(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

I think all fruits, vegetables nowadays are enhanced with growth hormones in the fertiliser feed and so on anyway. Not just durians lah.

Me checked weight this morning... still at 5kg gain at 5+mths. *cross fingers and eyes that I don't put on too much*
sigh, caught a cold last night, feeling quite miserable now. anyone knows if i can take chicken essence? cause i heard that can only take chicken essence if we're well and not when we're not well? but i also hear that chicken essence can be taken during colds? so what is what?
MTx3... u so lucky! my wt gain has shot up man, i'm into my 6/7kg now!!! beats me why cos i'm still eating the same leh... a bit worried, bt juz cant stop eating! :p

berry... my family practices no tonics when sick, cos the body is supposed to be too weak. but ppl always buy chicken essence for sick ppl???
do keep warm. hope u get well soon...
are, yeah lor, same for my family, my mum tells me that our body cannot take tonics when we're weak and sick. but chicken essence technically is a supplement, not tonic, cause it doesnt contain herbs, right? i'm also confused liao.

anyone here takes chicken essence when you're down with cold?
are, u are not alone. Me ard the same period as you and hv gained 6kg thus far. Also dunno why, me oso eating as usual, din indulge in 2 persons diet....though stomach has grown.
chihiro and are,

It seem like both of u bought high waist pant right? Can chk u both of u it is true tat only high waist pant will last until full term. I'm hvin a pair of low waist pant, nw a bit tight oreadi. Tat time when i bought is s size.
Can i can buy nice high waist pant, i'm quite petite. Thks
rochelle/ chihiro,
my morning sickness oso sort of subsided fully since last wk.
just need to be noted not to take too much @ 1 go, or else will feel uncomfortable.
oso dunno what is round ligament?? but i lower abdomen area these few days kep having 'pulling' & light pain feeling leh... dun think is bb's movement guess is the expansion?
hi everyone,
i am new here
and was looking at how good is it to have pp in here talking about interesting topic!!!!

okay, let me self intro abit. i am a 28 yrs old mum to be, i am expecting a bb boy and also my edd is on 21st september, so i am in my 26 weeks plus now!!!!!
Pls take care & drink more water. Mayb u shd go & c doctor, get MC then rest at home. U need plenty of rest nw. Hope u will get well soon.
hi hi little devil


I am due on 20 Sept. Boy too...where are u delivering? Is this ur first baby? u 28? Meaning that u are a dragon??
oranges, me not working, today supposed to attend antenatal classes but didnt go so i can stay home and rest.

little devil, your EDD is one day earlier than mine, I'm on 22nd Sept! lets see who delivers first keke...
yingzi... yeah, my tummy expanding everyday too. now ppl see me in office always want to touch!!!

oranges... i think both types can last till full term, unless ur tummy relaly big, then hv to wear dressses liao. my bottoms r quite comfy as those w extra cloth will wrap the tummy, & those w/o r baggy. they come in sizes & adjustable waist band so will sure fit u. i bought some pcs frm OG & some frm tpy. juz normal work pants & tops.

This 2 days me oso encounter discomfort at lower abdomen and me same week as you. I oso guess is the expansion.


Envy, increase 5 kg for 5 mths+. Me increase 5 kg and i'm only wk 16,
. I heard later stage will increase more, very jia lat lei. Must control liao. Average shld increase 1kg-1.5kg per mth.


I think weight increase in later stage is common. You so slim nevermind lah, sure can easily lose weight after birth.

Hi little devil,

Welcome to this thread!
Mom (mom),
u are one day earlier!!!! which hospital u are ging to stay?? me at mount A. yah, its my first bb, so call unplan one as i actually intend to move in my new house and enjoy first then try conceiving, but it caught me by surprise. i didnt knoe tat after only "1 try", strike liao....ha!!!!!! my new house will be ready in end july or early august. i born in january, so instead of dragon, me a bunny!!!!

Berry (berrywife),
yah, dun know u, Mom(mom) amnd me who will deliver first?? kekekeke!!!!!!!!
leo29... funnie thing is my hands & legs still the same 'size' leh, but bottom damn big lor, how can so much wt? i'm not scared cant lose wt aft birth, cos i wanted to put on anyway. i'm more scared of c-section!!! mt e c-section v ex leh, i dun wan to spend another $1500!!!

tat day detailed scan doc already commented tat bb's legs & hands r quite long. so nw i better do more exercises to aim for natural!
hi yingzhi, you can get low waist pants at almost anywhere maybe except mothercare and kiddy palace. a new place i found is called Perfect Mum (at tanjong pagar plaza / international plaza / heartland mall at kovan

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 14-Jun
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 27
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 28 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 28 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 26 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 26 MAH / B
little_devil ... 21/09/04 wk 26 MAH / B
berry .......... 22/09/04 wk 26 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 25 MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 25 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 24 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 24 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 23 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 23 MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 23 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 23 GEH / G
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 23 MEH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 22 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 21 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 21 GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 21
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 20 GEH / B
cosmo .......... 08/11/04 wk 20
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 18
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 18 MAH / ??
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 18 MAH / B
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 17 MAH / ??
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 17
sybil .......... 26/11/04 wk 17
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 17
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 16
leo29 .......... 02/12/04 wk 16
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 16
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 16 RH / B
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 15 KKH / ??
woof ........... 08/12/04 wk 15
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 15
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 15
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 15
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 15 MEH / ??
mngo ........... 12/12/04 wk 15 MAH / ??
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 15
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 13 GEH / ??
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 13 TMC / ??
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 11

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles</font>
<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>


don worry lah, ur weight increase is not too much so i belive ur bb will not be too big. Normal delivery shldn't be a problem. My friend put on 23kg and she oso normal delivery. Somemore is fast and a smooth one, so envy......
Hi little devil, oh, u are a bunny. I am a dragon and this is my 2nd baby. Mine also accident...I will be delivering at Mt A as well...heehee, maybe we will deliver on the same day

we two same same, 5 mths + put on 5kg! hopefully later stage the weight do not come on altogether...sure very fat then..u still dun know the gender of ur bb?

ladies, me going for detailed scan tomorrow, so exicited and nervous. hopefully bb is all ok.
do you gals know what do they scan for? can confirm the gender then?

me everyday so deprived, cannot eat too much rice, noodles..then very hungry..sigh..

mngo/little devil,
u gals strike on ur first try? so nice!

heard somewhere that evenlyn tan (channel U) pregnant. anyone heard abt it? if yes, from where?
think they also like strike lottery like tat! so nice!
micky... u will definitely noe the gender aft the detailed scan, unless bb hide lah! doc will chk for various lengths, like head, hands, legs. oso 4 chambers of the heart. tis is to make sure bb is ok. juz relax &amp; enjoy cos u will be able to c ur bb for @ least 1/2 hr!

and yes, evelyn tan is pregnant. its in shin min last nite and LIFE section of today's ST. apparently they strike on wedding nite. she's 11wks liao. and juz like wang yanqing, they will let her broadcast till she deliver oso.

leo29... dun noe leh. tat day ask my doc still got chance for normal delivery or not, he like nt v confident, and say currently still hv. wat to do, bb follow daddy's genes i oso bo bian!
thks mngo...now too late..i bought enuff pants, so not spending anymore on maternity wear.

for sure u will see the gender cos even if bb hides, the sono will asks u to shift ur position or walk ard till they can see it. Tat is why it's a detailed scan, everything must reveal

why can't opt for normal delivery...this has nothing to do with weight gain wat. My colleague who gained more than 20kg still go for normal. Prob at ur 3rd Tri, it will be more confirmed so dun worry first k.

Oh realli evelyn tan pregnant oso, aiya no wonder I tell hubby she looks different leh, dunno why...think it's pregnant woman instinct. I tot she's pregnant too but tat was weeks ago. Wow..darren lim realli veri efficient ah.
Hi Ladies,

Juz to highlight. Dun get too excited over the hipster pants as I cant fit in after ard wk 25. Meaning the pants actually "cut" onto my flesh juz below my tummy ard. All in all I bought 6 pairs and they were not cheap (ard $79.90) oso. Its really a waste. And as tummy grow, wearing pants may not be tat comfortable. Well, I may be an exceptional case, but do take note of tat.
yingzi... of cos will hope for natural lah, juz scared bb too big lor.

leo29... i had it last sat @ 22wks. detailed scan can be done frm 20wks.
General question to all: How much are you spending on maternity wear?

So far I estimate to spend $250 on 5 dresses and just rotate them (as I have a problem with separates).
mngo (mngo),
yah, never expect it to be tat fast, as in the past, we (hubby and i) only using the withdrawer method which can be risky and so i tot i will not be preggy tat easily!!!!! but!!!!!!who know!!!!????? ha!!!!!!

Mom (mom),
ha!!!!! it can be u know, we mus exchange contact no. by then who knows we can keep each other company in the hospital!!!ha!!!!
oh, so u are having ur second bb!!!how nice!!!!!!

Micky (ade02), yah, only try once!!! tats y get a shock out of my life when i do the home test!!!! and i want my hubby to drive me out o 7/11 to buy 2 more test jus to confirm it!!!!!

yah, about the hipster pants, its true that its not so advisable...u will be surprise how fast u can out grow them as we are now in second or coming third trimester!!!!! it will be tight when u sit down but loose when u are standing!!!!! personally, i like the shop in tanglin mall name dune. they got pretty nice maternity wear and not auntie looking, can check it out!!!!!so anyone want to share how much weight u gals put on up to date?? me pre preggy is 43.5kg, i tik now about 51kg.but my whole of first trimester only put on 0.68kg!!!!! second trimester ZOOM!!!!!!!
little devil, my pre-pregnancy weight was 42kg, now 56kg at week 26 LOL... Never mind la, I tell myself I'll lose all the weight I gained during this period after i deliver. must make sure I'm fit and slim again before the second baby.
btw, withdrawal is one of the most unsafe method, cause the pre-ejaculation secretion also contains sperm, and you need just one good sperm to fertilize an egg, one drop contains millions of sperm I think.. For us, we were TTC for a few months before hitting jackpot, both hubby and me we absolutely exhilarated when I finally conceived after a few months of disappointment.

kypf, I didn't count the money spent on maternity clothes, just buy and wear as and when needed. all my maternity clothes are seperates, cause I prefer pants and tops- I'm not tall, so look very shapeless in maternity dresses, I'll look like a lampshade in dresses now keke... :p
anyway, if you plan to have more than one child, you can always wear the clothes again then.

val, if we put on weight at hip and thigh area, sure have to change clothes again later in late 2nd tri. Cause a pair of pants I bought in first tri is already too tight for me now.

micky, detailed scanning checks for size/length of specific body parts, checks the heart, as well as facial features for things like clefts, etc.. I enjoyed my detailed scanning quite alot, very assuring to know that baby is growing well. enjoy yours too!
Berry (berrywife),
yah, we MUST be positive!!!!!!!! we CAN slim down afetr deliver, now mos important thing is to feed bb with enough food!!!!!

precisely!!!! tats wat i tot about the withdrawal method, as i am using tat for yrs and still didnt accidently get preggie, i tot i might be those who is not so easily conceived. so i tot during tat time when i and huuby try (in dec) and we jus didt proceed to the withdrawal method, we jus let it be (ejec. inside me) and tot tat maybe after afew try or so or afew months then i will get preggie!!! but who know, once kena liao....... *scratch head*
little devil, I'm using boots stretchmark cream, but I'm not v disciplined, use only few times a month hahaha... anyway its mainly genetic, if your mum has it, higher chances you'll get. My mum doesn't have any, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I won't too. :p
little devil,
my pre-preggie weight is 44kg and i've already gained 5 kg and i'm only in my 17th week...a bit worried now...

i've heard from quite a number of mothers who only uses normal body lotion and has no stretchmarks and some who spends lots on stretchmark creams and end up having lots so i guess and heard that it's genetic and nothing much you can do abt it...

my hubby and i also have been using the withdrawal method for years and we conceive after one month of "natural" so it's a blessing and we're thankful for it although not fully prepared...
Peg peg,
You've already gained 5kg?! We're abt same date and i only gained 0.5kg as of wk15 (I dun weigh freq). Can share with me what to eat to gain weight (other than durian cos i dun like)?
Berry (berrywife),
yap yap!!! i tik its in the gene and nothing much can be do ne.... my mum got them!!!!!! sooooo scared!!!!!!!Pray pray!!!! ;)

peg peg,
17th weeks for 5kg i tik its still ok, really, dun worry....... its no good to worry so much but i can understand, as i also worry, but lately i learn not to tik so much liao, as long as we dun over eat!!

yah, i also tell myself tat its a blessing though me not really prepared. tat time i am into bb shock, tats wat dr says as i am into mild depression, and even tiking of dun want my bb, so dr says its common reaction....its partly the hormones too, he gave me some anti depression tab but i manage to go thru without popping the pills, and now i really enjoy the bb kick and movement in me.

maybe we shuld encourage one another afetr delivery to get back into shape and lets not be so negative, we mus be happy mah..... we mus try!!!!!
little devil, since my EDD is on 22nd Sept, I'm telling myself to slim down by christmas in time for the festive period as well as to attend hubby's year end D &amp; D. And there is new year to look forward too- I love year end period, must slim down by then so that I can go shopping for beautiful clothes and dress up to be a pretty mummmy! my best motivation is the mirror keke..
joyful (joyful_88),

dun worry, as different pp gain their weight in different point of time. i rem. for me is tat in my whole first trimester, i gain about 0.68 kg and pp around mekeep queationing me why??? but now i am into my 26 weeks and my total weight increased is from 43.5kg (pre preggy) to now 51kg. so u see, my weight gain is mainly in my second trimester........and some pp will gain in first trimester more and when entering 2nd or 3rd trimester, it will stablize. so i tik u jus try to eat more nutri food. some of my fren will eat ice cream to increase weight!!!wat an indulge!!!!
so good that u only gained 0.5kg so u can afford to put on more weight...

aiyoh, i've been eating as usual so i'm quite puzzled too abt my weight gain furthermore, i've been having diarrhea and loose stools since preggie so also dunno why leh...Dr HC also laughs abt my weight...

in fact, i limit my intake of durian now cos it gives me indigestion and i dun like rice too since preggie so more of noodles, porridge and bread and more frequent meals...you know, i've been getting hungry every hour after meals...scary!!!

btw joyful, do u experience tightness or stretched tummy esp. at night?
peg peg, for me, i also dun used to gain weight fast. in fact, i used to be able to eat all the fattenning food i want without putting on a pound. but these days i'm gaining really fast and its due to pregnancy hormones. dun worry la, pregnancy hormones will not be there anymore after you deliver, so just take it easy and dun worry about what you cannot control. plenty of chances to lose the excess weight thereafter.
little devil,
same here!!! i've also thought and even told my hubby that maybe we shouldn't have this bb initially bcos the MS was driving me mad and also had a bit of depression but after hearing from a few friends that they have been TTC for many years and no results, i start to feel thankful and more positive...yea, i really enjoy feeling my bb move and looking forward to it every day!

me also using boots. me also like u damm lazy, apply one in every blue moon. think will only WAKE up when the marks starts appearing. by then too late liao. if u are small size by nature, sure can lose all the weight...dun worry! what happens if bb refuse to show gender huh? me go back tonite n tell bb to quai quai...open legs big big

most of us all like that. cannot believe when it shows a positive..try a few more times before realizing that it's true, that our little bundle of joy is really on the way!

me looking so forward to the detailed scan tomorrow morning..update you gals in the afternoon..!
same here, i used to eat even more fattening food than now and still managed to maintain my weight all these years..it's just a little scary that it's shot up so much...

and maybe it's also due to my craving for sweet stuff..hehe...so berry, did you go to any of the uob promo outlets last weekend?

you might want to try Cafe L'espresso at Goodwood Park Hotel for their afternoon english high tea since you also like sweet stuff...i went there last weekend and the cakes and desserts were fantastic! yummy!
little devil,
I hope so too..i dun want bb to be low weight also. I've been thinking of ice cream also..might do some help.

I think Dr HC saw how worried i was and tried to reassure me. All my friends ask me how come i still look the same like pre-preggie times (other than the bump).

Yeah tummy tighter at nite cos more bloated after dinner. Then i will apply stretchmark cream..i feel better after that (dun noe if psychological or wat).
peg peg, we initially wanted to go pontini or olive tree, but it was all fully booked (must be the card promo thingy) we in the end we went sushi tei (sashimi!) for dinner and went NYDC for dessert (yumyum!!). will check out Cafe L'espresso soon. oh, you been to the chocolate buffet at fullerton? thinking of going soon, cause i love chocolate desserts!
Berry, are &amp; peggy
Any nice &amp; gd food to reccomend ? Or any Credit card promotion like 1-1, cos next wk is my birthday. hehe.. Thks

Hi gon,

Welcome to this thread. Can learn alot of things.

Hi berry, if u're worried, then maybe stop taking chicken essence until u feel better. Guess it's the weather these days, cos I also seem to be developing smthg. Throat itchy, feeling abit giddy also. So have been gulping down tonnes of water.


Of cos u can buy high waist pants even though u're petite. Mine fits me nicely even though I'm petite too. But then, it's better if u buy those with sizes. Your low waist pants can't be adjusted according to tummy size? Maybe that's y u feel that it's getter tight. Mine can be adjusted jus like those high waist pants.

AT wk 24, I've put on 6/7 kg also. In 1st tri, didn't put on at all. Started tis wt gain from 2nd tri. I'm very glad that there's wt gain instead of wt loss cos then it shows that bb is growing

I also bought Boots stretchmark cream but always lazy to apply. So depending on mood, then I apply.


Talk to ur bb to open its legs big big. that's wat my hubby n I did n so we knew the gender @wk 16. Kekeke...
