(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

LOL! u almost died fr e long wkend? wat happened? wat did cindy do 2 u?

thks for e link for e slings. i like 2 put #2 in a pram while i run after gabe when we r outside, hence kept insisting 2 husband 2 get a decent pram for #2. lately i kept getting e feeling tat i owe gabe something...dunno wat but just felt indebted 2 him.

thank u all mummies for your encouragement.
like wat some of u say, it is the bonding that i miss more rather than the fact that Esther will not be able to consume anymore BM. cos she isn't drinking much nowadays. dun even hv engorgement fm the weaning. just feels like i hv lost something special which only the both of us share. but i hv pretty much gotten over it lah. except when i started to relate it here

when i told Esther that i can't BF her, initially she was not too happy. can see fm her expression & cos she was like gonna cry. then after i talk to her softly & explain to her again, she seems ok. so i carried her out of the room & headed for the kitchen to warm up the fresh milk. subsequent days, she no longer cries for milk in her room, only when she sees me pouring the chilled fresh milk into a cup then she will ask for it. i think i a bit siao. that day, i went to her & ask her "will u love mummy less now".

kelly, MT, pcs,
Thanks for your concern about my hand. ya, can't wait for the day when i can handle Esther whichever way i want & do more stuff with her.
Ziztine thanks! My mum just called to say she cooked big pot of mutton soup for dinner, seems that I got to ta bao my own dinner liao!
3 kids - i would love to have 3 kids if we can afford it, financially and in terms of time. luke's just getting more and more adorable as the days go by. hee, but i don't even have no. 2 yet, so better not speak too soon :p


we got the techno xt for luke last time, paid about $330 i think. it's a great pram! only downside is that it is rather heavy. my hb wants to get a made-in-japan combi next time because it's lighter but i am partial to maclarens still.


oooh, the easel/table looks great! *feels like getting one for luke in addition to the many other things* heh, no wonder you have no space in your house lah :p


birks are great, i love mine, so comfy!
i know u hv e techno XT n i was eyeing it. :p i not concerned abt it being heavy cos husband shld b dumping it in e car all e time. if i do go out wif #2 alone, i shld b slinging him.

btw, hv a gd trip in japan. when r u leaving?

ziztine, KC
i was told 2 avoid mutton cos it may cause the bb 2 hv hairy legs n 'yang dian feng'. anyway, i didnt eat when i had gabe but ate once in tis pregnancy. my mum prepared mutton soup last dec wif the mutton she brought back fr hainan island. hard 2 resist so ate a lil & drank e soup.
<font color="0000ff">ziztine</font>, *hugs* I understand how you feel... dunno if I told you, Jean suddenly stopped latching around mid-Feb... it was an overnight thing... I couldn't understand it at first cos the night before she was still latching well... no one understood when I felt upset cos it was the bonding... hiaz... she hasn't returned since then, so I guessed she has self weaned... I'm still expressing for her though... btw, 1YO cannot take UHT milk is it? Must be fresh milk?

<font color="0000ff">Berry, Kelly</font>, my MIL told me before that to "encourage" Jean to walk, must let her eat frogs legs... haha... yup! I think it's another weird yi3 xing2 bu3 xing2 type of idea...

<font color="0000ff">KC</font>, I ate mutton when I was preg with Jean... basically I ate everything (allowed and disallowed)... but all in moderation lah...
Ziztine, Kelly, Jen,

Thanks for the advise regarding mutton. But..... last night I couldn't resist so ate the mutton and drank 2 big bowls of soup liao!

thanks, we're leaving tomorrow! luke loves looking at aeroplanes, hope he will like actually being in one :p


can give UHT milk after one year. i even read somewhere that UHT has more nutrients than fresh milk because of the way it is processed - higher heat, shorter time so preserves more nutrients apparently. i give luke both fresh and UHT milk.
both my parents are hainanese.

i know...hainanese mutton soup is very hard 2 resist, esp home cooked ones.

i dun mind letting gabe eat frog leg porridge like a delicacy but not 4 strengthening his legs. adults also eat frog leg porridge n if i not preggie, i also wil eat it. very heaty lah...i now sweating profusely, even in aircon room
Pets, Kelly,

My mum not hainanese but my dad is.....
My mum learnt all the hainanese cooking from my dad's very distant relative who used to open hainanese food store.....
Ha! So we 500 years ago same family ah!

Especially we. Cos we having the same surname. Hee Hee.... Maybe we are relatives. You know how to speak Hainanese? Kelly you?
<font color="aa00aa">kc,</font>
i also took mutton soup during pregnancy. but my mum says it's heaty leh, cos of all the herbs mah. n of cos she says can't eat cos later bb will get epilepsy (spelling??). then i ask her, so all malays all have it is it?
Training on works if daddy is there.. yesterday tried to feed him.. only got 1-2 mouthful down. haiz!.
He more sticky..coz have been sleeping on the sofa bed in our room since PIL came down earlier last mth.. so not really co-sleeping on the same bed. Now have to think about sleeping arrangement when #2 arrives.
Pets, Kelly,

Sad to say..... even my dad can't speak hainanese.....


Ha! That was what I was thinking too. Then all Malays / Indians / Mongolians etc all kena epilepsy liao!


Congrats! When is your EDD?
RE: mutton
Eekkksss..mutton is one thing i haven learn to appreciate

Hehehe...jus joking lah. Preggies tend to be more forgetful mah. I agree with yuru, u very 'sak sak'. Can travel everywhere.
Yalor, 1 mth seems so far away to see bb. But gd oso lah, then no nid to waste time waiting and waiting at gynae.
Maclaren has cheaper models? I like their wheel system. My current lucky bb stroller is comfy but difficult to manoeuvre, so hubby and I r oso contemplating a maclaren stroller, jus the $$$ factor holding us back.

3 days and u wanna die liao? So confirm u can't be sahm :p I oso wish i can close factory ASAP but wah piang, if 3 kids with close age gap, will PENG big time... #3 will have to wait for a few yrs unless accident *but i doubt so*

Definitely older will be abit more tired. No stamina unless drink red bull everyday. Can't compare with Zoe Tay cos she can afford to go for facials and slimming sessions. So far i hardly see actressess look bad after giving birth.
I tink it's betta to be very precise when telling the helper how much FM/medicine to give to tods.

Use caller ID to screen ur mum's call :p

Have a gd trip tomoro. Kieran also loves aeroplanes though he's scared of those sudden sound made from them. Luke is very adorable indeed. My hubby says he has very big eyes

UHT milk is those magnolia packet kind? No need to put in fridge? So Luke doesn't drink FM now?

Is #2 an accident cos i recall dat u dun wan #2 so soon.
congrats :D .

last wkend i told HB this wk we will shift A back to own bed, own rm. In the end din lah.
So upset, A called "Aunty! Aunty!" in middle of night- she really superbond fast with helper. I need to make more effort lor. I shut her in my rm from 8:30pm-8:30am :p . Yuru, this then called Bian4 Tai4, LOL.
I've been having the weirdest dreams these days. Last night i actually dreamt of you, locking A in a room, forbidding ur ILs from entering. :p
LOL! Eh i might do that for real one day, maybe after I deliver and have whacked hormones, I'd lock both bbs in my rm all to myself!

thanks! your kieran is also v cute! i liked seeing how happy he was in the water. yeah, i stopped giving luke fm soon after he turned one 'cos i think normal cow's milk is more natural. yep, UHT is the magnolia packet kind, no need for refrigeration so v portable, convenient when we are out, just stick the straw in and feed. do take care and get as much rest as you can before no. 2 comes!

Mutton Soup - aiyoh, now i feel like downing a nice hot herby bowl! mmmmmmm!
Mutton - i ate during pregnancy coz i love mutton satay. but, got to avoid herbal mutton soup after my allergy last month.

KK Hospital
Mummies, i need to visit a friend's child this afternoon. Anyone knows how to drive there? If i take CTE and exit Bukit Timah Road, come out liao got road signs to direct me there?

And, are there lots of shops to buy children's stuff (maybe soft toys or what) at the hospital?

i understand how upset u were! u did tell me about Jean's refusal to latch that time. then u mentioned that in the end u didn't hv to feed fresh milk cos she went back to BM. but i had no idea she was only on EBM &amp; not latching anymore
really peifu u ah. still expressing for her. this morning, Esther suddenly cry for BM again. she was very insistent this morning. refuse to be carried even &amp; kept pointing to the seat where i used to BF her. guess i was a bit glad to know that she did miss me BFG her &amp; not just forget so easily. think she will need some time to forget about the whole BFG thing.

jen, fruitcake,
i give Esther a mixture of UHT &amp; fresh milk too. but more fresh milk. strangely, i read fm various sources that UHT is processed at a longer time at higher heat, thus destroying more nutrients. but if u do a comparison of the nutritional labels of the two, u will notice that UHT has more nutrients. i always wonder if UHT is fortified. so i hv been giving Esther a mixture for now.

i remember i had a lot of weird dreams when i was pregnant with Esther too!
any mummies giving tis to ur toddlers? *besides before vaccines*

is tis suppose to cool them down when they are heaty? pao sen is not heaty rite? and how u give and how much?
Hi mummies,
I think most of the kids born between Sep-Dec should be able to talk now ? My girl is coming 17 months and still can't talk yet.
Cordblood again,
sorry ask again. Since I'm planning to stop at 2 kids, this is "now or never". No leukemia history in our families as far as I know.

Shld I or not? I heard 1 organisation is run by drs, the other run by bizmen- what's the safety/ cost difference like? Estimated total cost?

HB asked me to find out and then tell him.
Hi Sharon,
Thanks for your advice. She started walking at 15months. Makes a lot of noise at home &amp; outside, but not talking. My son started to talk at 3+.
Little Prince
To go to KKH take CTE exit by Bukit Timah Exit (I think), the exit is just before the CTE tunnel. You can see the hospital clearly on CTE. Can go first floor where the food court and MacDonalds are. There are quite a few shops like Mothercare, which sell children stuff. But, I think they close by 7.30 or 8pm.

Sharyn still look baba hor. So pretty.

Enjoy yr trip.

My gal is about 19 mth old can she can mumble very well but can't "talk" yet
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mommies,</font>
Was away for the long weekend (to Sentosa) and has some photos to share... =)


Mommy bought me a new costume... nice? =)


I love the sand and the sea


Daddy forced me to go down into the sea... =(


Visited the Butterfly Park and Insect Kingdom


A close encounter with a butterfly


So many butterflies around me
More photos...


Visited the Orchid Garden


Daddy: "Flower... flower..."
Esther: "Orchid"
Daddy: "..."
(Just joking... =P)


Feeding the fishes @ Orchid Garden


Posing in front of fountain @ Fountain Garden


Nothing much to do in room - so played hide-and-seek


So tired... ZZZZZZZZ

Some thing to share:
We found this fish pond in the Orchid Garden (maybe some of you know about this place) near to the magical fountain. Esther (and me too =P) had a lot of fun feeding the fishes there. Can buy fish food ($2) @ a vending machine there. You may like to drop by if you visit Sentosa next time.
Ops... didn't realise I posted the photos twice. Sorry =P

<font color="aa00aa">Hi pcs,</font>
We got it from a shop in China Square (near Chinatown). Cost around $25 (I think... confirm less than $30).
wah...r those legs urs or WHY? if urs, u have very nice slender legs leh...i very ashamed.
very funny 2 c esther's round tum tum too. love her swimming costume...e strap kept dropping so looks like off-shoulder too. very cute 2 c esther's smiley pics. u able 2 capture more of her smiling now?

thks for ur recommendation. husband still has a preference for maclaren. he wanted 2 buy maclaren for gabe when i was preggie liao but we still couldnt swallow e fact of spending $300+ on a pram 2yrs ago. dunno if can swallow e fact now...


me like u, also a bian tai 1...a few nites ago, i asked husband, "dear, do u love darling 1) bcos he's ur son; 2) bcos he does lotsa cute acts or 3) bcos he does things 2 melt ur heart?" husband gave me a funny look, said 2 gabe, "ur mummy bian tai 2 ask such questions hor...i shall not answer her"
i actually tot thru e questions b4 asking esp e last 2 questions...cute acts need not melt husband's heart. actions tat melt husband's heart need not be cute.
sharyn getting prettier &amp; prettier, still look like daddy hor..still bah bah. very cute!

my surname is very unique one...u know matilda tao &amp; e singer tao ze? we share e same surname. who knows i may b relatives wif them 500yrs ago? LOL!

brought tis up 2 husband last wk when i went for gynae checkup cos suddenly his clinic has a promo for cordblood banking. husband tiks it's a gimmick n waste of $$. hv 2 convince him cos didnt do it for gabe so may 1 2 do it for #2.
cord blood - we did it for luke w/cordlife, not sure about costs liao. there is a one-time fee and annual storage fees, can check the websites. can also consider storing with the public bank - i heard it's free but can be used by anyone, which can be a good thing.


heh, didn't realise you are pregnant, congrats! :D


nice legs! er, i mean esther :p v well-taken photos
esther looks v cheery!


i like sharyn's hair, she looks v pretty!


oh, my mum changed the money for me liao, thanks anyway! can keep the yen and change when it appreciates.

since we brought up e topic abt #3 again, i'll share wif everyone my recent tots...

i am dead serious abt stopping at #2. i even tot of going for ligation (i know some of u will go, "kelly, dun b silly. u'll regret it", etc). i spoke 2 my gynae, asking more details, how it is done, how much, etc.

my gynae advised me 2 do it in 1 surgery...c section followed by ligation. i just need 2 pay xtra $400-500 cash more. i even tot of delivering at TMC cos MAH dun allow ligation procedures. 2 b very sure abt ligation, my gynae suggested i have a PD standby 2 check my #2 once he pops 2 make sure he's a normal bb cos once i ligate, i wont b able 2 conceive anymore. i argued tat even wif a PD checking on my bb right away, it's hard 2 tell if my bb has problems rt? my gynae agreed but e PD can at least check if my bb has down symdrome. as for internal defects, no choice...can only fixed wif medical treatments.

if i choose 2 deliver at MAH, 2 do ligation is best 2 do it 2mths after i deliver. the surgery will then costs me abt cash $1K, depending which hospital i go. if it's KK, of course a bit cheaper depending on the ward.

i discussed tis wif husband briefly n he said up 2 me. i tik he didnt wanna discuss tis further so cut me off. i'll bring up tis topic wif him again 2 b fair 2 him. husband never really say no 2 us stopping at 2kids but of course he did say tat if he can afford it, he likes 2 have 3kids.

my rationale is...
s'pore standard of living is rather high = getting more &amp; more expensive. 2 hv 3kids based on a single income isnt easy unless i dun indulge my kids on ANY materialistic stuff (new clothes, toys, enrichment classes, trips, etc). it may b possible if my #2 &amp; #3 get hands-me-downs, play wif toys when they visit friens/relatives, borrow library books, dun go for ANY enrichment classes-just attend nursery, kindergarten, primary school, etc; can only travel 2 malaysia (not tat it's not gd enuff but cant afford 2 go any further), etc.

even if one day husband's able 2 afford it, we also need 2 save for our retirements (husband did financial planning n we need abt $1m each, assuming we retire at 55, based on our current lifestyles &amp; live til 85yrs old). wat happens if come 1 day, my sons tell me "mummy, i dun feel like working after i graduate. can i go around e world 1st, train 2 an ironman, take up art/photography classes, go around e world on a sailboat, do drama, etc?" i cant say, "no, son. u need 2 work 2 support mummy &amp; daddy &amp; urself"

my cousin is already doing tis while preparing 2 enter uni. he's training 2 b an ironman (triathalon type of competitions), spent tons of $$ on equipment (bike, shoes, gear, etc), competition fees, travel expenses. who's paying for all these? my auntie...

i'm also not saying tat watever my sons want, i'll indulge them in it BUT if the certain activity helps 2 build them in character building, y not? as long my sons dun bump around at home, dun do anything, laze around, expecting me 2 feed them, of course i wont condone such behavior. i often asked husband tis n he agreed tat it's hard 2 say no 2 our boys if they intend 2 do stuff for their interests.

wat abt their education? my bro spends 6yrs studying 2 b an architect n has spent abt S$200K of my dad's $$. wat happens if my boys comes 2 me &amp; say he 1 2 study aeronautical engineering (e best plc 2 study is in UK/USA), then how? i cant possibly tell my boys, "darlings, can u just study biz ad or arts&amp;social science cos mummy/daddy cant afford?"

e best i can do is 2 ensure my boys get e right proper upbringing &amp; education. after tat, it's time for me &amp; husband 2 enjoy life. i cant imagine husband and/or myself having 2 work in macdonalds/kfc or old chang kee til 70yrs old.

{OOPS! very lor-soh}
