(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

oranges... maybe juz hv to move ur bowels more lor, cos we need more space for bb liao. ur prob better?

joyful... i weigh twice a day! hahaha...
i oso heard drinking anmum such drinks will help put on weight. i'm mixing it w my milo so dun noe whether its cos of tat. bt really dun worrie. i lost 2-3 kg in 1st tri, bt nw already gained all bac up to 7kg from pre-preggie!

I rem i read ano thread (was it MTB?) where they said it was ok..and they usu want preg to carry their bb..gd luck for both. Then some said more pan tung pp dun like preg to carry their kids..but 1st mth is an exception...anyone can confirm this?
stretchmark cream
i bought something from the natural source
its in serum form.. something called "stretchmark removal" .. not realli remove stretchmark lah .. will lighten ur stretchmark (if any)
does not feel oily after applying ..
the sales lady told me it was ok for preggie to use
quite nice to use ... but can't realli say gd or not coz no stretchmark yet.. *touch wood*
but its rather expensive ... selling price is $50+ i tink .. i bought it during their promo @$40+
<font color="ff6000">emma</font>
ixxit? i still carry bbs leh ..
my mum was bbsitting a newborn couple of mths back .. i carry oso ... can't resist not carrying her !..
my mum oso nv say anything leh
but i dunno abt whether can attend bb's 1st mth celebration or not
Sorry lah dun be angry, juz went to do "big biz". Feelin so much better nw thks. U r right man, same as u last tx oni 2-3 days once. But startin fm yesterday &amp; today the bowel become more regular. Hope tis will continue. And like wat u say bb is growing so no space to 'store' gas or waste. Thk u Dr Are. hehe....

Berry... thks for all the makan address.

My sister ate alot of durains durin preggie &amp; her bb weight 5KG. I'm not jokin ok, he really weight 5kg juz like a pkt of rice. Her gynae asked her to stop takin cos her bb is really very big. So my sis hv to caesaren, normal delivery cannot be'cos his head is too big. I went to c my nephew in hospital &amp; he's the biggest as compare to the rest of the bb. in the ward My sis always complain got backache aft carryin him. Juz imagine gave birth oreadi 5kg then still hv to carry him &amp; feed him. I carried him i oso cannot tahan cos is really very heavy, my hand is goin to break man. A pc of advise do not over eat durian ok.
I do went for my frenz full mth bb birthday celebration when I was like 3 mths plus but I din carry the bb cos I'm afraid later the bb kicks and knock on my bb..not becos of the myth. ANyway now stomach big big, a chore to carry bb so I avoid doing so.

are, I dun drink milk everyday, maybe 3x a week, cannot stand drinking everyday...but our wt gain still more or less the same. Believed it's other part of our body that is expanding, like our breast, water bag.

I oso heard that pregnant woman especially those just preg, cannot attend full mth. My frd frd went to her frd bb full mth, not long she suffer a miscarriage. I don't know is co-incident or wat but better avoid lah.

For pang tang ppl, they don like pregnent woman to carry or go near their bb becos bb will be very difficult to take care after that like nite time keep on crying for no reason....
Dun walk too much ok, u take care. Muz let yr gynae abt yr brown discharge.Very excited right, tonight can c bb? Do u noe yr bb gender,u din't let it on the chart?
oranges... i try to help if i can lah.
better stick to a diet tat helps to move bowels lor, cos constipation is v common for preggie &amp; bad. try to drink a glass of water on empty stomach the moment u wake up, i find it helps. recently, i read tat if mixed with hot &amp; cold, &amp; a pinch of salt, even better. cos when we sleep, the food in our stomach produces 'heat' when digested, which will accumulate. the salt is to reduce the heat, 'jiang re'. dunnoe how true, but juz drink lor.
yingzi... ya man, everything so out of shape now. somemore my wt gain oni on bodice, so when i sit on mrt, w my bag on my lap, ppl wun noe i'm preggie. whenever i stand up, ppl will stare hard! plus i hv bb face lah, so ppl muz be thinking tis ger so poor thing, so young preggie liao!
got to go off now, gg customer's pl again..sianz
those seeing their gynae tis wkend, hv fun !!

hv a nice wkend everyone !!

tataz ...
<font color="ff6000">Emma</font>
i guess hv to depends on bb's position then
rochelle also knew her bb's gender quite early even though we r in the same wk... i still dunno mine yet..
are, wah- who dare to think that you're 'poor thing' for being preggie?! being pregnant is such a blessing and a joy, something to be proud of (I mean, think of all the poor people out there who can never conceive no matter what they do, childless all their life
) and celebrated!

so happy, cause tonight I'm going to have marina south steamboat buffet for dinner, cause hubby's office guys asking him for a treat cause he is getting promoted end of this month. so we decided that the most economical place to give 17+ people a treat is at marina south (imagine how much it'll cost if we go to a restaurant for buffet??). yum yum, really looking forward to dinner keke....I'm such a pig these days lol..

how many of you can feel baby's movements clearly liao? my baby is super duper active, always tumbling about esp in the afternoon (like now), sleeps only in short blocks of half hour to 1 hour then wake up again. she's wildly kicking/turning as I type. I think I'll miss her in me when she's out (even though I'm looking forward to that day still).
for thin crust pizza, try spizza in holland village, i like it alot!!!!!! very nice wo!!!!!!

chihiro (sen),
yah, i saw tat serum too when i was in united sq tat time but end up still buying mustela one. ai yah me very contridicting one lah!!!!! dislike greasy cream like mustela but tik tat not greasy type is not moisturizing enough!!!! so also dun know how....but always end up buy abit grease type as i tik tat since my skin is like stretching and feel tight , its good if its more moisturize!!!! so also dun know how!!!!ha!!!!!!

HUH!!!!! really cant cross leg ah!!!!! at times i still doing tat!!!! i tik i better stop!!!!!!!!! no point looking glam then later got problem!!!!!!!

jus to share,
i also very kia su type, i weigh 2 x aday!!!!! once before breakfast and once b 4 bed time and it so shock tat they varies wo..... tat is y some article says always weigh urself on the same time iof each day, more accurate!!!!!!! these 2 days didnt weigh as i am staying at my mil house, tonite go home will weigh and will shock myself again i guess!!!!!!
btw, I'm sure most of you have the aircon on when you sleep at night right? I feel that the air is very dry and in less than few hours, I feel that insides of my nostrils are very dry and quite painful. any way to overcome this problem?
enjoy your steamboat but you sure not too hot (as in aircon lah)? Better sit at coldest place or something :p Then no need to stretch to cook/ get food, sure alot heaped on your plate hahaha! :D

As for dryness in aircon, do you have a kettle boiler (auto off type)? Just fill with water, put one corner of room and boil (not near you or else hot lah), the steam from it will add moisture, increase humidity level in room. That's what they do in cold dry countries.

Wah... you all keep mentioning Spizza. I cannot! Spent too much $ eating lately :p and yesterday within 24hrs of the donuts reaching my hands, I consumed 8 already... now still left 2 donuts waiting for me. :p
MT oh yar, forgot the heat factor! Yeah, then I'll make sure I choose a windy spot- the consolation is that these few nights havent been that horrendously hot.
The kettle boiler you mention, if its auto off, then the steam will be there only when its boiling and not continously- then how will it help when the kettle thingy finish boiling the water?
are, u so cute. U know today I wore my hubby's L size T-shirt and nobody gives up seats to me oredy cos the stomach is all hidden. Think must revert to my maternity dress, else gonna stand throughout. But at least u dun look tat big in size.

Berry, I on the aircon every nite to sleep but din encounter such a prob. Last time heard pple said can try filling a pail with water so that the air is not so dehydrated.
Thks for the "big biz" tip.hehe...i will try.
Actually, i saw yr wedding photo in this website. U looked very pretty(is true ok,i'm not try to "paul" u ok)

better start talkin to bb &amp; bb to open leg big big so tat gynae can c bb gender. Gd luck &amp; keep us posted on the gender ok.

Little devil...u're makin my saliva dippin dw.Muz try 1 of those day.

U so funny call yrself pig. No lah... u're someone tat enjoy food juz like me. So r u born in the yr of pig?Hm..actually i'm oso a pig.hehe..
Enjoy yr steamboat can ask yr hubby to do the cookin &amp; u do the eatin.
Berry, by the time the kettle boils, should have enough moisture
And you should be asleep anyway hahaha. It's the cheapest DIY method compared to buying an actual humidifier (which produces COOL steam), if that's a persistent problem for you, may consider buying a proper one.
oranges, nope, I'm not born in year of pig, I just happen to eat like one these days haha...

mtx3, okay, will try out your method and see if it works.

yingzi and joyful, will try out your method as well. so tonight i will have a pail of water AND an auto-off kettle in my bedroom LOL..
Anyone start to look/book for confinement lady? I am considering asking my mom or find one.
If ask my mom, I might not rest enough as I dont think I want to tire her out too.
But not easy to find a gd one.
There are a few recomm from other thread.
Wow so many updates on food, even though my appetite not that good yet (unlike most of you i was a PIG before pregnancy) but gives me some good ideas what i can try to eat
Think first I will try one of the pizza place, next, Berry can update me how the steamboat goes - how much it is and whether it's good?? Is it buffet?? 2 people eat worth it or not?

talk about food also talk about doing big biz.. are, oranges, i can "join your club" as before pregnancy i also 2-3 days once now it's almost every day. i heard pregnant women will get constipation so it's relief to know my situation isn't unique!

berry i also get dryness in nose and mouth as my hubby cannot sleep without aircon. i think it's because i don't drink enough water (as somehow drinking too much water makes me feel sick (!?)). I keep some water next to my bed so if i feel really dry in the middle of the night i take a sip of water and swish it around my mouth and lips to wet them..

me week 15 no movements yet and still have to wait another 1.5 weeks before my next gynae visit.. time is passing so slowly..
by the way, i heard that if the mom is preggy with a gal, she is pretty. if preg with boy, she'll be ugly. but i also heard otherwise.

any one has any comments?

oh.... anyone drinking protein drink mix?
hi leo29,
miscarriage is not due to attending full month cos i know of many who miscarriage and it's nothing to do with that..
kypf, the steamboat at marina south there is only $10++ per pax, that's why we're giving the treat there. yup, its buffet style. But its usually quite crowded and hot, not a v comfortable place to hang out for long. if you want to eat good steamboat with your hubby, do consider going to a more comfortable place with aircon. one of my fave steamboat place is 'the magic of chongqing hotpot' located at tanglin shopping centre (just beside tanglin mall). also buffet style, the soup os really great, the food is very fresh and really good. one of our fave steamboat haunt. costs around $70 (around there, could be few dollars more) for two of us usually.
Not true at all..it's more of how your genes react to the hormones than anything.

I dun thk true also cos i heard those preg attend also nothing happens..just old wife myth probably.

How accurate it is depends on how gd the sonographer is. Ask ur gynae...how certain he/she is.
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
no need a pail lah. actually if u hv a big bowl, will do liao. it'll be better if u use a container with a wide surface (so moer water can evapourates into air faster).

i used to do that when i'm in Australia

<font color="0000ff">attending other's full month</font>
not sure if will "clash" but i attended my fren's bb's 1-yr celebration.

<font color="0000ff">durian</font>
me ask hubby bring airtight container then this evening go Bugis buy cos he's knocking off early. he shld be out of office liao cos he going to CommuiniAsia wif his colleagues... after that, can go home liao.
<font color="aa00aa">kypf,</font>
u'r still early...

on avg, 1st time preggies feel <font color="0000ff">slight</font> bb movement ard wk 18~20
mngo, what a weird question? if you're referring to baby's heartbeat then i cannot feel it, i dunno if anyone can? as to whether it can stop anytime, i suppose theoretically it could? that's how some people get stillborn babies?

berry thanks for the steamboat tips, usually i avoid eating steamboat in restaurants as i find it quite expensive.. but i guess if i'm lazy to prepare the food then it's better off for me to eat out.

angelia, ya lor, usually i get all sorts of movements in my abdomen i think mostly it's the gas travelling around, so even if bb movement i also won't know!
oranges... my pics nt here lah, u meant the yahoogrps rite? no lah, the pics look gd cos of the superb MUA and photographer lor. i'm v pleased w my pics. bt tats in the past, not face round round &amp; i cut my hair super short, so like gin na like tat liao!
Are.... yup i saw yr photos in yahoogrps.No need to feel so pai seh. I hvn't cut my hair,so everytime feel very hot.Mayb will cut later.
think i know what you mean, when such a long break between gynae visits i feel uncertain about baby is getting on inside too
but i post a question on this thread sometime back and some of the gals shared that if something is wrong we would have known by now either we will get bloody discharge or cramps or something.

i saw something on this website which after reading made me feel better and worry less, maybe you read it too: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/expert/549383.html
thks a lot for the article. really feel much better after reading. i always veri kan cheong and keep wondering how is bb's growing...
kypf and mngo, if something bad happens, you should feel either heavy cramping + bleeding or both. its very unlikely (if at all possible) for baby's heartbeat to stop suddennly with no sign or warning. and no, i dun think you are supposed to be able to feel baby's heartbeat even at fullterm.
oranges... haha... dun tease me lah. actually i wanted to cut mid-length, then b4 birth cut real short. bt the auntie hear wrongly, cut all the way, so i'm gonna mantain so short all the way lor. lucky cut my hair, else dun noe how i tahan all these hot hot nites!!!
thanks for posting the article link. feel much better after reading it too. have been feeling v non-pregnant ever since my ms stopped, and was just teling my hubby yesterday that i preferred having ms because at lease i knew then that there's something in there that's causing it! erm, i think i would take that back now, hee hee!
between MS subsiding and being able to feel baby's movements is only around 4-8 weeks, so those whose MS has subsided but not feeling baby's movements yet, be patient for now. Cause soon you'll feel baby move in you regularly, and its even more assuring than having MS (and alot more fun for sure!).
Finally it's Friday!!! Can get good rest over the weekends..how nice arh? On the aircon and cover with blanket, so shiok!

Went for my detailed scan this morning at NUH, my gynae dun hv the equipment, so asked me to go NUH. Confirmed that i am expecting a boy! Hurray!!! so as promised, tomolo must go buy bb toys and maybe the cot also..
Bb now is 495g and all is normal, placenta still abit low but the professor said 90% will move up by 32 weeks. if not got to c-section.
guess what? i found short streaks of red stretch marks on my right waist (more towards the back) this morning! nearly screamed! Yeeks! must go back qin jia apply the cream liao...yucks!!!!

must nego with bb, then bb will open legs big big for u to see..and must keep on repeating to tell him/her open big big, then mummy buy you tons of toys n nice clothings!

u made me drool lei..me been thinking of marina south buffet for quite a few days liao, yet to satisfy..

me also must cross legs lei, so diff not to cross..

hi berry, thanks for assurance.
i tot it will suddenly stop one. now tat i know got sign and warning, i feel more rest assured
