(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

O can organise one but definitely not at my place cos the house belongs to my PIL. Actually this playgroup is for us to kill time in the day time cos everyday stay at home can be VERY bored.

As for the class that I attended is called 'Positive Babies'. I personally like it cos its all about positive affirmation thru sing and play. Mummy and child participation, very good exercise for mummy cos you also move along with your child. When Claira attend the class she's very obedient and pays alot of attention to the teacher. I like this teacher very much she has more than 10years of experience already. Anyway this session is for 18months below.

After the session I feel very good cos positive mummy=positive baby. Aiya, don't know how to say already lah. If interested can go for the trial class.

Claira also has one milk in the morning after the finishing the milk she'll ask for food so I give her bread and yogurt. Sometimes after 1hr she ask for food again then I'll give her breakfast cereal or the gerber puff as snack. Did you give Ryan breakfast besides milk?

Claira's nap is like abit hay wire. Everytime she'll want to nap around 7pm+. Anyway I'm monitoring her pattern, will see how.

Hope you and Linus recover soon. Poor thing...

For babiesNcream, which day r you attending? Can sms me & maybe I meet you there? It's very near my PIL's place, so after the class can bring Heidi there..
I've finished all the 8 sessions already. Thought of signing her again but I'm on job search afraid that I might start work quite soon so at the moment no enrichment class for her. But we can meet up at other place during weekdays.
hi yve, thanks for the OPK. Hope that the Clomid works this time round!! BTW, I can't believe how mobile and normal you look for someone who's about to pop! So lucky that you don't have any swelling or water retention!

MG, yah Tim's naps are a little haywire, esp for the morning one. I think this is the stage that they still need a morning nap some days and some days, they just don't.

Piggy, get well soon.. poor you and poor Linus. I didn't manage to get down to the Isetan sale as I was out of the office on course.. :p Oh well.

MG, so how's the job hunt?

Bought some Pigeon baby food to try out 'cos we'll be going to church camp in 2 weeks. Erm, it's VERY tasty but the portions (80g x 2) is very small.. plus it's $7.90 per box! I think I might cook a small portion of brown rice porridge then mix in the Pigeon porridge.. that way, it won't be so salty.
Hi all, I am still around leh.. So disappointed that I did not pop over the weekend..

I think i have some swelling in my toes.. But my mom says i was more swollen than last time with Angel.. Dunno leh, I seem to have forgetten leow..

Do read the ingredients for the Pigeon food.. Think got some salt in it.. I have some chinese bb food recipe books and they always say to add a pinch of MSG.. piangs.. MSG for bbs?
yve, I definitely think there is salt and possibly MSG in the Pigeon food... the good news is that Tim whacked everything but erm, I would definitely not give it to him in this manner the next time round. Would definitely mix in some rice to make it less salty and also to bulk up the small portion
Aiyoh, I think you look very good when you're pregnant lor. Anyway, who knows, you may pop today? ;) Glad to see that your hubby looked healthy.. poor thing, hope he can make a full recovery ASAP for Ah Boy's arrival!
I find the pigeon food very ex too. I am much better now.

Catz & MG,
After 2 course of antibiotics, I went to a Chinese Doctor who sounds a little eccentric and declare my poor state of health by shaking his head like I majiam very ill.... Anyway, he took my pulse and in 2 seconds said that I have a heart murmur. I am a little impressed. kekeke.. I took his medicine and is better. Could sleep thru last night without much coughing. Got back 80% of my voice too. I will probably go back to him after my lasik to see if he could help treat my other problems.

When I was in China having meals with the Chinese people, they have many sauces on the table, like chilli, soy sauce, etc...One of the sauce is actually MSG, just poured directly from the bottle. They will add alot directly to their food one. I see till eyes big big....
you have been having cough for a while? My hubby is still coughing.. After his followup this thurs, I am thinking of sending him to chinese doc to cure his dry cough and to take some medicine to improve his appetite.. He is only eating half of what he used to eat before.. Loss about 4 kg already.. His belly is no longer that of 6 mths pregnant.. And he is still weak, no strength at all.. Which I tell him, of cos lah, he is not eating at all..
yve: Thanks for the OPK. I agree with Catz that you still looks very good for someone who is going to labour soon. Angel is just so adorable & friendly. Lucas is getting shy these days, dunno why? May be more self-aware of himself. so must behave especially when got pretty girls around. hmm, must be this week already for your boy boy. keep us posted. Have a smooth delivery.

catz: My hubby freaked out a few times whenever I have to come back late & Lucas would cry till I cam back. The last time was in Aug last year & then from then on, I made sure I am back with my hubby. Then my hubby also want me to shower first before we pick him up or he will bang down the door. Now all these have past, by distraction tactics i.e. biscuits & dvds. Let daddy spend more play times whith him esp the weekends. Within 2 weeks, he will associate fun things with daddy & he will keep finding him. Now my hubby complains...haha but he also enjoys been wanted.

piggy: Hope you & Linus get well soon. Lucas also been having phelgm cough & running nose for almost 1 mth despite finishing 1 run of antibotics. I realised that the medicine I got from the GP is too strong for him as he becomes very cranky but doesn't when on PD medicine.

Just went to the zoo last Saturday, enjoyed the walk very much. we were there from 9am to 2pm. Lucas will say "fish, fish.." to any animals in the water i.e. fishes, penguin, polar bear, hippoo, etc. And when he saw monkeys & dogs, he said" woof, woof" and "meow, meow" for lion. Thot of going there more often since it's so near to my place.
I have been coughing for only one week. Sore throat for 2 weeks... Very jialat one, take 2 course of antibiotic liao, still not recover. So go and see Chinese Doc lor. Now, I feel much better.
Piggy, this Chinese doc sounds good. My hubby has not recovered his full health too - easily falls sick and always feels tired.. so I'm actually looking out for a good TCM to bring him to. Aiyah, one time I had such a bad cough until I kena piles :p

Tetra, I think I cannot go shopping after work for a looooong time. :p Dunno why Tim is ultra sticky to me. I do try to get hubby to do fun stuff with him but ultimately, if he needs comforting, he will always run to me (or my Mom).. so what to do??

yve, your poor hubby... I understand how it feels lor. My hubby also feels very miserable now that his health is nowhere near what it used to be. Little things tire him out :p

We bought Tim cycling over the weekend at Pasir Ris.. bought a bike seat and a helmet for him. He really enjoyed it.. he was squealing with excitement for the first couple of minutes and was very enthralled with the bike wheels
After half an hour, he conked out in the seat!!! TOo much fresh air and no morning nap lah.. haha
So funny, wish I'd brought my camera.
Tim taking one nap now, huh? Sherman gets really tired in the evenings and his one afternoon nap is super long - 2.5hrs usually. This week I'll let him try to take his morning nap like before if he can cos he's gets so cranky when tired.

I think my turn finally came in terms of stickiness to mummy syndrome. It happened after our Perth trip. Sherman only wants mummy these days and clings to me like a koala bear if I try to pass him over to daddy or maid or grandparent. He wails and pulls my blouse & hair when I try to put him down in his car seat or cot. Dunno how, leh. Last night he cried all the way home after I put him in his car seat & he struggled and didn't want to put on his seat belt. Dunno whether I should change places with my maid and sit behind with him for a while until he gets over this phase.

Really hope your lasik goes well. Some of my friends did lasik and they are quite happy with the result, although one of them was constantly "crying" and using eye drops in the evening cos she said her eyes were very dry. Last week my colleague came in wearing sun glasses and it turned out that the corneal flap ruptured and he didn't sleep the whole weekend. He told me after his Lasik surgery, this happened 4 times already and he was hoping it wouldn't recur as it was 9 months since the last time it happened. The way he described it was quite scary, like someone drove a knife into your eye and he said he cannot close his eyes at all because of the pain. One single consultation at SERI cost him $800. It's quite rare though. His wife did Lasik at the same time under the same surgeon and had no problems. But after I saw how he suffered, I don't dare to do Lasik leh. What if you're that one in a million? I also noticed a lot of eye surgeons didn't get Lasik done themselves - apparently they dare not take the risk, because it will affect their rice bowl forever if something goes wrong. I also heard ppl who did Lasik and later develop long sightedness find it hard to correct the problem. Just wanted to share this with you so that you're full aware of the risks before your surgery.
catz: my hubby also get tired very easily, esp after a half day outing, must also take a nap in the afternoon to rest. That's why I am always the one who bring Lucas down for walk or to the playground and initiate activites during the weekend. So nowadays, we try to be @ home on Sun & everyone to take a long afternoon nap. I think lack of exercise makes him lethagic. hmm...must make him move his butt more often.

babyd: could it be Sherman is teething and thus causing him great discomfort? I remember Lucas was like that when the top 2 & bottom 2 molars were growing out @ the same time. Last time, Lucas also cried & wanted to get out of the car seat. I realised it's because he wanted to climb to me as I was sitting next to him. So I move in front & he didn't cry & has got used to it. His fav CD & magnetic drawing board help to distract him.
I really doubt it's the teeth, leh... When Sherman was in Perth with us, he slept through the night every night and went to bed without a fuss. Also wasn't that sticky, always want to get down and run. His molars and canines were also popping out then. If I'm not wrong, all 4 canines and 2 molar are out now. I think he's crying cos he doesn't want to let go of mummy, as I'm currently sitting in front and the maid is sitting behind with Sherman. I wonder if he'll still cry if I sit next to him like I did during our Perth trip. My guess is that after he spent 10 days x 24 hrs with us, his separation anxiety was triggered when we went back to work after the holiday.

Does your Tim still cry in the car all the way home when your hubby picks him up from your mum's?

Yah lor, v scary cos eyes are so important. He's an ang moh, maybe he did it in Germany. He's the first case to have this rupture for that eye surgeon who has operated for several years. But it's not the first time I've heard of this risk - something like the flap they cut doesn't really heal fully and can rupture if there's any stress on the eye. My colleague says for his case, it always occurs only in one particular eye for no particular reason. The problem is that once it happens, it keeps recurring! I can't imagine he went through this 5 times already. Takes aboout 2 weeks to heal properly before he can see with that eye again. He told me he's just unlucky cos his wife is v happy with her eyes now.
Really hope yr Lasik will go smoothly...

Yesterday, the unthinkable happened! Heidi climbed out of her cot & landed on the floor! The thing is, I didn't witness her in action, so no idea how she fell.. When I rushed into her room after hearing her cry, she was already on the floor! Gave me a heart-attack man! She stopped crying after just 2 seconds & when I did a check on her, she was alright leh! Think maybe she landed on the bumper playmat or something la.. what a fright!! So mummies, pls take note ok? Your toddlers MAY try to attempt such stunts too!!! So watch out & maybe lay something soft beneath hor! Aiyoyo!!
oh no.. glad that Heidi is okay.. Is the cot at the lowest level already? and there is nothing for her to climb on top?

I am still around leh..
Angela, luckily Heidi is OK!! She was probably more stunned than in pain! My goodness.. think I will shift the bumper mat to under Tim's crib. Actually hubby was just commenting that Tim is getting too big for his crib already but I don't feel that he's ready for a bed yet!

Piggy, my sis is pretty happy with her lasik even though the doctor under-corrected (less risk of getting flaring).. so I think it's really how well the doctor assesses your risk factor. Don't worry.. so when is your op?

babyD, thank God Tim doesn't cry all the way already. He does wail occasionally when I leave the car after strapping him in but not as serious as before. I usually pick him up after work and he usually behaves but sometimes he's trying to tell me something and when I don't understand, he gets very upset :p

Tetra, my hubby also is very easily tired out but it's really 'cos he doesn't get enough sleep. Both of us somehow always wake up at 5am and cannot go back to sleep... sian right? Anyway, hope to find a good sinseh to bring him to. I think my hub exercises a lot but I wish that he could rest more!!!
Thanks for the well wishes. My lasik is on Thursday. Hope that all goes on fine.
It was suppose to be last Friday but due to my cough, I have to postpone till this week.

Catz & Tetra,
I also get very tired easily. sometime, after handling my babboo for half and hour, I must go and lie down!! No matter how much I sleep, I still feel tired. I get so fed up with it and try multi-vitamins, etc but it doesn't help much.
So I have decided to go for TCM after my lasik and hope that that eccentric fellow can put some energy into me. You know, TCM these days are not cheap... I paid $54 first time for 5 days of medicine and strict instructions to follow a diet of no seafood, no chicken, no eggs, no nuts, no beans of any kind.... I hope the "energy recovery" will not have to follow such a diet, else I am sure that I will dwindle into air.
SO EXCITING!! yve, all ze best.. remember to let us see Ah Boy's pictures!

Piggy, yah our little ones can really tire us out. At the end of the day, I'm just aching to lie in bed and chill. Wah TCM not cheap man.. I dunno if I could follow that diet.. there's no fear of me wasting into thin air lah.. but still!!!! Don't worry.. your Lasik should be fine since you're not in a high risk category.
Yve, hopefully by now you have already given birth! Remember to post your boy boy picture!!! Exciting!!!!!

I can't wait for my turn... hahah, must get pregnant first.

Piggy, don't worry you, your lasik will be fine!
Quite likely Yve has already delivered @ this time. Hope she has a smooth delivery & hear from her soon. brought back the memories when we are waiting to pop in Dec04/Jan05.

Tomorrow is our 9th wedding anniversary so taking leave tomorrow. supposed to go for special lunch but decided that we visit the bookshop tonite to celebrate. So bought a few books from Kinokuniya & that made me & hubby very happy. finding an excuse to buy books. better still, I am going for spa by myself tomorrow & hubby for his dental appointment. what a way to celebrate...
Tetra, Happy 9th wedding Anniversary!

No choice leh... have work to do and I'm hook on internet shopping as well! Was working 24hrs on Sat& sunday and Monday night have high fever. Today still need to go in office to clear stuff before I can go home to rest...

Really hope to get pregnant soon, then have a good reson to be a SAHM! hee...
Update from yve at 1 am... she has delivered a healthy baby boy at 3.3kg 2350h

Tetra, happy wedding anniversary!!

poh, aiyoh, take it easy lah..
I also another shopping addict.. think need to attend shopaholics anonymous. Take care of yourself lah. I also really hope to get pregnant but sigh.. not so hopeful.
wow, Yve ... Congrats !! Come back must post pics of your boy.

Tetra, Happy wedding anniversay

I am on leave today, took leave to rest and relax at home
Happy wedding anniversary.

Congrats on the arrival of Ah Boy. Come and post some pics for us. Tell us your birth story when you are upto it, ok?

You bring your work home huh? Weekend also must work?

Hope your second baby dream come true soon.
Hi mommies
Me just came back from Langkawi yesterday evening. Claira was crying on board when we took our return flight before the aircraft took off. Luckily it's just 11/2 hrs flight. Guess she was too tired and not reconciled to sleep. After we got out from the gate within 5 mins she slept in her stroller.

After she woke up from her nap same thing happened, cry and cry keep asking me to carry her. Middle of the night keep crying for milk but I refused to give her and she went back to sleep. Don't know why she's like that. At Langkawi she was so happy and she enjoyed herself very much. I told hubby, maybe she knew that we came back from holiday oredi and that she has to get back her routine again.

Congratulations....! Welcome the arrival of your new born baby boy...
Yes yes remember to post us some pics k. Rest well.

Happy 9th wedding anniversary.

Which TCM you go? Heard that not all TCM are good. Glad that you are getting better.
Hope your lasik went smoothly.

Just got a call from the agency so she'll process my details to the company. Got to wait for her reply. Anyway, maybe this Fri i'm going for 1 day temp recep but not confirmed yet.
O anyway, I've tried the Pigeon food, Chinese squid balls with vegetables. I don't think there's MSG in it but definitely soya sauce and salt. Its very little, I gave 2 packets to Claira. For me, I dipped with bread and she like it. Good idea if you want to add in some brown rice. I should try next time also.

Oh my god!!! Hope Heidi is ok man...
MG,wow, good luck to you.. hope you can get something that suits you! Dipping with bread-such a good idea!

Have conveyed all the mummies' well wishes to Yve and told her to rest well
Wow, so envious of her 1 boy 1 girl... hopefully all the TTCing mummies can strike also!

slamdunk, how's your trip planning coming along?
yve, Congrats. Rest well and come back to post some pics.

Happy 9th wedding anniversary. Enjoy your day off. Wish I can go spa too.
Thanks to all mums here for the well wishes. I did have a good day. in retrospect, it has been a good 9 years. I am thankful for the blessings.

yve: congatulations! and enjoy these 3 mths of maternity leave.

MGTeo: yah, Heidi must be getting used to the holiday routine hence behaving more cranky. Babyd also experienced a behavioural change in Sherman when they came back from Perth. By the way, we r planning to go to Langkawi in July (it has been more than 1 year plan). Can share with me which hotel did u stay, how many days & iternary? I thot a beach holiday wil be just perfect for us. Lucas can play with sand & water whole day while we lazed @ the beach & bake.

I think lots of mum here are working very hard @ work esp poh & slamdunk.

poh: u also plan to be SAHM when u have no. 2?

sleepymom: of couse, you should go for spa even if u r pregnant. prenatal massage is especially good esp if u have aches & swelling.
I am a bit more relax now but I think the pressure will build up again soon, so taking every opportunity to spend more time with Dylan while indulging in online shopping and spree-ing also ... heehe

haiya, hard to plan a trip coz of work ... but my dad would like to go Sydney to visit my uncle lor, so we thought of doing Sydney and Brisbane ... If the trip cannot materialise due to work, we'll probably do a short one to Langkawi like MGTeo and Tetra, then plan a proper one after Sept ... My husband always long for a beach vacation but I am the sort who loves lotsa activities and more importantly shopping ... haaha .. But thinking with Dylan around, our future vacation will be different

MGteo, any photos of your trip ? Post here leh.

Can't wait to hear from Yve abt her birth story and see pics of her little boy. Really nice to have a boy and a gal, somemore her gal is the older one, can take good care of di di next time.
hi hi!
back home today lor..

Birth Story
Tues noon while eating lunch, got some pain.. ABout 10 mins apart.. Monitored at work till 2pm then called gynea to check what to do.. All these while, my colleagues more gan cheong than me, keep chasing me to go home, bath and get admitted.. Gynea say to see her at her Eastshore Hospital clinic immediately.. Well, she has a beautiful new office there! She checked my cervix (ouch!) and 2 cm dilated lah.. Stretched it (ouch ouch!) and asked me to admit lor..

So i waited at lobby for hubby to bring my bag and the admission letter.. Piangs, waited for him for 1 hour till 4 plus.. He got stuck at work.. The pain got bad, buay tahan leow, I just got admitted without the letter.. Went in and asked for epi immediately.. And midwife checked, still 2 to 3 cm only.. doc came and break waterbag.. Tot it is gng to be a long night..

at 7 plus, still 2 to 3 cm, put on drip to induce contraction.. at 9 plus, still 3 to 4 cm.. this time, the epi was not as strong as the first time, i could feel the contractions with some pain..

while watching FA cup finals between liverpool and westham, the contractions got worse and i had the urge to push (can feel some pressure down there).. Quickly call the midwife to check and she can see the bb head leow.. that was like 11 plus already.. midwife guide me to push a few times.. doc came, one push and ah boy is out..

later uh.. Wait till I reduce the size.. Hmm, pics not well taken.. Sob, think camera goyak leow.. He is starting to look like angel when she was that small..
Congrats!! So happy for you. Sounded like quite an easy delivery, just a few pushes and baby is out. Was it easier than delivering Angel? How's Angel's reaction to her didi?

Sherman became very sticky to me after our Perth holiday. Don't want to let other people carry if I'm already carrying him. Refuse to let me put him down in his car seat or cot. But after 1 week, he's much better now. No more crying or fussing, though still quite sticky. Yah, think it's like what Tetra says, they were so happy and excited during the holiday, suddenly must go back to routine, takes a bit of time to adjust.
yeah.. seems faster, about half the time taken for angel.. and also because i took the epi early.. din even wan to try the laughing gas and the jab.. But i think i tore badly leh.. still quite sore there..

angel not jealous of didi when i carry him.. but when MIL carry him, she gets very jealous.. She is very kaypoh, want to see what we do with didi.. like change diaper, bf..
Amazed you got time and energy to login! 2nd child really seems a bit easier, huh? Aiyoh, thought 2nd time won't tear much compared to first time, cos already stretched last time. Looks like that's not the case?

Think it's great the Angel is interested in her didi. Have you thought of a name yet?
Hi Yve,

Congrats!! So happy and excited for you. So good that angel's didi came out so fast u lucky girl..ke ke eke k

U take epi? Hows it like, no pain at all ah.. I did not take for my gal.. Think 2nd one also dont want lah test my tolerance.. Ha ah aha hah

So you must be bz rite now did u get a confinement lady?

My birthday today but I am at work haiz

Hi Piggy,

All the best to you for lasik.. Dont worry.. You will be fine I will pray for you k.

Take care
he is still nameless leh..

wah, u din take epi? i took but still can feel the pain towards the end.. which is good.. Think the dosage is okay this time, din vomit..
i din get a confinement lady.. MIL stays with me so take care of angel and the house.. i ordered confinement food for lunch.. quite yummy.. just no veg! wah leow, how to digest all the meat?
twinkle: Happy Birthday! U must have a great day with Kristy @ home today.

yve: Glad to know that u r doing ok. your birth story seemed so easy. Is your MIL also taking care of baby @ nite? or taken care by you? btw, which caterer did you get for your confinement food? that's a wise move, to get your lunch catered.

babyd: Sherman is such a big boy now. Just like all the photos esp the 2nd & 3rd one. So handsome looking.
Hello to All Mummies,
I am back!! Everything went on well for my lasik.
I will need at least a month to know if there is any over or under correction. I went back for follow up yeasterday and did an initial eye test was told that I have a 6/6 vision and fit to drive. (Just that I wouldn't want to drive now till I feel more confident.) But having said that, it is not stopping me from going shopping. Still could bring Linus down town yesterday.

I was surprised that the whole procedure is totally painless. Now, my eyes are sensitive to bright lights so I have to bring my sun glasses with me all the time. Other than that, I am very happy with my "new" pair of eyes.

Thanks all mums here for the prayers and well wishes.
i take care of bb at night.. MIL take care of angel.. Using Natal essentials for confinement food.. Dun think MIL got time to do the marketing and cook for me and also take care of angel lah.. so better cater..

great to hear that your lasik went well!
wow yve, you are really kiang!! So how's the confinement food caterer? Must post pix of Ah Boy hor.. and also must let us know his name when you guys decide!

Had a busy busy week and today, was on urgent leave as my mom and dad are down with bad flu so they can't take care of Timothy. Had to bring him to the office to settle some stuff in the morning, thankfully he behaved himself apart from trying to swallow a paper clip from the floor. :p Will be leaving for church camp end of the week...wish us luck!

Piggy, great to hear that your lasik went well. My sis is still sun sensitive so she's never without her sunglasses. You're lucky you had no discomfort at all!

poh, so what's your backup vacation plan since not going UK anymore? We're prob going US but only next year UNLESS I get pregnant ASAP..haha
The confinement food is okay.. Portion for lunch is enough for lunch and dinner.

Ah boy is back at eastshore hotel cos of jaundice..
We stayed at Langkasuka Beach Resort for 2 nights. 2nd day we went island hopping by speedboat. Didn't get to swim cos me and hubby too lazy. Haha... but we went strolling by the beach, soaked in bath tubs with Claira (she loves it, everyday looking forward to bathe). Went dinner and jalan jalan outside hotel though Claira is a little cranky but still manageable.

Happiest time for Claira is when we are in the room. Jumped on the springy bed, run around the room, in and out of the toilet as and when she like. Overall, we are happy with the trip.

Suggest you stay at Sheraton resort agent told us its good but quite ex.
