever will break soon. Take care all.
Piggy, Oh.. Timo has missed a total of 5 days in school so far. Last week I let him miss 3 days of school even though it was just the mild sniffles 'cos of Beth's birthday part over the weekend. For me, not much prep for CNY since no family here lor. You better take good care of yourself.

yve, I love the photos of your 2 kids 'cos they look sooooooooo similar! Angel is so grown up already!!
babyd: Sherman is so handsome in the suit. no wonder, he stole the show on the wedding day.

piggy: I believe there are many pple down with cough, running nose & sore throat. My hubby passed to the kids and both of them are coughing too.

so all the kids must take care especially when the CNY is coming.

has anyone gone to the Chinatown? thought of bringing Lucas there for a walk.
Catz & Tetra,
Linus' fever shot up to 40degress last night. Wah...Haven't seen this before. Scary men...
Teacher called this morning asking after him. Told me abit about his behaviour in school. Apparently, he will ask her if it is time to sing Good Bye song? If she says "no", he will burst into tears. Haha... so typical of my son to ask such question n react like that when the answer is not what he wants to hear. keke
piggy: that's really high. how is he now? what causes the fever? he must be really stressed going to school.

for those who like to introduce chinese to your kids, can log on to www.betterchinese.com for free stories & activity.
CNY is just next week only... Din do much though i was on leave...

Sherman is so handsome. He smiled so tenderly to the camera, sure win lots of affectionate attention!

Is Linus ok liao? His fever is really high leh... Btw, any reason y he dun like school? Or he simply wanna be with u?

My Cherish loves school. When asked her what she learnt, she will says <font color="0000ff">"nothing, jus play n watch tv"</font>

Angel so big liao? Can somemore drive Brian around?
Wow.... Impresses!

On the pics posted by Blanche, i was wondering who is the little rose there. Well, er.. abit chorlor, er... tat i agree, but she is so sweet.
How much our littles one grow!
Oceans, haha.. yah she is chor lor. So I see you tomorrow or not? Give me advance notice hor..

Piggy, poor poor Linus. 40deg is very high. My nephew had that last week leh.. did you give Nurofen? Good that the teachers are so concerned!

My son comes back singing all sorts of new songs nowadays.. even Chinese songs! So happy!!!! His teacher says he's got phenomenal attention span.. *phew* I was kinda worried that he would be too distracted by all the toys in the classroom. Next week is their CNY celebration and he will be playing the drums for the lion dance show. haha.. I wanna watch!!
Catz, Tetra, Ocean,
Fever is swinging up n down. Every 4hour, I have to give nurofen, then next 4 hour panadol. Used 2 suppositories so far at night. Today brought him to PD as his mucus is turning yellowish n thick. PD said his nasal area is very swollen n tonsils also very swollen. PD gave antibiotics n after 2 doses, diarrhea... SIGH..... Anyway, just now fever went up to 39.4 n I gave nurofen again. Apparently, I have been under feeding him the medicine. I gave 5ml panadol each time n PD told me to gave 7ml base on his weight. Same for nurofen, I have been under feeding him.
We haven't been sleeping for 2 nights. Hope that he gets better after the antibiotics.
Piggy, wow this is a very bad round of infection.. my goodness... so much nurofen and panadol will make his tummy very upset. Hope he gets well soon.. *hugs* Don't forget to give him some yoghurt about 2-3 hours before and after his antibiotics if not his tummy lining will be really gonecase.
Am worry for u too...
Sound bad... Pls monitor him closely cos the temp is too high... Sigh... Do take care of urself too n like Catz says, give him something to it. ===hugsz====

Hope to c u tml but if hubby still cant... mayb had to go by post too... sigh..
Poor Linus... Hope he recovers soon to collect all his ang pows at CNY.

Thanks for all the compliments. Sherman getting vain, when he wears a new shirt, will smile and say, "Sherman is so handsome!" even before we compliment him. V buay tahan him sometimes. We were all very happy that he guai guai walked down the aisle cos rehearsal was a big mess and he refused. His grandma was so happy she forgot to look at her own daughter, the bride walking behind!

Just wanted to let you girls know... I passed the final exam, got my doctorate at last after all these years of "ku".
babyd: Congratulations! This year is a great year for you. Not only did you graduate with your doctorate, you are having your 2nd child. Now you can fangxin &amp; enjoy your pregnancy.

piggy: how's Linus? hope he is better now.
Hi Piggy,

Poor Linus, you must also take good care of urself so that u can take care of him...

hi Babyd
Congrats..enjoy ur pregnancy...
Oceans, nice meeting you and your two little girls yesterday. Cherish is such a big girl now and so yakkety.. it was soooo funny when she said 'wo bu yao gen ni wan le' and Timo totally tak tau.. haha..
Gracia looks very sweet and mild-natured. Lucky you!

BabyD, or should I say Dr BabyD.. congrats!
Well done &amp; my heartiest congratulations to you.

Linus' fever is lower today. He still needs panadol but no need for nurofen the whole of today. His nose is still very blocked as I hear him gasping for air when he is sleeping. Really hope that I am seeing the tail end of the fever as he is really extremely cranky to the point that I find myself wanting to smack him so many times. Today, MIL told me that he requested for milk n then demanded them to throw it away as he don't like the taste. SIGH.... He even hit my maid many many times. I must say that she is very patient with him. Also, I find that he is very sticky with me. Just want to me to do everything for him. Have to invent stories why I must put him at my MIL's so that I can go to work. But when he is feeling better, he will pass comments like, "Baby lobe (love) you very much, mama. You are so pretty." Really know how to get to your heart.
Thanks girls, just so relieved it's over. =) Nobody called me Dr yet, think I won't be used to it!

Did you girls see the clips on news last night of the maid abusing the poor 2 month old baby recorded on CCTV? It was just horrific to watch! Esp when the maid kicked the baby in the sarong and violently swung the sarong so it hit the chair, I felt like crying. Just couldn't believe how anybody could be so cruel to a little helpless baby. No matter how angry or homesick you are, it's just not right to take it out on anyone in violence, whether a child or baby. It's just never safe to leave the baby with the maid alone, no matter how "good" she appears to be in front of you.
Congrats to you!
I didn’t see the news yesterday because I was late. But hubby told me can watch it from Youtube.
So heartpain and I'm so sad for the baby, really felt like crying. Why the maid can be so cruel??? Really don’t understand!
Piggy: good to hear that Linus is feeling better. Imagine he can also use the same line to court girls in the future. haha...I can really understand about "wanting to smack him"...can give up. Lucas will also test my limits.

babyd: so terrible to learn about the maid abusing the baby. I didn't watch it but by reading from your post, can send shiver down my body. You are right, I will be watchful even though my helper appears to be good. There are times when I find her fed-up because Marcus refuse to sleep even though he is so tired. It's good that I'm @ home now &amp; spend more time with the kids, and so to give her a break from the kids. It is good that this case is reported, to remind the employers and the domestic helpers.
Nice meeting you n Timo.
Too bad i came ur place so late, else can c ur little princess!
It is amazing to see Cherish n Timo can jus click n not shy with each other when it was the first time meetin. So cute!

Dr BabyD,
My heartiest congratulations to you too! Well done! We r all proud of u!

Happy to hear that Linus is feeling better and can still sweet-talk u!
Whew, wat a relief!

Abt the maid abusing the 2mth old bb. I jus hope tat the bb is ok. The maid is so "monster" n i do hope tat she get her punishment! Nearly cry when i saw the clip n felt like rushin over to help....
Hihi all ladies and babies,

Happy CNY! Gong xi gong xi! Can you imagine that 3 years ago, we had all just given birth?!
Hello to all mums &amp; kids,

Wishing all a Happy &amp; a Prosperous Chinese New Year. May this new year brings you lots of joy, happiness, fun and wealth.
Oh my gosh... Heidi is a big girl now. So very pretty n looking more like you.

After missing school for a straight 5 days + CNY + weekends. L is telling me again that he don't want to go school. I wonder how long will this boy take to start liking school or will he not? hmmmm...

How's everyone n their celebration? Didn't do much visiting as I have caught his bug n started to cough. Waiting for my TCM doc to open so that I can get my fix. My helper also got sore eyes n basically I am handled him for 3 straight days n he really stick to me like glue.

We went to Sentosa on Saturday though. Wow, the crowd is terrible!! We brought L to ride on the cable car n he was really scared in the beginning n said that he don't want to go in. (But we already bought the tickets) So after some coaxing, he agreed to sit n his face was so funny to watch when the cable car left the enclosed area into the open. Scared n at the same time excited n not sure what to expect, etc. We bought a 2way ticket n wanted to get down at Mount faber but he wanted to continue the journey. So end up we sit thru from Sentosa n back.
When the ride is over, (Too soon for him, I think), he pass comments like, "Baby don't like cable car... Not nice...Next time don't sit..."
HB n I deduced that that is his way to "console" himself since the ride is over much too soon... Haha...
Agreed... Heidi looks so much like you!

Piggy.. hee.. my son also cold engine today. Took so long to drink his milk and took his own sweet time to go to school until I threatened NOT to walk him to class.

Visiting- we didn't visit anyone 'cos nobody to visit lei.. hubby's side all not happy with my MIL and my side all in KL
Happy New Year to all!!

Piggy, Linus is soo funny, joker leh...

Catz, wa not happy can siam ah... my hubby hor.. I m not happy also will insist I visit.. sianzz.. anyway my MIL have went on holiday with brother's family for straight 3 years.. though I shld feel happy not having to visit them, but I still feel that the traditions are somehow lost.. I want my kids to be brought up in a way that they still value chinese traditions like pai nian etc...
twinkle, yah lor I want to let my kids bai nian also cannot.. thanks to my quarrelsome MIL :p Ah well.. next year we'll try to go back to KL to see my relatives lor.
Piggy, Catz


Thanks for the compliment, but I think she looks like neither of us, she has her own looks! Like what my friends say, "minus &amp; minus = plus!" hahaha..!
At least can save some $$$ if he don't want to sit cable car. Sherman loves the cable car, after our sentosa holiday, he keeps on telling us to bring him again.

CNY so tiring for me. 1st day visit until collapse at night. After that got party every night, 2 at my house. Spent the whole weekend cooking and cooking. Sherman really enjoyed himself, esp the one where there were 6 children with their parents. Scream, play and fight until all the parents peng san. At the end of the party when the last family when home, Sherman was so disappointed, asked everyone to come again with tears in his eyes. My boy such a social animal, don't know what to do with him.
Angela: I find Heidi is looking more like you now. I always remember her thick nicely arched eyebrow.

piggy: Lucas has not rode in a cable car before although he always like to watch them when we are @ Vivocity. Will try out one of these days. I remember those days after public holidays or a long weekend, Lucas will usually drag going to school.

For our CNY, we went house visiting on 1st and 2 day. Not as many houses as we used to have. But at least we still have time to rest at home. Lucas enjoyed himself 'cause got to eat CNY cookies. On the reunion dinner night, we caught him putting back the cookies (pastry only) into the tub after eating the pineapple. Luckily, he stopped when we visited our relatives. I would also want our kids to grow up with the CNY traditions. My hubby side - very quiet, only need to go back to my MIL's place, so very boring. I am usually the one who insist on visiting. Otherwise, our kids will stop practising all these customs when they grow up.
Angela: I'm on. I am fine with any of the weekends &amp; time.

Some suggestions (where mummies can sit &amp; chat, daddies watch kids playing):
1) Zoo - can gather @ the playground/wading pool
2) Indoor Gym - Orchard Country Club, Delta Sport House
3) Botanic Garden
4) Beach - East Coast, West Coast
5) Beach cum playground -Sembawang Park, Pasir Ris Park
6) Park outside Esplanade
7) or anyone willing to open house?

Can only think of these places at this point. Good to meet up, haven't got a chance to meet the new additions.

Orchard Country club's indoor gym is it open to public n any idea of entrance fees? Is it as big as Downtown East? (There also have an indoor gym)

What about the Delta sports house?

I think indoor gym is good.
