(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Since he will be discharged soon, his condition must have improved? You take care and do keep us posted, uh?

You ought to be proud! I will never be able to do this...

I hope her tooth stayed? Can go to dentist or not?

18months jab
I will be bringing Linus to his last jab and still contemplating if I should give him Chicken pox jab or not....

yap: so heartbreaking to hear Xiang is still in the hospital. I just read something from this book spontaneous healing which you can try. Can gently massage his back bone esp @ the tail bone area (sacrum) by tapping gently. When the sacrum is restricted, the whole primary respiratory mechanism is impaired. Along with this goes a pattern of restriced breathing, & it is the force of the breath-the rhythmic pressure changes in the chest-that pumps the lymphatic circulation. With inadequate lymphatic circulation, there is poor fluid drainage from the head & neck. Hope with this massage, can help to improve the lymphatic drainage of fluids in the lungs. This greatly helps in kids with middle ear infection. Although it is very different from what Xiang is having, the massage will also helps to bring comfort to him. Really hope he gets well soon & discharge from hospital.
the tooth is still there.. Dun dare to touch it to see if it is still loose leh.. but we have started to brush her teeth leow.. It is the dentist that said to monitor if the tooth will discolor.. So we just leave it lor.. May continue with plan to put her in childcare soon..

Angel is gng to have her 18th month jab this Thurs, will schedule for chickenpox jab at the polyclinic one month later.. With 2 bbs in the house, like every month got to go polyclinic.. Dunno to get them the pneumococcal jab anot..

we did not solve the problem of putting 2 carseats in a saloon car. Brian is carried in our arms while angel sit in her carseat..

Poor Xiang.. He will get well soon..
Hi ladies,

I am back, nowadays I am quite free. As my project is coming to end soon, therefore now in the midst of handling over to another vendor.

It really seems that many kids are sick, even Carine is sick. She had fever for about 3-4 days and down with flu and cough. Now she only left with cough.

Due to the reason, that I will be will moving on to a new project. I cannot let my boss know that I am pregnant. Or anyone in my office to know of the good news. I felt so stressful for this pregnancy, as this is unexpected pregnancy. I was on thyorid medication yet I managed to get pregnant. I actually intend to move on to a new company now I am stuck with the current one.. ;(

Dont know it is due to 2nd pregnancy or am I a big eater. Now that I am 14 weeks pregnant, I need to hide my tummy till end of the month... My tummy cannot hide things, nowadays people is asking me whether am I pregnant. I dare not admit. Previous pregnancy, I was so happy that I start annoucing it... Nowadays, I need to think hard what to wear to office so that it can camouflage my tummy.

This pregnancy causes me to have wide mood swing that I even vent anger on my hubby... And cry without any reason. I dont get those mood during my 1st pregnancy...

Sorry to vent my troubles to you all.

Every time, I sees your toddler. They look like big kids, but when I see my girl. She still look like a bb. I think it is due to the fact that she dont have much hair.

Her photos since 13th Jan 2006 till now not much of a difference. I will try to take her recent photo and let you all compare.
Hi all, thanks for the well wishes.

Xiang had discharged from GE yesterday, review by PD in this Wed.
For GE, does not really like the place, PD is ok.
Nurses got gloomy looks and not very approachable. They asked u to hold neutraliser for the child yourself.
Aircon quite stuffy and they can't do much after complains.
On the last day, I complained that why let Xiang put on antibiotic drip and do the phelgm suction at the same time. The nurse just don't care and said that all the kids do like that. They are so cold.
Aiyoh, forgot to write complaint letter to them. Must do so tonite.

Had bring lots of Xiang's favourite toy till his ward like home to him.

Is suction of phelgm a must ?
For Xiang, he had phelgm in his left lung and PD said that need to do suction as he is still small and won't able to cough it out.
I helped to hold Xiang down as the nurses are quite rough, they wrap him up in towel and hold him down. The therapist said that he will feel better with me holding him down, so I make sure that I am with him on every suction (2x a day). Quite true, he will not cried anymore after the suction is completed.
BTW, u don't see me crying at the suction as I felt that Xiang will able to feel my fear and that will make him more terrified. I also busy with holding him down, talking and smoothing his head and shoulder to calm him down. (Yes, I cried at nite).

hi Tetra, thanks for the tips on tapping gently at back bone area. Will tried it out together with tapping at left lung area (PD's instruction).
The book title is Spontaneuous healing ? Interesting concept.
yap, I'm so glad that Xiang is finally discharged.. poor boy, must be so scary for him. I also don't like GE, very dark and gloomy, looks run-down when I visited my SIL there 3 years back. Yuck. From that day onwards, I never wanted to go to GE.

Had to spend the entire weekend in bed.. so tired and so pukey.. really not fun. My poor husband has to handle Timothy from morning till night until he also shack out. Saturday morning was Pat's Schoolhouse trial with Ashton and Dylan.. after that, I went back and didn't get out of bed until dinnertime. Sunday, lagi shack, just stayed in bed.

Good news is that my gynae scanned me yesterday and baby's heartbeat is nice and strong at slightly under 8 wks. EDD is 20Feb. Hope this nausea will pass when I enter 2nd trimester.

yvoyvo, I also understand how you feel. Now debating whether to tell my big boss or not.. if I tell so early, will he have more time to plot to kick me out? :p But congrats and try to enjoy your pregnancy yah? Carine is such a petite girl.. so sweet lah her face.

yve, wah you guys really have space crunch if MIL travels with you yah? I'm quite paranoid if I travel without carseat, esp for infant.. but if it's just the 4 of us, can still cope with two carseats in the back. Trying to put off buying MPV as far as possible 'cos fuel costs etc would burn a big hole in our pockets.
So happy to hear that Xiang has discharged. You are a strong mummy not to cry when you hold him down. Take Care and send Xiang kisses from Aunty Piggy and Linus.

You must be too stressed with this pregnancy and as such your mood starts to swing. Must try to stay positive and happy for the sake of the baby inside you, ok? Carine is a pretty girl and when she grows up, she will break many boys' heart.

I think pneumococcal jab is good la. It seems that respiratory problems are getting very common these days. So if you want to send Angel to childcare, better let her be protected.
Hi ladies,

Thanks for the encouragement... So coincidence my EDD 4th Jan will be my hubby's English birthday and the day I give birth to Carine was my hubby lunar birthday (12th 12month - 21st Jan).

My nausea still comes to me even after my 1st trimster... Especially when I go to the toilet. Dont know why..

It must be tough for both Xiang & Yap... It hurts whenever I need to feed Carine with medicine... She will cry whenever she see the syringe. Then I got to force her to take the medicine. And she get choke after drinking...
1st tri is like this.. Rest more.. My fren who is just 5 weeks pregnant is also very tired all the time..
Yeah, cannot afford an MPV.. Now when we go back to visit my mom's on Sunday, I only bring one along and leave the other at home.. Can't figure how to handle 2 in the car yet.. Nid MIL lah..
Tell your boss when u start to show lor.. i.e. need to wear maternity clothes..

the jab very ex leh.. And under one year need 3 jabs, 1 to 2 years, 2 jabs.. 2 years onwards then 1 jab.. Angel already 18 mths, and she is taking her chickenpox soon.. not much time to take 2 jabs of pneumococcal..

Yeh.. Xiang is out of hospital.. That is good news!
yve, yah 1st tri is really horrible.. WHAT WAS I THINKING?! :p That's why I'm so tempted to tell my boss.. maybe can work something out for these next couple of weeks where I can work from home if I don't feel too good? Then I don't hv to take so many MC lor. Your MIL actually is very good lah.. can help out so much and you don't need to hire a maid.

pneumoccocal- expensive but necessary, I think. Hv talked to many doctors before sending Tim for it and I'm convinced it's worth while. Esp in childcare... better don't play play.

yvoyvo, your EDD is Timothy's birthday! Talk about coincidence
I also have sensitive nose.. that day in Pat's Schoolhouse, I could smell poo poo and it turns out one of the little girls had done a poo and her father didn't notice. Blanche said I got super powerful nose.. heh. Macham like bloodhound *woof*
Yes I think pneumoccocal jab is important especially after my mom and nephew suffered from pneumonia. Better don't play play.

So nice to hear people got pregnant. Think of those days I was also very emotional and got lots of mood swing. I can cry for small little things. My hubby is so fobia of me getting pregnant again cos of my pre and post natal blues. Then my morning sickness was practically every hour every minute and lasted til my 2nd trimester. It was HORRIGIBLE!!!

All preggies here must really take good care ok. Take more fruit/fruit juice and also barley gingko cantonese called it 'fu zhou tong soi.
Glad to hear that Xiang is finally discharged, really woried about him, now he's body might be very weak. must let him eat some healthy food hor!! you do take care youself too.

poor catz but a brave mummy.rest more lah!..1st trimaster will pass very soon!!!jia you wooor.

Carine really cute leh!..i like her eye very much!!! sweet girl!
To all preggies mummies,
Hang on there! Rest more and dun be stressed over ur work! cheers!

To all sick mummies and kids,
please take care hor! Get well soon!
Hi all,

i am also preggie.... hehe

but, am also always feeling very tired and always feeling naseous... was not like that before, so unbearable.

Btw, anyone who has no maid now and is preggie? I was wondering how to cope esp now, these few days, hubby goes to work late cus i am feeling really terrible. Any advise?
Thanks to all the encouraging mummies.. slamdunk and Blanche were very nice to me on Saturday also
All reminiscing about horrible 1st trimester. Heh.

yvonne, congrats! How many weeks? I'm coping without a maid but i have a part-time cleaner who comes in fortnightly to do heavy cleaning. But then again, I'm not a SAHM. This pregnancy is taking a toll on my poor hub 'cos he has to do EVERYTHING. I smell Tim's milk bottle (after using) also will throw up. Even his porridge makes me want to throw up.

MG,are you Cantonese? You have such nice skin.. no wonder, if you take tong sui
I'm Canto but I seldom drink such things as my mother is hokkien and doesn't really believe. End up I cannot really stomach Chinese medicines or soups 'cos never got used to the taste.

So how many preggy mommies? Let's see:-
1. yve (popped liao)
2. Blanche (akan datang)
3. Sleepymom
4. yvoyvo
5. Catz
6. Yvonne Ong
More to come? Stay tuned.. hehe
Hi ladies,

Thanks for the compliment for Carine... After talking to all makes me feel better. Know what my husband said, I am someone who cannot bottom things.. It just that I felt that it is something good news to share... So that people will watch out for me..
so that they will not bump on me.. Nowadays so scare that people will knock on me...
Catz, I'm not cantonese but my mum is. I'm teochew. Me nice skin??? Hubby always say his skin is better than me. When I preggy I also cannot stand chinese herbs soup. I pressed my nose I gulp the whole thing in then quickly pop in a sweets.

So how's the trial with Pat's schoolhouse? Good?
Hi all, havent post for a while. Have been reading but no time to post. So much is going on!

Congrats to all the preggie moms. So fast second round liao

Ryan is also down with flu these past week. Lucky I dont have morning sickness, just the normal tiredness and mood swings. So am just more tired taking care of him.

He just had his 18th mth shot on 29 June, then started playgroup on 3 July. Dont know whether too stressful for him, to suffer physical stress(injection) and mental stress(being left alone for more than an hr without mummy) contributed to his falling ill.
Hi Yap,

So glad Xiang is finally discharged.. god bless him... u take care too ya...

Also to all preggy mummies.. COBNGRATULATIONS!!! I have no luck yet.. awaiting for gd news.. ke ke ke...

Thks! I think i am abt 6wks now. Oh, u not SAHM, i am, so was wondering what are the choices available for me cus was really feeling very bad.
Yvonne, yah I guess if I was still SAHM, would have to depend a lot on my parents' charity..hehe..to feed me and take care of Timothy too! I really take my hat off to you.. not easy to be SAHM and pregnant. I'm just dying to be able to sleep all day long, like I did when I was pregnant with Timothy.. too bad lah :p

twinkle, waiting for your good news lah

sleepymom, nice to hear from you.. Wow, so Ryan goes to playgroup by himself? Clever boy! He will take some time to build up his immunity, don't worry!

MG, Pat's was OK. I think all of us will be signing up for the full term.
I think you have very nice skin lor *envious* Mum Canto = you are more or less Canto lah! I can't tahan the smell of herbs.. if I drink the soup, I will surely throw everything out!
Hi Catz
Is it a full day child care at Pat's? If you don't mind can you tell me what's their charges?
Oh and I'm some how more Canto but speak better teochew, quite in between lah.
MG, they do have full-day or half-day at Pat's but this D'Story Club is only a 1.5 hr weekend playgroup. Full term is $315 for 10 wks. Not too sure about their full-day but you can easily call up to ask, no obligations. They're quite friendly, unlike the yaya people at GUG.
I am still trying...still nothing. hope I can also join in the preggie list soon.

Yesterday, on leave so brought Lucas to the zoo myself. We were there @ 930am till 1.30pm. It was a good timing as he had the playground (KFC) all by himself. If during weekends, he doesn;t have a chance to play as the older kids can be quite rough. It was a challenging experience, having to stroll him around, carry him to view the animals, changing his diaper, going to the loo with him, etc. Through this experience, I got to learn some things for further improvement. Hope to get to do this more often.

BTW, I will be going to Port Dickson this coming Sunday & will be back on Wed. We are going with my 2 younger brothers & nieces. This is the 1st time we are driving up by ourselves without our parents who are more familiar with Malaysia road. Looking forward to the holiday, the resort is like kelong but more modern. They are having promo now & it's beach resort which will keep the kids very busy with the sand & all of us can take turn to go for spa.

One good news I would like to share, I was been told of my promotion this morning & was presented the letter during the ceremony in the afternoon. It was unexpected & am very grateful for the recognition by the mgmt (I think they realise I was so grossly underpaid for so long). I will have to shelf the SAHM life for a while. Back to start loving my job.
Hi Tetra,

Congrats on your promotion.. well done!!!

Wow, goin to portdickson... I was there last mth... Avalion resort?? The water chalet...??? cool....
twinkle,MGTeo,Poh,iuiu, Piggy: Thank you for the well wishes. Now not a matter of want or don't want to be SAHM, but to make the best out of the situation & strike a balance being a working mum. I think this is very tough given that we only have 2 hrs/day to be with Lucas @ nite. In the past, the SAHM option seems quite a easy thing to do since the stake is not so high. Now got more stakes & also dun want to return the gratitude with a resignation. I think my boss will kill me.

twinkle: how was Port Dickson? any good place for food & activities? yah, we are staying @ Avallion, heard rave reviews about this place.
Hi Tetra,

Sorry to say but I didnt find any nice place for food. Cos we are not so familiar with the place and we try to get back to the resory by 7pm by then dark already. Its kind of a small and quiet town but I do see some restaurants around but nt near to the resort. Is yr boy going? Remember to lock the sliding door always as the door leads to the balcony and below it is the sea so kind of dangerous I feel. I kept checking on the doors to ensure it is lock cos Kristy kept going near the door. Are you staying at the water chalet or jus the one with garden view? If the latter than you have no worries. But it is a nice place.. Enjoy.. Oh btw, I only stayed there for 1 nite and we brought along our fishing lines.. But no luck..ke ke ke ke..
Hi All,

This is amazing. Have fun!

<font color="ff0000">Let's play with some words.</font>
What do you see?


<font color="ff0000">In black you can read the word GOOD, in white the word EVIL (inside each black letter is a white letter). It's all very physiological too, because it visualize the concept that good can't exist without evil (or the absence of good is evil).</font>

What do you see here?

<font color="ff0000">You may not see it at first, but the white spaces read the word optical, the blue landscape reads the word illusion. Look again! Can you see why this painting is called an optical illusion?</font>

What do you see here?

<font color="ff0000">This one is quite tricky!</font>
The word TEACH reflects as LEARN.
Thanks for the good wishes... xiang's recovering according to PD's check on Wed. Next review on coming tue. The poor boy is stricken with diarrhea today and dirties his whole clothing when we are in midst of looking for nursing home for my father. We met a very kind nurse in TP nursing home helped us to wash him up and advised us to wash him up again at home.

Congrats to all preggie mommies... take care and hv good rest when possible.

Tetra, congrats on your promo.
Hi Tetra,
Congratulations on your promotion! N enjoy your Port Dickson trip!

Hi Yap,
Poor Xiang! Hope after all these he will grow up healthy and happy.
Glad to hear Xiang is out of hospital.

Congrats on the promotion! Are you still going ahead with your working part time plan?
Hi Gals,

Anybody can advise me on the procedures for applying home leave for my indo maid? She is going home for 2 weeks and will be returning? Do I need to get the madi agency to arrange or myself to do it will do?

Any idea since urs is indo maid also rite?
Tetra, wow, congrats on the mega promotion
Acherly ah, don't have to be so indebted to the company lah.. when it comes to the crunch, family is always the most impt. If you have decided to go PT, I think you should still go ahead lah..

Yap, how's Xiang feeling??

Feeling so terrible these days.. having very bad morning sickness ALL DAY, even when I'm trying to sleep.. arrgghhhh...
Catz, I used to have morning sickness ALL DAY also...just hang in there k. But do you have appetite to eat and drink? If yes then its ok.
Haha....have a feeling its a girl this time! But most importantly must be healthy and normal.
Hello Mums..
hmmm.....think Tetra must be having a fun time now...

Not sure of procedure cos maid due home only end of the year. My mil asks her agency to do it but it costs more. Why don't you check with MOM at www.mom.gov.sg ?

You poor thing... with all the MS and still got to work. I think as long as baby is fine, all the sickness will be forgotten when you finally have him/her in your arms. kekeke..

Not working this week?
Piggy, Yes....working. Iam very...free most of the time nothing to do then I'll log in and have quick chat.

Can I ask where are you all working?? I'm at Raffles Place. Anyone??
Same as Piggy, my maid also due home end of the year. But she opts not to go back. I heard we should pay her back the travel package in cash. Im not sure either. Do you know this? I think I will get the maid agency to arrange everything; renew her work permit and passport here.
Me used to work in Orchard. But few years ago my company had relocated to this ulu ulu place.Pandan! Anyway, can see the sea view from my office....I like!
HI Eve &amp; piggy,

Tks. Think I better call up the agency and ask them to arrange. I call up MOM and ask and they say dont have to go thru agency, but my colleague's agent say must.. me also confuse. Think I get them do it better in case something goes wrong.....anywayb tks!!
Eve, I wish I could do some shopping but unfortunately my lunch time only 1hr so don't have time to do that. I like these so called 'brain exercise' thingy!!! Its interesting! Thanks.

Hi all,

Just something funny to share.

Phoebe hasn't been really talking and we are getting really concern. So on Sunday, both husband and me were trying to test her and it goes.

Me: Phoebe say 'Dog'
Phoebe: ....
Me: Phoebe say 'Cat'
Phoebe: ....
Me: Phoebe say 'Mama'
Phoebe: ....
Me: Phoebe say 'Papa'
Phoebe: ....
Me: Phoebe say 'Ball'
Phoebe: ....
Almost giving up, hubby request to try:
Hubby: Qu Zou Zou (Lets go for a walk)
Phoebe: Qu Zou Zou

Haha, we were left rolling all over laughing... Speechless yet funny, and she only say this phrase and Papa, Mum Mum... Sigh

Okay, back to clearing backlog...
