(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Hope Tim gets better soon. Bug going round, perhaps. Sherman, hubby and me all down with coughs. Sherman & me got fever but so far low grade fever only and he's still happy and alert.

My grandma passed away yesterday at the ripe old age of 93. She had a stroke 8-9 years ago and was partially paralysed then. Was admitted for heart failure last week, later got discharged, but within a few days, got pneumonia and left us within another 2 days of being admitted. Mixed feelings about her death... kind of like a relief for her many years of suffering, yet still so sad that she had to endure the suffering for so many years and continue to live feeling so depressed and sick all the time. Although she had so many grandchildren and great grandchildren, she didn't really get to enjoy playing with her great grandchildren much because she was bedridden or wheelchair bound a lot of the time. We didn't think she would live so long after her stroke, yet somehow it's not really such a good thing that she did last so long. I can understand fully why she was so depressed and was always telling people she wants to die. I think I would feel the same. I took Sherman to see her for the last time on Sat even though we were all sick. She didn't open her eyes and I know he didn't understand. My little boy was the only one smiling yesterday at the wake but we didn't stay long since the whole family is still sick. Might not bring him to the funeral tomorrow. See how. Sorry for rambling...

Glad to hear that it is not UTI or dengue.
How's his fever now?

I can understand why your grandma feels that it is better for her to go, with all the pains that she is suffering. Well, I guess at the ripe age of 93, it is probably more than enough. Take care.
Piggy, his fever seems to be down now.. because my husband religiously woke him up for 4 hourly fever medicine.. but he is very tired from the disturbed sleep, poor baby

BabyD, I'm glad your Grandma is at peace. My Grandma also had heart/kidney failure and she passed on when I was in the UK.. I guess I still haven't quite gotten over her death even though it's been almost 10 years but what I'm thankful for is that she's in heaven and finally at peace.
Piggy, Tetra, Poh
Hehee! Ya lor, Wilfred really enjoyed his trip very much!

ya, heard that the bug in the air again! Elder son also had fever since last Friday. Luckily now his fever had subsided and never passes the virus to Wilfred. *touch wood*
Hope Tim is get well soon and you guys must take care too.

my condolences. Hope you and family are feeling better.
would like to check with you all if u have ever tried feeding chicken liver porridge to yr darlings? heard from my mom tat chicken liver is very "bu", and raymos finished one full big bowl cooked by my mom yesterday...and the speed was much faster than his usual meals at our place.
babyd: my condolences to your grandma demise. it's really sad when someone close passed away. Hope you will get over it soon & that Sherman, hubby & you recover from cough soon.
Tetra, how was your trip to Genting?

Eve, aiyoh, luckily Wilfred didn't catch it from Wesley. Tim is better, no more fever *touch wood* but he's just starting a drippy nose... so went to Dr again today and he now has a real terror of going to the doctor. My sis said that he cried so piteously when the doctor put the stethoscope to his chest. My poor baby.

Ah Bunny, personally I do not like giving intestines/innards to babies as ultimately, they could contain toxins. I am very anti 'spare parts', find it very unhygienic as those organs are used to process toxins out of the animals' body.
catz: good to hear that Tim is getting better from his fever. so scary that his fever was so high. did the doctor find out what cause it?

Ah bunny: we will occasionally put the liver in the porridge for flavouring. but we haven't try feeding him liver.

Genting Trip
It was a good trip for Lucas. I think Genting is meant for children. For parents, you can forget about having a relaxing trip. It's tiring to carry him & chase after him in the theme park & mall. He is so fascinated by the lights, ferrris wheel, etc. He sat @ the merry go round (3 different ones) about 7 times, rode an antique car, sat on all kinds of animals (those moving ones when you slot in the coins). THe whole place is noisy & very stimulating for him. But he just loved it and that's it what matter most even though mummy & daddy are quite tired. We will probably go again in Sep this year when my hubby plans another one for his company. and I think we will try to go there once a year. 2 things mummy & daddy like about Genting: the cooling weather & the food & shopping (more for mummy).
Ah Bunny,
Chicken liver for porridge or pig liver? I wouldn't want to use chicken liver as I used to use them as bait when going fishing.

As for liver, I think must be used sparingly cos like what Catz says, it is used to get rid of toxins. But I do agree that liver can be very "bu" too, though I guess a young child don't need to "bu" too much now. As long as they have a balance diet of meat, fish and vege and MILK, that should be sufficient.

Ya, ya.. Share with us your genting experience. Was it fun? A friend recently told me that he brought his elder child (about 8/9y) and a 3year old to Japan (Disneyland), he says SUPER SIONG as the little one only want to be carried ALL the time.

Glad to hear that Tim is better now. What about you and your HB? Are both of you better now?
Another question, Can share with me your experience with your dermatologist?
Piggy, sorry I didn't get back to you on the dermatologist question. She's Dr Phay Ken Ling from Specialist Skin Ctr, appt line: 67341411/62355900. She's really good and her appts are quite fully booked as she has limited slots. There are other doctors there but erm, not so good and Pls avoid Dr Khoo - YUCKS.

Thanks for the well wishes. Hb and I are fully recovered but still in massive sleep debt :p We still woke Tim up for his fever med last night.. after that, both of us tossing and turning till the birds started singing :p ALAMAK!

Tetra, I used to love Genting as a little girl.. used to go up a couple of times a year! The antique cars were my fave!! I'm so happy that it's still around. At one stage, Genting started to get overcrowded and run-down so we stopped going. Maybe it's time to revisit the place again.. for the cool weather! Which hotel is good?
Catz/ Piggy: As this is the June holidays, the place is quite crowded over the weekend. The crowd subsided when we checked out on Monday. The indoor theme park is good as it caters to the younger children & can keep them entertained if it rains. It operates till 1am. As for the outdoor theme park, there has been some new additions but more for the older children.

If you want convenience, stay @ the First World Hotel as the mall, restaurants & the theme parks are just right below. Cons is that it's very crowded as this hotel has the most rooms & the rooms are small. I heard from my aunty that Highlands Hotel is the most luxurious among the 3 hotels as it comes with bathub and it has bigger rooms but also the furthest from the mall. The other one is Genting Hotel (the oldest) but the biggest & not so far from the mall. But been the oldest hotel, the furniture can be quite old. First World Hotel is the cheapest but if the other 2 hotels have special promo, it's worth to consider. Most important, you must bring baby's pram as it requires lots of walking, standing in the queue line when you visit the theme park.
hi twinkle, Tetra, MGTeo, Evelyn,yve,Catz,slamdunk
and piggylee, thanks for the wishes.
My father gained conscious yesterday but confirmed he got another big stroke on left hand side. Now got big stroke on both sides of the brain.
Very sad to see him like that. Saw him in tears several times yesterday

He got high risk of stroke recurrence as his irregular heart beat is not in control. Dr may give him stronger medicine but will got risk of bleeding (again can be fatal).
In this stressful week, my bro and sis had quarrel with me and not in speaking term. My bro just apologised last nite and now left one to go.

Catz , hope that Tim is getting better.

babyD, so sad to hear abt your grandma. My condolences. Hope you and family are feeling better. Sad to see someone depart but also happy to see them relief fr torture esp they have illness. My grandma also bedridden for 9yrs then passed away.

Tetra, yes, it is fun but tiring trip for us. My 5yo girl loved Genting very much. Xiang also enjoyed the rides now. I loved the cold weather there. We goes there abt twice a year. We got the annual pass also.
U drive up or take coach. For us, always dh drove but we managed to tried once with coach with my parent.
Genting also bring sad memories as that is my father's last trip when he is ok then he got stroke 1 wk later.
Hi Yap,
Sorry to hear about your father. Cannot imagine the kind of stress that you are shouldering. Must take care of yourself!

Hi BabyD
My condolences. Can still remember my paternal grandma passed away soon after I discovered I'm pregnant and I was not allowed to attend the funeral due to old folks tale, stayed at home crying throughout the wake. My paternal grandpa passed away 3 weeks after I gave birth, didn't even have a chance to see his great grandchild.
Can only imagine their smiles on their face when they see my naughty girl running around.

Hi Catz,
Glad to hear that Tim's fine except for running nose... Must take good care of yourself hor!

Hi Bunny,
My MIL used to be very pro about giving pig's liver to babies. But ever since MOE ban selling fresh pork / chicken in market, she abandon the idea already. Reason is because it is not fresh.

Hi Eve,
Nice pics of Wilfred. Glad to know Wilfred's gor gor is well now. I also kana flu bug weeks ago and became the main source of virus carrier, spreading to everybody at home including Phoebe and worse of all, my colleagues at work.. hehehe

Regarding the cane hor, haha, it fits nicely into my drawer handle so it's safe for now until she's taller. Moreover the drawers are equipped with 'stopper' to prevent them from coming out so I can rest my mind...

Hi Tetra,
Seems like Lucas has a great time!!! but can tell parents are very exhausted. Haha, if I accompany Phoebe for so many rides, I might end up puking by the fence....
Hi girls, thanks for the comforting words. It was a small and quiet funeral yesterday. I cried buckets last night cos all the memories of times I spent with my grandma when she took care of me as a little girl came flooding back. Especially when I watched my cousins children (5-7 years old kids) running around and talking to their grandmas (my aunts).

I'm still coughing a lot, but phlegm is getting a bit less, hope I'm on route to recovery. Didn't take Sherman along yesterday as he's also still coughing. Poor boy doesn't know how to blow his nose or cough up the phlegm, so he gets really frustrated when his nose gets blocked. His cough so scary, like kena choke like that. Last night used Karvol and he slept better.
good morning girls,

Tim is still dripping away.. last night his breathing was very laboured and I kept going into his room to top up his Snufflebabe ointment on his chest and making sure the Karvol bib was still on him. Aiyoh, so poor thing... one thing after another.. now he's so terrified of doctors and syringes.

Yap, so sorry to hear that your Dad had another stroke. These are stressful times for your family so that must be the reason for your siblings' quarrels. Take care..

Tetra, wah you really make me drool over going back to Genting leh..

BabyD, I understand how you feel.. my grandma brought me up from infancy till 2 years and the pain is still very fresh for me. When I gave birth to Tim, the first thing that I regretted is that she was not able to see him.
Tim's cough also like Sherman's.. cough until macham choking. He's so terrified when that happens. Needs a lot of sayang.
Hi all,

Thanks for yr replies. Strangely,according to my sis who bought the chicken liver (she used it for her 11 mth old son too), the uncle at the market selling chicken recommended her. I've checked with my mom and my mom told me chicken liver is better than pork liver. she said that pork liver produces more phelgm so not advisable. anyway, i've decided not to give chicken liver to raymos, perhaps when he gets slightly older like 3 yrs old then i will consider again. I was aso quite surprised that raymos seemed to like it. I tasted the porridge beforehand, didnt taste as nice as we usually cooked for him leh.funny then..
another thing abt raymos, he kept waking up in the middle of the nites when we bring him home. at least twice a nite. me and hubby really panda-eyed man..sometimes he will sit up after some cryings, or crawls over to see if we are around (if i'm sleeping on the mattress beside him). really dunno wat's going on with him. but my maid says if stay at grandma's house, he sleeps throughout. once, my hubby told me raymos woke up in the nite, and pat his chest to indicate that he's scared..any similar cases here?

any new recipes to share? me really running out of ideas liao. lately he aso doesnt really like mashed potatos..and anything tat has been mashed. so we cut the potatos,carrots etc into cubes and he really can finish up all. for porridge, we aso cook until "semi-rice". not too "porridgy" type. tink he wants to eat like we adults eat now.
Hi Ah Bunny,
Where does Raymos usually sleep? At grandma's or at home? Maybe the sleeping conditions are slightly different, so he tends to wake up at one place but not another. Recently I stayed over at my mum's place and was unable to sleep well even though I lived there for almost 20 years! Sherman, on the otherhand, slept like a log. He also tends to stir more often when he sleeps in our room compared to his own room.

I've been wanting to ask you how Raymos likes his Elmo bed. Are the edges high enough or can Raymos still roll off if he flips in his sleep? I'm still debating whether or not to buy bedrails and when to migrate Sherman to a bigger bed.
Hi BabyD,

We aso suspect tat the reason he often wakes up at nite is becos of diff environmt. but the thing is, he sleeps at his grandma's place on every Mon, Tue and Thur, whereas at our place is every wed, fri, sat and sun. Why is he not used to our place when his days at our places is more? We aso suspected that he may be used to have some1 sleeping beside him, cos his grandma and him share a king size bed, so we let him try sleeping together with us aso. He still wakes up. Sigh..anyway we always try our best to pretend sleeping when he makes noise or sit up to look at us. only if his cries get stronger, then we will take alook at him.

as for the elmo bed, raymos wont fall out while he is sleeping, although he has many movements. One moment at the upper portion, the other moment at the bottom, can 360 deg turn somemore. unless like wat i said previously, he wakes up halfway looking for us, he will crawl down to the floor.
i've been looking for a playgroup near my mil's house so tat raymos can have a fixed daily schedule socialising with other kids and other development learning. can't really seem to find one. heard from my mil tat once raymos walked past one childcare looking at the children playing and refused to leave. seeing him so enthusiastic made me really feel like enrolling him in something. will be attending the wkend playgroup, but they are so ex. the daily neighbourhood ones are much cheaper. Catz, have u looked for one at bishan area? i've found one daily 2.5 hrs with breakfast included. but it's $315 per mth. kinda ex though. wat u gals tink? a wkend playgroup sufficient enuff?
Hi Ah Bunny, yah, I'm actually also looking for pg in Thomson area.. so far, the only childcare I liked was Babies Resort. Very impressive indeed. But a bit out of the way for my hub to drop him off there. Might wait until he's 2 to send him to half day playgroup at Pat's Schoolhouse, maybe the Serangoon or Buckley branch. Will be going for a trial to see their weekend playgroup.. with Blanche and Ashton. It's $315 for 10 wk term for the Saturday playgroup. Still on the waiting list for GUG so I've got nothing to lose if I go with Pat's in the meantime. Slamdunk, are you keen? Serangoon is quite convenient for you right??

Wanted to ask about the Elmo bed too!!! So you had to buy another mattress for the Elmo bed or it's all just inflated? I'm thinking about migrating Tim out of his bed when he turns 2.
Ah Bunny,
Hope Raymos will sleep better as he gets older. That's what a lot of friends tell me. Thanks for the info about the Elmo bed - i think you put in your own mattress for Raymos right? The other worry I had was whether it's heavy enough and won't flip over. Cos if it's just all inflated like a float, when Sherman flips and heaps himself on one side, it might just overturn like an inflataable raft! Can you also help me measure what's the height of the raised sides from the inside of the bed, so I know how high it is & can estimate whether Sherman can fall out or fall down trying to climb out.
Hi Catz, u mean Pat's Schoolhouse for Tim for weekends only or for half daily? For wkends, so far i've let raymos tried kindermusik, so it's ok. but now he has turned 18mths, i'm more keen on those daily 1.5hrs to 2hrs type. It's more diff for me to choose those at thomson or serangoon area unless u are toking abt weekends. the thing is, i want a daily playgroup but my mil has to send him/ pick him up daily hence the playgroup must be really within walking distance from my mil's house. So headache, right now the oni playgroups I found which is beside her block caters for at least 2.5 or 3 yrs old.

Catz & BabyD: There's no mattress for the elmo bed. u can add as extra but the thickness cannot be too thick cos the difference in height btw the side border and the sleeping area is only about 8cm. we did not put any mattress so we are not sure if u add in the mattress, will the baby fall out while sleeping. the original sleeping area is inflated. it's actually quite noisy in the sense that raymos turns and tosses around quite alot while sleeping and u can hear those rubber rubbing sounds when he turns. The bed should be heavy enuff.think it's because they have a huge bed head (where the big elmo is) to make it stable.

hope i've answered yr doubts.
Ah Bunny,
Won't it be very hot to sleep on inflated rubber compared to cotton? I thought the bed area was a different pattern, so you had placed your own mattress inside. Yah, 8cm not a lot. I'll probably get bed rails then. Thanks for the info.
Ah Bunny, I'll try Tim out for weekend playgroup first.. anyway, Pat's only has daily PG for 2 years and above so he's not eligible. So we start him off slowly then see if he's ready at 2 yrs.

Elmo bed - aiyoh, my son sweats too much.. I think I'll prob go for an Ikea bed with bed rails.

Went for Sesame St Live, Tim's first outing since he was sick and thank God, he LOVED it! He sat on my lap the entire time.. I'm so amazed!
Thanks for the info on Dr Phay. Will pass on the message.
Ya, I am also interested in weekend playgroup. Do let me know if you decide to try any in town area. I wanted to try GUG but they have yet to call me up... Guess their list must be very long.
Tim must have been awed by the show that he could sit thru it.
How long was the entire show? I happen to be at IMM once and there was a Barney show which last for about 20min. After about 8minutes, he was fussing and asking me to leave. How to bring him for anything else? I left and came back after I heard Barney singing "I Love You...." Wow, I regret men, when the Barney completed singing the song, he burst into tears and wanted more!!! Even at home, when he watches Barney, I have to end the VCD before the Barney sings this song or else, he will surely cry and I have to rewind..
Hey, where's everyone else?

Piggy, same... waiting for GUG until fed up already. Heard there's a way of cutting queue but not so nice lah.. but I guess that's why keep waiting and waiting like dodo. :p Waah... Linus really loves that Barney song eh?
So cute. My sis happened to see the gathering photos and she commented on how absolutely adorable Linus is.
Haha... So adorable but such demanding of mummy's energy!!
He is now going thru a phrase of absolute stickiness to Mummy. He will mumble "Mama" "Mama" in the afternoons when I am at work, insist of going into my room to make sure that I am not hiding and when maid let him nap in the day, he will mumble "mama" till be falls asleep!! Even when I am beside him, if I walk away, say about 1metre away to take something, he will quickly call "Mama" and want me to sit beside him.... Cannot tahan...
Hello everyone,

I'm also looking for a playgroup for Heidi. I'd wanted to sign her up for GUG, every Tues/Thurs class & was supposed to start last Tuesday. But last minute I pull out coz got to travel all the way to United Square. Still can't really decide. Would prefer somewhere nearer home so that everyday after each session, can come home & ZZzzz... So far, the nearest is Eastpoint - Orange tree, but dun like aircon place & that place is too cold! Anyone has any to recommend? Preferably in the east? Went to Babies Inc for OpenHouse too, but nothing much there. Think our toddlers are getting bored at home, so need to let them socialise & play!

Welcome to the sticky kids phase. Sherman won't even let me go to the toilet, he cries the moment I'm out of sight. Nowadays, once I'm around, he will run to me and refuse to let anyone else carry, even hubby. If hubby carries him out of the car, he'll cry big tears and struggle even if I'm walking right next to him.
Hihi long time never log in cos having very very bad stiff neck that affect my upper arm. Really torturing!!! It was so painful that I cried. It happened 2 weeks ago and now I'm still not totally recover yet. Can you all imagine with the strongest painkiller and injection also cannot stop the pain at all. So now I'm doing accupunture and tuina every alternate days.

Heidi soooo...pretty...!

Don't feel too sad though said is easier than done. Should feel that she can live up to this age its very peifu liao...Actually we Chinese will take this kind of funeral as 'xi shang'. If I have a choice i wouldn't want to live this long. Not easy. Think about it, its even more tormenting for her to carry on her lives. Anyway my greatest condolences.

Talking about child care. I was thinking of chiltern house but they only take in 2yrs old above and its only for half a day. Any idea of the price? Think is very ex... Then i was thinking of JG for the weekend class but haven't enquire about it yet. Feedbacks from my friends that JG is good. Tried and tested.

Really must find things for them to do cos my girl just love to explore and learn new things. She gets so sian with her toys...everyday want us to entertain her. She loves to dance (as in turning round and round), sing and clap at the same time. Nowadays she also likes me to chase and catch her. All the tiring activities.
But its fun lah!!
Some recent pics to share...

Hello Everyone! Though it is my grandma's BD, I shall cut the cake for her before you finish singing the BD song....

Oh...I am caught red handed...You mean I can't cut the cake now? Why?

This is another pic of me sitting with my Charlie bear.

Two pics of Timothy and Linus to share... Don't you think that they have not changed much?

Date: 21 May 2005

Date: 01 May 2006
hehe..Piggy, seeing those baby photos really perk up my morning
Both of them look so CHUBBY and blur!!! So innocent and easy to handle back then... now, alamak, both boys have cheeky sparkle in their eyes.
Linus is such a cute boy and he really looks like both you and your hubby.

MG, oh dear..hope your pain will go away. Claira is so sweet. I also heard good things about JG but very expensive leh..

Angela, Heidi is so cute
I wonder why all the little girls here look so much more 'grown up' than the boys! Heard Babies Inc was good lei.. Orange Tree also v good and I think lagi convenient for you right?

Sticky baby- Tim will also call for me if he's alone in the house with my husband. Haha. He will drag my husband to search every corner of the house, behind the doors and in the cupboards.
Thanks for yr compliments ah, I'm a proud mama!

Actually Linus & Tim also looked very grown-up lei, but pple always say gals are more "matured" looking. Think Heidi's abt 82cm & people always thot she is much older.. always very shocked to know that she's only 17 months, haha..

Orange tree is very convenient for me. We have a free shuttle service from Savannah ,but dun like aircon environment for kids lei. Also been to Columbus child & development centre along Upp East Coast Rd. They dun have air-con & they have this very huge playground outside. But still thinking & weighing the pros & cons.

Husband is leaving for Taiwan tomorrow for 17 days!! Feel so down just thinking abt it! Friends laugh at me & say I'm a xiao nui ren... so sticky. So I'll be a bit busy helping him with his "business" lor. Went to the zoo yesterday & then in the afternoon brought her to swim. Wow.. so tired by evening!!
Hi ladies,
Sorry for MIA again.:p

emmmm, recently Im actually busy to start a blog for my dear sons. Share with you all ok?

click here our precious darlings

Btw, any of you cannot read Chinese? Cos Im no good in English, so maybe you will see my blog in Chinese. :p
HI All,

Wow, seeing the pictures of little Linus and Tim back then really bring back memories....

Any chance of organising another gathering for the babies??
Hi all,

just wanna check if there is any babies who are still not walking yet? Till date, Hunter is still not walking yet.
Wah so many mummies have blogs for their babies :p Really put me to shame!!

emonster, yah lor, cannot imagine they used to be so small and 'immobile'.. now running around like little hooligans
How's little Phoebe? Must post her pretty pictures!!!

yvonne, I don't think you need to worry about Hunter but maybe just check with your paediatrician during the next checkup? I think most of the babies are walking but if I'm not mistaken, the age by which 90% attain walking is 18 months (in health booklet).

Angela, wah you really have a lot of energy!! I will peng san just going for a swim, let alone zoo outing by myself. Sure die!! Dunno lah, heard Orange Tree is good... I mean, aircon for a few hours only not so bad, right? Tim is now 85cm but his weight has dropped to 9.5kg because of his illness.
Hi Eve,

Like your blog. Jia Le and Jia Wei really look alike when they are babies...

Hi Catz,
Phoebe's a fan of the World Cup now. Will start raising both hands and run in circles when she hears 'GOAL' or when she sees football matches on...
Talking about pics, too lazy to take any recently, must start taking now when she's full of those funny expressions...

Yi Yvonne,
Is Hunter cruising, walking with support? Phoebe took quite a long while to start walking unassisted. It took us quite a fair bit of encouragement and tempting before she starts having confidence to walk on her own. There's a old saying that baby who start walking later have a good life.

Phoebe's Development

I happen to notice that Phoebe is walking with her left foot pointing really outwards. Any mums notice this also? Checked with PD once and he says most babies walk like that (for balancing) and can only ascertain if they have a problem when they are older. Quite worry that Phoebe may have extreme flat foot or her foot is not in the correct position.... any advices?
Catz, emonster,

Thks for your reply. Hunter is cruising, doesn't like to walk even when supported. Haha...ya, heard the old saying from the grandma too....

During the 15th mth checkup, the PD say he is ok. But will check with him again for the 18th mth jab. But its really kind of worrying, hope he is fine.
I think if he is cruising, then no worry.

If you miss your HB, can come to forum more often to post pics of Heidi. That will keep you very busy, then you will not have time to miss him.

Wah, Phoebe know how to watch football. haha.. Must be a very funny sight. You must take down pics or video.
Linus also walk with both feet pointing out. I think they do that for balance. Don't worry, that should be normal. I also noticed that he could lift up his right leg but don't seem to be able to do so for left leg. I guess they will be able to walk like us when they are older and more stable.
Yvonne, I think there's no need to worry but it's always good to just check with your paediatrician. In the meantime, give Hunter lots of encouragement and opportunity to cruise around.. for e.g. from sofa to table etc.. so that he will build up his confidence.

emonster, Phoebe so cute
must post pix hor.

Timothy got new 'pattern' - he will imitate my Dad and do push-ups! *peng san* So funny.. should video it down
Hi Yvonne,
Understand your worries, cos I'm always immerse in worrying about Phoebe's development that I often miss her growing up phase...

To encourage her to walk, we (husband, MIL, SIL and myself) often have to clap until our palms turn red and cheer until very loud when she walks a few steps unassisted from my husband to me and back.

Hi Piggy,
The daddy is so happy to find kaki to watch football in future... Thank you for the advice, feel more relief now. Now that you mention, I suddenly remember about the lifting part too.

HI Catz,
Wow, Timothy attempting push up... Must be fun. Should ask your dad, husband and Timothy do push up together and tape it down... hehe
yah my son is such a clown. Now he's very attached to his Elmo soft toy and he will comb Elmo's hair, feed Elmo, put Snufflebabe (Baby Vicks rub) on Elmo's chest (like we did for him when he was ill), kiss Elmo, sayang Elmo.. basically he will be hugging Elmo most of the time. So bopian, we went to scout around for 2 replacement Elmos just in case Elmo gets lost or decapitated.

Hub learned the hard way that if he does push-up in front of Timothy, his tyrant son will make him do non-stop push-up until pengsan. Haha.

Will see if I can capture pix

Long time never see sleepymom's posting already...

so sorry everyone..
MIA for soooo long aldy..
cannot read truly all the posting. sorry

all baby here are become smart and cute toddler..really funny when saw they try to talk and act like adult hor

recently really busy with work and my girl.
she teething again..really fussy and like all lovely baby here when teething...fever, cough and diarrhea..

all mummies do posting more photo leh!..long time no see all babies aldy.

post e-tzian recent photo here

