(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Congratulations babyD! Very happy for you. You will be the 1st mum here to have a baby in the year of rat. So when is the EDD?

The usual advice: rest well, take your folic acid & fish liver oil (neurogain or those for pregnant mums) daily, take life slowly & enjoy your pregnancy.

I think due to haze & change in weather, lots of pple down with sore throat, flu & cold. My sons & maid are passing to each other.

I didn't buy the tickets for the disney show. May bring him down to meet the sesame street characters @ taka. sorry can't help on the barney's details, not our fave character. We are planning to bring him to the Babies Prom by SSO in the 1st wk of Dec. Not sure he can sit still. Maybe i will try to bring him to watch a movie this week for trial. Is there some sort of special movie ticket rate for mum & kids during off peak hours?

Hi mummies,

Long time no hear. Hope you still remember me.

Regarding the Barney at MS.

24 Nov - 9 Dec 2007 Central Atrium
Tue - Thu: 2pm & 7pm
Fri - Sun: 2pm, 5pm & 7pm

Come sing and dance with Barney, BJ and Baby Bop in this Christmas Musical Extravaganza!

Featuring favourite Barney tunes as well as Christmas carols, your kids are sure to be mesmerized by this fun-filled show of caring, sharing and learning.

Catch Barney & Friends from Monday - Friday, 1pm on Kids Central starting from 19 Nov 07.

First fifty children will have the chance to get up close and personal with their favourite dino pals after the show!
*No Show/Meet-and-Greet on Monday.
FREE admission to the show and meet-and-greet is on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to seating capacity. Show date and time subject to change without prior notice. The management reserves the rights on admission arrangements.
Tetra, how's the work coming along? Finally tendered?
How's Marcus and Lucas doing? We're going for Babies Prom on Dec 8th morning show.. how about you? Movies - I know AMK Hub Cathay has Tuesday mornings for mums and tods.. kids go in for free.. you can try! Can jio me and Slamdunk also..hahaha..

yvoyvo, of course we remember you!

babyD, congrats!!! Do rest well.. your PhD isn't over yet right? As for all those shows, we usually give it a miss 'cos of the crowds!
yvovo: long time no hear from you. how's everything coming along?

catz: I've tendered last week & my last day will be end of this year. I am working 3-4 days a week now to clear my leave. Lucas just started school holiday, and I am now relying on my maid to entertain him while I'm @ work. Most of the time, he is either playing with his toys or watching tv. so can tell he really longs for our company. as for Marcus, he is getting very fun to play with now, laugh & smile most of the time. also busy checking out the world around him. He seemed to know that lucas is his brother 'cause he gets daily entertainment from his brother.
catz: Once I'm not working, can join you & slamdunk on Tue for movie. Slamdunk already out of confinement? My off days are usually on Thu or Fri & i think there is no special price on these days.

We are also going to the Babies Prom on 8 Dec but it's @ 2pm. aiya, miss you already lah. Tickets are running out so fast that we only managed to get the last 2 rows.
tetra, yeah slamdunk is out and about but she'll be starting work 2nd-3rd week of dec leh...

aiyah.. too bad you're going for the later show. if not, can catch you and your 2 boys!

anybody going for 8th dec morning show??
Hi everyone,
I hope you are doing fine!

Congrats to you!

Hi ladies,
I just did my lasik surgery on Wednesday. (Thanks to Piggy for some info on lasik.)
Find my update as below:

Take care everyone!
Eve, I'm sooooo envious! Breastfeeding cannot do lasik lor... where did you do it? Now a lot of horror stories hor?
Hi Piggy,
ya ya, it seems like an absolute miracle to be able to see without glasses or contact lenses. I really enjoy my new life without them!
Lasik AfterCare:
As you know we cant rub or use cleanser to clean the eyes area after lasik. But how did you keep your eyes area clean for the first week?

Hi Catz,
I did my lasik surgery at Eagle Eye Centre, Mt Alvernia Hospital done by Dr Lim, he was completely professional. Further more, my hubby knows him.
Ya lor, now a lot of horror stories! Eyes are important, think public shouldnt just focus on the price, must careful when choosing a LASIK surgeon.
Hi Pyggy/Eve,

both of you seeing the same eye surgeon.. wa.. I am moved.. tot of doing it also.. any side effects? Whats the risk like??
We are not seeing the same eye surgeon. Side effects include "glare", teary eyes. But should overcome after some time. Worst risk is blindness n not so worst risk is under/over correction. But if all goes well..............LIFE IS GREAT. kekekeke
I submitted my thesis in August and started work right after that. Now waiting for examiners, corrections and oral defence.

Disney Magic Show was actually really good. Hubby and I were sick, but we enjoyed ourselves and most importantly, Sherman really liked it. He was soooo looking forward to the show. When the show ended, he said in a really upset voice "Wanna watch again!". He saw that everyone was leaving the stadium. I think he thought that Mickey Mouse was going to come up close and shake his hand (he was talking about wanting Mickey to carry him days before the show). We persuaded him to go outside, trying to tell him Mickey has gone home. When we got outside, he started wailing "Wanna find Mickey Mouse!" We had to drag him into the car, where he burst into tears and refused to talk to us until I offered him some packet milk. The next morning, he came to me and said in the sweetest voice, "Mummy, you wanna watch the Mickey Mouse show again?" Haiz... what to do, told him next time Mickey comes, we'll take him to watch, but it'll be a long time. (There were ads about Mar 08, Disney on Ice with Mickey.) I'm trying to persuade hubby to go for a holiday in Disneyland so he can really go and shake Mickey's hand.
Hi Mummies,

I brought my kids down to Taka on Friday for the 1pm Sesame Street show. And sunday 7pm for the Barney show. We were late for the Barney show so we went 2nd floor to watch but my girl (Carine) insist of going to level 1 nearer to see barney. For my son (Zavier), I guess it is too far therefore he is not interested at all. It was his favourite cartoon character.

BTW, wat is the Baby Prom about?

Evelyn, seems like you are recovery very good. Take care.
haha, dont worry! I rarely put eye makeup de because...........simple lazy is the word!
Went back to work today, feel pretty good but tired...........

You sure???

Thanks yvoyvo!
Eve: congratulations. Have a speedy recovery. I suggested to my hubby & he replied me to get a few pairs of glasses instead.

yvoyvo: The Baby Prom is a concert by SSO for toddlers & young children. You can check at Sistic website for more details.

babyd: sound very much like Lucas. He will be angry if his enjoyment (from show, places, rides) ends. Recently he has shown improvement as there is lesser resistance. How is your pregnancy going along? feel tired?

I am gng to the 8 dec,2pm baby prom.. dunno can meet u anot.. It will be crowded with kids!

Take care and rest well..
yve: I will look out for you all. Is Brian going as well? My seats are in the centre last 2 rows. How about yours?
Did your kids enjoy the sesame street and barney meeting? Hubby is bringing Sherman down today, probably to meet Barney. He's more of an Elmo fan, and recently went crazy over Mickey Mouse. He's still talking about the Magic Show we went to.

Feeling ok. Find it tougher than when I was carrying Sherman. Probably now I'm older, got one toddler, plus I started my job in August, a lot of changes. Come back exhausted every night. No MS, but every night no appetite and feel nauseas.
yve: i'm worried too - not sure Lucas can sit still or not.

babyd: then must take care. I was extremely tired in the 1st trimester. Your hubby will have to spend more time with Sherman so that you are rest.
Hello Mums

My son has just announced to me this evening that he is getting married. I asked why? He told me becor he has grown up.

I really peng laughing!!!
We brought Lucas to the Babies Prom on Sat at Victoria Concert and met Yve & her family there. (we were 2 rows behind them). Brian has grown to be a big, strong baby. Angel is as sweet as ever especially with her longer hair.

Lucas is definitely not ready to sit & watch a movie or concert. But he expressed that he had fun at the concert and remembered Uncle Peter telling story about the giant's footsteps. I think it's good that they have this kind of "concert" for toddlers & babies. Parents are not so stressed up and kids can behave as kids. It's such a regret that SSO only have this concert once a year.
hee.. Angel also din sit still for the concert.. half the time she was playing with the stickers in the program book at one corner.. Brian responded better though.. Dunno whether to go again next year.. I am planning to go for movie "Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium" with Angel.. Hope she can sit thru that.. Or else just sleep thru it.. haha..

And hor, actually dun have to buy front row seats for bb prom.. Cos they let the kids go in front during the concert..
Helloooooooooo, it's time of the year to Wish All Little Ones "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"

<table border=1><tr><td>Baby's Name</TD><TD>Mummy's Name</TD><TD>B/G</TD><TD>DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wilfred</TD><TD>Evelyn</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>15Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Linus</TD><TD>Piggy</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>22Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>Sleepymom</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dylan</TD><TD>Slamdunk</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>Tetra</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>29Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherish</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>01Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Raymos</TD><TD>AhBunny</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>02Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Khayr</TD><TD>Sasha</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>02Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rayhan</TD><TD>Sasha</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ashton</TD><TD>Blanche</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tim</TD><TD>Catz</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>04Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Summer</TD><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>05Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Clare</TD><TD>Al</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>05Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phoebe</TD><TD>Emonster</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>06Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>syen27(yve)</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Julian</TD><TD>Sunmoon</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dario</TD><TD>Anna</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kristy</TD><TD>Twinkle</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>10Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gideon</TD><TD>JayKay</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>11Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovann</TD><TD>Dolphina</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>Poh</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>14Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jeryann</TD><TD>Ann</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>15Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>E Tzian</TD><TD>iuiu</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>15Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sherman</TD><TD>BabyD</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>17Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Xiang</TD><TD>Yap</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>18Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heidi</TD><TD>Angela</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>18Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Claira</TD><TD> MGTeo</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>20Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carine</TD><TD>Yvoyvo</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>21Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hunter</TD><TD>YvonneOng</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>24Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joy Nicole</TD><TD>Joymum</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>28Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qi En</TD><TD>Koh</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>31Jan2005</td></tr></table>
Can't imagine that actually. It seems like just last year....

Ya, was wondering where are Emonster, Sunmoon, Poh, AhBunny, ,etc.....Hmmmmm, they are too busy to come to forum....I think as the years passed...this forum will be "abandoned" sob sob...
so let's try to hang on to this forum as long as possible. I was just thinking that it would be wonderful if our children grow up together as friends. I'm sure some of the moms may even return later to this forum to check if this forum is still alive.

Is anyone organising a party for your kiddo?
emon!! Where you disappear to?

Tetra, I'm doing a big one for Bethany and just a small family one for Timothy... but will celebrate his birthday at kindy - 3rd day of school!!
I will be throwing a party for Linus on his BD. He has been telling me what cake he would like to have and asking me not to buy any balloons as he don't like them. Haha... One strange kid.

Celebration for Timo in school eh? So you are preparing lots of party flavors for the class or just the cake only?
Hi Catz,

Being quite busy at work, but pops in occasionally to check out the new babes and hunks on board. I must say Bethany is one pretty babe!!
Love her hair..

Hi Piggy,
Phoebe loves to call out 'malloon' whenever she sees one, but just don't like to go near one. She will refuse any balloons offered to her by shaking her head very hard and saying 'no no no'. Strange gal..
emonster, cannot be so unfriendly lei.. do just say 'hi' to us lah.. if not this thread only me, Piggy and Tetra most of the time
Got any photos of Phoebe?

Piggy, Tetra, dunno what to prepare for the kids lei... I think I will order birthday muffins and just give out some party favours.
emonster: long time no see. Phoebe must be so grown up now. Is she going to school next year?

catz: I think ordering birthday muffins is a good idea, save the hassle to cut the cake (do you have to be there or the teachers will take care of them?). Occasionally, Lucas will bring some birthday goodie bags containing sweets, crackers, colour pencils, pens, mickey tapes, cartoon character ink stamps, playdoh & other kiddy small stuff. I believe the parents buy the items in bulk. My son for one, is happy as long as he has a goody bag; doesn't really care about the stuff inside; of course sweets is usually the favourite.

We probably will have a small birthday celebration for Lucas with my dad, grandma, aunt and uncle.
hi emon,

welcome back.

sorry ladies didnt really gt time to chat nowadays as new job really bz.. just got my confirmation letter only so long way to go..

Jayden kenna UTI again...was really upset but this round we discovered it early when he runs a fever and we immed catch his urine sample and sent down to pd. the dip stick shows negative but the urine culture shows postive.. omg... PD recommends another scanning which we brought him to today at Raffles hospital and tkb god eveyrthing was fine. Dilation within a reasonable range and kidneys ok. Its so worrying for me I find life so stressful nowadays...
But with standards of living so high nowadays, I wonder when can I ever be a SAHM. I salute Catz and those SAHMs. maybe ur hubby earns more I guess.

Its has been 3 yrs since we knw each other. really hope this thread will not disappear..take care everyone and have a gd weekend.
re: birthparty,

I intend to also throw one at ferlin's class.. but she wanted a cake (she wants all her friend to sing a song for her.. h aha haa.. plus some goody bags for her friens too..
Tetra, it's the 3rd day of school so all the parents will still be there and it's only a 2 hr session... I will check again with the teacher on other 'norms'.. but yah lah, normal lah, goody bags etc. Then when he comes home, he will have another celebration in the evening with my family. Hey are you a SAHM already? Sorry I blur liao..

twinkle, aiyoh poor Jaeden. Is there a reason for repeated UTI? Is it his diaper??

SAHM - it's not easy 'cos a spendthrift like me needs lots of $$$$ and on single income, there's really very little $.
Just hv to make do and not have so many nice things for myself. I mainly spend on the kids.
twinkle: UTI is really a stressful thing. GOod to know Jayden is ok. Parents are always the most stressful when children are sick. All these will pass and when you look back one day, just like all moms, we wonder how do we do it.

catz: My next job (SAHM) will start in Jan, last day is end of this year. Looking forward to it, I really miss Marcus when @ work especially when he is more responsive now. While I am spending more time with Marcus, I regretfully did not get to spend as much time as I want with Lucas. He is bonding more with daddy now. Hope to spend more time with him when I stop work.
Hi All,
Good to see some movements here. It's true, sometimes, I feel that I am the only one blabbering here. keke..

Really been a long time since we see Phoebe. Post her pics for us?

Muffin is good cos no mess. You may even think of baking your own?

So you stick to your gun n finally be a SAHM? Yes, kids grow up so fast that I feel when u look back years later, you will be glad that u spent the time with them. When will you start studying?

I guess you must be very tired n scared during the scanning, etc.. I think must try to give Jayden lots of water to prevent it from happening again.
My gun is always there...it's more loaded this time. Haha... Anyway I am working 3 days a week so didn't have much chance for them to psycho me. They have given up hope on me that's why they are searching for replacement now. Company is in full gear now but I just don't have the energy & interest to continue the bus ride. My energy and focus is my kids now. I reckon life ahead is not going to be smooth sailing but it's necessary to change the course & do something different & most important be happy. Think I'm in mid 30s crisis.

As for my study, I have just informed them to withdraw me from the course which is suppose to start in Feb. We have plans to move to AZ in 2009/10, after re-visited our PR plans. So no point to pursue my education here, might as well study there (if I still want to) after I get to enjoy the cheaper uni fees. Anyway I have a few things to accomplish next year, getting my driving licence (going for my daily practical lessons in Feb 3 days/wk) and hope to try for no. 3. So very occupied liao. Hence the more I need to spend more time with the 2 boys now before our attention & time has to be sub-divided again.
Good to hear that they have given up n hiring for replacement now.
Hmm, plans to migrate huh... Good for you. By the way, is it Arizona u are referring to?
Driving license is a must if you want to uproot n move. Any other country worth going is bigger than SG and that means a car is needed.
Sherman loves cakes, birthday parties and balloons. Everytime there is a birthday, he always imagines he is the birthday boy and wants to blow out the candles and cut the cake. He has already chosen a Mickey Mouse blue car cake for the family party as early as last month! We also have to have a small school party, because every kid in his class has a cake and party favors, so we felt we had to do the same for him.

Maid has gone home for good, so we've been busy as the grandparents went away for a 10 day holiday at the same time. Actually, even with the pregnancy and all, I feel happier that the maid is gone and we have regained full control of our house. Spent the last 2 weeks repacking the entire house, digging up all the old toys and clothes that have been buried in different corners and drawers in the house to repack and reorganize. Not sure if Sherman realizes the maid is gone for good (he thinks she's on holiday), and hope he won't protest when MIL takes over after our leave ends. Really hope MIL can cope and we don't have to get another maid again, even when No. 2 comes along. I was thinking I'd rather send Sherman to full day child care than to get a maid when things get too busy. Catz, how you cope with two ah?
heee... yah poor Piggy's always the one holding this thread together. Hip hip hooray for Piggy!!
Our one person cheerleading squad

Tetra, waaaaah #3? You are so brave! You should have heard me in the OT asking for ligation once I'd regained my sense.. haha..

babyD, I've got both the kids on a routine.. it's easier this way but of course, I wish I had an extra pair of hands sometimes.. when one does a poo and one desperately needs to pee/eat/drink or whatever lah... but can hold it together since I don't cook. I prefer it this way than a maid who would be an invasion of privacy, I feel. You're gonna stay home with 2?
Birthdays.. Angel will have hers in school with pink cupcakes baked by me.. Will give out goodie bags with homemade cookies and store bought stationeries and toys.. I hope I can take half day leave to celebrate with her in school cos I am starting a new job in Jan..

Thanks for flashing the birthday list.
I dun noe y, but i sorted of fely very touched by this gesture! Thanks!

Nowsaday, i seldom came to this thread, usually at the Aug'07 thread n the BP and overseas spree, seeing wat to buy!

Jus wana wish all the babies here who are now our little toddlers <font color="aa00aa">"A Happy 3rd Birthday!!"</font>
