(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Just try lah.. u never know.. I kenna after having my period once after stopping bf..
My Angel is not speaking very well too.. Don't worry..

Heard second one is easier to hit jackpot.. It is true for me..

Think it is abt the time the mommies here try for second one leow, cos it will abt 2 years gap bet the 2..

Catz, you're not alone. It is not easy for me to conceive too..... in fact very hardwork and stressed. Hahha...

Let's hope as what yve said, we can hit jackpot this time round!
poh, yah lor, so stressful when I think about the ever-widening age gap between Timothy and 'potential #2'.. :p So scared that it will take a looooong time or it will never happen. My friend has been trying for 5 years for #2 already. I don't want Tim to end up an only child, but neither do I want such a big age gap. Oh well, see how lor.

yve, you're so lucky!!!! Hey, must SMS us when your Ah Boy decides to come
yah, must peifu poh for trying to have 4 children. for me, ideal is 3 before I reach 36. dunno can fulfill or not. Hope to be a SAHM once I have the 2nd one. actually, I know 3 mums who have 4 kids & 2 of them are working mums. it seems that they are all coping fine despite having limited time with each kid.
Aiyoh, all of you mums who want 3-4 kids! Jialat... my hubby will sure read these posts and start pressurising me cos I told him have 2 first then will consider whether or not to have a third one. If No.2 is a girl and is well behaved then I'll think about No.3. But if No.2 is a boy, then I'm quite afraid leh. 2 boys will be a big handful and what if No.3 also boy, I sure die one... I cannot imagine 4 men in the house against me, one woman!

I got opposite problem from Catz, I don't dare to try now cos Sherman came too easily. I was hoping he would be born a bit later, like Mar or Apr, cos Boston winter is super cold at -20 degC. How I know, the moment we decided to start TTC, I jackpot straightaway. Sherman ended up being born 3 days before a huge snow blizzard in the heart of winter. So I'm planning to start TTC end of the year cos I got some impt work stuff to complete & cannot afford to go maternity b4 Aug next year. If start TTC earlier & bai fa bai zhong again, then I'll be in trouble. Keeping fingers crossed that No. 2 will be as easy as No.1. But actually, who knows right... for all the plans we make, only God knows and I believe He will give us children at His own time, not ours.
You girls make me itch now
Actually same as BabyD, it's very easy for me to conceive, still thinking want or dont want No.3??? I really hope that No.3 is a girl, at least next time we can go shopping together ma :p. But what if No.3 also boy.??? I was in a dilemma.
Hahha... I "hope" to have 4 only lah! My age is catching up, also I don't concieve easily. Maybe twins for the 2nd/ 3rd, then will be possible to have 4 by 36!

Evelyn, 3 boys good leh. Hahah... i won't mind 3 boys and 1 girl or even 4 boys!!! hahah....
wow quite a few of you starting to try for no. 2 ya, me also started trying the last couple of months but seems like no. 2 not as easy for me as Dylan was leh. Maybe I am too stressed at work, planning a trip to Australia in July / Aug, so thought I will start trying again only after the trip lah.

must post pics of your Australia trip ok, sounds like so much fun, make me want to go immediately but June is another bad month for me coz of another exercise, so think will go in Jul / Aug instead. Think it may be cold, so I already started shopping for jackets for Dylan from Gap and Children's place ... haaha ...

It was nice meeting you that night, dunno why Dylan so stone leh, otherwise, he is very much like Tim, love to run around. Tim is really cute leh.

Dylan also quite slow in speech, he babbles and babbles his baby lang and we realised that the real words are all embedded as part of his baby lang ... we jus keep practising with him and he has recently started to say more words.

U are right, my job can be quite stressful at times but I actually enjoy the nature of the job and find it quite challenging la, so not really complaining.
slamdunk, maybe Dylan hadn't warmed up yet 'cos he did look very interested in my crazy little Timothy running everywhere
I'm so happy with the Gap and Children's Place stuff.. Heee...

poh, waaaaah, you are amazing. When they first scanned me and thought I was expecting twins, I was so freaked out!! Now come to think of it, I wouldn't mind so much. So maternal hor? Hahahahahaha..

What slamdunk says about baby language being embedded in the babble is true.. our kids are picking up lots of things throughout the day even though they don't seem to be listening. Tim has picked up 'towel' and 'helmet'..even though 'helmet' sounds like 'elmo'.. but the difference is that he will say 'elmo' and point to his head

Really envy those mummies who can conceive easily..sigh...
Hi Mums,
Just read this acticle... Tot it may be helpful for mothers here...

SINGAPORE: When intervals between pregnancies, that is the time lapse between the delivery of the last child and the conception of the subsequent child, are shorter than 18 months and longer than 59 months, there are increased risks of low birth weight, small size for gestation age - measurement of time inside the uterus - and pre-term birth, according to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Researchers analysed studies published between 1966 and 2006 to examine the association between birth spacing and the risk of adverse peri-natal - the period immediately before and after birth - outcomes.

The study discovered that infants of mothers with pregnancy intervals longer than 59 months had a 20 to 43 per cent higher risk of adverse outcomes.

The study also found out that in particular, inter-pregnancy intervals shorter than six months and longer than 50 months, about four years, were associated with an increased risk of foetal and early neo-natal death. Neo-natal death refers to death of the baby soon after birth. This association, however, is less clear.

There are a few explanations to comprehend the association between long and short inter-pregnancy intervals and the risk of adverse peri-natal outcomes, said Dr Law Wei Seng, registrar, department of general obstetrics and gynaecology, KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH).

For instance, one theory behind a short inter-pregnancy interval and unfavourable peri-natal outcome is that a mother who had just given birth would have poorer maternal nutrient stores to provide for her subsequent baby. This is because there is insufficient time to recover from the stress of her previous pregnancy before being subjected to another, said Dr Law.

Along the same lines, it is believed that the association with a long interval between pregnancy and unfavourable peri-natal outcome is that after delivery, a woman's reproductive capacity gradually declines, and eventually becomes similar to women who have never delivered before.

The authors of the study hope that their findings would encourage doctors to advise women on the benefits of delaying a subsequent pregnancy for approximately two to five years to improve the health of both mother and the next infant.

While the study is well-written, there are some limitations concerning the quality of the original data such as the differences in defining inter-pregnancy interval, said Dr Law.

"It may be too early to comment on the validity of this study unless more information can be provided to explain the mechanisms by which birth spacing might improve the health of mothers and their children," he said.

So the long and short of the study: The ideal interval between the delivery of the last child and the conception of the next child should be between one-and-a-half to two years, a view that Dr Law shares. He said: "Delaying conception for more than two years after the last delivery should be weighed against the risks that come with the mother's increasing age."
piggy: thanks for the info. I have also read about this & to add on from the lecture I attended last week, the consequences is not just affecting the baby. The descendants of the baby may also be affected. But not to worry, human beings are also very adaptive creatures, given the right environment & diet & care, the baby has the ability to make up for the shortcomings & manage to his/her best ability.

Which is why, health, diet & mental state is very important during pre-conceptin, pregnancy & post natal stages. Anyway, we all deserved the best care for such an important role we have.

poh: actually, I also don't mind all boys. But one girl will be just perfect. I know 3 of my firends who have 4 kids, all of them are blessed with 2 girls and 2 boys. so lucky & most amazing thingy, the children are very well brought-up given that 2 mums are actually working. I wonder how they cope with a job & 4 kids.
Hi all, since everyone is on the topic of 2nd bb, I just like to add that I am expecting no 2
I am 13 weeks already.

Its back to square 1 again. I have forgotten what its like with a small baby already. But for me, 2 children is enough!!! Really peifu those of you who wants more.
wow, sleepymom, Congrats!!
Same as you, can't imagine more than 2, especially if both are boys!

tetra, I guess as working moms, we have to be very disciplined with time... I only do work after Tim has gone to sleep so whatever time I spend with him is quality time. Wish I had more time with him though!! He's growing up so quickly and everyday I find myself surprised by new things that he's learned.
Hi all,

Just dropped in to say "hi" and sprinkle baby dust on all the TTC-ing mummies
Looking forward to having more baby announcements on this thread!

Actually, I think all the mummies TTC-ing now very wei da in a sense. Just yesterday, I was telling mu HB in the car that should I not be expecting No2 now, I may not consider having one till Ash turns 2.5 or 3 years old. Now, he undestands more and we are so much more mobile... hehe, in two and half months time, I'll be "tied" down again... hehe. But thinking on the brighter side, get it all over chop chop.... hehe, then when both turn 3 and 4, we can travel longer and further. The travle bugs keeps biting my hubby... hehe, now, we're thinking of going to some beach resort in Dec 06.... HAHAHA!!

Catz, don't stress too much and let nature take its course. Sometimes, it's easier to conceive that way. As you know, I'm PCOS, so to conceive Ash, I had to use ovulation strip and that took us about 3 months. With the second one, just one night of "laziness" and passion :p... hahaha, no2 is here!!! We really couldn't believe it and HB is so proud of himself
HAHA, sharp shooter, he claims :p I'm sure Tim will have s sibling soon
Leave it to god, moreover, you;ve been such a wonderful mummy to Tim, I'm sure more will come along

Haha, I'm having the same dilemma as Evelyn. Wanna try for No 3 yet afraid that it'll be boy again. Will see how 2 boys are.... if I'm prepared to have No 3,must be prepared for it to be a boy. Happened to 3 other colleagues I know, they have 3 sons!!! Haha, but if temperament is like Ash, then I don't mind lah

Ash also babbles quite a bit and not many words we can make out. Was speaking to paed cos brought him for his flu jab and paed mentioned that boys are slower in speech cos they are less focused and have less attention span. As such, they absorb less vocally but in turn, they have better motor skills compared to girls. He says not to worry so long as he can make sense of our instructions and he constantly refers to a thing as certain word. For instance, Ash calls cows "moo" instead of cow and dogs "woof". for bathing, he says "tag", mimicking the sound of the electric kettle... haha. apparently, they absob the last word of the sentence best. probably it's cos I also go, "what sound does the cow make? Moo!"... hahaha

Paed also mentioned that we shouldn't be deliberately cooking for them at this stage. They should eat whatever we eat, for eg, chwee kuay, chee cheong fun for breakfast (but of course without excessive sweet sauce and oil). So I'm thinking of starting Ash on rice with soup. He's currently on the more textured oats for breakfast and taking it quite well, so think he may be ready for more chewing.... Just to share
sleepymom: Congratulations! Ryan is going to be kor kor soon. How have you been coping? Are your still going for the kindermusik class? long time din see Ryan? he must be quite a handful now.

catz: yah, you are right. that's the challenge of being a working mum. time is just so precious when you have a kid. well, I consoled myself that he enjoys his time @ nanny's place, got friends to play with. His best friend is this 3 year old girl. He hugged her when he didn't see her for a few days.

blanche: good to see you here. Still didn't have a chance to meet you & Ash in person. He is just so cute in the pictures. when are you due? already plan for a holiday in Dec, that's fast. me still planning for a long time & haven't confirm when to go yet though we have decided on the location.
Sleepmom, congratulations!!!

Catz, think we have to work harder already. hahah...

Attached are Ryan & his best friend and his new hair cut. Nice or not?
poh, you cannot sleep ah?! Aiyoh, Ryan has such enchanting eyes. Really a very handsome little boy and so macho 'cos of his lovely tanned skin
Quite stressed out now after reading Tetra's newspaper excerpt. I'm having my period after stopping the pill and so I'm taking my first cycle of Clomid. Hope it works!!!

Blanche, your hubby is such a joker. After we conceived Tim (OPK went positive but we were both down with flu so it really was just going through the motions).. he was very proud of his 'swimmers' too. :p Silly men. Anyway, I'm so amazed that you can handle Ash and go on such a long holiday.. bravo! I told hubby that if I get preggers, we're definitely going on holiday in my 2nd trimester!

So you were at Dr Ong's just recently? We were there last week for Tim's 2nd pneumococcal jab. Will be going again in 3 weeks' for his chickenpox. Wanna go together? ;) Dr Ong expressed some concern about Timothy's weight but overall he was pleased with his progress. Speech-wise, he's picking up words at an amazing clip and he's such a little imitator. If you raise one leg, he'll follow. Raise the other and he will follow. Haha. Like a little monkey

Robinsons' sale today and Isetan private sale tomorrow.. arrggghh..
Ryan very handsome with new haircut..

uh, if anyone of u need OPK, I have lots of the strips.. Wun be needing them for a while..
Hi ladies,

Just brought Heidi to the doctor this morning for her running nose. We accidently switched her aircon to 22 degrees & the ceiling fan was on too... Guess she caught a cold after that! Will bring her for her pneumococcal jab next week when she recovers.

Heidi is not really talking yet. Think the only word she can say is "star", then %^$&***%@...

And we've been having our new maid for 1 week now. She is ok, but abit slow, absent-minded & doesn't know how to cook! So my MIL has to come & teach her b'coz I'm no better at cooking! Overall, I'm still taking care of Heidi myself like bathing her, making milk, putting her to sleep, changing diaper etc.. It takes time for her to bond with the maid, so I'm taking it slow.

I'll start trying when Heidi turns 20 months in 4 month's time coz we want a June baby!

Piggy & tetra,
Thanks for the info! Really helpful!

You have such a handsome boy!
yve: can spare some for me? where to collect from you? need to use the OPK since our project has not been successful for the last few mths.

angela: hope Heidi gets well soon. yah, better take it slow with the maid so that everyone can get use to each other.

poh: Ryan looks good with the new haircut. I like the pix with the doggie. So cute, can see both of them really like each other.
Hihi, yve, can I tumpang some too?
Those I bought last time expired already. :p You lucky girl..

Angela, hope Heidi gets well soon and that your new maid will adjust well. So are you going to work?

Where's MG??
yap reporting here...
just came back from Genting trip last nite. Spent 3D2N there by coach journey. Luckily got my parent to tag along and help my maid and me a lot with Min and Xiang
Now v. tired and came here to see all the handsome boys and pretty girls to lift up my eye.

Xiang enjoy the rides a lot esp those with steering wheels but very limited rides for him. He is still small for the car rides and ended he sit on the floor instead of chair and happily turning the steering wheel. He cried badly when he need to get out of the rides; cried again when he realised that he cannot go for some rides.
Min as usual enjoyed herself so much with her favourite rides. She is requesting to go next mth again. It will happen if dh drived.
I managed to go for bumper car rides (finally) after all these years. I love the cooling weather there.
Same as usual, maid gave me black faces in Genting and I dislike her taking shortcuts in caring of Xiang's despite so many reminder.
So angry that want to fire her away; now I cooled down again.

Xiang finally start walking last week, now does not want to sit in stroller.
Managed to say "Daddy" after imitating Min.

My mum is leaving for Japan soon (to help my brother twin). Still have not resolved the kid problem. Planning to put Min into full-day childcare but SIL is against the idea and want to take of her. No way for me as Min is so spoilt rotton 'cos of her & faily.
Happy that my boss agreed to let me work at home full-time for 4mth at least I can keep my eye open.
Min still cannot stay at home as she drive maid and me crazy.
Catz, have lots of work to do... only manage to sleep at 4am and up again at 7.30am to bring Ryan for his eye screening. Thanks god, the specalist said Ryan's eyes look ok based on her check. However, she will send the result for lab reading and will only be back in two weeks time.

It was such a relieved to hear that from her mouth, so... being happy about what i heard, we went to Robinson Sale and brought so many toys, clothings and shoes for Ryan. Hahaha....

Surprise to see Piggy there, saw her the 2nd time this week! She was not feeling well but at Robinson SALE! hahah... just joking. Hope you and linus will be well soon. Maybe you can drinks 3 legs cooling water. Whenever, i feel that I'm going to have sore throat, I will drink that. The next morning my throat will be well.

Yve, can I buy some OPK strip from you too. BTW, when is the best time to test it? My friend given me two strip before but when i use on the 14 and 15 days, nothing show out leh?

Tetra, Mango is Ryan best friend. Every morning, he will put his face in front of Mango for her to lick!

Angela, hope your new maid will learn fast and be a good helper for the family. Went shopping for a new maid today but no luck, also thinking of changing a new one just make me headache...

Yap, congratulations! Now you will have to follow Xiang everywhere he walks. A good exercise for the whole family too. It is really nice that your boss agreed to let you work from home. I also want...

Catz, you just join SGH, will they confirm you if you're pregnant? hahaha... think being pregnant is more important, job can always find again, right?
I haven't found any part-time job lei.. I'm only prepared to work abt 4 hours daily so that I can be with Heidi. And if I really work, I'll be getting a super cheap cheap car like the Peraduo's calisa! Now not earning money, so can't buy.. This place is really not convenient at all. Have to walk a long long way out just to get a cab! So now facing transport problem if hb's working/busy, sigh..

So ladies, got LOBANG must let me know ok? Thanks huh?!
Hi hi...Me just read all your postings was busy cos 2 mommies that I knew from babiesNcream came to my house for playgroup yesterday. We take turns to do playgroup every week.

Nowadays, me rather busy hunting for jobs, attending interviews, so tiring....The last one I went was such a disappointment. I've lose out to an ex-leading stewardess....sob sob...
though is just a receptionist position but its a very good organization, a swiss bank. Got to try for other jobs then....sigh...

As for #2, hubby is so bias cos he only likes girls. For me boy or girl also never mind lah but I'll be more harsh to boys. hehe...Just like my nieces and nephews, they are afraid of me cos I'm strict with them but my own daughter not afraid of me leh....so funny rite...


Aiyo....hope Heidi gets well soon. As for part-time jobs did you try to find out from websites like jobsdb and jobstreet?

Catz, tetra, yve
I've also got the OPK but I think expired already. hehehe....later I'll go and check. Bought the OPK from US the last time. Haven't got the chance to use it then found out I'm pregnant already.
When to use OPK depends on your cycle length. Let me try to remember.. If cycle is 28 days, then should ovulate at 28-14 days = day 14. Day 1 is the first day of your period. So start using OPK at about day 12. Test in the evening, which is different from pregnancy kits which u test in the morning.. I test after i take i bath in the evening. Once positive, it means that u are gng to ovulate soon, like within the next 24 hrs..

Ok, the OPK that i have are really just strips, not those that come in a plastic cover and u just have to pee on.. Have to collect some urine in a container then dip the end of the strip in it. 1 line means negative, 2 lines mean positive..

I have 30 strips.. split among you, tetra and catz lah.. A fren of mine may have some more.. Let me check with her..

happy baby dancing! *sprinkle bb dust*..
Hi Gals,

Wanna join in the group of TTC he he.. Me not on precaution.. But I alwas got gynae problems.. Ummm not so nice to say here leh when I got that problem.. I dont feel like doing so sometimes my poor hubby got to be starve of XXX for mths.. Ha ah ah ah ah ha ha. Bo bian leh

I hope to be pregnant by this yr dont know whether possible ornot but I have seen a fortune teller she says I will have 3 kids.. Peng san men ke eke ke e..

I am now a part time property agent anyone wans to buy/sell/rent or relatives got lobang, do recommend me horI can give discount..ke ek ek keke
Catz, when u mention SGH, it sent shivers down my spine cos of my mum I cry when I step into SGH cos bring me so many sad memories.. But what are u working as at SGH? Some engineering stuff??
Yap, so nice to go Genting. I was also in KL and Portdickson over the weekend with Kristy but didnt go Genting.. It must be crowded riteoh btw, ladies, the water chalet at Portdickson is really nice.. It is called Avillion didnt realise how dangerous it is for Kristy till I was there worried that she might open the door leading to the balcony and below is water phew keep checking the door to ensure it islocked.
wow wow.. Many mommies TTC!

I target to go for holiday next year lah.. buay tahan leow.. Need a break...

have PM you on some lobang ok...
You dun accept PM leh.. Anyway, my BIL is selling his house at Pasir Ris Dr 6 lah.. PM me for more.. I will check with him if he is okay with it too..
Hi all, my edd is end November. I actually din expect to hit the jackpot so soon as I have irregular menses. Dont think the OPK will work for me cos I dont quite know how many days is my cycle!

With with arrival of no 2, I will be getting a maid to help out. Does anyone know of any good agency to recommend? And what sort of criterias I should ask for in a maid?

Actually quite stressed about handling no. 2. I have the most complains here and now I got to take care of 2 children! Going to have more white hair. Hopefully I can get a good maid.

yve, Can ask you does angel cling to you now? Ryan stuck to me like glue now. The old folks said he can 'sense' no. 2!

So now I seldom log on, and even if online, mostly read the postings as I try to lie down and rest when he sleeps.
there was a time when angel was very clingy leh, at the beginning lah.. Recently, she clingy to anyone in the family leh.. Like when we go toilet and close the door, she will cry outside.. or bang on the door.. Think just a phase lah..

Yeah yeah, rest more.. ZZZ when he zzz.. Otherwise think you will be drained.. I am lucky to have my MIL take care of Angel.. Angel is sleeping in her room every night now.. Otherwise I dunno how to take care of my hubby and Angel at night at the same time..
Hi mummies. Check with you whether your toddler's soft spot on his/ her head has closed up completely? My gal borned in Jan 05 still has a bit to go.
Oh No, I dont even know what is OPK??? Never use before!

Haha, Ive seen a fortune teller when I was 23yrs old (first time and only once)! Shes very old fortune teller and didnt charge me cos happened that she passed by my working place.She said I will have 2kids, both are boy!!!
So, I dont need to try No.3??? :p

<font color="ff0000">Btw, congrats sleepymom! And all the best to mummies TTC!</font>
Some photos, as promised. Got more, but no time to sort them out for the moment. Can see that Sherman really enjoyed himself.


Ooooh, an aeroplane!

Lots of open fields to run in and chase birds.

Mummy, the kangeroo wants to eat my shirt!

These billy goats are really big and interesting. I want to see what they're eating.
babyd: Sherman is really having lots of fun. He definitely looks different from the last time we met. So big boy already &amp; so handsome in the overalls.

sleepymom: better have much rest as possible. I remember I was very tired in the 1st trimester.

twinkle: noted. you have a lot going on, got business, property agent and r u still working? amazing! you can do so much.

yve: Lucas used to cried whenever I close the toilet door &amp; very clingy to me. This has improved after daddy spend more time with him i.e. watching dvd while I shower. He loves to sit on daddy's lap as if sitting on a OSIM massage chair. Now he will pull daddy's finger &amp; drag him if he wants to watch tv, play, eat biscuit, bathe &amp; drink milk. Now mummy can rest &amp; got chance to cook dinner over the last few weekends. I think they know when the mum's pregnant &amp; may start to behave differently. Maybe better to let her spend more time with daddy, &amp; other family members. @ least now the sleeping arrangement is settled.

I pm you..


Tks. I m still working but as my co is going thru a lot of retrenchment, hence my job is no longer secured. Hence finding alternative is the only way. I m still working now. Handphone business we are kind of sleeping partners as the operation is still run by the parent company and we pay them mthly mgmt feeI am coping well except that it is very tiring attending property lessons at nite in addition we will be doing project marketing at show flats on weekends soon get some exposure also good

Tks all for the support and concern
hey girls, was away on course so didn't get to login earlier

babyD, nice pix of Sherman! Gosh, he's such a boy now.. all grown up. Somehow whenever I see his face, it reminds me very much of his Daddy's although some of his features are definitely yours.

twinkle, I'm not working in the hospital itself, just somewhere near there.. in gahmen service lah.. not doing engineering anymore. wah property agent ah? Busy or not? Hope that you are feeling better these days and it's good that you can go travelling! I can't wait until June 3rd for my church camp!

yve, thanks so much.. will pop by soon.. wanted to do so tonight but silly me, forgot to bring something that I wanted to pass to you.. tomorrow evening?

MG, welcome back! Aiyah, don't worry about the job with the swiss bank, I'm sure something else will turn up. Talking about ex-leading, I met one lady who joined as a guest relation officer at bintan ferry resorts.. working hours are standard but pay isn't so good lah. She also wants to spend time with her kids thus she gave up flying.

Tetra, I also wish that Tim and his Daddy can bond more so that I have more time for myself, esp if we have a #2. Last night was the first night I went out after work by myself.. hubby said he will gao deem Timothy, NO SWEAT. Alamak, at 8pm I called up and I thought that Tim would be in bed. Instead I got a frantic husband and wailing baby on the line. Timothy went around the house for half an hour looking for me and crying Mamamamamamama :p Then he refused to drink milk. Then he refused to go into his room. Alamak, like that a simple shopping trip turned into a HUGE guilt trip for me. Sigh.
Wow....Nice pics of Sherman...!
He must have really enjoyed the trip yah.

No need to feel guilty lah..anyway there's daddy with him although he preferred mummy. Think positive that at least you let them have more bonding. Think your hubby must have freak out.

Hi all mommies
Do you find your child's nap a bit hay wire?
Catz, thought you go on leave or short trip for bb making excerise. Hee hee... BTW, my trip to Uk is cancelled!!!! BIL wanted to come back early for interview so don't need to go liao. So sian...

Piggy, are you feeling better? How's linus rashes??

MGteo, maybe you can organise a playgroup for our Jan bb, share share what you learn at babiesNcream?

Yve, thanks for your advised &amp; OPK strips. Where did you buy these strips? THose at waston are so ex... very heartpain to buy. hahah... me cheapo!
no problem.. Drop by today then.. Don't feel guilty about leaving Tim with daddy.. Sometimes have to be hardhearted and just let go.. Kids adapt very fast.. Now it is about leaving Tim with daddy, next time it is leaving Tim at childcare.. It never ends.. Just the other day, my hubby was left to take care of Angel alone at home.. He actually managed to feed her lunch! Something which he never did before I could have run home to check on him, but I did not.. Sometimes just have to let go lah..

You really don't need to sleep uh? 2am? I bought the strips from someone in this forum.. Think she must have bought from a website.. Search for OPK strips on the internet and there are many websites selling them and they ship international too! Yep, those at watson are very ex lor..

Angel still taking 2 naps during the day.. One in the morning at 10 and another at 4pm..

oh yeah, forgot to thank you for the cereal.. Angel seems to like it..
Hi, can I asked what snacks and in what quantity you give your tods now in between meals? Now Ryan seems to get hungry faster. I try to give him bread, fruits or cheese in between but seems not enough.
Just now, he finished 180ml of milk at 9.30am and still make noise about 10am so I gave him another 180ml and he finished all! Really dont know what to do.

His porridge also can last him at most 2 hrs. He eats about 3/4 of a corning ware soup bowl. And takes about 45mins to finish it. Is it too little? My pt cleaning aunty kept saying I should give him rice now. Will it make a difference?


babyd, Sherman looks like he enjoy the trip very much. We brought Ryan to the zoo on Sunday but he din seems to enjoy it. When we were looking at the elephant show, he was more interested in the ceiling fans. And he doesnt look at the animals leh, maybe there were not moving? I told my hubby half way thru the trip that I rather go home now!!!. So cant imagine going overseas with Ryan!

I am still coughing but getting a little better. Still got no voice though. But me very shopaholic one....sick can still go shopping. Yesterday went to Isetan somemore. I was thinking to myself if I will meet you again, must sit down with you to drink kopi. kekeke
Linus' runny nose is still there despite completing a course of antibiotics.
His rashes have subsided a little. It is very strange as the rashes only appear on the left side of the body. Left body, left arm and left thigh and left leg. I went to PD and she told me that she has never seen something like this before. So till now, we don't know what caused it. I did not give any new food that day...so it is very strange...

Glad that Angel liked it....Otherwise, throw very waste.

Sherman really looked very grown up now.

Congrats. Don't worry about handling no.2 first. Try to rest more as I think you must be tired now? I was very tired during my first tri. As for maid, I guess criteria depends on what you want her to do? If you want her to handle your kids, she must like children. A basic criteria is she must practise good hygiene and you must make sure that she don't own a mobile phone while working for you. I see many maids using the phones and not paying attention to the kids under their charge...I interview my maid before she arrived at Singapore and told her if she can accept 2 rules: (1) No phone (2) Keep short hair. The rest, I guess we can't know till she comes to work for you.

You went to Isetan? Bought anything? I bought a pair of jeans and a overall for Linus.

Hope all TTC mums here will give us good news.
