(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

I won't install ceiling fan also. coz
1. Boys.. have tendency to play with ball..sure bounce it till it hit the fan etc.. throw things/ balloons etc up etc.. For us we have the normal standing fan in each corner of the room..or u can get those fan blower where u can put in ice packs to make it cooler.. definately much safer.. IMO.
2. Definately hard for u to clean- keep clean

Berry, lol, the aesthetics i can live with, there's some really simple blades with round light. HB thinks it's safe enough... I worry what if Ahboy stacks stuff to climb high enough to leap towards the blades thinking it'd be fun to spin round and round that way. Or taking a rope to LASSO the fan and getting whipped by the rope. But HB thinks that's abit far-fetched.

Remember when I was preggie with Ahgirl, that time felt hot all the time, switched on a/c in ONE room whole day... HB was jumping up and down over utilities bill. Hmmm.
oh yah, forgot abt bouncing balls! Good reason, thanks
. Jialat, no pretty delicate lighting either then. Cleaning part am not too concerned cos either FT/ PT helper lor.

OK, settled, no ceiling fan.
Last time previous home had ceiling fan (installed BEFORE kids lah), I worried so much abt my HB being absent-minded, whether he'd swing the kids up to the ceiling right where the fan was. I think really better not.

SORRY, thinking aloud here... not much postings recently anyway hor. :p
i will not too for sure for some reasons. bouncing ball, it does not look nice *to me* and also it gives me headache and stress!!!!!! i really dun know why but i really hate ceiling fan!!!!! i feel SO-NOT-PEACEFUL :p
lildevil, yuru,
aiyoh I'm outvoted by HB n my mum- both think ceiling fan gd n that I'm making too many possible scenarios up! Ceiling fan really gd for ventilating big spaces, esp if there's enough "drop" (ceiling allowance) to stir up the air. Bounce ball can hit LCD/ Plasma TV too...

I dun like standing fans leh, putting safety protective netting over standing fan affects the blowing too much. Standing fan (like standing lights), very dun-deh/ take up space in my limited space. But bohbian lah, will definitely buy standing fans for bedrms cos ceiling fans in there is out of the question, too "uncomfortable" (like lildevil say lor, spinning blades above ur head). Dun need to ask geomancer also will know no-go sleeping under one. Geomancer did say if wanna hang anything that makes people uncomfortable :p like fancy light fittings, can put at more public areas like living/ dining. So if put ceiling fan, will be above coffee-table...
my fren's contractor coming later with quotation.
ur contractor coming back to me tonite with quotation.
my own ex-con dropped out even b4 giving me quotation, sigh.

this wk evaluate, revise, scrutinise contract... looking at how slowly things are going (all of them take one full wk to quote leh!), probly next Mon 1-Oct then can sign contract.

On my own: This wk i hope to purchase light fittings, kitchen sink, kitchen mixer (tap lah), oven/hob/hood/dishwasher, grilles, laundry hanger. Next wk settle IKEA. Then divert my attention to ahgirl's bday- making my huge poster as usual so that takes quite abit of time cutting and pasting.

*pant pant pant*

aiyoh I dunno why I move from 3rm flat still find new place tight on space. Cos I'm trying to fit the big motorised car (I know, someone slap me with a trout, I asked for it lor), 2 trikes, Pooh rider (darn big on the bouncing thing), 2 ride-ons, 2 big firetrucks, grocery stall, shopping trolley, dollhouse... gosh I was doing an INVENTORY of big toys I need to fit in, LOL!
Then my big coffeetable (the one I usually use for cookie-making) now permanently usurped by Ahboy's trainsets. No wonder I see toy websites sell Train TABLES, wah. But I dun hav space to put a huge train table anywhere for him lah!

I see TOYS everywhere, urgh.

Few times daily, he will switch the trains on. I dare not dismantle ah, think he will cry! So put on a corrugated plastic board so that we can lift it aside when coffeetable is needed.

Oh and I need to find a proper spot for Ahgirl's keyboard, thinking getting FIL to modify: make a table on castor wheels to put keyboard at standing height for her. Hopefully with storage underneath for her toy castanets, tambourines, saxophone, xylophones. Haven't figured where to put her toy drum set either.

*I am procrastinating now, that's why so chatty, hahaha*
pawprint, your train set is battery operated right? Then how they play with it? As opposed to just watching it? I've always been very curious about battery operated train sets, but never got the chance to ask hehe. Coincidentally, Faye's BD present from us is also a wooden train set (not battery operated) this year, she loves it to bits! :D

fitting toys- if you have too many bulky items and some which the kids have outgrown(pooh rider?), maybe can donate then to some children shelter and use this opportunity to talk to them about giving to the less fortunate? Just a suggestion heh.
Berry, all not outgrown leh, even the pooh rider.
Ahboy plays train with battery, and without (vroom on the flr).
Sigh, just got quotation, now reeeeeeling from the shock.
pawprint, how much u expected? how much you quoted? Yar lor, that time when we did our reno, the quotes all came back to be 5-10K more than expected also. But in the end we did spend 5-6K more than we wanted to. :p
pawprint, I think I saw alot of Hangroshe sale in the papers lately, I remember you mentioning that you are a fan of their raindance series or something like that right? You bought any oredi?
Berry, expected this ballpark but it's kinda like, we expect the girl to be this ht but still upset when measured to be this ht at PD. Can't justify spending so much, am now cutting away items.

Yah I do like the raindance thing *sighs wistfully*, hehe.
I think not changing any the existing Grohe sanitary fittings. Only need to buy *one* Grohe kitchen mixer... abt $450 (for abt the cheapest leh). *faint* Then my mum's place, her Grohe showerset needs replacemt... that costs abt $220.
Pawprint, yar lor, very heartpain when it comes to reno, so much to spend all at once, so even if one item dont cost the sky, everything added up will. I felt alot of heartache when we were doing our reno a year back also lol, but now that its way over, we feel that every cent is well spent, esp on fittings we like alot and have to use daily. :D
SOS call to all mummies
Need yr advice & contribution coz i am really BAD at cooking. Running out of idea what to cook.

A) Besides the normal soup(ABC,watercress,Lotus roots etc) what can i mix to pork or chicken to make soup. pls feel free to add in to the list
1) Potatoes + ??
2) Lotus Roots + ??

B) What can be fried with vege besides garlic, shallots and lean pork??
1) Prawn

C) What can be fried with chicken
1) ginger + dark soya sauce

Thanks a millon.
kelly, thanks! On her actual BD, she bring us (us and my PILs) to Marche for lunch, then we all brought her for Haagen daz's super heavenly fondue, very yummy! :D
very busy lately, Yingxin has not been well...last 2 weeks she had high fever for 3 days, then this week, high fever again, and her cough has lasted more than a month already

Happy belated birthday to Faye, Rhyan, Quinn, Janice,

Happy birthday to Keira, Sharyn!!
Jen and puff:

Thanks for your BD greetings to my gal Janice.
Time flies.... my gal 3yrs old liao...

will post her bd pic at CC later....
ceiling fan is definitely out for me as it will be too tedious to clean!
i will be the one cleaning...hahah

the train set looked very interesting. yingxin only have one round track with the train station, one tree and one traffic light

A) Besides the normal soup(ABC,watercress,Lotus roots etc) what can i mix to pork or chicken to make soup. pls feel free to add in to the list
1) Potatoes + ??
2) Lotus Roots + ??
3) herbal (wolf berries, longan, hua shan, etc)

B) What can be fried with vege besides garlic, shallots and lean pork??
1) Prawn
2) chicken

C) What can be fried with chicken
1) ginger + dark soya sauce
2) can add chopped onions to dark soya sauce?
3) chopped celery
ruffy, Faye cant type yet :p So I will answer on her behalf heh. We bought her a wooden train set and additional attachments/train to use with it. So in addition to the oset she already has, now she has enough tracks to build a really big/long one! :D

on 22nd (sat) we have a huge celebration with family members, a really huge one :p we make it a pool side party and i order a LEGO cake for him!!!
very very adorable when we look at a HUGE yellow lego piece. and hes very happy too! then on his actual day, we brot him to eat his favourite ramen *his fav place for ramen* then carry on with cycling / skate scooter in the park. he has a quick nap in the car and after tat, we went to have ice-cream at B & J and hes very very happy since i dun give him ice-cream often.

quinn got the wooden set from his godma last bday then this year he got the battery operated one from my parent-in-law. he seems interested in the B.O set initially but soon it dies off!!! so glad that i didnt spend $$$ on tat. hes much more interested in th wooden set as he can build it himself in various way and he dun like to do nothing and just look at the B.O set so i guess he prefers the wooden set more.


A) Besides the normal soup(ABC,watercress,Lotus roots etc) what can i mix to pork or chicken to make soup. pls feel free to add in to the list
1) Potatoes + pumpkin
2) Lotus Roots + black beans *very yummy but rem. to soak the beans at least an hour before putting in to cook*
3) herbal (wolf berries, longan, hua shan, etc)
4) si (4) sen (2) tang (1) - can get a pack in eu yan sheng, just put in pork to cook, this is good for appetite.
5) fen (2) guo (3) tang (1) - can be bot in the market, looks like yam but its not, its VERY hard, always has hard time cutting up. and add peanut to cook. must boil peanuts til abit soft and drain off the water and add peanuts into the soup to further cook it.
6) soya beans and bitter gourd soup - this is good for very very hot days and its cooling, some people believe it can remove heat rashes...... beans must be soak overnight before use.
7) spinache with pork and stir in beaten egg and stir before serving

B) What can be fried with vege besides garlic, shallots and lean pork??
1) Prawn
2) chicken
3) beef if u can take beef

C) What can be fried with chicken
1) ginger + dark soya sauce
2) can add chopped onions to dark soya sauce?
3) chopped celery
4) add sesame for aroma.
5) leek can goes with chicken
6) mushroom.
7) can add in carrot or capsicum, extra vitamins and nice colour
8) oyster sauce in u dun mind
Train Set,

I have one wooden train set and one diecast-plastic train set. the boys like to fix their own tracks and move the trains themselves. we also got a plastic train table. The train table has a board which we can put on top to convert it to a kid table. WW now learning to write ABC in school so sometimes he use the high chair table and sometimes the train table.



Just bought my younger son a TY beanie penguin. He chose it himself over the other beanies. His is the slapshot one.

Chinese lessons,

WW just started preschool (nursery) this month and they have chinese tution after school once a week (optional, pay if u want). we are thinking of starting next year. how are your children doing with chinese in school? is it just singing or is there writing?

because some chinese schools here have writing as well and we dont know whether we should send him to those or let him go to those singing and reading ones first.
rochelle, I personally still believe that they learn thru play most effectively at this age, so the school I picked for her doesnt get them to do writing at all till N2 next year. This year in N1, they do lotsa learning thru specially songs, rhymes, play, games and alot of hands-on activities. From there they expand their vocab, learn lots about general knowledge (diff weekly theme), learn to hear/differentiate the different sounds (thru rhymes) and so on. Alot of emphasis is placed on fun so that the child's attention is naturally captured. Its very effective cause I've seen how the kids usually run gleefully to the lesson corner to participate, and the teachers seldom need to persuade anyone to join in. Also, faye's chinese teacher is not an assistant teacher in the class, but one of the main teachers, which means that she (together with the eng teacher) is around for the full 3+hours, which translate into her getting very constant exposure to the language which I feel helps greatly too.

unfortunately here Chinese is not in the school curriculum. so we have to send him to chinese school as a ECA to learn chinese or have to teach him ourselves. WW learns better with kids his age and also need to spend some time with WK alone. WK is much more mischevious than his brother.


I ordered the table from online. It is a full set except for the ABCs. It consist of in-built tracks and a white thick board to put on top for drawing or writing or racing cars
my boys use the table to race the pull-back cars they have.
Rochelle, that table's really cool! Irv not putting tracks together yet, he just vroom vroom cars/ trains by hand. He can flick on-off for the battery trains, and stop-go track lever, that's abt it. Ahgirl not into trains/ cars leh.
Thanks for the wishes.
Hope YX recover soon.
Keira has fallen sick too.
That's what i call the birthday curse. Every year she will fall sick without fail on her birthday

The herbal soup looks nice. Tks for the input and the wishes :p

Little devil
Thanks for the suggestions.
Most importantly it does'nt look too difficult. hehe
pcs, you mean on her BD or before? Come to think of it, Faye also falls sick usually 1-2 weeks before her BD. So far she usually manages to recover(*touch wood!*) just 1-2 days before her BD.
Normally is 3-7 days before her birthday so won't recover in time for her BD.
I maybe bantang but this is too xie(2) men(2)
she has not fall sick since May this year. Then out of the blue she was down with flu 3 days before her 3rd BD.
BTW i just PM u
after you left last nite, Yingxin started calling "Auntie Jen....Auntie Jen" very affectionately...hahaha, so funny
yuru, Faye was on organic FM several mths ago, its not v specific with age, says 18 mth and above and thats it lol. Dont have for older kids wan. But I feel that she seems to be quite sensitive to dairy, so I stopped giving it daily. Nowadays she only takes UHT milk every other days.
Children Day's celebration- I tihnk for most kids, they shd have CD celebration today right? What are your kids doing in sch today?

Faye had her children day's celebration cum sports day today, so she participated in a few games, v fun she says! And few days back we(parents) bought coupons for today's use, can exchange for balloon sculpture, airbrush tattoo, a drink and goodie bag. I think the highlight for her was the BIG bag bursting with candy/tidbits she brought home lol, which is not even the goodie bag I paid for (which already has candy/tidbits!). This one is a gift from her teachers lol!
Hi kelly and all mummies

Ya kelly, I am preggie with number 2. Just found out last week. EDD is 16-05-2008. So excited after 4 years.. haha..
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE OCTOBER KIDS!</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Kids' Name</TD><TD>Kids' DOB</TD><TD>Kids' Age</TD><TD>Mummies' Nick </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Arnav Neil</TD><TD>03/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 25d</TD><TD>sun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rachael</TD><TD>04/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 24d</TD><TD>are </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lavigne</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 23d</TD><TD>casros (ouiwii) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Samantha</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 23d</TD><TD>sherhino </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>06/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 22d</TD><TD>ziztine </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Shanice</TD><TD>08/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 20d</TD><TD>angph38 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 18d</TD><TD>kelly (weddingfairy) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cayden</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 18d</TD><TD>feline </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Meghan</TD><TD>12/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 16d</TD><TD>deniz (deniz_ann) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>13/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 15d</TD><TD>bride0712 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Hengzhi</TD><TD>14/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 14d</TD><TD>comizgirl </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Qian Ning</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 10d</TD><TD>andrea ku </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Athena</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 10d</TD><TD>medusa (mtmtmt) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rafael</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 10d</TD><TD>belanda </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 08d</TD><TD>charsiew rice </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 08d</TD><TD>may may </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Nilay</TD><TD>22/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 06d</TD><TD>august </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Justin</TD><TD>25/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 03d</TD><TD>AC (anchovy) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Anders</TD><TD>26/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 02d</TD><TD>cow </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Sharwyn</TD><TD>28/10/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 00d</TD><TD>sharon </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>29/10/04</TD><TD>2y 10m 30d</TD><TD>gabby's mummy</td></tr></table>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Mummies' Nick</TD><TD>#2 Name</TD><TD>#2 DOB</TD><TD>#2 Age </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>chihiro</TD><TD>Kenith</TD><TD>10/10/06</TD><TD>11m 18d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>domesticgoddess</TD><TD>Nicholas</TD><TD>10/10/06</TD><TD>11m 18d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>KC (sunshine_bear)</TD><TD>Rui Xin</TD><TD>23/10/06</TD><TD>11m 05d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>kypf (ktpf)</TD><TD>Jacqui</TD><TD>25/10/06</TD><TD>11m 03d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>pets</TD><TD>Sharmaine</TD><TD>27/10/06</TD><TD>11m 01d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>sharon</TD><TD>Shaynnen</TD><TD>28/10/06</TD><TD>11m 00d</td></tr></table>

pcs, thx for the info
, waiting for them to open at 1030am to answer my phone, haha. Hansgrohe usually more ex than Grohe though


FINALLY finished my pinatas!
