(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Thot i'll respond to u here. U saw my Kay? Hehehe... u mean those aunties made dat comment ah? Yalor, Kieran looks like me, size, face shape etc etc. Kay looks like hubby in terms of size.
Irvin very qing1 xiu4 type. Like those gentleman kind.

Skyblue, yah the nanny said u pretty
. Kieran really resembles u. Kay I cant tell yet, too much bb fats, must wait n see! Judging fr the activity level of both boys, wun b long, hehe.
Irv does *look* gentle hor, except when he has a cheeky face, hehe.
Hi Rochelle,
Happen to read the thread for this year end baby, my son is also born in 2004 and its Oct. I like the train & track table you bought. You order online..may i know how much you pay for shipping?

Happy Children's Day to all our kiddies

Went to the zoo to celebrate as I cant take time off... So fast our babies are 3... ...

Nice work on the pinatas! Now you have inspired me to do something....

I didnt pay for shipping because I am in the states so I can get free shipping sometimes. I paid USD99 (before 8.25% GST) for the table. had it for almost a year and my boys (2yrs 10mths and 1yr 10mths) like it alot.
u r welcome. Hope its useful to u :p
Yr Pinatas are very very nice.
I have seen those selling at concourse. The design are limited and looks rather weird
pcs, I've seen GIGANTIC pinatas at Parkway (the shop that sells dog balloons)... never asked how much though. Very gian to make one GIGANTIC pinata... but no time! Maybe try for next yr, heehee.
pcs, I eat my words! Bought a Hansgrohe mixer that's cheaper than Grohe's equivalents! :D

Berry, I got my coveted Grohe Rainshower handshower! Figured a way to swop around the existing lower-end models to replace my mum's cracked handshower... so only needed to buy ONE overall! :D
thanks so so much for the LOVELY gift, Ath was super super super thrilled, kept telling me K gave her a bday gift. We didn't hav the discipline to wait, hehe, let her open :D and she started using already! :D
I'm glad A likes it. Actually told my aunt to only give the pressie today but miscommunication :p

Here's wishing Athena an advanced Happy 3rd Birthday!
MT, eh actually hor, after using the rainshower handshower for a while, it doesnt seem very special leh. :p But I do like the design, v clean and simple. Or maybe I am just not good at appreciating these things haha.
<font color="0000ff">Hi all mummies, I seldom read this thread but think it'll be interesting to share that today is my gal Callista's 3rd bday.

How time flies, our little one has grown up so much!</font>

pcs, hehe, I suck at getting gd prices, so I'm going to psycho myself that I did. LOL.

Berry, I used the handshower at my mum's already... my mum complained it's too big/ unwieldy/ heavy. True lor, this design better as a FIXED OVERHEAD rather than a handshower. Ath having trouble holding it too (and I'm terrified she'd drop it :p ).
pawprint, yeah I find it too wide too lol! Oh, dont worry about it spoiling cause Faye has dropped mine countless times, still good except that there are HEAPS of scratches all over it. You will faint if you see the condition of mine. But since my bathroom lights are yellowish and not overly bright, they arent obvious at all till you PEER at them.
berry / medusa
hey 1 very good thing about the BIG shower head is using it to DESTRESS!!!! whenever i am very stressful , at the end of the day, i will take my shower as per normal THEN i will bring out my stool and i will simply sit under those RAIN DROPS for as long as i like....... *with some essential oil burning and gentle lighting* IT HELPS!!!! *at least for me*

<font color="0000ff">Just wanna share...</font>

A) Besides the normal soup(ABC,watercress,Lotus roots etc) what can i mix to pork or chicken to make soup. pls feel free to add in to the list
1) Potatoes + pumpkin
2) Lotus Roots + black beans *very yummy but rem. to soak the beans at least an hour before putting in to cook*
3) herbal (wolf berries, longan, hua shan, etc)
4) si (4) sen (2) tang (1) - can get a pack in eu yan sheng, just put in pork to cook, this is good for appetite.
5) fen (2) guo (3) tang (1) - can be bot in the market, looks like yam but its not, its VERY hard, always has hard time cutting up. and add peanut to cook. must boil peanuts til abit soft and drain off the water and add peanuts into the soup to further cook it.
6) soya beans and bitter gourd soup - this is good for very very hot days and its cooling, some people believe it can remove heat rashes...... beans must be soak overnight before use.
7) spinache with pork and stir in beaten egg and stir before serving
<font color="0000ff">8) apple + pork bone</font>

B) What can be fried with vege besides garlic, shallots and lean pork??
1) Prawn
2) chicken
3) beef if u can take beef
<font color="0000ff">4) any fresh mushroom (button, abalone mushroom, brown/white button mushroom, golden needle mushroom)
4) carrot (shredded or sliced)</font>

C) What can be fried with chicken
1) ginger + dark soya sauce
2) can add chopped onions to dark soya sauce?
3) chopped celery
4) add sesame for aroma.
5) leek can goes with chicken
6) mushroom.
7) can add in carrot or capsicum, extra vitamins and nice colour
8) oyster sauce in u dun mind
<font color="0000ff">9) honey with sesame seed
10) if dun mind, braised chicken with coca cola
11) marinate with some seasonings n lemon juice, then pan fry the chicken.</font>

Hi mummies,

Brought my kids to Genting last week. Took coach to and back. 7hrs ride each. We took the early morning 0730 trip and 1430 afternoon trip back.
Both trips they got sleep thus still managable.

We had fun at the 'mountains' esp the indoor theme park. The kids really enjoyed themselves.
We brought slow cooker and some 'dry' food stuff like potatoes, carrots and cabbages to cook for the kids. Will post the pic later cos all size very big need to re-size them.
Js mum
Tks a lot for yr suggestion.
Nvr cross my mind can put coca cola and honey in the dishes. very unique and looks delicious :p

U brought slow cooker to Genting!!!
Peifu. peifu.

I am so, so, so happy my gf caught this pic. :D

This agar ordered fr Mrs Chan (can find contact in this forum), $40. Rather expensive for *agar-agar*, but the 3D effect wows lor. IMO, the doll rather ugly (that top, aiyoh), and I think the "kuih lapis-style" skirt easier to do than their other designs where u need to apply the right colours at the right spots!
hehe did anyone ever ask if u had (fraternal) twins? Cos someone asked me that, haha!


(this is not a "sweet" moment- they were pushing it other off my mum's lap...)

yah many pple told me that...

when they wear the same T-shirt... even more alike... cos my boi big size... going to catch up his jiejie...
BABY YOPLAIT: I know many of you feed your babies this. If you have the following product, please discard immediately!

<u>Recall Of Baby Yoplait and Yoplait Eliva Yoghurt</u>

The National Foods Limited in Australia has announced an immediate voluntary recall of its Yoplait yoghurt products produced from two Yoplait yoghurt production lines as a result of possible metal contamination.

Following this announcement, the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has advised the importers and retailers to recall all the products which may have been affected from the market immediately.

AVA advises the consumers who have bought the implicated products to discard the products and not consume them.

According to National Foods Ltd, the recall of the products is only a precautionary measure. There is no evidence at this stage that any product has been contaminated.

National Food Limited has notified our local importer that of the above, only the following product has been exported to Singapore :
Baby Yoplait Vanilla & Banana
Best before date: 11/11/2007
Pack of 4x100g

Full Letter here
*blows cobwebs off this thread*

Anyone doing anything for Halloween? I saw pasar malam selling cute Tigger, Pooh, Piglet, Barney, Bumblebee, etc outfits!
haiz.... feeling so BAD after came back *was not in town* me already feeling so difficult about not being to see quinn for days then when i got back, all i hear is BAD BAD BAD comments about him from relatives *hubby side* saying hes very stubborn and YE(3)MAN(2).... and when they are telling me non stop and refreshing me about what happened, quinn look at me *i think he knows what they says though he dun really know mandarin* and i can see sadness in his eyes. i didnt blame hubby for putting him with my pil as he has a day full of appointment when im not around and they brot him to another aunties house, left all kids playing all by themselves, quinn the youngest while the other 3 is at 5 and 7. and i discovered that they are given lotssss.... of JUNKS to eat and i cant help thinking that their intention is to shut them up so they can play majong!!!! basically no one really supervise them and today SIL even tells memaybe i should bring quinn to check with some doctors!!! check him for AUTISM as she feels that he DONT like to follow instruction or do what others told him too.... this really BOTHERS me! and since last night, quinn has been behaving not himself, like crying at the slightest things and his cry is not his usual too, its really bad and even woke up crying. and just now he also cried so badly before willing to take his milk before his sleep... really dun knwo wats going on here and that word AUTISM really bothers me and i ask myself that does all toddler at this age has great ability to follow instruction or carrying out task thats given out by the adults with little tantrums. SIL even told me that quinn are full of excuses!! she says for eg if she spot him ALMOST touching something which he not suppose to and caught by her and followon by questioning him, quinn will reply her " i didnt touch it, i just look at it" and the fact is hes being caught before he can even lay his fhands on it. and she says lot of those that made me feel so bad, as if i am having the worst kid!
Hi mummies

I bought 3 tickets for baby Prom on 7 Dec Friday, 12 pm but realised that I may not be able to go as it clash with my friend's wedding so thinking of letting it go. Anyone interested?

little devil
not to worry... I thing quinn must be reacting to your absence. Plus being put in a mandarin speaking environment must have unsettled him. My gabby is also full of excuses. The very fact that Quinn can give excuses show that he IS NOT AUTISTIC!!!

If he is, he would be rather incapable of replying and will not even bother to come up with replies. dont worry too much...
lil devil, actually when it comes to child-rearing practises and beliefs, the only way to get everything done your way 100% is to do it yourself. Even in the hands of the 'best' caregiver/nanny or even relative, I tihnk its not easy to find a caregiver who can provide exactly the way you want. So if you want to put quinn in the care of others then must close one eye lor. After all, it is a favour that they are doing, and since they will have their own chil-rearing habits like we also do, its not possible to get them to think and do things the way you do yourself? Pros and Cons lor, nothing is perfect. (Haha this is why an obstinate mom like me have yet to gone on a vacation w/o Faye- but yet I cant/wont complain cause its a choice that I choose myself lor. :p)
actually quinn is pretty use to spending time with my pil without me or hubby and i really dun see that as a reason and for THAT day, it abit different as its like a huge GATHERING and their usual mahjong and so on and on.......

actually the issue is not like wat u mentioned, why i say that is becos when there are times when i really need to care off quinn to them, i dun expect much from them :p *so bad to say that* as like wat u mentioned, i dun expect them to follow my parenting style as its near to impossible. but wat disturbed me the most is the way they talk about quinn, i mean its up to them to say and i can just *here in here out* but talking non stop the whole night is annoying. i can let this go BUT the WORST is i find its sort of UNFAIR if they would to think quinns not being willing to cooperate or to follow THEIR command is an DISORDER in him!!!!!!
aiyoh seen Quinn for some time and I really doubt he's autistic. Tell ur SIL she never handled an intelligent kid who questions her lah. :p
tell u abt my gf's gal- she was playing with some childsafe scissors, not handling it properly and I "fiercely" admonished, "scissors dangerous and sharp, cannot anyhow point!". She answered, "no... these are toy scissors only, not real ones!". Me and her dad suppressed our laughter, cos she's right. Those scissors cut paper also got problem. :p When I tell Ath not to do something or whatever, like, tell her that she can only eat the frozen portions of ice-cream and not the melted portion (in a bid to get her to eat less since some of it melts mah), Ath will take it at face value. I notice with other things too, she will just take it as the golden truth and follow accordingly. Which is very different from my gf's daughter who will keep asking WHY CANNOT.
I think my gf's daughter has a more questioning mind lor. Whereas my darling daughter is more "follow the rules". Although my girl is catching on about melted icecream... she saw me scooping some and told me, "mummy cannot eat, melt already!"... and then the SPELL WAS BROKEN. :p
thanks so much for saying all these to me, at least i feel better!!
i cant question my SIL for handling a intelligent kid *since his boy seems intelligent too but will follow wat she says most of the time* or maybe she really thinks tat my parenting method really SUCKS since she just made a remark "a kid must have someone he / she is afraid of" BUT i really think all kids are different and if she uses HER method on quinn or even any other kids, it might NOT work?? and just like wat i said, i can close 1 eye when it comes to they using different parenting method *some can be really annoying* as i know that its pretty unfair if i INSIST my way and its difficult for them to follow too BUT the reason why i feel sort of PISSED tat night is becos i feel tat if someone offer to LOOK AFTER quinn when i was busy, theres certain things they MUST look out, 1 important factor is SAFETY!!!! let just put aside all those different parenting method, safety is one important factor isnt it and i really cant imagine wat sort of safety they can provide for kids when they are on their on all by themself??!! especially like wat i mentioned, the eldest is only 7 YO while the rest is like 5 and quinn is 3. its such a blessing tat quinn is still okie after tat night! and actually when i ask my SIL about tat night, as i told her tat quinn has been reacting differently after tat night like crying everynight and such *of cos i put it in a nice way* my MIL called me and ask me wat happen and ask me DID I ASK QUINN AND DID HE TELLS ME ANYTHING??? i really cant help feeling fishy....... mayeb they PUNISH him in such a way tat it FREAK him out thats why hes being so fearful lately???.........??....... but i wanted to be fair, i cant say things tat i am not sure about it BUT again it really PISSED me big time when SIL suspect about quinn having some DISORDER when she finds him difficult to handle. quinn really is one toddler who asks alot, observed alot and such so its really difficult if ones wanted to tell a tale and hoping he will buy it, and with them using the "I AM THE BOSS" method and hoping it will works on quinn like the way it works on their kid, i really think its useless. most of the time i caught them saying things like "i say no means no, no need to ask why" so i guess this is their style i shall not comment. but its really a big headache since we are meeting one another pretty often and also my nephew has been talking to quinn the way his parents talk to him, very commanding manner and i know quinn hates it.
Q may also be reacting this way bcos he's not used to sleeping w/o his parents?

yahlor, diff kids different strokes


Nowadays most of u dun upload pics of kids liao... I upload pic of breakfast instead then! :p
Yesterday watched MARTHA STEWART- French Toast so mafan one ah, wat add cinnamon and vanilla... then sieve sprinkle icing sugar, dribble maple syrup, plus a cube of butter. Wahkao, even I felt, TOOOOOO SWEEET ah!
SOOOO mafan (sorry I'm not cooking sort), I mean, after that must wash big whisking bowl, then frying pan, then everyone eat one slice take one plate each, the sugar sieve and bowl to hold. If STRICTLY follow Martha Stewart, says even serving plate must be WARMED (???). I will only do this when Blue Moon! Now rainy weather wanna go back to snoooooooze... (but cannot, later must bring kids to PD, haiz, lowgrade fever for 3 days already, need to check.).
no lah, he didnt spend the night sleeping over, he still back with me.
wahahahahha!!!! but ur NOT-SO-MAFAN version looks yummy too!!! **white plate or so always do a good job :p ** i serve pancake almost once every week, but mine can only see the pancake since butter only thinly spread and syrup also little but quinn loves it too!! dun worry about the lowgrade fever since its only day 3
i am sure they are okie!!
no lah, he didnt spend the night sleeping over, he still back with me.
wahahahahha!!!! but ur NOT-SO-MAFAN version looks yummy too!!! **white plate or so always does a good job :p ** i serve pancake almost once every week, but mine can only see the pancake since butter only thinly spread and syrup also little but quinn loves it too!! dun worry about the lowgrade fever since its only day 3
i am sure they are okie!!
hhaah, Yingxin will literally bring up the bowl or cup and drink up the melted ice-cream even though i asked her to stop eating
Yuru, arbish! :p My French toast is specially cooked after I committed an expenditure... it's the most expensive French Toast ever hor, LOL!

puff, I would do that! :p

lildevil, oh yes, i suppose i shld try pancake... my gf was laughing, "you bought a bottle of vanilla essence just for french toast only???". Pancake can put vanilla essence anot ah? :p
ha!!!! yah, whenever i by smthing just for a SMTHING, hubby will ask me wat to do with it after tat :p so if i find certain ingredients not as imp. i will forget about using it altogether :p i think pancake no need to use V.E wor....wahahhaaha!!!! now u better think of smthing else tat u can use it for... but ur this french toast looks and sounds good, i feel like eating it!!!!!!
saw the agar-agar pic and it was so nice... even my fren who seat beside me and so happened to turn his head and saw the pic said that it was very nice.

dun let what your SIL words bother you. Quinn is a smart kid. Every kid is different. Maybe she is jus comparing her own child with Quinn.
hmm... i am trying to see why quinn always has issue when hes with them as when we are out and hes playing with other kids, he dun behave like a BIG BULLY but it happens when hes with my nephew! i really think so hard for a reason and all i can conclude is maybe the way my nephew treated him makes him aggitated? and maybe he feels hes being pressed down by my nephew since my nephew feels tat hes the brother and he can take control of him and with quinns character, he doesnt buy it for sure. and 1 reason *which i think very high possibility* is tat whenevr hes there, the adults there handle him the way they handle their kids *different style from mine* and this stresses him..... but i really dun know why quinn will actually beat or slap my nephew when hes angry whereas he NEVER do tis to any other kids..... i have been explaining to him many many times tat no matter wat happen, hurting the other person is not right but it still happens. i really wish i can find out why quinn will experience uncontrollable anger when hes with my nephew.... ?? and the other thing is also my nephew is now 5 while quinn is 3, i think they subconciously expecting the same from both, in terms of ability to follow instructions or the ability to control their emotions...

from what you said maybe your nephew ever did something that really agitate him. Have you ask Quinn about it? Cos Kiern got incidents where the kid agitate him and he will use violence.

There is one eurasian guy who he will tends to fight with. The eurasian guy like to point at Kiern and said "you are naughty" NON-STOP. According to the teacher, kiern do bear with tat guy for a while till he cannot tahan he will try to hit him. The teacher said they can never go near each other or else they sure fight and quarrel.

Another incident just happened yesterday, my mil told me, kiern did a Mike Tyson act, he bit a girl ear. I was very surprised cos his way of showing his anger is never ever by biting someone else. Even my bil was saying impossible he will bite cos my bil like to tease and disturb kiern to the most extreme, the most kiern will do is scream and try to hit him. Initially, kiern do not want to talk about the incident. But after a few approaches then he finally open up. The "girl" actually bit on his hand first which there is still a vague bite mark and kiern admitted that he bit the "girl" ear. And why do I type "girl", it turn out to be a guy in his class who look like a girl cos he has those dolly shoulder length hair which my mil mistook is a girl.

Since we are all on the topic of food. Can I check if any mummies know how to make a nice cream of mushroom? Thanks in advance
