(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Hi Yve,

Thanks, received the goods already.

Need some advice from you, do we need to remove anything from the strip when we put it in the urine? Will the red lines be easy read?

no need to remove anything.. dip the right end in the urine though.. yes, the red lines are obvious.. like pregnancy kits..
Didn't have time to log in cos I've just finished a 3 days temp job on Wed.

Sometimes I put some marmite in her porridge, just a little will do. At least marmite has some vitamins and minerals as compared to soya sauce.
Good morning to all mums,

Linus is really getting into the terrible twos now. He is challenging our authority all the time. He throws a toy, I ask him to pick it up, he will oblige the first time. On the second time, he will not want to listen to me and try to wriggle away from doing it. If maid asks him to do it, he will completely ignore her.

Last week, he has started to hit people around him, like maid, MIL and SIL, even once on me. The first time I witness him doing it on my MIL, I saw that they were lauging and at the same time commenting that he is a noti boy, etc, etc... I have to hold his palm up and hit his palm and tell these pp not to laugh and smile cos he will associate that as something fun to do. Sometimes, I wonder if am educating my son or educating the adults.

What do you mums think? Should we hit our child or should we not? What is the best way to make sure that they listen? Any ideas to share?
dear mummies, i'm back at work today after a looong break.. but I've lost my voice :p Melaka was OK for the first 2 days. After that, Tim decided to act up and refused to go to sleep unless I carried him to sleep. THEN, he decided that he wanted to sleep with us!! Aiyaya!! So me and hubby were very sleep-deprived. And I noticed a change in his behaviour also. In the 2 months that my parents have taken care of him, he's gotten a lot more disobedient. Tell him NO and he will purposely go and do it :p Wah lau. Hit him also no reaction.. in fact, he gets angrier and wants to irritate you further. Like Piggy, I think this is the terrible twos. Not quite old enough to listen to reason and not quite young enough to ignore their bad behaviour. Thinking of buying the supernanny book for tips on discipline.

Had a talk with my parents and while my mom can see that Tim is getting more naughty, my Dad is insisting that we don't discipline and 'repress his spirit'.. WAH LAU!!!!! :p Vomit blood.

Gotta go.. lots of work to catch up on.
yeah yeah, the terrible twos are here.. Angel is very notti too.. When MIL or I give her the stern look, she will smile back at us! But she is really scared of daddy..

I will hit her hand if she touches anything she is not suppose to.. Like the dustbins.. She has a bad habit of putting her hands in her mouth, so touching the dustbins is no no..

She is starting to open all the cupboards in the kitchen and trying to take out the breakable bowls!
hi girls,

been real bz but have been following the thread faithfully...

something to check with all the mummies here, any recommendation on diapers for nite uses? been using mamy poko since day one without any problem but in recent weeks, leakage occurred at least 2-3 x a week! really a nitemare...

do u change bb diaper in the middle of the nite? not that feasible i believe as the child will be awaken...

any other alternative?

piggy: guess it's a passing phase of toddler hitting people. jov been doing it past few months but not that often now.

yve: ya jov also happily help himself to all the stuff in the kitchen cabinet! pots and pans, utensils, canned food etc etc. anything he can get hold of! he even passed us canned drinks and wanted us to open for him drink! "faint"
piggy, yve & Catz,
Yah, somehow they're at the age where hitting their hand doesn't register as they did something wrong. A lot of my friends told me to buy cane, so that they will associate it with mummy / daddy is angry and they have dome something wrong. Otherwise they somehow still think it's a game like clapping hands. My little Sherman thinks nothing of biting people. No joke, ok... he bites hand, arm, leg and even my neck this weekend. The mark can last for a week. My MIL, hubby, maid also all kena. But recently he's been biting less often. Kitchen is out of bounds to Sherman & he gets chased out everytime he goes in.

I let Sherman wear one size bigger diapers for nights. Leaks only happens when he drinks too much water after dinner time, otherwise it's ok. Diaper super heavy in the morning every time even though it's one size bigger. Jialat, he recently started using XL Drypers during the day but I haven't changed his nighttime diaper size to XXL yet.
catz: welcome back. Now i also worried about my drive-up holiday to Gentings this weekend. I think it is going to be a tiring holiday instead of a relaxing one.

I bought the Super Nanny book a yr ago, not bad but watching the tv program is better. The book serves as a good reference check when u need some tips on an immediate situation. If u've a kinokuniya membership card, you get 20% off now till end 24 Jun.

About the terrible twos, Lucas has also behaved like that. He throws things, refuses to pick up when told to. If he wants something but was not given, he will jump on the spot or lay down on the floor and bury his face on the floor & cry. But we also realised his tantrums is usually short-lived and could be easily distracted. I think they are in a confusing stage right now. Want to step outside the boundaries but don't know how far they can go. That's why this place is a good for mums like us to share tips.
hi girls

looks like we're all lamenting the start of the terrible twos!!!

Tetra, hope your trip to Genting goes well. Do you have a portable DVD player? It's invaluable for the long car ride as well as feeding times! Haha
Aiyah, I told my BIL to order from amazon for me.. guess I'll cancel the order and get from Kino instead. Maybe I'll ask him to get the DVDs for me instead since I keep on missing every single episode!

I am having control issues with Tim 'cos my parents just give into every whim. If he wants and points to an object, even if it's dirty or hazardous, my mother just hands it over to him without thinking.. it's driving me mad!!! It's like, let him cry 'cos he's just not meant to have it!! Wah lau.. guess no choice, gotta discipline him when he's at home. When he's with my parents, I guess it will be a different story.

BabyD, how did you cope in Perth? Did Sherman expect to sleep with you? Tim refused to stay in his crib.. in fact, he woke up at 3am on the 3rd night, bounced up and down on our bed after I took him from his crib and asked for 'dvd'.. arggghhh.. dunno how to travel overseas man...Wanted to ask you how you kept Sherman's night-time schedule on track 'cos Tim's nights were all wonky. They're OK now that we're home but he now refuses to go to bed 'cos he wants me to sayang to sleep.

dolphina, for night diaper, I only use Pampers Premium.. Carrefour having offer 2x 80pc for L size for $69.
thanks babyD,

but then again, he sleeps with 360 degree rotating position every nite...any moment he will be in a different position. i suspect his diaper leaks coz of his rapid movements..arghhh

am using a size bigger in the day and it leaks even when he walks about...ahahah and his diaper will be hanging low waist. looks funny and i think he hates it coz he will try to remove his diaper himself!!

tetra / catz : ya these days if we refuse to give in to jov, he will roll and cry on the floor..so far he has not done it while we were outside but reckon this will happen very soon. oh he love to shout and scream when we refuse to give in too... had it once in the restarant and we hurriedly left after a quick meal coz he is making far too much fuss.
Yah, daytime cannot wear big diaper, sure leak one. But dunno leh, Sherman also rolls around in his cot, but big diaper works for night.

Hubby & I spent quite a bit on hotel costs to get the family rooms so that we at least have one queen and one single bed. Sherman & I sleep on the queen, hubby sleeps on the single, so that if Sherman wakes up at night, hubby still gets some rest cos he needs to drive. Somehow Sherman slept very well in Perth, almost better than Singapore. He only slept in a cot for one night when we couldn't get a bigger room. I bought a wearable blanket bag and zipped him up with his bolster so that he won't ever lose it on the big bed. Think he felt very comfortable in it, never woke up to play or talk in the middle of the night. I patted him to sleep every night since it's an unfamiliar place. We weren't strict with his bedtime but somehow it was ok cos he was on 1 daytime nap only, so quite tired by bedtime.
Welcome back! So sian to work rite after a holiday...

Hope your holiday is an enjoyable one even though we know that it's quite tiring to travel with our little ones.

Agree with babyd, daytime cannot wear big diaper. It must be of a good fit for daytime. For nighttime then wear the big size diaper if not you got to change other brands already. Am also using pampers premium for Claira for night use.

RE: Terrible twos
For Claira, she's not into hitting and I hardly hit her. Most of the time I'll try to explain and reason with her. She's a timid girl when I get angry and raise my voice, she's scared already then she'll cry and sometimes she'll hug me back.

If I really need to lay hands on her I'll not beat but using my fingers to (tan2) her. In fact I'll avoid it if possible. My aunt told me never use hands to beat a child, hands is to show love when you caress and stroke them. Cane is to punish them when they did something wrong. But then again using cane at this age its probably too early also. Actually why I avoid beating her also because before I can use my fingers to (tan2) her she'll show me her scared face and her blinking eyes already.

Whats her problem now is she gets so frustrated and irritated when she's trying to fix something and that she's unable to do it. Like, trying to buckle her seat belt, pushing her little stroller up a small steps. Anything that does not go her way she'll throw tantrum. Sometimes really buay tahan.

Don't know why nowadays she is like lost of words. Whenever she wants something from me or need me to do things for her, she'll say 'er er er' and then keep pointing. Last time she'll go and point to my bag and say 'mum mum' (means food) now don't know why she's like that.

Sorry get so long winded.
Hihi MG, how's the job hunt going? Yah it's really sian to have to work after a holiday as well as being sick!! Arrgghh... but anyway... :p You're so lucky that Claira doesn't have a bad temper. As for what you mentioned about being frustrated at not doing things, Tim's the same way. His temper is usually OK.. he only throw tantrums by stamping his feet and crying BUT if he cannot do a certain thing, he will throw it away out of frustration and get angry. When he's angry, he doesn't bother to say what he wants.. it's a lot of whining and pointing. So I'm trying to work on his speech and communication so that there's less frustration on both sides lor. Difficult hor?

BabyD, thanks! I think that's probably what we'll hv to do if we go on holiday. Did Sherman fight going into his own crib when you returned from holiday? My son is still crying whenever we put him into his crib these few days.. wonder how bad it will be if we went on holiday and he sleeps with us for 7nights. *nightmare* BTW, haven't seen your hub around for ages.. send him my regards, I know he's very busy double-hatting.

Have a nice day everyone
Terrible Twos
- I agree that it's just not right to use cane at at this young age. I also agree that we must work more on the communication skills to express their frustration. Lucas also whine and point his fingers in all directions. We couldn't figure out what he actually wants except that he must be tired & restless. Recently, when he gets angry, he will fold his arms with his back facing you. So angry that he refuses to respond to you when u call and move a step. Don't know where he learns all this.
Tetra, yah I think communication is the keyword. Kind of regret not teaching Timothy how to do baby signing :p I mean, his vocab is about 60 words now BUT he cannot string sentences together and he forgets to SAY what he wants when he's angry lor. Lucas so cute
I really wonder where he picked it up from!!!
Hi girls,
Im back! been very busy lately after my Msia trip. Hope everyone is doing fine.

Congrats on little Brian reaching a BIG BIG world!

Wilfred likes to imitate his gor gor. So I guess Lucas might learn all this from the kids in your nanny hse. Maybe you can observe him one or these days when in your nanny hse. Btw, have a great trip in Genting.

Taking about the terrible twos, Wilfred had passed the phase but dont know when will come back again.

Haha, same! When I show Wilfred my angry face, on the spot hell cry aloud. And the way he cries also funny, like a girl! cos hell use his both palms cover his mouth.
Dont worry, Wilfred used to lost of words too. But now he seems can understand our instructions and talk well. Esp when he gets something from us, hell say thank dy!(thank you.)
If he wants to get something, we usually teach him how to say please! And he always says pis!

Ya lor, Wilfred sometimes also will keep pointing and whining when he wants something or trying to tell us something. Its really tough for us to understand what he wants actually. Hope I can understand his language soon!
Yah, big fight to get into his cot for the first week when we got back to Perth. Solved it by letting him drink milk in his cot. After 1 week ok already. Hubby had meetings overseas all of last week.

Maybe boys are more difficult than girls? Sherman not scared when we use finger to show him no no, or that he did something wrong. He even smiles and then will try to do it again. But he knows because he sometimes will say "Oh dear". I haven't bought cane yet, but friend who is pd told me 18 months can use. She said just use it once and after that don't really need it much cos it becomes a symbol of discipline. Once they see the cane they will be scared. Most of the time he's a good boy lah, just didn't know how to stop him from biting ppl. Friend told me to use chilli! Any of you got suggestions on what to do? Whenever Sherman doesn't want us to hold his hand outside or carry him, he will attempt to bite our hand or arm so that we will let go.
babyD, oh wow, whole week of overseas meetings :p So that's why I don't see him around v much! You know, Tim sometimes like to bite for fun too 'cos he likes to see the huge reaction that he gets from it.. so I try to tone down my reaction (no screaming, no laughing) and he's kind of lost interest. Hmm..18 mths and cane.. Hubby is tempted but I told him to hold it off until 2+ 'cos our boy is really all skin and bones, I don't think I could bear to cane him! Yeah it's been a struggle to put Tim to bed since church camp :p In fact, the first night home, he cried until he vomitted ALL over his crib, bumpers, pillows, blanket and wall!! Arrgghhh..

Eve, welcome back!
BabyD, I have a cane at home but more like as a threaten weapon. My elder son Wesley really scares of it once I show it to him. Like what your pd fren said it becomes a symbol of discipline.
Some parents dont use cane but they use rubber bands. Did you hear before?

Dont use chilli lah! If next time he bites anyone of you, try this.

look at him with an angry expression and make sure he also look at your eyes, tell him with a stern voice NO! and tell him why he should stop the behavior.
If Wilfred misbehaves, Im always using this method and its usually worked.
For example:
He likes to touch the switch, I will hold his hand and make sure he look at my eyes, use stern voice and tell him No! Dangerous! For the few times he a bit scare and cries, but now once he know he cant do that or do this, he will just walk off without making any fuss.
True, better dont use a cane on a tod less than 2yrs old as they still too young. Thats why I only introduce cane to my elder son when he was after 3yrs old. Wilfred still doesnt know what is cane for?
I tried your method long ago because we watch super nanny. Still using this method, but it doesn't work leh. He'll just keep struggling and trying to bite my hand until I let go, then he gives me a big smile and runs off! Usually cannot make him look at me and even if he does, no matter how stern we sound, got no effect on him one. Any other ideas? Really lah, my pd friend say use chilli, just once and they'll never do it again. But I also can't bear to do it lah, so cruel. And of course will get major opposition from all his grandparents for any kind of discipline method. Really headache. I'm so afraid he will not stop biting ppl, next time go to play school, he will bite other kids if they snatch his toys, then how!??
Why not yi ya huan ya? hahaha! Just joking!
I think distraction is another good way to prevent him to bite your hand when carrying him or hold his hand outside. Really! Try to distract him if he starting to bite or struggling in your arm. You can try to say you see! Over there got a big balloon or etc! or Wow! See the doggy so cute!
When Wilfred refuses to let us hold his hand, Im usually will say come! Mummy brings you to see cat cat/meow meow. Cat cat, where are you? Immediately he wills guai guai and busy looks for the cat. (He loves animal.)

Btw, dont worried about he will bite other kids next time, I think now it is just a passing phase la.

Hi twinkle,
Cant help you cos Wilfred has been very long time never take yogurt liow!
Hi BabyD,

I don't think Chilli is a good one, cos the lingering hot effect might be too much for Sherman to bear. Why not try Bitter Gourd? I tried to use Super Nanny method too, but it's abit useless when Phoebe refuse to make eye contact..

Hi Catz,
Welcome back!
Remember I bought a cane when Phoebe is 6 months old? The cane is never used on her, but is a good tool for us to block the drawers (slot in between the handles) and it prevent her from opening them.

Hi Piggy,
Phoebe has been going around attacking us by either hitting, pulling hair, biting and worst, pulling my husband's leg hair... hahaha. I'm the only discipline master at home cos both MIL and husband just couldn't bear to be the baddy. Went back to my mum's place during the weekend and surprisingly, Phoebe is very well behaved there, but when the Papa came to join us the following day, wah, drastic change...

Hi Twinkle,
I can't remember the name well, but it comes in six mini tubs. It starts with Petite, simply can't remember the last name.... sorry
good morning ladies!

emonster, so nice to see you posting!
Haha.. I think the cane is really put to good use! My son also likes to open drawers and leave them open so end up I walk into the opened drawer. *ouch*

twinkle, yah it's Petit Miam yoghurt but can only find at Cold Storage/Carrefour. It comes in a pack of 4 and it's not the same as Petit Miam fromage frais which comes in a 6-pk.. that one is just fresh cheese, no live cultures like yoghurt.

Have already placed my order for Supernanny DVD but have to wait till end July to get it from my BIL... THEN I will see how best to discipline my little sinner. :p
hi all, just to say hello and thanks for your advises. Hv no chance to catch Super Nanny in TV.
Now my girl is not my top concern.
My father is hospitalised with moderate right brain stroke on last Fri. He has worsen yesterday morning, cannot recognise us any more, cannot talk and cannot swallow food. Dr suspect he got 2nd stroke.
Very painful to see tied up and struggle hard for every tests (he keep wanting to escape fr hospital to go home). It is a horrible experience.

Also feeling apologetic to my children as has been neglecting them for the past few days as was in hosp for whole day... already applied leave for mon and tue to spent time with my girl plus her birthday celebration. Ended up she wait till I came back in evening to bring her out to eat.

Got to go now...
Hi to All Mummies here.

It seems that your camp was tiring for you n your HB. I love your dad's version of "repressing the spirit" He speaks like he has not been hit before by his parents OR he was beaten up jialat when he was a kid? Got any pics of Tim to share with us or not?

Must bring lots of toys with you this weekend. I really very peifu pp (like Evelyn) who drive with their tots for so many hours in one go. Sometimes, a half an hour journey downtown with my babboo is already tiring for me. I must really wait my turn before going for holiday as a family.

How many bowls have Angel broken so far?
How is little Brian now? Is it more tiring this time as a second time mum?

I think Wilfred is a very well behaved child. I have looked Linus in the eyes and say NO so many times and he still will throw the toy. He will steal a look at my face after throwing to see what I do. We use to ignore him but now we are trying a new technique to make him pick it up. Even if he throw it 10x.

Linus also gets very frustrated at times too. e.g, when his magnetic train breaks apart from each other, WAH, he will be very angry and jump up and down with tears.... (It is especially bad if he didn't sleep enough that day)

Chilli is a little drastic but I guess it is indeed the last resort. There was once when Linus insist on eating his french fries with the chilli sauce, just like daddy and mummy. I told him that chilli is very HOT and his tongue will "drop out", he still insist that he must have it, so I dip his french fries into the chilli and put it in his mouth, of course his tongue hang out due to the spiciness. kekeke... In future, when he request to try any adult food, I say that item got chiili, you want to try? He will definately shake his head. Chiili can thus be very effective but I think try bitter gourd first.

Linus has started pulling daddy's leg hair as young as 9months. Your little Phoebe really know who she can step out of the boundaries.

I have been giving Linus the Petit Miam every other morning. He will sit in front of TV while eating it. He seems to love it. When we are out, I tried to give him to YAMI yorgurt that I bought at the YAMI counter, he also love it.
Hi gals,

Tks for the tips on yogurt..will go and get it this afternoon.

Hi yap,
So sorry to hear abt your dad. You must be strong and rest well too. Cos ur kids need you too.. Take care and hope things will turn well for your family and dad.

Jus to share abt chili.. My late mum used it on me when I was young I love my pacifier.. I need it everyday though I wasin K1. My mum used a safety pin(old days) and attached it on my uniform. But the teacher refused to let me bring it to class and taught my mum to put chili on the pacifier so that I will be "frightened" of it. My mum followed her instruction and bet u.. I threw the pacifier metres always cos its so hot.. Ha aha haha thereafter when my mum offer me I will say no. Ha ha ha ahaa
It does work CHILI ke ek ekek
So chilli does work. but still I think only the last resort.

Lucas also tends to bite but not @ our flesh. @ times, he accidentally kanna our flesh, I will fake crying like in pain & ask him to sayang mummy & tell him not to do it the next time. the thing is he likes to bite the buckle of my bra strap if they happened to be on my shoulders. weird...

yap: hope your dad will get better soon. must be so tiring for you. be strong!

emonster: I thot the cane using to close the drawer is interesting. Lucas loves to open the drawers & remove all the VCDs. Some of them were even coated with saliva.

piggy: Linus is so funny. you mean he really gets mad when the magnetic train breaks off. must be an amusing sight.
Hi yap
Sorry to hear about your dad. I know exactly how you feel cos my mum also suffered from stroke last year Aug. Affected her right side of the body except her leg (very lucky). Now she's still recovering from it but very very much better already except her speech is still a little unclear with some words. Hope your dad recover soon.

Hi Catz
Am still hunting for jobs but at times I'm doing temp jobs, quite happy with it though. Oh no Claira does have a temper!! but I always try to remain calm when she becomes difficult. And I also agree that we must work on the communication skills so that we understand their needs. Actually I've taught her some sign language like milk, sorry, bye, flying kiss, thank you, please but now she can say all of them so now not so much of signing.

Where did Lucas pick that up?? It must be funny to watch him doing it. Hahaha...

Welcome back! Actually thats what I do whenever there's something that I doesn't permit Claira of doing. I'm using the same method as you. Like stern look, firm voice, look into her eyes and say 'NO' when something that is dangerous. I'll try not to say too much of 'NO' instead I say 'cannot' then with explanation. But there are times where she don't listen.

Re: Chilli
I don't think is very nice to use chilli leh...I don't want her to get frightened over chilli instead I want her to love chilli like her mummy and daddy. Maybe bitter gourd but will avoid any of them if possible.

Would like to ask you all about Grolier, anyone can share their views of this program? Very expensive but tempted to try.
Haha, Wilfred sometimes also like that; purposely doing something in front of me and then steal a look at my face, see what my reaction. He looks so cheeky in that way.

Hope your dad gets well soon. Take care!

Dont you find that using a cane to close the drawer is dangerous? What if she managed to pull off and play with it?
Huh? Grolier? Pardon me, whats that? Any website to share? pai seh! I'm really sua ku. :p

Hi ladies,
Wilfred milk intake has increase since few weeks ago. We so far upped his milk intake to above 8oz for the night feed. However, he stills not enough, still demands for milk before he sleeps. So every night we have to give him 2times of milk before he sleeps (just within half an hour). After that he still can drink a lot of water! Some night he still would wake up at 4am for milk again. Wanna to check with you, any of your little one also like that? How much milk he/she taking now in a day?
Its a learning program for children. I think the website is www.grolier.com If not you try google.

Regarding milk intake, my girlfriend's son age is 2years+ also had 2 feeds of milk in the night before he sleeps. Eg, bedtime at 9pm, he'll have one at 8pm and ask for another one before he sleeps. When she told me I was also quite shocked but her son is still eating well and sleep well, so no worries.
Hang in there.. Take care of yourself and family.. It can be very tiring running around when one of the family is sick..

Nothing broken so far.. We always managed to catch her before she take the bowls out.. Too bad all my cabinets cannot be locked using a cane..

Cannot rest much cos angel is really testing her limits and every now and then I hear MIL screaming at her followed by angel's crying.. Got to look at childcare options soon..
yve, oh dear.. I was sourcing around for cc around Pasir Ris but was quite unhappy with the lot. The only 'acceptable' one was Montessori Schoolhouse by the Park at Elias, facing the beach side.. my neighbour's granddaughter goes there and her parents had taken quite a long time to recce before deciding to send her there. She's very happy at school. I find that Simei has better cc options like Orange Tree..

BTW, I have bought quite a few childproofing locks for drawers/cabinets so you can have a look at Safety First etc.. might prevent Angel from really breaking a bowl.

Eve, wah I'm so envious. Tim only takes 4oz in the morning when he wakes up and before he goes to bed. In between, he has 2 more milk feeds of btw 5-7oz.. so he's definitely not getting as much as Wilfred!!

MG, I think Claira is pretty advanced in her speech. While Tim's vocab is pretty wide, his pronunciation is not very clear still, like towel is 'wo-wel'.. stuff like that :p

yap, wow, stroke is pretty serious.. hope you guys are doing well. It must be hard for you with a naughty Miss Min..take care huh.

twinkle, I was a pacifier addict also and one day, my parents threw my pacifier out of the car and that was it :p Now I also have to figure out how to stop Tim from sucking thumb.. I heard of this 'stop-bite' nail solution but will not use it till he's older.
Sorry to hear abt your dad's condition. You have to be strong and take care of yourself too ya.

U are sending Tim to childcare ? May want to consider one nearer your workplace ? Coz at least if anything happens at school, u can rush down to attend to him ... The childcare centre at my building takes in toddlers from 18 mths but I am not quite considering that option for Dylan yet.

Talk abt opening drawers, dylan loves to open the drawer where we keep his clothes and he will take them out one by one and throw them onto the floor.

Enjoy your holidays, I am sure it will be a fun one. Drive safely and beware of the Malaysian traffic police, they are everywhere. 2 Fridays ago, we took a day trip to Malacca and was caught on the highway for speeding. They asked for RM50 which we gave lah but I was really quite pissed with them, was all prepared to take the ticket instead but we did not want them to make trouble for us ...
Oh, really? My elder son Wesley never never like that before, thats why Im quite worried about Wilfred milk intake. He some more can finish 8oz of milk (actually is above 8oz) just within 5mins time! And so funny leh! He drinks so much and eat non-stop in a day but his weight just 10.1kg only.

Actually I suspected Wilfred is teething again but surprising leh, he has very good appetite; eat a lot, drink much & sleeps well too. No more night parties liao! Hahaa! To date he has only 6 teeth altogether. How about Tim?

I can understand your situation cos Ive experimented before; elder son Wesley always scolded by us and he cried and cranky quite frequent in a day, when think back he so poor thing actually.

Hi ladies,
Just my though lah, send our kids to childcare for the first two years better than those 2hourly playgroup cos they can learn how to independent from the childcare. Wesley really learnt a lot of things from there, such like toilet-trained, how to bath himself, self-feed, help to clean the table after meals, changing his own cloths, tidy up his bed, keep toys and etc. Only one thing no good is easily to get sick once if got a kid unwell in the childcare.

Recently Wilfred had learnt from his kor kor how to keep toys. Actually I just knew it yesterday when I wanted to bring him to downstairs. So surprised that when saw him busy keeping the toys. Then my maid told me every time before Wilfred take a nap in the afternoon; he will make sure keep all the toys in the toyogo box. Im so happy to hear that.
Hope your father gets better. You take care!

Wow, really look alike leh. Like photocopy.

Wilfred is so cute. Must be a very happy trip for him.

Can I check with you about your dermatologist? Is he/ she good? I have a friend from overseas who ask me to recommend one but I have no idea at all. She is having very bad acne which disppears when she study in England and reappear when she comes home. So what do you think of your doctor?
Did your Ryan go to Robinsons Centrepoint on Wednesday? I saw a tod that resembles him but did not see you, didn't dare to approach..
eve: Wilfred looks so happy. He must have a good time @ Malaysia. Can see that he is growing more hair. Loved his fair & smooth complexion.

yve: Angel is such a big girl already. Brian looks like Angel when she is a baby. so how's your 1 mth party going on?

so excited. I am on half day leave in the afternoon, going to cut my hair & start packing for Genting tomorrow. Dunno how's hubby handling Lucas at home now. No nanny today so hubby has to take care of Lucas by himself today.
morning girls... when it rains it pours.. i was down with bad chest infection since returning from church camp.. on MC thurs and fri.. then friday early morning, realise Timothy is running a fever of 39.8.. rushed down to TMC and he's been having high fever for 4 days already. Hubby and I are so groggy but I'm back at work 'cos cannot take leave already. Hubby and my parents are at TMC now, seeing paediatrician for blood test so quite worried.. heart not really at work. :p So worried, seeing Tim all red and hot.. I've never seen him look so blur and dazed like he did that first morning rushing him down to TMC.
Catz,Take care of yourself as well. Will pray for Timothy, I'm sure his fever will subside soon.

Piggy, that is Ryan! I saw you from a distant but Ryan keep running around and I was busy chasing after him. Finally got hold of him but can't find you already! Hahah... the next time, we see each other , we must sit down for coffee, ok?

Yve, wow so fast Brian one month old already!!! When are you going back to work?

Evelyn, you boy looks so cute!

Piggy & Poh, thanks.. hope his fever is OK. The blood test rules out UTI and dengue, thank God.. now need to see if his fever still hangs around. If still sick, starting antibiotics on Wed and going to Dr Ong again on Thurs. My poor Poo poo...saw his finger all bloodied from where they poked him.
Need to wake him for fever medicine every 4 hours.. aiyoh.
