(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

dun worry, i'm sure you'll gain some weight soon and you know, i've always envied those preggie women who can still remain slim on all parts of their body except the tummy bcos it shows that the bb is absorbing all the nutrients...

Olive tree is really good, esp. their mediterranean seafood buffet on weekends and yea, sushi tei is also nice...oh nydc...the cheesecake is yummy!

no, haven't been to fullerton for choc buffet but yea, hope to try it soon!

oranges, what type of food you looking for? buffets? or ala carte? italian? japanese? chinese? seafood? steaks? keke...food is always my fave topic esp these days LOL! yeah, should pamper yourself to a good meal for your BD, my BD is coming up in Aug, thinking of going for seafood buffet!
just called Olive tree as thought of going there for seafood buffet tomorrow but they are fully booked today and tmw and tmw is the last day of promo...
Any foods oso can except seafood, I'm allegy to seafood wat a pity. So wat's nice & gd. My hubby cannot take TOO HEATY food.

Thks for the early wishing
Is it true tat is 1-1 or u need to spend $$$ b4 u enjoy this benefit.

I heard milk powder can help to gain weight,my cousin did that. At least milk powder is good for bb oso.
think it's definitely 1-1 w/o the need to spend extra $$$, just call to make sure and see if reservations are needed...
WAH!!!!! i went to the toilet to take a shower and now u gals so many message liao!!!!!! all about food!!!!!!!!!

yah, for me also feel shock tat my weight go up so fast during second trimester, i even have my own weight gain chart!!!!ha!!!!!!

for me, i dun hav any MS, so in my first trimester, i eat as per normal but certain changes take place, like i use to LOVE sushi teh, during tat time, i hate tat!!!tiking of the udon and soup base make me go URRGGG!!!!!!! but when i enter 2nd trimester, everything back to normal, i enjoy sushi teh again!!!!!! YUM!!!!!

but my hubby says i used to be pretty ptcky on food b 4 i preggie, i will only chose wat i like and detest the rest!!!! but after preggy, i become very chin chai with food..... and even food tat i dun use to like, i started eating them!!!!!! and i dun really have craving...... tats y i told him tat hes lucky tat i will not wake him up in the middle of the nite to buy certain food for me!!!!ha!!!!!

but i rem in the very beginning of my preggy, i crave oranges!!!!!!! and vege!!!! dun know y also????? b 4 preggy, i can eat alot and dun put on weight, but now, though i didnt overeat, i still put on pretty fast!!!!!! if i didnt rem it wrongly, my appetite increased during week 20 to 24, lately, not so huge liao.......... now i feel like eating pasta!!!!!!!!!!
oranges... i juz went tis place call sakura @ typ central last sat (they hv another branch @ tampines safra). its under the k-box grp and my group really enjoyed the dinner. the food spread was huge, and very fresh. abt 70% is jap food - sushi, sashimi (was told v fresh), teppanyaki + satay, tempura. 20% chinese - dimsum (nt tat great), rice, some meat/vege dishes. 20% desserts - ard 10 types of ice cream, 5/6 types of jelly/mango pudding, coffee/tea/gree tea. best deal is the claypot live tiger prawns, they cook it aft u pick out the live prawns! weekends is $26nett, got discounts for UOB i think.

we had a very very filling dinner, and the place was so packed!
little devil,
i know what you mean, b4 preggie, i love japanese and korean food and started avoiding them like crazy during my 1st tri and hope i can regain my normal appetite soon...

but sometimes when i see certain food on tv, i'll start craving for it and send my hubby out to get it if i cannot resist my craving...hehe...i oso crave for oranges and milk in the very beginning stage of preg but stop after i had diarrhea...
oranges, how about italian? not heaty, healthy enough and not seafood. I love authentic italian-style pizza (not those 'cheong' pizza like pizzahut :p) and antipasti platters- Al Dente Trattoria, Grappa's, Modestos & Michelangelo's are some of my faves. Or how about steak restaurants- Lawry's or Hot Stones (boat quay). Or Japanese food- Nadaman (at Shangri-la) or the Jap restaurant at Pan pac (can never remember names of jap restaurants lol).
what i've recommended are some of my fave places to eat at, do let us know where you decide to dine at in the end.
emma, i dun like cockles to begin with, but if throughly cooked, i don't see why not if taken in moderation?

are, where is typ central? wow, sounds like a really good deal!

little devil, i also love pasta- these days we eat pasta quite regularly, around 1-3 times a week- some of the places we go for good-n-affordable pasta is pastamania, sketches and pasta fresca.
the sakura place sounds really good...so hungry now!!!

i've shared a plate with my hubby once since preggie and only took one small cockle bcos cannot resist...
i try to avoid it cos find that it's oily and quite unhealthy...think so long as it's taken in moderation, any food is fine...
peg peg,

dun worry, u will b back to normal soon!!!! trust me.........

Emma (babypooh) ,
i do eat the char kway teow but no cockles, better be safe mah............
berry/peggy... yeah, it was really value for money. oni complain is the crowd, bt u cant blame ppl for shi huo wat!

sorrie berry.. it shd be tpy central = toa payoh.
btw, toking abt pizza, u noe wat happened to al forno??? cant find them anymore, miss their pizza so much man.
I think 2nd tri is the period where all the weight gain commences. And believed it will start climbing till when we are due for delivery. I gained 1 kg during 1st tri and the rest are all gained from 2nd tri onwards. Cannot imagine what will I be at the end of the pregnancy, hv been putting aside my weight gain for the time being.

Actualli till now I still dun hv craving, so eating as per normal and dun realli hv any particular food which I simply love.

I'm skeptical how long it takes for me to shed away all those excess weight gain too cos after one mth from my delivery, I'm supposed to help my good frenz to be her jiemei for her wedding, dun wanna be a big fat woman there and can't squeeze into those nice nice dress.
dear all,
jus to share, i also love pizzza from SPIZZA, i usually go to the one in holland village. i tik its beside al dente. they serve real good pizza!!!!!!

Yingzi (yingzi),

dun worry too much..... athough its hard but i tik bb health i mos important!!!!! hpw much u gain to date?? me also second trimester started to zoom!!!!!! also hope to slim down fast after tat!!!!!
little devil,

me dun hv a liking to cheezy things..so not into pizza...also realised that now, dislike taking rice. Strange food preference now.

Me now wk 23, hv gained 6kg..which means 5kg since 2nd tri which is too much and sudden. Actualli 1st tri like everything takes slow, then suddenly balloon, wonder wat will happen on the 3rd tri.

One of my gf managed to slim back to her pre-preggie size 1 mth after her delivery. I so envy her. She is back to her 37kg...drooling...

can take chicken essence while sick. mum will joking complain say waste of tonic but she will let me take and I recover faster. anyway aunts always give chicken essence when I am down with flu during chinese new year.


the stretching pain due to our uterus expanding are suppose to be the round ligament pain.
I have been told by MIL's friend to take a cup of fresh milk in the morning and before sleep to get a stronger baby. dunno if it helps but taking fresh milk for supper is not too bad an idea since I dont like the taste of the powdered milk but still take for breakfast.


I am 48 before pregnant (BMI = 19) already worried abt baby being underweight. guess will only know later.
Yingzi (yingzi),

yah, me too, also gain my weight in second trimester!!!!!!!!! wah, ur fren so lucky!!!!! did u ask wats her secret!!!!! MUST SHARE!!!!!!!!ha!!!!!!
Hi Rochelle,

48 b4 pregnant? That's like normal weight of most women, isn't it unless u're very tall. I think my BMI is 18 b4 preggie. So i'm also worried that my bb will be underweight.
hi yingzi and skyblue,

me too! gained so much weight in the 2nd trimester. i am at week 24 now and have gained almost 8kg!! only gained abt 2kg in the 1st trimester. the weight gain for last few weeks has been scary!!
<font color="aa00aa">joyful,</font>
dun worry abt weight gain now.. me oso din gain any weight (1st few mths lost 1 kg, then put back) until ard wk 17/18 which i put on 4kg in 5 wks!!! next appt is 2 wks later, praying hard the weight gain not so much.

<font color="aa00aa">emma,</font>
i oso took char kway teow, but ask for no cockles. like <font color="ff6000">little devil</font>, juz wanna play safe cos even when we're healthy, it's easy to get Hep A (or B) from uncooked cockles (shellfish) and now with a little one in us, better be doubly safe

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 14-Jun
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 27
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 28 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 28 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 26 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 26 MAH / B
little_devil ... 21/09/04 wk 26 MAH / B
berry .......... 22/09/04 wk 26 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 25 MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 25 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 24 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 24 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 23 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 23 MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 23 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 23 GEH / G
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 23 MEH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 22 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 21 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 21 GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 21
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 20 GEH / B
cosmo .......... 08/11/04 wk 20
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 18
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 18 MAH / ??
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 18 MAH / B
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 17 MAH / ??
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 17
sybil .......... 26/11/04 wk 17
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 17
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 16
leo29 .......... 02/12/04 wk 16
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 16
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 16 RH / B
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 15 KKH / ??
woof ........... 08/12/04 wk 15
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 15
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 15
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 15
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 15 MEH / ??
mngo ........... 12/12/04 wk 15 MAH / ??
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 15
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 13 GEH / ??
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 13 TMC / ??
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 11

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles</font>
<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

SLK, Little devil,

Actualli now a bit scared whenever I tried to weigh myself which I normally will at least once a week, so far it has stabilised at 6kg weight gain thus far. Me turning 24 wks tmr, I'm thinking if every mth like 2 kg gain, then that wld be another 8kg more...14kg in total. That sounds sooooo scary right.

Actualli my gf if u see her b4 preggie wt is veri veri underweight, at the time of delivery she is still considered small size though she puts on like 15kg, something like 52kg. I guess it's individual body, her body is meant not to store fats, tat's why she managed to shed so fast. Look at her now, I realli cannot believed tat chubby little gal comes from her.

Finally Friday...tmr can hve a super good rest!
hi yingzi,

same here.... my scales keep going up everytime i step on it, quite worried too.

hi angelia,

you also started to gain weight huh? so i think we are all quite normal?? (consoling myself, hee!)
<font color="aa00aa">SLK,</font>
haha.. me too.. asked those who went thru full term what's their total weight gain to console myself. hahaha..

but hor, 5 wks 4kg.. quite a shock to me. cos when weight returned to normal, the next appt was 3 wks later &amp; i put on 2 kg.. so i was thinking.. 3 wks 3 kg till end of term.. okie lah, but muz still control a bit bit.. then next appt was 2 wks later (which was last wk).. stepped on scale, saw an increased of 2kg.. *faint*

coming appt will be 2 wks later (which is 3 wks interval), hope i see at most 2 kg increase.. else really muz cut down on food liao

actually was wondering has it gotta do with the 1 glass of milk i drink every morning
but hor, actually i oso eat more nowadays.

yeh!! next Sat starting pre-natal class
Wah, moved so fast. Quick one:

Are, good for you your wt gain since you are looking to gain what. I was overweight to begin with *knock my own head*! Plus...
I ate 6 full-sized donuts (some with jam or custard, topped with choc or glaze) yesterday! ARGH!!!
I'm concerned about getting big baby... I just want a healthy, normal 2.7-3kg baby... hopefully no C-section cos recovery will be slow. I have heard alot of cases where tremendous weightgain is associated with large babies (eg. my facialist who's darn slim gained 18kg and delivered a 4kg baby!). But seems most slim people tend to revert to their slim self after birth ;)

Micky, my detail scan next week... my detailed scan scheduled abit later than usual cos last mth's scan was too early, so last mth only did normal scan.

Yingzi, targetting to lose everything in 1 mth after delivery may be abit ambitious and stressful. Even hollywood star with all their money to engage trainer, nutritionist, nanny also need longer... dun tire yourself too much after delivery, need to recover properly too.
Health tips from my prenatal yoga instructress, see whether you want to believe, or not

* DUN cross legs- supposedly may move your internals such that cord loops fatally round baby. She warned pregnancy shouldn't cross legs...

* Careful squats are good for MOST pregnancies because it opens up your cervix. Readies your body for pregnancy changes and labour down the road.
EXCEPT breech-position babies must AVOID squats cos usually try to encourage breech babies to turn, but squatting will sit the baby more snugly into the breech position.
LOW-lying placentas or just recovered from low-lying placentas also AVOID, in case placenta settles lower/ reverts lower.

Basically her philosophy is that prenatal yoga is to alleviate pregnancy, prepare the body to cope with pregnancy and labour, NOT to tone or "exercise".
<font color="aa00aa">MTMT,</font>
got problem leh.. i cannot sit without crossing my legs..

will feel super-uncomfortable
anglia, in the past I also die-die have to cross legs (just a habit), but these days, after I cross my legs for less than 5 min, I feel the blood circulation cut off and soon my legs starts numbing badly. so to avoid that, no choice but to not cross my legs.

anyone measured your belly? care to share? keke..my belly is around 38 inches now.

my antenatal instructor told us that weight gain is not necessarily a reflection of how healthy your baby is. You can gain very little or very much and if your baby is healthy, your baby is healthy. So no worries, just trust your baby and trust your gynea.
tan_tan, I checked with my gynea, and he says that singapore is very strict with the standard and quality of seafood we bring in and allow for selling to consumers. So can't compare it to the fishes and seafood in america since they all come from different seas and places. my gynea also said that in singapore, pretty much most of the food is safe for preggies to consume, especially fish- eating a small amount of fish even daily (in singapore) is perfectly fine, nothing to worry about.
<font color="ff6000">Orange</font>
wat the salesperson told me abt the high waist pants i bought say can last till full term lah..but i guess hv to depend on ur tummy's size
however, the pants has an elastic waistband that is adjustable .. so i still hv quite a few holes for me to spare for dunno how many mths.
Have not adjusted any button holes since i started wearing it
Berry &amp; are
Sorry for the late postin. Wa... u 2 r makan queen man esp berry. A wide range of food for me to choose. Actually, i'm oso a italian food lover esp spaghetti. But my hubby dun really like. Our honeymoon, we went to italy they sold those very thin pizza, very nice &amp; delicious. Btw,where's Al Dente Trattoria, Grappa's, Modestos &amp; Michelangelo's ? Which restuarant serve thin pizza? Tks for the makan tips.

Too bad i can't eat prawn, wat a waste man. But anyway thks for makan tips.
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
do take care of urself, n drink more water

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
ya, i've been experience tt pain lately too
almost every day.. is this normal huh??
excited or not? 2molo can see bb again .. kekke...

<font color="ff6000">hi little devil</font>

wow.. so many posts !!
was not in the office yesterday and got so much to catch up !!
oranges... sorrie, i posted b4 i saw ur msg tat u cant take seafood. i'm oso an italian food lover, bt a picky one, cos i dun take onions or garlic, so sometx wen its premixed, i gotta skip tat dish lor... but still crazy abt pasta and pizza!

hubby got influenced by me oso. me planning to bring him to modesto's soon cos their pizza is thin thin ones oso!
Yesterday , went to this shop cloudnine at raffles place mrt basement. They r hvin sales due to closin dw for the mrt renovation work. If u r workin there u can drop by. I oso bought the same pant as u, got many holes to adjust ard yr waist. The shop owner say can last unitl full term but dunno hw true?Today is the last day, i manage to grab a top for only $10. Hv u bought the mat. dress? so far i didn't c any nice one, so didn't buy.
oranges, all these places I mentioned serves authentic thin crust pizzas: Al Dente Trattoria-holland v , Grappa's- chijmes(their pizza is superb!), Modestos-orchard &amp; Michelangelo's- holland v.
Yesterday night,my stomach felt a bit painful. Dunno whether is it stomach pain a not cos after tat i fart alot. Dunno izzit wan to "put put" a not,but dun hv the sympton of tat ? Luckily, today is ok. Why like tat?
so early talk abt food?? hungry liao leh ... *droooooOoooooOool*

so far tink i gain 1-2 kg
but am oredi slightly overweight before preggie
food i ate still normal leh ..
usually i hv tea-break lately .. otherwise can't tahan home ah ... its a long way from office to home

<font color="ff6000">Oranges</font>
i dun work ard there leh ..

i bought 2 dresses .. 1 from Maternity Hse n 1 from KP.. both blue .. duh

was tinking to wear the one bought from MH for 2 wedding dinner nx mth ... but hubby say not nice leh .. (coz i bought it wif a fren)..waste $$
as for the from KP, its rather causal .. a bit of jeans like material ..
guess will get 1-2 tops/pants/dresses more this wkend..
tink will go chinatown n take a look before gg to Spring
i also yest night whole tummy area very tight feeling, this morning stomach pain and pass motion.

Then got a little bit of brown discharge. Tonight seeing the gynae.
I dun drink milk everyday...cos sometimes i will feel bloated ...maybe that's why not much weight gain as others.

I plan to buy a bathroom scale so that i can weigh at home. I got this bad habit last time...if i got weighing scale at home...i'll be weighing everyday.
guess the pain is normal. i dun wan to worry too much. veri excited now.... coz appointment change to this evening. tat mean's today can see bb liao!

my gynea is on MC!! Chicken POX!!! so the nurse arrange me to see another doc @ tampinese lor. mm.. dunno can know gender or not leh? if can see today, then tomolo will go buy bb's 1st cloth.
oranges... wah, u really treat me like doc ah? i dun really noe tat much one leh. bt all i can tell u is i hv the same prob lor. been farting a lot, and my conclusion is bb is growing so no space to 'store' gas or waste. been going 'big' everyday oso, last tx oni 2-3 days once.

sorrie chihiro... hope i din spoil your appetite! me planning for lunch oso. hope to eat ramen @ bugis either for lunch or din. found tis place called domi on mon and the ramen was pretty gd, been thinking abt it everyday, die die muz go bac!

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
prep talk to ur bb lah
i tried but dun work leh ... still can't see
i bought some bb's clothes liao
tink got enuff for him/her from 3-4mths onwards
need a few more smaller ones to tied thru 1st n 2nd mth.. but i bought mostly tops ...
tink only 1 long pants !
i too ks .. can't resist myself from buying them

my mum oso bought 4 tops from pasar malam 2 nights ago .. tink its 4 for $10.. quite big too

<font color="ff6000">are</font>
no spoil lah .. coz i hvnt tink wats for lunch 2day oso ... later gg to my colleague's pl ... hopefully can play with his gal provided she's awake .. kekeeke ...
