(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

I also tho dou huay is good as I tho my baby will be fair. I love to eat before preggie. I was told first trim cannot eat them.

Now I have not eaten , scare too cooling.

emma... try almond drink then. its supposed to give u a fair bb too!
bt i always refuse, cos i wan a tan bb, juz like me!!!
guess jan,

for about 2 litres worth of dou hua, the recipe says add 3 tablespoons of tapiocal/corn flour and 1 tablespoon of gymsum powder (calcium sulphate)

think the cement you mean is gymsum powder, which is also use to make jelly.

drink dou hua instead if you are worried about the gymsum content.
hi ladies, is it too early and "kua zhang" to wear maternity clothes? I agree spring has nice clothes. but i bought a few from different places and i think i have to stop buying for time being.

maybe 2 months later i will go spring maternity to buy. hehehe.

think our baby's skin color already map by our genes. my family and hubby's family both fair and my cousins' spouses also fair. so far all the nieces and nephews are fair except during NS.

dunno if the tan gene or fair gene would be the more dominant gene.
rochelle... both hubby & i r v dark, so we r expecting a 'or lu lu' bb!!! hahahaha... much to the dismay of our parents, so they r feeding me beancurd & almond now.
hehehe... bt i've always prefer tan skin, so my bb will be tan even if born fair!

mngo... go for comfort, not 'time'. loose clothings will be better as ur tummy expands. i had cramps in 1st tri, & some ppl say its cos i was wearing tight clothes. cld be, cos its better aft i started wearing loose clothes.

I drank soya bean very often during the 1st trimester. baby is active and normal growth for every ultrascan.

I only dont dare to drink chin chow and coconut juice during 1st trimester becos those are hyper-cooling drinks.


if both u and hubby are dark, baby would be able to get tan easily even if born fair

bean curd and almond both cooling so you got good excuse not to take so often.
oh everyone in my office ask me why so early buy maternity clothes. now i also dun dare to wear them to office in case people laugh at me
how come when i went to scan at my 12 week, we can only see 1 hand , 2 legs? what happen to the other hand?
Dear all moms-to-be,

My EDD is in sept and i am just into my 6 months pregnancy. I have been having my flu for the past 2 weeks and it has not been getting any better. I have seen a doc and given flu tablets but i am still worried that it will affect the baby. Is there any other remedy to speed up the recovery. It has been terrible for me.

Thanks all for your advice.
september... u can try pi pa gao or honey drink. it worked for me when i had flu 2wks bac. berry was the one who recommended honey to us.
also, drink plenty of water, take fruits, & stay out of aircon or @ least keep warm as much as u can.
I oso drink lotsa soya bean milk, they are rich in calcium and gd for the bb..so dun worry.

I took a long time to recover from my flu and cough oso. Just last mth, I had quite a bad one and took me 2 weeks to recover. Think tat's common but if u r worried, maybe u want to speak to ur gynae.

dun bother with them, most impt is that u must be comfortable. Just let them laugh for all u care, u can never stop pple from laughing and talking. Initially I was mindful over this too, now just ignore their rude comments.

Its okay to see only one hand as sometimes baby's hand is one behind the other on the ultrascan. u can ask your gynae to show you another view of your baby, than can see the other hand.

we saw one leg during the ultrascan, and when the gynae show us another view, we could see both feet.
Are oreadi gave u all the advise & u muz hv plenty of rest.

U can qualify to become a Doctor ARE hehe... Thks for all the advise u gave. Next time if i hv any qtn, i will ask u 1st. Pi pa gao cao can cure flu ??? Preggie can eat??

Me 2 dont dare to drink chin chow and coconut juice cos too coolin. Bad for bb, scare next time bb will hv coughin problem.
Hi.. Thanks for all your advice on durians.. Glad to hear that at least many pple do eat durians..
No worries liao..

Bad feeling as in feel guilty and keep thinking of those bad effect on bb lor..

But I think will not have to think it now..

R u the one who keep thinking of the growth of your bb..?

If yes,, so how you now.. ?
Still worries..
Sept, take raw honey, few glass a day, you'll sure be up and about in no time. Oly raw honey has healing properties because all the live enzymes are intact and all the nutrients are untouched by heat. Here's the brand and the website: http://www.reallyrawhoney.com/
Available at Taka Basement or Holland V guardian pharmacy. It really works, cures me of my sensitive nose if I drink regularly. Once I stop drinking for a few days, my nose becomes sensitive again. Also, don't eat food that is high insugar, because processed sugar supresses the immune system, and you'll recover slower. Eat alot of fruits and rest well.

orange, I've heard very good and not-so-good things about soya bean milk, not sure what to believe, so I take fresh soya bean milk once in a while (about once a week), should be fine if taken in moderation.
Pi Pa Gao is soothing for the throat, makes you feel better while recovering. Not sure if preggie can take, best to check with gynea since it contains herbs?

Emma, I didn't know dou hua is cooling, thought is more of a neutral food? I heard that it contains plaster of paris, not sure how true, so I minimise intake anyway.
oranges... cant be helped wen i kept falling sick & din want to take med. last time can heck care, nw gotta thinkof bb so more concerned abt alternative cures lor.

i oso din noe pi pa gao can cure colds till a fren told me. but i juz take cos its really soothing for sore throat, & since its not really a 'med', i juz hope it will speed up recovery lor. now when i feel a sore throat coming, i quickly take 2 spoons w/o water. dun want to fall sick & take med again!!!

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 14-Jun
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 27
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 28 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 28 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 26 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 26 MAH / B
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 26 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 25 MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 25 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 24 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 24 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 23 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 23 MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 23 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 23 GEH / G
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 23 MEH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 22 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 21 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 21 GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 21
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 20 GEH / B
cosmo .......... 08/11/04 wk 20
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 18
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 18 MAH / ??
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 18 MAH / B
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 17 MAH / ??
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 17
sybil .......... 26/11/04 wk 17
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 17
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 16
leo29 .......... 02/12/04 wk 16
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 16
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 16 RH / B
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 15 KKH / ??
woof ........... 08/12/04 wk 15
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 15
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 15
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 15
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 15 MEH / ??
mngo ........... 12/12/04 wk 15 MAH / ??
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 15
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 13 GEH / ??
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 13 TMC / ??
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 11

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles</font>
<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

<font color="ff0000">dun forget to update me ur bb gender when u get to know them

Hello ladies,

I'm new here! Me oso year end mum, EDD Dec 2.

Hi Are &amp; Oranges,

Finally got a chance to meet you 2 here.
<font color="0000ff">durians</font>
hv taken for 2 days abt 2 wks ago.. since then, hvn't eaten any
was telling hubby last evening that we go bugis to eat this friday

<font color="0000ff">maternity dress</font>
dun feel shy to wear. in fact, u'll feel good in it cos u'll be very comfortable. and esp when pple gives u seats in MRT/buses
Ya u r right man last time can heck care nw got bb oreadi muz really take care of ourself. I oso scare of eatin med, very bad for bb.

Wa the raw honey seem very gd. I oso hv super senitive nose. Nw i'm takin honey but dunno whether is raw a not? Will try tat aft finished.
oranges, whatever brand you buy, make sure it must say 'unheated, unstrained and raw' on the bottle, cause most commercial honey are heated and filtered, all nutrients and enzymes gone, wun be able to help with our allergies. raw honey is really my life saver, I'll have a runny nose at least weekly if I dun take raw honey 1x daily.
Hi leo29
Welcome to this thread. Congrat u hv been promoted to be mum. Yr EDD is earlier than me. I'm at wk13, hw abt u? Are is oreadi at wk23.
A little out of topic, but I'm looking for info on aircon maintainence. How do you all maintain your aircon? Do you hire aircon cleaning services? Just replaced our bedroom + living room aircon, and would like to keep it in tip-top and clean condition, any tips for me?

BTW, I heard that its harmful for pregnant women to be in an aircon room run by an aircon unit that has not been cleaned because the filters trap bacteria and dirt, and circulates it back into the room with the cool air, making it harmful for health of pregnant women, children and old folks. Any comments? How true it is? Any idea how often we must clean it?

If you just change your air-con then should have 1yr free maintenance where they come once every two months?

It is rather easy to clean your air-con. get your hubby to do it now though.

1) take down the plastic fliters and wash them
2) check the coolant level and top up if necessary (should be able to buy from DIY shop)
3) take down the disposable filter and put in a new one.(e.g. http://www.3m.com.sg/filtrete.html)
4) when the plastic filters are dry just put them back

I think the easy way to gauge would be to see when the disposable filter looks dirty (usually every 2mths is recommended).
hopefully i dare to wear. sigh... i have colleagues 4+++ months preg, but due to small tummy they do not wear maternity clothes at the moment. thus seems like people love to compare.
anyway i will try to pluck up my courage to wear.
<font color="ff6000">mngo</font>
its depend on individual ..
if ur current clothes realli cannot tahan anymore, shdn't mind wat other say .. as long u are comfortable and bb's growth is not restricted juz wear them ..

im in my 16wks now, hv started to wear maternity pants like when i was in 12-13wks i tink..
started to wear mat. top yesteday ..
tink i got bigger tummy coz before preg oredi got tummy liao.. tts y must start to wear early
but becoz i got some skirts with elastic bands tts y im still able to wear them to work.. but pants realli hv to turn to those mat. ones
rochelle, okay, will get my hubby to see if he can clean or not. Just now I ask the aircon guy how much he charge for cleaning he says $30. so now we can save the money. No leh, we dun have free 1 yr maintanence, maybe not every shop/brand offers this. The system 2 we bought is already on sale.

mngo, ignore those who make unwanted comments about your belly, everyone is different mah, how can everyone be the same? Anyway, big belly dun always mean a good thing and vice cersa. My belly grows very fast, but it comes with backaches and knee aches. As long as your baby is healthy, then everything is great!

I had to wear loose dresses since week 12 becos of very bloated stomach. comfort is more impt. also more people give up seats on bus/mrt when you wear maternity clothes as compare to loose clothes.

now my hubby wants me to wear looser clothes becos scared baby "no room" :p
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
u also suffer from knee aches?
i hv it now oso .. v.painful aft walking for too long ..

$30 per air-con unit is common price but does not include change of disposable filter.

if worry than get the disposable filter from supermarkets or DIY stores.

I have not wash my cooker hob for a very long time. I never switch on my cooker hob but think better clean.

does honeycomb works as well as raw honey for allergies? australia has alot of honeycomb and thinking of going there next yr to visit hubby's relatives and show off baby.
chihiro, I've always got bad knees to begin with, the rapid weight I'm gaining is definitely making it worse, plus water retention at my legs and all. Worse thing is that I live in walk-up apartment, 4th floor, gotta climb up stairs everytime I return home, really a killer for my knees.

Rochelle, I dun use the cooker hob, so no need to clean.

The aircon guys came and install my new aircon earlier, now my bedroom and living room floor is covered in a THICK layer of dirt, cement dust and small pieces of brick(drilling). Feel like fainting! And all the cement dust also covered some of my plugs and whatnot. Aiyo, really developing a headache by just loooking at the mess. Furthermore I'm in no condition to clean up anything. Called up my cleaning lady, she can only come at 6pm, so I'll have to look and waddle about in cement dust till then!
rochelle, honeycombs are good for other health benefits, but I think only raw honey and bee propolis can help in terms of allergies.
BTW, those who are going to get the raw honey, please do NOT use hot water or put your jar of honey in the fridge. Heat will kill the raw enzymes(which is the very thing you're paying for), and if temp too cold(fridge), enzymes are also killed. Just store in cool dry place and use room temp water when dissolving it.
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
like u, tink my knee is not gd prior pregnancy
did u try wearing support stockings? will it help?
then towards last few wks how? gg to ur parents / ILs place to stay? coz by then u will be quite big and still got to climb 4 storeys of stairs..

I'm in wk 16 now. I can't wear my old pants and skirts,
. Just bought 2 maternity pant, look big and ugly on me. But no choice lah..... die die ve to wear.


I saw u all mentioning about the honey. Don drink too much orh, one day a cup is enough. Honey oso very Liang.
chihiro, I'll be staying in my own home cause I feel most comfy here. I'll just have to minimise movement outdoors lor. I didnt wear any support stockings cause they inhibit blood circulation even though the support the joints, and bad circulation will worsen my leg cramps.

Leo, I tihnk you're referring to grocery store brand honey that contains malt sugar (which is the 'liang' one). This one I'm referring to is raw honey, no additives, not liang at all, in fact, its more of 'ren4'. Can drink in peace. the only downside is the cost if any.
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
i c... wat abt knee guards?

<font color="ff6000">hi leo</font>
welcome to the thread
chihiro, berry,

did you try wearing aerobics/jogging shoes on days when you are not working? I dont have knee pain but my weaker right ankle would hurt on sandals but not on walking shoes or aerobics shoes (even when not pregnant).

walking down stairs is bad for our knee joints so try to get shoes with good cushioning to minimise the impact on our knees.
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
oh .. not the roller blading kind
u can get this knee guards from Pharmacies... tink usually in yellow color packaging if i rem correctly.. u can find out more from the pharmacy's assistant abt this

my mum sort of hurt her knee during her jog..after seeing sinseh she wore knee guard.. tink it helps.. not so painful..
Dear Are, Yingzi, Oranges Berry,

Thanks for all your advices. I felt really lousy with this flu thing. It has been 2 long weeks and partly i did not take my medicine regularly for fear of affecting bb. I agree, now with bb, our immune is really low. I will try the honey suggested by Berry. Thks Berry.

Yingzi, did you let your flu recover over time by itself naturally or see a doc?

Yes, I have been enduring the heat for 2 nights without air con and perspiring like crazy and keeping myself really "warm". Sigh...hope it recovers fast. Nothing smells or taste good at this moment.

Ladies, take good care too.
I oso cannot fit in to my old pants &amp; skirts. Hv bought a pair of mat pant &amp; tinkin of shoppin for more cloth. Nvr mind dun care wat ppl say as long as it comfortable.

Hw much is the raw honey? I bought a bot of honey fm TMC it cost $16.30 &amp; dunno whether is raw a not. The lady oso say dun hv to put it in the fridge. Hw do we know wether the honey is raw a not?

<font color="ff6000">rochelle</font>
last week i was wearing flatties, without any cushioning .. as i got to climb stairs everyday to get to my office, i guess becoz of tt my knee starts to hurt again ..

tis wk, i switch to the pair of Scholls shoes i bought .. got better cushioning .. it helps ..
at least now my heels dun hurt so much and legs dun feel so tired as last wk..
knee still hurts a bit.. but its definitely much better than as compared to wearing the flatties i wore last wk
