(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Gabby, Gab is so cute! J has some funny sentences sometimes too. And the words she use, eg "accidentally" & "I think" sometimes catches me off guard!

Pawprint, re: Chinese, we are not the only ones guilty of not knowing our mother tongue well. Guess what? I just learnt yesterday that a new Chinese teacher in the CC has been calling J's Chinese name wrongly! Yet, she responds!

Lil devil, wow! Quinn understands the art of sharing!

Berry & mums with no helpers, how do you find time to do housework? Can share how you cope pls? Anyone employ a PT maid currently or before? How about those cleaning companies, anyone tried? Any recommendation pls?

ho ho ho ho..... i dun think he UNDERSTAND it fully yet, he just use this when he want something from someone, but if its for him to share..... ART OF SHARING will not happen :p just like when hes eating his icecream and i ask him for it, he will tells me tat he cant!!!! i ask him why, he will says that theres SALIVA on the ice-cream and he will pass the virus to me!!!! but i told him tat theres no virus since hes well..... immediately he will COUGH so to prove me that he really cant share!!!!! :p and also when i wanna drink his oat drink, he will also says things like its TOO HOT for me and tell him that then it will be too hot for him too then he will says "its okie as i will be careful, very careful"!!
yuru, I only go online when I am pumping (now) or carrying bb cause when doing these two things I cant do alot of other stuff. So now I am typing w one hand n pumping at double speed (electric) so that I can finish n go pick Faye from school once I am done.

Jen, I have a PT cleaner that is supposed to come in once weekly for 3 hrs but I stopped the service for now cause I am still in adjustment period and hence in hibernation n prefer not having anyone around for now. I just do a quick sweep whenever I have 10 min to spare in the morn, n wipe dirty floor spots w a wet cloth (mops v troublesome, I dun have the luxury of time either) whenever I have 5 min here n there in between lor. Then in between can wash bottles/do laundry also. Just drop my standards abit I guess.

lil devil, hehe thinking of one more ah? U know hor, bbs are sooooo cute n squishy n floppy n irresistable! :D
thanks for luring me hor...wahahahaha!!!!!

only since quinn goes to skool i sort of have a more scheduled routine and i find it better. i will do all housework and cooking lunch when hes in skool and when he nap, i will do the remaining housework. so i guess when theres a bb no. 2, its really okie *a must* to drop some standards else we sure go crazy!!!!!

1) Cindy (took 1 year ago)
2) Isabel & Evan (planning to)


lil devil
i was planning 2 bring my 3kids 4 e prevanar jab leh. now tiking if i shld, after reading e article.

abt e piano lesson u wondering, u 1 2 call me n we chat abt it? easier 4 me lah.
yuru / csr
thanks !!!!!!

regarding tat, i found a skool tat suits me quite well. since i cant hire a teacher to come over my place as i dun have a piano yet. and alot pp telling me tat learning from a skool is better since personal teacher does not mean they are or will be good since lots of pp are able to teach. tat skool has timing tat suits me well, just 45 mins when quinn is still in skool and once a week. and i have punggol or sengkang branch to chose from.

yah man, i am also thinking about the jab....... since quite long ago i wanna get this done but dont know why i keep on dragging and dragging till recently i tot maybe i SHOULD. then after reading and hearing more about the jab, i really dun know what to do.....

okie, if irvin took this before 2 meaning he has another 1 to go? only kids after 2 need just 1 jab.

so everything okie over ur side?

faye took the jab??
any mummies heard about this:

KINDER BEAT is an outstanding introduction to music for children aged 3 - 4.5 YO. created by mark gibson & morna robinson from australia, its a comprehensive music course that introduces elementary consepts of music learning to children in their early childhood years in 2 level.


* movement, dance and gesture
* singing songs, rhymes and solfa/solfege
* story telling and mime
* listening, reflecting and responding
* creative expression and improvisation
* pre-reading through pictorial representation
* introduction to traditional music notation
* percussion and keyboard playing

this course will provide ur child with teh advantages:

* a holistic learning experience taht will aid in the learning of the other intelligences.

* development of ur childs confidence and social skills through playing musical instruments individually and in a group ensemble.

* a platform for ur child to discover hidden talents and showcase it.

* early and non threatening steps in preparing your child for future graded examination with ABRSM or ANZCA, an added advantage for children interested in taking MEP for their secondary education. ( dun quite know wats this lah)

this is an additional class tat will be conducted by a qualified music graded teacher in quinns skool. she presently gives lessons on classical and modern piano using ABRSM and ANZCA syllabus. she is also the ANZCA ( australian new zealand culture arts pte ltd) representative for singapore.

for me i think my main purpose if i wanna let quinn take up this class is to let him ENJOY music in fun way and not on wat he can really learn........ i just want him to have fun lah!!
talking abt music, was chatting with another mum with an older kid in pri. 1, she let him learnt violin. She said she chose violin over piano cos in her opinion, Violin is difficult initially but gets easier somewhat. Whereas Piano is easy initially but gets more difficult. I neither play violin nor piano so no idea...

Kelly, do u know when Steph class resumes? I haven't been refreshing anything :p ...
umm... maybe she got a point. as for will it get easier or not i am not too sure BUT its sure DIFFICULT to start with!!!! quinn wanted to learn violin over anything, but i guess its really too early for him since violin is difficult to master in the beginning. a teacher from a music skool told me tat its not too good an idea to start him now as its tough and the possibility of him giving up is high and also worst can happen when he hate it altogether. so i told quinn tat he CAN learn but not now and i ask him maybe he wanna try others first but he says NO...:p piano is easy in the beginning ah??? i hope this to be true lor!!!! ha!!!!!!

1) Cindy (took 1 year ago)
2) Isabel & Evan (planning to)
3) Nicole ( took after 2YO - save on 1 jab ) & Natalie ( took 2 jabs )[PD suggested]



1) Cindy (took 1 year ago)
2) Isabel & Evan (planning to)
3) Nicole ( took after 2YO - save on 1 jab ) & Natalie ( took 2 jabs )[PD suggested]
4) Gabby (took at 1 ) & Michele(took at 1)


its an hour per week class right? for quinns skool they will start after the march 1 week SH. from what is written, sound pretty fun
wondering the teachers are the school teachers themselves or are they just pp who are specialize in this, meaning going ard schools to schools to teach....
lil devil, yeah Faye took the jab. It wasnt hard for me to make the decision cause hb had a friend (I know this couple too) whose son died at 7 due to pneumoccocal. And the story sends shivers into my heart- he only displayed symptoms of cold/fever, and on the way to hospital, he was still quite alert and asking to TRU after he is well. But who knew that he was already quite seriously infected and passed away several days after.

I figured that no side effect could be worse than death.
Yuru, wah so cool, Ath wld love to be able to do that I think! I guess different teaching style cos she's not doing any of that yet.

I tried to teach on my own, a simple melody... but found it hard and gave up. (Actually passed the task to HB, who gave up too, haha).
in apr, i was told.

my angels r doing fine. i juz brought all 3 out on sat evening when e boys had their usual swim session. it wasnt easy but we'll soon get e hang of it. i didnt bring helper along. still prefer 2 handle my kids without her.
Yuru, I'm waiting for when she goes to music UNACCOMPANIED. I tell u, all those notes and beats make me zzz... I cannot tahan it, taichi it to HB long time ago! Ath likes singing, so I think she'd be thrilled if she cld play a tune now, like u put it, "immediate effect" can trigger interest ;) . But yah, too lazy to move her, u know her current Steph music just behind my blk, hahaha.

Answer on behalf cos have seen Kay, VERY bah-bah! People say my Irv very bah-bah, haven seen Kay yet, more Sturdy! Big/ tall built too!
lildevil, J took the jab last year too. I think you should consider it since Q goes to school.

berry, aren't you on confinement? No help at all? No CL? I think your pain threshold is must very high cos it must hurt for your scar to go out to fetch Faye? Do take care, you know, you do need some rest, especially with 2 kids. Are you planning to resume the cleaning lady services? May I ask how long does she take to clean your place?

kelly, have you ordered the spree? If yes, nvm. Do let me know next time if you organise again. Thanks!
Jen, eh I dun believe in/practise confinement :p Didnt get a CL for the same reason why I dont have a maid- cause CL cant help me with much cause I prefer handling my kids myself (to the extend I roomed in 24 hrs with bb from 2nd night onwards in hosp) and my house quite small so not that much to clean either. As for food, I dont like confinement food and I doubt she will know how to cook wat Faye likes to eat. Plus also cant get her to drive faye to school right?
I only started driving yesterday (ard 2 weeks postpartum), okay leh not much pain. :D
What I need to work on is how to get faye to school ON TIME. Today was the first day I drive her to sch, all three of us took like nearly 2 hours to get out of the house tho we all woke ard 7, I really need to work on this!

Cleaning- yar I'll be resuming soon, maybe in a week or two. Usually she comes for 3 hours if weekly. If I miss a week for any reason, she'll come for 4 hrs the following week.
berry, hope you dun mind me sharing even though you dun like confinement food, i do find the longan red date water good for BM supply. and u can also try the green papaya soup (with fish/bone/pork), also heard that it boosts BM supply. can use slow cooker so not so difficult to cook?
my fren told me that it can even help non-lactating women!!!!????? am i hearing thingsss....... does it mean even if i take now i still can have BM???!!!! cant imagine tat???
Jen, thanks for sharing!

gabby, eh.. frankly I dont dare to take credit cause I think I can still cope better. Working on alot of stuff now, heaps of room for improvement. But thanks for your encouragement!
I am sure you will be able to cope with both kids + normal daily routine. It took me awhile to get adjusted to it. Now I have time to do more of my own stuff and to work on my new projects.
sharon, thanks!
Faye is adjusting very fast, much faster than I thought and much faster than ME haha. I am the one who needs more time to cope better. :p
Thks for answering on my behalf. Hehe...

pawprint, yuru,
Actually Kay not so bah bah liao leh. He has slimmed down as compared to baby time. But i tink he has bigger bones so looks bigger as compared to Kieran who is of a smaller frame cos took all my genes. Haha...

*wave* really no time no see!

Shaynenn really very sweet and pretty. *drools*
Sharon, my bb boy's name is Gene. Eh actually I havent got round to downloading any of the photos I took. Been especially hectic ard here cause Gene is unwell and Faye is unwell too. Shall share their photos another day.

Shaynnen is one very pretty little gal and Sharwyn has grown so big! Time really flies.
shaynnen is so sweet!

medusa / any IT experts
how did you convert the .mov file to .avi file? i am trying to transfer Rhyan's video clips and pictures into a dvd slideshow.

Part Time Cleaner
anyone has a good cleaner to recommend?

hi pawprint
thks alot! i converted successfully, was playing with the WinDVD Creator last night. I downloaded fm Net coz my notebook don't have the complete version (office notebook so limited). Got stuck at the Menu part coz can't figure out the Chapters portion.
yay, figured out already? Just drag, drop and make a basic one lah. U know, even when my DVD burned with chapters nicely done, I *never* make use of the chapters when playing- just slot in and play straight, that's all.

Coming in MAY at Singapore Expo! Saw the ADVERT TRAILER on those TVs around Downtown East- Dora is a real person, not a person in a Stuffed Suit. Theme is DORA PIRATE ADVENTURE!
However, tickets not avail from Sistic, only tickets.com or, buy from the booth next to the Carousel Kiddy Rides at Downtown East.

Bought 2nd category and we got the BEST BEST BEST seats in that category! The highest category is "Centre Block", then the 2nd categories are the "SIDE Blocks". We got FIRST ROW, WHEEEEE!!! And the nearest to the Centre block. I've Never Been So ON and bought soooo early that I got such good seats, LOL. More excited than Ahgirl! :p
ours Sat 330pm, first row 1-4. Going with Sharon. The HBs will wait outside, we'd try to manage with the under-2yo on lap, the 4yo next to us. Really feeling the $ pinch from all these shows!

Yah, Downtown East on weekends is crowded leh. Dunno why!

I caught once by chance on kids central..BArney Live AT Suntec Convention Hall..coming in June..on Kids Central. After that I tried to find out more but cannot find anythin.. Don't watch Kids Central anymore so can never catch the trailers. Then I tot maybe I saw it on some SCV channel??

Nicole is 107cm.
Thanks bride,
I'd go ask at other threads! Maybe can get Early Bird Discount...

Ath still into Barney, and there's this new character in the Barney line-up! Forgot the name...

Pawprint, if you have first hand news about Barney, let me know as well. Thanks!

Gain Kid, I know many of our kids were on Gain IQ. Anyone has tried the new Gain Kid (for 3YO and above)? Pls share. Thanks!
