(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Are you on total breastfeeding? My gf said when baby have enough fluid chances of jaundice to go up is low.

Some pics from Langkawi trip.


Don't know why she's scared.


Waiting for breakfast to be served.


Strolling by the beach.

MG, Claira is soooooo gorgeous!!!
I love Langkawi.. that's where me and hub went for honeymoon but we stayed at Tanjung Rhu where there were no childrens, no Singaporeans.. haha

yve, poor Ah Boy.. yah lah, it's prob breast milk jaundice 'cos they don't really nurse very much for the first few days.. once he starts nursing more, the jaundice will go away. How is Angel taking the change?
MGTeo: Claira is so sweet, really looks like a Jap doll esp the 2nd picture. We wanted to stay @ Casa Del Mar but the place is almost book for the whole of Jul. The other place we r considering is Pelangi, I will check out your resort & the Sheration (it think this one very pricey). Seems like everyone who went to Langkawi, all said it's a nice place for holiday.

For the past few days, hubby keeps asking me to consider SAHM. Me also heart itchy, also love to spend time with him @ my bil's school. Lucas seems to know when are the weekends 'cause daddy & mummy still sleeping late, and he will be so happy during the weekends, smiling, laughing & playing happily all the time. but me feel like there's some undone business @ work & I am now in some sort of 'privileged' place, very difficult to say want to go & off I go. ideally, I am looking at after the 3mths maternity leave for the 2nd baby then work for another 6 mths. But now still not pregnant yet, so don't how when then I can start my SAHM project. sigh...

yve: don't worry, boy boy will be out soon. Take care of yourself.
Catz, not going any where far beside Singapore Zoo and Sentosa lor.hahah...

MG, Claira is very sweet! Quickly have a second one, I'm sure will be another pretty or handsome child. How's your job hunting?

Tetra, wow!!! so nice... hubby ask you to be a SAHM. Yes, I'm also hoping to get pregnant and benfit from the 2nd maternity leave b4 i say bye bye to the company. Afterall, I spend 6 years of my golden year in this company! hahaha....

Good luck everyone, see who strike toto first!
poh, aiyoh, so no far away holidays this year lah.. same as me, unless I strike toto

Unfortunately, seems that I am not ovulating inspite of the Clomid. Will prob have to see my gynae for more medication :p So sad.

Tetra, yah SAHM is great lah.. it's very fulfilling to see your kid grow up YOUR WAY. Sigh. yesterday was like a return to my SAHM days - can go shopping on weekdays but at the expense of 1 day leave :p No choice lah, all Tim's caregivers are down with flu. My mother still sounds really bad this morning but she says she is better.
hi all..

Hmm, angel had some jaundice last time too, but did not need to be hospitalised.. Nvm lah, he is much better after suntanning under the lights.. Should be discharged today.. I got to cope with engorged boobs at night though.. pain pain..

Claira is very sweet..
yve, good to know that Ah Boy is coming back home soon. Tim was in the hospital for 2 nights leh :p So it's easier for you to establish milk supply this time?
<font color="aa00aa">Catz,</font>
Hope your parents are OK now? Very tiring to take care of a active tod when sick!!

<font color="aa00aa">MG,</font>
Very nice pics of Claira.
She seem to enjoy herself so much.

<font color="aa00aa">Tetra,</font>
I can understand why you find it difficult to stop work now. Agree that you should make full use of the maternity package privilege. Good luck in TTC and hope you can announce good news to us soon.

<font color="aa00aa">Poh,</font>
Did you mention here the final results from the lab about Ryan's lab reading? Hope all is fine?

<font color="aa00aa">Yve,</font>
Ah boy was born with assistance or not? I was just wondering if all jaundiced babies are usually assisted babies during birth.... Take care and must post pics of him to spur the mummies here who are TTC-ing to work harder mah.... kekeke

<font color="aa00aa">Linus</font>
He playing is now different from before. I realised that he will start to see and examine toys or objects very closely to see details like.."What is behind this?", "What makes this turn/move?" "What happens if I turn this over?" Also, he is using his legs very often to do things, like use toes to open toy oven door, use toes to try and pick up items off the floor...

Another thing I want to check with mummies here..DO YOUR TOD THROW THINGS AWAY AFTER PLAYING? Linus will toss his toys far away and even I remind him not to do so, he will continue to do it...

Another question: ANY TODS HERE LIE on the floor while they are outside? I noticed that Linus will lie on the floor when we are out in shopping areas when he is bored with whatever I am seeing. When I tell him to get up cos it is dirty, he will give me a smile and will only get up if I tell him we are going to see something very interesting eg fountain, toys, etc... Wonder how to prevent such behaviour.. Can be funny to watch but I wouldn't want to encourage this...
Looking at this table reminds me of some mums that have not been seen for a while...

<table border=1><tr><td>Baby's Name</TD><TD>Mummy's Name</TD><TD>B/G</TD><TD>DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wilfred</TD><TD>Evelyn</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>15Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Linus</TD><TD>Piggy</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>22Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>Sleepymom</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dylan</TD><TD>Slamdunk</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>Tetra</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>29Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherish</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>01Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Raymos</TD><TD>AhBunny</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>02Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Khayr</TD><TD>Sasha</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>02Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rayhan</TD><TD>Sasha</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ashton</TD><TD>Blanche</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tim</TD><TD>Catz</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>04Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Summer</TD><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>05Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Clare</TD><TD>Al</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>05Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phoebe</TD><TD>Emonster</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>06Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>syen27(yve)</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Julian</TD><TD>Sunmoon</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dario</TD><TD>Anna</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kristy</TD><TD>Twinkle</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>10Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gideon</TD><TD>JayKay</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>11Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovann</TD><TD>Dolphina</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>Poh</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>14Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jeryann</TD><TD>Ann</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>15Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>E Tzian</TD><TD>iuiu</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>15Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sherman</TD><TD>BabyD</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>17Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Xiang</TD><TD>Yap</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>18Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heidi</TD><TD>Angela</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>18Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Claira</TD><TD> MGTeo</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>20Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carine</TD><TD>Yvoyvo</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>21Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hunter</TD><TD>YvonneOng</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>24Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joy Nicole</TD><TD>Joymum</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>28Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qi En</TD><TD>Koh</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>31Jan2005</td></tr></table>
piggy: how is your recovery now? Lucas also likes to sit or lie on the floor whether it's @ playgrd, shopping centres,etc when he doesn't want to move, like the whole body becomes soft. We will just pick him up &amp; move on. But if he grows bigger, may not be so easy to pick him up &amp; go.

yve: must remember to pump diligently. so excited for you, baby coming back today.

Thank piggy for the update. Btw, where is evelyn?

going to bring Lucas to underwater world this Friday afternoon. They are having 30% off the published rate. Ticket can also admit to the dolphin lagoon. any mums interested to go?

twinkle: For us, got monsoon or no monsoon, we will be going to Langkawi from 16 Jul to 21 Jul. The only time slot for us before the Chinese Lunar 7th mth. We are also booking today.
Tetra, I'm interested in the Underwater World discount.. when is the promo period?

yve, baby Brian looks very much like Angel!!!
So sweet. Doesn't it just bring back old memories??

Piggy, Tim also likes to lie on the floor.. worse still, he likes to pick dust balls or foreign objects and pop them in. That day, it was a paper clip! *faint*
yve: Brian really looks like Angel, exact resemblance. look @ those rosy cheeks.

catz: the promo ends on 26 Jun when the school holidays ends. remember to be there during the feeding hours.

Lucas loves to pick up foreign objects too esp on the playgroung. Fav object is cigarette butt. I think he enjoys it 'cause he always get strong reaction from me, daddy or nanny. in addition, he remembers where they are, once he start picking up one, he will return to those spots &amp; pick up the rest. faint...
Thanks for all the compliment.

yve, yes....really look like Angel.

Tetra, Langkawi is a nice short getaway. Better booked earlier cos now school holidays.

twinkle, thats what I heard from my friend that now is monsoon season. To confirm can check with the travel agency.

Catz, me don't know where is Tanjong Rhu. Isit nice? Quiet? Ulu anot...?

poh, hubby very stress financially so 2nd will not be so soon probably when Claira is 3years old. Thinks hubby enjoys couplehood than parenthood. Main reason also because I was having pre and post natal blues. He's afraid that the 2nd one I'll be like that also.

Re: Job Hunting
Still in the process of hunting. As and when doing temp receptionist, covering for those who goes on leave. Nice experience cos lose touch of office environment for so many years.

Piggy, I don't have this problem yet. Haha...
But if this kind of thing happen got to tell them very firmly.

Aiya, me got to go. Hubby not happy that I'm always on the computer. To be continued...
Brian looks so much like Angel. Haiz, seeing his pic makes me miss the time when Dylan was this small.

Sherman is a very handsome boy, I especially like the 3rd photo. Looks like u had a very enjoyable trip. My backside is really itchy to fly somewhere but seems like I can only go for a proper holiday after Sept. Sigh

Talking abt lying on the floor, Dylan does that at home sometimes too but so far he has never tried it outside. Since he started walking, he always like to pick up foreign objects from the floor but I always stop him and somehow he knows he is not suppose to do it now.

Good luck in your job search, hope u find something u like. Claira is really very sweet
finally back..haha...
congratulations to all mummies who's are successful TTC..!! will have more babies now!!!wooohh!!

miss out a lot of intresting topic aldy..hope can start to catch all topic now..hehe

all babies all growing well become handsome boy and sweet gril now!! happy
Aiyo, I very gek sim.... My dog seems to be really senile now. She is displaying aggressive behaviour to Linus for the last couple of days (without being provoked). I am worried that she may bite him one of these days..... SIGHHHHH
Yve, Brian looks so so so much like Angel!!! Hope his jaundice is ok now. the last time, Ryan breastmilk jaundice only goes off after 8weeks!

Piggy, still haven't recieved anything from the lab yet. Maybe, i will give the clinic a ring tomor. As for dog, my dog also behave very weird. hahah... we caught her behaving like a male dog and having "SEX" with some cushion!!!! Also, she barks none stop these days...

Tetra, you going on leave this Friday again??? Thanks for the info, will be going to Sentosa with Ryan's school. MAybe, I will bring him to Underwater world. What time is dolphin show?
his jaundice was still borderline high when discharged. Now we suntan him every day lor..

Do u still need the OPK strips?
yes, yes, would love to have your luckily OPK strips!!!

I will PM you my address, you mail to me, ok? Let me know how much I will do a transfer to your account. Many thanks.
hi girls,

last post before I leave the office and i won't be back in s'pore till next weekend
hv been working very hard this week so it's a well deserved break.

yve, i've been using the OPKs already.. the first time, I was so bodoh, I dipped the green part in :p No wonder no read-out. Thanks again for the OPK. With a wonky cycle like mine, I ended up using most of the OPKs up already!

Rgd TTC, I made a trip to the gynae yesterday 'cos I've been having cramps for the past 4 days (no period) and no ovulation (tested 7 days in a row)...turns out there's this ripe follicle pressing against an ovarian cyst that I have that's causing the pain :p SO hopefully I will ovulate and the pain will go away.

Tim's been picking up words all over the place.. little rascal. Really must watch what you say around Mr Big Ears.. haha
Haha.. will do.. if he doesn't drive us mad
Quite dreading sharing a room with him 'cos he talks in his sleep. I can hear him on the baby monitor at night going 'woof woof' or 'up up' or 'elmo'..
catz: enjoy your camp with hubby &amp; Tim. Look forward to your post &amp; photos when u return.

yve: Let Brian take more fluids, may help to flush out the jaundice.

poh: yah, taking leave with hubby before his boss returns to work. The admission to the Underwater world, can also go to Dolphin Lagoon. I think children under 3 don't have to pay. The dolphin show is 11am, 1.30pm, 3.30pm, 5.30pm. better to check the website www.underwaterworld.com.sg on the timing and programs before u go. In case changes in the timing. btw, what &amp; which school is Ryan attending?
Tetra, thanks for the info.

He is with julia gabriel. Went to the zoo on wed but was badly organised, I'm going to write a complain letter!!! Waste my leave &amp; time... hopefully next wed, the sentosa trip will be better.
Enjoy your trip.

Just make sure Linus don't go to your dog now. Sometimes dogs get jealous also. Old dogs sometimes go senile so be very careful.
enjoy your trip..

yeah, he is getting lots of fluids in the form of bm.. my milk has come in and he dun clear the boobs one.. drink until his tummy round round also wun stop.. very funny to see him fighting to keep his eys open while suckling..
yve, I will transfer the $ to you on Monday, No firewall at home, I do not dare to do internet transfer.

Hi Mums,
Hope that all of you had a good weekend?

Last Saturday, I accidentally tasted Linus' porridge that was cooked by my maid. I was so horrified to find that it is VERY VERY SALTY. the salt level is like you put a tablespoon of salt into a glass of water and that taste is just like that!!

I got angry but have to control myself and start to ask her what she use as the base for the porridge. She told me ikan bilis and that packet is a new supply bought by MIL. I took a teaspoon and ask MIL to taste it and she too exclaimed the saltiness of it!!

So I have to tell maid that she MUST taste the porridge that she cook before giving to Linus.

Can ask mummies here what ikan bilis do you buy?
Hi Mummies,
Hope everyone had a great weekend. Phoebe is down with fever last Friday at 38.4. I was sick for the whole of last week and must have passed the virus to her. She was coughing in her sleep on Thursday nite but goondu mummy didn't wake up to check her temp... Luckily fever has subsided now, but still having running nose and bad cough...

Hi Yve,
Congratulations!!! Brian is such a adorable boy!

Hi Tetra,
Enjoy your well deserved holiday!

Hi Catz,
Have a good trip and post more photos when you are back!

Hi Piggy,
I buy ikan bilis from 'Fu Hua Ren Sheng Heng' the medical hall which sells lots of herbal tea. They sell those ikan bilis which is cleaned of the black black stuff. It's around S$4 per pack.

Compare to those bought in market, the colour is indeed clearer, not too coated with whitish powder salt and best of all, I dun have to clear the dirty stuff. Although the sale staff says it's not salty, but it still is. What I do is to wash and soak them in hot water for 5 minutes before I put them in the porridge.

I'm also having headache about porridge too. Can I ask mummies here, do you put seasoning in your baby's porridge now? If yes, what do you put? Light soya sauce or sea salt? I'm not a fan of adding seasoning, but Phoebe is getting picky with her food. Hope mummies can help...
must wash and soak the ikan bilis first still.. like what emonster do..

If u add the ikan bilis to the porridge, got small bones anot?
My MIL add some soya sauce to the fish before steaming.. else add dried scallop to the porridge to cook..

I am just back from the PD too.. Angel vomitted last night and Brian has blocked nose and cough.. Now I sourcing for a humidifier..
Hi Yve,

I put the ikan bilis, 'gou qi zi', red dates and soya beans into those mini filter bags for boiling soup. Phoebe hates to chew so if she bites on any 'hard to swollow' stuff, she will spit out all and refuse to eat.... The bags quite useful, sometimes when we use fish bones to boil soup, I also put the bones into the bag.

She's past the phase of natural favouring, cos we fed her too much adult food... Read some posts on soya sauce so I'm sticking on to sea salt but not sure if it's okay.

Oh dear, hope both Angel and Brian are well. Phoebe's PD commented that flu is at the peak season during mid and year end. Since GSS is going on, you can get good bargains for humidifier.

I remembered some mummies mentioned about dripping some oil / lotion on a pillow or hankie to put by the baby cot when baby is down with running / block nose, can anyone advise what's that? Phoebe is having bad blocked nose and I'm trying to see if I can do anything to make her feel better...

What I do is to buy fish bone(Ngor He) abt $3.00 every weekend so that my maid can boil it each time she cooks porridge. I dont use ikan bilis cos its salty.

What she does is she first boil the fish bone then filter the soup jus in case there are bones. Then she will used the filtered soup to start cooking porridge. Shld be quite safe from bones like tat. Maybe U can try this method.

I also buy chicken breast and "bak guk-pork ribs to boil soup then use the stock to cook porridge. It is very sweet.

Alternatively, you can add in " small abalone(bao bei-buy from fu hua)" cos it is not salty but sweet. Hope this helps.
Try using sweet corn (on cob) to sweeten the porridge broth, simple and cheap. Yah, Sherman starting to develop a liking for sweet and salty stuff, but so far I don't put more than one drop of soy sauce and it's usually not needed if the soup base was chicken soup or sweet corn. My problem now is that he absoultely refuses to eat plain white rice cos his porridge is too tasty! Dunno how. Hubby was talking about the news report on antioxidants in dark soy sauce, maybe better than light sauce.

I haven't used ikan bilis, cos it's really salty and dirty. They dry the fish in the sun, not clean one. My mum cleans them herself, then dry in the sun again and put in the oven to be doubly sure, and that's for adult consumption!
Yve, just transfer the $ to your acct. Hope your two darling will get well soon.

I normally make sure that Ryan porridge will have different colour of vegetables. Every meal, he will have a mixed of at leat 3 differernt colour. Orange, Red, green , yellow, white and a meat or fish. The porridge is actually quite sweet.

1. Pumpkin, tomato, sweet potatoes, onion, green veg and some pork &amp; porridge.

2. Carrot, potato,tofu,egg,green veg, fish &amp; udon


If you really need to use soya sauce, I read somewhere that miso will be better.

Btw, is there anything that our boy or gal should try not to take at this age?
If your maid request, I guess you got no choice but must tell them before hand that if you feel that their work is affected due to the fasting, they will have to stop.

how are your 2 babies?
2? i have 3! I have one sleeping next to me at night.. Oh well, Brian still got cough.. but appetite is good lah, so I not complaining.. So fast 2 weeks already, got to plan for the full month party leow..
Ya lor. Forgot about your HB. How is he after the sick episode? Aiyo, so little Brian has a cough? Very heart pain. Are you having a huge party?
hi piggy, thanks for bringing up the topic on porridge. It is useful to me

Having hard time with #1 as she tried to push down Xiang everytime. Maid told me she want to quit once every week and I had to persuaded her to stay back. Finally, she poured out her sorrows abt #1. My #1 has been bullying her... spilt, shout, kick and hit her
Headache... already strict with #1 and yet she can behave worse and worse. Nightmare now...

Do you watch Super Nanny on Central (Thursday night at 10pm). There are many good tips inside that I find useful. Why don't you watch to see if Min can be disciplined like that?
