(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Thx Berry and lildevil

pawprint, A looks so pretty in all the pics! Yep, even the one which she open her mouth for the meatball! (I tot it was ice cream! pengz...)
Hello mummies,
had been mia for so long, really cant handle 2kids and a job, kudo to SAHM.

hi littledevil
i had the same problem wif u or I would say might is even worse. Nicole had attend full day cc since last year. she had been fussing and behavour like bb all day crying and want her way. Recently since the sch reopen it seem to get worse again, to us we really dunno why she behave tis way since she attend a year alry. She cant sleep at 9pm plus and wake at in the middle nite to wail and cry badly, the highest record is 1 full hour of blast and wail i relly lose my cool and scream at her. We are so scare neighbour will call police in for child abuse haha...
we try to anaylase why she behave like and tink of the word " stress" as u all know nicole is a "slow" kids her speech is getting better just tat word are not very clear but much better as compare to last time. since sch open she is promoted to N2 and she is the youngest in her class and in term of work she cant seem to catch up. teacher tell me all day she cant sit still to write or din even know how to trace. all her classmate can do very well whereas nicole alway stare at the paper blank. I feel so hurt and force her day and night to do home work and I guess in sch teacher oso force her. We feel she is under pressure and she can feel and understand all the "complaint" techer say to me. Since last week we stop all the homework and dun mention at all, it seem to get better but small fuss do still occur. I know is bad tat she cant do work but I ask ard and many tell me is still early for her as she just turn 3 and she will catch up slowly so we decide to let her grow at her own speed and dun force her.

maybe u let quinn have more time to adjust, nicole still behave like tat after a year guess they need more time to adjust. Do quinn make bb "noise" or fuss when he see u after sch? when ever i fetch her from sch once she seem me she will give me the pitiful face and pretend to cry and wan me to carry.

yap, quinn does make those bb thingy when he sees me after school and also will try to make unreasonable request but it seems like things are improving. at least now he will happily board on his school bus and wave goodbye and as for after school, he STILL does those things but not as bad and i guess this one cant be avoid as he must be very hungry *he dun like to eat schools food* and also very tired so i take all these as improved situation. BUT!!!!! he fell ill 3 times ever since school starts, yess..... as good as once every week. first was fever, but recover in 2 days, then second is having mild diarrhea *around 2 x aday* for 2 days then last one which is last sunday, cough and runny nose and i guess his airway is abit inflame *just went to his pd today* haizzz........ he missed 4 days of lessons in total to date. but i guess i just got to relax, since theres nothing much i can do besides giving him good nutritious meal and make sure he rest well. talked to his pd today and he says immune will sure be disturbed by new school life, stress and inadequate rest too so i guess just got to hang on during this adjustment period.

for nicole, it really sound bad since she had already attend school for a year. and why are there **HOMEWORK**???!!!!!! from school????? !!!! i dont know, pardon me for saying this *imo* i personally feel that at this age, homework is a little too much? what u think? i though u need to be at least in K1 to have homework?? have u consider of putting her in a new school? i dont know, if its me i guess from what u mentioned above, like nicole seems to be STILL in the stressful mode even after a year of school, i will sure look for another school for quinn long time ago. a year is too long *for me* and i think if a child cant even adapt after a year, there seems to be a problem in within. maybe she feels stressful *from how u described * and maybe theres other reason that leads to all those unhappy moment. have u talking to her. quinn is also alittle younger compare to his classmates as most of them are at least 6 months older than him . and i guess his stress is not due to schoolwork, its more of adapting as he seems to quite *not fully yet* enjoy his lessons. that day he told me that his teacher brought a real crab for lesson
telling me its eyes so cute, round and shiny and it walks sideway....ha!!!!! maybe u wanna talk to nicole, try to find out more about her and her school and make a decision, since theres still k1 and k2 so its not too late to locate a more suitable school for her. btw, which school is she in now?

i dont know, i guess i am the odd one out? me and hubby always believe that at this young age, children should be learning through a more interesting or should i say relax manner. i spoke to one of my friend, who is a children Psychiatrist, she told me that the age of her patient is getting younger and younger. and i told her about the SPONGE theory, that children will / can absorb what is being out into them. her answer is pretty shocking. she says that alot of young children dont know what is STRESS and sometimes its only till they are REALLY stress up before parents can realized. she says that children brain though can absorb tons of things but its its over stress *and many time parent cant even tell* it will go into a SHUT DOWN phase. and afew of her patient story really make me feel that kids nowadays are so poor thing to have all these stress.
Hello litledevil

haha many ppl say it me tat cause her to make those bb thingy cos she wan my attention. as decribe from teacher she enjoy her lesson and can join her friend well. i did hide and observe and it true tat she do do such ting when she see me. at time i let her stay at inlaw place and same ting happen mil say i SPOILT her!!!

yes HOMEWORK, at first i tot is normal but after speaking to a few mummies I feel is not common. teacher alway tell me nicole peer are doing well and she cant catch up, as a mummies i get worried wat if in future she still behind so i alway remind her on her homework maybe my tatic is really wrong and cause uncessary stress to her. Luckily my husband are those more optimitic person he disapprove my method and insist kids should have "happy and enjoyable" childhood as they had many sch year as they go older. we had since inform teacher to let her go at her own speed.

She is attending cc at "My First Classroom" a small pte cc. I am very comfortable wif the sch as is a small gp and very personalise. Except the teacher has very "high" expectation. According to a few parent, the teacher drill the student really early and they really do well went they reach P1, my niece really scorce well in her P1 exam. I can only alway remind the teacher to go slow wif nicole. nicole was ok at time, since sch reopen she fuss get worst, tis could be due to her classmate, cos she was promoted to N2, last year she was in N1 mixing wif a new 2005 kids tis year she is in diff class and all her "fav" classmate is not in same class. according to teacher she still peek into the N1 class to look at them and teacher had to remind her she is promoted to N2. Change of surrounding could be the main cause. luckily they play time is tog so not too bad.

yes nowday kids are undergog very early stress, nicole schmate parent told me her daughter came home after 3 day of P1 lesson telling her she cant take it and wan to die, she get so worried and sent her for counciling

yes falling sick is so commom, when nicole enter sch she is seeing doc like weekly and eatign med almost daily for abt 4 mth. immunce get better as day go by but recently wif new year and new enrolment new one coming in fall sick spread ard she got it again had been coughing so badly.

as a parent worry is never ending, from pregancy till they day they grown up...
wendy, just curious, wats is Nicole's current teacher's acedamic expectation at this age? As in, what does she expect Nicole's classmates (kids born in 2004) to be able to do at this age? Count to a certain number? Be able to write all letters of alphabets, or? What does she consider 'doing well' (since she mentioned nicole's peers are doing well?)?
hi berry

wat she mention to me is her peer can trace 1-10, read ABC and will immeidate sit and do work when lesson time. Whereas nicole cant cause she refuse to sit down to write.

so far nicole able to write 1 but not nice. 3 day ago she shock me by spelling ONE which I am very happy cos 2 1 week ago she still cant although is small acheivement I am very contented alry since I wna to let her learn at her own speed.

personally i feel nicole are able to do certain ting just tat all depend her mood at time she will remove her shoe, short etc and able to count 1-18 when no one see her. she like to do ting when no one see, when we ask her to count she wont wan.
sounds very much like quinn too and i guess alot of kids are the same. quinn will also depends alot on his mood. i rem. one mummie of one of quinns classmate told me that her boy shock her as when hes in N1, hes not willing to cooperate or sit still for lessons BUT since day 1 of his N2, hes able to sit still and do his work and do it well and shes curious and one day while talking to her boy about it, and casually talk about other students in his class. one of them is not sitting when needed and such and her boy just tell her this " he needs time"
sometimes i really think though kids didnt really says much about themselves, they actually knows alot and also they have their way with things.

i dpnt know, maybe its very imo when it comes to this but i really dont wish to rush quinn into anything. whenever i met parents whos different from me, i WILL also think about does my way works, like let quinn grow and learn in his own pace. but so far so good for my side, even before quinn is in N2 this year, besides teaching him at home in a very relax manner, meaning if i can see that hes not in the learning mood at that moment or tat day, i will just let it go. i rem. my nephew can count to hundred when hes ard 4 or 5 :p

since the teacher says nicole enjoys herself and all, maybe the problem is somewhere else? so wat u mean is she CAN actually does wat her classmates doing BUT just that she dont wanna show? wat she has to say about her school? i mean it can be pretty confusing for parents sometimes, like quinn, he will tell me he dont like school but when hes in school, hes doing well according to his teacher and also things that he says about school is all about FUN. so now i just wanna wait a ittle longer and see how.
hi littledevil
yes i mean nicole can acomplish many task all depend on her mood. soemtine she can just mumble & say many word wifout us realising but when we ard ask her to repeat she refused. to me & parent we are very relax in teaching her cos we wan to let her enjoy her childhood, but when teacher alway feedback to me on her on gog I get stress up and wonder wat we do is correct or not, are we too lax on her is our method of bring the kids up corrrect etc...

according to teacher she can sit still during lesson time, and when teacher give instruction to ask the the children to keep silent she will repeat after teacher is just tat her attention span very short the most 10 min.

my mil alway say i spoilt her cos she will only fuss when she see me ard. So I really dun know where the problem lie wif, I just try to shower as much love I could after work. But the main problem i guess is she is seeking attention cos she alway wan us to be beside all day long till she sleep. when she wake up if she see me not ard she will wail, is it normal?
ummm.... have u ever tot of it as maybe the structure of the teaching method is not suitable for nicole? i can fully understand when u said that teacher feedback will sort of give u a question mark BUT i think u understand nicole the best and also knows wat is best for her. i mean when her teacher says that she cant cope as well as her classmate, it could be just looking at things at a surface manner since u says that nicole can actually do more when shes alone. it could be shes not very comfortable with the teacher? or the school and such? i am just guessing here though but there must be a reason. every child is differnt that makes them special, no duplicate. so maybe wat is good or works for ur niece might not work for nicole. and i always think tehres no BEST school around, especially for children at this age, its more of which school is suitable.

today something happen too. quinn missed 3 lessons as hes having a cold and today i let him resume. and around 1 hour after his lesson, his teacher called me and ask me about him. asking has he recover and such. actually he is as hes okie since yesterday but i tot maybe i will just let him rest 1 more day before letting him resume. his teacher told me that hes crying in class, and when she ask him what happen and how is he feeling, quinn said tat hes not feeling well, he has cough and he wants mummy and wanna go home. and his teacher was asking me if its okie for me to bring him home. to me its perfectly fine but theres something in my mind bothering me. that is will he use this as a tactic again next time so to get out of the class?? and i frankly spoke about this to his teacher as i know that hes fit for class today, except occ. few cough. wat his teacher reply me pretty much make me think shes not just typical teacher who concentrate just on teaching. she says tat if its during normal days, she will not call me up and asking me to bring him home, BUT becos he was not well for the past few days, she tot it will be better for quinn to rest another day as he might be just feeling not 100% well and also feeling tired physically. and also maybe becos hes not in school for 5 days *from sat to wed* he feel a little off again BUT that NOT her main concern, her main concern is tat she feels tat it will be good to let him rest and not to stress him since hes not 100% well. she even tell me tat she most of the time, she will look at things and situation in a childs perspective. and so when i went to pick him up, i saw her teacher stop her lesson for awhile, telling him tat she will see him 2molo and and remind him to rest well and drink lots of water and she also teels him wat interesting things will she be doing 2molo. so i guess i am pretty comfy with her method.
oh yes, for get about this. i guess its not like wat ur mil said. nicole is behaving that way becos she feels safe when shes with u, quinn will also do those things to me and hubby and they also say that we spoilt him but well, me just 1 ear in and out the other :p i guess tat s why quinn will only express himself FULLY with me and hubby and its perfectly normal and all she need now is sense of security maybe. its tough i know as many times, i almost pull out my hair but well, it will be over.
some schs have alot of drilling, others are more play-based... if u find ur kid unsuited to whichever, just switch?

ath's sch leans more towards play, I never see her needing to do what homework or practice. Her main complaint is teacher reprimanding her for putting her fingers IN her mouth (when she insists her fingers are just outside of her mouth :p ). Or her teacher running out of time for ALL the kids to do painting, hence they take turns on different days (if she missed the 1st day painting, she will sadly tell me there's not enough time for hers... if she did the 1st day painting and watched the other kids paint on 2nd day, she's ok and will tell me it's cos she painted ALREADY).

So far, only weird tantrum is when I was lulling Irv to sleep the other night. Ath suddenly burst into tears, which resulted in Irv STOPPING his drinking and he IMITATED by bursting into tears. Then he deliberately banged his head onto the wall so that he could scream louder "PAIN PAIN". (Sigh.). After much sobbing from both kids, I realised the "issue" plaguing Ath. Teacher had PRAISED Ath for being able to take off her own t-shirt... and Ath had told Teacher that she CAN remove her own top. Somehow in middle of night AFTER she had already changed into PJs, Ath decided she wanted to demonstrate (to no one) that she could remove her own top, on her own. But got stuck cos it's long-sleeve and tight. Hence she burst into tears and kept crying, "Athena can take out own top! Athena can!".

Tried to reduce trouble for myself by pyscho-ing that her current top is already nice, no need to change. She insisted it's "Ahma buy, not nice", wants the "Porpor buy one". So I discreetly aided her to remove her top. And Irv imitated in wanting his top changed too. Before everyone could settle back to bed again.

Sorry, in bohliao typing mood today.
hi berry,
haha now when i go fetch I hear in from 1 side out other side dun stress myself.

hi littledevil
yes when mil say i keep quiet care, she alway tell me dun let her cry try to pacify her, then when i do she say i spoilt her weird right all she wan to say she win

yes I had spoken to the teacher and have a heart to heart talk. As per them, they will feedback to parent on the child development and we can advise them what we wan them to do, to push and drill them or let them growth at their speed. They find that nowday parent had very high expectation on the kids and will really push the kids real hard. I had share wif them my concern and they agreed that nicole is able to do many ting just that it all depend on her mood, which is normal at her age. Yes I agreed Nicole dun like 1 teacher in the sch but she love most of them, the scholl had a fair ration of all races teacher which I feel is good cos they can mix ard. I really can feel nicole really enjoy sch cos at time she can waves and wif smile bye to us but certain mroning she get grouchy guess all depend on her sleep. if she sleep well at nite she will be in the morning. tat why i alwya rush to fetch her after work cos i feel too long hour could get her grouchy.

hi pawprint
yes nicole recently enjoy removing her clothes, durign bath time i will guide her to remove and praise and clap when she complete the task.
some day really fun when she insit her sis do the same ting
oh yes, last night i read an article *review from parent* that shes shock when she discovered that all along, her so call PROBLEMATIC boys problem is actually sleep deprivation!!!!! ha!!!!!!! at least nicole teacher willing and make an efford for heart to heart talk, its good from wat i see.

for me i still sort of *open*, meaning i am still trying to see if hes okie with this school. but its too early to tell and especially hes on 3 days mc and 2 weekends off. and also he seems to be really okie for the past week so now i cant decide on anything base on his behaviour after such long break. IF lets say if hes still not okie meaning still dun like his school or so, i will change to another school, meanwhile i will just observe.

yah, for pil side, really must learn not to let them affect us, else we will have stress which is pointless
Hi little devil

yes she behave better when she sleep well, esp wif cough and block nose add more problem. wif now shifting to bedok less travelling but sleep wise still a problem cos she sleep late and morning need to get up early s we need to send her to shc then to work. we are bring jeralyn back daily too so at time her sis will disturb her sleep too.

yes it good thay they willing to talk. actually all the teacher are very young and they sort of having same tinking as us no generation gap haha the teacher are as young as 20-29, the principle is less than 40 yr. at time i feel weird talking to teacher and when they give me instruction it seem like a junior talking to us but good in the sense they share the same tinking as us

give him sometime guess while there he make friend and will slowly enjoy sch, getting sick wise cant be help, slowly have to buidl up the immune. last year my mil pester me like hell to wifdraw her too due to sickness but i refuse cos later part i had to rebuild the immunse again.

yes I tend to be more firm now to them as conpare to nicole time. i will stop them when they try to feed jeralyn "banned food" she feed jeralyn eat marmallow sweet nearly faint. last time i dare not now dunno where i 'eat the lepord heart" dare to stop them haha...
oh no.... dont know wats going on, last night my back was covered with red patches and looks like hive and though i have tat once in awhile but last night 1 was so bad!!!! tats after i drank mushroom soup. and my tummy dont feel right and my whole body dont feels right too, feels abit numb and cold??.... then i have i have some breathing difficulties and feel abit light headed!!!! could it be allergy?? feel so sad, as today is my bday and already plan wat to do and ended up like this.....
Anyone have trouble getting kids to school on time? Ath missed sch whole of this wk, initially cos she has running nose... but also cos it's too darn early, both of us cannot wake up!
She misses naps most days, asleep by 830pm, but can't wake by 745am...

thinking maybe afternoon session easier. But adjustments all over again to a new class/ teachers???
pawprint, actually I did have this problem last year during the adjustment period, cause Faye's previous playsch starts at 10am, her presch starts at 9am! so for a while we were late alot, sometimes will miss lor. But I realised that it really boils down to discipline on *my* part, need to keep a tight watch on time the day before and get her to go to bed early enuf so that she can wake early enuf for school.

For this year's prog, Faye reaches school at 8.30am, which means we leave home by 8.15am. Which means she needs to WAKE up latest by 7.40am (she takes a long time to warm up, eat breakfast and get changed wan). So these days since she doesnt nap anymore, she needs to get in bed latest by 8.15pm on a school day. I also need to wake up at 7am daily to prepare/cook breakfast, get myself ready and eat my own breakfast. That also means having to trim our acitivites and after/evening appt accordingly lor. Once the routine is established its alot easier liao.
yuru, no lar thats not wat I mean haha! but then at least 30% of the time she will wake up just before 7am, which is earlier than she should. but its ok lor, earlier better than later.
Yuru, haha no lah... but so young, see her YAWNING when wearing shoes, so poor thing! Occasionally she says she wants to sleep on... and falls back asleep, and I let her be lor. Plus I try to let her sleep in as much, such that she has to eat brekkie sandwich while I'm running with the stroller (and her in it)... so kelian!

Berry, hmm 815pm, and wakes on own b4 7am. Ath is 830pm, but 745am still wants to sleep on leh... can't be I put her to bed by 730pm? Hard to nap her in the afternoons too. Really considering putting her in afternn session, next wk see how, maybe still adjusting...
pawprint, actually it really depends on how much sleep A really needs? If she needs to, no harm sleeping by 7.30pm or even earlier since you are a sahm and hence would be able to make adjustments accordingly (as opposed to FTWMs who might find it hard to get kid in bed that early)? Faye has a classmate who also goes napless and sleeps at 6pm daily lol! Thats about the earliest I've come across.
Berry, no lah, think won't put kids to bed so early, they're already eating dinner at 6pm, needs time to digest, wind-down. Mine also rather sensitive to light, sun sets to total darkness abt 730pm. I don't see the point in putting them to bed so early, such that they have no/ little interaction with their dad at all (if wind-down by 7pm, such that they zzz at 730pm?)! If that's the case, wld rather switch to Afternoon session.
Ath does seem to sleep more than Irv!

But, wait and see... maybe still adjusting. *I'm* still adjusting... hehehe.
Curious, why the sudden change in hours? Or maybe it seems sudden to me lah... last time I recall u always refused morning activities cos F sleeps much later and wakes later? Jio u to beach in the morning, u can never make it one. Ur sch doesn't have Afternn?
parprint, oh yar, daddy interaction time is also one thing to think about. Not v nice if A dun get to see daddy for 5 days a week.
For us, no leh, its not really that sudden cause Faye started school in Aug, it actually took us till THIS year then fully adjusted properly when *I* decided to buck up on my part and establish/enforce the routine lol! So actually last year we were late alot. :p I chose morning cause Faye has already dropped her nap liao, on most days she is at her most energetic and chirpiest in the earlier part of the day. So I feel that it would be most beneficial for her to be am session. One more factor was also that I learnt that alot of fullday schools (those that runs 2 sessions or CCs) uses the same teachers for both am and pm. And I feel that teachers would also be at their best in the morning, which is when they are fresh and before they have to settle the bath/lunch routine for fullday kids (at least in F's sch cause they run as a CC). So AM is the best choice for us lor.
yup her Kindy has same teachers for AM and PM. Ath knocked out 8pm... hopefully tomorrow can make it!
Somehow Irv sleeps LATER than her...
Please help and pray

Gabby is so ill that he has a fever for 6 days. It hit 40 for a 2 days. Other than fever, he complains of pain in the joints. Doc said that its either growing pains or an infection of the joints. Today, will have to bring him for blood test. Please help to pray that he will be fine soon. I am about to fall asleep standing as I am so tired from the lack of sleep. haha. Hope that he will be well before CNY!! Thanks

no, we din stop her cc, just tat she promoted to N2 and some of her friend remain in N1. oh it seem like onlu nicole sch give homework.

wow all yur kids sleep so early. both my one still super active at 9pm. early morning both wake up as early as 7am. weekend worse our day could start as earlt as 6am plus so tiring. both cant sleep at all
hi berry
yes nicole take nap at her sch at ard 12 noon.
thw sch go by year, when nicole enter in 2006 they play her in playgp, then 2007 in N1 some of the kids in her class is early 2005, nicole is end 2004. so tis year she switch to N2 while the 2005 kids remain in N1
wendy, if she takes the nap then of cos she will sleep later at night right? If you want her to sleep earlier on weekends to make it easier for yourself, then maybe see if she is ready to drop her nap?
Gabbymum, oh dear, hoping everything's fine!

Wendy, yah for sure my gal kindy no homework! Schoolwork I dun think they do much, so far she only come back with completed art pieces, no writing pages or what???
Her own wkend enrichment class has HW though... that one I forever "catching up". Funny thing is she says she WANTS to do HW, but often the timing not right... adults too tired to supervise! We're not disciplined either, always last-min then quickly finish.
Yuru, all the ahmas at the Kindy remind me that they have to get used to AM, for when they go on to Pri 1. Actually, I think, still have a few more yrs, by then she probably doesn't need that much sleep and all?
9pm and Ath not asleep yet! Cos we went to Forum Playground to Play, play, play! :/
gabby's mum
how's gabriel? has his fever subsided? how's e blood test?

er...gabe is forever late. we never make it 2 school on time tis yr. last yr i tik we were punctual for abt 10x. school 4 him starts at 815-820am (assembly time) but we always get 2 school abt 840-845am. like wat i always tell husband, gabe makes e grand entrance 2 school.

he cant wake up in time n neither can we. we r trying VERY HARD 2 wake up earlier but it's not easy, esp wif my girl now who keeps us up in e middle of e nite. i m not proud abt it but will try 2 wake up earlier 2 get gabe 2 school by 830am. i dun dare 2 aim for 815am cos it's mission impossible.
gabbys mum
gabbys case sounds exactly like my nephew. he was like that last year. my sil brought him to gp and the gp tells her lots of possibilities and they sure scares my sil and made everyone of us so worry. he also had those sky high fever for days and he even missed skool as he complain about calf pain. according to him, its really painful that he cant walk! and they have to carry him around the house *can u imagine how it worrys us that time* then sil brought him to his usual pd that he always go to when he is younger and that trip really ease everyones tension. pd says its very NORMAL for some kids to experienced that due to the particular virus and it usually attack the leg *calf* muscle and says it will get better with pain killer for the time being but of cause he did ask my sil to monitor him for few days. and true enough, after about 5 days or so, hes better, can walk around. gabby will be fine!!!!! he will be!!!!
actually how can i tell if quinn is ready to drop his nap? as its pretty difficult to tell from him. okie, lets say he wakes up about 9.30am and school starts at 11.30am to 2.30 pm, will reach home around 2.45pm. after lunch and such, i usually put him to nap around 4.30pm *difficult to do it earlier as he tends to do things slowly* and most of the time, he will keeps telling me hes not tired and dun need to nap. i cant base on wat he says as he will STILL nap if i insist. but if i let him drag on the timing, he will be happily playing BUT he does looks alittle tired when its about 5.30pm. so if he nap, he will woke up around 7.00pm *can be later if i let him sleep but i will wake him up* and then will goes to bed rather late due to his nap, around 11.00pm and will not fall asleep instantly as hes not tired obviously. so maybe by the time hes really asleep its already 12 mn!!!!! so actually i am thinking letting him drop his nap and let him sleep early like 8 or 9 pm but yet worry about him waking up too early in the morning. his case alittle different from kids here who attend am session as his is the mid session. dun know what is the best act. reasons why i chose the mid session is he dun need to wake up that early and also he still can have some fun time during the evening as he dun need to sleep that early, so if i let him drop his nap, he WILL sure sleeps early and now i am thinking is it ness. since hes in the mid session and not the am.??!!?? ummm...... keeping him in the mid session is best for everyone of us BUT now its the napping and sleeping thingy that keeps me thinking....

if u think its much better for u and tena that she attend a lter session, maybe can let her do the pm session? i also hear lots about letting kids getting ready for p1 BUT again, i think thats afew years later and plus i also think daddys time is VERY important. for me, after quinn starts his skool, not only him whos facing the adjustment period, i also face the same. we use to sleep in till as late as we like but now i have to wakes up earlier than him, so i can prepare myself and also breakfast for him. its pretty tough in the beginning since i sleep rather late but now, its better.
hi gabbymum
how is the blood test. hope everyting is fine alry.

hi berry
she must at least take a nap or else she will fuss and get grouchy. if she skip the noon nap she will sure collaspe ard evening 5plus. last week we went cruise, she wait up ard 7am by ard 12plus she alry doze off on the pram. wif so many ting to play she still cant resist her sleep haha...

tena one is playgroup or cc? nicole one, homework is usually bring back on fri for us to supervise her during weekend and rtn on mon. she did had handicraft but they do quite a lot of writing in sch. every mth the sch will let them bring back the stuff they do in sch. they had teaches them to write till No. 5, hanyu pinyin (a e i o u), and give them pic ti match the correct number etc. They even had plygroup assessment book for them.
mummies, does all these sound too much? i feel so, so now i dun really bother if nicole dun do haha cos hubby prefer her to have a "enjoyable" childhood.
for us is the same weekend we are busy wif the 2 kids daily task how to have time to supervise them do the work, do usually last min sun evening hurry hold her hand to make her write haha sound like very bad parent right but really no choice.

how is quinn in sch now, all well?
wah no dun have all those! So far 1 "octopus plate art", 1 paper bag doll! All completed. Hers is Nursery, Kindy.

lildevil, kelly,
hmm maybe i shld let her be late, heehee. just a few more mins is enough...
problem with PM session is I can't bring her out (shops, other classes dun open in the morning mah). I just put her in a once-wkly enrichment class, only for 4 wks in the afternoon, so will wait til after that...

Yuru, yah, the ahmas tell me Pri 1 is AM session, but I asked another mum in my block... she said the schs in our neighbourhood have Pri 1 in PM *only*... hmm.
lil devil, for your case its a little easier since u only have one child to care for and you are a sahm, if you feel that Quinn is sleeping too late (imo 11 or 12am really does sounds quite late haha, but my standard might differ from yrs) then maybe its relaly time for him to drop his nap? If you are unsure wat time he might wake, then must try diff variations n see wat suits u guys best lor. Gotta really depend on your comfort level and lifestyle. But ultimately if you n him are both comfortable with yr current arrangment, then no need to change right?

Wendy, I guess then nicole is not completely ready to drop her nap. In that case since she naps, then its not her fault to wake up early also right? Cause if she doesnt need that much sleep, its not her fault she cant sleep mah lol. So u just have to be more hardworking on weekends n wake up earlier w her :p
school- waah her sch homework schedule sounds quite stressful if the child is not ready for all these drilling. I think need to depends on personality of kid also; Some kids naturally like to do alot of these work, so to them its fun, but other children might be the more handson type who is into learning thru play/physical activities and prefer learning thru other means, I imagine that such sch cirriculum might really be abit too much for them. And the concern is that if a child is forced to do these before they are ready, it could v well kill their natural interest in learning.

pawprint, I think I agree w you abt AM sch in future- cause by the time A is 7 and ready for pri 1, I doubt she will need the same amt of sleep like she does now, hence everything shd kinda fall into place with slight schedule adjustment.
little devil

That sounds exactly like what gab is going thr now! He went for blood test and is better. At least his fever has subsided. Peds said its growing pains or muscle spasm. Sigh... But added that we need to monitor if there is any swelling, must see him again. Sigh

Thanks mummy for your concern and prayers!
Pri 1 & 2
i know of a mummy in another thread who teaches in a pri school in simei. she shared wif me b4 tat pri 1 & 2 r in e PM sessions, except for schools who r in a single session. i heard of a school whose pri 1 & 2 r in PM sessions now but switching 2 a single session next yr or in 2009.

talking abt pri schools, r any of u KS (like me) 2 hunt 4 school now? i hoping 2 let my kids go 2 St Hilda's so gonna change whole entire family's add to my mum's plc so tat i'm within 1km (or 2km) of e school.

a mummy shared wif me tat i gotta start do volunteer work wif St Hilda's now. my jaws dropped.
kelly, u mean that even if you change yr address to be w/in 1km of yr sch of choice, you STILL have to do volunteer work?
Personally I havent thought of pri sch for F yet. :p

High 5- Anyone knows when they will be in SG this year? We dont watch kids central at all, so would prob miss the advert even if its on. Anyone knows?
