(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Haloooo everyone,
Have a very Merry Xmas!!!

A suggestion - U can train YX to show her fierce face when they make such remarks again. Hehe

<font color="ff0000">Happy 1st Birthday to Nicole</font>
lilprince, Why,
hmm I think Bobux-type of shoes can keep for 2nd baby wat. If different gender, can still wash and "preserve" one for memory keepsake. So far I've kept aside 1 of A's bodysuits &amp; 1 pair of shoes.

I love Luke's thick jacket pics haha! And the Central Park ones

aiyoh everyone here loves YX's hair. And she's pretty enough to be cover baby, surely experienced magazine people won't choose a "solemn" baby, duh! It must be frustrating when relatives pass comments like this- maybe I don't get such comments (yet) cos my face super-black and temper super-short :p . U too nice lah!
In which case, smile and in-out of ear lor.
luke says, "after much nagging, i got mummy to go back to old navy to exchange that silly blue michelin jacket for the nice brown grown-up one! i never wanna see it again!" :p

<font color="aa00aa">pcs</font>
heheh, i dun have to teach her cos she is already showing face to them whenever they try to get near her

<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
yah,i agree i'm too nice for my own good!! cos these uncles are cash cows, so cannot offend them, just gotta nod my head everytime they got something to preach

so did u bring athena to take pic with fat santa? i brought yingxin to tampines mall for a walk while waiting for hubby to knock off on friday for shopping and there was supposed to be a santa appearance but did not turned up after waiting for like half an hour.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.....Yingxin took 3 steps unaided yesterday!!! Afterwhich, she kept on trying but kept falling and giggling at the same time, so cute!!</font></font>
puff, wow!! I know it must be sooox10 exhilarating for you!
Just wait and watch, she'll be toddling everywhere real soon! What a lovely xmas pressie for you it must be!
Hi mummies,
I have a 13 month old son and am having some trouble with him. Hope some mummies here can share their experience with me or give me some advise. Help is greatly appreciated....
2 months ago, my boy started waking up frequently at night, about every half hour. And throughout his sleep, kept tossing and turning. About 3-4 times a week, he will wake up in the middle of the night and start to cry inconsolably. Can last for about 1-2 hours. I already tried feeding him and changing diapers, petting him, rocking him, playing and nothing works.
Any mummies have this problem at all? Please help!!!
Hi casros and other mums,
I've finally found a CL. Hoping I will not get tua at a later date. Thanks for responding to my SOS.
Congrats!!! SO Happy for U

Is he over stimulated in the day?? I remember the mummies here discussing about bb crying during sleep BUT 1-2 hrs seems quite long.
chihuahua, could he be going thru some major teething? is he perfctly fine in the daytime? can it be that he's unwell somewhere? Maybe he's gg thru a growth spurt and wakes up hungry?
Hi Jen or other mums,
I came across this thread and saw the lovely pics that you have posted of Jeannieve's Birthday party. Can I check with you or any other mums in this thread where did you buy the play area plastic fencing? Do you know the cost? Will it fall inwards should the baby pull it? What I mean is, do I need to secure the end of the fence?

Sorry for asking so many questions. Hope that you can help me as I have a active boy and I really need to child proof his play area.

Thanks in advance.
aiii,my boy is 14 months n he still wakes up a few times/night.Every time we gives him a bottle of water,he will keep quiet,but 1-2hrs later,he will cry again.
Hubby n i are getting more n more tire...
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATS!!</font>

Congrats :p Such a fantastic Christmas gift from Sharwyn.
puff / sharon
so happy for your bbs, can imagine your happiness too!

sharon - sharwyn is pretty fast leh, she can stand up on her own! i remember at that time, rhyan crawled for a very short while and then started walking on his own but he couldn't stand up without any assistance from us or the wall. only few weeks back, he started standing up on his own. our little ones really go through their stages so differently.
remembering the days last time when i was wondering why rhyan had not started crawling but now, busy chasing him at shopping centres! :p


Robinsons Sale for Members
Its on yesterday and today, open to public tomorrow. we were there last nite, didn't really buy much things. hb forgot to bring rhyan's shoes out, bought another pair of shoes for him very reluctantly in the end.
puff, sharon

congrat that ur gal is walking unaided. My gal still not walking and quite worried. BOught her the toy push walker but she refused to use it.

Have ur gal started walking??

<font color="0000ff">puff, sharon</font>, congrats to the walkers!!

<font color="0000ff">yuru</font>, you are welcome... how's ur trip??

<font color="0000ff">piggylee</font>, retail price $99 for 1 set (4 panels) from Kiddy Palace/Kids Mall... I bought 2 sets during a bulk purchase...

<font color="0000ff">emma</font>, no leh... she oni can balance... rocking back and forth... wat abt allycia?
puff, sharon,
U must be overjoyed. Congrats!!!

So long nvr 'see' u in forum. How's ur BJ trip?


How abt bringing ur child to the PD?

Luke looks like a little penguin in the pic where he's sitting on the bench. So adorable
<font color="aa00aa">berry</font>
yes, very exhilarating indeed! my best xmas gift so far in the last 10 years was passing my driving license and watching yingxin took her 1st step unaided

<font color="aa00aa">chihuahua</font>
hi, try to refrain from playing in the middle of the nite, perhaps u can turn on some soothing music?

<font color="aa00aa">eveyln</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">CONGRATS!!!!</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa">yuru</font>
you are back! thanks...her bruise is slowly recovering

<font color="aa00aa">sharon</font>
i share your happinese too!! very fun hor
<blink><font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">
HAVE A GREAT YR 2006!!</font></font></blink>

<font color="ff6000">puff/sharon</font>
congrats on ur gal's newly achieved milestone *applaudes*

<font color="ff6000">evelyn</font>
Congrats on ur no.2!!
Have a smooth 7mths ahead !!
(Dec05 now liao mah..so left 7mths since ur EDD is July06)

to the club of preggy mummies in this thread!

Congratulations to your babies acheivement! Now, you'll be real busy chasing after them!!!
Hehe this time round I think I feel bb #2 moving earlier than with bb #1. :p

congrats too! Hehe.

wah very fast. A only just recently walked about! Eh, I got a shock when I cliked the vid, our voices are alike, except I squeal/ shriek/ exclaim alot more... :p

Hope everyone had a gd holiday wkend!

Thank you! Let me give each of u a kiss hohoho...

Why n sherhino,

Felt motivated!!!! Then faster join our club lah....
*cough cough* I used my camera again. :p


"HIII! I'm at the Beach!"


*tugs Daddy deeper to sea*


"OKAY. I play sand first lah."


"Dun think can trap me here by burying my feet!"




"I wanna SWIM!!!"


"Ok I sit down. Can I go abit further into sea?"




"Seawater tastes nice leh. Hehe.
Auntie Skyblue and Lilprince promise an outing soon hor?"
Lovely pics of Athena at the beach :p
Can see She enjoys tremendously
She's a real beach babe *whistle*
very nice pixs of athena at the beach! *whistle whistle* similar to rhyan, love the beach but hor, rhyan won't smile like that when walking away from the beach, will struggle to stay there. hehe ..

weather not too good to arrange for beach outing for now lah, KIV first.

*auntie lil prince smack the bad mozzies*

there is this mozzie cream that can be bought at pharmacies, specially for children below 2 years old, can relieve itch caused by mozzie and insect bites. i applied this cream for rhyan's insect bite the other time and the itching seems to lessen alot. you may want to buy and apply for her.
<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
now experienced liao, so prob can feel the movements earlier

did u trim athena's hair?? whoa, she sure enjoyed herself yah....looks so much fun

<font color="aa00aa">why and sherhino</font>
yes, yes!! joined them....
oh my, while i was busy in the kitchen preparing her dinner, yingxin ransacked my bag and took my fisherman's friend and chew it, not the packet but the sweet itself!! and she seems to like it

nice pics! athena looks taller too?


oh dear, can try calamine lotion to soothe the itchiness if you have some lying around.


LOL! did she chew the entire sweet? can give her chilli liao :p

roseola - luke has roseola (also known as false measles). his fever is gone but he has rashes on his face and torso, looks rather puffy too
The Roseola which u mentioned happened to Sam when she was admitted to hosoital for her UTI. Had a shock tot she had kanna Chic pox or measles... Then doc assured us that this usually will happen after a HIGH fever... and what she says is true,3days later, the rashes starts to fade off liao... Looks really ugly and yucky too...

Puff &amp; Evelyn,
TTC begins in jan... Hope to spread some gd news soon....

did u trim Athena's hair yrslf?? Very cute leh.. and FOR SURE she lieks the sea... Just look at her expressions....LOL
Just like to share with all mummies,
Y'day brought Sam to her VERY 1ST MOVIE-The Chronicles Of Narnia... Initially hesitated abt the idea but since freinds all dun mind to take care of her,so we gave it a shot and have to say she enjoyed the show especially the FIGHTING SCENES which she will sit down and watced quietly as if she knows whats going on. The worst thig is she will even CLAP her hands when the pple &amp; animals starts to roar &amp; shout when fighting each other ...She gets restless when the show slowed down or have alot of conversation... Well it's really an experince for us!! Imagine 6 adults and 1 toddler.. LOL!!!
puff, SheRhino,
I brought A for haircut @ Junior's League on a whim. Told hairdresser to "TRIM fringe and ears, feathery, WISPY... but don't cut the back at all- keeping long"... turns out it means 1 full inch above her eyebrows ah. Finish cut liao, hairdresser complimented, "cute BOY hor."
*faint* :p Hope grows out decently by CNY- HB was so mad with me, my mum &amp; MIL also shake-shake head. :p

We went for 1st family movie yest too! Madagascar short clip + Wallace &amp; Gromit... mine is really a TV ADDICT BABY. She glued her eyes to screen from ads all the way 3/4 of the movie, only got distracted by my Iced Lemon Tea at the end.

woah, even I can't take Fisherman's sweet- I sneeze alot if I try it.
fake measles looks worse than it is, will clear up soon
. Last time I posted a nasty pic of them rashes on A's feet, yikes. Was a-ok perfectly just awhile later :D.

A will also scratch... sigh, she's been picking at a bite on her leg, even though healed, she will pick until it bleeds again. Been trying to cover up with long pants to deter, but she just scratches thru the material, or, pull it up lor. Sigh.
Hi mummies
Wow so lucky can bring your little ones to movies. I tried to put gabby thr training at home and he cant even sit for more than 15mins of the Incredibles... any tips to share? Did you bring food/toys?

Your little one a boy? Heard from friends that boys move at a earlier stage...

Hope that little Luke gets well soon!!
Woh YX can take fisherman. Brave gal :p

Sherhino /Medusa
U r really brave to bring yr gals to the movie. So u all chose to sit right at the back? Hmmm maybe I shd try it out one day.

Christmas Lighting
Anyone knows when r they going to remove the Christmas Lighting? Thought of brining Keira to Orchard next week to see the lightings.

gabby, pcs,
we din get special seats, quite difficult to ease out if she kicked up a fuss. She just happens to like TV... which is not a gd thing mah. I gave her my hotdog bread and my iced tea drink, din bring any other snacks for her.
