(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

yuru, no lar, dun need to discard, I think the change of colour is prob just mild oxidising, dont think it will go 'bad' as in cant be taken or will harm the health cause its a mineral, not a drug.

Yuru, oops finish in a mth? I keep in fridge, no din finish in 1 mth and no probs that time leh. Ran out of it liao, now trying to spree it again... :p

I was thinking 1 pc every other day is alot already?
HI kelly,
god bless your children. may they have a speedy recovery.
Hi Mummies,

Would like to join in the thread too. My gal is born on 30 Dec 2004. I have been MIA for few years till now when I have time to browse the forum during my second maternity leave

Just to drop by the say hello

Yuru, if C not keen then dun give? Ath loves it. Actually I'm not sure if I finished the tin within 1 mth becos I ate too... :p

Wah the BD party at the sch or outside? Hmm... i'm very guilty of excesses at BD, but every yr i tell myself i wun, haha! :p
pawprint, no problem. just offering to help with the collection since it's convenient and J seems to prefer the white ones.
the bikes at White Sands got many types, i bought one for Rhyan after checking skyblue that time too. think got one come Taiwan (ard $80-90) and another from China ($60-$70), the big difference is the brake. the one skyblue bought was cheaper and she didn't realize the brake was stiff and difficult for our kids to brake (which is very impt). after her feedback and we also realized during test drive, so bought the middle range (China bike, Taiwan brake) at in-between price (think $80 but can bargain abit). so best to let Athena test drive and see which is most comfortable for her in terms of height and brake.

burning dvd - what software do you all use to burn your kids video clips and photos into dvd for watching on TV huh? is it a free software that can be downloaded fm Net? Pawprint, you are the only one i know that knows how to do this for now. :p

read yr blog last night and realized the boys and u caught HFMD, can understand how difficult it is after experiencing what Rhyan went through last year. do take care and try to get the boys to take more fluids, even ice cream if they refuse other food (PD told me that).
lilprince, eh her hand can barely wrap round the handle, cannot hold the hand-brake *at all*! That's why I think too big, feet cannot touch floor although feet can reach the whole "pedal cycle". But she's sooo happy with it lor (oh, she conned PILs into buying for her, they went out "for walk" and came home with the bike!).

DVD, i use the one inside my laptop, haha, i know not very helpful info :p . Intervideo WinDVD Creator. Rather limited functions. BTW I haven't burnt any since A's bd... and Irv's 1st bd haven also... and dun need to say the older vids lah. All this "housekeeping" takes too much effort ah!
pawprint, yuru
the brakes are very important. u may not be fast enough to chase after the bike (they just pedal and the bike move lor) so must teach them how to brake else dangerous. Rhyan can manage the bike but didn't really know how the brakes work till we taught him, so far so good. and, i just sit to watch, no need to chase now.

pawprint - u burnt athena's birthday dvd that time using this software? i realized i have this software too but its not a creator. got another different software with creator but clueless to use it. haiz, must find time to read and analyze! Rhyan performed in CC last week for CNY and i videoed them all down, nanny wants a copy so must really take it as a reason to start learning how to do it. :p
lilprince, yah very dangerous, but she really cant grip the brake nor stop the bike with her feet. Too big bike lor...
But she'd grow! :D
any kids here with itchy necks? like hot weather, sweatish then necks are itchy and they keep scratching? what do you apply to ease the itch? thks!
lilprince, I think you are referring to heat rash. J gets them too as she has sensitive skin. We used to apply powder but it got worse. Apparently powder dries up the skin more. I think just try not to let Rhyan sweat so much (very difficult, I know) esp now weather getting hotter.
Take more baths, let the area dry by itself. If it gets bad, perhaps get something from the doctor.
Yuru, yah SG weather woes! I have no solution to that, cos I get heat rash all along.

Aiyoh, am such a Dodo Bird... I bought the Taoshu Warrior Boy *thinking/ assuming* it's in Mandarin cos I tot I saw it in Mandarin, now then realised it's in ENGLISH. It's stated in English at the back, i din read, just assumed!
Wah, now I can congratulate too, hehehe!

Yuru, I'm too lazy to exchange, I thought, maybe "support" local production (it's local, I assume?). Anyway today I bought another set of Mandarin VCDs, $30! Hope I dun get a bad shock when I try it tomorrow!!!
i rem. faye also got very good weight too!!! is there a way of having good bb weight? heeee....

any toddler has hamster as pet? i rem. last time when i was young i used to bath my hamster and now they have those BATHING powder and the petshop says nowadays hamster DUN bath wan... is it true????

yes the TS is in english wan....ha!!!!!!!
Hi little devil,
I have hamster at home and yes they use bathing sand instaed of showering with water, cos that is their 'natural' way of cleaning themselves. they don't really like water.

Hi berry, congrats to you too!(on watever the good news, but as long as its good news!) So wats the good news? kekeke...
I am back to those baby days again! How time flies huh, now pumping EBM as I type replies. I almost forgot how it feels liao, to cuddle a squishy newborn, to burp a sleepy n wobbly baby, and to wake up to engorged boobs. :p

lil devil, yar, the way to produce good bb weight is to have a bb at beginning of the year, so that its xmas/CNY time during last trimester so that you'll be feasting nonstop haha.
hamster- eh I think dun need to bathe leh.

Pawprint, LOL dont pretend hor, u oredi congrats me liao! I am using your BP somemore leh

Hey btw, when u used the BP, way speed setting did u use? Does it mean that if I use a higher speed setting then dun need pump for as long?

yuru, yeah, 3.78kg at 38 weeks, imagine if I had waited till 40 weeks?

coolmama, haha I think they are referring to my new bb (right?)
ha!!!! then i guess last time my hamster alittle weird!!!! they love SWIMMING wan but during then theres no such thing is bathing sand so for now its lucky tat i can skip this part :p just worry maybe, after NAG big time by mil saying how dirty hamsters are and full of GERMSS!!!!! i told her my hands also full of germs.. :p

ur method cannot lah!!!!!! i also conceived quinn in january and also put on total 20KG!!!!! but hes only 3.2 wor and meaning all those fats is from me lor!!! ha!!!!!

and its good that u have milk to pump!!! i rem. when i did that last time, very poor thing, no milk and ended up blood!!!!! but now i think back, maybe that time its due to stress and depression and leads to no milk flow..??..??

really can feel those joy around!!!!!

i think hes more or less alright but his form teacher says he is NOT 100% adjusted but hes doing well. sometimes *like yesterday* he refuse to go skool but i still manage it. then his teacher told me that he still refuse to eat during snack time, saying tat he only wanna eat at home and such, he even refuse his fav. CAKE!!! and form teacher told me something funny, saying that quinn will ask her about timing every 1/2 hour just to check is it going home soon and also most of the time, he will NOT do his work as in sit thru out to finish it like other children BUT when teacher announce "children, 1/2 more to go before going home"! then quinn will sit down quickly and concentrate fully on his work and finished it before times up!!!!!!!!
Berry, haha no I think increasing POWER wun produce faster milk lah. Most impt thing I remember was to Relax so that let-down will occur. I had trouble with that! You tried latching one side and pumping the other? More efficient too (cos baby latching will let-down, no matter the pump power, hehe).

CSR, actually... I do entertain wild tots of a #3... but hor, then I think abt how to juggle, I scared liao. Ahgirl is so sensitive and sticky and easily jealous of my time divided, i dun think she's ready for another sibling (maybe never ever ready?). Ahboy is sticky and scream-y. Full-stop. And I can't do a Monkey God thing, split hairs to be in different places at a time to send the kids to their various activities... I know others can, but I can't as it is!

wahkao. I just played the "Chinese Vocab Builder" Vol 1-3. VERY CHEEEEEEM AH!!! Ath likes it but I find too cheem, I played only "1 lesson" in Vol. 1, not even the whole Vol. 1 VCD cos I think it's overload of info. Frankly, I see 1 lesson, I get headache liao... but thankfully, Ath seems to think it's nice. She really does think ANYTHING is nice, huh???
I forgot that mandarin needs to learn all those strokes (heng, pie, heng-zhe, wahhh, i "return" all those info long time ago!!!).
charsiew, hehe go ahead and have one more lar! :D

yuru, no lar, cindy is fine and great the way she is! Anyway when she hits her teens, she will prob be envied by peers for her petite frame hehe.

lil devil, haha maybe he is the smart one, he knows dun need to do work so early since he can finish it on time anyway; He works smart, not hard! :D

MT, eh I cant latch leh (long grandmother story which I shall save for another day), if I can I wouldnt choose to pump, its so incredibly time consuming and troublesome to pump. But no choice lor, better EMB than no BM. Well, I'll try for as long as I can tho I sadly feel that its a matter of time when my supply will just drop till no more (sigh).
Congrads.. so fast you join the mother of 2 club

Hope to be able to meet up with you and faye n baby in the near future. Keep in touch SMS
Yuru, i just checked with my gf, the one with her daughter still in the Sun ballet 415pm class... she said June L. still teaching leh.
Hi pawprint

Dont mind joining but can only make it on a Thursday. Will contribute by taking turns. Thursday good for you??



I want no 3!! Haha. but no luck so far. Anyway, I think I am too tired so dont think can make it too... sigh. Really admire Kelly


How are all your angels??
berry, amazing... if I didn't latch, I probably wun be so diligent to pump every 3 hourly! kudos to u!

lil devil, u put on 20kgs?! well... u certainly lost it all! Q seems to be doing ok in school, he will soon learn to enjoy the lessons...
Jen, no lar, I dont alwaya hve time to pump 3hrly lor. HB went back to work today, so I think prob every 6 or 7 hrly, but I'll pump for longer, hope it helps.
pcs, can u email me a pic of the aloe vera gel are u using for keira? thanks!

berry, I think once the brs empty, even if u extend the time, u dun really get more milk? but it probably does signal the brs to produce more? But it's amazing if u can manage to handle F & pump at the same time!
Jen, I guess I am trying to stimulate supply also to make up for the low pumping frequency. Cause if I pump every 6 hrly and still pump only like 20 min then I think my supply will plummet real soon. I dont really get to pump when she is around unless my hb is around too (also need to spend time w her, I dont get that much time to do stuff w her these days as it as), so only pump when she is in sch or at night after hb comes back. Like just now I started pumping for 10 min then bb woke so stop fed and bathed him, then now back to pump again lol, abit haywire, but better than nothing lor.
Berry, initially i was hesitant abt latching/ pumping with #2 while #1 ard... then after awhile realised too much time spent doing that, rather have #1 around me while I pumped lor. Cld still read and TALK to her while pumping heh. Just covered up with a shawl haha while everyone filtered in-out my room! :/
Berry, I was tbf at that time, plus trying to up supply to feed Ath too *crazy yahlah, but I knew of people who cld feed both kids! And i was feeling residue guilt over Ath mah*.
So I was either pumping or latching or both, round the clock :p .

Gabby, ok will let u know!
Show and Tell joke

Gab is so funny. He had to do show and tell in school about things he likes to play with. He told his teahcer that he wants to bring his baby sister as he likes to play with her. I told him to ask for permission. His teacher told him, 'Your sister is not a TOY!'

He told me that and added, 'Now cannot show my friend. I scared they will take her away. She not a toy what!'
pawprint, ooh ok I see lol. Yar, that would take up alot of time indeed!

Gabby, haha Gab is so cute. They say the funniest things at this age dont they
talking about guilt!!! me too, always have this hidden guilt deep down in me and even told hubby tat for our next bb *if i ever have one lah* i will NOT bf him/ her! i know it sounds crazy but i guess its the guilt in me tat lead me thinking about tat.... but no lah, i guess i will try my best to bf the next one and also thinking maybe can give to quinn too..
but for that can BM be added into formula? meaning mixing the 2 2gether? at least can made up for quinn since i only manage to bf him for ard 2 weeks.

hey, u are doing a good job and yah, time and routine is wat u need and u will do it well!!

soemtimes thingsthey say really make us laugh so hard yah!!!

my mum told me that day while in the bus, quinn wanted my mum to give him her note book and pen then my mum try to give him a toy instead since she might need the notebook to record something but quinn refuse his offer. so my mum gave them to him. then the next day he saw tat my mum has another set and request for it again *hes very crazy over notebook and pen set, he must carry 1 with him everytime we go out* :

QUINN: ah ma, can i have that?

MY MUM: but i gave u already yesterday...

QUINN: but i really want this, i dun have this......please......

MY MUM: but if u take this ah ma will have no more notebook.

QUINN: u still have alot!!!!

MY MUM: ummm...... no.....

QUINN: yes, u have so many in ur drawer, i saw!!!! ah ma, u must learn to share, sharing is good act!!!

