(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

i read abt it in ur blog. so fast athena knows how 2 manipulate/bully ur helper. yikes!

who knows sharyn may wanna insist on self-feeding soon? hai...i know i shant complain when gabe 1 2 b independent, esp when we r not even encouraging him (if we encourage him, we shldnt complain abt e mess rt?). it's just very frustrating at times 2 feed him anything cos he wanna eat by himself. imagine him insisting on holding tiny chunks of cake. by e time his tiny fingers hold it or pinch it off e original cake, some crumps drop onto e flr. by e time e remaining chunk gets 2 his mouth, more drop onto e flr, his clothes or face. imagine a preggie me bending down 2 pick up all these stuff. tiring man!

i tik e one i bought is also the peach flavoured one.

<font color="ff6000">ziztine</font>
still must cook over fire one ah. .. tot its those instant type.. :p
no smaller packaging available?
anyway thanks for the info!!!

<font color="ff6000">medusa</font>
i rem seeing trainer chopsticks in KP. prob u can chk out from there?

<font color="ff6000">pcs</font>
during the wkends, i feed cali watever breakfast we are eating... :p
sometimes bought roti prata for her.. tear into small pieces and she self feed
sometimes feed her wan tan noodle..
sometimes buy chee cheong fan plain for her..
pcs, for breakfast, some of the food Faye takes are bananas/apples, yogurt, museli (mine), half-boiled egg, omelette with cheese, wholemeal bread etc. I try to give her as much nutrient-loaded food as I can for breakfast, so that if I forget her protein or a serving of fruits during the day, the breakfast oredi covers it heh.

kelly, maybe when Gabe tries to get your knife, you can ask for a butter knife? Or maybe u can buy a small blunt silver butter knife to bring along, so when Gabe insists on having the knife, u can hand that to him? Hehe take heart- the more he does this the more efficient he will be at self-feeding real soon
Basically Ryan eats whatever we have but the food(except rice) is finely chopped or blended.
Don't have time to specially cook for him.. but sometimes will cook seperately macoroni and cheese/garlic bread sticks for him.
Hi kelly,

Yah. Then my nightmare will come. Sharyn doesn't like her apple to be cut. She wants to eat it in a whole. She wants to follow me. With skin on somemore. I just let her be. Do you put the cakes into a bowl? My mum always do that. So most of the time, those crumps will be inside the bowl. We put her food into a plastic bowl. Whenever she finishes , she will bring the bowl to you asking for more.
thks for ur great tip. i looking for kiddy knife but the cutlery set for kids always consist of fork &amp; spoon. no knife around leh. if i resort 2 buying a butter knife, also must find cheapo ones cos when gabe gets frustrated during mealtimes for dunno-wat-reasons, he throws his cutlery.

i also very glad tat he is trying 2 self-feed on his own so i shant complain anymore. :p
Talking abt food ah,
HB's ex-colleague shared that after 1yr, they fed the kids exactly what they themselves ate. Except they throw the kids' portion into a blender first. Then again that family is very healthy vegan type of lifestyle.

Abit difficult for us cos we like curries/ spices- not that I dun wan to intro A to curry, I've tried giving her! But she really cant take it :p .

Oh and HB's another fren- got doctor in the family one... they simply changed their entire diet to accommodate the kids. Lesser soya prdts (I forgot for wat reason) and healthier cooking style. Another impossible for me!
self-feed more when the helper comes ;). Eh, but remember A used to be INCREDIBLY messy in beginning? Now she's some weird neat clean freak- drop ONE crumb and she will point and tell you, "DROP!". She WUN give up til u clean it up. Same with her fingers/ hands/ floor- if it's dirty, she will "YUCK!!!" and pester to be cleaned before she continues. Extremely WEIRD.
Wah cali's breakfast so exiting.Tks

Can feed half boiled egg at this age??
Er what is museli??

I presume yr post is for me :p
How to you make macoroni and cheese &amp; garlic bread sticks? Can share the recipe??

How abt ka po Mac's knife to let him try. Hehe

Breakfast Menu
man tou
Pandan cake
Roti prata
chee cheong fan
wan ton mee
half-boiled egg
omelette with cheese
wholemeal bread
Macaroni &amp; cheese
Garlic stick
talking abt eating fruits...on mon nite, husband was eating plums his usual way. wash e plum, hold onto it, bite off the plum until u get 2 e seed. husband pass one plum 2 gabe. he also ate e same way as his daddy. in e end, finished 2/3 of e plum. sapu-ed the skin too. never complain, never spit it out. me leh...had 2 hold onto wet wipes 2 wipe off e juice/saliva flowing from his mouth or down his arm. troublesome but seeing how he enjoyed the plum, cant bear 2 stop him from eating tis way.

previously when husband fed gabe grapes, he would peel off e skin, remove e seeds &amp; feed him tiny pieces fr 1 grape (usually can break into 2-3 pieces). nowadays, gabe 1 2 eat grapes on his own, e way we eat it.

for apple, so far ok...we'll still cut it up, remove e skin &amp; he holds onto a chunk &amp; finishes it. for oranges, he MUST hold onto 1 piece, eat it while e juice squirts fr e piece (when he bites into it) or flow down his arm lor...same goes for bananas, strawberries, mangoes, etc...he wanna hold them on his own &amp; eat by himself.

shant complain...must b proud of gabe's development.
i put his foodstuff into a small bowl. he has a few small bowls of varying sizes so i use them accordingly. his latest faze is 2 empty e bowl. *pulls my hair*. he empties e cheerios &amp; biscuits fr e bowl &amp; eats them fr e table/sofa/floor. i havent tried giving him small pieces of cake in his own bowl cos he usually pinches them off fr our plate.

Yah you shouldn't complain. You should be happy they trying to be independent. It's a learning process for them. Hubby always complain when Sharyn dropped the crumbs or dirty her clothes while self feeding. He always trying to stop her. I like her be. The most only sweep the floor and wash additional clothes. No big deal. Let them be and don't impose so many restriction on them. Let them act naturally. They are learning.

Oh no. Sharyn empty the bowl by putting the food into her mouth. The only thing is when she doesn't like the food, she will put the food underneath the newspaper so that my mum doesn't see it thought she finishes it. She will ask my mum for new food.
mac knife is not bad hor...ok, i'll go &amp; 'kope' a few. thks for e idea.

ya, i'll let gabe b cos when helper comes, she's taking over 2 clean up his mess. :p i must also ensure tat gabe doesnt bully helper though i'm sure he'll figure out some way tat he KNOWS he can bully her.

in fact, wif 2 caregivers, gabe's already showing different patterns wif them. wif my MIL, he dun scream for attention/scream when he's upset like e way he does wif us, he never naps at 11am which he does when my sis babysits him, he eats his porridge well which he dun when my sis bbsits.
wif my sis, he picks up words faster (naturally cos my sis converse in english/mandarin wif him n she knows how 2 teach him), he also snacks more wif my sis n knows how 2 ask my sis for snacks (my MIL rarely gives snacks cos she believes snacks heaty). lastly, wif my sis, he drinks a lot more water cos my sis knows how 2 'trick' him 2 drink (my sis has the same water bottle as gabe so they 'cheers' 2 drink water tgt - my sis made it a fun event). my MIL kinda 'forces' him 2 drink so gabe dun like it.
kelly, yar lor, at gabe's rate, he'll be self feeding very well by the time he is 2

pcs, when I give her half boiled eggs, I make sure its less than a week old from the supermarket and its kept deep in the fridge. Outside at places at coffee shops, I dont really worry abt their eggs cause turnover rate at these coffe shops beri high, so their eggs are usually v fresh too.

MT, hey faye too, these days when she is self feeding and drops something even as small as a speck of porridge, she frowns and exclaims 'dopp!!' and points to stuff she drops and makes sure I see and clean it up lol! She also learnt how to lean over real close to her bowl while eating, this is strange cause its completely self-taught!

pcs, muesli is uaully a mixture of rolled oats with sultanas/bran/nut flakes/etc.

kelly I was referring to REAL butter knife, made of stainless steel wan, not plastic kiddy toy knife. I think Gabe can tell the diff anyway, he might not want it if its a plastic toy version? We usually give Faye real cutlery instead of plastic ones (we give her those small dessert fork with a teaspoon, and butter knife if she wants a knife), I think it works alot better, more effecient? She herself also prefers real cutlery.
Tks for sharing. Did'nt know that our tods can take half boiled egg oreadi :p
Muesli comes in something like a choclate bar right??

Kelly / Medusa
Its amazing how come our angel knows WHO to bully. Keira likes to bully my dad too.
Macaroni I use the ABC pasta type.. boil then when cooked pour out the water and add some butter and cheddar cheese can also add some fishcake or other ingredients to it.
For garlic bread sticks.. I use the french loaf one.. cut to (wedges) size then add fresh garlic/butter then toast it for 5 min or so in toaster.

I won't give MCdonalds plastic knife as it may break and cut Gabe if he is too "forceful" with it.. just a table butter knife would be better as it is not that sharp.
Yes.... coz his school all the teachers/principal quit due to management problems..so withdraw him..putting him in a new one starting next mth..shd be carpe diem St 24
have to beware plastic cutlery. Once Athena chewed off the sharp prong of a fork, I nearly freaked. Luckily could dig her mouth and get it out.
berry, ruffybear
thks! will look for a butter knife.

u r right. u cant give him his kiddy fork &amp; spoon. he knows! he WANTS our cutlery so cant cheat 1 lor...dunno whether 2 shake head at him or hug &amp; kiss him abt it.

our tods know. gabe nowadays knows who 2 go 2 for his specific needs...fun, food, sleep, etc.

hi mummies,
need some help here. i will b interviewing potential maids fr tis wkend. i know 1-2mummies prepared a list of questions. can share wif me pls? PM me or drop e questions here. thks a lot.
i do have a few questions in mind but still clueless n dun 1 2 miss out anything.
yah, i also tik its okie to eat the liver looks alike thingy. ur mum is sweet enough to cook faye tis special food, according to lots of pp, tis is good!

haiz... i just need to wait and wait.... for quinn to do it well. hes also another super weird kid. same as many toddlers here, fingers, table and watsoever cant be dirty, once its dirty, he will also point it out to me and at times will scream and become REAL frustrated and start cleaning his fingers. and even after his fingers are clean *i really mean clean* he will still keep inspecting them and forget about his food liao. and i tik hes very into chopstick!! and even in his playroom, he will use the drum-stick *i bot him a drum set, now my house EVERYDAY got LIVE concert* :p and pretend it as chopstick. he will try his very very best to use it to pick up those small wooden blocks or anything tat looks possible to him and will also WAIL very very loud if it fails! and to him, he will try and try til he got it *at least once* then he will proceed to other things or activities.

u check K.P and isetan already for the trainer c.s?

yah, butter knife is best for them i guess. theres once quinn cut the corner of his lips by those disposable spoon.

always die lah, dun know how come knee cap sooooooo painful, till cant stand straight and can even hear cracking sound when i move!!! and gastric problem again, till dizzy and headache! and tat day kena food allergy *never in my life kena tat* almost need to go hospital!!!

heee.... quinn will COMPLIMENT himself! whenever i change him before we head out, he will open up 1 of my closet *theres 1 panel with mirror attached* and starts checking himself out. and somemore he will look at himself in diff. view, left and rite.... then will smile to himself !!!! and theres once i change him into a new outfit and he loves it so much BUT its too small *always happen and so heart pain as never get to wear* so i told him he needs to change into another outfit. he REFUSED!!!! keep pulling it down when i try to pull it over his head and starts crying...... so i bo bian, just need to ENDURE his screaming and pick up another top and start telling him "u see, tis is nice too, u will look very good and handsome in it" after few mins he then willing to give in. and guess wat??? when we are in the car, he keeps looking at his top and keeps telling me "NICE NICE" and smile.... :p:p and when we are in the mall, whenever some strangers starts talking to him or play with him, he will also tell the stranger the same thing...... piaz!!!
Aiyoh. I caught A's cold. *AHHCHOO!*

Kel, prepare simple list of duties u expect maid to handle. Your list of house-rules. Salary w/ offday, salary w/o offday. Make sure she's agreeable to them. So later if she back out/ claim ignorance- u can tell her u've already highlighted during interview.

hehe my gal KISS her own reflection hor. How's that for self-love? LOL!

Eh ur too-small-heartpain outfits will be OUT OF FASHION by the time u try for #2 lah. Pass to me!!! :p
lil devil,
yikes! quinn cut his lips. must hv been painful! e tot of it makes me shiver too.

gabe also getting particular abt cleanliness nowadays. usually i would clean up e mess on his fingers/hands b4 he starts 2 smear all over his environment (highchair, table, clothes, floor, sofa, etc). now he shoves his fingers at me n make noise, indicating for me 2 clean him up. once i clean his fingers/hands, he goes back 2 eating. i can b doing tis dunno-how-many-times when he eats.
oh no...hope u &amp; athena get well soon.

thks for e info. will go back &amp; prepare e list 2nite. cant leave it til last min, sure mess up or miss out questions.
pcs, I wasnt referring to museli bars, those are usually quite high in refined sugar and I dont give these to faye (I dont even eat them myself :p). I was referring to those loose in a pack, I usually find them at the health food section of cold storage (I get organic ones) or at the breakfast section. If you are planning to get for kiera, do read the ingred list to make sure that the ones u are getting dont contain added sugar (unless you dont mind then ok).

yuru, yar lor! PC in my bro's room, not as easy for me to have access to cause his rm extremely messy, I dont faye faye to wander in there to look for me :p
<font color="ff6000">Jen</font>
brought Yingxin to the PD yesterday cos i thought i saw an ulcer at her gums and she fussed and threw into a fit ALOT more these few days but PD said it's not; anyway, i asked and she said whether it's 6 in 1 or 5 in 1, still need to bring them for DTP booster jab at 18 months
urgh.....mum came over with a bag of 3 thick towels bought specially to be used as blanket for Yingxin, kept insisting that i must cover her so she dun catch a COLD when i turned on either the fan or aircon! then the next minute she lamented that the weather is so HOT, why i still wanna keep Yingxin's hair long????

short while later, she kept nagging at me to bring Yingxin to a chinese physician to seek help in getting her granddaughter to become big and fat!!!
<font color="ff6000">Kelly</font>
Yingxin likes to overturn her bowl of snacks onto the floor/sofa/high chair too and picks them up from there; if i were to put them back in the bowl, she will empty them again

sometimes i used harsher tones to remind her not to do so and she will yell back
<font color="ff6000">pcs</font>
i fed soft boiled egg, cheese omelette, white bread, hot cakes to yingxin as breakfast
i guess got to try then know if gab will take the less milk more solids well lor. cos if u try after #2 comes, might be tougher for u? gab sounds like he is taking table food really well. when i am out with Esther, i also feed her whatever i eat...normally the healthiest dish avail. but of course she does get to taste whatever else we eat lah.

i too found out recently that i am slightly lactose-intolerant. so more troublesome, can't cook one pot of oats with the same milk &amp; share with Esther. cos i hv to take mine plain or with soya milk mah. i use disposable straw so i dun hv to clean the straw. no need to worry about germs.
Nowadays when we eat out with Esther, i bopian hv to order healthy food cos sharing with her mah. a bit sian to see my HB eat stuff like laksa &amp; i eat fish soup. Esther also same same as Athena when it comes to cleanliness. i think cos i keep cleaning up after her fm very young. til now she has not scoop food with her spoon &amp; fling it around. am glad her aiming quite good. most of the time, end up in her mouth. heh.

u r welcome. no smaller packaging for this brand of rolled oats. but i think some other brands hv it in 500g. rolled oats is tougher in texture than the instant ones, i find that they taste nicer when cooked slightly. Esther takes them only slightly cooked, she seems ok with the texture but my HB finds it is too tough! i say he more jialat than 'bo ge' Esther ;) wah! Cali's weekend breakfast more delicious than mine

u next time bring your mum to my chinese physician lah. the physician will tell her dun feed her too much. LOL. u take care.
Morning Mummies

Little devil,Medusa &amp; Puff
Hope U all recover soon.

Little Devil
I think Quinn is smart not vain :p

Oic. Tks for the info.

Keira yell at me when I scolded her too *Headache*
Are the hot cakes home made or bought?
Mysterious Fever
Keira develope fever out of the blue.
38.7 Deg. Trying to figure out what could be the reason.
hv not really started giving rhyan breakfast regularly, he drinks FM most of the time. but, he does take some bread or cake at nanny's place on wkdays, in addition to FM. on wkends, he eats my cereal (bran / cornflakes with HL milk) without the milk while i am eating. hv intentions to give him proper breakfast soon, but i do not hv the time to prepare at times so quite tough. after seeing the varieties here, very inspired to cook breakfast for him from now on.

i think quaker oats got instant kind but dunno if its soft enough for our tods to eat without cooking.

self feeding
rhyan self feeds when he likes it, usually for imaginary food, not very keen to self feed real food yet. but, he chomps slices of apple on his own, or walks around feeding everyone. he is also very terrified if his fingers are dirty, will say "yucks!" or "dirty!" and wait for me to clean before he continues.

rhyan loves plum and grapes too!

lil devil
rhyan knows how to show his preference for nice things too. whenever we dress him up nicely, clothes and shoes, he will pat himself proudly and says "nice!" we bought new shoes for him last wkend and he is so proud of them too, kept holding them and saying "nice!" haha!
Im also trying to improve on keira's breakfast. Tks to all mummies for all the suggestions.
MUMMIES WHO HAVE MAIDS, i need ur help pls...

is my duties list ok? i know tis varies from each family but i keep tiking if i miss out something. i havent tik of hse rules yet.

1) Mop the whole house everyday
2) Cook only when asked. Need not cook lunch/dinner everyday
3) Clean up kitchen thoroughly only when cooking is done mop or clean the kitchen on all fours if necessary

1) Wash toilet
2) Hand-wash clothes, followed by putting them into washing machine
3) Ironing only if theres a need
4) Vacuum the whole house every 3-4days

1) Clean TV console/all shelves/study table
2) Wipe all toys

1) Change all bedlinen
2) Take pillows, blanket, quilt out to sun
3) Wipe windows
4) Wash bathroom mats
5) Clean up fridge

1) Wash cushion covers

1) Wash curtains
2) Wash sofa covers

1) Handle toddler and infant only when asked - food, put to bed, etc
2) Bathe infant during confinement when necessary
3) Prepare infant/toddlers meals (solids &amp; milk) when asked
4) Do simple marketing on your own - shopping list will be given n maid only need 2 buy simple stuff such as fruits, veg, sauces, etc.


1) Boil water in the morning and ensure enough drinking water in the flask. (very basic but my current maid keeps forgetting it!)

2) Sterilise all bottles in the morning


Clean / Wash aircon filters for master bedroom and use toothbrush to clean out any dirt in aircon.
Hi Kelly,

My schedule for the maid

*Vacuum floor. Mop floor 3x a week.
*Mop kitchen floor if cook.
*Wash master bedroom toilet everyday.
*Hand-wash hubby's working clothes/children's clothes.
*Clean table tops/TV tops/telephones

Once a week:
*Iron clothes
*Change bedsheets/towels/quit covers

Once a month:
*Clean fans/wash the blades
*Wash the air-con filters
*Clean the cupboards

Every 6 months:
*Polish the leather sofa
*Clean the inside of the fridge
*Change cushion covers
*Clean the windows
when i put gabe's snacks back initially, he finds it fun. he tiks i'm playing wif him. when he gets overboard, i'll tell him nicely. when it dun work n i raise my voice a lil, he knows i'm not happy liao. he SCREAMS back at me, throws e bowl away n cries on e floor, kicking away.
janet, KC
many thanks! i know i left out stuff but cant figure out. i guess for some stuff, i tot e maid will have initiative (eg boil water, wash any dirty bowls/cutlery/milk bottles in e sink, etc). i dun hv 2 specifically write down such stuff. looks like i betta b play safe.

Regarding the wash clothes alternate day bit, my advise is to tell maid to wash dependent on load. Last time I told maid to wash clothes 3 times a week ended up even a few pieces she will wash regardless. My electricity bill really shot up ah! She even dare to put 3 of her own t shirts in washing machine to run entire cycle on 60 degrees water! Then now my instruction is to wash when clothes reach the top of the bin. If there are urgent wash needed like eg I need my white maternity pants to go with a certain top then I ask her to do ad hoc handwashing.


Can also share with me your house rules? I'm changing maids on the 29th April so now I'm also redoing my house rules and duties list. Thanks!
