(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Here's wishing everyone an advanced lunar new year
May u & ur family have a prosperous and happy new year!

Wishing everyone a happy and fruitful CNY!!!

This is the 1st time i've heard of such illness, tks for sharing wif us.
Wish gabby a speedy recovery

congrats on yr princess :p
Yr mum is right. I've heard from some mummy too that u have to do volunteer work NOW if we want to chop a place in a pri school.

little devil
Maybe u can "create" a sleepy environment so that Quinn can nap earlier in the afternoon.
I never ask keira whether she is tired. (she will always says she still wants to play) I just set a rountine for her (milk after bath always lure her to sleep) and i shorten her nap time from 3 to 2 hrs.
She has got used to it can able to sleep by 11pm (Used to sleep around 1pm) which i think its a great improvement but i will continue to try to make her sleep earlier.

Woh.The homework sounds tough to me. Maybe u want to make it sounds like a "fun activity". If Nicole sense yr stress, she might feel stressful too. Just sharing my thoughts.
Gong Xi Fa Cai to all mummies

hi yuru/pawprint
tena & cindy sch seem less stressful compare to nicole.nicole do the green bean stuff in N1 before.

hi berry
yes we agreed she not ready to drop her nap yet, but at night if we keep her inisde room she cna sleep ar ard 10pm.
in order not to stress and hinder her "fun" childhood we wont force her if she dont do, we alway tell techer let her take her time.

hi pcs
so long never see u in forum.
thank for sharing, yes u are right when I get stress i get frustrated and start scolding nicole get grouchy and fussing and all the thing cant get done.

I feel certain teacher are execting too much while some teacher are ok. any kiddy sch teaching vocabulary alry? Nicole sch alry started for her class I nearly faint when I heard that, I myself also cant handle this how can a kids handle.
last week she brign back her daily sch work for us to go thru, I was shocked that they use nursey assessment book to let them do durign class lesson. Even nursery haev assessment book!!
wendy, yuru,
hmm I remember the Green Bean was done in Pri Sch in my time! For Ath's Kindy, I saw K2 doing it!
Ur schs all done liao... *panic* accelerated program ah? Wat assessment book??? I know there's a list of books I was supposed to buy at year start, I basically just PAID them and never saw the books, all used in sch (I suppose, I hope?). It was quite expensive, think $100 or thereabouts?

I was just asking HB if he thinks Ath's Kindy too easygoing, as far as I can tell, not much academic emphasis.To be honest, I'm not even sure they LEARN THRU PLAY, even, LOL! Just play-play? Duration also shorter than other kindys. HB thinks nothing to be concerned abt, he thinks shld just play at this age. Of cos, if later cannot catch up, guess which SAH parent has to sweat? :p

I've heard the other kindy near me, has Spelling List and lots of drilling-work... but I'm not so hot abt uprooting her even if I wanted to drill lor. Besides, i think easier for both kids to go same kindy... and given Irv's temperament, dun think he like drilling type. Even if Ath seems to like lor. Ath's current Kindy more fits-all-temperaments, haha. *excuse for me to do nothing... :p *
Disneyonice, who's going?

discount- http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=353640&post=4250525#POST4250525
Will call on Mon- T: 63193292, quote "mermaid" password, to buy corporate-discounted "Catergory 2, Weekday pricing, $39.60 (U.P. $49.50) + $3 Sistic Fee" for Fri-14-Mar-3:30pm.

I'm not sure how much "view" our tiny tods can catch with Cat. 2 seating leh... but Cat. 1 (no discount!) is almost $90?!

Infant-in-arms, tods under 2yo- no need separate tix. So I'd be getting 2 kids for my 2 kids :p .
thks 4 e info. husband's bringing e 2boys, buying 2tickets only. edward can sit on husband's lap while gabe gets his own seat. buying 2seats is gd enuff cos my boys dun sit still. they'll probably run around. i not going, will b home wif stella

thks! crazy rt? 2 do volunteer work? i dun even know wat i can volunteer n i dun even hv e time 2 volunteer. not so hard up 2 get e kids into St Hilda's. i'll juz rely on my mum's add 1st. worse come 2 worse, they can go 2 e primary schools behind or diagonally opp fr my plc.
ya, i was told even if u stay 1km away, u'll still need 2 do volunteer work AND even if u volunteer for dunno-how-many-yrs, there's no guarantee tat ur kid'll get in. if there's balloting n u fall into some phase, u'll still b subjected 2 ballotting.

hence i not so eager on e volunteer work. if i volunteer how-many-hrs-per-wk n my kids confirmed get in, i'll do so but there's no guarantee then my time is better spent wif my kids.
Green beans- I think this must be a v common project for little kids cause Faye also grew some in school last year! Haha but her didnt grow cause this careless mummy left her plastic cup in the car and it got dried up in the hot sun. :p Nevertheless, I did try again w her on my own after that, and it worked! Quite fun I must say.

pawprint, u do send A to numerous supplementary classes apart from school right? So I guess u do have nothing to worry about hehe.

wendypooh, wat do u mean by learning vocab? As in visual word recognition or wat?

"Play" vs "work"- actually alot of what we think is 'play' can be an excellent way of learning for kids, and alot of so-called 'work' (like those workbooks and watnot) can also be a form of fun IF the child is naturally keen on such things. Cant say for sure that ALL play is relaxing/good and ALL sit-down work must be stressful right? I still think that the best way to teach a child something is to follow their cues and interests lor. In my experience when Faye initiates to learn/find out about something, it almost always means that she is 100% ready for it and hence soaks up everything like a dry sponge, even stuff that are supposedly beyond her level. But other times when I am the one who is keener than her to offer info abt something she doesnt seem interested in, it takes way longer for her to 'get' it even if its supposedly something she shd be able to to.

Supp classes- actually the only thing I am really quite concerned abt is her mandarin, or the lack of it lol. :p I heard that berries and HUA is a v good mandarin supp sch and the other day I asked her if she wants to go do some classes there- told her about all the songs/rhymes and fun she will get to have and she stared at me blankly. So I asked "so you wanna go do a trial class?" And she told me not at all, she would rather much rather attend some swimming classes! Oh well, at least I asked.
i find this fun and i did this with quinn when hes around 1.5 YO and i serriously wonder if e knows whats going on BUT i guess he did rem. it as even now he will tells me that in order o grow tall, must drink lot of water!!! wahahahahaha!!!!!!

i will NOT want to do V.W too!!!!!! sil told me theres sort of 5 levels when it comes to this. first level is the most eligible one and i rem. second level is where either parents are from that school and so on and as for volunteer work also split into 2 cat. i think another 1 is if parents are from any association or not and as for the distant from home, also has 2 cat.? like with or w/o V.W. i also have not think about the school thingy yet but i guess hubby gonna put quinn in school he went but i am not so keen as its pretty far leh.

i am also concern about quinns mandarin, saw some of his classmate very good at it and i am abit worried. so nowadays i also try to talk to him in mandarin but hes not very interested lor. and he has been telling me about wanting to learn violin and i am still thinking about as i am so afraid that he dun really know what is a violin class and i have a feeling that he might not want it when he finds out its like a PROPER class meaning he cant run around much....... and most school also dun accept kids this young?? maybe i need to research more first. hope they have trial class though. and i hope to find one that start the younger kids in a more easy and fun manner instead of go straight in to teach violin, as i guess it will sure kill his interest if its in such manner.
violin quite demanding, gf sends her kid for it, the ADULT has to buy a violin too, to model the posture/ learn and reinforce with the kid. The kid has to buy a small kid-sized violin and apparently the bow is very breakable/ not cheap to replace.

Kelly, so u bot the tix already?
berry, lil devil
i also VERY worried 4 gabe's mandarin. was considering berries cos got very gd reviews abt it but budget tight (wif edward starting his enrichment classes too) so considering tis mand speech & drama held at a community centre near my plc. cheaper too. berries costs $336 for 12wks, 1hr45mins per session. e one at e CC costs $120 for 12wks, 1.5hrs per session.

gabe does ask 4 certain classes...horse riding, chinese class & lego. not considering lego 4 him cos timing not gd & heard tat e school not so gd now. horse riding is definitely out of our league. i checked out e riding school near my plc. $70 per 30mins = $140/hr. NO WAY! so i'm fulfilling his wish 2 send him 2 chinese class.
Irv's in JG, happens there's a Sibling Promo- lots of restrictions on the promo though. Only for the remaining 4 wks of this term, pro-rated lah, 50% pricing (if continue next term it's back to full pricing), only for the mandarin edudrama or mandarin cultural classes. ANYWAY... put Ath in for the mandarin CULTURAL classes, she kinda likes the school (bright, colourful) so hopefully she'd like it. Not likely to continue next term cos the only available wkday clashes with her ballet class... i am only willing to rush-here-there for JUST THIS MTH. *phew!* Actually I'm quite sure she'd like it even if it's all gibberish, haha.

Kelly, keep me updated if u put G in mandarin class ard here? Err, Berries not near here hor? I forgot which centres are near here already... i keep "shortlisting" and then forgetting to follow-up...
kelly, omg $140 for an hour, wow thats v v exp! Somemore can only ride horse/pony at stable, its not like u can buy yr own horse n ride ard town once mastering basic lol.
Lego- I've never been too sold by the lego classes, felt that its an overpriced gimmick- the idea of lego is to encourage creativity, so dont see why need to go n attend classes, they can also unleash their creativity w lego at home mah.

roller-blading- this is one of the latest things faye wants to do, she was especially inspired after seeing the kids blading at East coast park few weeks back. I've checked and they say usually the youngest is ard 4yo or 4.5yo, so I'm actually planning to go with her sometime this year, maybe towards end of the year. Comes in set of 6 lessons, I think its great that once we pick up basics, can roller blade anywhere liao right? No need go for further lessons unless she wants to do stunts (hmm, which she might be keen on, actually!) or some fancy strokes. Good for ME as workout too! :D
Berry, some time back my gf asked if I wanted to sign Ath for rollerblading, with her daughter (QQ)... so I think they accept 3yo already. If I recall correctly, her contact was more a bulk package price where there's unlimited lessons, until the kid "gets" certain skills. I cldn't work it in... :p and I think Ath may need abit more time, recently only just learnt how to cycle (trike lah).

Kid Wants: Ath's been asking for a BIG bike, the kind that Rhyan rides I think (thought I saw pic posted or something), I find too tall for her, her current small-toddler-ish is really perfectly sized for her. But she sees it as a Milestone of sorts. That she's a Big Girl can ride Big Bike lor. See how... no hurry, no space for so many bikes either (still have 1 at PILs, maybe should bring that over, but that's rather toddler-looking... it's the kind with a removable child restraint, and the tall handle at the back to push).

More Big Girl Moves: She's a little annoyed that her swim instructors gush over how young/ cute she is, told me that "they don't know Athena is not a BABY! Athena is a BIG GIRL!". Told me I must go tell them that. :p
Does anyone have the Vit C link that Berry recommended? Think some have ordered hor? I may need to replenish... just realised my Nordic codliver oil running out too, oops!
pawprint, can u tell me when the forum playground is open for hip club members? i took the application form(s) today and a small slip of paper telling me opening times but i thot i saw other times open only for hip club members..
pawprint, Faye's been needing a bicycle too (w training wheels lar lol), so I'll prob get her one real soon.
Big girl- LOL so are you gonna tell her instructors that she prefers to be called a big girl?
Vit C- this is the one
BTW I think I also need one more bottle, if anyone is spreeing, please count me in?

Karen, from wat I know, the forum pg is ony opened for hip kids club members during specific timings because other times they are closed for cleaning or exclusive use by the childtern house (kindergarten located at forum) kids. So the timings that u have on yr slip of paper is prob the right one.
The seat is adjustable for those 'big' bikes. U can take a look at the bike shop at White Sands. I bought Kieran's from there. My friend also had one for her gal and hers is much lower than Kieran's.
thanks berry do u go there too?
timing on my slip is something like 11-1 then 4:30-8
there's a big gap in between but i thought i saw that it's in use around 2,3pm, some days by chiltern house and other days by hip kids club.
e chinese speech & drama i considering 4 gabe is held at pasir ris elias cc. it's 1.5hrs long n cheap lah. i dunno abt quality but i juz tot of sending him 2 satisfy his request. i still keen on berries n will consider when budget allows and/or my MOF approves.

there's a berries outlet at tamp mart n hougang central each.

u back in town?

our mandarin ok lah...but we dun speak often wif gabe. e purpose of sending him 2 chinese class/speech & drama is more 2 let him know tat there's another language which is commonly used in spore. i dun 1 him 2 go 2 pri school next time n stare at e chinese teacher as if she's talking a foreign language, come back 2 tell me he dun like chinese n dun 1 2 study chinese. i faint 1st.
gabe saw pp rollerblading b4 when we brought him 2 east coast. *i tik* it didnt leave a gd impression on him cos he saw e tods who were learning, they kept falling. he asked me questions abt wat they were doing, wat they wearing, y they fall, etc. i did ask him if he's learn. he gave me a flat NO. hahahaha! mayb later when he's older n asks 4 it himself?
Karen, yeah we do once in a while. From wat I know, only hip kids club memebrs get to use the pg at all, and only during the timings stated.

kelly, there are so many things a child can learn/do anyway, so much to choose from so doesnt matter if he prefers something else.
kelly, yeah i came back last week for CNY and now my hubby gone back to England to work and I'm here with the 2 kids till end April. Looking for things to entertain them with.

thanks berry, probably i will join the hip club and go very often otherwise my $20 for 2+ months is not worth it!
yes the timings seem correct. I usually head there 4:30pm onwards. Very worth it, $10 only? For 1 or 2 yrs membership? My kids love it.

can I buy from u, add on registered postage? Let me know how much to transfer, I SMS u my addy later?

Vit C,
yah keen to jump on anyone else's spree!

yahlor, everytime pass by that bike shop she looks at those bikes sooo longingly. Her current bike is perfectly fine, am so reluctant to get her a new one leh...
hey today saw younger K SMILING SO HAPPILY when he saw gorgor through the doors!

ooo- thanks, hopefully it's alot of sing-song-fun type, I'm afraid of her getting "scolded" by any teachers.
oops btw ur bottle size is Big or Small (I forget which is which too, heh). Only know that "Big" lasts 7mths... so if urs is small, may need more? How many u're letting go?
Kayden adores Kieran to bits
I miss picking up Kieran from sch. He's been asking me how come nowadays I dun go to his sch anymore.

Wat kind of bike does A have now? If u buy those with training wheels, will have milege cos Irv can ride next time. Hehehe...
oh the other day Ath volunteered, "Kieran give me space on the blue mat". Haven't a clue what she meant, haha.

Think I'd try to dong The Grown-up Bike, til Ath's bday, at this rate of accumulating stuff, I'd end up no space to sleep again, haha. I'm looking to buy a bike for myself too... :p
pawprint, thanks. yeah $10 is for 2 years membership, but I'm here only 2 months and not sure if coming back next year as Ethan is starting pre-school in Sept. maybe i will see you at the playground one day!
Happy Chinese New Year & Happy Valentines Day

WW can only ride a tricycle since december so have not try him on a bicycle with trainer wheels yet.
Yuru, 2 bottles ($70.20? I ask HB to prepare) is great too, pass to my HB on Sat? I'm afraid I might miss u cos I'm rushing fr Irv's trialclass in Turf City, then to the Manyue, and after that, another Manyue... :p

What's the diff btw Toys Rus bike and White Sands bike? I just let Ath try White Sands bike, but the smallest Big Girl Bike comes only in pink with flowery cartoon- ultra feminine ah! $60 I think? The more unisex blue version is "better brand" and like, more than $100?

I still find very *heavy*, what if I lug the bike to the park, she cycles like, 2 metres, stops because energy all expended liao, and then have to lug back? LOL!
hmm my PILs bought the Big Girl Bike for Ath. They brought her to the mall (without me)... and either she dragged them to the bike shop or they went in of own accord... and either she requested for the bike or they offered it, haha. Anyway they came home with a bike! It's slightly bigger than the one she tried with us, but at least in unisex blue colour. But I think the tricycle I bought the other time suits her best, she can cycle in that really well. The Big Bike requires alot of effort!
Hi all mummies,
I am a mummy to 3 1/2 year old and 5 mths old princesses.
Are you mummies SAHM? and it seems like a lot of you stay somewhere in the east... I am residing in the west.
Have been really busy with my 2 babies and my new year resolution is to "upgrade" myself and get things going for myself, thus decide to join in chats to get to know mummies out there. ^^
Do the mummies here get together for activites?
And it looks like all your kids are schooling or heavily involved in enrichments...
no, not possible 4 me 2 b wif stella. cos e boys r difficult now, edward wif his high fever (me expecting e ulcers & blisters anytime now) n gabe fussing bcos of e uclers in his mouth & complaining abt itch over his body.

anyway, stella's in gd hands wif my parents & sis. my BIGGEST worry is her getting e HFMD. tat'll b another big headache.

thks! really appreciate it.
Yuru, thanks for dropping by, heard u had to run up-down to catch my mum, so sorry abt that!

hah, ur HB ah, that day saw him, asked if G was in PAIN... he was like ok what, no pain, still ok. *ONLY* 5 ulcers at back of throat. I was like, huh, "ONLY?", NOT PAIN??? Typical male response huh, if sky fall down also no big deal, LOL!
yuru, she wasn't angry lah, u made a trip down to pass her CLO for her BELOVED GRANKIDS woh! :D
i better go check if my helper giving correct dosage... (I'm very hands-off with meds, *terrible mum!*... except when it comes to nasal suctioning cos that's really gross! :p) .
i agree wif u...i guess all males r like tat n they always say women exaggerate things. *arbish*

thks 4 ur concern. gabe's alrite now, except 4 e ulcers in his mouth n blisters around. dun seem 2 affect his appetite 2day cos he ate more 2day, compare 2 over e wkend.

edward's in bad shape, extremely cranky. refused fluids since 10am, only finally managed 2 drink a lil milk at 8pm. still feverish. saw a couple of ulcers in his mouth. now expecting 2 c more blisters on his limbs over e next few days.

i miss my stella soooooooooo much. now praying hard she dun get it.
hi kelly

glad that gabe is ok now, hope edward recover fast and you can see yur darling stella soon.

You take care of yurself too ok.
kelly, oh dear what a virus to catch at this time.
Luckily gabe's okie now, luckily he is quite big liao, so prob immune system stronger hence bounce back faster. Hope Ed will catch up n recover asap. And v luckily stella is in your mum's safe hands. dont worry, she'll be back in yr arms in no time.

yuru, my vit C is always kept in the fridge wan, cause when these supplements say not to refrigerate, they usually come from cooler countries and not referring to humid tropical countries like sg so I usually refrigerate everything. Doesnt affect the quality to keep in fridge from wat I see.
