(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


Aiyoh! I reread my post on washing clothes and thought I sounded like a nasty employer. To clarify I usually encourage her to machine wash her clothes and not hand wash cos too much time but only with reasonable load. In other for this to work I bought her some Giordano t shirts to wear so she has at least a weeks supply of home clothes to wait for the load to build up.


New maid will undergo training from 25th to 29th at agent's house so I will pick her up on 29th afternoon after sending current maid to airport on 29th morning.

Really hoping that the new maid will work out!
My hubby is mad (actually jealous lah) that I treat the maid like a friend, so much so he sees her taking advantage at times. If she's really too much, I do remind her certain things she does that I don't like. But she's good with the kids and overall fine lah. Got initiative, what more can I complain.
Washing clothes- aiyo I asked helper to machine wash her own clothes on separate load. Her clothes colour-run (I suspect not very gd quality) and she was heartbroken, since then she dare not, she handwashes. Which I'm not very happy abt, cos handwashed clothes will be in my bathrm dripping (cant hang up immediately on poles unlike spin-dry clothes). I dun like clutter. Maybe when newborn comes, I will ask her to use washer more often instead of spending her rest-time handwashing.

I never see the need to handwash anything except A's potty-training panties (cos daily will have few pieces, lehchey to throw in washer daily). She KS abit, handwash some of our clothings that she suspects will colour-run. *shrug*

My washer can auto-detect load/ water-saving, anyway, I throw in just 2 pieces of bath floor-rugs sometimes. It's the heated water option and the DRYER that's really siong- I avoid using it unless no pole-space.

My household cleaning chores not as much as everyone's :p . But I ask her to mop nursery few times a week cos A on potty-training, got puddles on floor, haha. She does clean up each puddle when it occurs. She also do extra... which somehow gets on my nerves.

I dun request her to go on all 4s for mopping cos that's another personal thing I dun see a need for lah. I change my roman mop head more often for hygiene reasons.

I request she cooks once daily, enough for almost every meal. I'm particular abt kitchen cooking grime (A wanders in kitchen and sit on floor!) so clean-up after each cooking.

Aircon- wash removable grilles and vaccuum my PIPE (the pipe outlet in bathrm, this is wat a/c servicing people do, to remove dirt clog in pipes). Haven't gone round to teaching her to vacuum the rubber grille thing on the aircon units (HB haven't taught her, HB said a/c instruction manual teaches). We use a/c very heavily.
my hubby thinks we SHLD treat the helper as part of family. I am generally more ngiao than him lah, except when it comes to money I think! :p My helper really doing gd job- if rice, coffee, dogfood etc running low, she will inform in advance, shows initiative. H/e, I will not trust her with shopping list... I think she can't read english very well leh. Plus she's genuinely poor in Math.

do u recall Are's thread recently? She asked for new maid rules advice? I can't find it. But I remember seeing some uploaded files in there regarding conduct- which is quite gd esp for new maid.
Wahaha, u found it.

Another thing- anyone knows where to buy/ how much, is the traditional batik Indonesian sling that helpers often use? They dun have a ring, they just twist or tie at the shoulder. It's very thin and breathable, am thinking gd for when helper is cooking (ok, I dun wan MY slings to stink with cooking smells lah). Athena has been forcing helper to hipcarry so she can kaypoh the cooking pots. A not very light leh. Actually I wun be surprised if helper eventually needs to sling A on piggyback while cooking, at the rate my kaypoh gal is going. Helper said when she was in Jakarta looking after 2 kids, both will be pestering her while she does chores, so she got no choice but to piggyback 1.

1)like what KC said,boil water & Sterilise.
2) Cook only when asked. Need not cook lunch/dinner everyday (I THINK SO BE COOKED ALL MEALS UNLESS TOLDED BY EMPLOYERS NOT TO DO SO)

Washing of clothes

I personally will do the marketing or will go w/her so she can help to carry. But will not ask her to go out on her own to do marketing.To me i think is giving ehr chance to make friends.Well it's okie to make freinds,but u nvr know who are they and if they will teach her the good or bad things mah...So play safe lor.
I rem we did ask her to go across the street of our hse to get bread from Mama shop.I did time her also and so far she is okie...

Btw i sort of like "caught" her talking with another maid a level above us(while carrying my gal near the window which have no grilles then). she was astonished then quickly act blur and do other things. Well,I just told her if she wana talk,pls make sure she stands a distance away from the window for safety precatuion

pls note if she does have 1,cos u have to limited her using it. like only use it aft 10pm or when all light are out.But can u imagine,she wakes up in the wee hrs to talk or sms with her BOYFREND!!!Me got to find out when she was hospitalised and was chking her stuffs.Bk then was imagining how can she focus in the day when she did not get enough slp at night.Kinda of worrying us.But glad all is over now.

House rule

My friend who is so into rules gave me this set of rules... will post it. Hope it helps!

Some Rules for Maid

1. Keep an eye on Gabriel at all times if no other adults are around. Do not
leave him wandering around the house unattended.

2. Never ever leave him alone in the apartment, e.g. if clothing falls out from the window, just leave it there.

3. Do not let him play with fire or electrical items like power sockets, fans,
wires, TV, lights, batteries, etc.

4. Close kitchens door when not inside - do not let Gabriel play inside

Personal Grooming and Hygiene
1. Be neat, clean and tidy

a. Hair - to wash everyday, tie up if long.
b. Finger and toe nails to be short at all times. No nail polish/colouring on your fingernails.
c. Bathe at least twice a day.
d. Brush your teeth twice a day.

2. No putting on of make-up or perfume.

3. No wearing of sexy, revealing, body-hugging clothes/pajamas.

4. No wearing of very short shorts.

5. Wash your hands: after using the toilet, after cleaning the house, and
before preparing/handling food, drinks and utensils.

6. Close the door when you are changing.

7. Throw away your dirty sanitary pad into the chute (outside), immediately
after changing. Do not leave it in the toilet.

Employers' Personal Items

1. Do not touch or use employers' personal items.

2. Do not attempt to re-arrange papers or other items on tables unless asked to.

Telephone Usage
1. No incoming calls allowed on the home phone. Immediate family members
to call Mams mobile phone. The hours to call are between 9am to 9pm.
2. No outgoing calls unless you have sought permission from Mam.

3. For incoming calls except from M'am/Sir, answer the phone with this line:

M'am / Sir is not free to attend to your call right now. and then take down the callers name and telephone number. After doing so, hang up the phone. Do not talk any further or tell them that Mam / Sir is not at home.


1. The salary will be given on the 20th of every month.

2. After you have cleared your loan, you are advised to save at least $100
every month. Once you have reached savings of SGD$500, we will open a
joint bank account with you, since $500 is the minimum opening amount, and below which penalty charges will be deducted by the bank.

3. No advance of salary or asking for loan from us.

4. Be responsible for your hard-earned money - spend wisely. You can ask
Mam/Sir to help you remit the money home. Each time you have remit money home, please provide Mam with the remit transaction slip.

1. You may retire to your bedroom during your rest time but be prepared to
need to help out if needed, e.g. if Gabriel cries, etc. At night, after cleaning
up for dinner, you can rest.

2. Please keep the room clean. Mam may do spot-checking from time to

3. Do not enter the master bedroom and study room unless asked to. Always
ask for permission before cleaning up the area.

4. Do not eat or bring food into the bedroom.

5. When sir is in the bedroom / studyroom, do not enter.

6. Always knock the door before entering the bedrooms.


1. Strictly do not open the door to any visitors unless we tell you beforehand
to expect someone. Do not open the door even if the visitors claim to be
from the government or represent any company or organisation, or claim
to know the employers. If they continue to disturb you by making noise
outside, banging on the door, etc. call M'am immediately.

2. Never tell the visitors that Sir / Mam is NOT at home.

Household Items

1. Do not take things from the house without permission.

2. Handle all household items with care inform Mam of any breakage,

3. Inform Mam when groceries are running low rice, sugar, salt, etc.

TV/ Radio

1. You may listen to the radio when you are working. However, please keep
the volume down.

2. Do not change the radio station.

4. Keep the volume turned down so as not to disturb Gabriel.
5. No Radio after 9 pm.


1. Do not turn on the air-conditioner.

2. Save water, electricity, gas - turn off when not in use (lights, taps, stoves)

3. Recycle whenever possible (water, plastic bags, aluminium cans, etc).

4. Always remember to close the fridge doors.

5. Clean the kitchen after cooking.

6. Remember to keep the basin area dry.


1. Do not leave the apartment at all times unless permission is granted.

2. Always ask if you do not understand anything, whether instructions or

3. If you are sick or have any problem, do let M'am know about it.

4. In the event of an emergency, always try to call M'am first.

5. You may eat most of the food in the kitchen. Mam will inform you those
that you are NOT allowed to eat.

6. Always ask permission if you want to consume any canned drinks.

7. No smoking or consumption of alcoholic drinks.

Pardon the long post
i actually do not follow it too strictly and changed a few stuff. Think that its important to set rules. Routines are another issue!
Thanks Gabby's mum!
i did a search, use e word "maid" then found e thread.

sherhino, medusa, gabby's mum
thks for ur great advice. printed out everyone's postings so will run thru them thoroughly.
hmm... my helper showers twice daily, wash hair in the morning, but due to the sweaty nature of cooking/ housework... well, my sense of smell is very keen due to pregnancy. I can still smell B.O. But I tolerate cos quite bohbian, can't be shower 3 times? Actually I honestly think any perceived issues I may have with my helper, are due to my hormones lor. Like... that day my HB said he smelled HONEY ie. helper was making herself a honey drink. And I started wondering if she used my MANUKA honey. To clear things up (no point it nagging my paranoid mind mah), I pointed out to her that she can use my cheap Oz honey, but under no circumstances to touch my coveted MANUKA honey :p .

To be more rambly- blame HB lah! He's the one who created a big fuss abt how expensive Manuka honey is, complained I eat expensive things, everytime I replenish my Manuka honey he will sigh. So I am very possessive over my honey. LOL!
Oh I'm in a uppity mood!
Went to fetch A home from ILs and she was sooo pratty! Eh can have conversation with her even though single words, haha. She called me "mummy", then asked "daddy?" (meaning WHERE daddy), then I asked her where Ahma is, she replied, "no more" (not here). And she showed me ANTS, lotsa lotsa ants at void deck mah. She also pointed at a COCKROACH and said, "ANT!". Lucky cockroach quite far away, I told her "cockroach! YUCK!". Asked her where the cats are, and she went searching, going, "Where? Cat! Meow!". Saw some birds and she went, "Bird!". Taught her the birds FLY and after that, every time the birds flew away, she screamed, "Bird! Fly! No more!" Then back to her ant-watching, she counted, "1, 2! 1, 2!" (for some reason she can't go to "3", LOL). Oh and when I ask her WHERE GONGGONG? She turns around to look for FIL and replies, "THERE!".

:D :D :D But hor, now she's napping. I dunwan aircon on cos she's recovering from cold (quite fast, nose not running anymore?). But we have no fan. And I draw the curtains to keep the room dark so no window natural ventilation. Jialat. Sure wake up and cry due to heat.

Add on in my CROWING mood- that day she finished her milk, handed empty bottle to me and said, "Xie Xie!". W/o prompting hor. But she kinda misuses it lah. She pass me toys w/o me asking, and says Xie-xie too.
Dear puff, I hope yingxin get well real soon... u oso sick isit? feeling better?

kelly, erm... mop floor everyday not siong ah? my hb mop once a week oredi backache leow...
wld u consider Yu Guo tuina to shut ur mum up? Was eating lunch at kopitiam and they had a chinese TV program- it's really not to "fatten" baby up lor. The TCM philosophy is to clear bowels/ blockages- better elimination leads to better appetite/ absorption of nutrients blahblah.
Hmm my helper really gd in babycare. Must grudgingly/ jealously admit. She chop-chop food in kitchen, cld hear A cough lightly in nap. I heard on my baby monitor... before I can haul my whale-ass off the bed- can see helper WHIIZZZ past my bedrm, into A's nursery, and soothe A back to sleep. I feel like a Queen Bee, quite redundant except for the baby-bearing part.
ur husband not used 2 doing hsehold chores mah...tat's y backache. my husband used 2 mop e hse every other day but wif a busy schedule & having 2 handle gabe now since i preggie, he also mop 1-2x in a wk. husband dun mind it, rarely complain. in fact, if times allows & he also not tired out, i tik he'll love 2 mop every other day.

mopping daily is a basic requirement since i'll hv an infant in e hse soon n i need 2 keep my place clean. when gabe was an infant, husband was mopping e hse almost everyday too.

i run thru other tasks list/hse rules posted by other mummies, i tik my maid got very lil things 2 do UNLESS i ask for her help wif my 2 boys. mayb i get her 2 spread out the tasks meant for alternate days so she has things 2 keep herself occupied.

u dun sound nasty lah...i wont like it too if my maid places 3 of her clothing, washing them in 1full cycle. waste of electricity & water.

i tik a lot of things can close one eye IF ur maid is gd, has initiative & common sense.

LOL abt ur conversation with athena.
mayb athena said 'xie xie' 2 u cos she meant 2 thank you for clearing her milk bottle?
it's nice 2 know tat ur maid's gd wif babycare but if i'm u, i wont like my maid 2 b e 1st 2 run 2 attend 2 my boys' needs. i still like 2 b e person handling all matters regarding my boys n leave e maid for hsehold chores/cooking, etc. only IF i really cant handle, then i'll seek her assistance. eg if she sees me busy wif gabe & my #2 is crying, i'll get her 2 attend 2 #2 while i settle gabe b4 taking over. if ur maid works for me, i'll appreciate her initiative but i'll let her know tat if it happens again, unless i tell her i cant attend 2 my sons (i'm resting/sleeping), she can run 2 my sons 1st. if not, it's ME! (possessive rt?)

oh well, tis is wat i'm hoping 2 achieve but who knows if i can b split into handling so many stuff, esp wif a tod & an infant. i guess i'll try my best.

er...i'm not saying u r not a gd mummy but mayb u can let ur maid know abt her priorities, in tis way u wont feel jealous n athena will still know tat mummy'll b there for her except when you r busy wif her lil bro. for me, husband & i will stress 2 maid tat hsehold chores is #1 priority. helping me wif e boys is secondary cos if my MIL is around, MIL can help me out, instead of my maid.
Tks for yr concern.
Think her fever its due to teething and she has been sucking her HAND (not finger) a Lot.
Will monitor her and let u all know tomorrow
talking abt teething, i c so many teeth for kiera. has her molars sprouted out yet? gabe only has 4 teeth on top & 4 below. 3wks ago, his left upper molar cut thru n now abt >50% out. last nite, i felt his right upper molar cutting thru. between e molar n his 4 teeth, there's nothing.

if u look at e chart, gabe's teeth #1 & #2 all out liao for upper & lower gums. as for his molar, i dunno if it's #4 or #5. if it's #4, i wonder if he has space for the bigger #5 & #6 molars. if it's #5, then e space for #3 & #4 also like not enuff.
<font color="ff6000">ziztine</font>
i bet my mum will say your chinese physician is no good cos the doctor say dun feed too much which is contradictory to what my mum wants to hear; she will insist that i bring yingxin to where her fren's grandchild had consulted the doctor

<font color="ff6000">pcs</font>

hot cakes from mcdonalds

<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
yup, slight blocked nose and cough

<font color="ff6000">medusa</font>
i dunno whether the trip will really shut her up...yingxin doesn't have bowel problems, just picky with food and she has small appetite during main meals but she snacks alot

know my mum too well, she wants to see a "michelin baby"!! and to her - big, round and fat means HEALTHY!!

she called up today again and kept nagging that yingxin is WEAK, WEAK, WEAK just because she is small frame lor....so pissed off

<font color="ff6000">yuru</font>
thanks for the info!! i love B&amp;J too!
by looking at tat chart hor, me MORE blur liao... ai yah, dun care liao lah..... :p and trying to ask quinn to show me his teeth and fail

wah, tena really got lots of self love hor?
can, i dun mind pass u tat top
and i really love the way she communicate with u... quinn hor, he only LOVES talking to pp his age


heee.... so cute to watch them rite??? maybe in no time whenever going out, we got to open up the wardrobe and leave them to chose wat to wear :p

yeaterday hubby off to meet client and as usual quinn will cry and cry *refuse to let his daddy leave the house* and so hubby feel guilty or heartpain lah and end up buying toys for him. 1 of those musical thingy lah, playing hip hop children songs and another 1 is a remote control car *seems like i like it more than quinn* :p and again as usual, after awhile quinn not very into his new toys liao, leaving the remote control car on the floor. and ard evening time, neighbours kids came home so start calling "FREN, FREN" they *1 3 yrs old and 1 is 1 month older than quinn* always call quinn when they are at home and 3 of them will chat. after they call out to quinn, quinn VELY gan jiong *usually he will not* and walk ard the living area very very fast and looks like hes looking for something..... and after some time, i realized hes looking for his new remote control car. and he quickly pick it up and dash to the door and starts telling them things "car car" hes actually SHOWING off his new toy hor! then hubby says its good tat hes WILLING to share mah then i say not true hor, maybe hes just SHOWING off and not prepare to share leh??? ha!!!!!!
pick tis out from my book, maybe some mummies will be interested.


* 4 chinese pear (but i only use half a pear)
* 10g sweet and bitter almond mixture (i just aga aga lah, maybe ard 15 pcs each)
* spare ribs (i didnt add tis in)
* lean pork (i use tis only, just a slice)
*1.7 litres water, ard 10 cups (again i aga aga, i just fill the small slow cooker slightly more than half)
* 1 tteaspoon salt (i just put in veryyyy little)

1. wash and cut pears into pcs. core, but DO NOT skin. soak in salt water for a min and drain.

2. scald the spare ribs / lean pork in boiling water for 3 mins. rinse and drain. rinse the almond mixture.

3. bring the 1.7 litres water to boil in a pot. put in all ingredients EXCEPT salt. cover pot and boil for 15 mins over high heat. lower the heat and simmer for 2.5 hours. ( i just heat the slower cooker inner pot over the stove and transfer to the cooker for slow cooking)

4. add salt before serving and serve the soup and ingredient seperately.

*** formular milk may cause heat and phlegm to develop in the toddler and tis soup is devised to counteract those effects. thsi soup can therefore be given to the child quite regularly. chinese pear are refreshing and cooling. 2gether with the sweet and bitter almonds mixture (avail. from chinesemed. shop), they have the effect of alleviating heat and soothing to the lungs. the cook pears are tender and delicious. children love them (no leh, quinn dun like it but hes okie with the soup :p) ***
janet, ruffy's just preg oni lah... btw, will you like to join our list? you can PM me ur info...

lil devil, you oso sick? aiyoh... get well soon okie? *paiseh* have been on and off glance postings only... din read all...

puff, hv u tried "reverse" tactics on ur mum? watever she suggest just say ok lor... like soy sauce, then u ask her how much to add? 1tbsp or 2tbsp? if she say just a drop only then u say so little might as well dun add rite? save the trouble? hahaha... *nottie*

kelly, that's a nice chart... do you have the link to download it from? thanks!

Re: B&amp;J,
Been telling hb that *poor* me have never tasted the famous B&amp;J ices before... cos to us it's damn ex lor... must psycho him at least try once... I simply love chocolate flavours... any recommendation which flavour to get? thanks!
eh my mum boils that pear soup for me when I have cough. A will eat the pear (tho usually we throw cos no taste and considered "leftover" but she likes leh).

kidding abt the top lah.

hehe, the toy acct is so cute, A hasnt done anything like that yet.

I'm bringing A over to mum's- nearer to tuina place. Thinking of sending A tuina these few days cos her running nose affecting her sleep.

LONG Complaint,
super pissed with MIL. Sent A over with explicit instructions- warm baths to clear her nose, no aircon only fan. Asked FIL to bring A for walks. Turns out FIL did bring A for walks. But when I fetched A, I didn't just grab and run, I stayed there awhile yet MIL din mention anything happen.
Came home then my helper inadvertedly snitched that MIL gave A COLD BATH and put COLD FEVER PACK and towel her limbs with COLD TOWEL and switched on AIRCON.

Of cos I freaked, phoned MIL to ask what happened- A have cold still give COLD treatment? MIL *sidetrack* and said my Karvol-soaked handkerchief hung on their fan is ineffective cos too far away (??? too far away dunno how to move ah?). I told her dun change subject, am not talking abt inhalants! So MIL said she used her hands and "felt" A's hands were warm although forehead cold, and THAT WE HAD TOLD HER if fever must give cold treatment! I said yah but first must verify it's fever, told her umpteenth times using her hands not accurate! I have a normal thermometer at her place, PLUS, I specially brought over the ear thermometer, why din use??? If no fever, give cold treatment, worsen right? Then she said it's actually not cold bath, it's WARM bath. As if I believe after all the sidetracking and change of tunes.

Worst thing is her normal tone of voice is to shout over the phone. In the middle of shouting to me over the mobile, she shouted EVEN LOUDER, "Athena! U ok anot? Ahma Gonggong come and visit?". NUTS ah, I'm not using speaker phone, shout like that while talking TO ME, think A can hear??? I snapped and told MIL she was making me deaf.

Anyway at home, A has no fever according to the ear thermometer!

Then of cos HB came home I screamed, then he said bohbian cant change old people. Next time dun send A over when ill. Yah.. then I nagged him forever to buy a standing FAN for A's room leh? My home no standing fan at all, A can't sleep well if no fan and no aircon! Yesterday she woke few times from her nap, and at night too!

So fed-up. Now I'm going to hui2 niang2 jia1- my mum bought a new standing fan there for A recently, after I only commented her old fan abit dangerous! Can also bring A for tuina too.
Alamak, y they have tis offer on a weekday? Sad sad, can't get to try other flavours. So far, only tried 2 flavours - cherry garcia and cookie dough.

RE: rules for maids
Thks mummies for the very comprehensive lists. *must thk kelly for requesting for it in the 1st place* It'll come in handy for me as well.
CHUNKY MONKEY! (banana with choc)... err, actually most flavours nice lah, inside like ready-made SUNDAE with lotsa stuff.

ok- I MIA liao. Athena like wilted flower w/o aircon. N I can't open windows here due to the never-ending upgrading. Hopefully tuina/ yaobao will alleviate her symptoms!
Hi Medusa,

You recommended Puff to Yu Guo Tuina? Tuina can improve bowel movement? Sharyn have bowel movement problem since birth. Sometimes she don't poo everyday. 2 days once. Can I have the address and what's the cost like? Thanks.
yu guo is at upper changi rd, near 2 kembangan mrt station. i dun hv their exact add. parking can b rather troublesome too. their tel no is 64474761. i know treatment is abt $15/session but i cant recall how much e 'yaobao' cost. e yi shi MAY NOT prescribe a 'yaobao' for sharyn, it all depends on bb's condition.

it's advisable 2 bring sharyn for treatment 3days in a row. e chinese sinseh will recommend tat 2 u. ask 2 c 'xu yi shi'. she's betta than e other female yi shi.

if u intend 2 bring sharyn, try 2 b there by 7pm 2 avoid e crowd. after 7pm, b prepared 2 wait for a total of 1hr - 2 c e yi shi then do e tuina by one of the ladies in e treatment room.

when u r at yu guo, e procedure is 2 go 2 e room on e right 2 'kwa hao' - register &amp; take a queue no. after tat u wait outside e room on the left 2 c e 'yi shi'. after e 'yi shi' diagnose e bb problem, u wait again 2 b tuina by one of the ladies in e treatment room.

since they close on a wed n u need 2 do it 3days in a row (for betta results), u need 2 plan on when 2 bring sharyn down.
Hi kelly,

Thanks. You brought Gab there before? How you find it? Good? Those tuina is it something like massage? I know massage can improve constipation and we know the technique. Normally ppl bring their child there for what treatment? I will call them and enquire more. Thanks for the advise.
i forgot tat u getting a maid too so e info very useful hor. i showed e lists 2 husband (i printed more from another thread). his jaw dropped cos he didnt know we need 2 set hse rules n need 2 specify until so clearly (there's a rule: "close e door when you are changing" - husband was like 'duh? shldnt tis b common sense?"). he then asked if we also need 2 write down abt flushing toilet. i dunno how 2 reply him. skarly i dun write, my maid dun do it how? if i write down, wont e maid tik tat i tik she dun hv common sense? aiya, dunno how 2 handle tis. when e boat comes 2 e bridge head, it'll b straight.

lil devil,
gabe also like tat. if he has a new toy, when my parents/ILs/sis come 2 visit, he'll run into e room/nursery, bring e toy out n show them. or if the toy is in e living room, he'll run 2 it, point 2 it &amp; make some noises. buay tahan him! very funny 2 c too
Hi Mummies
Took half a day leave coz too tired taking care of sick keira.
Her fever stay around 38.1 to 38.9 even after taking medicine so I end up waking up every 2 hrs to check her temperature.

Something to share
Keira wake up screaming for milk (cannot wait keep bawling &amp; screaming) at 2am, 5am and again at 8am.
By 8am, I was quite frustrated and she is also cranky so did not speak a word to her just pass her the milk bottle. I returned to the bedroom after washing her bottle.
She was staring at me with no expression. I was about to close my eyes and sleep and suddenly she give me her brightest smile and 2 flying kisses.
My heart melted at the moment and I quickly hug her and felt so sorry for behaving so coldly towards her.
From the chart, Keira has
all 1-3 and one 4 for top and
all 1-2 and one 4 for bottom
I'm also worried coz looks like not enough space for the rest of the teeth.
aww...tat's keira's way of showing appreciation 2 her mummy.
so keira dun hv #3 on her bottom gums huh? her molars is 1 on top, 1 below huh?

gabe's molars are from the top gums 1st. 1 cutting thru now, e other abt >50% out. his lower gums also looks swollen &amp; red. can c something like e shape of a molar in his lower left &amp; right gum.

last nite, gabe also fussed in the nite. woke up abt 3-4x crying. i asked him if he wanted milk &amp; 'cold cold', he shook head. i patted him 2 sleep n he snuggled up real close 2 me. at a few instances, i kenna his breathing (fr his nose) directly onto my face. tis morn, husband said tat gabe's right cheeks look swollen. must hv been very painful for him!
Yes, Her #3 at the bottom is NOT out (cannot see any white portion on the gum)and her molar #4 is already out but slanting.
I don't think got space for #3 or its the slanting molar #3??? *scratch head*
Anyway just wait and see. Sooner or later it will be all out rite. Hehe

Poor Gab. Hope all bbs can quickly finish the teething process ASAP. Its such a torture for our little ones.

TRAVELLING- hubby will be sent on a 2 week course in UK this year end, and we are trying to decide whether Faye and I wanna go or not, the thing is that the flight is TEN hours *faint*, if I were to go, I'll be taking a plane with her alone to meet hb over there after his course ends. and the idea of a 10hr flight with a toddler sounds a lil challenging hor? The last time we went HK, she didnt take the few hr ride too well, but maybe this time will be better cause she is older? *ponders*

MAD UNCLE- met a looney uncle at the mrt today, we alighted frm the train and was waiting for the lift to go down to ticket level, and faye was sucking her thumb while I was carrying her in my arms (these few days she's been unwell, so tend to suck thumb more for comfort). then out of nowhere this pot-bellied 40s guy popped out and very ROUGHLY reached out to pull faye's thumb out of her mouth! I was so shocked, but luckily I was able to dodge his hand in time and the conversation went:
me: 'er.. excuse me, wat were you doing?!'
MM(mad man): 'see? she was suckng her thumb!'
me: 'err I think I know that, so??'
MM: 'wat wat?? CANNOT suck thumb!!'
me: 'yeah thats wat you think, too bad I think differently!'
I thought it will end here, but he went on (?!!):
MM: 'wahh you dont care wan ah? got GERMS you know or not!! How can let her suck thumb?!!'
me: 'well, that what YOU think and sorry but I am not interested in talking to you!'
Then the lift came and we both got in and he carried on?!!
MM: 'wahh liao, tsk tsk tsk!! how can you! tsk tsk tsk! good lar, let her eat finger lar, VERY healthy like that, very hygenic!'
Then I looked at him and LAUGH out loud and rolled my eyes and told faye 'there you go- everyone is different, some ppl are just a little strange!'
What a loon!

pcs, yar lor, our toddlers beri beri sweet these days. There are time when Faye can sense me starting to feel a wee bit impatient (even tho I didnt really show it much explicitly, she will throw herself onto me, hug me real tight, lean her head on my chest and go 'maameeeeeee!!') and every ounce of my rising anger will just disintegrate lol!
I think its realy great, that she is able to help me keep my anger in check before I really get mad
