(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Kelly,</font>
That is my legs lah... =P. The costume is a bit too big for her actually (we wanted to clock more mileage meh). My BIL was commenting that Esther looked more sexy with her strap kept dropping down... =P. Esther is getting more cheeky and smiley nowsaday and she likes to make faces. It is easier to get a smiley photo of her (maybe 1 out of 10 shots compared to 1 out of 20 shots last time).

<font color="aa00aa">Cord Blood:</font>
We are thinking about that too (for our #2). But sometimes just feel kind of funny. It is like paying for something which you hope that you never get to use.

ya...sexy is e word for esther. *wolf whistles* (i'll get my cheeky gabe 2 do tat).
hey, put her in e swimming costume when i c her soon ya. :p

i agree wif u. e cord blood thing is like paying for ins...something u hope u never get.
i not afraid abt e OT bcos of tiking of the long term benefits. skarly i get preggie bcos of accident. i really dun 1 abort my bb then. very cruel!

e best i can do is tell husband tat he dun need 2 use any form of contraception once i ligate. LOL!
Hi PCS and fruitcake,


Hi kelly,

Yah. She looks more and more like Daddy. Luckily more like a girl now. I agreed with you. For me, 2 is enough. Hubby sometimes seems wants to have 3. I told him max is 2. He asked me what if 2nd one is a girl? I told him too bad have to close shop. I asked him back can you accept 3 girls? He kept quiet. Hee hee...
Hi Kelly,
Getting pregnant accidentally is worse than going for ligation right ? I feel like going for it. Solve the headache and stress of worrying.
definitely...getting preggie supposed 2 b a happy thing. tik of many couples who have been trying but cant get preggie. imagine i really preggie for e 3rd time, i tik i'll b more stressed n mayb even upset than being happy.

yeah, dunno whether we can afford 3 kids on a single income also, we'll see when the time comes i guess. i will probably try to work part-time when the kids are in pri school so that will contribute to the family income a little. maybe you can spend more time on your business when the kids are older...

ligation is irreversible right? so what if you change your mind after having a second one and your maternal instincts grip you again or your hb makes a lot more money then? although you certainly sound like you have made up your mind already, not like me, i v often change my mind :p
i cant control factors 5-7yrs down e rd. as much as i like 2 work part-time, it also depends if i still have the market value for employers 2 hire me n if i can find something i like to do. as for maternity instincts, i tik wif 2 boys 2 keep me occupied n probably more nieces &amp; nephews for me in future, i shld do fine. as for husband making more $$, i'll get him 2 save more for my boys' expenses &amp; our retirement. LOL!

these are all factors which i cant control. if i hv a crystal ball which tells me tat i'll hv $x amount of $$ in my bank account in 10yrs, i definitely wont hesitate having #3 or #4.

i really spent a lot of time tiking thru tis issue. mayb i worry too much but i rather worry now then worry 10-20yrs down e rd, when i lack funds 2 do stuff husband &amp; i and/or my boys wanna do.
wahliao- if anyone's tubes are cutting tied/ cut, it'd be HB's. Since he's queasy abt ops hehe, not likely either. Ligation very sore point with me lah- my MIL keeps telling me to get tied. She thinks I'm going to create population explosion ah?

Anyway opportunity to digress to MIL... recently she asked HB how come his temper worsened. Said LAST TIME UNDER HER ROOF, he's always smiley, happy, no temper. So I retorted, "eh, so u saying his temper worse after HE MARRIED ME?" She stammer stammer denied lah. Later on, HB consoled me by saying his mum abit weird... say his temper worse just cos he reprimanded Athena at dinner table.

Itsun, nice legs, wahaha! :p
MILK- Faye still needs her bottle, so I am not in a hurry to wean her off (I do make sure I brush her teeth before she naps/sleeps everytime) and she will only take FM in her bottle. she does drink UHT/fresh milk at times, but more like recreational drinking, she doesnt take enough to replace a milk feed.

BIAN TAI MUMMIES- heh, I think I also bit like dat :p Now that I'm staying with my mum, I do make sure I whisk her away to our room for some ALONE story/cuddle time as much as I can, or make it a point to bring her out somewhere ALONE during the day, otherwise I feel very uncomfortable, like never connect properly with her for that day like that :p

yuru, wahaha I think I know wat you mean, hubby and me also think Faye is impossibly cute and lovely. :p

lil devil, heh, Faye seems to like having that organ thing in her porridge for variety, so I dont mind letting her have it 1-2 times a week lor.

MT, I think this is called hormonal :p

itsun, esther looks absolutely pretty!! :D
mayb ur MIL tiks u very fertile. i havent bring up tis topic wif both sets of parents but i know for sure they'll tik i'm crazy/silly/stupid 2 do something like tis.
UHT/Fresh Milk
can someone pls tell me wat's the difference? wat are the recommended brands u feed to ur tods? i like 2 feed gabe such milk but dunno which 2 give.
Hi mummies thanks for the congrads
I'm 5 weeks EDD 18th Dec

Dinner on weekends.. mostly handle by my mum coz we see her on weekends.. weekday HB and I rotate cooking for Ryan..mostly is HB feeding him coz he is more strict about it.
UHT vs Fresh
ziztine, fruitcake, etc... thanks for ur responses... my MIL not keen to try... so last nite hb tried to feed Jean UHT milk... I was like "err" dunno can or not... at least now I know can lor... at first she dun want and kept crying... then after taking sips, she keep stopping and say "nice" several times... haha...

Oh, fresh milk must always keep cold huh? UHT can keep at room temp even when open?
<font color="ff6000">Ruffyhappy</font>
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATS!!</font>

<font color="ff6000">Pets</font>
Yingxin is only 72cm as of today
so Sharyn is definitely tall

<font color="ff6000">Itsun</font>
wah, Esther so smiley now! u said she's getting cheeky? think she's super cute!
fruitcake, ziztine
wat brands of fresh milk do u give 2 ur tods? i still confused bet UHT &amp; fresh milk leh. looks like i need 2 take a walk in a supermkt

have u considered giving oat milk? i found oat milk under Magnolia. Tried it, didnt fancy it.

wat does e saying mean huh? i dun understand leh. aiya, wat makes u tik i wont b tired after i give birth or when my boys are abt 1 &amp; 3yrs old? a few nites ago, husband was playing wif gabe around e hse (catching, hide&amp;seek) and playing wif him on bed b4 bedtime (they like 2 wrestle abt on bed, crawl underneath the sheets, run abt e room, etc). husband was already hei hei chuan (breathless &amp; tired). i told husband, "come 18mths later, there'll b 2 boys playing wif u, seeking ur attention. u betta build up ur stamina NOW!" husband agreed.
Actually we had planned to stop at 1, but don't know why my maternal instincts kicked in when my son was in nursery. I felt like I 'lost' him. But when I found out I was expecting, it took a while to sink it. But we are happy to have a girl because I've always wanted a girl.
husband n i definitely wont tik of stopping at 1 cos i know my boy would b lonely.

i did ask myself if my boys are in school (be it nursery, kindergarten, primary school, etc), will i b lonely? even if i am, it's silly 2 consider having a #3 just 2 keep me occupied rt? 2 'da fa shi jian' rt? even if my maternal instincts do kick in, i tik i'll be at least mid-30s by then. wah piang, a pregnancy at early 30s is bad enuff for me now. i cant imagine being preggie again 3-4yrs down e rd.

so now wif 2 boys, i very contented n looking forward 2 spending my time watching my boys grow up.
We intend to stop at 2 because it's just too expensive to have 3. Furthermore, my hubby is not the type who is good with kids. My kids don't find him entertaining enough.

i'm sure you will be v happy with your 2 boys
i myself dunno whether i can keep up with 2 kids.

i give luke magnolia uht (seems to be the only uht which is made fr 100% fresh milk) and organic fresh milk (er, will probably switch to generic brand soon lah, too costly liao). i also dunno for sure whether uht or fresh milk is more nutritious, but i don't think the difference is that great so i give both, usually fresh when home and uht when out.

i'm not sure whether things like oat milk, rice milk have enough protein, calcium, fats for young tods. no harm giving i think, so long as it's not in place of normal milk?


uht milk can be stored without refrigeration if unopened. once opened, must refrigerate (can keep for a few days) unless you consume immediately. the fresh milk you find in the chilled section of the supermarkets must be kept in the refrigerator at home.
for UHT, i only give magnolia for the same reason stated by fruitcake. for fresh milk, i normally give the Fairprice brand (pdt of Aust), Browns or Masters. i tasted the new oat milk at my mum's place, a bit too sweet i find. anyway Esther already taking rolled oats for breakfast. most of these milk is low in fats i think? so not a suitable replacement for normal milk at the moment.
Esther does look very smiley these days
Nice pics...

So UHT can't replace FM? Then when do the tods drink the UHT milk?
UHT/ Freshmilk,

Can I know the reason for giving these milk? Isn't FM enough for them? I'm only giving Gain IQ to Sharyn.
Last nite HB decided A shall sleep in her own bed, own rm. He put her to sleep. She woke once for milk, twice cos blocked nose! Now running nose- gonna bring her see GP, then fanning lots of Kapol for her to breathe, no aircon environment, later bring her see FIL let him bring her for outdoor walks. Sigh.

BTW she *likes* her codliver oil liao. Dunno wat happened. *shrug*
<font color="ff0000">Codliver Oil</font>

2 days ago i met my sis's sil, we talking abt codliver oil and she said it's heaty. Huh??? Mummies, did ur tod ve hard stool after having it? Nat recently ve hard stool even b4 i give her codliver oil, so i cant tell whether is it true.
<font color="ff6000">Hi mummies,
I bought this brand Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil on the recommendation of my gf. Just started giving my son today. It's very light. Supposed to contain DHA. So let him try first.</font>
i think whether or not "UHT milk &amp; Fresh milk" is a suitable alternative to FM is a personal choice really. for me, i prefer to give Esther fresh milk cos it is natural. not as processed as FM. FM is definitely pack with loads of nutrients (and many other things). but Esther is already taking solids &amp; hv a balanced diet, so fresh milk is just another source of calcium for her. but she is definitely a fresh milk lover. u can see the way she sucks the whole cup in one breath! but she loves her yoghurt too which is pack with calcium. her mouth will open very very big when i feed her yoghurt, twice as big as when she is eating porridge! LOL
Hi Kelly,
Read the article above. BTW, I am not advertising ah. My gf told me the brand she is giving her daughter is ok according to the PD. That's why I dare to buy for my son. Hope it can boost the DHA or whatever it is good for.
Breakfast suggestions
can anyone tell me what do u feed yr darlings for breakfast?
Keira is just taking milk + plain bread occasionally. Thought of introducing more things
dun worry, i know u r not advertising cos i also have the same bottle, same brand at home. tried giving 2 gabe when he was abt 1yr old, he didnt fancy it. mayb it's bcos it's oily. not like e consistency of Scotts' Yu Gan You. will try 2 give it 2 him soon.

ziztine, fruitcake
thks for ur info. me have a clearer idea now.

how do esther drink her fresh milk? bottle, cup or wif a straw? i also tried oat milk n found it 2 b sweet. i'm sure gabe will like it n dunno if he'll reject other fresh milk if i start him on oat milk 1st. anyway, i wont try. fresh/UHT milk for him 1st.

his solids intake up &amp; down. headache...sometimes can eat well, sometimes not so well. when it comes 2 eating foodstuff like yoghurt (ya, his mouth also can open bigger &amp; he swallows faster when he eats yoghurt compared 2 porridge), cheerios, toasted bread wif cheese, buns (assorted types bought from Four Leaves or Breadtalk).
<font color="ff6000">hi ziztine</font>
may i know wat kind of rolled oats are you giving Esther? Can we buy from NTUC?
how do you prepare it?

I bought the one with peach flavour. My son tried it this morning and he likes it. Whew ! So expensive for that bottle of cod liver oil.

U can try oat, cereal, pancake, man2 tou2(nat dun like, think too plain) and pandan cake(occasionally if i buy it as breakfast). So far can only think of this. Will post again if can think of others.
<font color="ff0000">Fresh/UHT milk</font>

Oh ya, saying abt fresh milk/UHT milk, i will let nat ve it with her breakfast
. Normally she just go with plain water. Actually I ve been thinking of giving her fresh/UHT milk since she turn 1 but always hold back becos not sure whether is it gd for her. Now i can rest assure..... Tks mummies.....

I bot those frozen one from supermarket. They got those mini size, just nice for our tod. I did give her plain waffle from cake shop oso but as snack.
i started her off with a disposable straw in a cup. recently she drinks it fm a cup without the straw too, but half cup lah. hven't try full cup. she is doing amazingly well. 95% of the time no spill. hv u tried reducing gab's milk intake so he might hv more appetite for solids? but i look at the recent pics u posted of gab, i think he is eating very well!
just wondering, hv started to feed him adult food at home?

i buy the Harvest brand of rolled oats fm NTUC. comes in 1kg sizes. NTUC also carry the Lowan brand of rolled oats &amp; a few other brands. i either cook it over the stove with milk or microwave it for a short while with milk. then i will add whatever else i feel like into the cooked oats for that day.
hmmm...reducing his milk intake huh? i dunno how 2 handle tis well (if u know wat i mean?). u c, gabe's a fussy eater. i dunno if i reduce his milk intake, intro more solids then skarly he dun eat e solids (porridge, pasta, cereal, etc) bcos he dun fancy it then he'll ask for more milk at the next feed.

he has started on adult food for a long while. on gd days, he eats abt 1/3bowl of rice+watever food we serve on e table. on other days, i also really dunno how much he takes but definitely <1/3bowl. he loves soup so can drink lotsa soup at mealtimes. whenever we eat out, he more keen on rice than noodles so we try 2 order rice n other stuff 2 go wif it.

i'm also a lazy mummy cos on wkends, we dun bother 2 prepare anything for him so on most wkends, he rely on table food (not in any decent quantity...more like nibbles) n mainly milk.
Hi kelly,

Sharyn also very fussy in her food. As usual we cook her porridge everyday. If she eat only 1/3 or 1/4 bowl, we will use all mean like add pork floss to make her eat at least 1/2 bowl. Sometimes we add fruits to her porridge. She will ask for more porridge. Did Gab snack a lot? If sharyn snack a lot in between meals, she cannot finish her porridge only eating half a bowl.
hi pet,
i havent tried giving gabe pork floss or anything 2 entice him 2 finish his food. when we r home wif him on wkends, he dun really snack a lot. if he does, i monitor it closely by not giving too close 2 his mealtimes or giving too much.

e biggest hassle i face wif gabe now isnt his fussiness (i tik i used 2 tat) but him wanting 2 self-feed EVERYTHING. like athena, he also fighting for chopsticks. watever we use at e dining table, he also wanna use. once husband &amp; i ate western food at a kopitiam, he also wanted a knife n fussed when we gave him only a fork. how 2 give him a knife? wah piangz...how we eat, he also wanna eat the same way like us. BIG MESS everytime n it's rather 'irritating' cos tat fellow wont wear a bib n if we r outside, he dirties his outside clothing. very ma fun!

he very stubborn. he wanna eat e food but wont allow us 2 feed him. must put into his bowl then he scoop it up himself. e way he scoops food, almost everything end up on e table or highchair tray then he uses his fingers 2 pick up e food.
Hi Kelly,

Till now Sharyn doesn't have this problem. She allows us to feed her. For fruits, we will cut and let her self feed. Biscuits too.
Fresh milk,
ziztine- my gal loves it and slurps real quick too, LOL! But I give sparingly cos HB and I are lactose-intolerant (to fresh milk but not to ice-cream ahaha), dun wan A to have loose stools.
Eh I also give in cup with disposable straw, I plan to switch to MagMag cup with straw that can be washed with their straw brush. Cos MagMag will be less spillage- my gal likes to feed her teddy her leftover FM milk... creates a mess on the floor!

thanks. Aiyah dunno how/ where she caught it from- not yet flu, at present just runny nose, no cough no fever. Anyway her bugs tend to travel TO ME, rather than vice versa, so I shall force myself not to co-sleep.
- erm those normal cracker biscuits? Just soak in wee bit hot water and mash it about. Or add fresh milk to it.
- pancake, bread, cake, cereal
We try to keep brekkie simple to prepare. :p

trainer CHOPSTICK-
eh I cant find in Tom &amp; Stef in Tiong Bahru ah! And last wkend cldnt find in Taka! *sob sob*

eh we discovered A's been acting up at dinner table cos she KNOWS she can MANIPULATE/ BULLY the helper. Seriously! 18mth old tod and only been a few wks! She kept pulling helper's arm, demanding helper pass her this spoon that spoon, scoop food from our table food. And she turned her head towards helper to SPIT OUT FOOD (A likes to chew, suck the juice and then spit out). Once we told helper to ignore, and helper quickly excused herself, HB scolded A... A burst into tears. And then, very ke-lian ke-lian, quietly and meekly self-fed from her own bowl. Back to her guai-guai and no fuss behavior. Ate her food w/o demanding we "add" table food, w/o spitting out. Incredible.

Frozen pancake!! Sorry i sua gu.
Next time must OPEN my eyes when I buy my grocery. Tks

Yah don't under estimate the "power" of our tod virus.
Tks for yr suggestions.

Breakfat Menu
man tou
Pandan cake

Any more suggestions
