(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Goodbye to all those midnite oils and never ending assginments. Gong Xi!!! Gong Xi!!!

Woh 18 Kg!! Very impressive weight :p

okie thanks for the infor. but after thinking i guess i will teach him myself. he has been asking about it since long time ago so i promise that i will get that for his xmas pressie. i will teach him basic though, no super fancy stunts :p

i used to blade at least 3-4 days a week last time and i love it but stop for very long liao...... dun know still okie or not, wahahahaha!!!!! roller blade is very good as its really a full body workout. i still rem. i ache like MAD *from top to toe* when i started learning it and i guess those ache could be becos when we control our body so not to fall, we actually tense up all those muscles...ha!!!!

lately i just cant seems to fall asleep easily, i guess i got INSOMNIA!!!! haiz...... and when that day at PIL place and we were talking about it *my FIL always got insomnis and rely on pills* my SIL make a remark and i feel very INSULTED!!!! she says because SAHM only PHYSICAL tired and they seldom need to use their BRAIN so when physical and mental dont match, will kenna insomnia....... blah blah blah......then i sort of protest lah then she says she dont see why WE need to use our brain when we are cooking, washing dishes, mopping floor..........
yuru, please order 2 bottles instead of 1 bottle for my vit C, thanks!
i spoke to my aunt, the cake for Rhyan is about 12 by 12 inch, for 40pax (depends on the way you cut it). the cake is quite tall and weight is around 4kg (coz jelly is heavy). she says she has some orders for X'mas but she can take yours too if you are interested. $50 excluding delivery.

i want to order 1 bottle of vit C too!

Err... looking for a smaller cake of about 2kg. okay will email you for contact and talk to her directly. Thanks
Happy Birthday to our Dec kids!

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Kids' Name</TD><TD>Kids' DOB</TD><TD>Kids' Age</TD><TD>Mummies' Nick </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 29d</TD><TD>chantelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Wen Wu</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 29d</TD><TD>rochelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>02/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 28d</TD><TD>TBL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rinchen</TD><TD>02/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 28d</TD><TD>bitbit </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Allycia </TD><TD>03/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 27d</TD><TD>emma (babypooh) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Steffi</TD><TD>04/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 26d</TD><TD>LL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Dean</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 24d</TD><TD>cody </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 24d</TD><TD>fruitcake </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 24d</TD><TD>evelyn (leo29) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Declan Isaac </TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 20d</TD><TD>mngo </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Trixilia</TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 20d</TD><TD>sulivyn</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Andric</TD><TD>15/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 15d</TD><TD>stephie (blurq)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rae-Ann</TD><TD>17/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 13d</TD><TD>lachesiz</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Linus</TD><TD>18/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 12d</TD><TD>oranges</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jodie</TD><TD>20/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 10d</TD><TD>beanie</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>24/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 06d</TD><TD>wendypooh</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>girl</TD><TD>26/12/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 04d</TD><TD>GIRL (baobei)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ashton</TD><TD>03/01/05</TD><TD>2y 10m 27d</TD><TD>Blanche</TD><TD></td></tr></table>
lil prince
congrats! i can still remember u telling us abt u starting 2 study. now u've completed it. time really flies.

how come ur girl's name not in dec list?
kel, hmm... your eyes very sharp leh! I deleted her name while sorting thru the guest list, must hv used the wrong one... nevermind...

i confirm want to order hor, please let me know if u post to ask anything about the order and i didn't reply because i don't check forum daily.
lil devil
i miss ur IM tat day. my EDD is 14feb. based on past 2 pregnancies, i shld b popping anytime after 36wks but bcos my girl's rather small (below average), i hv 2 hold her as long as i can so if water bag dun burst, no bloody show, no regular contractions + dilated cervix, i hope 2 hold her til >38wks.

if she aint small, i tell u "i'm dying 2 pop". so tiring!
yah lor and actually wanted to do a xmas party *small wan* at my place but lately my dad having some problem with his heart and been to hospital to do balloning and steinting and most of the time now i spent time with him as my mum is working, so the party is not possible... so tiring but lucky tat quinn is bigger boy now so i still can manage both side.
lil devil
oh no...how's ur dad? when did he discover his heart problem? didnt hear u mention it when we chatted a long time ago. i agree wif u tat now tat our kids r bigger, a lot of things r easier.

mayb we'll catch up during stella's full mth celebration. i'll keep u informed abt e details.
hes okie now but he did quite abit of stenting. at first hes worry about whether he needs a bypass but luckily the doctor says can do with stenting. but again he did it twice, meaning he cant do it all in one go since theres one which is badly blocked, 100% blocked and doctor says hes so lucky that though its 100% blocked, he didnt kenna a acute heart attack or a stroke. in total he needs 3 long stent and 2 shorter ones. he felt heart squeeze first and out of breath with fainting spell and hes so UNWILLING to go for a check but i DRAG him there and went for afew trips before we discover what happen as the doctor did a endrogram in the end saying that just by scanning or CT scan is useless and i agreed as i have a fren who also experienced heart squeezing pain went for a check with all sort of test BUT not the endrogram and doctor says hes fine and discharge him, the very next day he pass away and after thorough check then they discover the main reason. umm.... like very OOT here hor :p we shall talk again when we meet.
Hi mummies,

just like to know if any of your child is going to PCF/PAP nursery class? How is it there?

Right now in a dilemma. Need Advice, thanks.
hi mummies

Happy new year!

Just want to ask for ideas of eating places that are child friendly, like we can eat at peace while they can play? E.g Globetrotters. Preferably not high end restaurants.


yesterday was quinns first day of school and i prepared myself for any outcome. when we are in the hall, hes running around and playing happily but when it comes to going in his class and doing what he suppose to do like taking off his shoe and placing bags and bottle on the shelves, he refuse. as theres many children around so i have to guide him. and when we are in the class, he refuse to join in his group, some other children refuse too and some are crying.and i just have to sat him on my lap at the back of the class while some pretty okie children sitting in circle in front of the teacher. so i know that it will NOT be a KISS &amp; BYE day but its okie with me. i stay with him from starting of his class (11.30am) till 1.15pm and when i left, he cried through out. i had prepare him by telling him almost everyday for 2 months what will it be in the school and telling him that mommies are not to be there. i just tell myself its just day 1. i saw his teacher cuddling him, and looking into his eyes while talking to him. and i guess after a long while, hes more settled. i didnt wait for him outside his class, my mum pick him up and i meet them at my void deck (as what i 've told him). when i saw him, besides his red eyes, hes okie, seems not that disturbed. when at home, hes behaving normal, eating and all that and didnt tell me about anything from school. i didnt ak him as i wanna wait for him and see if he has anything to tell me. when we talk about it, he didnt really says much, just tell me about 1 of his classmate who happen to be in the same bus as him. thank god that my mum is the school bus helper and i guess it ease off quite abit. and today, i was prepare that he will REFUSE to go to school or put on his uniform but he didnt. everything went on smoothly and i meet him in school while he got on his school bus. in the hall, hes playing and running happily with his classmate, the one wh is in the same bus. both chatting and playing, sitting on the floor together drinking water....... very normal and he seems happy. and last night i prepare him again by telling him whats going to be like in school, and i cant attend his class with him and explaining to him when he says he wanna me to join in. so after going into his class, i can see that he wanna me to hang around so i did, but today hes willing to sit in circle *with me* and i left at aroung 12.15pm, i stay for about 45mins and infact the teacher encourage me to do so too. i chose to leave NOT becos of the teacher point of view but becos i trust i can do it and MOST IMPORTANTLY, i trust HE can do it too. so i tell the teacher when i am about to leave and i just tell quinn and i got to go, kiss him goodbye and says "seeya" he seems sort of reluctant but still okie, i didnt hear him cry and kicking big fuss like yesterday. i went off with hubby but my dad was outside all the time, checking on him without letting quinn see him. i chose to let go, mother instinct tells me he can do it and my dad called me, updating me that hes okie, no crying BUT he refuse to join in what his mates are doing. refuse to do his painting while other children are at it and refuse to follow what the teacher ask him too, eg, like teacher ask him to sit down and not walking around. he just roam around in the class.

is that a problem? why is he not joining them?? i am worried......

when i pick him up at the void deck, he looks tired, not as bubbly as yesterday though hes crying most of the time yesterday. and abit cranky but still managable. but he seems okie after his nap and just now even wanted to put on his uniform and when i told him that he can put on 2molo when he goes to school, he didnt says anything about not willing to go. but this afternoon while hes in the toilet with me beside him talking, he says he dont wanna go to school, when i ask why, he says he dun like and he dun like the teacher..... but just now when he wanted to put on his uniform, he didnt says that again. so i talk to him again, telling him that i am proud of him for today and tells him that it will be more fun if he join his mates for activities. like he can learn what the teacher teach him or can paint a picture and show me when he got back and he says okie.

hubby told me that i should give him some time and also give the school some time too since its just day 2. i guess hubby knows that i am thinking alot *he knows me well* but i am just worried about him not willing to participate in class..... is it telling me that theres a problem?

sorry mummies for my long long blah blah blah.....
little prince
The ex-Marche (now called The Vil'age) @ The Hereen. They have a playroom with seats just at the sides.

Another restaurant is located at Suntec basement, they have a play area at a corner but I forgot the name of the restaurant
Hi little_devil,

Quinn is not joining them, maybe he still do not understand why he must follow teacher instruction and why he must do the same thing as his classmate. When Kiern went started his pre-school last year, its the same for him. When others were sitting on the floor(most of his classmates have been there since they are abt 18mths old), he was walking around the classroom, exploring and touching the things around the classroom. His form teacher told me its normal as he is exploring and he still dun understand why must follow teacher instruction. So what she did is she explain patiently to him and telling him why he need to follow, which took him about 1 month or more for him to understand fully. As for why he do not want to go to school, maybe the novelty of going to school has wear off. That what happened to Kiern too. He started crying and screaming on the 3rd day and refuse to wake up but after abt 2 weeks, he went to school everyday happily.

little devil
quinn is attending a class of how many hours? i think its normal for him to react this way because i recalled when Rhyan first attended half day CC, his teacher commented after half a year during meet parents session that Rhyan do not join in with his friends and asked if he is like this outside (which he isn't). but now, he do follow the activities quite well, especially those that he really likes.

i guess, quinn may not be sure of the flow of activities in school since he is so new and not very used to playing with a big group yet so he tend to be more cautious and follow his own style? abit early to judge, but i think he is doing well for a first timer to attend a proper class, should give him credit for that.

Rhyan just started full day CC since Wed, so far so good. i am crossing my fingers that he will enjoy himself more.
lil devil, some kids take much longer than others to warm up, considering that he has never been to sch before, you need to give him more time to get the hang of everything. He might not be joining in due to several possibilities- maybe his personality is the observer sort and he would prefer to watch and 'get' wats gg on before participating rather than just jumping into the action from day one. Or maybe he is just reserved till he is more familiar with the kids/teachers/environment. If its me, the most impt thing in this case would be to let the teachers know not to force him (tho its still good to give GENTLE encouragement regularly) and give him his space/time, and trust that he will join in when he feels ready. If you have taken the time (actually I'm sure you did) to pick a good sch for him and know that his teachers are definitely nice and gentle/encouraging, then at this age its usually a matter of time when he gets settled down. Dont rush it lor, if its me, I'll give it at least 1 full month of daily sch to see how he takes to it.

For me, I find that when Faye is anxious and withdrawn in such social settings, the best thing I can do for her is to tell her that its okay/normal to feel anxious and that she can take her own time to get used to it all. I find that when I respect her need to warm up at her own pace, she actually warms up faster and feel more ready sooner.
Hi mummies,

Hiazz!! After just a week of class, Nicole kena HFMD!! Now gotta look out for syptoms on No.2. Hopefully it will pass real soon.
Hi mummies,
Appreciate if you can advise how to night-train the kid? J had been keeping her diapers dry for a few nights in a row so I thought it's good to start... but then when she didn't wear any this week, she wet the bed 3 nights... despite us bringing her to the toilet before bedtime (which she sometimes refuse to go)... hb's getting fed up and wants to revert to diapers at night again... sigh... pls share... thanks!
Jen, maybe try using a mattress protector for the time being and try out for a few more days? If she is still having regular accidents, it could simply mean that she is not ready, so why not use a diaper for night-time till few more months later then try again? I have read that its v common for kids to still wear a bedtime diaper till 4 or even slightly older. If she is truly ready, it shd be relatively stress-free for you guys and her.
Berry, thanks! I do protect the mattress but somehow, the pillows &amp; blanket get soaked and really stinky... hehe... I'll continue trying this week and observe...
thanks mummies for those words that makes me feels better and i believe things will be better. actually hes adapting well already, imo. like first day is really bad, second day its better as i only stay in his class for 30 mins then i say goodbye. hes not crying but not joining his classmate still but his teacher is okie with it. it improves day by day but on friday, he had fever so no school and monday theres some rashes so skip another day. today i was waiting for stressful moment when i bring him down for he school bus. as he kept saying he dont wanna go to school first thing in the morning but pretty shock that he went up the bus with no whining and my mum told me that when they reached school, he went in himself with my mum follow behind and he join his classmate sitting on the floor and even ask my mum to go home!!! ha!!!! but again, lately its very stressful for me, at home, he will whine and cry and get angry with tha slightest issue. and i guess even he seems to adjust pretty well in school, hes still having some stress i guess. come to think of it, its pretty stressful for him since besides my pil and mum, he didnt go to any place without me around so i can understand all those crying and unreasonable request. but theres afew times i am really stress out and scream at him *feel so bad* but i did remind myself again and again. now everyday, theres sure crying and HUGE tantrums fromhim. and he will also reject bathing and even a small thing like changing clothes, guess hes trying to gain his POWER over his life....... the hardest thing for me is when he says things like I DONT WANT YOU!!!!!! or I AM SO SAD!!!! I AM SO UPSET!!! I AM ANGRY AND I AM STILL VERY ANGRY!!! but again, i know i should not take it too personal if i wanna help him thru this period of time. but sometimes its really difficult but well, at least i did tried my very best.
but i must really say i am proud of him, on day 3 onwards, he dont cry anymore and willing to join his classmates and teachers for activities
BUT he still dont wanna eat those food that school provides and when i ask him, he says "i dont like as they are not yummy at all" :p then becos of him not eating in school, he gets very hungry when he got home and also not to mention tired, he will throw huge mega tantrums! my mum was telling me maybe i can pack home food for him to eat when its snacks time BUT i dont wanna do this as i guess i want him to slowly adapt to eating what the school provides.

quinn is attending 3 hours per day. think rhyan will be okie for the full day. hubby says hes so adorable that day, so fun to play with!

i am totally agreed with your **maybe his personality is the observer sort and he would prefer to watch and 'get' wats gg on before participating rather than just jumping into the action from day one** that really describe his personality. whenever hes in a new environment, he always check it out first before doing anything. even last time when hes younger, everytime i bring him to a new playground, he will walk around, look around before he starts playing. he always make sure he knows that place or a certain plaything or anything before start doing what he wanted to. right now the most difficult part is that he seems to became a very UNHAPPY boy when at home. always says an think hes very angry and when i ask him why, he says DUN KNOW. but i guess the schooling life style is a little new to him so hes facing some degree of stress and separation anxiety too.
Hi little devil,

Did you check that his rash is not due to HFMD? I didn't know my gal has got HFMD until the pd confirmed it. She was fine in the morning but when I was dressing her for school after her lunch, she had rash on her hands and legs. I thot it was an allergy to the food or dust.. I didn't bring her to school that day, went to see her pd and the clinic staffs were very displeased when it was confirmed my gal had HFMD... asked me what did she touch? and that I shouldn't bring her into the clinic etc.. hiaz!! AS if I knew!!

She also had very mild fever two days before her rash appears.. Luckily, didn't send her to school that day else, the school probaly 'kill' me. Ha, but come to think, how can i be sure she didn't catch it in school??
lil devil, yeah could be pent-up frustrations from sch, or simply stresses that he experienced in sch and only shows when he is home since he knows that you'll still love/accept him unconditionally even tho at times you get mad. Either way, give it time lor, it will prob 'normalise' with time. As for food, maybe u can consider packing food from home first, then much later on when he is really used to every aspect of sch and feels at home completely, then u let him get used to the food aspect (no hurry unless u are sending him to fullday CC soon?)? Cause hunger in some kids can be a major tantrum trigger, esp when he is already coping with getting used to sch, sch rules, new friends/teachers etc. So being tired and hungry might just throw him over the edge.
And hor, actually personally I feel that its v healthy and good for him to tell you verbally that he is v angry/sad etc. Dont we always want them to learn to express themselves using words instead of physically (hitting or other violent acts)? so its a major step forward in my opinion. I can understand that u wish he is perfectly happy instead, so u might feel helpless when he expresses these emotions, but maybe u can just emphatise w him, hug/hold him and so on lor.
i did brought him to pd and pd said its just another virus and its pretty normal to see rashes after certain fever and it might stay for weeks. his rashes will appear when theres a temperature change, eg. from hot to cold or vice versa. WHY the pd and staffs are displeased??!!!! its soo... very not pro *imo* i mean how would parents know and when kids are not well, pd office is the place to go isnt it??

the reason why i didnt pack home food for him is that i think he will get use to it and it will be very difficult for me to change it. when he says the food is not yummy *and its without him tasting at all* is because its not something he likes, eg. porridge and bee hoon. i know that by packing him home food will actually prolong this so that my main reason for not doing so. actually i tell myself i will wait and see for another few weeks *for the food issue* and see what to do next.

and yes, hes been very verbal when it comes to expressing BUT i realized sad, upset, angry.... tends to pour over happy, glad...... maybe i am just worry that he will convert into a UNHAPPY kid who always feel negative :p and also his expressing OFTEN *lately* accompanied with stamping feet, pushing me away, reach out and act as if he wanna hit me....... i know that when it comes to him expressing verbally, its a healthy way BUT it always comes with the above mentioned..... and everytime when he express his unhappiness and such, i always stay with him and emphatise with him BUT he will reject all!!! he will push me away and scream a me, " i dont want:!!!!! "i idont wanna talk to you" and whenever that happens and especially when i try all my best and he still reject me, i will tell him "i can see that you are really upset and dont feel like talking to me now so i am gonna give you some quiet moment and when you are ready, do let me know" and i will just leave him alone and after awhile, he will be better, though not back to himself yet but better. its really tough sometimes, especially when times when i am feeling not too good. whenever mil side knows about all these, they dont understand my main concern behind all these and they just take it as i SPOILED him big time!!!! maybe they feel that why am i NOT punishing him for those act. what would u do if this happens to you and faye? like if no matter what u do or say does not help and shes really throwing huge tantrums and starts to act a little violent? or if she is so unhappy the whole day for a period of time? for me i am just giving what i can, more love, time and much more forgiving as well and telling myself it will soon be over.
*pat pat* hang in there, vent in here if it makes u better
. No other words of advice from me cos Berry got it covered

Pottying and milk-
Ath still on diaper at night and during nap, less stressful for everyone. She gets upset when she soils her bedding too.
We just returned from a trip, and cos we din bring any milk bottle or milk (she been on Straw-in-milk-bottle prior anyway)... she doesn't *seem* to want milk before bed now. Altho I think she looks abit jealous when Irv gets his... will see how lah.
lil devil, for *me*, would give it more time for him to settle down in sch (I would give it at least one more month). This could be a hard period for him and he might still be going thru the transition stage of getting used to daily sch even tho he may seem ok about school overall, u know wat I mean? I think you know Quinn best, if he is not characteristically so volatile and sensitive, then dont worry too much abt it, its prob a phase he is gg thru; And just like all phases that they go thru, something good always comes out of it (as in they always learn something new) if we make it a good learning opportunity, right? So if its me, I would pretty much just try to be as empathetic as I can, to offer as much comfort/cuddles as he is willing to receive, and just let him know that I'm there lor. maybe can try asking more specific questions abt sch to see if something is bothering him? To help me get a clearer picture of wat happens in sch, I always ask questions like if Faye likes her classmates (fave friend and so on), are her teachers nice and kind, did anything happen that bothered her and so on.

As for being positive/negative, I really think that at this age, alot of their perspectives about life has to do with wat they see/hear in their surrounding/family, so if you demonstrate positivity as much as u can, and try to turn most unpleasant/imperfect situations into lessons about taking things in stride, they will gradually pick it up too (imo lar).

Actually, I feel if u are already trying yr best to be as loving as u can during this difficult period to provide him with the security he seems to really need, the phase will pass in its own time. Faye went thru several such phases before (when she started PG at 18mth/ when she turned 2/ when she started nursursey last yr/ when she turned 3, etc.) so I know how disheartening/tiring it can get; But everytime she 'finishes' a phase and things 'normalise', I see how much she has grown and how much she has learnt, its truly amazing. But thats just part of parenting a young growing child, lots for them and us to learn.

(regarding family/relative folks who are being v negative abt Quinn's outward behaviour, I would just explain it this way- a child who acts his most unlovable is often a child who needs the most love. If they dont get it then too bad lor, I'd just leave it at that. Just make sure that they dont get to spend too much alone time w him so that they cant put him down unnecessarily, its the last thing he needs when going thru such a vulnerable period.)
thanks alot for ur comfort and really appreciate

yes, thats what i think too, regarding the though hes SEEMS okie with school, i guess hes still in the process of getting use to it and also his new routine now. thats why i try my BEST to provide what he needs. theres times when he really get so furious and scream at me to leave him alone and i just let him cool off and at the same time letting him know that i am always there for him and it seems to work for us sometime and sometimes he will throw huge tantrums and i can tell that hes checking my reaction and when he sees that i didnt actually get mad at him, and talk to him in loving tone and such, he starts to cool off and with tears rolling down his cheek. lately just talk to hubby about what we wanna portrait when it comes to LIFE. i told him that i wanna let quinn sees us as someone who is positive, of cos theres time when we fight and quinn is there but i make sure he sees us patch it up and i will also try to explain to him.

and yes, since sometimes back, i already stop putting him with my pil so to have time with hubby, ESPECIALLY at times when i feel that he needs more TLC, attention and such. becos i know that my pil side will NOT think in the perception of a CHILD but what a child should behave. and i find that when times like that and with their method, quinn cant bounce back to his normal self quick and i guess its becos he didnt get what he needs. and i have good reason for not meeting them often now, i just tell them that he need to adjust to his new routine :p and even when quinn just started school, theres this day when few aunties and pil organized a outing and i make hubby to inform them NOT to ask him anything about his school *so bad hor me* as i know what sort of questions will they ask him, like * u like school* *u cry* *why u cry, shame shame* and i really dun want him to feel even more stressful by all these questions ......
lil devil, yeah, fights are of cos inevitable in a family, the idea is also not to potray perfection or never losing control of emotions but rather how we handle it when we say/do something we shdnt, or when we are v emotional (angry/upset).
As for asking them not to tok abt sch, I dont think there is anything wrong, u have the right to make yr request, of cos they also have the right to carry on (lol, did they listen or they still ask/comment anyway?). For me, when Faye is gg thru a diff period, I'll do wat I can to protect her from ppl who will only worsen the situation or comment negatively/unnecessarily to hurt her already-confused/delicate self esteem. So far I'm lucky in terms of PILs cause they are quite doting and generally v supportive. but for other family/relatives who arent, I dont hesitate to limit contact during these periods.
yes, they didnt ask/talk about SCHOOL
actually i know that my pil side loves him alot BUT just because of the different belief when it comes to parenting and sometimes its really diificult for me to tell them upfront about certain issue which i think is wrong. BUT if its something very important to me / quinn, i will still get the message across but in a better manner. and yes, i always protect quinn from such situation when i know it will do him more harm than good. just like the school issue, i know they all care about him, wanting to know more about him and his school BUT because of not knowing the actual picture they MIGHT harm his feelings in a certain way and thats why i FORBID them from asking him :p someone actually tell me that i SOUND very / too protective that i request my pil side NOT to talk about school but well, i still believe that is the least that quinn needs and just do it. sometimes i feel that tehy tends to look at things in a very surface manner, same goes to how they parent my nephew. though he turns out to be a bright boy BUT actually theres lots of things i dont see eye to eye but of cause i didnt interfere at all. even hubby commented that they should not let my nephew watch those kids channel that show those animated show as its so violent and all and my nephew did pick up tons from there and also theres this day when my sil try giving quinn coke and quinn told her that he will just drink his water :p

but lately besides the school issue theres another thing thats pretty annoying. as my sil did ever mention to me that she suspect maybe quinn has some problem and thats why he dun follow instruction or carry out task the way they want it and also quinn has lots of conflicts when hes with my nephew. even when hes at home, he will constantly talk about he dun like my nephew *but he actually wanted to play with him* and also will make remarks like he wanna punch him and such!! and when i observed them when they are playing, my nephew tends to be a little violent *which quinn hates* and also will try to bully him in certain way and since long time ago, when quinn was still young, this is how my nephew traeted him and i guess it already cast an impression from there that even till now, he still cant get over it. then i told my sil frankly that quinn dun have any problem when hes with other kids :p just like that day when my nephew says "quinn u see, i have this BUT u cannot touch it"!!!!! hubby correct him on the spot.

In Park wearing borrowed boy's winterwear!


At Jiufen eating gigantic meatballs (dunno why they can't make many small ones instead)...


Ice Monster dessert after Dintaifung!


Macdonald toy- she picked this cos she saw this BLACK CAT at fren's Taipei apt... that fren has SEVEN cats, wow! She's wearing the winter coat I bought thru KC, meant for Irv, during his 1st bday... I have NO IDEA WHY I bought a winter coat at that time?!!!


Birdwatching hut at another Park.


Waiting for food at cafe in amusement park.


Yet another famous-but-I-forget park.


Different park! Wearing a top that HB bought for Irv too but ended up Ath wore it first...



Pics of Rare Vacation to Taipei
. Post here cos my image sites got problem with my laptop!
Avalanche of pics cos am in sudden mood to! :p

So sad we lost that red-white hat, slipped off while she dozed on HB and we couldn't find it though we backtracked immediately. Oh well.
