(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

When brian in hospital for jaundice, I went everyday and sit by him, to wait for his feeding time.. Then I feed him direct.. Brought my own red date tea, but anyhow ate at the hospital canteen lor.. boh bian.. then go home for dinner and leave the nurse to feed him expressed bm or fm at night.. at least when i am there, i can take care of him.. the nurses are so busy, sometimes he flipped over, cry and cry, they also dun attend to him.. yeah, very emotional one lah.. all the hormones go haywire..

don't worry, Rae-Ann would be out of it in no time at all, I'm sure. She'll be a good girl and not let mummy cry so much
About crying, agree it's a hormona; thing and maybe mummies are made more of water... hee. Should ask Catz, when Timo and Ash was admitted on the same day for jaundice after seeing the same paed, we cried really lots. I cried when I came right out of the paed's office, to the check-in counter at TMC, to the lelevl 3 room and outside the nursery where ash was!!!! Haha.... till today, my hub tells me that I should not attempt to send ashton for his first day in school. I'll probably cry more than him

Alternatively, you can rent the bili-bed home. But scared after heart soft and bring her out of the bed, which would defeat the purpose...

Take care of yourself too yah...
Thanks mummies,
Jus came back from the hospital, feeling much better abt the whole thing. She looks visibly much better and I managed to latch her before I left. She has been drinking my EBM whole of today and the nurse told me she is taking the treatment well, will sleep quietly under the light after every feed ... she doesn't fuss much

I was like you lor, the tears were just over-flowing. Dr Ong also gave us the option of renting the bed home but he said that the light is not as strong as the ones in the hospital and not all parents have the heart to put the baby through the treatment round the clock ... so we decided to better admit and let her seek proper treatment
Glad u r feeing better. Pls dun cry so much though i noe it is abit difficult but u need to rest well too. Btw, for confinement food, dun put so much giner as it would cause BF jaundice.

Cheer up, dont be unhappy k... I m sure your gal is in the good hands of docs and nurses.. U concentrate on resting so that once u are better u can pay much attention to ur gal... jia you...

I cry buckets too when jayden was hospitalised last mth for UTI. Buckets when nurses poke in for intravenOus antibotics...when he did the MCU, I did not went in with him(doc ask me not to go in as I am already crying while waiting..
Hi Mums,
Hope that all is fine. Next week, we will be going for school orientation, buying uniforms, etc.... Really feel that time flies. That little thing is going to school. (Catz, can understand why u feel wanna cry...
) Can check with mums here, if there should be any questions that I should ask the school?

Also, I have started doing part-time insurance n should any mums need any insurance, do contact me. No obligations at all.

How's our little Rae-Ann? Has all that yellow gone?

How's adjusting back to work? Is Lucas taking your going back well? How's your helper coping?

Do you know if I can buy GAIA herbs for kids anywhere on the bulk purchase? Could not find them in drugstore.com and wonder where else sells such herbs.
Hey Piggy, yeah lor.. so fast hor? Timo's orientation is 3rd Nov.. hey, how many sets of school uniforms are you buying? For me, the questions I would ask are toilets, punishment etc.. We already had a comprehensive parents' briefing earlier so I am quite comfortable already. My only burning question now is.... can he wear Crocs to school?

Gaia herbs? Er.. never heard of leh.. try www.luckyvitamin.com or iherb.com? I only know of Gaia bath/shampoo stuff.. which you can get at the departmental stores.
Ya, am also wondering if can wear Crocs. I am slowly converting him out of crocs for some occasions as he finds Crocs very comfy. I really wonder if he will wear school shoes for the 3 hour there. He love to remove his socks, turn his feed over n examine them, ask for a wet wipe to clean them throughly. Very feet fetish.... jialat, if have to wear shoes for the day, wonder how many times he will demand teacher to take them off.
Thanks for the link, will surf around to see.
slamdunk: Marcus also had jaundice for a few days. Like Yve, I was more emotionally prepared. I think other than the hormone thingy, you must also be very tired so even more emotional. Rest is very critical, helps to produce more milk & therefore more fluid for Rae-Ann. For Marcus, I pump my milk but not alot, so other than direct latching, also gave 1 formula feed a day to flush out the bile. Rae-Ann will be ok. Just take good care of yourself. Can ask your mum to bring Rae-Ann down for walk & bask her back under the sun for 10mins. Marcus usually slept on the mattress near the window where the sun is. We cover his head & eyes with a cloth hat. This helped to keep his jaundice under control.

catz: I'm so sorry, din get a chance to reply to you earlier. Best room is the premier water chalet which is about RM$100 more than those along the wings. As it is much out to the sea, you get a better view, can throw the net to catch crab or do fishing. Those rooms at the wings faced each other & during low tide, you just see sand below. The bathroom is big & nice, got open ceiling @ the shower area. The room comes with a king size bed (can fit 2 adults & 1 kid comfortably) & 1 supersingle sized daybed so it can fit very well for your family size.

Remember to bring bubble foam for bathtub. We like the aviary, can feed rabbits, etc; and the pool where the kids can slide down. The beach is so-so, but you can have the beach by yourself. Just make sure the beach is clean as you walk barefeet since it is open to the public. Food @ the hotel is ok; the open air bar is nice where they have singers performing. Lucas danced with them while we sipped our cocktails. Ohh... they have a big playroom for kids & a playground. Overall i think you & the kids will enjoy it. I think they have a big playpool at another nearby resort named Corus (i think). We enjoyed staying in the resort so din see a need to explore outside. Frankly, there is nothing much outside the resort. KL is about 45mins away if you are adventurous. Can bring the kids to Times Sq for the playride arcade. When are you going?
Hihi Tetra, thanks! Was going to PM you out of desperation already. So Water Chalet is better ah? Can rent the net to catch crab? But we checked the weather forecast.. seems like rain rain rain! Dunno if it's still worth going but the whole of M'sian/Indonesia is also gonna be rainy during these few weeks that hubby can take leave. Sighhhhh.. so the indoor playroom and playground can keep Timo occupied if it rains? What about us adults? 45 min drive to KL ah.. hehe.. see how it goes lah.. I gotta get my fix of my grandma's food!

Piggy, just got the letter from kindy today. they have already assigned classes and will be conducting classroom activities for the children with their teachers while us adults shop for uniforms and settle bills.
So exciting! I'm very very happy with Marymount so far
Hee.. looks like Linus is a clean freak! Timo also.. so embarassing 'cos he refuses to go onto the sand and if his shoes get wet, he'll demand to be CLEANED.
Tetra, oh yah, want to check with you - is the living room/ toilet separated from the bedroom area? 'Cos you know lah.. my kids go to bed ultra early so need to still have a life after they go to sleep.
Hi Catz,

I have been to the water chalet too... its a good stay. My hubby likes it..

When the kids are asleep, there's a sliding door leading to the balcony where u can chill out there with ur fishing rods and u are jus above the water..

I dont think the living area is separated from bedroom.. I m staying at those facing each other not the premier ones.. maybe it could be different... Rem to stock up more food as the restaurants/food joints in PD town are a mere few only..or maybe u can choose to eat in the cafe of avilion..
hey, thanks twinkle.. can I check with you - where is the daybed in the chalet? Together with the beds? Thinking of whether to bring the bed guard rail for Timothy to sleep on the daybed.
Hi catz: Hope I can help in your query.

Bed Guard rail: Better to bring. The daybed is next to the wall (view of the sea) & the other side is open.

Living/Bedroom: There is no living room for water chalet unless you are going for the suite (much more ex). For water chalet, you watch the tv from the bed. As what twinkle has shared, you can chill out @ the balcony which has a door separating the room & balcony.

Rain: Very cozy to stay in the room if you just want to rest & relax. Otherwise the playroom is a good place for the kids but there is no shelter from the room to the playroom.

TV: their TV programmes are very good. We managed to catch some good movies that we have missed.

Snacks: There is a small shopping mall near the resort where you can stock up some snacks but don't expect premium baby food & variety of snacks.

Crab net/ fishing net/rod: If the resort is packed, must call the room service early to book. err...we din get to catch any crab but we like the idea of catching one. @ least get to throw the net then keep checking...haha... BTW, the resort sometimes have a bus load of tourists from HK or Taiwan who stay for a night. Otherwise the resort is very quiet.

Our usual activity: Sleep late, have bfast, swim or @ aviary, lunch, nap, tv, beach, dinner, bar, return to room, tv. GOod quality time spent with the kids. I already missed that place...
Hi mummies,
Thanks for your concern, Rae came home last Sat but she is still looking a little yellow. We went back for a review middle of the week and was told to monitor, PD din seem overly concern but he did say that it has to completely clear by the time she is 3 weeks old. I have started to supplement with some FM today in the hope to clear her jaundice, though my BM is more than sufficient for her coz she just doesn't seem to be drinking much. Was just telling Catz that I worry a lot for this gal, dunno why ... 2nd time mummy here but dun seem to be as "zai".

Wow, Tim and Linus starting school soon. Catz / Piggy - prepare your tissue paper (if u are anything like me) ... I cried on Dylan's first day of school, thinking back, so embarassing ... haaha ... m sure I will cry when Rae goes to school next time. I m convinced I m made of water lah

When are u leaving for Malaysia ? Have fun !!
Hihi Tetra, wow, thanks so much.. yeah I guessed as much that a guard rail would be a cannot do without item.. particularly now that the playpen will be used for Bethany. Haha.. it's only during holidays that I wish my kids knew how to co-sleep!!!
Luckily my parents and sis are coming along.. once the kids sleep, then will hv to go to their room to watch TV :p

slamdunk, no lah.. I think you are a conscientious mummy.. I was very worried for Beth too until my mom told me to stop overfeeding her :p M'sia ah.. maybe next Tuesday.. still haven't book yet.. haha
Yes, Linus is a clean freak when he chooses to. When he finds it fun, he will poke his finger into the filthiest of places to "get the dirt out". e.g. Gates/ grilles hole found on the floor at the entrance of shops and of course into his nose and present you with whatever he finds inside. Hmmm...wonder if I will get a complain from teacher that he is givng her the contents of his little nose next year...

Ya, if have to, just supplement. Important thing is she gets your milk for a longer period than you having to worry about the jaundice daily.
Not sure if I will cry on his first day... I guess depends on my mood that day. My main concern is that he gets along n finds school fun instead of crying NOT to be send there.

Mums, if you got time, go to the book sale at the Singapore Expo this weekend for some bargain on books. Lots of books there, including children's "Osborne" titles are a great buy.
Hall 6B, 9am to9pm, end Sunday.
catz: You can book online on their website. I think you will still get the rooms but not too sure if you can get 2-3 rooms next to each other.

slamdunk: how is Dylan? Is he getting used to having a sister around? Frankly speaking, having enough sleep is so important. It does affect your mood & energy if you've inadequate rest. Take care!

piggy: who is organising this book sales? You mention they have Osborne puzzles. Are you referring to the book puzzles? About my work...times flies so fast & I din realise i'm back to work for only 1 mth but yet it feels like donkey years. Really no time for the kids during weekdays. Poor Marcus is not having as much attention as compared to Lucas when he was a baby. Hubby not in town for these few days so I have been coping with these 2 babies @ night. Still ok, & Lucas is not trying tantrums anymore. I wonder if it's due to the daily fish oil supplement. Took cab in the morning to drop Lucas @ school before proceeding to office, luckily he has been co-operative but each morning costs me $20.
Hi Tetra,
Yah online can see their availability.. seems like the beach chalets and rooms are all booked up but the water chalets are all available! So water chalet lor
Wah, so early in the morning already spend $20.. imagine every month forking out $400 in cab fare.. argghhh..

Piggy, Linus is soooooooo funny. Does he still call himself baby? Tim gets sooooo mad if anyone calls him baby.. he insists he's a toddler and 'big brother'..haha...
MPH. Osborne books on puzzles, not the jig saw puzzle itself.
Like a page filled with pictures n asking to find a way to rescue something or search for something.
Ya, very inconvenient if got no transport when u have to fetch n drop, rush to work. How long will your hb be away? As for no. 2 no getting attention, it seems to be the case for most of my gf. All complaining the sme thing n all have guilt, end up buying lots of toys/clothes to compensate.

Yes, he is still BABY. This is going to be an issue when he starts school too. I think as the only kid, he is not any big brother so he remains a BABY.
Aiyo...so many issues...toilet training + unfriendly personality... don't know how to cope....
Dylan is doing fine, he loves Rae and always tells us so - think we have brainwashed him too much ... haaha .. coz we always tell him that mei mei is very small and we need to protect and love her, have been saying that since before she was born. He enjoys bonding time with her and is very happy when she wakes up from her beauty sleep. This is what he likes to do, sleep beside her and play with her. When he does that, we realise how big he is now


The book sale is good ? Me feel like going leh, have been staying at home for 2 weeks and feeling really bored oriedy
I find it quite good cos got quite alot of Osborne book that is very interesting. Also, got alot of adults tiltes though I did not browse my own books.
piggy: I went to the MPH sales on Friday nite. My mum drove Lucas to fetch me from office. Bought 10 books, very happy. Turned out that I am reading most of the osbourne bks & learning so much about the world. I hope Lucas will too developed keen interest in learning about the world. Honestly speaking, I find our local education curriculum is not broad based. In fact curriculum in pre-schools are much more interesting & practical. They teach more useful skills while the primary schools are very academic based, grilled the kids to score for spelling, doing exam questions. And they only have 4 subjects, unlike other foreign schools where history, geography, biology, etc are introduced in primary school level. I think Linus will enjoy his school very much. He's such a curious boy, & with his language ability, he will enjoy learning in school.

catz: I think the beach chalets are blocked for mass tourists from Taiwan. They usually stayed in those rooms. So tempting, hubby & I were discussing about having a short holiday @ avillion.

slamdunk: Dylan is so gentle to baby sister. One of these days, he will also start reading to Rae-Ann. Sometimes Lucas will sit next to Marcus & read, and he will refuse our help to read. Does Dylan still go to the childcare? since now you are @ home? Have you managed to find one near your mom's place?

Luckily hubby was away for 3 days, he was back yesterday. Otherwise the $20 cab fare everyday can kill me. Lucas is sticking to his dad like a leech, so scared that he will be out of sight again.
Haha... so you are another $ victim at the book fair.
I bought at least 30books, including 10books on Mr Men series.... Really a hole in the pocket liao.
Lucas is worried that daddy will disappear again huh? Did he keep asking you where he go during his absense? I remember when my helper went back this year, my boy did not ask after her until one weeek after she was gone.
catz: Thanks for the offer. the ready bed looks so tempting but I think I will give it a miss. I have a space problem where to put this. Got 5 beds @ home. Thanks anyway.

piggy: wah...30 books. That's why must buy from book fair, more savings.

I think Lucas is worried that daddy will disappear again. He doesn't ask where is daddy but will nod his head when asked if he misses daddy.

For the last few nights, Lucas would set his books stalls to sell his books (bought from the book fair) to us. He will start by asking 'which one you like?' Then I will have to choose 1 book & ask him how much. He will reply "it's $2." This is go on & on. I think he learned this from school as there is a fun fair organised by the school.
Last night, my boy work up at 2am with a dripping nose. Not of mucas but of BLOOD! Gosh, really like a tap. I soak thru 2 hanky and his shirt were really bloody. All this happen after he picked n rub his nose while sleeping. Got HB to check what is the best way to stop the bleeding....I tot the best is lie down n lift head up but apparently I am wrong. We should let the kid sit up or lie in an incline position n pinch nose lightly to stop the bleeding. Thank God that it stopped after a few minutes of constant dripping.
Today, it happened again the the afternnon as he again rubbed his nose while sleeping. I guess it is hard for them to stop doing it as they could not "control" themselves.
When I put him to bed just now, I got to add an extra star to tell him to remember not to rub/pick nose tonight. Really hope it works.

Linus was doing the same selling business too. He has a plastic fish that he will "de scale" first and shouts "Pee for sale!! Pee for sale!" Meaning, "Fish for sale!", place in plastic bag n tell u one dollar or 2 dollar, etc, depending on his mood. Yes, indeed very funny to watch them imitating the adults n reenacting the scene when they are playing.
These 2 days, he really make me smile. He will come to me and tell me, "Mama, you are so pretty. Baby like you so much. Your shirt is so ney (Nice). Other wide (white) shirt is not ney. This t shirt is very ney."
Haha...he makes me want to squeeze him so hard or bite him......kekeke

The bed is interesting too. Just that also got no space to store.
Haven't been in for a while. So busy at work, had to travel to Germany, couldn't really catch up with the posts.

What are these Osbourne books that all of you are talking about? I v suaku, dunno about them.

It's great that Dylan loves meimei so much. He looks so sweet! My FIL tells me horror stories of how hubby as a kid, poked his baby sister's eyes when they weren't looking, cos he was jealous.

The bed looks interesting, but a bit small and snug. Sherman will probably think it's a toy, play on it and refuse to sleep.

Piggy & Tetra,
Sherman also likes selling stuff. He got a hand-me-down McDonalds stand, which can open window. Can make french fries and burget, got cash register. He often sells to me, or tries to buy from me. I ask him "Where is your money", and he hands over a block or shape as pretend money. They are really getting very imaginative now.

Sherman is now very well settled in school. No longer cries and doesn't need anyone to accompany him inside the classroom anymore. Took him almost 2 months, because his grandparents were too soft hearted about letting him cry, so he just didn't learn until much later. Still not toilet trained and cannot get him to feed himself, although he can actually do it if he wants. Was so embarrassed over the weekend, had some friends with kids over, around Sherman's age/younger, they both were toilet trained already and obediently sat down at the kid's table and ate dinner by themselves with NO supervision! I saw them both finish their food and show the empty bowl to their mummies. I had to chase Sherman round the house, sigh.... felt like such a failure parent.
Hi everyone, we're back from PD and not going on holiday until Bethany is older.. can die, no sleep :p Avillion is a lovely place.. would highly recommend it for couples or for family get away
Thanks to Tetra and twinkle for all the advice!

Piggy, the bed is deflatable and fits into a little carry bag.. that's why I'm so 'gian'..
Poor Linus.. I used to have very frequent nose bleeds as a child too.. 'cos I never drink enough water lor. Your boy ah.. really very joker leh!

BabyD, I noticed that Timo was veeeeery stubborn when I was a FTWM.. now that I'm a SAHM and he's under my iron fist.. hahaha.. he's a lot better behaved. You're not a failure parent lah.. oh and btw, I met C.E. and W.Y. together with Joel that day.. think #2 is on the way

Timo went for his Marymount orientation today and really enjoyed it. Can't believe my little baby is all grown up and going to school in uniform! we bought a few pairs of bata shoes for him in P.D... arrgghhh... so grown up! Cannot take it!
Hi catz: good to know tt you enjoyed the place. It's time you deserved a good holiday. What happen to Bethany? Is it because of the new environment?

babyD: Osbourne (i think is the publisher) books catered mainly for children. They have very good books about the world, animals, history, etc. Short commentary & interesting illustrations.

There will be a fun fair at Lucas's school this Sat. Since everything to him is $2, we are going to set a $2 stall. I hope it is going to be fun for all of us.

If things is going as planned, I probably will be a SAHM by next year. Already expressed my wish to my boss & will tender mid of this mth. I have been going through this resigning thing for 3 times. Since Marcus is born, my maternal calling is even stronger. I really don't envisioned to spend my days like this for a long term - having Lucas & Marcus waiting for us till 8pm-9pm. I think my boss & colleagues are plotting some plans to make me change my mind again.

Can u believe it? I already missed my pregnancy & delivery days...
Tetra, $2 stall.. so fun!!! Take photos OK? Yah PD was nice.. needed to get out of Singapore but hor, aiyah Bethany's schedule all wonky 'cos she is very homebody.. likes her own crib and room. The Avillion rooms are a little bit bright 'cos no blackout curtains.. added to the problems. PLUS got thunderstorms so very loud :p Ah well..

Good for you.. SAHM with 2 kids is fulfilling lah.. esp 'cos the kids will be closer and you can enforce more discipline. I think you should just heck care your boss and colleagues this time.. hallo, they are not you lor. :p
catz: hmm...once I become a SAHM, I can bring the kids & visit you more often. Or we can meet up @ the zoo during weekdays when it is not crowded.

I met up some SAHM who are homeschooling their kids. Great inspiration. Have lots of ideas from them on how to engage your kids in learning & reading. One of the mum has an online books collection for sales. She collects good books - books that deserved to be read by kids. And they cost lower than those @ Kinokuniya.

I remembered the 1st time when we brought Lucas to PD, his meal became a problem. But we survived & still had good time. So for the 2nd time, we brought a slow cooker to cook his porridge.

BTW, did I share with you tt Lucas has not been eating rice & porridge since I delivered Marcus. Till to date, he is eating pasta & japanese noodles for his daily meals. His wt is @ 14.5 kg.
Tetra, wah, Lucas is heavy leh! I don't think Timo is up to 14kg yet leh. Timo's meals were easy this time round 'cos we just let him eat table food. He's not fussy with food, thank goodness. Bethany - I brought along jars of organic baby food which was a lot easier than cooking. Initially wanted to cook but alamak, got so much barang already.. so she was OK with the organic jar food

Yeah SAHM must meet up! zoo ah.. I no more membership leh. Homeschooling - definitely not for me!!! I don't hv the diligence and patience!

good that you have enjoyed yourself. Avilion raining nowadays.. oh no...
My hubby's unc;e has this lobang to go genting for free lodging and everything mth end.. not sure we can handle Jayden after the UTI episode... quite phobia bringing him out of Sing...
Osbourne books- where can I find them tetra?? Good to hear you will be a SAHM soon. If your hubby supports.. why not...
twinkle, wah Genting.. nice
I gian! But yeah I'd be afraid of Jayden's condition too.. 'cos no hospitals near Genting right? :p Avilion got thunderstorm at night but daytime still OK.. luckily!
Did you come across the article: http://www.todayonline.com/articles/220164.asp
Maybe it will give you more conviction to go. kekeke...

Yes, my boy is super joker. This few days he blabber about some old neighbours of his that has passed on, in fact they are a couple, who has gone to heaven. The old nai nai died because she drank too much beer. They have a very colourful fish tank at home, etc, etc...
For your info, we don't have such neighbours at all. He made up the whold story. Super joker.... Some more can tell me why she died...pangsan...
Piggy, oh my goodness.. what a vivid imagination!
Smart boy lah yours!! Hehehe... how does he know about alcoholism????
piggy: Linus is really a joker. His imagination is so vivid. Where do you think he gets all this imagination? Books, tv, observing people& places around him, or the stories you shared with him? It will be even more interesting when he learns to draw.

Thanks, Piggy for the interesting article. I am trying to diminish my presence by taking a few days of leave every week. I have 20 days to clear. I think they are still plotting up something & my boss plans to talk to me again next week. I think he may want me on project basis but see how 1st. I spent so many good years contributing to the company, it is my turn now to devote to my family. I am still ok with Lucas only; but with 2 kids, things are not the same anymore.
Glad you enjoyed the break
I know how tiring it can be travelling with kids, man. At times, it's more tiring than working in fact... haha, but it definitely brings me more joy than work :p Like going to HK, I feel so happy to know that ash enjoyed it so much. Even till today, he'll tell me that if he's a good boy, can I bring him to take the aeroplane to go HK again... haha, like machiam taking aeroplane is like taking bus!

Want to ask you - how's the drive there? roughly how long did it take? Can drive all the way into the resort right? Is the car park secured? Sorry for all the questions - Haha, my hub worried about his precious car!

yeah, there are at this really imaginative age now. noticed that the make-believe kind of toys have the highest mileage for ash. the rest, he loses interest in a while. He will take out his supermarket cashier set and place alongside his kitchen set, then pretend to cook and sell to us. When I ask how much it is when he serves me, he'll push my hands, holding the money away and say in a very adult tone, " No, no (need) pay. For mummy, free!"... haha so funny. Just yesterday, he smelt something smelly and he commented that he wanted to wash his nose... faintz. Also, there was this incident when SIL went out and shortly came back few minutes later, and you know what ash told her, "forget what" in a pretend exasperated tone... haha, machiam like adult. even more so when he's talking to his didi... Just this morn, both were loitering around when I was putting on my make-up for work and ayd was holding on to my suncreen, ash told ayd, "didi, this is for girl. don't touch. ayden is a boy. put it back. listen to ashton kor kor..." damn funny that coming out from him, cos it sounds so much like me!!!!

I saw Rae-Ann's photos on your blog. Aiyoh, so sweet...I so like her
Hi Blanche, Slamdunk and I were just saying we dunno how you manage to take soooooo many holidays!!! The packing and unpacking alone can die.. not to mention the sleepless nights of co-sleeping with both kiddos. :p

Avillion - yes it was about 3-3.5hr drive (depending on checkpoint condition).. yes, there is secure parking at the resort.. don't hv to be scared. The room is really very suited for a family 'cos the 2 little ones can stretch out on the daybed which is a huge super single. I brought the bed rail just to be safe
The kingsized bed is also nice.. but it's high so I wouldn't recommend co-sleeping on that! Shower area.. shiok..
I guess for alcoholism, when I was returning home from my mum's, I pass a comment to my brother not to drink too much beer. So he used that as a good reason that the old nai nai probably died from over consumption.

He don't watch tv at all. Only animal planet in my MIL's. So I have no idea where he gets the stories. The neighbour story has been told for sometime already. It occurred first time when we brought him to Qianhu fish farm. He saw a very colourful fish tank there n started to tell us about this old neighbour. Then he stopped n again brought it up a couple of days ago, now with a new character, an old nai nai. So I wonder what's next?

Yes, it's they are imitating us all the time When I am on the phone with clients, he will mimick like a parrot, all the tone n exactly like how I speak. Many times, I want to burst out laughing. People around me will usually be laughing so loud but I try not to, so as not to encourage him too much.

How is your little girl now?
Hi all,

sorry for the late reply, was so busy with 2 kids. ;)

Hurley got it when young parents was looking for baby model, but it's foc, we went just for the experience. She is really a cutie!! hehe...
yvonne: Congratulations. Hurley must be so sweet & endearing that't why can win the judges' hearts. If got time, do post her photo for us to see.

piggy: I burst out laughing when I read about how Linus got his story about alcohol. He really pays attention to things around him and is able to retain what he heard & better still create a story out of it. How's your insurance job? are you working from home? btw, since you are a book lover, if you wish to book chinese books for Linus, I have a place to recommend to you. Just visited the shop with my SIL last Friday, what a great day 'cause got to spend so much time in a bookshop without hurrying. Most good bks is less than $10 (some like $2-$5 & you get a 20% off if you join as member.
My job? Good good. I guess there are lots of learning in this line.

Where is this Chinese book shop that u are talking about? Would like to go browse.
Last week got a call from the school that they finally changed him to the morning class. HB n I were so happy. Went to buy school uniform n PE attire too. The feeling of sending our little one to school is really like a milestone. Not so much for them but more for us, as parents. Like Catz said, "so grown up! Cannot take it!"....
I look forward to seeing him make friends in school.
What about u, tendered n I hope you will be 3rd time lucky?
Piggy: The shop is Maha Yu Yi Pte Ltd, located @ Blk 231 Bain Street #03-07 Bras Basah Complex, Tel 63365222. Not sure if they are open on Sun, Join their annual membership @ $5 if you intend to get more books.

You will have lots of mixed feelings esp when you see him carrying his own books & running towards the school. On 1 hand,I am so proud of him tt he is going to school on his own, on the other hand, I also don't want him to grow out of his childhood so fast. By the time Lucas is used to school & kinda of enjoying it, he will be starting his school 1.5mth school holidays.

So funny, during the fun fare, my hubby told me that Lucas seemed to be popular among the kids & parents. Whenever, Lucas bought something frm the stall, the other child will introduce him to his/her parent that "This is Lucas". And all the parents' respond is like "oh..so this is Lucas." So we suspect tt the other children will talk about Lucas @ home.

So as I was chatting with the teacher, she told me tt Lucas is like the disciplinary master. He will go around & observe what the other kids are doing, & will report to the teacher if they are doing the wrong thing. He even reprimand the kids too. He didn't even spare the dog. Now I suspect his "popularity" is due to his blowing whistle to teacher.

Hi girls,
I got good news to share. The babydust finally fell on me after such a long time. =)

Been down with a bad throat infection and cough for the last 2.5 weeks, still not recovered yet cos most medicines cannot take, so I still have so much yellow phlegm that hasn't cleared up. Sherman just came down with my bug, so he hasn't got much appetite and is missing school. We're taking him to the Disney Magic Show on Wed, hope we'll all be well enough to enjoy it.

Anyone going to try and bring their toddlers to meet Sesame Street characters in Takashimaya next week? I also saw a TV ad about Barney at Marina Square. Anyone got details?
