(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

yuru, I've emailed u my order, thanks!

Jen, sorry to miss yr msn message earlier. Actually vit C is one of the most common supplements ard. If you google 'vitamin C benefits', you'll prob find a long list of results. Its too much info for me to elaborate over msn cause vit C's benefits are really quite endless. hope this helps

Sorry to intrude. May I know if there's anything that is effective in treating phelgm in toddlers? My daughter is coming to 36 months soon and she has been having this phelgmy cough on and off since last month. Western medicine doesn't seem to help much. TIA
the other time i ordered Ester-C fr dunno where, it came with expiry date 2 mths from arrival! Managed to finish in time lah, but was glugging it religiously.
Think Berry mentioned it's not as ideal as the other type she uses?
yuru, LOL! I think I mentioned I READ that ester C constains way too much calcium, if taken regularly long term will be harmful for health (some calcium-mineral imbalance thingy), SOME studies show. Up to wat you beieve lar, alot of studies all show watever they wan to show :p But hor, so far the one I give faye(the one I ordered, also the one I mentioned some times back, can search archives if anyone is keen to know more) is most effective, the effects are v prominent and immediate even on myself.

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Kids' Name</TD><TD>Kids' DOB</TD><TD>Kids' Age</TD><TD>Mummies' Nick </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>08/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 25d</TD><TD>yuru </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>10/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 23d</TD><TD>why & itsun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ying Xin</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 22d</TD><TD>puff </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Calista</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 22d</TD><TD>chihiro </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Tristan</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 22d</TD><TD>cxope </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rui Ying</TD><TD>17/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 16d</TD><TD>KC (sunshine_bear) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Yohei</TD><TD>20/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 13d</TD><TD>Regina (yogibabe) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Brandon</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 10d</TD><TD>Bing (crazbin) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ethan</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 10d</TD><TD>kypf (ktpf) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 10d</TD><TD>peg peg </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>29/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 04d</TD><TD>duffy/wooof </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Aaron</TD><TD>30/11/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 03d</TD><TD>maple_leaf</td></tr></table>
Nonspill Paintpots


Left: $0.75 from Artfriend Taka or Bras Basah. Right: Can't recall how much from craftshop at Forum Basement next to Kids Pictures.

Both come with stoppers to save paint for future use. Both come with grooves on lid to rest brush if desired.

People I meet on weekends... I bought 5 extra brandnew of these, can pass to u if u want
. After membership discount, worked out to $8/ 12 pots!
can i pls "chope" 3 fr u? i know i IM u, requesting for 2 but i realised tat i betta get 3 so both brothers has 3 each. when stella pops, each kid has 2.
Christmas with Barney & Friends
24 Nov - 9 Dec 2007
Tue - Thu: 2pm & 7pm
Fri - Sun: 2pm, 5pm & 7pm
Venu: Marina Square Central Atrium

Cheer Barney, BJ and Baby Bop in this Christmas Musical Extravaganza featuring their famous tunes and Christmas specials. Your kids will be mesmerized by this imaginative funfilled show of caring, sharing and learning.

Catch Barney & Friends every Monday - Friday 1pm on Kids Central from 19 Nov 07

Dora "Live" Musical Show
Nov 23 - Dec 9
Tue - Fri, 1pm & 7pm
Sat - Sun, 1pm, 4pm & 7pm
Venue: All events are held at United Square.

*Spend $30 in a single receipt to have your photo taken with them after the show.
Terms and conditions apply.

SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick "Meet & Greet"
Nov 23 - Dec 9
2pm & 5pm (daily except Mondays)
Venue: All events are held at United Square.

*Get up close and personal and bring home a snapshot of SpongeBob, Patrick and yourself! Just spend $30 to qualify.
Terms and conditions apply.
thks 4 e info.
will bring e boys 2 watch barney. gabe requested 2 c another character too at forum fr next wk onwards. cham liao! cant recall who. will juz bring him down 2 look see look see. i only know e show's at 1pm.
Hi Berry & Yuru,

Sorry i miss lots of posts fm Berry.
Dun mind if i check wif both of u regarding the Vit C.

I refer to Yuru's previous posting regarding Ester C. There's a wide range of vit C fm that link. May i noe exactly which 1 did u order for Faye & Cindy.

Thanks in advance for helpin me to clear my doubt.
<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
no prob.

oh, Congrats for having a princess! so R u planning for #4?

happened to be at LOT 1 and there's characters from the Winx Club too. but din note wat time.
angelia, gabby

if #3 aint planned, do u tik i'll even plan for #4? NO WAY! if #3 didnt come along, i'll still b very contented wif my 2boys at tis moment. was intending for a #3 when edward's abt 3yrs old. definitely not now.
Thank u for yr info.
Btw,can we buy this Vit C fm Pharmacy or only order online? pls advise

I recommend FANCL mild cleansing oil, it's very gentle & removed eye makeup effectively. After rinsed it is not oily.
If u wan, mayb i can chk whether i hv the sample pack then i can pass it to u?
yuru, I dont think its a good diea to use oil for their eye area cause it might sting. Even the mildest oil hurts my own eye, including those supposedly mild ones like fancl, hurts quite badly actually(my eye will turn red and tear). Do you have a gentle eye makeup remover like one by loreal(available at all pharmacies)? That shd be the most effective. Er... btw why is cindy wearing eye makeup ah? For sch concert?

If you dont have eye makeup remover and dont want to buy one whole bottle just to use once/twice, then try using a diluted baby shampoo solution (as in diluted, not straight from bottle) cause those are tear-free fomulas, alot safer for them to use. Might be abit drying for the skin if you use long term but once or twice shdnt hurt.

I refused to let Faye put on eye makeup fr her sch concert, only applied abit of blusher hehe :p
Year End Concert

Sigh. Sonny's school charging $50 for costume + $ 20 for video... I think its daylight robbery...

Refused to let him put on esp the eye. Only allowed him to have lipstick (using mine only) Teacher showed me a black black face... hahaha. But I suppose its okay
My boy's sch chg $40 for costume & $25 for phototaking, really cut throat man. We oso felt the same as u do.

Sorry got no idea. My hse got ants,do u hv any idea hw to get rid of them? Thks for sharing.
Keira's school have no school performance too.
BUT the teacher aranged a simple graduation ceremony in the classroom and all parents invited.
The kids perform 2 simple songs in their uniform.
We are allowed to take tons of pics/vids wif our kids in their classroom.
No make up. No stage. No cost incured but lots of fun memory. i think its a greatidea :p
hallo mummies

i have finally completed my studies! :D

can you let me know if you are starting another iherb spree? i am interested to get the vit C. thks!
thks, pawprint!

got loads of photos to sort and backup now, sharing some below:


^ flower boy for my bro's wedding 4 mths ago


^ birthday celebration part 1 (in-law's side)


^ birthday celebration part 2 (my side)


^ birthday celebration part 3 (actual day in school)


^ birthday pressie from daddy and mummy
HANDSOME prince! Wah it seems the kiddos graduating to such bikes! My Ahgirl still on her small small trike (but she's very proud that she can finally ride, hehe :D ).

Aiyoh what did I get myself into? Next wk must take ONE HOUR bus journey with Ahboy, carry Ahboy to walk 0.5km, to reach his HOLIDAY class. By freaking 9am in the morning, Mon-Fri. Clash with last-min reno wrap-up too... not to mention Ahgirl will be sulking. Then wk after, reverse kids- Ahgirl for her holiday class, Ahboy will sulk. And I'm supposed to move house that week. Sigh.
btw anyone uses microwave to cook rice? My rice cooker broke last Dec while moving house... was going to buy replacement but gf suggested using any microwavable pot- stick it in microwave to cook rice! I'd always thought we eat so much rice, must use rice cooker... but this sounds like a great idea in saving countertop space! :p

Then I only need to use counter space for the bigass Steriliser (Ahboy still need), Boiler flask, Vacuum flask (yahlor, last time shld hav kept up with TECHNOLOGY to buy a boiler-cum-vacuum flask!), Slow Cooker, Bread Toaster, Coffee Maker.

Dunno when can switch to boiler-cum-vacuum flask... :/
little prince,
Haven't seen Rhyan so long. So handsome! He has really lost a lot of weight.

Yup, I use microwave to cook rice. We actually prefer it, plus like u said, it saves counter top space.
Whao!! Rhyan soooo handsome..big boy liao

I also use microwave to cook rice..faster.. only 10 min the max. The rest use steamer (timer) etc.

kuddos to you. I dont have the energy tolug my 2 around for lessons.... Sigh

Boiler cum vaccum flask
Good idea. I ave a lot of precious table top space with mine. Anyway, this helps to ensure that I have access to hot water all the time.


Can I check where you got the jelly/cake? the one with cute bears etc...
little prince
Rhyans looking GREAT!!!! he did lost weight but i think its nothing to worry about and its actually better. kids at this age cant be as chubby as when they are little. and now they are so active, we would be worry if they still remain chubby right? heee....

cant help u much in the microwave since i dont like using it to cook and also i did tried once cooking rice in it and its a nightmare for me!!!!!

any mummy can tell me where can i get age appopriate rollerblades? what about those type which meant for beginner junior? those that we can LOCK part of the wheels for time being till they are more good at it?? i saw those at toy r us and its from fisher price. dont know should get that or straight head for standard rollerblades.....

actually been busy with my cousin. trying to do something of our own and after months of trying, and having quinn taken care by PIL side, i DROP my idea..... problems starts to pop out and i really dont like what i see in quinn...... i guess i am giving it up, just for quinn so i told my cousin i can just be a sleeping partner for now..... i really think its very important, at least for me about what is putting into quinn..... not food and those, as i can close 1 eye but its more of the method of parenting. actually hubby help me alot since he dont put quinn with them everytime, so i cant imagine if i would to let them take care of him everyday..... i am that sort that i really like to know what quinn is doing and having conversation with him, doing things 2gether and such so i guess its too precious for me to let go.
hehe .. thks, mummies!

if you don't mind using microwave, cooking rice is very easy. i bought a "rice cooker" that is meant to put into the microwave to cook last time and the instructions for use is very easy to follow.

my aunt baked the cake herself, top layer is made of jelly and bottom layer is cake. she does bake it for sale too, around $50 for this size and weight is about 3kg (i think).

lil devil
yeah, he lost weight in appearance but he still weighs a hefty 17kg. PD says he is still abit on the higher percentile so i am ok with his appearance losing weight lor.
Little devil,
I got the normal inline type of skates for Ryan as he is having lessons now. Bought from the sports shop at IMM $40 a pair (Gear extra)It is adjustable sizing for kids.

So nice. will ur aunt bake for me if I order for xmas. If she does, can u share her contact? Thanks.


Wow Quinn and Gabriel can be heavy weight champion. When I last weigh him he tip the scales at 18.5...cannot carry. soon he will be 20 and then if i carry him its 2 sacks of rice.... FAINT
i think she should be ok coz she do it free lance as her interest. she did one for my nephew's full mth party 2 weeks back too. let me check with her what designs she has for xmas and let u know? around how big a cake are u looking at? u can email me at [email protected] to give me the details.
little devil
18kg!!!!!!!! then its definitely okie lor!!!! i guess he has big frame size but quinn is small, both hubby and me small and by holding their wrist will be able to tell. quinn wrist is small, like me and hubby. even hubby is a man, hes small build and thats the reason he always cant wear those BIG BIG watch that he likes....

oh, so where he goes for the lesson? how is it and how much? i didnt know theres lesson for such for them, am still thinking i will teach him rollerblade :p
Little devil,
lessons at East Coast park.they have classes for 2-3yr olds... The one he goes for is under inline culture-the school has classes on weekends near the east coast park food centre..there is a special learning track. $80/mth
Ladies, popping by to say hi! How's everyone?

Wow! All your kids are of a good weight! Is it boys tend to be heavier than girls?

pawprint, hang in there... ur reno looks good! If you found out where to get the microwave container to cook rice, let me know pls...

lilprince, congrats on completing ur studies! You must be so relieved! No more late nights to keep after Rhyan sleeps... Rhyan look great in the pics! And I agree with gabby, the agar cake looks yummy! :p

ruffybear, Ryan can rollerblade?! *impressed* You mean so young they can take lessons? Thanks for sharing!

lildevil, u can rollerblade too? *super impressed* I'm sorry to hear that things did not work out after months of trying but I think u made the right decision... at least you feel happier and that is the impt thing!

Out of here! Ciao!
i have a very compact microwavable container that is used to cook rice in microwave, easy to wash also, and faster turnaround time, can get at stores such as Metro, BHG, Isetan, Carrefour, Giant and even Cold Storage

I wonder if the microwave rice cooking can be used for coarser types of grain? We're eating partial 5-grain rice (or something like that, not too sure either!).
